Why are we banning wylted?

Author: Lunatic


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P1: IF you value your own life, THEN you ought to [convince at least one other person that you] value [at least one other life]: Now I must defend both premises: P1 is necessarily true [because humans cannot live as hermits their entire lives] - if you value your own life [and general wellbeing], then any harm [and or discomfort] done against you is not preferable, and if you don't [convince at least one other person that you] value [at least one other life] they have no reason [other than self-interest and hope of reciprocation] to value yours. Therefore the only way that [at least one other person] will have moral obligation to value your life [and general wellbeing] is if you value theirs; ergo - IF you value your own life [and general wellbeing]THEN you ought to value [at least one other life].

Theweakeredge's avatar
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Your additions are not necessary, and don't actually fit into my argument - furthermore, you are missing the point - methodically going through each of his points is not a "rush", sure the first time perhaps it was, but that implies I was incorrect. Which you have made no arguments to actually say, only your attempt at marking my argument "tribalism" without actually justifying your additions, nor explaining how they are conducive to "tribalism." I see no reason in continuing the conversation if you have the same adversity with substantiating your concussions as you have always had.
3RU7AL's avatar
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It's pretty clear that caring about the general well-being of all humans is not essential to one's own survival and or general wellbeing.

I only need to convince the individuals that directly contribute to my personal wellbeing that I am contributing and or have already contributed (and they "owe" me) and or will contribute to their general wellbeing.

This creates an "in-group" and an "out-group" which is another way of saying "TRIBALISM".

Through a lens of "TRIBALISM", it is very likely to my personal advantage to kill and or subjugate some or all members of the "out-group".
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Wrong -because your own well-being DIRECTLY correlates with IF people decide to treat your life with value - ergo - if you do not treat theirs with any, THEN they have no obligation to treat yours with value - not tribalism - just how you see it
Lunatic's avatar
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"I might engage later"Yes - so ambiguous -"After a break" -Uhuh, totally makes it a mystery
The word "might" implies abiguity. 

I did not, I used a very broad term - life - does life not include both mental and physical pain - furthermore it is a mental desire to avoid pain that prompts a physical reaction... otherwise your body would not do as it does, because there is no reason.. . if your body wasn't operating on epigenetics informing you to stay alive, then your body wouldn't simple as that. 
Mental and physical plan are different in terms of laws and ethics. It is not okay for me to punch someone who pisses me off. I won't be arrested for calling someone a cunt though, unless I go too far into the realm of disturbing the piece. It is not my burden or responsibility nor should it be the laws to know whether or not the person I called a cunt recieved severe mental trama. 

2. This has nothing to do with the actual point - IF you know it could harm people, don't do it - that does not give any moral obligation which is unreasonable. You know that Wylted speech can be and is harmful, THEREFORE it ought to be banned, this argument assumes you have the correct conclusion.
Again mental harm shouldn't be treated as a harm, because how "harmful" it is, is subjective. You completely take away the responsibility of the person you percieve as the "victim". That person has the means to block the individual, not respond to the individual, or can choose to turn the other cheek and not be offended. If Wylted called me a slur or a bald POS, I would not be affected, because I choose not to be. That's my own responsibility. If someone who is crippled is severely offended by ablist jokes, they have the option to grow tougher skin about it as well or not respond. There lot in life is tough, and banning people who make fun of them on an internet site isn't going to make people like Wylted go away in the real world either.

3. This does not actually acknowledge my syllogism, nor my defense of it - you simply dislike the fact that your "individuality" isn't worth harming others, you disagree with the conclusion. Half of your points are begging the question and false call-outs to fallacies you don't seem to understand. You are much more opt to ad hominem call outs and "lol"s.
I mean saying something does not refute your argument, when it applies very well, is the equivalent of a child whining "Nuh uh!" when running out of arguments. Oh and "lol". I can and will laugh when people say absurd things. Ironically you being offended by that seems really relevant here ;-)

4. When did I claim that the other person has no responsibility for helping themselves? And once again this doesn't have anything to actually do with my arguments, the closest you got there was numero uno. Most of this is assuming that individuality trumps harm and going for there. Ironic that is. Furthermore, taking responsibility for what your words do to others is the same as taking responsibility for what your body can do to others... would you say that arguing that you shouldn't assault people is, "trying to take away responsibility from getting an injury fixed"? No, of course, you wouldn't you would say that's not making the harm worse - and it applies to mental trauma. 
Because you keep pretending that physical and mental harm are equivalent, or should be, your argument will repeatedly fail. Your arguing (poorly) that because someone can feel harmed from words, that it should be treated the same. You completely take away responsibility from the offended. The slippery slope is that you can't possibly know every other persons triggers and you shouldn't have to care about them. When you get cut off while driving on the road and you call the person a "Piece of shit" and flip them off, are you now responsible if that person feels triggered? 

The biggest thing you keep failing on here is applying this non-sense argument to reality. Would you expect the police to get involved and arrest the person who called you a piece of shit? If not why would you treat the site admins any different by expecting them to ban wylted?

5. Killing all politicians isn't a "controversial" opinion, its a borderline terroristic act... almost literally by its qualifications. Or, "molestations are fine" is also, empirically harmful, as it literally encourages people to rape others, are you saying that raping others... isn't a bad thing? Because that's the only way this can be "controversial" and not harmful
You are stating that your opinions on these issues are objective facts, and should be known prima facie. Tell that to the hundreds of "Murder is wrong" debates that always seem to be popular on both debate.org and debateart.com. Just because the premise of a topic offends you, does not mean there isn't an argument to be made for it. I am not going to be baited into making the argument for wylted about politicians, but if he could objectively provide a better argument for utilitarianism in a debate, it's not like that position is un-winnable in the slightest, even if the designation for him selecting the topic was trolly in nature. 

6. This is the most red herring of them all, you have failed to address my arguments - you value your own life - that's what this was responding to , you have literally failed to address any of my points or make any logical conclusions
Ah, the child stamping his foot argument again. Nice. I respond to things line by line, I have responded to literally everything you've written and will continue to do so. You dismissing my arguments as invalid doesn't make them cease to exist.
Lunatic's avatar
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1. So you agree that harm has objective effects on people? Then you have conceded one of the core arguments you were defending before this is literally one of the main points we were arguing.
My point is and always has been: "Just like the law  doesn't care about your feelings, neither should the site administration". I am not going to sit here and argue that people's own subjective view of their trauma is lying, or invalid. Just that they have some responsibility to not participate in the things that make traumatized, or feel harm. If wylted was strapping people up in his basement and forcing them to listen to him tell ablist jokes, that's another thing because that would be literal kidnapping. A handicapped individual doesn't have to participate in a thread that offends them, and has the means on this website  to not take part in it. 

2. So if you believe that mental trauma has objective affects on people, as you literally just agreed, then this analogy applies - would you not have to respect somebody's physical injury if they had hurt it? Like if somebody had a broken leg, then it is your responsibility to respect that... its that simple - your argument here is a non-sequtur, or, rejecting the premise you espouse but accepting the conclusions of my arguments. 
A broken leg should not be treated the same as hurt feelings. People can choose not to get their feelings hurt, or find ways to get tougher skin, or get councelling. I should not have to care about whether someone who engaged in trading opinions with me is so severely offended by mine that they recieved mental trauma. Especially when they have every ability not to participate in the conversation that caused said trauma. 

3. The actual amount of it that the world does is irrelevant to whether it is the correct thing to do, an appeal to populum is nothing in the framework of an argument. 
Oh okay. Well then I demand that college should be free for all Americans. Meanwhile i'll shit in one hand and put wishes in the other, and see which one fills up faster. Point is expecting everyone in the world to be nice to you and respect your feelings is silly.  Not because "it's just the way the world is" but because there's no reasonable way to expect that from the world, especially when you have people from all walks of life who are born, raised and brought up to believe fundamentally different things. A Devout Christian could claim to be traumatized after arguing with a woman who wants to have an abortion, but should a woman who is a rape victim who wants to have one have to care about traumatizing that Devout Christian? When I say your naive to think the world owes you something, it's also pointing out that not everyone else in the world wants the same thing as you do. I certaintly don't want rules and regulations to start requiring me to respect the feelings of others I encounter on the treat, otherwise I could get fined or jailed. 

4. This is the rest of the argument, just... "Suicide, nooooo, that's not relevant to a debate about the harm that words can do to somebody's pyche, which directly leads to suicide!" Do you see how absurd that argument is? You ask 
Again and again you take away responsibility from person you decided was the victim. Imagine if you were in a relationship with someone suicidial and depressed, and you wanted out, and that person told you they would commit suicide if you broke up with them. I think you would agree with me that the person wanting to leave the relationship is not culpable if a subsequent suicide follows. Blaming literally anyone else but the person who took their own life is insane.  

Whats that? A strawman? My point is that Wylted's speech does have a direct affect on people with trauma's that's what this section is all about, and you seem to completely hand wave it away, without actually considering the implications of such things. IF psychological harm has objective affects on people, 
That's easy; It doesn't have "objective effects on people", Again some people can take an insult and other people can't. It's 100% subjective.

AND people's words can directly lead to psychological harm (which, it very obviously can [LINK]), THEN you should avoid words which will hurt people... .this isn't that big of a deal, its literally just being a considerate human being.
Again, what you are expecting from the world "that everyone just be nice to each other" is not only naive, it's impossible. There is a reason there are no legal basing to enforce people having to be nice to each other at all times. You think Trump and Biden supporters think they aren't supporting the person they think is better for the country and for their own lives? There is no objective right and wrong, and people will always clash based on their fundamental differences in belief structures. 

And its something everyone has moral obligations to do - regardless if you believe in objective morality or no morality - hint hint - I think objective morality is dog shit, it makes zero sense, I also think that saying a species that was springboarded by innovation and thought has no morality is stupid - our consciousness gives us morality - and yes it is wonderfully subjective, that doesn't mean it doesn't cause empirical impacts on the world we know.
No, you are not a subjectivist. Or if you are then you would have to admit your argument wanting the world to be a friendly magical place and should be is complete and utter bullshit. Saying your a subjectivist completely invalidates your claim that people can be objectively traumatized the same way by the same person. 

If the most you can get out of my argument is: "But people don't do mass suicide because of words" then you have missed the point.
(Also you literally concede the point, funny that.)
The original use of the association with mass suicide was you btw. You actually tried making the argument that if poeple like Wylted weren't silenced, the effect would be not having enough people to sustain the world because of suicide. People like Wylted exist everywhere and this is not the case. That's all I am pointing out. Oh and you can stop with the classic debater bullshit where you drop the word "concede" every five sentences as if that actually means something. It's a manipulative tactic used by debaters who attempt to fool their audience into believing a point was actually dropped. If any one is actually reading this exchange they will see that's not the case. Doubtful anyone is doing anything more than skimming if they are actually reading this exchange. But if you want to fool yourself into thinking I am conceding so you can stop arguing a losing position, THAT I would understand. This type of delusion isn't uncommon on debate sites, I've found. 
Lunatic's avatar
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1. I was referencing somebody actually trying to offer psychological aid to the person in need, however, you need a licence to give out therapeutic advice under the guise of therapeutic, therefore unless DebateArt.Com hired a psychologist that was professionally hired, and had proof that they weren't a quack, then they can't do much more to help trauma ridden people then ban topics like Wylted - you've missed the point.
Talking about missing points, I would have never suggested that would have been DART's responsibility. I am pointing out to you that if a person feels traumatized by something, it is their own responsibility to seek help. 

