Religion is usually a coping mechanism regarding death.

Author: RationalMadman


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RationalMadman's avatar
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Almost all religions revolve around denying that death is inevitable and that we eventually will be nothingness just as we originally were pre-birth.

We are going to die. We will not live on. We are meaningless and never will mean more than what we make out of our limited, insignificant lives. This is horrific for egocentric people and so they create a fairytale that tells them that in the afterlife they'll be treated oh so well. It doesn't happen. God wouldn't design reality to reward the humble and good with an afterlife where you are selfish and hedonistic in paradise. That entirely contradicts itself.

It's not nice to think that we just die and just live with no deep meaning to it. It's a truth even many atheists deny despite knowing it's true, deep down. 

You can sit all day typing in this subforum about your coping mechanism regarding death and the futility of life. It's not going to change the facts but neither is being atheist going to change the fact that nothing can't create everything, there must be a god. We are probably in a simulation, I'm not sure why and don't think that pretending you know the reason why is intellectually honest/genuine 

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
That us an entertaining post. Thank you.
Soluminsanis's avatar
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"Almost all religions revolve around denying that death is inevitable "

Please forgive me being blunt, but,  the ignorance of this claim is unbelievably astounding. 

Are you at all familiar with the religions you speak on behalf of? Obviously I'm partial to Christianity,  but this claim is patently false. 

Islam: teaches its adherents that acts of warfare involving suicide are noble.

Almost all eastern religions: Teaches that death, more specifically,  dying repeatedly through cycles of reincarnation is the means by which one can free themselves from the cycle.

Judaism: Teaches that mankind is literally the dust of the earth here for the briefest of moments and has a 613 law system that lives in light of this truth.

Christianity: Literally teaches the way to redemption is found in death,  a brutal and bloody death of a Man on a cross.  Literally teaches its adherents to "bear a cross" and "die to self", its earliest followers, as well as many today, saw its adherents wholeheartedly embracing the most gruesome of executions and tortures.

Buddhism: Teaches that life is suffering and the freedom from suffering is found in the extinguishing of all desire, a type of dying to self you could say.

The claim religion is based of off denying the inevitability  of death rather than a resolute embracing of it is quite simply absurd my man. 

I wonder if the Christians who were burned in Nero's garden for light felt the same. 

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
In all those examples, you don't really die, you just go on to the afterlife.

Buddhism is kind of an exception because eventually after enough rebirths and karmic debt paid off, your soul becomes 'at one' meaning it ceases to exist as an individual and becomes one with the rest of reality. The other religions all deny that you literally die, meaning 'you' the soul.

We will die, there is nothing you or I can do to stop it. It is futile to deny it.
EtrnlVw's avatar
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This is horrific for egocentric people and so they create a fairytale that tells them

This sounds to me like you just wanted to come here and preach, perhaps burn off some steam. In this case I'd really rather not respond to any of it, because posts like these it doesn't matter if one responds to it even if the responses were true. On the other hand, since you felt so free to be so blunt and pig-headed it makes me want to tell you how ignorant this whole topic is.
The funny part is that I'm not even all that "religious" so why would I care what you think anyways? I mean really all you did was repeat a bunch of generic ill-informed nonsense atheists have been touting what they copied from their atheist Masters for years on end. Stupid Theists right? what do they know about a reality they have been learning from since humans have existed? silly Theists always dreaming up nonsense because they are too afraid to face reality as it is right? everything they claim is based off what they wish to be true so it's all just a coping mechanism correct? well then....since I'm an atheist or some snot nosed fool who refuses to step onto one side of the fence that's what all my beliefs will be based upon! since consciousness surviving death can't be true, and the proposition of an afterlife is simply a fairy tale then I'm just going to believe that it's all just a coping mechanism Theists make up to relieve themselves from the gloomy facts of life. Besides, who are they that I can learn anything about reality from right? how could I ever learn anything from from a bunch of primitive, ignorant goatherders from the bronze age about life?

Lol, the truth is that people who tell themselves that religions and religious propositions are just coping mechanisms and results of wishful thinking aren't paying attention. These are folks who have put very little time in researching the depths of religious claims. They have put very little thought into the implications of an eternal Creator, what that means and what it may entail and believe it or not have avoided considering the obvious correlations between religious propositions about an afterlife and the life in which we observe here on earth. In other words, if God exists then what we see here reflects what exists when we leave this world in many ways. It seems to me if someone wanted to create a fantasy that avoided the fundamentals of our reality they would have been a lot more creative...

