Why are we banning wylted?

Author: Lunatic


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Lunatic's avatar
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"Assuming" uhuh - it seems to me more like your trying to explain away pedophiliac behavior to me - furthermore - you have completely ignored the entire - being ableist and homophobic... like you just latch on to the one thing you might have a point on and ignore everything else
Aren't you the one who goes around claiming to be an amazing debater for forum arguments? I have seen you boasting that. Yet here you completely dis-regard any actual argument and instead made generic assumptions about my character lol. They are untrue btw. I am not explaining away pedophiliac behavior, I am denying it's existence in this situation. And what does homophobia have to do with anything we are talking about here? I am very pro gay rights but again that issue wasn't even relevant here.

I don't like or agree with Wylted's views (assuming they are his actual views and not just trolling) but I also don't believe in silencing controversial opinions that's all. If that's your thing maybe you move away from a debate site and go to a social networking one like facebook where everyone just agrees with each other all the time and it's cool to be "woke".

coal's avatar
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Aren't you the one who goes around claiming to be an amazing debater for forum arguments? 

He is.  He's from Texas.  They're special down there. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Theweakeredge humble bragging

"I've made it to the top 10 debaters on the site, yipee."


"This is becoming my venting place, anyone else know the people who suddenly stop responding whenever you ask for them to actually look at your evidence? "

Nah but I know a person who resorts to ad hom attacks instead of presenting coutner evidence ;-)

Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
What? When have I said I was some great debater? Yes, I had a fun little post about getting to the top 10, but that's mostly because I never thought I would be able to - jesus fuck you guys are talking about "character assassinations" while being as hypocritical about it as you can - secondly I did respond - again with the entire "latching onto the one thing you're might be right about" and then you disregard the entire sentence proceeding that. Do you need me to repeat it for ya? Whenever I use an ad hominem its because its relevant to the matter at hand - yet curiously here you go digging around my other forum posts - how fantastically hypocritical of you - tu quoque much?

"Assuming" uhuh - it seems to me more like your trying to explain away pedophiliac behavior to me - furthermore - you have completely ignored the entire - being ableist and homophobic... like you just latch on to the one thing you might have a point on and ignore everything else

like you just latch on to the one thing you might have a point on and ignore everything else
The part you addressed ^

""Assuming" uhuh - it seems to me more like your trying to explain away pedophiliac behavior to me - furthermore - you have completely ignored the entire - being ableist and homophobic"
The part you haven't ^

If its necessary for you to go digging around my forums, perhaps I should tell you about red herrings - ever heard of those? The funny thing about you and Coal, is that you completely ignore any criticism of yourself, instead completely resorting to ad hominem, as for myself? Yes - whenever I'm spiteful or angry enough I do include ad hominem, after my argument. And then you all like to pretend like there wasn't anything prior? Mm
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
This is becoming my venting place, anyone else know the people who suddenly stop responding whenever you ask for them to actually look at your evidence?

Ironic how this almost applies to you... 

Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
What? When have I said I was some great debater? Yes, I had a fun little post about getting to the top 10, but that's mostly because I never thought I would be able to - jesus fuck you guys are talking about "character assassinations" while being as hypocritical about it as you can 
Yeah, that's kind of the point lol. You want to substitute personal attacks and mis characterizations about someone instead of sticking to the argument, so that's why I am doing it right back at you. See how it has nothing to do with the original point?

 secondly I did respond - again with the entire "latching onto the one thing you're might be right about" and then you disregard the entire sentence proceeding that. Do you need me to repeat it for ya?

You admitting I was right on one point doesn't provide evidence that he's a pedophile, which is what the admins and others are claiming are the main reason behind his ban. I literally have the screenshots, and posted an argument to you posing how someone can be a pedophile if they themselves are the one pretending to be underage trying to "chris hansen" someone which demonstrates they think the other party is an adult. You completely dropped that and started swinging mis-characterizations at me in a rage because I proved you wrong lol.

Whenever I use an ad hominem its because its relevant to the matter at hand - 
You have yet to point out how I am a homophobe, so how is that relevant?

yet curiously here you go digging around my other forum posts - how fantastically hypocritical of you - tu quoque much?
Yeah, again, that's the point. You brought it there, so I am demonstrating to you in a (much more elegant way if I do say so myself) your own character flaws to draw a point that my conception of who you are as a person (however mis-guided or accurate it may be) bears no relevance to our conversation. I am glad you see how frustrating that can be in an argument :)

The part you haven't ^

If its necessary for you to go digging around my forums, perhaps I should tell you about red herrings - ever heard of those? The funny thing about you and Coal, is that you completely ignore any criticism of yourself, instead completely resorting to ad hominem, as for myself? Yes - whenever I'm spiteful or angry enough I do include ad hominem, after my argument. And then you all like to pretend like there wasn't anything prior? Mm
There literally wasn't anything prior, as I just pointed out. You can pretend you have an argument here, but I really don't see one other than baseless assertions. Your memory of the thread is either mis-guided, mis-remembered, or biased based on your dis-like of Wylted, which shouldn't be relevant to the topic at hand. Whether or not pedophilia is an accurate charge in this situation, is. Until you can prove to me that it is, this conversation will go no where.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
On another note, thanks for helping me keep this thread alive by engaging with me. Even if you make a poor argument, keeping this thread alive will continously demonstrate that the mods do not wish to change their ruling or even address issues when it comes to moderation. It demonstrates that "it is what it is" and usually they hope the conversation will just die out and the issue of their improper bans will be hopefully forgotten about. 
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
What? When have I said I was some great debater? Yes, I had a fun little post about getting to the top 10, but that's mostly because I never thought I would be able to - jesus fuck you guys are talking about "character assassinations" while being as hypocritical about it as you can 
Yeah, that's kind of the point lol. You want to substitute personal attacks and mis characterizations about someone instead of sticking to the argument, so that's why I am doing it right back at you. See how it has nothing to do with the original point?
See - the thing is - you guys are literally the ones to start the whole "oh, he's a stupid kid" thing - let's not even start trying to blame me for your immaturity - a tu quoque, as I've said before, does not somehow give you the high ground bud.

