Men vs Women another fundamental difference.

Author: RationalMadman


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Men want to be admired, women want to be desired but there is more to it.

I understand I was mistaking a result of a fundamental difference as instead a fundamental thing they seek.

I believe the truer, or at least other, fundamental difference that explains nearly every single difference between the genders is that when men feel something, they want you to feel it too. When men think something, they want you to think it too. When women feel something, they either want to feel it or don't, they stop there and handle it from that point on as internally as possible (though usually use external stimuli more so than men, even though they internalise the coping far more). When women think something, they only want to share it if it will help shift their feelings to be what they want.

You can go ahead and discredit this as uneducated, sexist bullshit. It took many years of careful observation, piecing together people like puzzles and finding 0 (yes, 0) exceptions to this fundamental law of the genders and their brains. However, this DOES agree with transgenderism. People who truly have feminine behaviour and brains despite being born XY, do actually fit my description of the fundamentals of women and the opposite is also true for XX with very masculine mind and behaviour.

This at first seems to run completely opposite even to what people think about the genders. When women cry, they just want you to cry with them too right? Wrong. This is something I learned that helped me handle them very effectively in life. Women want someone to make them feel welcome, desired and that whatever the woman feels is fine to feel and respected by the other, it's that simple. People wonder why women dig the badboys over the nice guys, it's because the nice guys break to pieces when they cry, and though they may find that therapeutic at first; they want someone who is reliably happy and stable emotionally for them to continually cry to and get cheered up by, they want you to also help them know when they're too optimistic and happy... Yet, they want you to do that at the right time in the right way so you don't kill their high dead in its tracks.

On the other hand, you will find that when you try this with males it makes them unhappy without fail. When you try and soothe and cheer up a guy, it doesn't matter how 'nice' he is unless he's very, very feminine for his biological sex. He will want you to be as angry as him or leave him the fuck alone. He will want you to be as happy as he is or fuck off, because you're killing his vibe. This explains nearly everything about why males and masculine-minded women are those who both have the most destructive and creative minds. They can make the funniest comedies, the saddest tragedies, they can be an Einstein, Tesla, Mozart and/or Mandela, or a Hitler, Caesar, Stalin and/or Genghis Khan.

You can look at me and say 'but the world was rigged, you are talking about what men did while things were always rigged against the women who wanted to do it.' and you'd be right in one way; they had an easier time making their ambition have a payoff for it in an external manner but that's also because societies in all races, even matriarchal tribes, followed a core, fundamental concept:

Men (especially very masculine ones) want you to feel what they feel and will stop at nothing until you are in as much awe to their own idea as they are, as angry about what they loathe as they are or as happy about what they enjoy and love as they are... This then creates the dilemma of if every man loved the same woman equally, then what? Exactly. Men waged war more than women and invented more than women not just out of unfair headstart; it is their urge to make everyone feel what they feel that backfires when other men actually begin to feel what they feel... It snowballs back and they get the same lust for the same title, reward etc. as the other guy and want everyone to feel it.

Women (especially very feminine ones) run entirely on what they want to feel and do not want to feel. They do not give the slightest damn if you feel it too or think it too, so long as your behaviour is grounding to them emotionally and leaves them calmer or happier than when they came to be in your presence in the first place. It's that simple.
LordLuke's avatar
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Anyone who doesn't believe women are different from men has never met one.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Quite frankly.

If highly fertile young women didn't want  good old fertile heterosexual males (or predatory lesbians) to admire their bodies, then why do they wear such tight and revealing clothing.

The current anti-male argument is so counter intuitive.

The inherent nature of these age old fertility rites is simply pheromones with out the sniffing.
LordLuke's avatar
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LordLuke's avatar
Yeah, that's another point about things, why do girls always say that when a teacher catches them not following the dress code, they're "looking," calling it some bad thing. It's stupid.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women."
-The Quran

