A Biden Town Hall on CNN

Author: fauxlaw


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oromagi's avatar
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 You don't seem to have any problem with his positions or plans.
Previous posts certainly cover that. Must I be so repetitive? Who is have coherency, let alone memory issues, now?
But if you're not going to talk about political issues, why raise a forum in POLITICS.  If you just want to gossip about people you don't like you should put it in the PEOPLE forum
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
  • @oromagi
  • Biden is the most Republican president since George H. W. Bush
  • Bush 41 was hardly a Republican. He was progressive in virtually every way. Biden? A Republican? That's an insult. Biden has no clue what he is.
Here is a good example of failure in coherence.  Bush 41 was mostly just an extension of Reagan policies.  Trump requires the modern Republican party to think of Bush 41 & 43 as RINO's because they opposed his candidacy but to say Bush 41 was no Republican is to say the same about Reagan (policy-wise, not personality-wise), but I doubt you are ready to call Reagan a RINO as well.   But if Reagan were alive in 2020, does anybody really doubt he would have supported Biden before Trump?

oromagi's avatar
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Nope. The only nation-level activity in the Presidential election, constitutionally, is when the Senators [House is also there, but plays no role unless the proceedings fail to confirm the election by the E.C.] meet, under the direction of the President of the Senate to confirm the E.C. State votes, by physical count. Article II, sec. 1, clause 3.
You say nope and then confirmed exactly what I said.  State representation is what counts in a national election not cities.
oromagi's avatar
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Nope. I don't dream. I know exactly what media is, and is not. As the only private industry mentioned constitutionally, it has the role of balance, not of opinion. The latter is all CNN is.
Like I said, I stopped watching CNN a decade ago.  Checks and balance don't imply an absence of opinion, how would the Supreme Court check the executive and legislative without opinion?  Your standard is irrational.   Nor does the Constitution constrain journalists in any way (regarding balance or anything else), it constrains Congress from abridging the press' freedom to express any opinion the press sees as fit to print.
Wylted's avatar
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Who the hell cares? Like honestly. Isn't his words more important than his popularity?
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
Nope. What I'm saying is a definitive, not a maybe: SloJo is a Cannot, absolutely. No questins about it, at all, and you you didn't hate Trump so much, you's realize that that is what Joe Biden is, even to Democrats who appraise him seriously: He is a not-Trump, not a positive Joe Biden.

Y0es, I've seen this apology from Politifact and CNBC. They are wrong. I have a professional sound studio, and I have run the sound of Biden's statement. He did not merely say, "I will be Joe Biden."  there is a definitive, plosive "t" at the end of "be," before the "Joe," and all the apologies in the world from all the fawning media saying otherwise cannot erase what was actually said: A "t."  I've said this, before, so blow your apologies. Did you miss it?  That's on you. Joe Biden  does not know who Joe Biden is, and my professional sound analysis, letter by letter, is all the evidence I need. Period.

Doctors say you should still get vaccinated even if you've already had COVID-19.
Appears the jury is still out on that claim.

Please show evidence that Biden and Harris complained that the vaccine is not effective

Please show evidence Biden says that vaccine should be mandatory.
"'A tough call’: Biden considering mandatory Covid vaccines for U.S. troops". https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/30/biden-covid-vaccines-troops-485099

fauxlaw concedes his prior inaccuracy when evaluating Biden's mental capacity.  
Nope. fauxlaw has not conceded evaluation of Biden's mental capacity. fauxlaw has conceded that Biden's departure within six months was inaccurate. Let's read what I said, not what you think I said. That's half the problem I encounter. people misread what I say. Words mean things and I typically choose them carefully.

COHERENCE is "Unified; sticking together; Orderly, logical and consistent.  

 If you just want to gossip about people you don't like you should put it in the PEOPLE forum
Tell me if any of the above citations are gossip, or am I referencing your holy media?

But if Reagan were alive in 2020, does anybody really doubt he would have supported Biden before Trump?
A straw man argument since Reagan is not here to confirm one way or the other. 

Actually national elections are determined by electoral votes counted at the State level
Those are your words, but the E.C. count at state level does not election a President. The President is not elected until the Senate completes its confirmation according to 3 U.S. Code § 15. Your statement is incomplete.
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Here is a good example of failure in coherence.  Bush 41 was mostly just an extension of Reagan policies.  Trump requires the modern Republican party to think of Bush 41 & 43 as RINO's because they opposed his candidacy but to say Bush 41 was no Republican is to say the same about Reagan (policy-wise, not personality-wise), but I doubt you are ready to call Reagan a RINO as well.   But if Reagan were alive in 2020, does anybody really doubt he would have supported Biden before Trump?