2. Blocking could help RM, it would not help others that happened onto the scene - however, the actual harmfulness of humor is actually subjective - some people might even cope with humor like that - the point is that things like what Wylted is espousing, is actually objectively harmful, that's a false equivalence: the nature of humor makes it literally one of the sole exceptions to the rule, and that isn't even all of the time - satirical humor is often more harmful then it is helpful, the same goes for jokes playing the but as minorities, both are objectively harmful: my point is - satirical is controversial whether its helpful or harmful, and that makes it unique in this instance; however, any other type of humor can be harmful - and RM blocking you only protects him, not other people... because if they see it - yes, even once, that's all that is needed for harm to happen
I still find it laughable that you call yourself a subjectivist here. But this is one of those moments I could pull a "You just conceded" manipulation attempt, because literally all of Wylted's posts could be claissified as humor. Whether it's at the expense of someone, or it's satirical or meant to be trollish, you are saying that there is an "Objective" measure for determining what gets to be funny and what gets to be offensive. Something that offended you might not offend others. All this does is embolster my point. 

3. Again, we see the widespread, "the victim has responsibility for being harmed!" mentality... well no, no they don't - because it shouldn't have happened to them in the first place, any "responsibility" they have is second priority to not making their harm worse 
You are the one deciding they are victims though, and again and again and again you remove all responsibility from them to remove them from the situation. You deny that's possible. Again these people are not forced to participate in a thread with wylted!

 you are quite literally victim blaming..... if someone was raped, would you blame them for "not trying hard enough" to not be raped, or the person... that raped them 
No because raping someone is not the same as calling someone a word they do not like. The fact that you literally made this argument, the king of all false equivalencuies, yet continue to state that I frequently use false equivalence is pretty ironic.

4. They have an ability to ignore people AFTER some harm has already occurred, which would be the entire point - this is yet another red herring that doesn't have to do with actually banning people - you've shifted the goalpost from canceling to blocking - that's it
It doesn't matter whether it's before or after, but it doesn't have to be after. The second you see a thread with a title that offends you, you simply refuse to click on it. You literally have said you do this yourself when it comes to wylted. Why shouldn't you expect the same from others?

zedvictor4's avatar
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Or one could always go to an alternative site and have a frank and open discussion with Harikrish and Ethang5....LOL
Lunatic's avatar
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1 - because the title was "killing politicians" as in - in general - with no exceptions - which would fundamentally be un-utilitarian as its with no regard for the subtleties - furthermore, this is an actual slippery slope argument - "Well he could be making a good point" - killing others to make others better is quite literally the opposite of utilitarianism, which is a very "Means matter more than the ends" type deal in most cases - the means are apart of the cost-benefit analysis.
If you haven't even heard the argument yet are judging based on the title of a thread that there is no argument, you are LITERALLY judging a book by it's cover. Again the same type of shit rednecks got away with for years on the topic of gay marriage which stopped social progression for decades. Maybe if you don't dismiss a notion you find offensive outright, you can actually learn something!

2. Another false equivalence - we know today that Hitler caused millions of deaths, but killing politicians in general would be assigning wide blame for something we don't know all politicians would do - if a politician killed people, you can quite literally charge them intent to murder - now - there is a conversation about corruption in politicians and the inability to charge them, but you this would be assigning an inhumane death penalty across the board - this is bs in its most deliberate form.
It's not a false equivalency; Hitler was a politicians who killed millions. Killing him prevented further numerous deaths. If Wylted was arguing for killing American politicians he'd probably have a hard time winning the debate, but I wouldn't say outright that he will lose it without even hearing the argument. I also wouldn't say it makes any sense to ban discussion of the subject. Discussing something isn't a terrorist act, even if you win an argument on a small scale debate site, you aren't actually carrying the act out or saying you will. Debate is literally just talking over the pro's and con's. 

3. That is a strawman, while the notion does indeed offend me on some level, the reason I object to it is because its talking about killing innocent people - that's why I object - do you not understand that? 
If you are discussing killing someone, it would be because from your position you think the individuals being killed are indeed not innocent. It's in your opinion that these people are. That's fine, but since you claim to be a subjectivist you should also understand that everyone doesn't share the same opion as you right?

4. Do you not comprehend the difference between harm and offence - the two are different - you are continuing on with your false equivalence and literally ignoring all of my points, just continuing on with yours, this is why I said I would do it later, because all of your points can be boiled down to false equivalences, strawmen, or outright non-sequiturs. 
"Waahh waah" "No u"

Theweakeredge's avatar
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I did not, I used a very broad term - life - does life not include both mental and physical pain - furthermore it is a mental desire to avoid pain that prompts a physical reaction... otherwise your body would not do as it does, because there is no reason.. . if your body wasn't operating on epigenetics informing you to stay alive, then your body wouldn't simple as that. 
1. Mental and physical plan are different in terms of laws and ethics. It is not okay for me to punch someone who pisses me off. 2. I won't be arrested for calling someone a cunt though, unless I go too far into the realm of disturbing the piece. 3. It is not my burden or responsibility nor should it be the laws to know whether or not the person I called a cunt recieved severe mental trama. 
1. You have claimed that its different in laws and ethics - now - lets say I buy the first point; that there is a distinction in law, you have not here substantiated that there is a difference in ethics. You have claimed that it shouldn't be your responsibility, but you haven't backed that up. 

2. So let me ask you a question - which is ethically worse - disturbing the piece, or causing psychological harm? Because you conceded that psychological harm has objective physical effects. 

3. The ethical foundation of this claim is what I find unsubstantiated - why is it not your responsibility, ethically, to avoid mentally harming others? You have the physical obligation, and ethically speaking - it falls under the broad spectrum of life, which you haven't rebuked here. 

2. This has nothing to do with the actual point - IF you know it could harm people, don't do it - that does not give any moral obligation which is unreasonable. You know that Wylted speech can be and is harmful, THEREFORE it ought to be banned, this argument assumes you have the correct conclusion.
1. Again mental harm shouldn't be treated as a harm, because how "harmful" it is, is subjective. 2. You completely take away the responsibility of the person you percieve as the "victim". That person has the means to block the individual, not respond to the individual, or can choose to turn the other cheek and not be offended. 3. If Wylted called me a slur or a bald POS, I would not be affected, because I choose not to be. That's my own responsibility. If someone who is crippled is severely offended by ablist jokes, they have the option to grow tougher skin about it as well or not respond. 5. There lot in life is tough, and banning people who make fun of them on an internet site isn't going to make people like Wylted go away in the real world either.
1. You have already conceded that there is objective physical harm done to people who are subjectively harm, are you saying that you should be allowed to assault people because the level of harm is "subjective"? This is a contradiction in rhetoric.

2.  The damage, the psychological harm, is already done - are you, again, saying that if you are assaulted on the street you should simply, "block the individual, not respond to the individual, or can choose to turn the other cheek and not be offended"? No! Of course, you wouldn't say that -and I'd argue that the myriad of psychological harm's objective effects are worse than a slight bruise on the arm - why the double standard?

3. Using a slightly different analogy: is it the individual's responsibility to have dodged the the knife that was used to mug them with? Or their fault for not running fast enough? This is all - fundamentally - working on assumptions that individual freedom is more important than another's life - keep in mind the societal contract's phrase: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - because without life you cannot have liberty, and without life or liberty you cannot have happiness - life is more important than liberty - because you cannot have liberty without life, ergo, hurting people has a bigger impact than "i wanted to say the harmful thing". 

4. This paragraph does not actually rebut any of my arguments - the latter half assumes your own conclusion, and the front half is just you repeating the same point with no actual engagement to my rebuttals. Begging the question and non-sequiturs.

3. This does not actually acknowledge my syllogism, nor my defense of it - you simply dislike the fact that your "individuality" isn't worth harming others, you disagree with the conclusion. Half of your points are begging the question and false call-outs to fallacies you don't seem to understand. You are much more opt to ad hominem call outs and "lol"s.
I mean saying something does not refute your argument, when it applies very well, is the equivalent of a child whining "Nuh uh!" when running out of arguments. Oh and "lol". I can and will laugh when people say absurd things. Ironically you being offended by that seems really relevant here ;-)
You ignore that I actually had rebuttals beforehand, you don't seem interested in genuine conversation - ah - I see- I suppose RM's analysis of you was correct, you are not used to people actually sticking around after your "bullying" as he calls it - you're used to Mafia and getting your way, so you resort to repeating your arguments and making non-sequiturs whenever pressed. Furthermore, why haven't you responded to my assertion of your arguments being fallacies? Do you concede the point?

4. When did I claim that the other person has no responsibility for helping themselves? And once again this doesn't have anything to actually do with my arguments, the closest you got there was numero uno. Most of this is assuming that individuality trumps harm and going for there. Ironic that is. Furthermore, taking responsibility for what your words do to others is the same as taking responsibility for what your body can do to others... would you say that arguing that you shouldn't assault people is, "trying to take away responsibility from getting an injury fixed"? No, of course, you wouldn't you would say that's not making the harm worse - and it applies to mental trauma. 
1. Because you keep pretending that physical and mental harm are equivalent, or should be, your argument will repeatedly fail. 2. Your arguing (poorly) that because someone can feel harmed from words, that it should be treated the same. You completely take away responsibility from the offended.3.  The slippery slope is that you can't possibly know every other persons triggers and you shouldn't have to care about them. 4. When you get cut off while driving on the road and you call the person a "Piece of shit" and flip them off, are you now responsible if that person feels triggered? 

5. The biggest thing you keep failing on here is applying this non-sense argument to reality. Would you expect the police to get involved and arrest the person who called you a piece of shit? If not why would you treat the site admins any different by expecting them to ban wylted?
1. You have already concluded that there are objective physical harms to mental trauma - did you forget that? Mental trauma is empirically worse than physical trauma, and you seem to continuously forget that you had conceded the point 

2. That is not my argument, my argument is that: Based on the EMPIRICAL levels of harm that can be done to an individual through mental trauma, one has the SAME level of responsibility to avoid doing it to others - you are the one that has yet to demonstrate any "subjectiveness" to mental trauma. IF you feel I'm arguing so poorly, then let's have a public debate eh? We'll see how well you do. 

3. That's.... not what a slippery slope is, a SS is, and I quote, "a course of action is rejected because, with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends. The slippery slope involves an acceptance of a succession of events without direct evidence that this course of events will happen" [LINK] - what you are referring to is a rebuttal - now if you said that my argument was a slippery slope BECAUSE of the your point here- then that would apply. Furthermore, that is not what I aruged, I argued, that "IF you know something you said is harmful, THEN you shouldn't say it" And we know - that saying that molestation is good, is harmful - there is a very direct linkage of affairs. 

