At What Point Does the "Racism" Boogeyman Go Away?

Author: bmdrocks21


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That video got ratioed into oblivion.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
all those type of videos do, the internet hates sjws
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why is this thread glitched
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Whilst I haven't read the entire meta-analysis you linked, I've glanced in enough areas to discern the argument it presents (this study you cited): The Relationship between Race, Ethnicity, and Sentencing: Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Sentencing Research (

Incredibly, even when analysing 85 studies, none of them were quoted to address the sentencing factors of verbal I.Q. and self reported violence, two factors that I maintain are important in accounting for racial disparity in sentencing length (this study I continue to cite: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health ( . Now, this isn't to say that this study is completely worthless, because it does comprehensive analysis to show that a statistically significant racial disparity exists, it's just that it's missing two key variables that would alter its conclusion.

bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Black judges can be racist too. Actually they have been proven to be racist. A 2010 study I read a while back took fictional robberies and put them in front of judges to determine sentences. So mock sentencing basically. The only thing that differed was the race of the robber, it found that even black judges sentenced black people longer. So this is the same fake robbery (judges think it's real obviously) but one variable changes, the race of the fake perpetrator, and the trend persists even with black judges
From what I am seeing, this study is deeply flawed and shouldn’t be used to make such sweeping assumptions.

For this experiment, they used 66 college students from a single college in Hawaii. That is a very small sample size with a relatively homogenous population in terms of geographic location, age, and occupation.

I doubt a college student from Hawaii is going to think the same as a rural Alabaman or a New York City banker, even if we were to assume that 66 students from one college are even representative of the rest of college students in their state.

Another issue that they didn’t elaborate much on was that they had them rate guilt from 0 to 100 on a scale. That is not how real cases work. The burden of proof for a felony (like all other criminal cases) is “beyond a reasonable doubt”. So even if the race changed the number from 40 to 60, that would still be an innocent ruling. It doesn’t prove widespread changing of rulings based simply on race.

Finally, earlier in the paper, it references a meta analysis (a study of many studies) that found little evidence of racism for convictions, stating:

“A 2005 meta-analysis conducted by Tara Mitchell and her colleagues followed up Sommers and Ellsworth's discussion by quantitatively testing race- effects on mock-jurors.8 3 Aggregating and analyzing verdict data from thirty- four studies and 7397 participants, and sentencing data from sixteen studies and 3141 participants, the researchers analyzed whether mock-jurors across these studies demonstrated racial bias in decision-making. The researchers found small but significant differences in race effects on both verdicts and sentences, indicating that mock jurors were biased in favor of defendants of their own race.8 4 However, this significant effect was quite small, and the statistical signi-
85 ficance disappeared if the experimenters eliminated certain types of studies”

This study that set out to try to prove racial bias admits that a meta-analysis found that, at the worst, there is a tiny amount of in-race bias (not anti-black bias) and, at best, there is no bias at all. I choose to trust the over 7k grouping of studies over this one with 66 participants
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
When it stops being convenient to the powers that be. Identity politics is transparently a means of social control.

There is a kernel of truth to the white privilege thing (not having the never ending identity crises minorities worldwide tend to have, way easier time in the dating market, being a part of the mainstream cultural heritage, etc) but privilege in this country is *overwhelmingly* economic. Anyone who says that they'd rather be born into a poor white family than a wealthy black family is out of their mind. The real white privilege is that whites were fully enfranchised members of society back in the 1950s-1980s when it was actually possible for somebody starting at the bottom to reach economic stability. For example, my parents both grew up in poverty and never went to college, but through hard work and intelligence were able to give my sister and I a middle class lifestyle, because of this I was able to go to college and will be able to give my kids a good life, etc. That train left the station DECADES ago. People like my parents are just completely screwed in this country now. And to be perfectly honest, much as it pains me to admit that leftists have a point, its not a lie to say that discrimination caused a lot of black families to miss the boat. But pointing fingers does nothing. The way to help black people is the same way to help poor white people, hispanics,'s the preservation and return of decent paying blue collar jobs and a manufacturing economy. Germany does it, we can too. 