 secondly I did respond - again with the entire "latching onto the one thing you're might be right about" and then you disregard the entire sentence proceeding that. Do you need me to repeat it for ya?
You admitting I was right on one point doesn't provide evidence that he's a pedophile, which is what the admins and others are claiming are the main reason behind his ban. I literally have the screenshots, and posted an argument to you posing how someone can be a pedophile if they themselves are the one pretending to be underage trying to "chris hansen" someone which demonstrates they think the other party is an adult. You completely dropped that and started swinging mis-characterizations at me in a rage because I proved you wrong lol.
Let's back up bud - your claim is that he was joking about being a pedophile, "thinking" that his interlocutor was an adult. I was going to go on and on, but I'd rather not two reasons - it is currently 11:33 - 2) I just remembered that David deleted the forum so I can't double-check. I will concede then - if I don't have the evidence available then I won't continue trying to argue it. Period. I would like to submit the following for the sake of asking if Wylted and his alts ought to be banned however:

So... yeah - jesus christ - I have spent an hour looking through his posts - the amount of times he tells somebody to "not reproduce"...

Next point - I said that Wylted was homophobic, not you, perhaps that was unclear - I made this argument with only a specific information as his Rain account, but... wooo boy his posts just... hammer that in.

There literally wasn't anything prior, as I just pointed out. You can pretend you have an argument here, but I really don't see one other than baseless assertions. Your memory of the thread is either mis-guided, mis-remembered, or biased based on your dis-like of Wylted, which shouldn't be relevant to the topic at hand. Whether or not pedophilia is an accurate charge in this situation, is. Until you can prove to me that it is, this conversation will go no where.
Not unfair - however saying that Wylted is ablist or homophobic isn't really baseless... considering he was saying that being disabled made you inferior to others... the forum was literally called "are incels right", furthermore, please don't make me go back through Wylted's fucking posts, I will literally lose my mind if I have to drag one of his posts through here. 

From my limited research there were many eras of Wylted
1. Testing the waters
2. Rabid
3. More Rabid
4. Slightly calmer Mafia Wylted
5. Back to rabid
6. Insightful Wylted
7. back to back to rabid
8. Let's not forget: I hate Bsh1 Wytled
(the last one lasted during all the others ones)
9. Much calmer Wylted after a break from social media (around 14 months ago or so)

And I could go on and on, but if I were to post every single post that was ban worthy.... that would take quite a couple hours that I am not willing to put in. So sorry for being a spiteful little shit - not sleeping does that to you - do I still think it was probably pedophilac what Wylted did? Yeah - but I don't have the evidence to necessarily demonstrated so I won't
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
Despite being slightly more cognizant, I still refuse to apologize to coal for being spiteful little shit - I believe that to be slightly more deserved -even if exhausted Edge might have gone a wee bit too far in for my liking its whatever
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
See - the thing is - you guys are literally the ones to start the whole "oh, he's a stupid kid" thing - let's not even start trying to blame me for your immaturity - a tu quoque, as I've said before, does not somehow give you the high ground bud.
I mean I never said you were a stupid kid, nor did I know you were a kid. You are projecting, or confusing me with someone else.

Let's back up bud - your claim is that he was joking about being a pedophile, "thinking" that his interlocutor was an adult.
Woah, Woah, Woah. Let's not change the narrative here. He never joked about being a pedophile. His post was jokingly trying to bait one to prove a trollish point. 

I will concede then - if I don't have the evidence available then I won't continue trying to argue it. Period. I would like to submit the following for the sake of asking if Wylted and his alts ought to be banned however:

So... yeah - jesus christ - I have spent an hour looking through his posts - the amount of times he tells somebody to "not reproduce"...
Yeah, it's a typical wylted cringe post for attention/ or to troll. I can't guess at his true intentions. But even if that is his true opinion, no I don't think it should be banned. There's a slippery slope there that I think should be generally avoided on a debate site that's auto banning a topic because you don't like it on it's face. When I debated in high school for example there were many Lincoln Douglas resolutions we recieved that upon first hearing about them I had a solid opinion on. Only after having debated said subject was I able to see multiple angles, sometimes to the point where completely flipped on the topic. Some Christians treat the topic of abortion with the same disgust you treat the topic wylted brought up about murdering politicians. 

There was a guy on Debate.org named ADreamOfLiberty who was pretty pro bestiality, but he could make and substantiate a good argument for it, regardless of whether you agreed with him about it or not. That's the beauty of free speech, and debate. Nothing is off the table. And if you think someone's opinion is just so disgusting and wrong, you have the oppertunity to pursuade them otherwise. I'll tell you one thing, if someone's racist or homophobic, you are more likely to change their mind by debating them and winning against them then by just outright silencing them. If someone has a view that you think is disgusting, why not encourage having a conversation?

Next point - I said that Wylted was homophobic, not you, perhaps that was unclear - I made this argument with only a specific information as his Rain account, but... wooo boy his posts just... hammer that in.
Maybe I mis-understood, but your phrasing seemed unclear: "you have completely ignored the entire - being ableist and homophobic... "

Not unfair - however saying that Wylted is ablist or homophobic isn't really baseless... considering he was saying that being disabled made you inferior to others... the forum was literally called "are incels right", furthermore, please don't make me go back through Wylted's fucking posts, I will literally lose my mind if I have to drag one of his posts through here. 
If you think wylted is ablist, homophobic, or an asshole in general, I won't argue with you. I don't know the guy's true intentions and I read half of his posts as completely trollish. My point is just that he shouldn't be dis-allowed a voice because of controversial opinions. 