4. Well... actually cutting somebody off can lead to a car accident... so - that is not at all an equivalent comparison - as saying something like "molestation is good" or "we should kill politicians" isn't remotely the same thing - you are describing somebody doing wrong to you, and then you responding - is the person with trauma simply existing a "wrong" that allows Wylted to harm them more? Is that your argument bud?

5. Because first of all - ethics and law don't necessarily equate - second of all - calling somebody a "piece of shit" is not at all comparable to saying "molestation is good" because one directly justifies a horrific and painful crime done by a person, and the other is a curse word.... do you fail to comprehend the difference? And actually, saying that type of stuff can actually get you put on a watch list "molestation is good" not "piece of shit" so... yes I would actually call the cops if Wylted was talking to me... Furthermore, blocking Wylted isn't calling the cops, not in the slightest.

5. Killing all politicians isn't a "controversial" opinion, its a borderline terroristic act... almost literally by its qualifications. Or, "molestations are fine" is also, empirically harmful, as it literally encourages people to rape others, are you saying that raping others... isn't a bad thing? Because that's the only way this can be "controversial" and not harmful
1. You are stating that your opinions on these issues are objective facts, and should be known prima facie. 2. Tell that to the hundreds of "Murder is wrong" debates that always seem to be popular on both debate.org and debateart.com. Just because the premise of a topic offends you, does not mean there isn't an argument to be made for it. 3. I am not going to be baited into making the argument for wylted about politicians, but if he could objectively provide a better argument for utilitarianism in a debate, it's not like that position is un-winnable in the slightest, even if the designation for him selecting the topic was trolly in nature. 

1 I ask again, is your argument that rape isn't empirically harmful to others? Because if your answer is no, then we should be having an entirely other conversation about your ability to comprehend rape, not this. 

2. And I would argue that those debates are wrong to have - because they can actually harm people - the existence of such things that don't apply to a moral code, does not, in fact, invalidate that murder code. In other words, just because something does in fact happen, and its controversial, doesn't mean its actually legitimately so. 

3. You have failed to actually rebut my argument, again - you have essentially said, "Well, your just saying, like, your opinion bro - and people have controversial debates all the time, so, your wrong!" Without actually substantiating your views. Please respond to my questioning and my arguments instead of presuming your conlusion.
Lunatic's avatar
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1. I said that in it's current form its not a threat legally, however it is very well almost one, and you just agreed - you provide no actual reasoning for the fact that its not a precursor to threat, you are missing the point again.
If you wouldn't expect the police or secret service to view this as a realistic threat, why should the administrators of the site? I mean can you prove that the discussion around killing politicians will actually lead to the death of one? If not your "Pre-cursor" argument fails pretty hard homie.

2. Jesus christ you haven't - you've barely elevated yourself above a sheep of a conservative who victum blames people - I know I said I would quit it with the ad hominem, but I think your tendency to point to the victim as the one as fault has genuine reason for informing your views - in other words - its in support of my argument
I think it's funny you compare me to a conservative, I am pretty damn liberal actually. The fundamental difference is that I don'tshare the same beliefs of what a victim actually is. 

"a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action"

Yours is more a long the lines of "Someone who severely got their feelings hurt" while refusing to acknowledge that the person doesn't have to involve themselves in the thing that hurt their feelings.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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1 - because the title was "killing politicians" as in - in general - with no exceptions - which would fundamentally be un-utilitarian as its with no regard for the subtleties - furthermore, this is an actual slippery slope argument - "Well he could be making a good point" - killing others to make others better is quite literally the opposite of utilitarianism, which is a very "Means matter more than the ends" type deal in most cases - the means are apart of the cost-benefit analysis.
1, If you haven't even heard the argument yet are judging based on the title of a thread that there is no argument, you are LITERALLY judging a book by it's cover. Again the same type of shit rednecks got away with for years on the topic of gay marriage which stopped social progression for decades. Maybe if you don't dismiss a notion you find offensive outright, you can actually learn something!
1. So, do you have an actual argument? You're saying that I'm wrong by your "judge a book by its cover", but do you have an actual argument to support that. You're saying i need to learn, please educate me, or find someone who actually has the brain too, because you haven't substantiated a thing bud.

2. Another false equivalence - we know today that Hitler caused millions of deaths, but killing politicians in general would be assigning wide blame for something we don't know all politicians would do - if a politician killed people, you can quite literally charge them intent to murder - now - there is a conversation about corruption in politicians and the inability to charge them, but you this would be assigning an inhumane death penalty across the board - this is bs in its most deliberate form.
It's not a false equivalency; Hitler was a politicians who killed millions. Killing him prevented further numerous deaths.2.  If Wylted was arguing for killing American politicians he'd probably have a hard time winning the debate, but I wouldn't say outright that he will lose it without even hearing the argument. I also wouldn't say it makes any sense to ban discussion of the subject.3.  Discussing something isn't a terrorist act, even if you win an argument on a small scale debate site, you aren't actually carrying the act out or saying you will. Debate is literally just talking over the pro's and con's. 

1. You miss the point we KNOW that Hitler caused millions of deaths, we DO NOT KNOW that all other politicians will - please read carefully.

2. That is your opinion, please substantiate that A - it is accurate, and B - that it is relevant

3. Is it or is it not a harmful act? That is a rhetorical question, yes, yes it is harmful - you have yet to actually rebutt my point, simply ignored words and rambled about your opinions without substantiation. Do you need a break? While the last one was similar in some instances, it had more work put into it.

3. That is a strawman, while the notion does indeed offend me on some level, the reason I object to it is because its talking about killing innocent people - that's why I object - do you not understand that? 
1. If you are discussing killing someone, it would be because from your position you think the individuals being killed are indeed not innocent. It's in your opinion that these people are. That's fine, but since you claim to be a subjectivist you should also understand that everyone doesn't share the same opion as you right?
1. That is a claim that is across a BROAD SPAN OF POLITICIANS - it is a ridiculous sweeping statement, like saying that all card makers are pedophiles - it is absurd claim that also says nothing about the legal action of the thing in question - furthermore, morality is subjective, however it has objective foundations, and apply in all cases rationally - therefore arguing that ALL of a specific group of people should be killed assumes they are all guilty, which, on a legal level doesn't work - because there are, in fact, Politicians that have been charged and acquitted.

4. Do you not comprehend the difference between harm and offence - the two are different - you are continuing on with your false equivalence and literally ignoring all of my points, just continuing on with yours, this is why I said I would do it later, because all of your points can be boiled down to false equivalences, strawmen, or outright non-sequiturs. 
"Waahh waah" "No u"
Make a substantial argument
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1. I said that in it's current form its not a threat legally, however it is very well almost one, and you just agreed - you provide no actual reasoning for the fact that its not a precursor to threat, you are missing the point again.
1. If you wouldn't expect the police or secret service to view this as a realistic threat, why should the administrators of the site? I mean can you prove that the discussion around killing politicians will actually lead to the death of one? If not your "Pre-cursor" argument fails pretty hard homie.
1. CURRENTLY not a threat -as it could turn into a threat very easily, and could reasonably be interpreted as a threat by politicians on the website - please actually demonstrate your claims.

2. Jesus christ you haven't - you've barely elevated yourself above a sheep of a conservative who victum blames people - I know I said I would quit it with the ad hominem, but I think your tendency to point to the victim as the one as fault has genuine reason for informing your views - in other words - its in support of my argument
I think it's funny you compare me to a conservative, I am pretty damn liberal actually. The fundamental difference is that I don'tshare the same beliefs of what a victim actually is. 

"a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action"

1. Yours is more a long the lines of "Someone who severely got their feelings hurt" while refusing to acknowledge that the person doesn't have to involve themselves in the thing that hurt their feelings.
1. People can be psychologically harmed, and it has EMPIRICAL AFFECTS on the person, which you conceded to. DEMONSTRATE YOUR CLAIMS

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In a debate, I would really just leave it as a red herring, but I want to cover all my bases here - not for you really - for the "audience" 
I am sure troves of people are actually reading this x'D
but okay.

1. You quite literally ignore my argument, and just say: "Nope the conclusion is wrong, that's it" - without actually engaging in my argument - that's a red herring bud. Continuing on with it is a borderline hand waving of my argument.
Everything I have said has been substantiated with reasoning. This is a lie.

2. Demonstrate that assertion
Okay, why don't you give away all of your money to every homeless person you see? You care about their lives don't you? Why don't you donate your kidney to someone who will die if they don't get one? You care about everyone's life don't you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9TOWIc_KLU

This video from an awesome T.V. gives an anecdote that explains why you shouldn't have to care about the lives of others pretty damn well. Watch it if you get a sec. 

3. Then you actually agree with my point of not hurting other people, you just don't agree with the premises that make it up - however you have yet to actually debunk my argument - this is seeming like those adds that bring up a "problem" and dally on and on before presenting their solution, do you have one in this argument? 
No we don't agree, because as has been stated ad nauseum, we view what harm actually is differently. Hurting people legally and ethically vs mentally, and how we should treat each.

4. This is just hand waving - why not - do you have any actual objections to my argument - IF you value your life, and you want others to value your life (which you do if you value your life) then the only way to obtain that logically is to value theirs - not valuing others lives is essentially saying, "Well then you don't have to value my life" In other words, you are saying that anybody has a moral right to kill you - that's it. 

Again physical harm =/= mental harm

5. This is an assertion, please demonstrate it - furthermore - explain how it actually debunks my argument - I am arguing that you have a reasonable moral obligation, not that people know they have it - strawman baked in with assertions without substantiation. 
People in the capital riots literally murdered people, and had intentions to murderpolitical captives if they were to be found. Again you are ignorant or naive to assume people on the opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't do these things to each other.

6. So you espouse, but you fail to actually back up your assertions.... and why are you arguing as if I"m saying that having a societal obligation to others informs a moral one? Cause I'm not,  that was never my argument, and I never actually even talked about societal contracts (though I would widely agree with you that you have an societal contract to not murder others). 
Because I am making a direct correlation to reality (something you seem to live out side of) to the website. If we act a certain way in society why allow certain things why should it be any different online? Especially on a website that encourages differing viewpoints?
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In other words - I was completely in the right for writing you off - you have a construction of assertions, fallacies (stacked fallacies actually - haven't gotten to say that since Selidora), and pessimism - fine you have pessimism - but you have fundamentally failed to actually rebuke my syllogism. 
"Waah" "No u" 

Your good at pretending like you are actually making an argument when in reality you aren't saying anything.
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1. You quite literally ignore my argument, and just say: "Nope the conclusion is wrong, that's it" - without actually engaging in my argument - that's a red herring bud. Continuing on with it is a borderline hand waving of my argument.
Everything I have said has been substantiated with reasoning. This is a lie.
We could go back and forth, but your primary claim is that mental harm isn't the same as physical harm despite the empirical proof I demonstrated - that gives me very good reason to doubt the truth of your statement "Everything I have said has been substantiated with the reasoning"

2. Demonstrate that assertion
Okay, why don't you give away all of your money to every homeless person you see? You care about their lives don't you? Why don't you donate your kidney to someone who will die if they don't get one? You care about everyone's life don't you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9TOWIc_KLU

This video from an awesome T.V. gives an anecdote that explains why you shouldn't have to care about the lives of others pretty damn well. Watch it if you get a sec. 
Anecdotal evidence does not provide a demonstration to the whole - furthermore - I do actually give most of my money whenever I see homeless people, do I do so every time? No - because while it is true you should care for others there is also a need to care for yourself, after all, if you can't support yourself, then there isn't a way for you to sustain such good deeds. Having a moral obligation and being realistic do indeed coincide. In addition, people who receive organs are actually constantly on medication to continue surviving, as the foreign organ is rejected by the body - it will eventually shut down - and a lot of people - myself included - need to kidneys due to underlying conditions. Your gotcha's are unconvincing.

