Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth

Author: Mesmer


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Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
The only undisputed proof of systemic racism in the USA is the rates of single motherhood by ethnic group, a known precursor to criminal activity and lower wealth and education rates.
I would actually dispute that and argue it line-by-line lol.

I'm not entirely sure what argument you would present, but I'd imagine this gap has something to do with IQ correlated income gap between races, lower impulse control amongst certain races, maybe even a different breeding strategy between races etc. 

If you want to post the argument, I'd address it.

But it's just too fucking hard to blame white privilege on that, so lets bury those facts.
Yes it's way too hard to blame "white privilege" for this. I'd even say it's wrong and malicious to do so, too.
Greyparrot's avatar
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 They have single mothers because their dads were in prison

False. Most of the single mothers have multiple dads not in prison.
Wylted's avatar
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I've studied this issue for a while. Male and females in white communities are like a 50/50 split. Meaning a balance of power in sexual dynamics. In the black community, so many black men are in prison that you have like 10 black women competing for 2 guys. Men have too much power in mate selection and avoiding the socializing effect of women, means that men control those dynamics. When men control sexual dynamics, more partners will be had by the women, and by the men. You can see this effect in other populations where large scale male migration left women as a disproportionate majorities. Practically the same things happen as in black communities 
Mesmer's avatar
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Bow do you expect to persuade people by insulting them? It doesn't accomplish anything but making them clam up and doggedly stick to their beliefs more. 

I genuinely like you and want to see you become .ore persuasive.  This doesn't help. Studies show, asking for their premises and then disproving a premise, works better at changing minds. 
If you're talking about Reece101, he's too stupid and cause-driven to understand anything political, so it's best to use him as a punching bad to make left-wing arguments look dreadful. He's a cause-type of person who would be a Communist, hardcore environmentalist or Nazi larper if you deconverted him from his anti-white rhetoric. These people are literally incapable of making good arguments that aren't blinded by their cause (i.e. social justice, class struggle, global warming, Nazi regime etc.) because their genetics don't allow it. They always have to attach themselves to some cause, fight who they perceive to be bad, and only make motivatedly-reasoned arguments. 

With dfss, he's actually a surprisingly good poster and I'm kinda complimenting him here. I don't want him degrading into Reece101 levels. I want dfss posting at his best because I want my arguments to be tested by the best. He disagrees with most of what I say, but he's not a cause-driven person intent on ending White people, so we can actually have reasonable discussions. That's why I'm annoyed and calling dfss out on posting like a cause-type person -- he is capable of way better.
Wylted's avatar
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. I want dfss posting at his best because I want my arguments to be tested by the best. 
I have never understood this about you. Why?

Do you want to have some great over arching philosophy you can share with the world when you die?

Do you just enjoy this? If so that is a good enough reason. Just asking. 

It seems like you are building a great philosophy for no reason. You Don't seem to care about obtaining power or influence. 

In 50 years, you'll be dead. You'll have a great philosophy that is accurate, but in no way practical to use, and you'll have wasted your time building this philosophy that has disappeared into the sands of times. 
Greyparrot's avatar
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You have like 10 black women competing for 2 guys.

That's a result of hypergamy and laws that reward single mothers for having multiple fathers for their children. It's a problem among all ethnic groups, but it's a particular problem for Blacks because the welfare is greater for them.

Read the Moynihan report. Democrats have known this for over 50 years.
Wylted's avatar
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Yes hypergamy is a problem left unchecked. However I am referring to stuff like the following

A city whose population because if incarceration and early male death having

100k black women

50k black men

Women get horny too, and men are not incentives to stay in relationships as a result. Syre welfare hurts black families and incentives single motherhood, but if you have more women than men and men can control whether they fuck around or stay monogamous.  Men typically choose to fuck around. This also helps lose the female's civilization g effect on men, which contributes to criminality as well
Greyparrot's avatar
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I'm just saying women are going to go after the 20% of men regardless of prison status.

Most women won't even date a man under 5'10
Greyparrot's avatar
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You also need to read the Moynihan report as well. The war on crime didn't start in 1965 but the war on Dads as providers did.
Wylted's avatar
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good thing I am both 5 ft and 10 in. ;)
Wylted's avatar
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Will read right now. I am sure I saw it broken down by the cato Institute, but incase I am missing something will Google now
Mesmer's avatar
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. I want dfss posting at his best because I want my arguments to be tested by the best. 
I have never understood this about you. Why?

Do you want to have some great over arching philosophy you can share with the world when you die?

Do you just enjoy this? If so that is a good enough reason. Just asking. 

It seems like you are building a great philosophy for no reason. You Don't seem to care about obtaining power or influence. 

In 50 years, you'll be dead. You'll have a great philosophy that is accurate, but in no way practical to use, and you'll have wasted your time building this philosophy that has disappeared into the sands of times. 
Yes it's enjoyable for me. I like making excellent arguments and doing better than other people, as does anyone else. It feels really good to know you're right about something.