And I could go on and on, but if I were to post every single post that was ban worthy.... that would take quite a couple hours that I am not willing to put in. So sorry for being a spiteful little shit - not sleeping does that to you - do I still think it was probably pedophilac what Wylted did? Yeah - but I don't have the evidence to necessarily demonstrated so I won't
I think we are skipping the real conversation here which is; What should and should not be ban worthy? Also length of bans and perma bans seem pretty extreme here as well. It's hard to get a clear answer from dave when these issues come up, it seems he'd rather these things be swept under the rug. As far as your list goes, the term "rabid" is pretty subjective. Again asshole opinions are one thing, but I think he also enjoys the attention he garners from the responses. I don't think he should be banned for said opinions, especially since you can ignore or even block those with opinions that are not your cup of tea (though I think blocking is kind of a cowardly move on a debate site, I digress). 
Anyways, get some sleep. 

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
This is aimed primarily at Lunatic but I want to discuss something with you both.

Aside from you kind of lying and downplaying what Wylted has done (he has indeed joked about what you said he hasn't joked about), would you like to treat this topic as about more than that one act where he said he was an age he wasn't?

Theweakeredge is trying to get you to do this and you are generally dodging the topic. I understand that you are an extreme libertarian who thinks we should say and do whatever we want. Most people, including me even, are not. I actually side closer to you on the general idea of free speech but the issue isn't just what he's saying, it's what it actually means and represents.

You would agree with me if I said to you that people who say the wrong thing can get it twisted out of proportion. However, you suddenly disagree when I suggest the opposite can occur. You are doing to Wylted, the inverse of what cancel culture is. You are part of a phenomenon I would dub as vindication culture.

To avoid this being solely an attack and refusing to find middle ground I will ask both you and theweakeredge to answer me the following:

Rules, in their true form, should represent aspects of a type of bad actor or personality that needs to be tamed and avoided for the good of the community, would you not agree? If so, what type of person is Wylted and what do you suggest we do to make him become anything other than negative for the community of DART?
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I can't tag you since you blocked me.

Aside from you kind of lying and downplaying what Wylted has done (he has indeed joked about what you said he hasn't joked about), would you like to treat this topic as about more than that one act where he said he was an age he wasn't?
For the millionth time, why is it important that you are honest about who you are online? Anonymity is a major part of the internet. Your a fool if you expect everyone is 100% truthful about who they are online, and you shouldn't expect they should have to be.

Most people, including me even, are not. I actually side closer to you on the general idea of free speech but the issue isn't just what he's saying, it's what it actually means and represents.
I think he is trolling 90% of the time with his "controversial" views to get a reaction out of people, which means he probably doesn't actually believe some of those things. But that's beside the point. Even if it is seriously who he is and what he means and represents why should his opinion be silenced?

You would agree with me if I said to you that people who say the wrong thing can get it twisted out of proportion. However, you suddenly disagree when I suggest the opposite can occur. You are doing to Wylted, the inverse of what cancel culture is. You are part of a phenomenon I would dub as vindication culture.
Both wrong, I am a fan and appreciator of debate. You cannot claim to be a debate site if you don't allow opinions that offend you, that undermines what debate stands for.

To avoid this being solely an attack and refusing to find middle ground I will ask both you and theweakeredge to answer me the following:

Rules, in their true form, should represent aspects of a type of bad actor or personality that needs to be tamed and avoided for the good of the community, would you not agree? If so, what type of person is Wylted and what do you suggest we do to make him become anything other than negative for the community of DART?
I am not saying this to insult you, truly. But I find it kind of hypocritical the notion that you think wylted's behavior makes him a blacksheep because you and a large number of people also dislike him for his views. I defended you for literally the same thing when you were getting banned a while back. I don't call you a friend, just like I don't call wylted one. But I think controversial people and opinions make for a healthy debate site. Flame wars bring activity, and interest, and I am okay with mods moderating them to the point where they aren't too personal or doxy, but simply being controversial and widely dis-liked? No way. I am not about banning people for that. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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Other than my accusation to Mikal, I wasn't banned for my views. There areassice differences between Wylted and myself, it's you failing to see that which is more disturbing than the idea I'm a hypocrite.

I can support a punishment on my former self (not that one you're referring to but a previous one or two) in part and still debate, which you say you're a fan of, the ban of another being just ('just' as in justice/justified).

There are thick, strict lines Wylted has crossed. He is racist to a strong lev. This is a fact. If you're trolling and pretending to be racist, you deserve to be punsihed for what you're typing, not what we assume you really are.

When it comes to views, Wylted is the epitome of abhorrent but that's not all there is to it. His interactions all revolve around getting the most distress out of other users as is possible. I am aware it's possible you think I'm the same, which is complete nonsense and part of the entire idsue with the recent ban I received and way the mods handled it.

I can and have been toxic (less so bow than years before) but I've matured and learned harsh lessons in life. The current me wouldn't have clashed much with Bench back then, I'd have blocked him and got on with my life. Regardless, even at what you think is my absolute worst, my intentions and people I beefed with were never based on who is eays to prey on and wind up.

Wylted actively, consistently picks out any member who is easy to wind up and goes out of his way to piss them off if they happen to grab his attention for any reason. This is also why he resents bsh1 for beating him in a DDO presidency election where Wylted was running as the equivalent of Trump; intending to both incite conflicts within DDO and make a complete mockery of Juggle and the entire establishment.

