Quassim Solemani is Dead

Author: Vader


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ILikePie5's avatar
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I think Iran is no different that Israel, Saudi Arabia or America. They are trying to push for their interests. They want power and influence in the region, no different than Saudi Arabia or the US. But the Saudi's and the US government want that power for themselves, so they attack Iran. 

They want to perform a genocide. You’re ok with that?
Greyparrot's avatar
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He is defending a nation that kills 40 people at their own funerals.
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Hezbollah's mission statement is Literally Genocide.
Vader's avatar
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I got reported for this thread lol. The vote has been handled. ha
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is that what I said?  how about some honesty on your part?
You said you don't see them as human. That is what you said. 

has the regime stopped those atrocities?  arrested or punished those who have and continue to commit them?
How does murdering the most popular general in their country do anything about that? Will going to war with them stop that? Because that is where we are headed.

ahhh ok, so how about we use diplomacy with murderers in the U.S. and we can house them next door to you?  How about that?
you are acting like Iran is a person and not a nation. The are very, very different. 

oh let's ask, pretty please stop burning people, killing gays, raping women etc, maybe that would work, or we'll pay you not to do those horrible things, or punish those who do these things, think that would work?
No one paid Iran. They released money that was illegally stolen by america decades ago. But yes, diplomacy might get them to agree to do the things that we want them to do. Murdering their post popular government official will absolutely not do that. 

diplomacy with barbaric criminals, that's awesome.
1) your bigotry is showing again
2) going to war with them sure as hell isn't going to stop those things. It will just increase the suffering massively. 

HistoryBuff's avatar
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He’s a freakin terrorist. 
So is the US government. They bomb civilian targets all the time. 

You saying there’s no evidence is blatant hypocrisy for what Obama did.
What did Obama do that you think is comparable to murdering a member of the Iranian government?

Do you have any idea the type of government you’re defending?
That's the thing. I'm not defending them. I am trying to get you to realize that they are a large and desperate group of people who are carrying out the same sort of actions that the US government does. But you see them as evil but America is good. 

They want to perform a genocide. You’re ok with that?
No, and if they tried to do so, we would obviously have to do something about that. They haven't tried to do so. 
TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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copied and pasted from post #166
what I said was
burning people alive, throwing gays off of roofs etc, you are correct I don't see them as human
you may have some sort of warped compassion for people who burn other alive and do the things I've listed, but I don't, they are subhuman imo who don't deserve the treatment a slaughter house animal gets, they deserve worse.
Because that is where we are headed.
any idea how many times that's been said, even before the cold war?

so let's look at this.

A general was killed by a (the) super power.
Is that worth starting a war you have NO chance to win or survive?  Over a dead terrorist general?
A rational thinker would say no.
An irrational thinker would say yes, so how could you have any real diplomacy with someone like that?
Let's be real here.  The U.S. could level that country and they must know this given what happened in Iraq etc.
They can bitch and moan all they like about his death, but to actually do something would seem counterproductive for them and counterintuitive to a logical, rational perspective.

Let's pretend you control Iran, you seem fairly level headed, what would you do?

Greyparrot's avatar
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They want to perform a genocide. You’re ok with that?

If we can be reasonably assured that Iran will stop at Israel and not genocide anyone else, sure let's surrender to Iran.

We should let them have nukes while we are in 100% full appeasement mode as well.
Greyparrot's avatar
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No, and if they tried to do so, we would obviously have to do something about that. They haven't tried to do so. 
The manifesto does claim that "the whole world knows that whoever wishes to oppose the US, that arrogant superpower, cannot indulge in marginal acts which may make deviate from its major objective. We combat abomination, and we shall tear out its very roots, its primary roots, which are the US."
Greyparrot's avatar
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We are literally being attacked by Hezbollah for simply denying Hezbollah the right to kill every Jew in Israel.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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you may have some sort of warped compassion for people who burn other alive and do the things I've listed, but I don't, they are subhuman imo who don't deserve the treatment a slaughter house animal gets, they deserve worse.
Again, your bigotry is showing. There are some people in Iran who have done those things. You are then using that to paint the government and this specific general as sub-human. That is bigotry. 