Pretty much everything that has been proposed at least through religious sources is simply an EXTENSION of what we encounter HERE, whether it be elevated or not. So I fail to see how such proposals amount to coping mechanisms, since a failure to cope with reality would entail we escape the very facts of life and what we experience here correct? wouldn't it be stupid for those who can't cope with reality create an extension that reflects the very things they wish to escape?

If those who wanted to create a pipedream fantasy story book about an afterlife where everything was just so fun and cozy they did a horrible job at it. If they wanted to sucker people into buying into the idea of a paradise where suffering no longer exists and the consequences of their actions have no relevance they did a piss poor job at it. Why would they even bother with a Ruler or King that is bothered with the concerns of morality in any way at all? With only a handful of passages in the Bible about a paradise beyond the immediate physical world (for those who live righteously) and the rest of the book about the cruel facts and suffering of life, moral principles and reality about our actions in an attempt to create some fictional fantasy land it's a complete failure!
For those who were butchered or murdered simply for their beliefs who just couldn't cope with the hardships of life and suffering they sure didn't face them eh?
I mean why the hell would an eternal Creator create more than one measly planet to live on with one lifespan to experience anyways? what sense does that make right?

-The bottom line is that you seem to be a person very unfamiliar with the reality and implications of an eternal creative Force. And in that your scope of reality is very jaded and limited.

- Atheists basically have no idea what the fck is going on despite the illusion they think they do know, all their silly assumptions revolve around the idea that Theists are deluded, stupid, mentally deranged and they just create coping mechanisms to deal with the realities of life. Atheists are mental midgets. The irony is they believe they are the mental giants lol.

- For those who go around claiming we can't know anything about God or we have no access to all the facts about life are deluded dimwits to be frank. They'll never know anything even if the truth shows up at the doorstep. Their awareness is simply forever in the clouds and their perceptions of existence will always appear hazy and too far fetched to ever be grasped.

- Most religions were never an attempt to evade or escape reality, they are based upon observations of this life and transcendental experiences.

-Spirituality is the opposite of wishful thinking, it's funny that people don't know that. Spirituality opposes what the individual wishes and wants, that assumption couldn't be any further from the truth.

- Are religious propositions all that exist within creation? hell no! absolutely not.... not at all but they do have relevance because they exist within a cosmos of experiences that go well beyond those propositions! they are only one part of a grand scheme of the journey of the eternal soul. Those extended societies only fit into a massive, layered hierarchy of experiences people normally have zero perception of. People really have no clue what an eternal creative Force creates, they have no perspective of what that means and that's okay because their little narrow perspective means everything to their personal journey. But for those who desire more out of life should not be fooled into thinking that religions are just made up nonsense, rather they should consider accepting them as just a part of God's eternal creative play for the souls who inhabit creation and that there is much more to experience beyond them.

- The soul can't be what the Creator is not, because the soul is the only one thing that directly reflects exactly what is the Creator, it is made up of the very fundamental nature of God and can be nothing else. If God is eternal, the soul must be by necessity. That has nothing to do with avoiding reality or creating coping mechanisms, it is the very essence of what consciousness is and will always be. I'm saying this from a position where I personally don't give a fck what I want to be true. Honestly, whether or not it is a fact has nothing to do with what I want or wish, I don't care one way or another, but I'm not going to avoid it either and I have no intention of saying this to avoid the facts of life.
And in this reality God has elaborated on it, so God has accommodated the eternal nature of the soul by preparing many places of experience. And the varying nature of what exists beyond this world reflects the creative nature of God, it has nothing to do with human coping mechanisms. If anything it's GODS coping mechanism not ours because the Creator also has an investment is all of this....