You can argue this way and that about who I am and how I am wired. It's your perogative to delude yourself into thinking I'm the simplistic thug like troll that you identify someone like Wylted as but you're wrong. 

You're playing a dirty game here where you try to alter the conversation to be about me or theweakeredge and our character. I'm not going to play that bullshit game and attack your character. Wylted's behavior is atrocious and much more than that one event. If you'd like I will compile a series of posts and threads solely from DART to show you the type of person you're defending.

Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
I think there is a core difference in somebody who makes a claim that is intrinsically violent or harmful (such as if molestation is good or if we should kill politicians)  and points that we disagree with. That kind of talk is illegal in most instances... so even if you disagree with the banning on an ethical level, for legal protection its for sure the right move -  however - its similar to why I think movies can be "canceled" its about how harmful the rhetoric is - that rhetoric that could and has harmed people who were molested, or people who were assaulted, and its not like that's a tiny number.

For example:
"“Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3%) and 1 in 71 men (1.4%) in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration."
That means, statistically speaking, at least 3 (to 6) members of this site have been sexually assaulted, and though I don't have a solid number of the females in this site, that would mean that out of every five, at least one has been sexually assaulted in their life... considering that this site has about the average of a small high school? That's not very small - however - it does not bring up how many people are only physically assaulted - and I could on and on about each percentage of victims and how the kind of rhetoric that Wylted throws around harms them....

Let's not even get into his eugenic takes like him agreeing that if autistic people and liberals weren't allowed to reproduce, then the world would be smarter... yeah, god why did I subject myself to that -  anywho - my point is that being allowed to have a conversation - is not worth somebody being harmed - especially not with the level of trauma that these extreme subjects bring up - now - if it were - say - to say how we could reduce the number of people getting assaulted, fine - that could actually stop somebody from going through the same experience, but arguing if its "right", yeah - the moral exchange is just not equal.

Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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What do you mean "affirmed" it? I have the screenshots lol.
I would be interested in seeing screenshots of the supposed crime that got Wylted permabanned, assuming that is what you are saying you have screenshots of.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I sent them to you on discord
Lunatic's avatar
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Other than my accusation to Mikal, I wasn't banned for my views. There areassice differences between Wylted and myself, it's you failing to see that which is more disturbing than the idea I'm a hypocrite.
Again I never said you guys were the same in nature. My point was about banning controversial and widely dis-liked people, since you yourself keep using ad populum and bringing up wylted's love of controversy as a reason to ban him.

There are thick, strict lines Wylted has crossed. He is racist to a strong lev. This is a fact. If you're trolling and pretending to be racist, you deserve to be punsihed for what you're typing, not what we assume you really are.
Racism is not bounds for silencing. If he's a racist so what? If he's throwing around the n word, or insulting someone violating TOS that's one thing. But if he can defend his views with a logical argument then I could care elss what his personal beliefs are and neither should anyone else. If you can't convince him he's wrong in debate, you can ignore him. There are many white supremacists out there who are allowed to exist, as long as they aren't murdering  the group they are racist against, they are generally allowed to be racist. You don't have to like them. 

When it comes to views, Wylted is the epitome of abhorrent but that's not all there is to it. His interactions all revolve around getting the most distress out of other users as is possible. I am aware it's possible you think I'm the same, which is complete nonsense and part of the entire idsue with the recent ban I received and way the mods handled it.
I agree ge tries to distress others with his views. It's your responsibility not to allow yourself to get distressed over someone elses opinion though, not his. Getting angry and triggered just gives him what he wants. That's on you.

I can and have been toxic (less so bow than years before) but I've matured and learned harsh lessons in life. The current me wouldn't have clashed much with Bench back then, I'd have blocked him and got on with my life. Regardless, even at what you think is my absolute worst, my intentions and people I beefed with were never based on who is eays to prey on and wind up.
I am glad you are still here to defend what your intentions are. Wylted was banned so unfortunately he cannot. We're just left to make assumptions about them now.

Wylted actively, consistently picks out any member who is easy to wind up and goes out of his way to piss them off if they happen to grab his attention for any reason. This is also why he resents bsh1 for beating him in a DDO presidency election where Wylted was running as the equivalent of Trump; intending to both incite conflicts within DDO and make a complete mockery of Juggle and the entire establishment.
Okay, so?

You can argue this way and that about who I am and how I am wired. It's your perogative to delude yourself into thinking I'm the simplistic thug like troll that you identify someone like Wylted as but you're wrong. 
Never said anything about how you were wired nor did I call you a troll. 

You're playing a dirty game here where you try to alter the conversation to be about me or theweakeredge and our character. I'm not going to play that bullshit game and attack your character.
I am not making about either of your characters. You keep taking it there. Stop letting your rage blind you and actually read what I have written. 

Wylted's behavior is atrocious and much more than that one event. If you'd like I will compile a series of posts and threads solely from DART to show you the type of person you're defending.
It isn't neccesary. I am well aware of the type of posts that Wylted makes and have said multiple times that I agree he's trying to get people's goats with it. This isn't about defending Wylted. When I argued with the mods after banning you, it wasn't about defending you either. This is about moderation, and how quick they are to ban, how easy they approach lengthy bans, and how far they will go to justify said bans by spinning any narrative they desire. Then when confronted about said bans, they dis-appear and exit stage left instead of trying to have a discussion about it. You would probably agree with me on this point, but you are unfortunately so blinded by your dis-like for Wylted, that you are missing the actual point here. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Since you're trying to shake away just how severely bad he is, I request you to reply to this post: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/5791/post-links/252861

I am shocked and appalled at how you downplay just what being a full-on racist itself is but he is much more than just that (and not in a good way of being 'more than that'). I elaborated in the linked post.