I can show you cases of americans engaging in all sorts of depraved, evil actions. That doesn't mean america is evil. 

any idea how many times that's been said, even before the cold war?
The problem is that it keeps happening. Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam etc. America talks a big game about how they will throw their weight around, then they get stuck in a brutal war. 

A general was killed by a (the) super power. Is that worth starting a war you have NO chance to win or survive?  Over a dead terrorist general?
Iran won't declare war, america will. Iran will engage in retaliation for America's murder of their general. Trump will use that to justify an american attack. 

For example, Trump tore up a diplomatic treaty with iran and began punishing them. Iran countered with more funding and support for militia groups that then attacked the US. The US used that to justify attacks in Iraq. Those militias counter attacked at the US embassy. The US used that as a justification to murder an Iranian general. The cycle continues on and on. 

Let's be real here.  The U.S. could level that country and they must know this given what happened in Iraq etc.
1) Iran is much more capable of fighting the US than Iraq was. The was would be much bloodier. 
2) You clearly learned nothing from Iraq. It has cost an absolute fortune and rivers of blood. The american people won't stand for another stupid war. The Iranians know that. 

They can bitch and moan all they like about his death, but to actually do something would seem counterproductive for them and counterintuitive to a logical, rational perspective.
lol oh yes. Just like when the US did every other escalation, the iranians just threw up their hands and surrendered.... Anyone who knows anything about the region or diplomatic relations at all knows that Iran has no choice but to counter attack. An Iranian national hero has been murdered. The Iranian people will demand revenge just like the US did after 9/11.

Let's pretend you control Iran, you seem fairly level headed, what would you do?
If we could control Iran, we wouldn't have any problems. No one can control Iran. The only thing you can do is talk to them. As long as america continues to call them evil and refuse to negotiate, then more violence will be the only outcome. 
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You are then using that to paint the government and this specific general as sub-human.

yeah?  quote where I said the whole government, they are complicent for certain because they either condone, ignore or encourage these atrocities.
That is bigotry. 

I didn't know government bigotry was a thing, but if it is, I'll accept that moniker and wear it proudly.  Gays are people too.
 America talks a big game about how they will throw their weight around, then they get stuck in a brutal war. 
that's true
Anyone who knows anything about the region or diplomatic relations at all knows that Iran has no choice but to counter attack.
so they really don't want diplomacy or peace then, but rather they will escalate the situation.  They could cut their losses and restart/reboot but you rightfully believe they won't and instead will further violence and escalate the situation.  Does that sound rational to you, like someone you could reach with diplomacy?
As long as america continues to call them evil
I think burning people in cages (all the stuff I've already said) is pretty evil, don't you?

let me rephrase, imagine you ruled Iran, what would you do to the U.S. in this situation based on what you know?

ebuc's avatar
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so you don't think they would use this technology and bombs for terrorism?
USA terrorize humans in every war we have been in. No one or country is free from terrosim label.  In war people are terroized and 'Orange-Bad-Man' has now escalated war with Iran by much greater fold than anything Iran has done that I'm aware of.

Why are the other countries not wanting Iran to have these bombs/technology?
Why do any countries want any countries to have hydrogen bombs? As peacekeepers.

So we have enough hydrogen bombs to destroy all of humanity yet some countries may not feel safe from USA or other countries ergo they want their fair access to hydrogen bombs to peackeeper their country from those who do not like them.

It is a vicious circle of every country has a right to their hydrogen bomb for the security and the resultant is going to be, some day humanity is going to die off from nuclear annihilation and that is the end-of-game, and not necessarily what you call end-of-game just because Iran joins the nuclear club of players.