Ever noticed how the people parroting the white privilege stuff never propose any serious policies? That's why. There is a set of policies that would help the black community (and non upper middle class+ people of all races), but unfortunately they would decrease corporate profits. This is why corporations are behind all of the identity politics stuff. Man, isn't it amazing/libtard bullshit (depending on your persuasion :) ) that the NASDAQ is considering requiring minority board members in order for companies to stay listed? So convenient that we are talking about this instead of the gigantic wealth transfer from Main Street to Wall Street as COVID eliminates small business in this country!

There's also a classist element to it. Upper middle class liberals of all races love nothing more than to sneer at culturally prole whites about their "privilege", especially if they're actually poor. Telling someone whose barely been scraping by since 2008 after their towns factory closed about their "privilege" is just a slap in the face, which everybody knows. The humiliation is the point. 

And to get at the subtext of your post...yes, there is a point where achievement gaps simply can't be blamed on racism, and while its unpleasant it's important to recognize that so we don't just litigate the past forever. Culture isn't the reason that the NBA or top runners are overwhelmingly black. Sorry everyone, but there are genetic differences between different groups of people. But there are things we can do to help black people that also help people of all races. We have no reason to be enemies, and becoming so is only helping wall street/the top 1%

dont even get me started on mass immigration lol. Just TRANSPARENTLY a ploy to lower wages and break worker solidarity. Despite everything it still shocks me that the left actually goes along with it
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Hi, Thett!

Anyone who says that they'd rather be born into a poor white family than a wealthy black family is out of their mind.
100%. They try to relate it to something ridiculous about cops just shooting you for "no reason", Black families needing to give their kids the "cop talk", or something like that.

But honestly, I'm pretty sure most White parents tell their children to keep their hands on the wheel, be respectful, and not to be rustling around in their glove box. That is common sense. Mine did, and my skin is only slightly darker than sour cream during the winter.

It is just overprivileged college students who don't understand how sh*t it is to be a demonized "evil hick/white trash/redneck" who lives in a trailer park. That world is so foreign to the gated community elite.

That train left the station DECADES ago. People like my parents are just completely screwed in this country now. And to be perfectly honest, much as it pains me to admit that leftists have a point, its not a lie to say that discrimination caused a lot of black families to miss the boat. But pointing fingers does nothing. The way to help black people is the same way to help poor white people, hispanics,'s the preservation and return of decent paying blue collar jobs and a manufacturing economy. Germany does it, we can too. 
The lax enforcement of immigration laws and high importation of low-skilled workers only exacerbates the problem. They undercut the wages in jobs that high school educated people, which are often Latino and Black, need like construction work.

But bringing back blue collar jobs isn't going to be enough. The vast disparities of engaging in poor decisions creates too many issues. People don't invest in high-crime neighborhoods. Single parent households create poverty and crime.

(Looks like you touch on these later lol. I write responses paragraph-by-paragraph)

Unfortunately, since most people aren't informed, disparities will always be racism.

Ever noticed how the people parroting the white privilege stuff never propose any serious policies? That's why. There is a set of policies that would help the black community (and non upper middle class+ people of all races), but unfortunately they would decrease corporate profits. This is why corporations are behind all of the identity politics stuff. Man, isn't it amazing/libtard bullshit (depending on your persuasion :) ) that the NASDAQ is considering requiring minority board members in order for companies to stay listed? So convenient that we are talking about this instead of the gigantic wealth transfer from Main Street to Wall Street as COVID eliminates small business in this country!

I think you might be on to something here. Maybe they like conflict and separation. Helps with market segmentation :^) (ie. easy to pander to x demographic through appeals to whatever they like).