Yes we die, nobody is denying we lose the physical body but yes the soul moves on to the next experience. This will always be a part of creation whether or not we believe someone is pulling our chains about it, it's simply what will happen. NDE's, spiritual experience and paranormal encounters show this to be true, so we also have evidence to support the proposition. But again, I don't give a rats arse about what I want to be true, my life doesn't reflect someone who tries to avoid reality as it is, and TBH surviving death is not as comforting as people would assume because some of our experiences with life have been not so pleasant, why torture ourselves with the prospect of continuing it? I mean really come on...
What exists on the other side is not just fun and games, not in any stretch of the imagination. Yes, paradises exist beyond what you could ever dream of in many parts of creation, because beauty and creativity are simply a part of God, but there will always be the dual side of that because to have beauty there must be grotesque features as well. Just as beautiful a thing you could imagine, the most disturbing thing you could imagine exists as well. Knowing that the soul could sojourn in any environment is not a fun thought, at least not for me so again, not something I wish to be a part of.

We are probably in a simulation, I'm not sure why and don't think that pretending you know the reason why is intellectually honest/genuine

Ahh yes, because Madman has no clue why a simulation exists or what that even entails anyone who "pretends" to know anything is just being intellectually dishonest lol, what a joke. Have you ever thought about how ignorant that statement is? why do you believe there are limits to what you can know or what others can know? who made that rule? and who's to say that what somebody knows is all that exists? lets say they only know part of what exists, they only have knowledge of one fraction of what exists? why make the assumption that what they know does not reflect reality in some fashion of the other? if you don't know, why does that mean nobody should know anything? does your own ignorance reflect what can be known or what should be known?

It's not as complicated an answer you might think it is. Lets see, it sounds like you've concluded at least that we probably exist within some kind of a simulation right? so lets take it a step further, someone created the simulation correct? well that's easy, now ask yourself, why would anyone create a simulation? if it were you, why would YOU create a simulation? what would be the point of that? it's not that hard to determine why someone would create a simulation...

FLRW's avatar
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Maybe this simulation was developed by 10,000 technicians that sell tickets to ride in the minds of rich stupid people like Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein.

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BTW it may come across as me coming down on you but honestly I only said it this way because I think you can handle it. You seem like you're searching for the truth in some ways, but at the same time you don't trust yourself or others for that matter to relay it.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
What do all religions have in common?

I don't just mean an afterlife but that surely is part of it.

Enlighten me as to your answer, because ultimately it boils down to two things:

  1. Avoiding admitting that we genuinely will die.
  2. Justifying being a pushover now for a long-term reward much later.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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In your ever so LONG-WINDED dissertation post #5, that if you had an English education, it should have been at least 1/3 of the space that you used!  Barring your "reading the telephone book" response, tell us what the Christian afterlife will be by using the Bible.  Since Jesus was the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37), and that Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate chose the Jews ONLY (Amos 3:2), and that Jesus ONLY came for the Jews (Matthew 15:24), and as the Bible so states, tell us biblically what the Jewish 1400 square mile heaven with its 60 foot walls will be like.  BEGIN:

On a side note, and because of the above facts, what Jewish sect do you belong to as a Christian follower of the Jewish Jesus?  Are you a chasidic, orthodox, conservative, reform, messianic, or another spin off of the Jewish faith?  BEGIN:

Remember, not only is Jesus watching you regarding the answering of this post (Hebrews 4:13), but the membership as well, understood? In simpler terms, DO NOT RUN AWAY AGAIN FROM GODLY POSTS DIRECTED TO YOU!

zedvictor4's avatar
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Death is easy.

It's the thought of non-existence that's harder to come to terms with.

And  religion is usually a naive creation hypothesis,  with other fantasy add ons, such as heaven and eternal life, but only if you are good and say your prayers.

Ans it don't matter if you've spent your whole life tended to the needs of the sick and the poor, if you ain't done your praying, then you ain't gettin in buddy.
EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
What do all religions have in common?

They have things in common because we all operate under the same universal system and yet there are things that are unique to each religious source because they are a society of its own, with their own locations and own rulers. There is a place in creation for any given society that extends beyond this planet. Did you read my post above? they are ALL part of a massive chain of events and places that exist. Not one of them is right, not all of them are wrong, rather when souls exit the body they move on to their place they choose to abide within and that is the place they inherit given that their actions don't dictate that they must suffer. And suffering doesn't mean they burn in hell, it could mean they have to live a life of unfortunate events whether that be here or elsewhere.