3. Then you actually agree with my point of not hurting other people, you just don't agree with the premises that make it up - however you have yet to actually debunk my argument - this is seeming like those adds that bring up a "problem" and dally on and on before presenting their solution, do you have one in this argument? 
No we don't agree, because as has been stated ad nauseum, we view what harm actually is differently. Hurting people legally and ethically vs mentally, and how we should treat each.
As you stated:
If you live in a society, there is an ethical reason to respect their rights and freedoms that's protected by the law
Therefore you agree that people should not have their lives harmed by others, no? This includes mental harm as I have previously demonstrated its harmful physical effects on people. 

4. This is just hand waving - why not - do you have any actual objections to my argument - IF you value your life, and you want others to value your life (which you do if you value your life) then the only way to obtain that logically is to value theirs - not valuing others lives is essentially saying, "Well then you don't have to value my life" In other words, you are saying that anybody has a moral right to kill you - that's it. 
Again physical harm =/= mental harm
You have ignored your concession in regards to the physical effects of mental trauma. Mental trauma is worse than Physical trauma 

5. This is an assertion, please demonstrate it - furthermore - explain how it actually debunks my argument - I am arguing that you have a reasonable moral obligation, not that people know they have it - strawman baked in with assertions without substantiation. 
People in the capital riots literally murdered people, and had intentions to murderpolitical captives if they were to be found. Again you are ignorant or naive to assume people on the opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't do these things to each other.
You are arguing about a select group of people, hundreds in contrast to the millions of people total - this does apply proportionally - to say I am "naive" while using a small percentage of people to represent the opinions of the majority marks you as the true "naive" - factually naive.

6. So you espouse, but you fail to actually back up your assertions.... and why are you arguing as if I"m saying that having a societal obligation to others informs a moral one? Cause I'm not,  that was never my argument, and I never actually even talked about societal contracts (though I would widely agree with you that you have an societal contract to not murder others). 
Because I am making a direct correlation to reality (something you seem to live out side of) to the website. If we act a certain way in society why allow certain things why should it be any different online? Especially on a website that encourages differing viewpoints?
Because you can't entirely block somebody in person - people should absolutely be punished for harming people mentally and with words, and OH LOOK - THEY DO:
"Many state laws include verbal threats and emotional abuse as child abuse. In these situations, the child does not need to suffer any actual physical harm for an act to be abusive. A caregiver who, for example, repeatedly humiliates or terrorizes a child has committed child abuse. Parents who subject their children to the sight of physical or verbal attacks may also commit child abuse."

Now your argument is not only wrong, but you are even more empirically wrong - people who do emotional and verbal abuse are punished by the law
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1. You have claimed that its different in laws and ethics - now - lets say I buy the first point; that there is a distinction in law, you have not here substantiated that there is a difference in ethics. You have claimed that it shouldn't be your responsibility, but you haven't backed that up. 
Legally understood ethics are required for a functioning society; This is an important disctintion from morals, were are defined very loosely and subject to a vast difference in personal opinion. I am arguing that we treat moral principles the same way our legal system treats them, not the way you want or think they should be. If Wylted legally is not considered a pedophile, or isn't legally thought to actually want to kill a politician, then our mods have no business banning him under their own presumption that this is his intention. 

2. So let me ask you a question - which is ethically worse - disturbing the piece, or causing psychological harm? Because you conceded that psychological harm has objective physical effects. 
Lmao I did not concede that there are "objective" effects, I said it's fine if someone wants to claim that their trauma is effecting them in those ways, but that we shouldn't have to care that they do. You really took that one and ran with it didn't you?

3. The ethical foundation of this claim is what I find unsubstantiated - why is it not your responsibility, ethically, to avoid mentally harming others? You have the physical obligation, and ethically speaking - it falls under the broad spectrum of life, which you haven't rebuked here. 
Because what people find offensive varies so vastly and largely it is extemely unreasonable to assume I should know what those triggers are or care about them. Should I start off every debate I have asking people for a list of their triggers? I am not mentally harmed by anything you say to me, but if I told you that you accusing me of multiple fallacies was my trigger should I expect you to care? Would you? If not then you literally don't stand by your own values. I am trying to paint a picture for you just how silly your argument is; I think at the core you know, which is why you keep resorting to semantics about what actually qualifies as "harm".

1. You have already conceded that there is objective physical harm done to people who are subjectively harm, are you saying that you should be allowed to assault people because the level of harm is "subjective"? This is a contradiction in rhetoric.
Your first sentence doesn't make much sense but if you are saying I conceded that there is an objective standard of harm, you are lying, or willfully not reading what I've been writing. And no I am not saying you should be allowed to harm someone, because that falls under the physical category, not the hurt feeling category.

2.  The damage, the psychological harm, is already done - are you, again, saying that if you are assaulted on the street you should simply, "block the individual, not respond to the individual, or can choose to turn the other cheek and not be offended"? No! Of course, you wouldn't say that -and I'd argue that the myriad of psychological harm's objective effects are worse than a slight bruise on the arm - why the double standard?
You keep falsely equivalating physical harm to mental harm, which I have tried proving to is not possible. Let's bring this back to the topic at handed, Wylted and his percieved transgressions. Are you saying that it's impossible for the "victim" of Wylted's "abuse" to not have blocked him, or chosen not to click on the thread? 

3. Using a slightly different analogy: is it the individual's responsibility to have dodged the the knife that was used to mug them with? Or their fault for not running fast enough? This is all - fundamentally - working on assumptions that individual freedom is more important than another's life - keep in mind the societal contract's phrase: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - because without life you cannot have liberty, and without life or liberty you cannot have happiness - life is more important than liberty - because you cannot have liberty without life, ergo, hurting people has a bigger impact than "i wanted to say the harmful thing". 
A life ending event like dodging a knife is NOT the same as choosing not to be offended by someone elses words lol. Sounds like I am gonna be a parrot repeating the same line over and over again here. Also as far as life, liberty and pursuing happiness, you can achieve all that, even if someone hurt your feelings. Kind of funny how much power you give to people like Wylted if you think he actually can deprive people of that.

4. This paragraph does not actually rebut any of my arguments - the latter half assumes your own conclusion, and the front half is just you repeating the same point with no actual engagement to my rebuttals. Begging the question and non-sequiturs.
I have substantiated every conclusion; You keep ignoring and dismissing my arguments to make the one that is convienent for you. It's kind of sad actually. 

You ignore that I actually had rebuttals beforehand, you don't seem interested in genuine conversation - ah - I see- I suppose RM's analysis of you was correct, you are not used to people actually sticking around after your "bullying" as he calls it - you're used to Mafia and getting your way, so you resort to repeating your arguments and making non-sequiturs whenever pressed. Furthermore, why haven't you responded to my assertion of your arguments being fallacies? Do you concede the point?
More circle jerking RM, awesome. Glad you made a new friend; Doesn't do much in the way of refuting anything I've said. For every "fallacy" you've accused me of, you guilty of just the same if not more.
1. You have already concluded that there are objective physical harms to mental trauma - did you forget that? Mental trauma is empirically worse than physical trauma, and you seem to continuously forget that you had conceded the point 
*Yawn* more lying. Or just proof that you aren't reading anything. Your opinion of mental harm isn't legally recognized by the law as something that is arrestable; Therefor you cannot substantiate why it should be treated as so on this website any differently.

2. That is not my argument, my argument is that: Based on the EMPIRICAL levels of harm that can be done to an individual through mental trauma, one has the SAME level of responsibility to avoid doing it to others - you are the one that has yet to demonstrate any "subjectiveness" to mental trauma. IF you feel I'm arguing so poorly, then let's have a public debate eh? We'll see how well you do. 

I prefer arguing in the forums, you probably notice I don't debate much any more. No reason to subject myself to time constraints. We are debating right now. I will keep responding as long as you do. Also I doubt we would be able to agree on a resolution, and you would keep pulling semantics cards about mental harm being equivalent to physical card the entire debate as you are doing now. Wish is a complete dis-regard for my actual argument lol.

3. That's.... not what a slippery slope is, a SS is, and I quote, "a course of action is rejected because, with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends. The slippery slope involves an acceptance of a succession of events without direct evidence that this course of events will happen" [LINK] - what you are referring to is a rebuttal - now if you said that my argument was a slippery slope BECAUSE of the your point here- then that would apply. Furthermore, that is not what I aruged, I argued, that "IF you know something you said is harmful, THEN you shouldn't say it" And we know - that saying that molestation is good, is harmful - there is a very direct linkage of affairs. 
Sounds like what I was saying is exactly a slippery slope lol. Thanks for bolstering my point yet again. If you don't feel like I could create a slippery slope argument under your own understanding of harm, you are wrong. I could claim in every other sentence that something you have said triggered me and made me want to kill myself. You are now forced to care, by your own definition, and if you don't you should be silenced as wylted has because your DISGUSTING. How do you not see the slippery slope in that?

4. Well... actually cutting somebody off can lead to a car accident... so - that is not at all an equivalent comparison - as saying something like "molestation is good" or "we should kill politicians" isn't remotely the same thing - you are describing somebody doing wrong to you, and then you responding - is the person with trauma simply existing a "wrong" that allows Wylted to harm them more? Is that your argument bud?
Holy shit! You just defeated your own point AGAIN! You defended my calling someone a cunt because they cut me off, so as long as I interpret what the person did as more harmful than my words, I get a free pass to return harm however I want? Jesus christ, you actually just made Wylted's point for him about killing politicians. According to your own view, apparently if the politician's percieved harm is worse than his own death, it now makes sense to murder them. This is the world you are living in!? 