Everyone hates moderates like the bush family. Their time is past. It will now be a real fight between left and right . Left will probably win. 

Trump is a weird centrist that likes right wing rhetoric.

True Republicans are like Ron paul

fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
True Republicans are like Ron paul
Depends on what an R describes a "true R" to be. Face it, Rs are as fractured as Ds. Isn't that obvious?
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
there fracture is between leftists and liberals. Republican licans are fractured based on

1. Trump people
2. Libertarians 
3. Conservatives.
4. Neo cons
5. Although righters 


Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Yeah, I do care. I expect that an elected President be coherent.
And yet you are perfectly fine with this…

Hannity: “What is one of your top priority agenda items for a second term?”

Trump:  “Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning.

I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration.”

You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people.”

Find me one Biden excerpt that compares to this. No not some stutter or moment of confusion, a complete incoherent mess of an answer that this was. And I could literally pull up 100 more just like it. This is just how he talks.

Even crazier is that this is the easiest question he could possibly get. He’s been president for 4 years  and campaigning for a second term the entire time. How on earth does he not know why he’s running?

You don’t care about coherence.
Double_R's avatar
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COHERENCE is "Unified; sticking together; Orderly, logical and consistent.   Biden's actions follow his public statements.  His public statements are in agreement with prior statements"

Trump promises infrastructure but then never writes one bill his whole presidency=INCOHERENT
Biden promises infrastructure, gets all Dems on board and now we're waiting to see if GOP will honor their campaign promises=COHERENT
Trump promises to leave Afghanistan but then takes no action to remove troop=INCOHERENT
Biden promises to leave Afghanistan before Sept and mid-July completes that task = COHERENT
Trump claims he saved millions of lives from COVID  by banning travel from China, then says it’s a hoax, it’s like the flu, never wears a mask or encourages social distancing, holds packed rally after rally in COVID hotspots = INCOHERENT

Trump proclaims himself the law and order president, said we need more police officers and we need to get tougher on crime, then repeatedly attacks Joe Biden for sponsoring the 94 crime bill which put 100,000 more cops on the streets and harshness sentences = INCOHERENT 

Trump begins his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and calling for the ban of Muslims, then proclaims himself the least racist president ever. = INCOHERENT 
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
biden is a pedophile
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Nope. What I'm saying is a definitive, not a maybe: SloJo is a Cannot, absolutely. No questins about it, at all, and you you didn't hate Trump so much, you's realize that that is what Joe Biden is, even to Democrats who appraise him seriously: He is a not-Trump, not a positive Joe Biden.
But you have no  assertions of a political or factual nature.  There's no question that Biden has been more engaged and productive than his predecessor, actively inserting himself into law-making, pandemic response, economic planning.  More new jobs were created in Biden's first six months than any six month period for any president.  In the first quarter, the economy grew at 5.4% and second quarter reports will top that.  There's a lot to do when recovering from the most spectacularly destructive presidency in history and Biden is doing it.  In Trump's first 100 days he had fired 12 major appointments under mostly scandalous circumstances- Biden none.  Trump took 19 vacation day during his first 100 days in office.  Biden took one.
Y0es, I've seen this apology from Politifact and CNBC. They are wrong. I have a professional sound studio, and I have run the sound of Biden's statement. He did not merely say, "I will be Joe Biden."  there is a definitive, plosive "t" at the end of "be," before the "Joe," and all the apologies in the world from all the fawning media saying otherwise cannot erase what was actually said: A "t."  I've said this, before, so blow your apologies. Did you miss it?  That's on you. Joe Biden  does not know who Joe Biden is, and my professional sound analysis, letter by letter, is all the evidence I need. Period.
That's so phony. 

Biden is asked "are you prepared now to say that you are  going to govern as a progressive and enact programs in the mold of  Sanders and Warren?"

Biden answers:

"I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years and that I’m going to be Joe Biden. Look at my record. The fact is that some areas that I think, for example, I think health care is a right, not a privilege. I do not support Medicare for All. I will not support Medicare for All. But I do support making sure that Obamacare is around with a public option for those who can’t afford. Those who qualify for Medicaid and they don’t get it in their state, they would be able to buy, they would be able to be automatically enrolled in the public option of Medicare. "
I'm not going to be Warren or Sander, I am going to be Joe Biden.  The response is perfectly on point.  The reporter, the closed captioning, the transcript all record be Joe Biden.  Besides which, have you ever noticed that whenever Biden says "beat" in the sense of defeating an opponent he almost always says "I'm going to beat him like a drum"  He never said I'm going to beat Trump, it always "beat him like a drum"

So, Pulitzer Prize winning objective reporting, common sense, (and our own senses) all say "be."  Fauxlaw's own ears insist they must be wrong because FOX News told him what he must have  heard.  Sorry, but we're going to stick to the facts.  You got nothing.

