atheists have a stupid theory about people hallucinating elaborate afterlife stories when they die

Author: n8nrgmi


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EtrnlVw's avatar
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Something physical might be able to explain the phenomena of near death experiences

Get it guys? you materialists should get a clue that these other guys are just playing guessing games. They really have no clue, more than that they confirm what you guys call confirmation bias, which in this case just means finding excuses why people's souls leave their body at death and trying to insert a material reason to make it appear it's all due to brain activity, because that's what they already believe.
Is this really what you want? the question is why? I can give you very simplistic and logical explanations why brains read activity without resorting to stupidity, and here we have direct evidence through normal people's testimonies of what happens when the physical body shuts down. Spirituality has provided the answers, real life experiences have provided very clear evidence, the question remains why are there so many skeptics when we such obvious answers? have people really become so detached from who they really are they resort to jumping through all kinds of silly hoops to avoid the truth?  
Brains don't create consciousness guys, it's not possible, sorry. Any real honest expert (so-called) will probably admit that such assumptions are ultimately not conclusive, yet the same beliefs are accepted as fact, what a shame and what a scam. 

FLRW's avatar
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The low intellect, genetic debris FunlVw doesn't realize that insects have a form of consciousness, according to a new paper that might show us how our own began. Brain scans of insects appear to indicate that they have the capacity to be conscious and show egocentric behaviour, apparently indicating that they have such a thing as subjective experience.
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What the brain washed, zero intellect dumb butt doesn't realize is that I'm aware that all life forms have consciousness (including insects), that's what makes them animated and aware, but it's not their brain that makes it so, their brain simply controls/restricts their output. Every source of consciousness that is confined to form is subject to the anatomy of their embodiment and size of brain, that determines what they exhibit and how they function. Like FLRW's small brain size reflects his intelligence it is also reflected in insects being the amount of intelligence it can display depending on what the brain's output is. 
Why does the dummy think that I'm not aware that insects have consciousness lol? according to all the papers he reads no wonder he can't think for himself. 

according to a new paper that might show us how our own began

LOL, well I can't say your intelligence exceeds that of an insect, you might have a point. 

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ALL embodiments are channels for consciousness to have experience through, the brain is the conduit that controls the output of consciousness and what that vessel is capable of. Brains are nothing but devices that isolate consciousness to form. It is the very same usage of how any electrical component harnesses, uses and controls electrical output. Brains control and conduct conscious current and reduces its experience to whatever form it occupies. 
If your soul was placed into an insects body, your conscious perceptions would be inhibited by that brain and embodiment. You would not be able to function as a human but as an insect. That's because that form would control your level of awareness and abilities. 
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Uh ohhh, let's see if the resident zombie has another quote of someone who might know something!
FLRW's avatar
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In sharp contrast to popular opinion, the current scientific consensus rejects any notion of soul or spirit as separate from the activity of the brain. This is what Francis Crick, codiscoverer of the structure of DNA, called “The Astonishing Hypothesis.” In Crick’s words, “You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal iden­tity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.” Reflecting on what he calls the scientific image of persons, the philosopher Owen Flanagan stressed that we “need to demythologize persons by rooting out certain unfounded ideas from the perennial philosophy. Letting go of the belief in souls is a minimal requirement. In fact, desouling is the primary operation of the scientific image.”
EtrnlVw's avatar
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 the current scientific consensus rejects any notion of soul or spirit as separate from the activity of the brain

I don't give a crap, is that supposed to serve a purpose? maybe for you because you're used to being spoon fed BS that confirms your materialistic worldview which you can't defend by arguing. That's for you, I'm not that easy. 

You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal iden­tity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.

Is this the sort of conjecture that convinces you lol? I bet that guy could say anything and you'd believe it, huh?
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NDE facts