I generally dislike most of those in the U.S. government past and present.
My guess is you lick/stroke the immoral and corrupt 'Orange-Bad-Mans' ego just like the rest of his immoral cult followers.

You need to awaken your consciousness to  global scale, and look around with a fresh mind. 

Pakistan >< India

Israel/USA >< Iran/Russia

N. Korea/China  >< S. Korea { no hydrogen bombs }/USA

France >< ? ? ?

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the problem is lack of commitment by previous administrations, if you are going to take out the government of a country you'd better make sure what takes over is something you can deal with, but instead vacuums are left and there's no real long term benefit for the U.S.  Not to warrant the loss of life etc (imo)
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It is a vicious circle of every country has a right to their hydrogen bomb for the security and the resultant is going to be, some day humanity is going to die off from nuclear annihilation and that is the end-of-game, and not necessarily what you call end-of-game just because Iran joins the nuclear club of players.
hopefully that day is tomorrow, let's just get it over with.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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yeah?  quote where I said the whole government, they are complicent for certain because they either condone, ignore or encourage these atrocities.
So again, the US does the exact same things. They bomb weddings, funerals, markets etc all the time. Is the US also sub-human?

I didn't know government bigotry was a thing, but if it is, I'll accept that moniker and wear it proudly.  Gays are people too.
You discriminating against an entire group of people for actions done by a subset of that group. That sounds like bigotry to me. 

 America talks a big game about how they will throw their weight around, then they get stuck in a brutal war. 
that's true
That is exactly the problem. That is why this murder makes war much more likely. I would hope we both agree that going to war with Iran would be a bad thing. 

so they really don't want diplomacy or peace then, but rather they will escalate the situation.
They did want peace. They negotiated a deal with multiple countries including the US. The US then torched that deal, tried to crush their economy, murdered their allies, and now have murdered their most popular government official. But iran is the problem?

They could cut their losses and restart/reboot but you rightfully believe they won't and instead will further violence and escalate the situation.  Does that sound rational to you, like someone you could reach with diplomacy?
They, much like Trump, can't afford to look weak. If they cave after the murder of a national hero, their government loses all credibility. The Iranian people are going to demand blood for blood. Trump has tied their hands. They have no choices left but to attack. I agree that reaching them with diplomacy is now very unlikely, but that is because America (trump) betrayed them. 

I think burning people in cages (all the stuff I've already said) is pretty evil, don't you?
Agreed. So is drone striking a wedding or a funeral. Why are they evil for these things but america is somehow a defender of virtue?

let me rephrase, imagine you ruled Iran, what would you do to the U.S. in this situation based on what you know?
If I were the ruler of Iran? Probably assassinate the highest ranking american I could get my hands on and bomb some high level american military targets. Because if I don't, the people would see me as weak and cow towing to evil empire. 
ebuc's avatar
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hopefully that day is tomorrow, let's just get it over with.
Iran getting a nuclear weapon is not necessarily 'end-of-game' as you stated.

Trumps USA is more likely end of game because it is Trumps ego running a spontaneous shoot from the hip big dick spurt on you tacticle approach and no overall strategy.

Trump --- obama-bad-man and I will make the world a better place because I'm Trump, the Chosen One.

Yeah right, and Apocalyptic Pence is there lickin this immoral corrupt immature adult, day ever days. Spineless crazies in power.

Lets go commit illegal war crimes because USA is morally above all other countries and humans on Earth. Somebody{s} are asleep at the wheel who lick this ego based booty day-after-day.

ILikePie5's avatar
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They did want peace.

Lol. They attacked American troops for years. Peace my a**. They want to get rid of Israel and we’re in the way. Unless you support an extinction of the Jewish State, then you can’t negotiate with them.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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They attacked American troops for years. Peace my a**.
And america was attacking them at the same time. Why do you pretend like this is one sided?

They want to get rid of Israel and we’re in the way.
I'm sure the Saudi's would love that too. But they are US allies and not "evil". 