Doctors say you should still get vaccinated even if you've already had COVID-19.
Appears the jury is still out on that claim.
Wait a sec.  You said, "science says  that surviv[ing] with antibodies is as good, if not better than being vaccinated."  I quoted the CDC from two days ago stating that the vaccines give far better protection and you counter with healthline.com?  Online healthcare advertisers who work in partnership with hacks like Dr. Oz? 

Admen are not scientists, pretty much the opposite.  If you are going to make the claim that "SCIENCE says X" than you must use the opinions of scientists and furthermore just one or two quacks does not equate to science, you must show that preponderance of scientific opinion agrees with your claim.  Since SCIENCE has already clearly stated the opposite of your claim, "get a vaccine, it's better protection," you should recognize that you are spreading COVID disinformation during a pandemic.

Please show evidence that Biden and Harris complained that the vaccine is not effective


WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden said Wednesday that while he trusts what scientists say about a potential coronavirus vaccine, he doesn’t trust President Donald Trump.

His comments come as the debate over a vaccine — how it will be evaluated and distributed when it’s ready — has taken center stage in the presidential race with seven weeks to go until the November election.

Trump and Biden have been trading accusations that the other is undermining public trust in a potential coronavirus vaccine. Biden has expressed concerns that the vaccine approval process could be politicized, while Trump and his allies counter that such comments from Biden and other Democrats are turning off the public to a potentially lifesaving vaccine when it’s released.

Biden, speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, after being briefed by public health experts about a potential vaccine, cited Trump’s “incompetence and dishonesty” surrounding the distribution of personal protective equipment and coronavirus testing. The U.S. “can’t afford to repeat those fiascos when it comes to a vaccine,” he said.

“I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump,” Biden said, “and at this moment, the American people can’t, either.”
"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about," she continued in the clip from an exclusive interview airing Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" at 9 a.m. ET. "I will not take his word for it."
By last Fall, all Americans had good reason to worry that Trump would start injecting Americans with bleach and calling it a cure.  Biden and Harris never once complained that the vaccine is not effective, as is supported by your disingenuous citiations.

Please show evidence Biden says that vaccine should be mandatory.
"'A tough call’: Biden considering mandatory Covid vaccines for U.S. troops". https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/30/biden-covid-vaccines-troops-485099

You are pre-futed by post#28-  "I know he is investigating legality of mandating vaccines for troops but has not backed that policy yet."  Your article only supports my claim that Biden has not made vaccines mandatory in any circumstance.  In debate, you should try to show evidence that contradicts your opponents claims, not reinforces.

fauxlaw concedes his prior inaccuracy when evaluating Biden's mental capacity.  
Nope. fauxlaw has not conceded evaluation of Biden's mental capacity. fauxlaw has conceded that Biden's departure within six months was inaccurate. Let's read what I said, not what you think I said. That's half the problem I encounter. people misread what I say. Words mean things and I typically choose them carefully.
I didn't say that you conceded your evaluation of Biden's mental capacity.  I said "fauxlaw concedes his prior inaccuracy when evaluating Biden's mental capacity"  You've now twice conceded that you were inaccurate when evaluating Biden's capacity.  Let's read what I wrote, not what you think I wrote.  That's half the problem I have debating fauxlaw- he misreads what I say.  Words mean thing and I typically choose them more carefully than does fauxlaw.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar

Yeah, you are still confused about the difference between eloquence (or even clarity) and coherence.  Since you claim to choose your words carefully, you should definitely look up the meaning of  COHERENCE some day.

 If you just want to gossip about people you don't like you should put it in the PEOPLE forum
Tell me if any of the above citations are gossip, or am I referencing your holy media?
Well, you've gotten a little more political but I have yet to see any argument that says Biden is wrong on policy- your entire thesis seems to be "Biden is less than perfect"  Since you have forgiven for making mistakes in this forum, why not extend that forgiveness to your president, who is working so hard on your behalf?

But if Reagan were alive in 2020, does anybody really doubt he would have supported Biden before Trump?
A straw man argument since Reagan is not here to confirm one way or the other. 
That's not what straw man argument means.  A STRAW MAN is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.

You argued that Bush 41 was no Republican, he was a progressive.  I countered that Bush 41, as Reagan's VP and successor, largely an extension of Reagan's Republicanism, which, given his iconic status modern Trumpists are more reluctant to call RINO than other Republicans.  That counter moves right to heart of your argument so its no "straw man."