Since the closing statement of your most recent post at the point of me replying this admits how bad Wylted is, I won't assume you're demanding proof.

Wylted is absolutely the type of user that needs to be banned. I explain why your approach is the wrong one in the post I have linked to.

Moderators are guardians, they are supposed to safeguard the community that they moderate. I cannot fathom how blaming victims by default is efficient moderation but you keep saying it is.

I am not going to buy into the notion that I am even disliked in the same way and to the same level that Wylted is (by the general userbase).

This tactic is not just you alone. Many people like to use this tactic of 'everyone dislikes you, some even hate you' and it's a terrible thing to feel and experience. I have sat back and really considered if I am truly loathed by all here before returning. The haters are more readily vocal about their views. That's all. 

Wylted, on the flip side, is indeed resented by almost all users. He has gone out of his way to ensure this is the case. I cannot begin to grasp how you are defending him while admitting what he has said and done. You're solely focusing on the final act, rather than seeing the bigger picture.

Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I think there is a core difference in somebody who makes a claim that is intrinsically violent or harmful (such as if molestation is good or if we should kill politicians)  and points that we disagree with. That kind of talk is illegal in most instances... so even if you disagree with the banning on an ethical level, for legal protection its for sure the right move - 
I don't think discussing moral implications around killing politicians is quite the same as actually threatening government officials. 

There are three elements of the offense of making an illegal threat: (i) there must be a transmission in interstate commerce; (ii) there must be a communication containing the threat; (iii) and the threat must be a threat to injure the person of another. (1)

its similar to why I think movies can be "canceled" its about how harmful the rhetoric is - that rhetoric that could and has harmed people who were molested, or people who were assaulted, and its not like that's a tiny number.
There are plenty of movies with controversial views, namely documentaries. If people want to "cancel" something they find offensive they have the right to choose not to participate in it or publicly talk about why that thing is harmful. Freedom of speech right? The government isn't silencing these movies though, and that's all I am suggesting we do with controversial people here as well. Don't silence them, make a point the way cancel culture people make a point about something that disgusts them. 

anywho - my point is that being allowed to have a conversation - is not worth somebody being harmed - especially not with the level of trauma that these extreme subjects bring up -
I wholeheartedly dis-agree with this. I don't think someone's views has to harm someone who views otherwise, and that is a slippery slope that you can get loosey with the definition of. If you are a victim of rape, abuse, etc, you can't expect the real world to shelter you from these things. It's a sad but harsh reality, but they need to seek counseling, and find with ways to deal with these triggers, because you can't call up the police everytime someone triggers you with an offensive rape joke. If you join a website where controversial opinions are encouraged (surely a debate site would fall under this category) then you should be prepared to face others with conflicting ideas and backgrounds who don't see things the same way. 

my point is that being allowed to have a conversation - is not worth somebody being harmed - especially not with the level of trauma that these extreme subjects bring up - now - if it were - say - to say how we could reduce the number of people getting assaulted, fine - that could actually stop somebody from going through the same experience, but arguing if its "right", yeah - the moral exchange is just not equal.
This is to suggest having a conversation with someone can't overall influence who they are as a person and effect their beliefs. I know their are a lot of stubborn people, but I've seen a great many people cahgne their minds on a subject they've debated thoroughly. I'd say you probably stand a better chance changing someone's perspective by discussing an issue with them, rather than calling to have them banned over their opinions. In the case where you feel that person's views aren't changeable, and their views are harmful to your mental health, you can easily block the individual or refuse to engage them further. You can't completely remove all responsibility from a victim to not get offended or react when something they feel is harmful to them happens. Again this is the real world.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
Since you're trying to shake away just how severely bad he is, I request you to reply to this post: https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/5791/post-links/252861
All the examples of how "offensive" wylted's posts are are completely irrelevant to the point I am making. You guys keep listing them off as if it means anything to the discussion.

I am shocked and appalled at how you downplay just what being a full-on racist itself is but he is much more than just that (and not in a good way of being 'more than that'). I elaborated in the linked post.
I am not downplaying anything, I just keep re-iterating that him and his offensive views are not the point here, even though you keep trying to make it about that.

Since the closing statement of your most recent post at the point of me replying this admits how bad Wylted is, I won't assume you're demanding proof.
Correct. I've seen wylted's posts. I simply don't engage with attention seeking/trollish posts like that. You don't have to either. We don't need moderation to involve themselves everytime someone says something that makes you angry. Only you can prevent wildfires. Or in this case flamewars lol

Moderators are guardians, they are supposed to safeguard the community that they moderate. I cannot fathom how blaming victims by default is efficient moderation but you keep saying it is.
Moderators should only be guarding against doxxing, and unnecessary insults that's don't provoke further intellectual discussion. In the cases where that does actually happen they need to be leniant on the punishment. Month long bans are ridiculous. Moderators should not be involved deciding what opinions should and shouldn't be allowed on a debate site. Otherwise we have no business calling this a debate site.

I am not going to buy into the notion that I am even disliked in the same way and to the same level that Wylted is (by the general userbase).
You don't have to. It doesn't change the fact that the mods are more willing to extend harsher judgement on those they think are controversial enough and disliked enough that they can get away with it without much backlash.

 This tactic is not just you alone. Many people like to use this tactic of 'everyone dislikes you, some even hate you' and it's a terrible thing to feel and experience. I have sat back and really considered if I am truly loathed by all here before returning. The haters are more readily vocal about their views. That's all. 
I agree with you for the most part. However it's a fact that the mods when banning will use any excuse they can pull from your past to get you with a ban. They did it to you when you were getting banned as well. Remember the long list of old "transgressions" they tried slapping you with? You trying to tell me there wasn't anything personal involved there? They spin a narrative about who you are as a person to justify an unjustifiable ban. You didn't like when it was done to you, why should you accept when it's done to Wylted? 