Generally, I just see it as a distraction tactic. It sure confuses those wise fools (college-educated commies with $100k student debt) long enough to enact said transfer without a word. They can't criticize Boeing or McDonald's or Goldman Sachs if they have so many minority or gay officers!

Reminds me of how the whole feminist movement is corporate sponsored. The million Maga march rivaled the numbers of the woman's march, which had months of planning and millions to astroturf their insane cause VS a week-notice social media campaign. "We need to make women work so that we can pay everyone less after expanding the labor pool. Having kids is demeaning! You wouldn't want to take months off of work and future vacation and leave days to take care of them and go to their recitals, would you?"

Honestly, I hate capitalism sometimes. Social conservatism just isn't profitable, so inevitably any soulless corporation will lobby against it at every turn. "Drug war? No, we should make money selling these drugs! Anti-abortion? We want money to kill babies and sell their bodies to researchers! Having children? We want more workers and we don't want them doing something silly like taking time off for kids!" And don't even get me started on the massive GAY WEDDING CAKE LOBBY!!!!! Just kidding >:)

There's also a classist element to it. Upper middle class liberals of all races love nothing more than to sneer at culturally prole whites about their "privilege", especially if they're actually poor. Telling someone whose barely been scraping by since 2008 after their towns factory closed about their "privilege" is just a slap in the face, which everybody knows. The humiliation is the point. 

Reminds me of this short comic:

It is all lip service about supporting the working class, but they will use any slur they can to ridicule working class White people. Just makes them feel good to pretend they gaf about them. I read part of Jim Goad's "The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's Scapegoats" (good book, but only could borrow for so long). Starts off with Chapter 1 "White N***ers Have Feelings Too". He talks about how the use of words like "redneck" are commonly used in publications, both in quotes and from the actual writer, but the "n-word" is only ever used in quotes, generally to demonize some White person. So, redneck, being the White version of n***er, is a common slur that is allowed to be said by all.

Shameful how privileged the White working class is, the only category of people that I know of with a decreasing life expectancy in America. So privileged to have skyrocketing rates of suicide.

dont even get me started on mass immigration lol. Just TRANSPARENTLY a ploy to lower wages and break worker solidarity. Despite everything it still shocks me that the left actually goes along with it

They used to be against it when they were a party that supported unions, and the GOP was mainly cucks for labor lobbies (still pretty much are, but we're improving lol).

Not sure if it is framed as some "anti-immigration bad. Xenophobia! Racism! Rawr!" type of thing for the voters, while the main goal of the leaders is importing voters or what. There are a lot of unironic people who argue "muh spiced ethnic food" as if that is somehow a worthwhile argument. 

Also, in case you haven't seen it, Amazon's Whole Foods internal documents show they want diversity to lower the risk of unionization. If you are Black, of course you wouldn't want to degrade yourself by pairing up with that evil White janitor! Lovely identity politics.

And to get at the subtext of your post...yes, there is a point where achievement gaps simply can't be blamed on racism, and while its unpleasant it's important to recognize that so we don't just litigate the past forever. Culture isn't the reason that the NBA or top runners are overwhelmingly black. Sorry everyone, but there are genetic differences between different groups of people. But there are things we can do to help black people that also help people of all races. We have no reason to be enemies, and becoming so is only helping wall street/the top 1%

Until the racism boogeyman stops obscuring genetic difference's effects on group performance and we quit with the egalitarian "all cultures are the same" hogwash, there will always be intense inter-group resentment for disparate outcomes. It all people and cultures are the same, the only logical reason that you could have group differences is some evil people in power working to make another group fail.

And, as you wisely point out, it only serves to distract us as we get robbed blind by the special interests.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
100%. They try to relate it to something ridiculous about cops just shooting you for "no reason", Black families needing to give their kids the "cop talk", or something like that.

But honestly, I'm pretty sure most White parents tell their children to keep their hands on the wheel, be respectful, and not to be rustling around in their glove box. That is common sense. Mine did, and my skin is only slightly darker than sour cream during the winter.