Unless you support an extinction of the Jewish State, then you can’t negotiate with them.
That is incredibly dumb. The only way to convince them to stop trying to do that would be to negotiate. Ramping up tension only increases the violence and hate. Ruling out negotiating is guaranteeing violence and war. 
TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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They bomb weddings, funerals, markets etc all the time.
in what context?  collateral damage is a reality of war/violence, burning people in cages etc is not, it's rather disturbing you'd try to justify and equate those 2 thing, you should re-evaluate your line of thinking.
You discriminating against an entire group of people for actions done by a subset of that group.
I'm discriminating against people who kill gays etc either by action or inaction, if that makes me a bigot so be it.
I would hope we both agree that going to war with Iran would be a bad thing. 
we most definitely agree.
They have no choices left but to attack.
lol wow, there is always a choice, just because it's one you don't like doesn't mean it's not available to you, seriously, come on, geez.
So is drone striking a wedding or a funeral.
can you give an example where a random wedding or funeral was purposefully targeted by the U.S.?

TheDredPriateRoberts's avatar
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Iran getting a nuclear weapon is not necessarily 'end-of-game' as you stated.
I don't think I said that, when Iran does get the bomb it doesn't necessarily mean it will be the end of the world (but we can hope)

Let's pretend they have one or more.  They start to invade a nearby country like Syria or pick one.  Should they be stopped or would the fear they would use these bombs prevent intervention and allow them to take over small countries they want?

Vader's avatar
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Trump is actually very tactical and smart when he is not inflating his ego like his balloon. His policy resinates well with me and I enjoy it. Trump has made attacks and strikes when countries do something wrong. The Syria strikes, etc. There had to be something to provoke him in order to do this. I am not buying this as a "this is for my ego to be boosted."

We all know he isn't getting removed from office
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in what context?  collateral damage is a reality of war/violence, burning people in cages etc is not, it's rather disturbing you'd try to justify and equate those 2 thing, you should re-evaluate your line of thinking.

Oh i understand, so when the US massacres women and children that is just the way of the world, but if Iran does that they are evil sub-humans that deserve to die. Glad to see I am talking to a reasonable human being. 

I'm discriminating against people who kill gays etc either by action or inaction, if that makes me a bigot so be it.
You are discriminating against people who have nothing to do with the actions you are describing. You are lumping them all in together when most people would have had nothing to do with that. That is bigotry. 

wow, there is always a choice, just because it's one you don't like doesn't mean it's not available to you, seriously, come on, geez.
Then why are you not ascribing that same thought process to trump? When trump carries out an attack that will escalate violence you defend it. When iran carries out an attack that will escalate violence you call them evil terrorists. Either you should attack when provoked or not. You can't argue that america can escalate the violence and it is fine, but if iran does it that is evil. 

can you give an example where a random wedding or funeral was purposefully targeted by the U.S.?
Here is one from 2009. here is an article describing the practice of the "double tap" where they drone strike a militant then bomb their funeral killing scores of civilians. 

Here here is the bombing of a wedding. Here is one where an afgan operation supported by US airstrikes blew up a wedding. There are many, many examples. The US is drone striking civilians fairly regularly. 
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When trump carries out an attack that will escalate violence you defend it.
did I?  you seem to interject a lot of what you assume and think into what I write, you really should stop doing that.

Oh i understand, so when the US massacres women and children that is just the way of the world, but if Iran does that they are evil sub-humans that deserve to die. Glad to see I am talking to a reasonable human being. 
you defend or justify burning people in cages, killing gays and I'm the one not reasonable?  LOL  why do you hate gays, they are people just like the rest of us.

Trump wasn't president in 2009, do you know who was?
from that very short link it sounds like these were not women and children and they were, infact targeting the militants in that funeral.

your link
The Sunday night operation in Musa Qala district targeted a house near the wedding party used by the Taliban to train suicide bombers, including foreigners, Afghan defense officials said.