5. Because first of all - ethics and law don't necessarily equate - second of all - calling somebody a "piece of shit" is not at all comparable to saying "molestation is good" because one directly justifies a horrific and painful crime done by a person, and the other is a curse word.... do you fail to comprehend the difference? And actually, saying that type of stuff can actually get you put on a watch list "molestation is good" not "piece of shit" so... yes I would actually call the cops if Wylted was talking to me... Furthermore, blocking Wylted isn't calling the cops, not in the slightest.
So you don't think laws are equatable to ethics; That's fine if you don't think the law is perfect. It definitely isn't. How do you think changes in those laws are made those? On a whim? Or... imagine this...  Lawmakers Debating, discussing and voting on ideas! And not outright dismissing things because they seem offensive. Talk of banning and silencing people who bring up controversial opinions doesn't further ethics in the way you wants them to be furthered. 

1 I ask again, is your argument that rape isn't empirically harmful to others? Because if your answer is no, then we should be having an entirely other conversation about your ability to comprehend rape, not this. 
Why are you talking about rape now, because before you were talking about the harms of people's feeligns getting hurt. I find it hilarious that your core argument pretends to be the mental trauma is worse than physical trauma, but bring up examples of physical trauma first any chance you can get. As Wylted calling handicapped people names in a thread they don't have to participate equivilates to rape in the slightest. 

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2. And I would argue that those debates are wrong to have - because they can actually harm people - the existence of such things that don't apply to a moral code, does not, in fact, invalidate that murder code. In other words, just because something does in fact happen, and its controversial, doesn't mean its actually legitimately so. 
The fact that "Murder is wrong" debate exist and are so frequent isn't spelling out to logical thinking people that we should go out and murder people. It's an omage to the art of debating, the site's inteded purpose. If someone takes the side of debate that is pro murder is wrong but makes a sloppy argument and the person advocating murder is right makes the better argument, The latter deserves the win. As is the case in this debate: https://www.debate.org/debates/murder-is-wrong/1/ If something can be argued, it should be. Nothing is off the table. It's unreasonable to think that because the person arguing that murder is right in this debate, 1. actually believes this, and 2. is effecting people's views on murder to the point where they don't understand that it still is illegal and therefor unnaceptable to do without severe consequences. The discussion of this subject would not be banned legally, why should it be banned on the website? 

3. You have failed to actually rebut my argument, again - you have essentially said, "Well, your just saying, like, your opinion bro - and people have controversial debates all the time, so, your wrong!" Without actually substantiating your views. Please respond to my questioning and my arguments instead of presuming your conlusion.
Again back to the "waah" "No u".

Awesome. I consider it a victory everytime I see it lol

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1. So you agree that harm has objective effects on people? Then you have conceded one of the core arguments you were defending before this is literally one of the main points we were arguing.
My point is and always has been: "Just like the law  doesn't care about your feelings, neither should the site administration". 2. I am not going to sit here and argue that people's own subjective view of their trauma is lying, or invalid. 3. Just that they have some responsibility to not participate in the things that make traumatized, or feel harm.4.  If wylted was strapping people up in his basement and forcing them to listen to him tell ablist jokes, that's another thing because that would be literal kidnapping. 5. A handicapped individual doesn't have to participate in a thread that offends them, and has the means on this website  to not take part in it. 
1. You have failed to address the question

2. You are conflating empirical data with "subjective views" you have failed to answer the question - the text you are responding to shows the empirical physical effects of psychological trauma - stop running away, please.

3. You have failed to address the question, instead, you have repeated yourself - substantiate what relevance it has to the conversation at hand

4. You have failed to address the question

5. You have failed to address the question

"So you agree that harm has objective effects on people?"
I can only conclude that you, therefore, concede the point. You agree that MENTAL HARM is as bad if not worse than PHYSICAL HARM

2. So if you believe that mental trauma has objective affects on people, as you literally just agreed, then this analogy applies - would you not have to respect somebody's physical injury if they had hurt it? Like if somebody had a broken leg, then it is your responsibility to respect that... its that simple - your argument here is a non-sequtur, or, rejecting the premise you espouse but accepting the conclusions of my arguments. 
1. broken leg should not be treated the same as hurt feelings.2. People can choose not to get their feelings hurt, or find ways to get tougher skin, or get councelling. 3.I should not have to care about whether someone who engaged in trading opinions with me is so severely offended by mine that they recieved mental trauma.4.  Especially when they have every ability not to participate in the conversation that caused said trauma. 
1. This is a false comparison, the harm I am talking about is not "hurt feelings" 
Furthermore, common psychological responses to trauma are physically harmful, which are as follows [1]:
"Initial reactions to trauma can include exhaustion, confusion, sadness, anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion, physical arousal, and blunted affect.....Delayed responses to trauma can include persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, fear of recurrence, anxiety focused on flashbacks, depression, and avoidance of emotions,
sensations, or activities that are associated with the trauma, even remotely"
2. How are any of these things be resolved by "tougher skin" or "counseling" which is not always, if not most of the time, not effective - furthermore exasperating the problem, does not HELP - it further HARMS the individual - furthermore - you cannot "choose" to have these symptoms - you are not thinking through what you agreed to. 

3. So you claim, demonstrate that

4. We are talking about removing Wylted and his posts, which are already posted, people can and will continue to see them - there is choice in that matter bud.

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3. The actual amount of it that the world does is irrelevant to whether it is the correct thing to do, an appeal to populum is nothing in the framework of an argument. 
1. Oh okay. Well then I demand that college should be free for all Americans. 2. Meanwhile i'll shit in one hand and put wishes in the other, and see which one fills up faster. Point is expecting everyone in the world to be nice to you and respect your feelings is silly.  Not because 3.it's just the way the world is" but because there's no reasonable way to expect that from the world, especially when you have people from all walks of life who are born, raised and brought up to believe fundamentally different things.3 A Devout Christian could claim to be traumatized after arguing with a woman who wants to have an abortion, but should a woman who is a rape victim who wants to have one have to care about traumatizing that Devout Christian? When I say your naive to think the world owes you something, it's also pointing out that not everyone else in the world wants the same thing as you do. I certaintly don't want rules and regulations to start requiring me to respect the feelings of others I encounter on the treat, otherwise I could get fined or jailed. 
1. You have failed to acknowledge the response - have you agreed that your claim is a fallacy and specifically an appeal to populum?

2. Provide demonstration or admit it an opinion

3.  Is it not reasonable to expect for a website to perma ban one member? You are not remembering the point of this debate specifically - furthermore - again - the pragmatics of such an issue does not have anything to do with if it is right or wrong - you have made the same argument 

4. And that Christian is empirically wrong - and having an opinion be challenged is not the same thing as being empirically harmed, as you have completely ignored This entire thing is a nonanswer, a diatribe that you have continued throughout our discussion without nary a substation you are essentially just expecting me to agree with your word salad. 

4. This is the rest of the argument, just... "Suicide, nooooo, that's not relevant to a debate about the harm that words can do to somebody's pyche, which directly leads to suicide!" Do you see how absurd that argument is? You ask 
1. Again and again you take away responsibility from person you decided was the victim. 2. Imagine if you were in a relationship with someone suicidial and depressed, and you wanted out, and that person told you they would commit suicide if you broke up with them. 3. I think you would agree with me that the person wanting to leave the relationship is not culpable if a subsequent suicide follows. Blaming literally anyone else but the person who took their own life is insane.  
1. And again and again - you have more priority fo the person that made that person a victim than the victim, your "feelings" about free speech don't matter as much as your life and your mental health do - without them you could not have a "freedom of speech"

2. How is being emotionally manipulated (thereby making you a victim) equivalent to asking for somebody who is hateful and emprically harmful to be banned comparable? They aren't- 

3. I would agree to an extent however, it is true that you are somewhat culpable for that person's death - whether you like it or not - does that mean you are necessarily responsible? No - but you are at least partially so - this entire thing is a false comparison however, so it does not apply - another red herring.

Whats that? A strawman? My point is that Wylted's speech does have a direct affect on people with trauma's that's what this section is all about, and you seem to completely hand wave it away, without actually considering the implications of such things. IF psychological harm has objective affects on people, 
That's easy; It doesn't have "objective effects on people", Again some people can take an insult and other people can't. It's 100% subjective.

You are incorrect- again - you have failed to acknowledge what you agreed to - let me get it for you:
Furthermore, common psychological responses to trauma are physically harmful, which are as follows [1]:
"Initial reactions to trauma can include exhaustion, confusion, sadness, anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion, physical arousal, and blunted affect.....Delayed responses to trauma can include persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, fear of recurrence, anxiety focused on flashbacks, depression, and avoidance of emotions,
sensations, or activities that are associated with the trauma, even remotely"
Please demonstrate the "100% subjective" nature of that -your anecdotal examples do not work rationally

AND people's words can directly lead to psychological harm (which, it very obviously can [LINK]), THEN you should avoid words which will hurt people... .this isn't that big of a deal, its literally just being a considerate human being.
1. Again, what you are expecting from the world "that everyone just be nice to each other" is not only naive, it's impossible. 2. There is a reason there are no legal basing to enforce people having to be nice to each other at all times.3. You think Trump and Biden supporters think they aren't supporting the person they think is better for the country and for their own lives? There is no objective right and wrong, and people will always clash based on their fundamental differences in belief structures. 
1. For the millionth time - you conflate what is "expected of the world" and what is morally obligated of the world, it does not matter if it does not fit your perceived notions, it is the case that they have that obligation - no amount of your pessimism will change that.

2 . That is another false comparison, as we are not talking about "being nice at all times" it's about causing fundamental harm to another with words - which is not only possible but something you do not actually address here - you have dropped my argument

3. There are no objective right and wrongs - sure - but there are right and wrongs which are most logically true - and are necessarily true based off of the moral framework which every human is stuck to by virtue of their life - which is the foundation of this argument and such a thing you have failed to deconstruct. - you've dropped my point again, another red herring.

And its something everyone has moral obligations to do - regardless if you believe in objective morality or no morality - hint hint - I think objective morality is dog shit, it makes zero sense, I also think that saying a species that was springboarded by innovation and thought has no morality is stupid - our consciousness gives us morality - and yes it is wonderfully subjective, that doesn't mean it doesn't cause empirical impacts on the world we know.
1. No, you are not a subjectivist. 2. Or if you are then you would have to admit your argument wanting the world to be a friendly magical place and should be is complete and utter bullshit. 3. Saying your a subjectivist completely invalidates your claim that people can be objectively traumatized the same way by the same person. 
1. You don't know what those words mean - our morality is subjective in nature due to our nature as human beings, however, IF you are assuming everyone is a human, which we all are, THEN there are an objective framework to look to - you see - our morality is intrinsically subjective BECAUSE we are humans - you weren't paying attention earlier - just because people don't buy your crap doesn't mean they don't have a crap in general bud.