If they qualify as a soul who gets to advance to a more elevated part of creation then they may inherit all the benefits their society has offered them. If they do not qualify they don't. Simple as that. If a soul has no place within religious squares and cares not for their society there's many other places for them too, given that they deserve to move forward. This is not nearly the end of any souls experience either, this one transfer to the other is only a single step in the long journey of the soul. If you have accepted that you disappear when you die here you are in for a big surprise.

I don't just mean an afterlife but that surely is part of it.

That's because an afterlife is very much a part of every persons experience. Would you rather not hear the truth? what makes you believe you will dissipate along with your physical shell? your spiritual forefathers have put in many hours of blood, sweat and tears for you to be privy to such informative news and you think it's because they need a coping mechanism lol? that's an insult to all of us who would tell you the same thing over, this has nothing to do with what any of us "want" to be true, that is not how observation and revelations work. That is not the motive any of us have in the discovery of the Creators work.

Enlighten me as to your answer, because ultimately it boils down to two things:

Do you want an answer?

Avoiding admitting that we genuinely will die.

Maybe you believe someone is avoiding something because you've got it stuck in your head that it doesn't happen. I can't help you there, what you convince yourself of is nothing I can stop. If you want answers that are genuine and true, you will have to ask and be willing to move with the truth. I can make sense of it for you, but you're going to have to extend curtesy and quit making shallow judgments that don't represent what is honest and legit.

Justifying being a pushover now for a long-term reward much later.

This creation is driven by cause and effect as it should be. What that entails is that people experience only what they truly deserve, not what they believe. That could be rewards and it could be punishments. That's not just a religious quality that is the fundamental principle we all experience and how we set up our societies. We have jails that restrain criminals and we have benefits for those who want to work hard, be a team player in society and achieve a great future why does that seem to bother you when it extends to religious experience?? it has nothing to do with being weak or gullible, rather it ensures that those who commit to living in harmony with creation get the better of it. But again, this has nothing to do with superficial crap that you might see with shallow religious people, this is all based upon how we live our lives. Religious people will suffer the same consequences under the same laws because beliefs matter not.
Spiritual Masters are not pushovers, they will be some of the strongest, genuine, loyal and truthful souls you will ever encounter and they come in many forms and sojourn in many parts of the world....many of them have descended into human form just to give mankind slices of truth to uncover, and they did that knowing they were coming back into a brutal environment where they left beautiful places. If someone wants to be a pushover then that is what will dictate their experiences, and their spiritual journey will set them up to learn from their mistakes, the same with all of us depending on what weaknesses we are subject to.

But being a pushover has nothing to do with the reality of what exists beyond this world, make no mistake about that. Abiding under the laws of cause and effect and learning to work with the positive forces in creation is not being a pushover, because it's not always the easy path and with that will come much opposition and many times hardship. The more a soul wants to learn the truth about reality the more they will have to face it head on. Don't kid yourself thinking that it's the hard road just standing back and judging everyone and getting involved with nothing. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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It's the thought of non-existence that's harder to come to terms with.

No it's not. Non-existence is the easiest thing to come to terms with. Grow up. 

Ans it don't matter if you've spent your whole life tended to the needs of the sick and the poor, if you ain't done your praying, then you ain't gettin in buddy.

And this is where your ignorance of anything related to spirituality really shines through. It's unfortunate how many of you have no clue. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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What part of my post to you linked below scared you the most? Was it your complete Bible ignorance as shown ad infinitum within this forum where you cannot in any way address biblical axioms, other than to RUN AWAY from them as you did to my post #9?

When performing your Satanic position of running away instead of engaging the topic at hand, don't you realize that the membership and Jesus see you cop out like a little whimpering school boy calling foul?  GROW UP BIBLE FOOL!  

How you can actually continue to post within this prestigious forum is beyond reason because of your complete Bible stupidity, and the fact that you DO NOT have the sense to feel embarrassed over your DEBATEART Runaway Status, WHERE YOU HAVE NO CLUE in that your outcome is that Jesus' words and I completely and easily own you and your faith outright!

I have flustered you enough at this time, that is, until you in the name of Satan remove one foot to insert the other AGAIN relative to your complete Bible stupidity upon a godly topic, understood?  You can thank me later.


Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Religions have as much to do with how we live as when we die. There is no way to prove a soul/ spirit or lack thereof. Your opinion is as solid as anyone else. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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What part of my post to you linked below scared you the most? 