It is just overprivileged college students who don't understand how sh*t it is to be a demonized "evil hick/white trash/redneck" who lives in a trailer park. That world is so foreign to the gated community elite.
Yeah a lot of cops really are trigger happy r*tards, some of the more egregious police shootings were of white people (think Daniel Shaver, or that white kid who was shot for answering his front door holding a Wii remote.) Whether or not black people are more likely to be unjustly killed, I don't know. It definitely seems possible to me that they are, but the media/establishment narrative is so often wrong, and many of the prominent examples have turned out to be outright hoaxes, so I don't know. Either way, being pulled over by the police needs to be viewed as a hazard to be survived. 

The cop thing is hard because I don't want to stigmatize the police and I do think the vast majority of them are good...but as a civilian, I have no way of telling the bad apples from the good ones. I don't think the police indiscriminately gun people down, but clearly some police get spooked easily and are always given by judges and juries a very wide latitude in their abilities to use lethal force. In effect, it isn't that different. And while it's true the world is more brutal than liberals want to admit (think of the "why not shoot him in the leg?????" nonsense), SWATing people just isn't a thing in other developed countries...some reform is definitely needed. In a more just society the police that killed Daniel Shaver would hang. 

The lax enforcement of immigration laws and high importation of low-skilled workers only exacerbates the problem. They undercut the wages in jobs that high school educated people, which are often Latino and Black, need like construction work.

But bringing back blue collar jobs isn't going to be enough. The vast disparities of engaging in poor decisions creates too many issues. People don't invest in high-crime neighborhoods. Single parent households create poverty and crime.

(Looks like you touch on these later lol. I write responses paragraph-by-paragraph)

Unfortunately, since most people aren't informed, disparities will always be racism.
Yeah, I hate to go all "dems are the real racists" but it genuinely disturbs me how leftists dehumanize black people by removing all moral agency from their choices. In terms of violence, the overwhelming threat to black life is other black people. By blaming white people for this they're basically viewing black people as animals, incapable of making choices and whose actions can solely be attributed to their environment and training. The way some white liberals view black people is honestly disgusting lol. 

Historical oppression resulting in a cycle of poverty contributes to the crime and misery. Sorry, but it does. However it's role is greatly exaggerated, and tens of millions of people of all races (including the vast majority of poor blacks), survive poverty without becoming violent criminals. Violent crime is the fault of the choices of violent criminals. Full stop. That said, we do need to do what we can to break this cycle--if ACTUALLY helping black people came at someone else's expense (like fake band aids such as reparations and affirmative action) things would be more morally grey, but fortunately, the exact same policies that will help working class whites, hispanics etc are also the policies that will most help black people.

And yes...there is a genetic and cultural component to group differences, and denying that is just anti-science. But our society doesn't give a fair shake to working class people, and cultural changes since the 1960's have wreaked havoc on the lives of low socio-economic status groups. Charles Murray's book "Coming Apart" really delves deep into how these changes negatively effected working class whites. We can, and should, do better for everybody. You're right that disparities will probably always be chalked up to racism...the alternative is just too painful for a lot of people. But those charges of racism seem a lot less potent when the life story of the average black person is one of upward mobility and opportunity as opposed to poverty. I think a lot of the vitriol in our society is coming from our economy becoming more and more zero-sum.

Reminds me of how the whole feminist movement is corporate sponsored. The million Maga march rivaled the numbers of the woman's march, which had months of planning and millions to astroturf their insane cause VS a week-notice social media campaign. "We need to make women work so that we can pay everyone less after expanding the labor pool. Having kids is demeaning! You wouldn't want to take months off of work and future vacation and leave days to take care of them and go to their recitals, would you?"