2. Another strawman, my argument is that you should not speak obviously harmful words to people - that is all  - you are over exaggerating my argument every time you can in order to poison the well, I think I see why you only have three debates and stick to mafia, you would have been outed as a bullcraper a long time ago if you hadn't. In fact I think even in Mafia some people realize that (Ironically Wylted did)

3. Do you even hear yourself - yes morality is subjective - but there are objective facts of reality if I cut my hand with a razor blade - I will bleed - are you actually that dense as to not understand that basic concept, or do you think everything is not real in which case demonstrate why we should ignore the obvious axiom in the room - just because I don't fit in your neat little box "liberal" doesn't mean I'm not a subjectivist -

If the most you can get out of my argument is: "But people don't do mass suicide because of words" then you have missed the point.
(Also you literally concede the point, funny that.)
1. The original use of the association with mass suicide was you btw.2.  You actually tried making the argument that if poeple like Wylted weren't silenced, the effect would be not having enough people to sustain the world because of suicide. People like Wylted exist everywhere and this is not the case. That's all I am pointing out.3.  Oh and you can stop with the classic debater bullshit where you drop the word "concede" every five sentences as if that actually means something. It's a manipulative tactic used by debaters who attempt to fool their audience into believing a point was actually dropped.4.  If any one is actually reading this exchange they will see that's not the case. Doubtful anyone is doing anything more than skimming if they are actually reading this exchange.5.  But if you want to fool yourself into thinking I am conceding so you can stop arguing a losing position, THAT I would understand. This type of delusion isn't uncommon on debate sites, I've found. 
1. That kinda validates my point here - you are only playing "he said she said" instead of seriously considering your beliefs here - every one of mine were born from years of forethought, deep philosophic discussions, and months of back and forths with actually skilled debaters - like Undefeatable, Fauxlaw and the lot - I would even put Seldiora in there because he at least shows ambition. 

2. No I said that you are willing to increase the rate of people who are suicidal in order to save Wylted from a ban - another strawman. You are showing your colors.

3. It means that you have a lack of actual forethought before you speak, you show immaturity in actually discussing your ideologies, you have several contradictions, fundamental ones - as if you don't actually think before you put something to text - so "you concede" as the "manipulative tactic by debaters" is actually just you not paying attention to what you agreed to. 

4. Need I quote your own words again to demonstrate that you did in fact concede to the point that psychological harm causes physical harm to people? Because I can literally quote your own post here bud.

5. You are laughable - you are literally the stereotypical antagonist  - "You know your wrong and always have been! Your position was doomed from the start!" Betting ring for when you say, "You'll rue the day you crossed me!" No I don't point out your concessions in order to "run away" I actually do them for your benefit, since you seem to forget every two seconds. 

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1. So, do you have an actual argument? You're saying that I'm wrong by your "judge a book by its cover", but do you have an actual argument to support that. You're saying i need to learn, please educate me, or find someone who actually has the brain too, because you haven't substantiated a thing bud.
It's not my burden to defend whether it's moral to kill politicians. Also you already made Wylted's point there for him earlier lol. You brought up an example that this subject is super taboo, and I am demonstrating that you can't know that there isn't a reasonable cause for the topic, since you jumped to the conclusion it was an evil resolution before even giving the topic a chance to have a reasonable point. Wylted probably cou- Oh wait no, he got banned huh? Too bad we silenced him so he can't actually defend his own argument. Glad that didn't happen with legal same sex marriage. 

1. You miss the point we KNOW that Hitler caused millions of deaths, we DO NOT KNOW that all other politicians will - please read carefully.
Well yeah you definitely can't know if you refuse to read about any topic that offends you. For all you know Wylted has plenty of source evidence. You were too busy juding a book by it's cover to care though. 

2. That is your opinion, please substantiate that A - it is accurate, and B - that it is relevant
Refer to my argument about it being possible to win a debate while arguing murder is right. I even provided a link to a debate you can read through.

3. Is it or is it not a harmful act? That is a rhetorical question, yes, yes it is harmful - you have yet to actually rebutt my point, simply ignored words and rambled about your opinions without substantiation. Do you need a break? While the last one was similar in some instances, it had more work put into it.
You accused me of dropping a point while you are literally dropping a point. I think you are the one getting lazy here lol.

1. That is a claim that is across a BROAD SPAN OF POLITICIANS - it is a ridiculous sweeping statement, like saying that all card makers are pedophiles - it is absurd claim that also says nothing about the legal action of the thing in question - furthermore, morality is subjective, however it has objective foundations, and apply in all cases rationally - therefore arguing that ALL of a specific group of people should be killed assumes they are all guilty, which, on a legal level doesn't work - because there are, in fact, Politicians that have been charged and acquitted.
It's not a claim; It's a debatable resolution in which he is asking to discuss the pro's and con's. Dismissing something at face value based on your pre-concieved notions of the opponents argument isn't a debate or discussion. Again, too bad Wylted get's silenced so he can't continue his own discussion. You support silencing. 

Make a substantial argument
Back at ya "Bud"

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1. CURRENTLY not a threat -as it could turn into a threat very easily, and could reasonably be interpreted as a threat by politicians on the website - please actually demonstrate your claims.
You yourself already admitted that you doubted a cop or lawyer would percieve a thread discussing the murder of politicians wouldn't be a threat. YOU actually need to demonstrate now why site admins should treat it as one when you don't think the secret service or police would. 

1. People can be psychologically harmed, and it has EMPIRICAL AFFECTS on the person, which you conceded to. DEMONSTRATE YOUR CLAIMS
You lying about me conceding anything is getting old. 
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We could go back and forth, but your primary claim is that mental harm isn't the same as physical harm despite the empirical proof I demonstrated - that gives me very good reason to doubt the truth of your statement "Everything I have said has been substantiated with the reasoning"
Saying that people get triggered easily does not substantiate why societal laws should care.  

Anecdotal evidence does not provide a demonstration to the whole - furthermore - I do actually give most of my money whenever I see homeless people, do I do so every time? No - because while it is true you should care for others there is also a need to care for yourself, after all, if you can't support yourself, then there isn't a way for you to sustain such good deeds. Having a moral obligation and being realistic do indeed coincide. In addition, people who receive organs are actually constantly on medication to continue surviving, as the foreign organ is rejected by the body - it will eventually shut down - and a lot of people - myself included - need to kidneys due to underlying conditions. Your gotcha's are unconvincing.
But you still don't realize that you proved my point. Regardless of your occasional good samaritan deeds from time to time, on the times you don't actively prevent someone from harm you agree with me that you can't be culpable. You keep trying to poise that everything we say or do makes US responsible for how the other person interprets it. That's equivalent to saying you are culpable for the starvation of the homeless individual you did NOT pay the one time you couldn't afford it. You cannot apply guilt and culpability for your percieved harms only when it suits you, and dis-regard the rest.

As you stated:
If you live in a society, there is an ethical reason to respect their rights and freedoms that's protected by the law
Therefore you agree that people should not have their lives harmed by others, no? This includes mental harm as I have previously demonstrated its harmful physical effects on people. 
Percieved mental harms are NOT protected by rights and freedoms. You have the right to be offended, but the law isn't going to protect you from someone calling you mean things. That is based in reality, not this fiction universe you live in. 

Again physical harm =/= mental harm
You have ignored your concession in regards to the physical effects of mental trauma. Mental trauma is worse than Physical trauma 

Mental trauma in regards to being severely offended is not recognized by the law as a punishable legal offence. 

People in the capital riots literally murdered people, and had intentions to murderpolitical captives if they were to be found. Again you are ignorant or naive to assume people on the opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't do these things to each other.
You are arguing about a select group of people, hundreds in contrast to the millions of people total - this does apply proportionally - to say I am "naive" while using a small percentage of people to represent the opinions of the majority marks you as the true "naive" - factually naive.
The number of people is hardly relevant. You denied that people of opposing political beliefs would resort to scuh harms. Despite there being countless other examplse to the one I provided, you've been caught once again proving my point. 

Because I am making a direct correlation to reality (something you seem to live out side of) to the website. If we act a certain way in society why allow certain things why should it be any different online? Especially on a website that encourages differing viewpoints?
Because you can't entirely block somebody in person - people should absolutely be punished for harming people mentally and with words, and OH LOOK - THEY DO:
The link you posted refers to threats (Not applicable) and mental abuse to children, not legal adults. Try proving that same point with two functioniong adults. 

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1. You have claimed that its different in laws and ethics - now - lets say I buy the first point; that there is a distinction in law, you have not here substantiated that there is a difference in ethics. You have claimed that it shouldn't be your responsibility, but you haven't backed that up. 
1. Legally understood ethics are required for a functioning society; This is an important disctintion from morals, were are defined very loosely and subject to a vast difference in personal opinion. 2.I am arguing that we treat moral principles the same way our legal system treats them, not the way you want or think they should be. If Wylted legally is not considered a pedophile, or isn't legally thought to actually want to kill a politician, then our mods have no business banning him under their own presumption that this is his intention. 
1. So then there are no ethics outside of legal matters? You have then yet to substantiate that is true - please address my syllogism - your own framework is flawed, because I actually did show that there are legal consequences for verbally abusing somebody - you can actually be jailed and fined.  

2. There are more to morals than the legal system - otherwise you are literally just a democratically elected moral system  - and that is all your ethics amount to - that's shaky foundation as well as your only justification being a social contract, which works on the assumption that there are moral principles that society is based on - ergo - your own ethics require for there to be morality. 

2. So let me ask you a question - which is ethically worse - disturbing the piece, or causing psychological harm? Because you conceded that psychological harm has objective physical effects. 
1. Lmao I did not concede that there are "objective" effects, I said it's fine if someone wants to claim that their trauma is effecting them in those ways, but that we shouldn't have to care that they do. You really took that one and ran with it didn't you?

1. Those were not "claiming" to be affected as so - that was an empirical study recording the data - you are now arguing against empiricism - empirically speaking it has objective harms - now - answer the question - which is worse - disturbing the peace or causing psychological harm?

3. The ethical foundation of this claim is what I find unsubstantiated - why is it not your responsibility, ethically, to avoid mentally harming others? You have the physical obligation, and ethically speaking - it falls under the broad spectrum of life, which you haven't rebuked here. 
1. Because what people find offensive varies so vastly and largely it is extemely unreasonable to assume I should know what those triggers are or care about them. 2. Should I start off every debate I have asking people for a list of their triggers? 3. I am not mentally harmed by anything you say to me, but if I told you that you accusing me of multiple fallacies was my trigger should I expect you to care? Would you? 4.  If not then you literally don't stand by your own values. I am trying to paint a picture for you just how silly your argument is; I think at the core you know, which is why you keep resorting to semantics about what actually qualifies as "harm".
1. Why does the vastness of the harm cause effect your responsibility in regards to it - should you not care for physical battery because of the vastness of the harm? Well no - you still don't punch people because some you can also tickle them, this is a ridiculous non-sequitur

2. You should do that before you make the debate

3. Because you have failed to show how "fallacies" can result in extreme psychological harm - in contrast - literally arguing that your rapist was correct to rape you would result in extreme psychological harm - similar to how veteran react in situations like that - only worse . 

4. Or you are an extremely dishonest individual who fails to consider the objective nature of the universe - a false dichotomy as it were bud.