The accident comes a week after a US drone strike on suspected "Islamic State" militants killed 30 civilians and injured 40 others as they were collecting pine nuts in a forest.

I've previously brought up collateral damage.  It's a sad reality.
guess the people accidentally walk into the burning cages and the gays accidently walk off rooftops by your logic.

Greyparrot's avatar
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you defend or justify burning people in cages, killing gays and I'm the one not reasonable? 

smh..the false equivalency is ridiculous.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
And america was attacking them at the same time. Why do you pretend like this is one sided?
So let me get this straight. They attack us first and we’re just supposed to sit there? Wow, do you want Americans to die? I really don’t. If you’re equating the United States to Iran then go live in Iran lmao. See how similar they are for yourself, you’d be surprised.

I'm sure the Saudi's would love that too. But they are US allies and not "evil". 
Prove that they want to get rid of Israel and have been actively trying to get rid of the state. You can’t because they haven’t ever since the US got in the picture. American allies deserve to be protected, that’s how it works. It’s us vs them. In war, civilian targets banned under the Geneva Conventions, and we try our best to avoid it. It’s a war zone, it’s a risk, and sometimes mistake do happen. But these Iranians and their proxies purposefully target civilians. That’s the difference between us and them. 

That is incredibly dumb. The only way to convince them to stop trying to do that would be to negotiate. Ramping up tension only increases the violence and hate. Ruling out negotiating is guaranteeing violence and war. 
You have yet to answer my question regarding what YOU would do. I’m assuming you would sit around and do nothing while American soil is attacked and American lives are in danger. Makes sense, you support Hillary Clinton. Oh and we did negotiate, they did nothing. To this day there are chants of death to Israel. A religious dictatorship is incompatible and nothing like American democracy yet you are quick to compare American and Iranian actions. The man killed 600 American troops and wounded thousands. He deserved to die if you support America.
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When trump carries out an attack that will escalate violence you defend it.
did I?  you seem to interject a lot of what you assume and think into what I write, you really should stop doing that.

Here are some quotes from you defending/justifying the attack
"they are subhuman imo who don't deserve the treatment a slaughter house animal gets, they deserve worse."

"I find it perplexing that diplomacy would be needed to stop terrorism, burning people in cages etc  People of that mind set can be rationalized with?  As I see it we can turn a blind eye to it or not.  If not the options are rather limited."

"he killed people who killed people, he's not getting anyone killed, they would/will kill no matter what he did or didn't do.  terrorist will be terrorist."

you defend or justify burning people in cages, killing gays and I'm the one not reasonable?  LOL  why do you hate gays, they are people just like the rest of us.
I'm not defending either side. Both the US government and Iran have both carried out terrorist attacks against each other. They need to negotiate and talk, not bomb each other. Which is why I think it was incredibly stupid for Trump to force Iran's hand. 

Trump wasn't president in 2009, do you know who was?
from that very short link it sounds like these were not women and children and they were, infact targeting the militants in that funeral.
The national security people who ordered and carried out those attacks haven't changed. Also, those are just a drop in a very large bucket. I provided 4 sources and it took me less than 5 minutes to find them. There are thousands, if not 10's of thousands of american drone strikes that hit civilian targets. But it is Iran that is evil?

I've previously brought up collateral damage.  It's a sad reality.
Seriously? They carried out an airstrike on a wedding and your reaction is basically that you don't give a shit. This is why much of the world think america is evil. They just keep on murdering and murdering and murdering and they just do not care. 
HistoryBuff's avatar
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So let me get this straight. They attack us first and we’re just supposed to sit there?
What makes you think that they attacked 1st? America has been attacking them pretty much constantly for decades, but especially since trump became president. 

If you’re equating the United States to Iran then go live in Iran lmao. See how similar they are for yourself, you’d be surprised.
The idea that if you want to get the government to stop murdering people all the time, you should instead go to another country is an incredibly stupid argument. 