You are correct that we can't know a dead man's mind entirely but we can gather evidence from people who knew his mind:

Here's the New Republic, the former heart and soul of the GOP, stating that Trump is erasing and overwriting Reagan's Republican Party:
Here's a well established Reagan Republican begging the GOP to reject nominating Trump for a second term:
Here's Reagan's son Ron stating that his father would have considered Trump "“a traitorous president who is betraying his country.”  Reagan and I finally find something to agree on.

Actually national elections are determined by electoral votes counted at the State level
Those are your words, but the E.C. count at state level does not election a President. The President is not elected until the Senate completes its confirmation according to 3 U.S. Code § 15. Your statement is incomplete.

  • I said, Biden has already visited 7 states that didn't vote for him, tying Trump's whole presidency.
  • You said, Cincinnati voted for Biden (which is true generally but Delhi Township is a suburb bordering on Indiana and Kentucky and hosts two Christian universities and is very definitely Trump country- Biden was deep in Trump country last night)
  • I said, it's the States that count in a presidential election
  • You said, no its not States, its Senators who count- an absurd argument since Senators only report the results of the electoral college.
  • I said, no its the electoral college.
  • Now here is an example of a STRAW MAN argument
    • You argue the President is not elected until the Senate reports and confirms the electoral college results.
    • But Senators are not at liberty to modify the electoral college results or report something different than the numbers the Secretary of State has given them, therefore, what Senators say or do is NOT what counts.  If no candidate garners 270 electoral votes, its the House who determines the President, not the Senate.
    • Contrary to your straw man, it is the electoral college results that determine the election and the Senator's job is strictly to report those results and confirm.  That's why the outcome of election are reported as soon as the electoral college results are known and never postponed until Senators perform their perfunctories 9 weeks later.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
biden is a pedophile

Dr. Franklin is a liar
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
lets note that the post above me is spreading false info
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Here is a good example of failure in coherence.  Bush 41 was mostly just an extension of Reagan policies.  Trump requires the modern Republican party to think of Bush 41 & 43 as RINO's because they opposed his candidacy but to say Bush 41 was no Republican is to say the same about Reagan (policy-wise, not personality-wise), but I doubt you are ready to call Reagan a RINO as well.   But if Reagan were alive in 2020, does anybody really doubt he would have supported Biden before Trump?

Everyone hates moderates like the bush family. Their time is past. It will now be a real fight between left and right . Left will probably win. 

Trump is a weird centrist that likes right wing rhetoric.

True Republicans are like Ron paul
But as we've established many times now, you hate America.  You hate democracy.  You think that America should be subjected to the rule of a dictator, demonstrating that you don't even understand what created or defines the United States of America.

We've established in prior conversations that you are ignorant of the distinction between Right and Left (property rights vs. human rights)  in politics and that you  have no idea what the words Conservative or Libertarian mean.  I assume this ignorance holds true for Republicanism as well.  You are a Fascist in the classic sense of that word.  Fascism  is "characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

Therefore, your opinion represents an extreme, dangerous, and ignorant minority of all Americans- less than 1/10th of 1%.  When you say "everyone hates moderates" you have absolutely zero credibility to represent or even pretend to comprehend the American electorate.  You might as well say "I hate moderates" because  "everybody" already knows that  your utterly lack any information about what your fellow citizens think.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
lets note that the post above me is spreading false info
You think that's funny, do you?  Accusing people of child rape without a shred of evidence?   I don't know if you care much about the Ten Commandments but this is commission of the sin of  "bearing false witness" to a nasty, unmitigated degree.  I don't believe in Hell but if you do I hope you often consider how lies like this guarantee your ultimate destination.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
yeah im not bearing false witness

Accusing people of child rape without a shred of evidence?  
do not recall doing that
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
But as we've established many times now, you hate America.  You hate democracy.  You think that America should be subjected to the rule of a dictator, demonstrating that you don't even understand what created or defines the United States of America.
Oro, I don't like dictatorship. This entire post is irrelevant and just a personal attack, but I'll give you my world view. 

I want to see the corrupt fall. I don't like big businesses that unfairly wield their power and behave corruptly. For example, drug companies sending tainted products to children overseas because they would be punished for giving the products to Americans.

I don't like  corrupt politicians. Ones owned by corporations or who create policies that do harm. It doesn't matter whether it is a Democrat opposi g the fair tax, which is pretty obviously good to such a point where everyone knows it would improve tax revenue while boosting the economy and simultaneously reducing everyone's tax burden, or Republicans who oppose a basic minimum income which is as obviously good. Only one explanation exists for opposing obviously good policy, and that is extreme corruption. Even the length of bills passed, is evidence of corruption.