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Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Government Sponsored Sexism
1) Real sexism is almost no shelters for male victims of domestic violence.
2) Real sexism is men getting harsher punishments for the same crime.
3) Real sexism is countries with compulsorily military service for men.
4) Real sexism, courts that takes children from fathers based on gender.
5) Men cannot even vote or get citizenship without enrolling for the draft. 
6) Real sexism is numerous government departments dealing with women's issues but none dealing with men's issues.
7) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted but female genital mutilation is not.
8) A young boy raped by a woman can be forced to pay child support to his rapist if she gets pregnant, that's real sexism.
9) Many countries do not even recognize female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault” that's real sexism. 
10) Real sexism is having no special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
11) There are drives to fill quotas for women for the high paid roles but not in the dangerous jobs dominated by men, thats real sexism.
12) In the army, police, fire service or any other position women have to meet much lower physical standards than men.
13) Real sexism is services for men only given a fraction of the funds that services for women are given at a government and a social level.
14) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender, the perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male.
15) Most divorce laws are skewed against men, men can lose half his properly, money and children to a woman who decides to leave him.
He is expected to pay for this betrayal, especially if he has already provided for and supported her, this is real sexism.

Social sexism against men
16) Real sexism is being mocked when raped because you're a man.
17) Men are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic at all times.
18) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator. This is real sexism.
19) Real sexism is having your gender stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
20) Men’s lives are given less value in any emergency situation.
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Young boys are given less care and attention by parents than girls and beaten over twice as often as girls by parents.
23) Violence against men by women is much more socially acceptable.
24) Affirmative action for women only in jobs, education, grants, etc.
25) Men enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job) This is real sexism.
27) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned. This is real sexism.
28) Men do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public as women without people questioning their sexuality.
29) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – if she rejects him he is often labelled creepy or needy.
30) If a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, If a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
31) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
32) Men are excluded from many positions such as babysitters, etc.
33) Young men having to pay higher car insurance is acceptable but the idea of women having to pay more for health insurance is not.
34) Despite the fact that the real victims of sexual discrimination are men the term sexual discrimination usually excludes men and the vast majority of surveys and news stories about sexual discrimination dont include men.
35) Our culture and media makes the assumption of men as guilty, violent offenders where as women are given special treatment at every turn.
36) In modern movies and TV violence against men is glorified but violence against women is regarded as especially horrific.
37) Many news reports will read the number of people killed and then highlight women and children as more tragic than male death.
EG: "37 people were killed in a bus crash including 17 women"
38) Men are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving manual labour, that women do not wish to perform.
39) Real sexism is a society where men are taught that a man's role is to work, provide, pay and die in order to ensure a woman's happiness.
40) Real sexism is the fact that men working longer hours in harder more dangerous jobs to earn more money to pay for women's choices is being turned into a weapon against men.

Nemiroff's avatar
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Nemiroff's avatar
I agree with large chunks of your list. Why are pro-men groups so busy bashing feminists instead of fighting for mens rights, like child custody equality?

Sometimes it feels like feminists, in their quest to eliminate gender norms, are doing more for men's family court justice then any mens group.

I wish we had actual men groups fighting for our concerns, instead of anti women hate groups simply bashing the other side while doing nothing but maintaining the status quo that is your list of complaints.
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I do also disagree with large portions of your list. Boys get beaten more, but they also get more attention as the promising heirs. They are being beaten because they are boys and have higher gender norm expectations. This is the same reason that leads to more suicide and mental illness amongst men. The greater responsibility that comes with the greater rights puts an unnecessary strain on "the bread winner" when this strain could be easily shared by both partners. Strict gender norms hurt both sexes.

Feminists are fighting against these norms. Antifeminists seek to maintain these norms, and maintain the high violence, mental illness, and suicide rates of men. We badly need pro men groups to champion our cause, not anti women hate groups that try to trip others while not doing anything for us. The feminazi myth is a few random minimal following bloggers, not mainstream feminists as propaganda sites try to make you think. This is called scapegoating, wake up.

ebuc's avatar
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RM---Men want to be admired, women want to be desired but there is more to it.
Men { Xy } want to feel they are wanted by women and or i some case men.

Women { Xx } want to feel they are attractive t men and in some cases women.
Womens brain tend to be more bilaterally active in both hemi-spheres than mens ergo women are have more omni-considaration going on.
Ergo women are managers { coherence } of 'time', when man is considered as 'time'.