Wylted, on the flip side, is indeed resented by almost all users. He has gone out of his way to ensure this is the case. I cannot begin to grasp how you are defending him while admitting what he has said and done. You're solely focusing on the final act, rather than seeing the bigger picture.
But you literally just said the tactic of "everyone dislikes you" is a terrible thing to feel and experience and still have no problem using that same argument against wylted. Forgive me for finding it hard to take your argument seriously when you back tracked on that statement literally 3 sentences later. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
He should not be banned because everyone dislikes him, we agree on that. He should be banned and is disliked. They are not entirely coincidental, the reason for both is the missing link you don't see. It's the 'why'.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
I think there is a core difference in somebody who makes a claim that is intrinsically violent or harmful (such as if molestation is good or if we should kill politicians)  and points that we disagree with. That kind of talk is illegal in most instances... so even if you disagree with the banning on an ethical level, for legal protection its for sure the right move - 
I don't think discussing moral implications around killing politicians is quite the same as actually threatening government officials. 

There are three elements of the offense of making an illegal threat: (i) there must be a transmission in interstate commerce; (ii) there must be a communication containing the threat; (iii) and the threat must be a threat to injure the person of another. (1)
So.. which part about "we should kill politicians" doesn't achieve those standards? IS it not specific enough? Because then it would not be a slippery slope that the process of the conversation would undoubtedly create specific threats - in fact - Wylted has made such threats... and we don't even have to look to politicians... just how he interacts with other users on the site. It is clear that this is at best legally questionable, and at worst an offence that could have the site leaders culpable. 

its similar to why I think movies can be "canceled" its about how harmful the rhetoric is - that rhetoric that could and has harmed people who were molested, or people who were assaulted, and its not like that's a tiny number.
There are plenty of movies with controversial views, namely documentaries. If people want to "cancel" something they find offensive they have the right to choose not to participate in it or publicly talk about why that thing is harmful. Freedom of speech right? The government isn't silencing these movies though, and that's all I am suggesting we do with controversial people here as well. Don't silence them, make a point the way cancel culture people make a point about something that disgusts them. 
We are not talking about "controversial movies" we are talking about harmful movies, there is a very big difference, and to pretend as if there isn't is a false equivalence. To be traumatized and harmed by a film is not to be "offended", there is a fundamental difference is there not? Furthermore, cancel culture is not necessarily about silencing people, it is about social ostracization as a form of punishment - not that I necessarily agree with it - but it is something that I find sometimes practical.

anywho - my point is that being allowed to have a conversation - is not worth somebody being harmed - especially not with the level of trauma that these extreme subjects bring up -
I wholeheartedly dis-agree with this. I don't think someone's views has to harm someone who views otherwise, and that is a slippery slope that you can get loosey with the definition of. If you are a victim of rape, abuse, etc, you can't expect the real world to shelter you from these things. It's a sad but harsh reality, but they need to seek counseling, and find with ways to deal with these triggers, because you can't call up the police everytime someone triggers you with an offensive rape joke. If you join a website where controversial opinions are encouraged (surely a debate site would fall under this category) then you should be prepared to face others with conflicting ideas and backgrounds who don't see things the same way. 
This is a fundamental individualistic take, you have a moral obligation to not do harm to others no? Perhaps you disagree with that sentiment, but then if you are aware that your "takes" are harmful to others, then you are intentionally harming others, especially in such instances as rape and molestation. I am not saying that the real world is to shelter people, but the real world does have a moral obligation to not make it worse. Again - having conversation is not worth harming people - your argument against such a thing is essentially that it will happen anyway - just because something will happen, does not mean that you have the right to speed that along - just because people will die does not mean you have the right to kill them, 

my point is that being allowed to have a conversation - is not worth somebody being harmed - especially not with the level of trauma that these extreme subjects bring up - now - if it were - say - to say how we could reduce the number of people getting assaulted, fine - that could actually stop somebody from going through the same experience, but arguing if its "right", yeah - the moral exchange is just not equal.
This is to suggest having a conversation with someone can't overall influence who they are as a person and effect their beliefs. I know their are a lot of stubborn people, but I've seen a great many people cahgne their minds on a subject they've debated thoroughly. I'd say you probably stand a better chance changing someone's perspective by discussing an issue with them, rather than calling to have them banned over their opinions. In the case where you feel that person's views aren't changeable, and their views are harmful to your mental health, you can easily block the individual or refuse to engage them further. You can't completely remove all responsibility from a victim to not get offended or react when something they feel is harmful to them happens. Again this is the real world.
First of all, this isn't the main point, but something "offending" people is not the same as empirically harming them, such as allegories in the 1950s harming black people with their black face demonization. That is something that should be canceled because it is recognized as wrong - yes people can change their minds I agree, but not in a public manner capable of harming other people. "Saving" people from a harmful mindset does not excuse people from a moral obligation to "protect" those with a damaged one. It comes down to the means not justifying the ends - if changing the mind of a person, ultimately causes more harm, then what was the point? Again, yes, discussing these things can be and are sometimes helpful; but, it is not worth it to do thin public, rather than privately, which is typically more conducive for changing minds anyways. There are PMS about this after all.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
He should not be banned because everyone dislikes him, we agree on that. He should be banned and is disliked. They are not entirely coincidental, the reason for both is the missing link you don't see. It's the 'why'.
Your short rather lack luster response here that refuses to highlight any real point, demonstrates to me that you acknowledge you are on the losing side here, but refuse to admit you are wrong. If this is the closest thing to a concession I'll get from you, that is fine. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I concede absolutely nothing. In the Chief Mod position, I'd permaban Wylted.
Lunatic's avatar
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So.. which part about "we should kill politicians" doesn't achieve those standards? IS it not specific enough? Because then it would not be a slippery slope that the process of the conversation would undoubtedly create specific threats - in fact - Wylted has made such threats... and we don't even have to look to politicians... just how he interacts with other users on the site. It is clear that this is at best legally questionable, and at worst an offence that could have the site leaders culpable. 
Discussing whether something should be legal shouldn't be a crime. Imagine if we treated just talking about whether gay marriage should be legal the same way prior to 2012. Well many people did, people looked at you like a heathen prior to the 2000's if you talked about legal same sex marriage. You are making a great point for me about why everything should be allowed to be discussed.