Honestly, I hate capitalism sometimes. Social conservatism just isn't profitable, so inevitably any soulless corporation will lobby against it at every turn. "Drug war? No, we should make money selling these drugs! Anti-abortion? We want money to kill babies and sell their bodies to researchers! Having children? We want more workers and we don't want them doing something silly like taking time off for kids!" And don't even get me started on the massive GAY WEDDING CAKE LOBBY!!!!! Just kidding >:)
Yes, there are anti-human forces at work here that want us reduced to consumers. It's horrible what our society has done to women in particular, almost every young woman I know is profoundly miserable and a great number are mentally ill, needing an intense cocktail of drugs to cope with what is materially an extremely comfortable life. Maybe I'm just being sexist, but I think hyper capitalism is harming women a lot more than men even if they are increasingly "winning" the competition.

I can tell you're very hurt/resentful at the anti-white/anti-male rhetoric that's ubiquitous in our society. I am too...but I've also come to just roll with it. It comes from a place of ignorance and projection, basically everyone who is into that sort of thing is severely mentally ill, trying to cope with their inferiority complex by inflicting their own misery onto other people. Don't let them. Above all, they're people to be pitied, as contemptible as they may be. They are immiserated cucks for global capital.

Mentally stable leftists may occasionally criticize whites (and we aren't above criticism, nobody is) but the vitriolic hatred is reserved exclusively for the miserable. It's all well and good to argue against this sometimes but don't dedicate your life to it.  The lion should not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. Also almost all anti-white POC girls exclusively date white guys??? I don't really get it, human sexuality is weird, lol...but clearly there is a LOT going on under the surface here.

It is all lip service about supporting the working class, but they will use any slur they can to ridicule working class White people. Just makes them feel good to pretend they gaf about them. I read part of Jim Goad's "The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's Scapegoats" (good book, but only could borrow for so long). Starts off with Chapter 1 "White N***ers Have Feelings Too". He talks about how the use of words like "redneck" are commonly used in publications, both in quotes and from the actual writer, but the "n-word" is only ever used in quotes, generally to demonize some White person. So, redneck, being the White version of n***er, is a common slur that is allowed to be said by all.
lol well I definitely wouldn't compare redneck to the n-word but it's absolutely true that clowning on poor whites is the last form of hard bigotry that's considered to be socially acceptable. When you see stuff like this, you need to call it out for what it is: classism.

Also, in case you haven't seen it, Amazon's Whole Foods internal documents show they want diversity to lower the risk of unionization. If you are Black, of course you wouldn't want to degrade yourself by pairing up with that evil White janitor! Lovely identity politics.
I did see that, lol. Like I said....truly incredible that the left has been memed into going along with all of this.
thett3's avatar
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thett3's avatar
Yes, there are anti-human forces at work here that want us reduced to consumers. It's horrible what our society has done to women in particular, almost every young woman I know is profoundly miserable and a great number are mentally ill, needing an intense cocktail of drugs to cope with what is materially an extremely comfortable life. Maybe I'm just being sexist, but I think hyper capitalism is harming women a lot more than men even if they are increasingly "winning" the competition.
Most of my male friends are in pretty bad shape too. All but one of my friends are single and we are getting to the age where traditionally most people would be married. It depresses me to no end to think that most people I know would literally be happier if they had knocked up some girl/gotten knocked up by some guy in high school. Not exactly the best life but compared to the extraordinarily lonely 60+ years facing a lot of my generation, yeash. I know what I would choose. 

My advice to any young person is that unless you’re like a 6’5” male or a female model or something don’t necessarily settle for the first person willing to marry you but don’t dilly dally either. Prince Charming either doesn’t exist or he’s taken by someone you can’t compete with. 
Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
genetic difference's effects on group performance
A lot of the studies “proving” that are funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is essentially a pile of racist money intended to use science to put lipstick on a pig. Unfortunately there’s a lack of genuinely academic research on the subject due to ethical concerns and also due the political situation making it a “third rail” for researchers. Though, observations like the Flynn effect and the Minnesota twins study suggest to me that any genetic thing that might be going on is not a very substantial factor comparatively.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
A lot of the studies “proving” that are funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is essentially a pile of racist money intended to use science to put lipstick on a pig. Unfortunately there’s a lack of genuinely academic research on the subject due to ethical concerns and also due the political situation making it a “third rail” for researchers. Though, observations like the Flynn effect and the Minnesota twins study suggest to me that any genetic thing that might be going on is not a very substantial factor comparatively.