We do have politicians who are caught raping women, abusing kids and accepting bribes.  It's wrong, and given their level of power, for every one that is getting caught, it is probably 10 going undetected. 

I don't like a justice system, where it is set up so the poor accept small charges because the alternative to a plea bargain for a crime they are innocent of, is waiting 6 months behind bars for trial. The judge and prosecution who play along with this, are corrupt and perpetrate this system.

I Don't like seeing the state like in that Netflix documentary with the kid Gabriel, allow abusers to kill their children because they act too slowly, or they take kids from good parents and put them in abusive foster homes. It's not fair.

My ideology is that I am opposed to injustice. 

Maybe a close relative of that ideology is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" 
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
You think that's funny, do you?  Accusing people of child rape without a shred of evidence?
The elites really rape people. Everyone in Hollywood has a rape story. Now a minority of the offenders are being exposed like weinstein or Cosby or kevin spacey.

Same with the elites. Look at anyone who has ever been to pedophile Island with Epstein. Thats a ton of politicians and celebrities there, but Biden has a credible rape accusation, even aside from the awkward public interactions with children. Like the woman who called into the Larry King show and worked with him. 

I heard stories of dick Cheney keeping child see slaves. There was is "the finders" cult which has been verified to exist. 

During a custody battle, a British politician was proved to have had a satanic set cult when his kids felt safe enough to report him to authorities. One where his kids were pi.ped to other politicians.

These are evil people in positions of power. Just think of the type of person who is even attracted to power to start with, and add to it that they feel invincible when they have it. 

The metoo movement, really did expose how prevalent rape and. Olestatio. Is among the rich and powerful 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Media loves celebrity rape.

Of course the reality is, that once a tale is out there it's impossible to make it go away. And no one is particularly interested in the truth of the matter anyway.

Just the gory, salacious details.

Joe Biden, in the Town Hall on CNN.
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
Trump claims he saved millions of lives from COVID  by banning travel from China, then says it’s a hoax, it’s like the flu, never wears a mask or encourages social distancing, holds packed rally after rally in COVID hotspots = INCOHERENT

Trump proclaims himself the law and order president, said we need more police officers and we need to get tougher on crime, then repeatedly attacks Joe Biden for sponsoring the 94 crime bill which put 100,000 more cops on the streets and harshness sentences = INCOHERENT 

Trump begins his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and calling for the ban of Muslims, then proclaims himself the least racist president ever. = INCOHERENT 

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
yeah im not bearing false witness
another lie.

Accusing people of child rape without a shred of evidence?  
do not recall doing that
SkepticalOne's avatar
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SkepticalOne's avatar
And as for killing people, there are plenty who have had the virus, and survived with antibodies that science says is as good, if not better than being vaccinated, but those who used to complain [including SloJo, and Kammie] that the vaccine would not be effective, are now saying it must be mandated. What changed, other than their ill-informed opinions?
What changed? Maybe that covid is quickly becoming a pandemic among the un-vaccinated?
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Trump claims he saved millions of lives from COVID  by banning travel from China, then says it’s a hoax, it’s like the flu, never wears a mask or encourages social distancing, holds packed rally after rally in COVID hotspots = INCOHERENT
So your attempt to make Trump seem coherent on COVID is to claim that he never banned travel from China. Wow, that makes it so much worse.

“We’re the ones that gave the great response, and we’re the ones that kept China out of here. ... If I didn’t do that early call on China — and nobody wanted that to happen. Everybody thought it was just unnecessary to do it.” - Wed 3/25/20

“Everybody was against it. Almost everybody, I would say, was just absolutely against it. ... I made a decision to close off to China that was weeks early. ... And I must say, doctors — nobody wanted to make that decision at the time.” — Fox News virtual town hall Tuesday 3/24/20

“I’ll tell you how prepared I was, I called for a ban.” — news briefing on March 19 2020

“And if we didn’t do that, thousands and thousands of people would have died.” Wednesday March 25 2020

Right. Saved thousands of lives from a hoax that wasn’t worth pushing for any public health measures to show down, unless those measures could be sold to his base as keeping more non white people out.

Not only does this fail to make him appear any more incoherent but it also shows him yet again to be a complete liar. Why do you defend this man? What is wrong with you?

Not reading the rest of your links. If you don’t have time to make your own arguments I don’t have time to read them.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
It was a lot like a Hannity town hall.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Trump was uncontrolled opposition. Prove me wrong.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
i did not in fact do that
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
i did not in fact do that