We are not talking about "controversial movies" we are talking about harmful movies, there is a very big difference, and to pretend as if there isn't is a false equivalence. To be traumatized and harmed by a film is not to be "offended", there is a fundamental difference is there not? Furthermore, cancel culture is not necessarily about silencing people, it is about social ostracization as a form of punishment - not that I necessarily agree with it - but it is something that I find sometimes practical.
Whether something is harmful or not is widely subjective. If a large number of people feel offended by something though freedom to "cancel" it by not participating in it is their right, and should be encouraged. It is not the responsibility of the filmaker if he triggers a traumatizing event in one of his viewers past, how can he know every possible trigger of his audience? Why should he care? The traumatized individual doesn't have to participate in wylted's threads in this circumstance either.

This is a fundamental individualistic take, you have a moral obligation to not do harm to others no? Perhaps you disagree with that sentiment, but then if you are aware that your "takes" are harmful to others, then you are intentionally harming others, especially in such instances as rape and molestation. I am not saying that the real world is to shelter people, but the real world does have a moral obligation to not make it worse. Again - having conversation is not worth harming people - your argument against such a thing is essentially that it will happen anyway - just because something will happen, does not mean that you have the right to speed that along - just because people will die does not mean you have the right to kill them, 
As a nihilist, yeah I don't think anyone has any moral obligations to make sure they don't offend others. To survive in a society you only need to follow ethics so far as they apply to the law. I don't see why I would be obligated to see that my worldview also shouldn't harm someone elses feelings. Also if sharing my personal views on a debate site causes harm to others, that's a pretty light harm. If you are talking physical harms like theft, murder, etc you might go somewhere with this. Otherwise... No.

First of all, this isn't the main point, but something "offending" people is not the same as empirically harming them, such as allegories in the 1950s harming black people with their black face demonization. 
Even then, it's not illegal to be in black face, it's just socially found to be in poor taste based on societal progression towards equality. You are still allowed to walk around in blackface, though you might not make any friends doing it, and people will think you are an @sshole. 

That is something that should be canceled because it is recognized as wrong - yes people can change their minds I agree, but not in a public manner capable of harming other people.

Okay, I agree, cancel wylted by refusing to participate in his threads or interact with him. We don't need to ban him for that. If you don't want to engage with him you don't have to. 

"Saving" people from a harmful mindset does not excuse people from a moral obligation to "protect" those with a damaged one. It comes down to the means not justifying the ends - if changing the mind of a person, ultimately causes more harm, then what was the point? Again, yes, discussing these things can be and are sometimes helpful; but, it is not worth it to do thin public, rather than privately, which is typically more conducive for changing minds anyways. There are PMS about this after all.
We severely dis-agree about this moral obligation thing, I can see. If you have a moral obligation to prevent harming people with your words that is your perrogative, but that shouldn't be universally expected of all people. It definitely shouldn't be a moderation duty. The mods weren't elected to be pillars of all things moral and just, like some cheesy super hero. Upholding site rules =/= Being objective moral vigilantes.
Lunatic's avatar
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I concede absolutely nothing. In the Chief Mod position, I'd permaban Wylted.
I am glad you aren't chief mod then, it seems you would be no better than the current moderation. Especially if you would eventually stop responding to valid points and say "This is just the way it is" as you are suggesting it should be with wylted.
RationalMadman's avatar
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I did not do that. I have gone out of my way to defend the ban despite having every reason to side with you against the mods if this was about me being vengeful to those who stood in my way.

I don't like Ragnar or David. They indeed can often twist things out of proportion to justify bans. If you made a thread that was not specifically about that one Wylted incident, I would be on your side 100%. I am furious that they still have written those things about me on the moderation thread because they are literally lies that someone will come and read.

When I say 'furious', no I am not sitting here anymore actively raging about it but it caused me severe distress at the time and remains a source of irritation for me. This site meant a lot to me back then, that act was one of the biggest reasons I couldn't give the slightest shit if this site shut down right now, today. I'd find somewhere else to debate.

I do dig the idea of this website in the same way I loved the idea of DDO, the problem is not in the concept and is why I will still use this website even though I have reasons not to and definitely don't 'love' it anymore.

I am sided both against the moderation and against Wylted and this is 0% the time for me to feign resentment towards the mods for flexing their muscle. Even when Bsh1 was in charge, I congratulated him when he correctly punished prominent and popular members such as samstevens who had been bullying me in particular and forcing me to bite back as Bsh1 had sat back and done nothing.

There is such as thing as too lax/little moderation and it's a very nasty atmosphere which you may personally desire (only the most emotionally gritty people will remain in the long run). The problem with moderation that starts off like that is that it inevitably, over time, becomes 'ban the unpopular troublemakers' anyway, since only the corrupt 'frat boy' or 'sorority sister' types end up as mods.