I think that it is an issue that isn't definitively proven one way or the other, but it seems the limited evidence available shows that there is a significant genetic component to intelligence. And genetics vary quite a bit based on the geography of your ancestors.

What Minnesota study are you speaking of? I have heard of the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, which found that both environment and genetics play a role in IQ. 

They took kids of different races and had them be adopted by affluent White parents.

They found that the IQ scores were highest for those with two White parents, then Black/White, then Asian or Indigenous American, and the lowest was two Black parents.

bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Yeah a lot of cops really are trigger happy r*tards, some of the more egregious police shootings were of white people (think Daniel Shaver, or that white kid who was shot for answering his front door holding a Wii remote.) Whether or not black people are more likely to be unjustly killed, I don't know. It definitely seems possible to me that they are, but the media/establishment narrative is so often wrong, and many of the prominent examples have turned out to be outright hoaxes, so I don't know. Either way, being pulled over by the police needs to be viewed as a hazard to be survived. 

The cop thing is hard because I don't want to stigmatize the police and I do think the vast majority of them are good...but as a civilian, I have no way of telling the bad apples from the good ones. I don't think the police indiscriminately gun people down, but clearly some police get spooked easily and are always given by judges and juries a very wide latitude in their abilities to use lethal force. In effect, it isn't that different. And while it's true the world is more brutal than liberals want to admit (think of the "why not shoot him in the leg?????" nonsense), SWATing people just isn't a thing in other developed countries...some reform is definitely needed. In a more just society the police that killed Daniel Shaver would hang. 

Oh, I remember Shaver. POFS cop shot him while he was crying and crawling on the ground. A botched lethal injection would be justice.

If we're worried about retard cops, expect that to only become worse as cops are abused and "defunded". They will have to decimate the hiring requirements to get anybody to fill those jobs. All of the good ones are filing for early retirement.

But they have guns. They don't know if you do, if you'll kill them to try to not go to jail because there are drugs in the back or whatever. If you're a parent that doesn't teach your kid to act responsibly in that situation, you're likely a bad parent.

Historical oppression resulting in a cycle of poverty contributes to the crime and misery. Sorry, but it does. However it's role is greatly exaggerated, and tens of millions of people of all races (including the vast majority of poor blacks), survive poverty without becoming violent criminals. Violent crime is the fault of the choices of violent criminals. Full stop. That said, we do need to do what we can to break this cycle--if ACTUALLY helping black people came at someone else's expense (like fake band aids such as reparations and affirmative action) things would be more morally grey, but fortunately, the exact same policies that will help working class whites, hispanics etc are also the policies that will most help black people.

And yes...there is a genetic and cultural component to group differences, and denying that is just anti-science. But our society doesn't give a fair shake to working class people, and cultural changes since the 1960's have wreaked havoc on the lives of low socio-economic status groups. Charles Murray's book "Coming Apart" really delves deep into how these changes negatively effected working class whites. We can, and should, do better for everybody. You're right that disparities will probably always be chalked up to racism...the alternative is just too painful for a lot of people. But those charges of racism seem a lot less potent when the life story of the average black person is one of upward mobility and opportunity as opposed to poverty. I think a lot of the vitriol in our society is coming from our economy becoming more and more zero-sum.

Certainly old racist policies still have some effect today, but I agree that they are incredibly exaggerated. Simply solving the 70+% illegitimacy rate alone would close a large portion of the achievement gap/crime gap/poverty gap.