an NDE is a powerful event of consciousness; it is not mental illness
a sense of being outside one’s physical body, sometimes perceiving it from an outside position
4 to 15 % of the population have had NDEs
18% of people who suffered a cardiac arrest and were clinically dead had later reported an NDE
lucid awareness and logical thought processes during a period of impaired cerebral perfusion raises particular perplexing questions for our current understanding of consciousness and its relation to brain function
A clear sensorium and complex perceptual processes during a period of apparent clinical death challenge the concept that consciousness is localized exclusively in the brain
Aren’t NDEs hallucinations? No. Hallucinations are usually illogical, fleeting, bizarre, and/or distorted, whereas the vast majority of NDEs are logical, orderly, clear, and comprehensible
NDEs often lead to profound and permanent transformations in personality, attitudes, beliefs and values, something that is never seen following hallucinations
People looking back on hallucinations typically recognize them as unreal, as fantasies, whereas, people often describe their NDEs as “more real than real."
Further, people who have experienced both hallucinations and an NDE describe them as being quite different
Aren’t NDEs the result of anoxia (lack of oxygen) in a dying brain? No. Physicians have compared oxygen levels of cardiac arrest survivors who did and did not have NDEs and their findings discredit the anoxia hypothesis
In fact, in one study, the NDErs had higher oxygen levels than non-NDErs
Haven’t locations in the brain been found to produce an NDE?  there is no empirical evidence that any one of these, or a combination of them, manufacture the NDE.  Every perception we have will be associated with activity in a specific part of the brain, but that doesn’t mean the activity caused the experience
Millions of people from all over the world have undergone a Near-Death Experience. In 1983 a major American survey by George Gallup Junior reported that about five per cent of the adult population had experienced one
Studies in many different countries have shown that people are having the same experiences all over the world
People see what’s happening to their body while they are unconscious
A huge percentage of near-death experiencers are able to describe exactly what happened to them while they were unconscious
They know who was present, what people were talking about even at a distance
Many of the patients who have been revived have been able to describe in great technical detail exactly what went on in the operating room
It doesn’t take a Near Death Experience to make you aware that you are a soul having a human experience here on earth, but the evidence certainly makes the case that there is life beyond our human existence
One in 10 people have near-death experiences, according to a new study
What it can do though is give you good reason to believe in the possibility that bodily death is not the end, and provide some scientific evidence that supports this view
They do not seem to be culturally motivated nor do they have bias when it comes to age or gender
The International Association for Near-Death Studies says: “Every day in the U.S. 800 near-death experiences occur.”
Around 85% of the people who experienced near-death states say that their lives were forever changed by the experience
Psychological changes include no longer having a fear of death
Did you know that nearly 85 percent of children who undergo cardiac arrest have a near-death experience (NDE)?
NDEs Absolutely, Positively NOT Caused By Malfunctioning Brains
While many skeptics continue to suggest that malfunctioning brains produce near-death experiences, the evidence is now overwhelming that this is not the case
“After decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers, only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious — how it gives rise to sensation, feeling, subjectivity — has emerged unchallenged: We don’t have a clue!”
— Alva Noë, Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley
The most reasonable neuroscientific explanation of NDEs, the one that accounts best for all the data, is that NDEs are not a product of brain activity at all
They result, instead, from the removal of the brain’s filtering activity
In fact, some NDErs spontaneously use the filter metaphor to describe feeling free from their brains during an NDE
The brain filters out everything and doesn’t help our thinking, but hinders it, slows it down
While clinically dead, a person witnesses events, sometimes in distant locations, that are later confirmed to be true
Groups of dying people share the same NDE
People born blind can see during an NDE
People with large portions of their brains missing can still be fully functional
People that have been clinically dead FOR DAYS return to life with stories of the other side
NDE memories are more real and remembered more accurately than ordinary memories
Atheists and materialists abandon materialistic world views when they personally encounter spiritual realities
it has been verified that an NDEr accurately perceived an event that occurred precisely during the period when the NDEr’s heart was stopped and normal brain function had ceased
Out-of-body experiences support the reality of spiritual, otherworldly domains
An 82-year-old man had an NDE in which he floated out of his body in the hospital trauma room. From a position up above the goings-on there, he saw a quarter sitting on the right-hand corner of the eight-foot-high cardiac monitor, a quarter dating from the year 1985. After he was resuscitated, he asked Lerma to go and check whether the quarter was really there, so he could know whether his very affecting spiritual experience was real. Lerma took a ladder and climbed up to look, and there indeed was the 1985 quarter, just as the patient had seen it
A patient described having an NDE in which she was pulled upward through the floors of the hospital until she came up out of the roof. From there, she noticed a red shoe lying on the roof. A skeptical physician later went onto the roof to check and indeed discovered the red shoe she’d described
During cardiac arrest, the brain activity of the cortex is shut down within an average of about 15 seconds to such an extent that, according to materialists, no complex conscious experiencing can occur after this point
Survival of consciousness after brain shutdown has now been proven by a four-year international study of 2,060 cardiac arrest cases across 15 hospitals around the world
50 percent of individuals who experienced an NDE mentioned an awareness of being dead
Some observers claim that NDEs display a rift in current neuroscientific theory, and that the experience shows another, more esoteric facet to our existence
OBEs are commonly a part of NDEs and sometimes include autoscopy – seeing one’s body from above
40% of cardiac arrest survivors interviewed described “awareness” during the time they were clinically dead and no brain function was possible
86% of these patients recalled having heightened cognitive function: increased speed, logical reasoning, and clarity of thought; overall visual and auditory clarity

949havoc's avatar
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Seems to me, death is merely a door that opens into another room to explore. There are some who, by circumstance, open the door, but remain in the previous room, so their perspective is more influenced by the present room than by the next room. Only by walking through the opening is the vista beyond fully appreciated. So-called after-life experience isn't really fully after life since we're still here in body, and the mind can take on any flight of fancy it can conjure.
EtrnlVw's avatar
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So-called after-life experience isn't really fully after life since we're still here in body

NDE's are technically experiences outside the physical body. That's because the soul exists independent of it, it can travel freely outside those domains. While the body is still functioning it confines the soul to that vehicle. When the body loses it's normal function (dies) the soul is released. If the body regains function, many times the soul will be urged or permitted to stay in this world and finish their journey. In essence, NDE's are more like accidents, where a soul is released into a parallel world. 
When you die, your soul will be present within that reality. An NDE is basically like a glimpse into that world, and they are able to tell of their encounter. 
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and the mind can take on any flight of fancy it can conjure.