It's a toss up between your profile pic, your fake act and your lack of intelligent dialogue. Not sure which one repels me the most.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
 This sounds to me like you just wanted to come here and preach, perhaps burn off some steam.
Not familiar at all.... nope, no hypocrisy at all
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR WEAK CHILDLIKE QUOTE THAT I EXPECTED IN YOUR POST #15: "It's a toss up between your profile pic, your fake act and your lack of intelligent dialogue. Not sure which one repels me the most."

YOU SPEAK!!!  Therefore you found your "big boy pants," praise Jesus, where wonders will never cease!  

Relating to my profile image, you can only wish you were so manly looking as the well renowned Brother D. Regarding my alleged fake act, it is obvious that you have never experienced a TRUE Christian like myself that has forgotten more about the Bible than you will ever learn, as I have easily shown throughout my posts to your inept biblical knowledge.  In questioning my intelligent dialogue that you continually RUN AWAY from is not my problem, but it is embarrassingly your problem in front of the membership and Jesus. I can't be held responsible for your continued debasing biblical stupidity where you can't accept biblical axioms in the name of Jesus, understood Bible fool?

Since you now speak, show me in where my post #9 shown below has any lack of "intelligent dialogue" relative to your quotes of an afterlife in your "reading the phone book post #5."  For your convenience, it is listed below, don't be scared, okay, since you opened a Pandora's box with me in answering my post #13, praise!  LOL

MY POST #9 THAT STILL GOES UNANSWERED BY YOU:  In your ever so LONG-WINDED dissertation post #5, that if you had an English education, it should have been at least 1/3 of the space that you used!  Barring your "reading the telephone book" response, tell us what the Christian afterlife will be by using the Bible.  Since Jesus was the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37), and that Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate chose the Jews ONLY (Amos 3:2), and that Jesus ONLY came for the Jews (Matthew 15:24), and as the Bible so states, tell us biblically what the Jewish 1400 square mile heaven with its 60 foot walls will be like.  BEGIN:

On a side note, and because of the above facts, what Jewish sect do you belong to as a Christian follower of the Jewish Jesus?  Are you a chasidic, orthodox, conservative, reform, messianic, or another spin off of the Jewish faith?  BEGIN:

In closing, let myself and the membership see you actually address the biblical axioms above relative to your post #5 and the afterlife, and to not make you even more self conscious of your lack of Biblical knowledge, and for comedic reasons, get another pseudo-christian to help you out this time, okay?  We thank you in advance! BEGIN:


EtrnlVw's avatar
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What is so difficult about ceasing to exist that everyone assumes the proposition of an afterlife is a way to cope with it? when a person ceases to exist that includes all feelings, sensations, memories, thoughts, desires, fears or anything that is known. With everything that is known ceasing to exist one wouldn't even know they ever existed or even ceased to exist, so what would matter once you ceased to exist?? In many ways that sounds like a great idea, if only it were true.

Why would anyone even care that they would cease to exist if they wouldn't even be aware of anything at all? that's not a stressful idea and that means there's no reason to have to make up some baloney to cope with ceasing to exist. Spiritual people aren't here to make up little fantasies and lie to people. Many spiritual people have a deep desire to uncover reality that is detached from anything they wish to be true. Many spiritual people base their knowledge from experience and observations, which are independent of their personal aspirations or desires.
As I pointed out, I don't give a fudge about what I personally want in relation to acquiring truthful data. If I didn't whole-heartedly know or believe that consciousness moves on after the death of the physical body I would just say so, but the conviction of my own conscience propels me to state what is absolutely a surety and it being some coping mechanism has nothing to do with it at all. In many ways it simply doesn't matter whether or not anyone accepts that, when they die they will inevitably leave the physical body and then they will see it wasn't just a pipedream or fantasy.

Then it seems why would I even care then right? What concerns me is that people know the truth about reality because it is something that deeply convicts me, why shouldn't they know something of so much significance? with so many variables and implications...I think people should be prepared for what awaits them rather than them being blind-sided or ill equipped for their journey. Why? I guess because one should have a plan or map to know where they are going and what they may encounter and be able to have some control over that. I mean random road trips are fun and all where you just take off and have no plan or map of where you are going but most real journeys require the person know their destination, choose their destination and who they abide with when they get there. I don't know it just seems important to me maybe it's not for others, I don't even know if anyone cares at all but that would truly puzzle me.