Seems like that has been a much bigger issue among all races since the "War on Poverty" began the trend of subsidizing single motherhood.

Simply put, most people want to believe in that egalitarian garbage because it sounds good. It just seems wrong to most people to say "your culture is backwards and leads to failure" or "unfortunately your group on average is disadvantaged in x way" because we want to believe that all people either succeed or fail based solely on efforts, so a multicultural/multiethnic/multiracial country that believes in egalitarianism is doomed to fabricate oppression narratives, I fear.

And I think you once again hit the nail on the head. Our economy coming to push out all uneducated people into a serf class creates a lot of resentment. While Trump's concerns over immigration are well-founded, I'm sure a decent sum of his voters also wanted to scapegoat immigrants for their dying manufacturing jobs and decaying towns, even though they are only part of the cause for those.

Yes, there are anti-human forces at work here that want us reduced to consumers. It's horrible what our society has done to women in particular, almost every young woman I know is profoundly miserable and a great number are mentally ill, needing an intense cocktail of drugs to cope with what is materially an extremely comfortable life. Maybe I'm just being sexist, but I think hyper capitalism is harming women a lot more than men even if they are increasingly "winning" the competition.

Reminds me of a quote from Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber). He was a very smart guy who unfortunately turned into a terrorist.

"Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.”

According to this psychology today article, the least happy demographic in America is:

A 42-year-old, unmarried woman with no children, an income of <$100k and works in a professional position (doctor, lawyer, etc.).

Now isn't that exactly what feminists are telling women to be? They don't need no man. Being a mother/homemaker is demeaning. Career and education matter most.

Also this:
"In The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness published by the American Economic Journal, researchers Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers found that although women's life circumstances have improved greatly over the past few decades by most objective measures, their happiness has declined—both in absolute terms and relative to men's."

As they are becoming more involved in careers and having less kids, they are becoming less happy. Weird... I'm not against allowing women to work of course, but I believe that the social pressures that exist to prioritize careers over children is extremely toxic. Allow them to work, but instead encourage them to do what will make them the most happy- finding a loyal partner/not sleeping around during your prime, having kids.

I can tell you're very hurt/resentful at the anti-white/anti-male rhetoric that's ubiquitous in our society. I am too...but I've also come to just roll with it. It comes from a place of ignorance and projection, basically everyone who is into that sort of thing is severely mentally ill, trying to cope with their inferiority complex by inflicting their own misery onto other people. Don't let them. Above all, they're people to be pitied, as contemptible as they may be. They are immiserated cucks for global capital.

Mentally stable leftists may occasionally criticize whites (and we aren't above criticism, nobody is) but the vitriolic hatred is reserved exclusively for the miserable. It's all well and good to argue against this sometimes but don't dedicate your life to it.  The lion should not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. Also almost all anti-white POC girls exclusively date white guys??? I don't really get it, human sexuality is weird, lol...but clearly there is a LOT going on under the surface here.

The issue is, these insane ideas are no longer just confined to college campuses. As corporations, high schools, and even grade schools adopt these "sensitivity training", "LGBT curriculums", mandatory reading of "White fragility", etc, it is going to become mainstream. So, of course I'm resentful that our country is looking like it is on the road to becoming the next South Africa/Zimbabwe.

And I've noticed that those anti-White POC trash are always looking for a White partner. I think they are trying to slander us to lower our dating market value lmao.

bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
Most of my male friends are in pretty bad shape too. All but one of my friends are single and we are getting to the age where traditionally most people would be married. It depresses me to no end to think that most people I know would literally be happier if they had knocked up some girl/gotten knocked up by some guy in high school. Not exactly the best life but compared to the extraordinarily lonely 60+ years facing a lot of my generation, yeash. I know what I would choose. 

My advice to any young person is that unless you’re like a 6’5” male or a female model or something don’t necessarily settle for the first person willing to marry you but don’t dilly dally either. Prince Charming either doesn’t exist or he’s taken by someone you can’t compete with. 