----/\/\/\/---> is the arrow-of-observed time

(  )(  ) is the geodesic coherence of frequencies of our Observed Time.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Boys need to be tougher, they need to endure cancer with 15x timel ess funding and accept the way they are, IF you said that about women, ur dead
Athias's avatar
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I don't think that the differences between men and women are all that complicated. And given that Male and Female are distinctions in sex, one can infer that the differences between men and women are primarily sexual, a la reproductive. Men have 525 billion sperm cells over their lifetimes while women have just 400 ovum. Their interaction is economical; hence, women are reasonably more selective and men less so. And because a woman's capacity to reproduce was far more scarce, her activity was naturally restricted (as with any scarce resource, the capacity for usus fructus and abusus are heavily regulated.) Furthermore, the neotenous physical characteristics of even adult females have associated them, perhaps relegated them, to children (i.e. "women and children.") The female psychological profile even is on par with that of child, especially as it concerns self-image, fear, embarrassment, and anxiety. My mention of this is contextualize the nonsensical feminist argument that women have historically been oppressed. By that same reasoning, one must admit that children are currently being "oppressed." 

Adult females, like children, have been the beneficiaries of their counterparts' labor. Sure, this meant men had plenary authority, but as any parent would tell you, this authority presumes plenary liability. And that was the case. A man did not just have authority over the woman but he was responsible for her. Feminist sought to extract themselves from the yolk of this "oppression" by condemning the sex-based pretext and replacing it with an age-based one. Hence, feminism has no consistent logic. Its end is primarily emotional, which is facilitated by state subsidization (taxes paid predominantly by men.)

What is equality really, if not a morass of unresolvable nebulous emotions? I'll believe in "equality" when a wine-drinking, pregnant 12 year-old female teleiophile can run for president without the aforestatsd attributes being an issue. 

138 days later

ebuc's avatar
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Male = frequency of time i.e.  similar to expansive dissassociating EMRadiation that is focused and focusable { quantized } and to Dark Energy { aka the cosmological constant }

Female = manager of time i.e. coheres and embraces time so it can be steered/directed in the appropriate directions

Men { Xy } want to feel they are wanted by women and or in some cases by men.
......---/\/\/\/\/---> time

Women { Xx } want to feel they are attractive to men and,  in some cases women.
...time managed ((---/\/\/--->))((<---/\/\/--)).......
Womens brain tend to be more bilaterally active in both hemi-spheres than mens ergo women generally have more omni-considerate practices.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Yep I would agree.

Though more succinctly...Men and Women are....and humans have a propensity for nonsense.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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What is equality really, if not a morass of unresolvable nebulous emotions? I'll believe in "equality" when a wine-drinking, pregnant 12 year-old female teleiophile can run for president without the aforestatsd attributes being an issue. 
Equality is false, there is no possible way 7.6 billion people can be equal

Alec's avatar
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I don't think anyone is advocating for males to get cancer.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
yes there is

claimed prostate cancer was a hallmark of privledge

This is without a doubt one of the most flawed arguments I have ever read in my life. Are you honestly insinuating that "Prostate cancer is a hallmark of privilege"? Are you advising those afflicted with prostate cancer to "deal with it"? Have you met a person with cancer of any form? If you actually had you would know that what they are going through is more than you will ever know, you insensitive speck of dust. 
I'm not going to even touch upon the pseudo hardline feminist stances in this that seem to insinuate that just because you are a man, your cancer is less trying and less horrid that anyone else. It is as if you are viewing this issue through blinders. Did you do research of any sort? Did you get your facts from a piece of looseleaf you found on the ground?
I guess we should just cut all funding and support to any number of relatively unsupported diseases and cancers, because people are starving/being raped in other countries? Great thought process. Maybe if we cut funding and support to prostate cancer altogether it will just go away. Laissez-faire after all, right?
Alex, I hope with every inch of conviction in my body that I get the privilege of meeting you. I pray that I get a chance to talk to you regarding this article to tell you how much of an insufferable prick I think you are. I would also like to confront your editor on how the fuck they would ever think this is a worthy article to print. 
Normally I enjoy articles in the Link. I read it front to back every week and find it stimulating and exciting. However, this one little jewel of an article this week made me seriously doubt whether I can support this kind of head-shoved-up-ass arrogant fuckery every again. Well done Alex, you really made the grade. 

Alec's avatar
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The link got removed, although this could be for many reasons.  It might be because the author changed his mind.  It could be because they didn't like the embarrassment.  I didn't see the article, so I don't know the context of the comment.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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The artcle was removed becuase of the backlaksh of sayign that prostate cancer is hallmark of privilege and women get worse stuff so men just have to deal with it