And to top it all off, being unaware of the whole thing because some doofus assumed people just make stuff up because they can't deal with reality is very unfortunate. It would be much like there being a pot of gold or a treasure chest buried under your house and someone giving you the knowledge that it's there and how to get it and you just ignored them because you thought the whole idea was just too good to be true, or perhaps you thought that person was nuts. Now just imagine that the treasure chest was actually there and not just some loonies fantasy! well I guess you missed out but imagine if you uncovered it and got to have the benefits of having that hidden treasure.
People should be keenly aware that spirituality is a very real thing, it's not a game or a fakery.

The fact that the soul exists has huge implications and I couldn't imagine that anyone would want to miss out on such knowledge or simply blow it off because they happen to be currently unaware of that reality. Give it some thought, consider it and look at the correlating evidence that supports it. Spirituality will give you clues and tools that help you discover things of this nature but one has to become awake and aware of them and apply them. If the soul exists, and exists in an eternal reality it should be innate to anyone who really begins to look within at a deep level. It should be innate because you are that, that is the reality you came out of and exist within. Ceasing to exist then should not feel innate, should feel unnatural to your eternal soul...check yourself and let yourself be open to that.
Becoming aware of the fact you are a soul is only the beginning of the massive reality before you and what that entails for your personal journey.

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar

Religions have as much to do with how we live as when we die. There is no way to prove a soul/ spirit or lack thereof. Your opinion is as solid as anyone else. 
Well stated.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
I'm aware of the simple concept of spirituality....What more is there to say.

Other than.....I do not require clues.

Any elaborations therein are just that.

janesix's avatar
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janesix's avatar
I still have hope that this is it.

Who wants to live forever? Now that s a nightmare.
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
Death is merely a door, but it really isn't even that, because a door, when closed, is really just a wall preventing access to whatever is beyond, so, no wonder some consider there is nothing beyond death. Walls justify themselves as limitations.

Death is more like an open door, which is really saying there is no door at all; they don't exist. An open door allows free passage from one place to another. Thus, we make use of what is not [an open space in a wall] to gain access to what is: the next space; life after death. Death is merely the passage through the limiting wall.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


Whoops!  You found your “big boy” pants in your child like post #15 to me, but in return when I challenged you to address my post #17 regarding what you said about the afterlife, you must have been to scared to even "try" to address it and subsequently soiled your pants because you have run away from said post AGAIN!  :(

It is completely understood that your presence here on DEBATEART is all for naught by running away from godly posts directed towards you, at your continued expense, whereas you are the complete definition of a mere "pseudo-christian."  Your “War and Peace” dissertations are worthless chatter where hearsay abounds without any proof whatsoever of your claims, and where flustering contradictions make themselves known. Just one of many CONTRADICTIONS that you pose within your prolonged discourse on a regular basis is shown in your post #18 herewith:

YOUR QUOTE REGARDING THE SOUL EXISTING AS FACT: The fact that the soul exists has huge implications and I couldn't imagine that anyone would want to miss out ..."

YOUR QUOTE REGARDING THE SOUL MAY NOT EXIST AS FACT: If the soul exists, and exists in an eternal reality it should be innate to anyone who really begins to look within at a deep level.”

Therefore, with this one of many contradictions in your diatribes, we’re supposed to take you seriously? NOT! LOL! 

Listen, Jesus and I truly feel sorry for you making the continued Bible fool of yourself within this prestigious forum where you do not belong in the first place, therefore to save you further embarrassment amongst the membership, I will excuse you at this time to remove your latest piles of proverbial egg upon your face because of the contents directed to you in this post alone, okay?  You can thank me later.


FLRW's avatar
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FLRW's avatar

Death is required for one reason and that is evolution.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
I still have hope that this is it.

Well then for you it won't really matter because when you wake up in a new body, perhaps a new world it will be like you just began to exist just like in this body. You won't know anything about your soul or that it is eternal. In that light, it's kinda interesting, your perceptions will be confined to whatever form you take on and it will be like a brand new experience so at one level the fact you will always exist won't matter until you really want to know. Eventually though when you get sick of not knowing you will want to know and you will not be scared of it. You will face it head on, and your experiences will take on greater journeys, you will have more control over your destinations.