It's so sad to hear that so much of our generation is like that. I don't know if feminism is to blame for ruining relationships, or what. I'm sure that isn't the only thing to blame. Seeing a big rise in these "MGTOW" types, though.

I was lucky enough to get engaged, and I'll hold on for dear life lol!

And I'd say that getting knocked up isn't necessarily what would make them happier. We no longer live in a country that forces "shot gun weddings" for people that knock someone up/get knocked up. Meaning, they no longer marry the person they have a kid with. If they did, they would be happier. If not, they would probably be the same emotionally tbh.

After all of this "liberation" it seems all that reckless freedom does is make people miserable. Time to return to tradition!
Death23's avatar
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I think that it is an issue that isn't definitively proven one way or the other, but it seems the limited evidence available shows that there is a significant genetic component to intelligence. And genetics vary quite a bit based on the geography of your ancestors.
Yes, that's what the evidence suggests. However, if we're talking about the specific causes of an observed gap between two groups of people, those causes may be nature, nurture, or a combination thereof.

What Minnesota study are you speaking of? I have heard of the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, which found that both environment and genetics play a role in IQ. 

They took kids of different races and had them be adopted by affluent White parents.

They found that the IQ scores were highest for those with two White parents, then Black/White, then Asian or Indigenous American, and the lowest was two Black parents.

Yes, that's the correct study. If you look toward the second table you with the data adjusted to take in to account the Flynn effect, you will see the age 7 IQ gap at 1 point (negligible in my view) and the age 17 gap at 4 points. My take on that is that by age 17 some of the black kids would start to get wrapped up in their black identities and be adversely impacted by the anti-educational aspect of black culture. (i.e. "acting white") I know that's just speculation, but it's my best guess, and I think a better explanation than a genetic one because the latter explanation does not explain the same IQs at age 7.

That's my take on it, and it doesn't rule out anything genetic necessarily, just that whatever's going on is probably negligible. I mean, OK like 1 IQ point (or even 4) isn't going to be some crazy huge impact on earning power in a lifetime.
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I might be looking at the wrong table, but doesn’t the one correcting for the Flynn effect show a White (both) IQ of 110.5 at 7 and 105.5 at 7 and Black (both) IQ of 91.4 at 7 and 83.7 at 17?

That would be a difference of 19.1 at 7 and 21.8 at 17

And my opinion is that it is likely largely generic and environmental. They are both going to be significant.
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Yes, I was reading from the wrong lines on the table. That's my bad. These data compel me to be more open to the idea. It is something that I think should be further studied. If I were a researcher in academia though, I'd definitely be too concerned about my career to touch it with a ten foot pole. Kindof wondering about more recent data on the Flynn effect and the narrowing of the black-white IQ gap since 2000. There may be new data.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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Yeah, it is just something that we aren’t allowed to even question for some reason without losing our jobs, so we will continue to just blame “racism” for 100% of the differences likely until the end of time.

That’s my pessimistic and likely realistic projection.
Death23's avatar
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Death23's avatar
The racism bogeyman will likely continue at least for the rest of our lives. Race has dominated American politics since the founding fathers, and it's beneficial for politicians and certain interests to divide us along racial lines. If you read about George Wallace's campaign, you will see that's exactly what he was doing. Racial tensions will likely be fomented intentionally or just through happenstance. I'm pretty pessimistic about it. I don't think MLK's dream of integration will ever become a reality here. We're as divided as ever, and just looking at where people choose to live and send their kids to school, it seems that people don't want racial integration for the most part. They go to the marketplaces, workplaces, and other public spaces and tolerate it because they have to in a multiracial society, but when they have a choice I see what they're choosing to do. Actions speak louder than words, I guess.

I guess there is an allegation of collective misconduct when people scream racism. I'd take most of it with a grain of salt, and I'm not a believer in collective responsibility. If I didn't do it, then it's not my fault.