1. You have already conceded that there is objective physical harm done to people who are subjectively harm, are you saying that you should be allowed to assault people because the level of harm is "subjective"? This is a contradiction in rhetoric.
1. Your first sentence doesn't make much sense but if you are saying I conceded that there is an objective standard of harm, you are lying, or willfully not reading what I've been writing. And no I am not saying you should be allowed to harm someone, because that falls under the physical category, not the hurt feeling category.
1. You have, again again, again, failed to consider the thing you did concede to (now I'm saying that to annoy you) - mental harm can lead to a plethora of things I have already demonstrated. You have failed to make a meaningful argument.

2.  The damage, the psychological harm, is already done - are you, again, saying that if you are assaulted on the street you should simply, "block the individual, not respond to the individual, or can choose to turn the other cheek and not be offended"? No! Of course, you wouldn't say that -and I'd argue that the myriad of psychological harm's objective effects are worse than a slight bruise on the arm - why the double standard?
2. You keep falsely equivalating physical harm to mental harm, which I have tried proving to is not possible.1. Let's bring this back to the topic at handed, Wylted and his percieved transgressions. Are you saying that it's impossible for the "victim" of Wylted's "abuse" to not have blocked him, or chosen not to click on the thread? 
1. I am saying that BY THE TIME THEY CLICK OFF THE THREAD or BLOCK HIM they wold have already received the psychological harm - that is simple cause and effect

2. Demonstrate that

3. Using a slightly different analogy: is it the individual's responsibility to have dodged the the knife that was used to mug them with? Or their fault for not running fast enough? This is all - fundamentally - working on assumptions that individual freedom is more important than another's life - keep in mind the societal contract's phrase: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - because without life you cannot have liberty, and without life or liberty you cannot have happiness - life is more important than liberty - because you cannot have liberty without life, ergo, hurting people has a bigger impact than "i wanted to say the harmful thing". 
1. A life ending event like dodging a knife is NOT the same as choosing not to be offended by someone elses words lol. Sounds like I am gonna be a parrot repeating the same line over and over again here. 2. Also as far as life, liberty and pursuing happiness, you can achieve all that, even if someone hurt your feelings. Kind of funny how much power you give to people like Wylted if you think he actually can deprive people of that.

1. You do not "Choose" how you feel about a thing, you cannot "choose" to feel depressed - that is ignoring centuries of psychology that has made itself apparent - you are working on deeply ignorant assumptions of how the human mind works

2. If you are dead THEN you cannot have liberty one of the effects you AGREED to being the cause of psychological harm was suicide and depression

4. This paragraph does not actually rebut any of my arguments - the latter half assumes your own conclusion, and the front half is just you repeating the same point with no actual engagement to my rebuttals. Begging the question and non-sequiturs.
I have substantiated every conclusion; You keep ignoring and dismissing my arguments to make the one that is convienent for you. It's kind of sad actually. 
No - no you have not - I argue against every single thing actually line for line, and explain what fallacy is behind it - you are pretending in every aspect to be correct - including even parroting my little end cards about how wrong you are. 

You ignore that I actually had rebuttals beforehand, you don't seem interested in genuine conversation - ah - I see- I suppose RM's analysis of you was correct, you are not used to people actually sticking around after your "bullying" as he calls it - you're used to Mafia and getting your way, so you resort to repeating your arguments and making non-sequiturs whenever pressed. Furthermore, why haven't you responded to my assertion of your arguments being fallacies? Do you concede the point?
More circle jerking RM, awesome. Glad you made a new friend; Doesn't do much in the way of refuting anything I've said. For every "fallacy" you've accused me of, you guilty of just the same if not more.
Then point out every fallacy and explain why I made it - you say you didn't make the fallacy, but refuse to actually address my arguments, in some case, not answering the point blank question I asked you - I've already seen two examples of that - the difference is that i actually have proof for my claims, and you have your "feelings" ironic that is - as for "circle-jerking RM" do you think me agreeing with a thing he said means circle jirk? You have the maturity of a middle schooler bud. 

1. You have already concluded that there are objective physical harms to mental trauma - did you forget that? Mental trauma is empirically worse than physical trauma, and you seem to continuously forget that you had conceded the point 
*Yawn* more lying. Or just proof that you aren't reading anything. Your opinion of mental harm isn't legally recognized by the law as something that is arrestable; Therefor you cannot substantiate why it should be treated as so on this website any differently.
You have failed to actually read the things I posted that empirically proved such a thing, and your own words regarding it.

2. That is not my argument, my argument is that: Based on the EMPIRICAL levels of harm that can be done to an individual through mental trauma, one has the SAME level of responsibility to avoid doing it to others - you are the one that has yet to demonstrate any "subjectiveness" to mental trauma. IF you feel I'm arguing so poorly, then let's have a public debate eh? We'll see how well you do. 

I prefer arguing in the forums, you probably notice I don't debate much any more. No reason to subject myself to time constraints. We are debating right now. I will keep responding as long as you do. Also I doubt we would be able to agree on a resolution, and you would keep pulling semantics cards about mental harm being equivalent to physical card the entire debate as you are doing now. Wish is a complete dis-regard for my actual argument lol.
1. You have failed to argue against my point  - you have failed to substantiate any subjectiveness to mental trauma - you have quite literally hand waved everything away - if this is the extent to your arguing skills I see why you don't debate.

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3. That's.... not what a slippery slope is, a SS is, and I quote, "a course of action is rejected because, with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends. The slippery slope involves an acceptance of a succession of events without direct evidence that this course of events will happen" [LINK] - what you are referring to is a rebuttal - now if you said that my argument was a slippery slope BECAUSE of the your point here- then that would apply. Furthermore, that is not what I aruged, I argued, that "IF you know something you said is harmful, THEN you shouldn't say it" And we know - that saying that molestation is good, is harmful - there is a very direct linkage of affairs. 
1. Sounds like what I was saying is exactly a slippery slope lol. Thanks for bolstering my point yet again. If you don't feel like I could create a slippery slope argument under your own understanding of harm, you are wrong.2.  I could claim in every other sentence that something you have said triggered me and made me want to kill myself. 3. You are now forced to care, by your own definition, and if you don't you should be silenced as wylted has because your DISGUSTING. How do you not see the slippery slope in that?
1. You have failed the basic bar of reading comprehension - you acknowledged your own argument as one, instead of what you thought was mine - which would be incorrect in the first place 

2. And yet you would have no actual proof that is the case - in contrast - the data i have provided has the account of people ACTUALLY KILLING THEMSELVES because of mental trauma you lack substantiation bud.

3. The fact that you have acknowledged that gives me a reason to not care and ignore every cry of "harm" you say affords you - because you are actually crying wolf, you know, in contrast to evidence funny that. You have no idea what you are talking about

4. Well... actually cutting somebody off can lead to a car accident... so - that is not at all an equivalent comparison - as saying something like "molestation is good" or "we should kill politicians" isn't remotely the same thing - you are describing somebody doing wrong to you, and then you responding - is the person with trauma simply existing a "wrong" that allows Wylted to harm them more? Is that your argument bud?
1. Holy shit! You just defeated your own point AGAIN! You defended my calling someone a cunt because they cut me off, so as long as I interpret what the person did as more harmful than my words, I get a free pass to return harm however I want? Jesus christ, you actually just made Wylted's point for him about killing politicians. According to your own view, apparently if the politician's percieved harm is worse than his own death, it now makes sense to murder them. This is the world you are living in!? 
1. And yet you miss the mark - you are an actual middle schooler funnily enough - no -- I am saying that your example was not a proper comparison to Wylted's actions. No view is as bad as actually dying - because you cannot have views if you are dead -this is simple ethics - though considering your rather naive take on it I shouldn't have expected less. No - you do not have a "free pass" because saying "you're a piece of shit" isn't the same as saying "MOLESTATION IS GOOD" you are wrong - you don't realize what I am arguing over and over again.

5. Because first of all - ethics and law don't necessarily equate - second of all - calling somebody a "piece of shit" is not at all comparable to saying "molestation is good" because one directly justifies a horrific and painful crime done by a person, and the other is a curse word.... do you fail to comprehend the difference? And actually, saying that type of stuff can actually get you put on a watch list "molestation is good" not "piece of shit" so... yes I would actually call the cops if Wylted was talking to me... Furthermore, blocking Wylted isn't calling the cops, not in the slightest.
1. So you don't think laws are equatable to ethics; That's fine if you don't think the law is perfect. It definitely isn't.2.  How do you think changes in those laws are made those? On a whim? Or... imagine this...  Lawmakers Debating, discussing and voting on ideas! And not outright dismissing things because they seem offensive. Talk of banning and silencing people who bring up controversial opinions doesn't further ethics in the way you wants them to be furthered. 
1. Nope

2. Wrong - did you completely ignore the point ETHICS and LAWS don't correlate - the creation of those laws matter little in how they effect ethics - as the debating process is not always actually caring about ethics - yet your ONLY frame of reference for ethics are the law - therefore you are admitting that your own system of ethics is flawed.  Ironically mine has more responsibility in it

You have failed to address my point - your argument was a false comparison and you don't even talk about that - just how the law is made - which isn't relevant.

1 I ask again, is your argument that rape isn't empirically harmful to others? Because if your answer is no, then we should be having an entirely other conversation about your ability to comprehend rape, not this. 
Why are you talking about rape now, because before you were talking about the harms of people's feeligns getting hurt. I find it hilarious that your core argument pretends to be the mental trauma is worse than physical trauma, but bring up examples of physical trauma first any chance you can get. As Wylted calling handicapped people names in a thread they don't have to participate equivilates to rape in the slightest. 
And you have officially stopped paying attention, good to know

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2. And I would argue that those debates are wrong to have - because they can actually harm people - the existence of such things that don't apply to a moral code, does not, in fact, invalidate that murder code. In other words, just because something does in fact happen, and its controversial, doesn't mean its actually legitimately so. 
1. The fact that "Murder is wrong" debate exist and are so frequent isn't spelling out to logical thinking people that we should go out and murder people. It's an omage to the art of debating, the site's inteded purpose. 2. If someone takes the side of debate that is pro murder is wrong but makes a sloppy argument and the person advocating murder is right makes the better argument, The latter deserves the win. As is the case in this debate: https://www.debate.org/debates/murder-is-wrong/1/ If something can be argued, it should be. 3. Nothing is off the table. It's unreasonable to think that because the person arguing that murder is right in this debate, 1. actually believes this, and 2. is effecting people's views on murder to the point where they don't understand that it still is illegal and therefor unnaceptable to do without severe consequences. 4The discussion of this subject would not be banned legally, why should it be banned on the website? 
1. You call that "devil's advocate position" which are inherently untruthful.. .the entire opposite of the point of debating

2. You have a flawed view of what debates are for - that is - arriving at the truth 

3. Nope - not in public discourse where it could hurt people - this is only your continued claim, not an actual argument

4. Competely ignores the point - laws aren't all that are too it - you also fail to actually address my specific points -only readdress your assertions.
Lunatic's avatar
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1. You have failed to address the question
Your question has no argumentative bearing in the debate; Your question: "So you agree that harm has objective effects on people?" My stance has always been that we shouldn't have to care about mental harm effects as it is a slippery slope and there is no legal way to punish mental harm or quantify it in a way to judge it. 