The afterlife is an apparent objective reality, it doesn't rely on the mind or our feelings about it to exist. Actually, NDE experiences go well beyond what one may conjure up, and many times these experiences are observed by people who have no ideas or thoughts about an afterlife, they are simply observing it. 
The worlds of God are parallel worlds that can be experienced, the soul can have any number of experiences that involve being aware of them whether that be from higher conscious receptions, visions or simply leaving the physical body and being there to witness them. 
The soul in this world is much like a receiver of radio frequencies where it can pick up on any number of channels that exist on a conscious level, but when the soul leaves it's radio it may enter those frequencies and experience them and inhabit them. During an NDE, the soul is simply observing another range of frequency outside of where it previously was stationed. I get the feeling you believe in the soul right? well the soul is not restricted to the physical body when the right circumstances arise. When the death of the body occurs, whether that be permanent or temporary, the observation point of the soul is adjusted accordingly.  
FLRW's avatar
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Proof of no soul is general anesthetics. General anaesthesia is used for surgical procedures where it's safer or more comfortable for you to be unconscious. It's usually used for long operations or those that would otherwise be very painful.
All anaesthetics stop the nerves from passing signals to the brain.  You don't see, hear, or remember anything.
949havoc's avatar
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However, the alleged NDE experience has scientific study opposition, such as

The former acknowledged people undergoing fMRI sensory tests, and some of those people do report feeling out of the body, however, they also report only the vague impression of being out-of-body, and that "other body," is reported as the soul or spirit, that other body is reported by the test subject as "motionless," i.e., not traveling in the out-of-body experience.

The second completely discounts the claim. of out-of-body experience as being simply a "mind trip."
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See: Out-of-body experiences: Neuroscience or the paranormal?

Strong G-forces: Pilots and astronauts occasionally experience OBEs. For instance, when extreme G-forces are encountered, blood can partially drain from certain parts of the brain. This, it seems, has the power to induce an OBE.
In this instance, OBEs occur as part of a phenomenon called “gravity-induced loss of consciousness.” The more surreal parts of this experience are not freely discussed by most pilots, but some give vivid accounts.
“I was there. But I, like, wasn’t there. I was floating. I was looking at myself from outside of myself.”
Col. Dan Fulgham

EtrnlVw's avatar
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However, the alleged NDE experience has scientific study opposition

There's nothing new there, science cannot account for the soul and it has no way of measuring consciousness outside the body. I've thoroughly explained why brains measure activity....My posts in this thread go over all of that, feel free to read through them.
Also in this topic

It's funny though, when someone digs up a link that tries to disqualify NDE's through conjecture or making a fuss about brain activity they don't look any further. Find a source that supports it, that's how you get a more thorough understanding of the subject. It's not very hard to google "debunking" this or that because everybody has an opinion especially regarding topics of a more spiritual background. 
Materialists will always try and makes excuses for why people have transcendent encounters, that's their job to attempt to stay legitimate as if they know what exists and what doesn't. 

The second completely discounts the claim. of out-of-body experience as being simply a "mind trip."

I'm sure they do, reading through the link there is nothing more than opinions. They basically claim  it's not possible because it hasn't been scientifically proven lol, do you know how silly that is? no one here is claiming it's been proven through the scientific method, that is irrelevant. Has it been proven through the scientific method that God exists? does that mean God does not exist?? of course not, that too is out of their body of knowledge. These are subject matters they cannot reach and is of a contrasting nature. 
You can watch the documentary series that I provided of people who have had them along side medical facts that correspond with each case. Then you can see what the actual claims are instead of trusting some biased link that really has no place making any claims about these experiences. That's not their field of study, they are limited by material tools and materialistic assumptions. 

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!!! ETRNLVW !!!

Just a "heads up" where unfortunately for you, and because of your Bible stupidity, Jesus and I had to make you the continued Bible fool RUNAWAY again within this forum when you had the audacity to enter my thread shown below and complain about it like the little pseudo-christian wussy boy that you are!

Yes, once again, instead of discussing said topic, you called me many foul names that goes directly against Jesus' words within the scriptures as I had shown!

Therefore, not to be totally embarrassed ONCE AGAIN as shown in the link below, stay out of my threads because your Bible ineptness does not warrant you being in them in the first place, understood Bible stupid fool?

You are excused once again in total embarrassment until the next time you step out of line.


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It's certainly example of their hate-filled lives.