Prove that they want to get rid of Israel and have been actively trying to get rid of the state. You can’t because they haven’t ever since the US got in the picture.
The Saudi's are just spreading their money and domination. They don't like Israel, they'd love to get rid of them. They just know that if they deal with Iran then the Saudi's will dominate the middle east. 

American allies deserve to be protected, that’s how it works. It’s us vs them.
What? Why? Why is Israel an american ally? Why would we go to war with Iran when Iran hasn't actually done anything to try to destroy Israel? Wouldn't the much, much better plan be to use diplomacy to convince them not to try to destroy Israel?

In war, civilian targets banned under the Geneva Conventions, and we try our best to avoid it. It’s a war zone, it’s a risk, and sometimes mistake do happen. 
America's military bombs funerals all the time. That is not a military target. Also, trump tweeted he wanted to attack "cultural targets" like yesterday. 

 But these Iranians and their proxies purposefully target civilians. That’s the difference between us and them. 
The difference is that America has bigger weapons and can target more freely. The Iranians have more limited options for targets because they don't have drones hovering over the middle east. But don't pretend like the US is any better. The US has just as much, if not more, blood on it's hands as Iran. 

You have yet to answer my question regarding what YOU would do. I’m assuming you would sit around and do nothing while American soil is attacked and American lives are in danger.
I have said this over and over. USE DIPLOMACY!!!!. Sanctions and violence might get iran to the table to talk, but they will never, ever, resolve the problem. If you don't talk to the Iranians the problem will never end. 

Makes sense, you support Hillary Clinton.
Very much no. She was a bad candidate. But she would have been way better than trump. 

Oh and we did negotiate, they did nothing.
by did nothing, I assume you mean they kept up their end of the deal while america didn't hold up their end.

A religious dictatorship is incompatible and nothing like American democracy yet you are quick to compare American and Iranian actions.
Then why are we allies with Saudi Arabia? They are also a religious dictatorship. But they give politicians money, so we overlook their terrorism. 

The man killed 600 American troops and wounded thousands. He deserved to die if you support America.
Says who? Where is the evidence of that? The US government has offered no evidence at all that he had done anything or was planning to do anything. 
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Which is why I think it was incredibly stupid for Trump to force Iran's hand. 

I'm not sure that is how it happened or what why he did it.  Are you certain this wasn't in defense of U.S. citizens?

drone strikes that hit civilian targets. But it is Iran that is evil?
context and intent is key which I've already explained and you are still trying to defend.
They just keep on murdering and murdering and murdering and they just do not care. 
you mean what they do to the gays, Christians etc?  yeah I agree

They carried out an airstrike on a wedding and your reaction is basically that you don't give a shit.
if you think that is my reaction you should stop trying to judge people with your assumptions because you really suck at it.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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I'm not sure that is how it happened or what he did.  Are you certain this wasn't in defense of U.S. citizens?
He murdered an Iranian general while he was on his way to a meeting with the Iraqi government to discuss peace. What exactly was being defended against?

context and intent is key which I've already explained and you are still trying to defend.
I'm not defending either side, you are. I am saying both sides are terrorists that murder women and children for political power and money. You are trying to paint one side as evil and the other side as justified. 

you mean what they do to the gays, Christians etc?  yeah I agree
I mean the US government is responsible for countless deaths in the middle east. I mean it must be millions by this point what with the Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan, drone strikes constantly ranging from Baghdad to Pakistan. 

They carried out an airstrike on a wedding and your reaction is basically that you don't give a shit.
if you think that is my reaction you should stop trying to judge people with your assumptions because you really suck at it.
Your exact response was "I've previously brought up collateral damage. It's a sad reality." then you changed the topic. How is that anything other than you don't give a shit. There is no outrage, there isn't even a tiny bit of criticism. Just that's reality. That complete nonchalance about the massacres of civilians is why much of the world sees america as evil.