2. You are conflating empirical data with "subjective views" you have failed to answer the question - the text you are responding to shows the empirical physical effects of psychological trauma - stop running away, please.
Data about psychological trauma isn't an argument demonstrating how it should be quantified legally. Stop running away please.

3. You have failed to address the question, instead, you have repeated yourself - substantiate what relevance it has to the conversation at hand
People having the freedom to not participate in something that triggers them is extremely relevant. Why does this point scare you so much that you keep avoiding it?

4. You have failed to address the question

5. You have failed to address the question
Your getting really lazy here. It's dis-appointing.

"So you agree that harm has objective effects on people?"
I can only conclude that you, therefore, concede the point. You agree that MENTAL HARM is as bad if not worse than PHYSICAL HARM
It literally doesn't matter if you can't quantify how mental harm should be treated legally. Even if you substantiate that the truama you feel from being called a cunt is so tremendous and torturous that you'd rather die than live through the pain; You can't demosntrate a reasonable way legal ethics should punish and seek justice for such crimes, because mental harm is subjective and varying among the recipients of it. 

1. This is a false comparison, the harm I am talking about is not "hurt feelings" 
In regards to wylted, you've consistently used examples of hurt feelings as a basis for saying mental trauma is significantly worse than physical trauma. 

2. How are any of these things be resolved by "tougher skin" or "counseling" which is not always, if not most of the time, not effective - furthermore exasperating the problem, does not HELP - it further HARMS the individual - furthermore - you cannot "choose" to have these symptoms - you are not thinking through what you agreed to. 
Why don't you tell me how it's possible to choose not to be offended. Remember when you said earlier you choose not to engage with Wylted because he is so offensive to you? How did you do it? You don't think others can do as you do and let the water roll off the skin? Why not?

3. So you claim, demonstrate that
Demonstrate what lol? That I don't have to be offended by opposing views? What are you talking about lol

4. We are talking about removing Wylted and his posts, which are already posted, people can and will continue to see them - there is choice in that matter bud.
EXACTLY, there is choice in the matter. Choice not to click on something and view something that you know will offend you. Glad your finally giving in on that one lol. 

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1. CURRENTLY not a threat -as it could turn into a threat very easily, and could reasonably be interpreted as a threat by politicians on the website - please actually demonstrate your claims.
You yourself already admitted that you doubted a cop or lawyer would percieve a thread discussing the murder of politicians wouldn't be a threat. YOU actually need to demonstrate now why site admins should treat it as one when you don't think the secret service or police would. 
1. I said "It could become one- and therefore preaction is reasonable" my argument is prevention not that it is currently happening - please get that straight

1. People can be psychologically harmed, and it has EMPIRICAL AFFECTS on the person, which you conceded to. DEMONSTRATE YOUR CLAIMS
You lying about me conceding anything is getting old. 
Your lies of not are getting even moreso - let's bring it up shall we?
While it is true that harm can be "subjective" it is commonly manifested in things like sleep disorders, depression, and dissociation - all of which increase the rate of suicide among people with them [2] - though Trauma in general increases the rate of suicide [3] - that leads us to a clear scale of importance - is allowing these things to be publically discussed worth an increased rate of suicide in an individual (According to source 2 - higher than 35% more likely), which (according to source 3) accounts for all deaths worldwide? 

Even if you don't buy that you should care about others, you ought to care about the number of people in the world, as IF trends continue to increase in suicide, THEN there will be less people to construct societies which empirically help you to live, if not completely facilitate it. However, given the previous argument, this should be a rather important problem.
1. All this is fine, but I reject your premise that it's the responsibility of others to have to respect that trauma,

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We could go back and forth, but your primary claim is that mental harm isn't the same as physical harm despite the empirical proof I demonstrated - that gives me very good reason to doubt the truth of your statement "Everything I have said has been substantiated with the reasoning"
Saying that people get triggered easily does not substantiate why societal laws should care.  
Saying that people be depressed, suicidal, sleep deprived by disorder, etc, is not saying "triggered easily" please make a correct comparison

Anecdotal evidence does not provide a demonstration to the whole - furthermore - I do actually give most of my money whenever I see homeless people, do I do so every time? No - because while it is true you should care for others there is also a need to care for yourself, after all, if you can't support yourself, then there isn't a way for you to sustain such good deeds. Having a moral obligation and being realistic do indeed coincide. In addition, people who receive organs are actually constantly on medication to continue surviving, as the foreign organ is rejected by the body - it will eventually shut down - and a lot of people - myself included - need to kidneys due to underlying conditions. Your gotcha's are unconvincing.
1. But you still don't realize that you proved my point. Regardless of your occasional good samaritan deeds from time to time, on the times you don't actively prevent someone from harm you agree with me that you can't be culpable.2.  You keep trying to poise that everything we say or do makes US responsible for how the other person interprets it. That's equivalent to saying you are culpable for the starvation of the homeless individual you did NOT pay the one time you couldn't afford it. 3. You cannot apply guilt and culpability for your percieved harms only when it suits you, and dis-regard the rest.
1. And you ignore WHY I'm not culpable  - I'm not culpable because of my own LIFE your speech is not YOUR LIFE you do not need it to live, in contrast, you do need money and kidneys to live.

2. WRONG - because you do not need the opinion that "MOLESTATION IS GOOD" in order to LIVE. Please understand that basis fact

3. You fail to weigh impacts, further credence to my argument that your arguments aren't that good -you lack a realization of how one argument matters more than another, or at the very least you fail to identify them

As you stated:
If you live in a society, there is an ethical reason to respect their rights and freedoms that's protected by the law
Therefore you agree that people should not have their lives harmed by others, no? This includes mental harm as I have previously demonstrated its harmful physical effects on people. 
Percieved mental harms are NOT protected by rights and freedoms. You have the right to be offended, but the law isn't going to protect you from someone calling you mean things. That is based in reality, not this fiction universe you live in. 
"Perceived" mental harms - I have shown you EMPIRICALLY TRUE HARMS - do you fail to consider that there is empirical data about the HARM done to people by psychological harm - you are incouragable. 

Again physical harm =/= mental harm
You have ignored your concession in regards to the physical effects of mental trauma. Mental trauma is worse than Physical trauma 

Mental trauma in regards to being severely offended is not recognized by the law as a punishable legal offence. 
"Severely offended' is not correct "triggered" as in an active trigger for depression and/or PTSD indeed is - in fact - I've already proved that with child abuse. It is indeed a punishable legal offence

People in the capital riots literally murdered people, and had intentions to murderpolitical captives if they were to be found. Again you are ignorant or naive to assume people on the opposite ends of the political spectrum wouldn't do these things to each other.
You are arguing about a select group of people, hundreds in contrast to the millions of people total - this does apply proportionally - to say I am "naive" while using a small percentage of people to represent the opinions of the majority marks you as the true "naive" - factually naive.
The number of people is hardly relevant. You denied that people of opposing political beliefs would resort to scuh harms. Despite there being countless other examplse to the one I provided, you've been caught once again proving my point. 
You are using a single example of intentional harm to apply to EVERYBODY that is a blunt non-sequitur - that's like saying because everyone in a building liked blue, everybody liked blue period, you are just not comprehending basic logic.

Because I am making a direct correlation to reality (something you seem to live out side of) to the website. If we act a certain way in society why allow certain things why should it be any different online? Especially on a website that encourages differing viewpoints?
Because you can't entirely block somebody in person - people should absolutely be punished for harming people mentally and with words, and OH LOOK - THEY DO:
The link you posted refers to threats (Not applicable) and mental abuse to children, not legal adults. Try proving that same point with two functioniong adults. 

So you think that adults aren't capable of being abused? Not verbally? You don't think its possible do you? OH LOOK ITS STILL A THING BUD!

"Saying “I never touched him/her” won’t help you in court. You need an actual verbal abuse defense. The crime of domestic battery in Nevada may include verbal and/or emotional abuse charges in many cases. You could even be sued for compensation if the target of the alleged verbal abuse can demonstrate that they suffered psychological trauma."
Look at you -wrong on every level

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So, do you have an actual argument? You're saying that I'm wrong by your "judge a book by its cover", but do you have an actual argument to support that. You're saying i need to learn, please educate me, or find someone who actually has the brain too, because you haven't substantiated a thing bud.
1. It's not my burden to defend whether it's moral to kill politicians. Also you already made Wylted's point there for him earlier lol. You brought up an example that this subject is super taboo, and I am demonstrating that you can't know that there isn't a reasonable cause for the topic, since you jumped to the conclusion it was an evil resolution before even giving the topic a chance to have a reasonable point. 2. Wylted probably cou- Oh wait no, he got banned huh? Too bad we silenced him so he can't actually defend his own argument. 3. Glad that didn't happen with legal same sex marriage. 
1. So you claim

2. You fail to consider your own positions

3. Your attempt at poisoning the well is noted

1. You miss the point we KNOW that Hitler caused millions of deaths, we DO NOT KNOW that all other politicians will - please read carefully.
Well yeah you definitely can't know if you refuse to read about any topic that offends you. For all you know Wylted has plenty of source evidence. You were too busy juding a book by it's cover to care though. 
It is quite literally physically impossible - we have evidence against the claim - no - you are literally making a "oh but he could be right" argument. Quote the evidence, go ahead, if you want to have ANY credence to your argument, present evidence bud 

2. That is your opinion, please substantiate that A - it is accurate, and B - that it is relevant
Refer to my argument about it being possible to win a debate while arguing murder is right. I even provided a link to a debate you can read through.

Anecdotal examples do not convince me bud, did you forget?

3. Is it or is it not a harmful act? That is a rhetorical question, yes, yes it is harmful - you have yet to actually rebutt my point, simply ignored words and rambled about your opinions without substantiation. Do you need a break? While the last one was similar in some instances, it had more work put into it.
You accused me of dropping a point while you are literally dropping a point. I think you are the one getting lazy here lol.
I established my foundations in my very first organized response (the one after I clarified the central points) that has almost all the evidence i need here - only the spousal abuse thing is added on bud.

1. That is a claim that is across a BROAD SPAN OF POLITICIANS - it is a ridiculous sweeping statement, like saying that all card makers are pedophiles - it is absurd claim that also says nothing about the legal action of the thing in question - furthermore, morality is subjective, however it has objective foundations, and apply in all cases rationally - therefore arguing that ALL of a specific group of people should be killed assumes they are all guilty, which, on a legal level doesn't work - because there are, in fact, Politicians that have been charged and acquitted.
It's not a claim; It's a debatable resolution in which he is asking to discuss the pro's and con's. Dismissing something at face value based on your pre-concieved notions of the opponents argument isn't a debate or discussion. Again, too bad Wylted get's silenced so he can't continue his own discussion. You support silencing. 
You are, once again, arguing that "Its possible he's right" instead of having an actual argument -substantiate the claim that it is POSSIBLE that Wylted is right, go ahead.