Who wants to live forever? Now that s a nightmare.

I can see why you think that so imagine how the Creator feels and why simulations exist, and why you exist within them. However, God will have mercy on your feelings and you will never know until you are ready so you won't be required to absorb something you find disturbing. You'll simply wake up in a whole new experience not knowing where you came from and have no knowledge of anything prior.
Just know that I can help you whenever you feel you need answers or someone to relate to. You're not alone, we are all in this together. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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If you want to get my attention you're going to have to get for real. I'm not going to play your game, if you want answers you're going to have to drop the baloney and I want to see some sincerity or you'll be chasing the wind. I want to see something totally different from you, so stop the act and be a man for once. Surprise me with something new, fresh and show me the real you. Once you've done that we can have a real discussion. There's nothing you have that I want and I'm never going to need answers from you in any way. As of yet, you have nothing that stimulates my intellectual interests so if you want a real response you better get a hold of yourself. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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MY POST #9 THAT STILL GOES UNANSWERED BY YOU FOR THE FIFTH TIME!!!:  In your ever so LONG-WINDED dissertation post #5, that if you had an English education, it should have been at least 1/3 of the space that you used!  Barring your "reading the telephone book" response, tell us what the Christian afterlife will be by using the Bible.  Since Jesus was the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37), and that Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate chose the Jews ONLY (Amos 3:2), and that Jesus ONLY came for the Jews (Matthew 15:24), and as the Bible so states, tell us biblically what the Jewish 1400 square mile heaven with its 60 foot walls will be like.

On a side note, and because of the above facts, what Jewish sect do you belong to as a Christian follower of the Jewish Jesus?  Are you a chasidic, orthodox, conservative, reform, messianic, or another spin off of the Jewish faith?  BEGIN:







I have already got your attention in front of the membership by you childishly responding, and by you continually RUNNING AWAY from Jesus' biblical axioms that I have presented to you! All that I was doing, is responding to your discussion on heaven, therefore, there is nothing more real than Jesus' inspired words relating to this topic, and when you continue to RUN AWAY from them, you continue to be the little wussy boy pseudo-christian that is a minion of Satan instead of a true follower of Jesus the Christ!  You continue to call Jesus a LIAR by not even trying to defend the faith like He wants you to, understood Biblical fool?  "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it." (Titus 1:9) 

We will all await your cogent response this time to my post #9 shown at the onset of this post. This time, do not use any more embarrassing child like lame excuses, otherwise you will be known from this time hence as what the following example represents, understood?


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR EVER WANTING QUOTE OF EMBARRASSMENT IN YOUR POST #26: "There's nothing you have that I want and I'm never going to need answers from you in any way.

WRONG! Earth to ETRNLVW, I have biblically corrected you so many times that I have lost count! Therefore, you do need my superior Biblical knowledge over your inept sophomoric knowledge of same, and will continue to correct you at your laughable expense upon this forum, do you understand?  

As just one example within this thread alone, I CORRECTED YOU upon being a contradicting Bible fool in the following link of which you have yet to thank me for:

Now, to save yourself further flustering and child like embarrassment, address my post #27 above where I was responding to your discussion of heaven. Again, if you need help in doing so, and for the comedy that will subsequently transpire, get another pseudo-christian to help you, otherwise you are vying to take over ethang5 and Tradesecrets position of being the number 1 and 2 outright biblical inept fools upon this forum, GET IT? Yeah, you do.

Awaiting a cogent response this time without any child like runaway excuses like you’ve presented before.



7 days later

Mopac's avatar
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Maybe some religions are about coping with bodily death. 

Life in itself is something to cope with, and the best way to find inner peace is to die to yourself while you still live. What other than love of self makes death scary? What other than love of self makes life's sufferings a tumult?

Love of self. An experience of reality centered on the ego. Love of God says, "It is as it is, thy will be done", and there is peace. Even in hell, to not despair. Love of self-will leads to strife, delusion, and fruitless suffering.

Better to take the cup of suffering and drink it. Better to take up the cross and carry it. Better to be a living sacrifice to eternity than to live in futility for that which dies.

Make your identity in the ego, and you will die. Make your identity in The Truth, and there is life eternal.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I am not the truth, that's pretty simple to understand. I can't just say 'I am the truth' ans escape the truth that I will die.