There are many less well known forums, discussion boards etc moderated in this way, it's not rare.

The mods here are annoying, they don't reason with us about their bans and it's such a small community that it does kind of matter.

I am here defending their actions because this one in particular strikes me as a solid ban, this time I don't have an agenda. I wish they'd speak but I will speak on their behalf since all that was done here is David said 'it's for legal reasons end of discussion' and I can understand what he means if he means the hate speech and way Wylted defends very nasty things but you and him disagree that most on the final act and what exactly the context was.

I wish he'd reply to you, I wish Ragnar would post here. Instead, they sit back and let members such as myself and theweakeredge defend on their behalf and I am happy to do so because justice and debating do matter to me and you in particular are making this thread out of genuine concern, not to troll the mods.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
I'm finding the point to point rebuttals tiring and unnecessary, instead, I will acknowledge the biggest points here - correct me if I'm wrong - we disagree on:

  • The moral obligation of not "offending" others
  • The subjectiveness of harm
  • That we should only "cancel" Wylted by not participating in his forums
  • The legal ramification of discussing harm
Before I go into detail, are these the main points we disagree on?

Lunatic's avatar
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I did not do that. I have gone out of my way to defend the ban despite having every reason to side with you against the mods if this was about me being vengeful to those who stood in my way.

I don't like Ragnar or David. They indeed can often twist things out of proportion to justify bans. If you made a thread that was not specifically about that one Wylted incident, I would be on your side 100%. I am furious that they still have written those things about me on the moderation thread because they are literally lies that someone will come and read.

The same exact narrative is being spun about wylted though, whether you like him or not. When david responded, he responded with a generic list of past transgression with the pen-ultimate one being "The pedophile" argument, which I've proved ad nausum here is pretty absurd. You can't ban someone because you don't like them, and use a bunch of situation where you found them unlikeable as justification for banning them. It's the same thing they tried doing to you. 

When I say 'furious', no I am not sitting here anymore actively raging about it but it caused me severe distress at the time and remains a source of irritation for me. This site meant a lot to me back then, that act was one of the biggest reasons I couldn't give the slightest shit if this site shut down right now, today. I'd find somewhere else to debate.

I do dig the idea of this website in the same way I loved the idea of DDO, the problem is not in the concept and is why I will still use this website even though I have reasons not to and definitely don't 'love' it anymore.
I am glad you have other options than this site to satisfy debating needs, especially since it seems certain offensive topics here are taboo, making this site more like facebook than an actual debating whebsite.

I am sided both against the moderation and against Wylted and this is 0% the time for me to feign resentment towards the mods for flexing their muscle. Even when Bsh1 was in charge, I congratulated him when he correctly punished prominent and popular members such as samstevens who had been bullying me in particular and forcing me to bite back as Bsh1 had sat back and done nothing.
I think you are satisfied with the ends, but the ends don't justify the means. You don't like wylted, I get it. You are happy he is gone. That doesn't mean the reason for the ban is justified.

There is such as thing as too lax/little moderation and it's a very nasty atmosphere which you may personally desire (only the most emotionally gritty people will remain in the long run). The problem with moderation that starts off like that is that it inevitably, over time, becomes 'ban the unpopular troublemakers' anyway, since only the corrupt 'frat boy' or 'sorority sister' types end up as mods.
Arguing with people who have a difference of opinion doesn't neccesitate a nasty environment. It can get that way, sure. When it get's too bad and personal, that's when mods can step in. But simply saying controversial things isn't grounds for a ban. Also I wouldn't classify the mods here as frat boy types lol. That said, I would say there is a "good ol' boys" vibe in the mod discord that I think has a little too strong of an influence on their decisions. Where multiple people will point out that a user is getting close to towing a line, and discuss a ban or punishment of a user because everyone shares a general distasteful view of said user's antics. I think that gives an unfair bias'ed view towards the person in question and is the reason bans like these take place so frequently.

There are many less well known forums, discussion boards etc moderated in this way, it's not rare.

The mods here are annoying, they don't reason with us about their bans and it's such a small community that it does kind of matter.
I think the community would be larger, more active, and more interesting if we let controversial people and topics stay. DDO was extremely active before the spam bots because of these types of people. The larger community of real ones knew they were mostly full of it, but I liked that they didn't have their voice stolen so we could have logical arguments with them.

I am here defending their actions because this one in particular strikes me as a solid ban, this time I don't have an agenda. I wish they'd speak but I will speak on their behalf since all that was done here is David said 'it's for legal reasons end of discussion' and I can understand what he means if he means the hate speech and way Wylted defends very nasty things but you and him disagree that most on the final act and what exactly the context was.

I wish he'd reply to you, I wish Ragnar would post here. Instead, they sit back and let members such as myself and theweakeredge defend on their behalf and I am happy to do so because justice and debating do matter to me and you in particular are making this thread out of genuine concern, not to troll the mods.

As far as legal reasons go, I pointed out that nothing illegal was done on wylteds part. Personally I think the thread was deleted specifically so he could make the argument that something was, and wouldn't have to back that up.
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I'm finding the point to point rebuttals tiring and unnecessary, instead, I will acknowledge the biggest points here - correct me if I'm wrong - we disagree on:

  • The moral obligation of not "offending" others
  • The subjectiveness of harm
  • That we should only "cancel" Wylted by not participating in his forums
  • The legal ramification of discussing harm
Before I go into detail, are these the main points we disagree on?

These are main topics of discussions. My overarching point here is to question what should and shouldn't be bannable, and of course how sever these bans should be. Even if we can make an argument that he's said something insulting and deserves a temp ban, I think anything more than a week is a little too severe.