It's also helping fight anti-white narratives that are crippling humanity. Anti-white narratives are hampering White people from doing another industrial revolution type event wherein the WHOLE world's standard of living increases. If people would just leave White people alone for 100 years, maybe they'd invent transhumanist/posthumanist technology that allows humanity to move past tribalism, because this whole swinging between Traditional Conservatism and Progressivism isn't going anywhere and is causing a lot of suffering.

In 50 years there's a chance I'll be dead, but I'm doing things right now to influence people/communities and change them for the better. When most people get power/influence, their hands are tied by investors or other influential people, and so you don't actually get to do what you want to do a lot of the time. But if you're convincing 100s of people, and some of those 100s are convincing 100s themselves, ideas start to spread really quickly -- I'm already being useful and impactful just by typing on the internet.
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
Yes it's enjoyable for me. I like making excellent arguments and doing better than other people, as does anyone else. It feels really good to know you're right about something.
I sense there is an element of psychology at play here. Perhaps some sort of inferiority complex, where feeling right alleviates those feelings of inferiority. Nobody is better than you Mesmer.  You have nothing to prove

It's also helping fight anti-white narratives that are crippling humanity. Anti-white narratives are hampering White people from doing another industrial revolution type event wherein the WHOLE world's standard of living increases. If people would just leave White people alone for 100 years, maybe they'd invent transhumanist/posthumanist technology that allows humanity to move past tribalism, because this whole swinging between Traditional Conservatism and Progressivism isn't going anywhere and is causing a lot of suffering.
Ted kazynski has some interesting works explaining why transhumanism, will not alleviate suffering. As a transhumanist I've been meaning to get around to digging through his more obscure works to find a good outline of his arguments. he barely touches on it in his manifesto.  

"moving past tribalism", is the problem with the white race. Whites have no racial identity. It's genetic, we mostly believe in individualism and merit based decisions. We have a lot of in group preference with every other race. This is like the whites have made the wrong decision in the prisoner's dilemna. We would all be better off, if we acted like individuals and believed in merit above all else. However, only whites believe in this, so it is harming both whites and society as a whole. 

Moving past tribalism also brings a host of other problems. Over socialization is one. We care about others at our own expense and we have a society of martyrs, where only psycopaths who cannot be oversocialized can succeed. It leaves us in a less authentically connected community, where we truly have no close friends or support network, leaving us to feel empty inside and unloved. 

The move away from tribalism, means we have less control over our fate. Far away presidents have more effect on our daily lives than tribe leaders who we could talk to on a daily basis. Moving past tribalism is not going to help us, or even necessarily move us to a post human world.

In 50 years there's a chance I'll be dead, but I'm doing things right now to influence people/communities and change them for the better. When most people get power/influence, their hands are tied by investors or other influential people, and so you don't actually get to do what you want to do a lot of the time. But if you're convincing 100s of people, and some of those 100s are convincing 100s themselves, ideas start to spread really quickly -- I'm already being useful and impactful just by typing on the internet.

That sounds very altruistic of you. You must be a very good person
RationalMadman's avatar
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 if you're convincing 100s of people, and some of those 100s are convincing 100s themselves, ideas start to spread really quickly -- I'm already being useful and impactful just by typing on the internet.
Indeed, far-right fascism and racism alike are viruses that need to be stamped out ASAP on any platform their rotten influence sprouts up.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Central planning is a virus that needs to be stamped out along with the oligarchies that run it currently.
Mesmer's avatar
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Indeed, far-right fascism and racism alike are viruses that need to be stamped out ASAP on any platform their rotten influence sprouts up.
This is you continuing to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are extremely racially hateful of White people and would be perfectly fine with hurting White people should you even get the power to do so.

Instead of engaging in any type of rational discussion, such as reading the OP or responding to either of my responses to your only substantial comment: Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth ( ; Systemic Racism in U.S. criminal justice is a myth ( , you instead decide to Ad hom and personally attack anyone who disagrees with you.

And as you continue to be belligerently racially hateful of White people, as you continue to try and harm any White person for the apparently horrendous crime of being White, as you continue to ignore and undermine any attempt at rational conversation, and as others and myself continue to point out your malicious racially hateful behavior, you expose yourself fully as the far-left, anti-White extremist that you are.
RationalMadman's avatar
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Show me a single nation that is far-right where the populace aren't oppressed to the hilt.

They start with the propaganda 'we are the freedom fighters' and when in charge they always are the very opposite of that.

I am not going to fall for a new age Hitler or Stalin, left-wing or right-wing the sophistry and bullcrap you pass as genuine politics isn't my concern. You push a racist agenda, you can fuck right off to whatever racist shithole you want to make, because the land of America, or whatever the fuck it is you want to make racist, instead of telling the immigrants that they belong somewhere that your lunatic ancestors did while pillaging and conquering lands that also weren't theirs to start with. 

Hitler, Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump, Mao, they play the same tune 'we are different, we will bring back to you the pride you once lost, help this revolution and we will make our national pride and the silent majority rise once again' then when in charge they do absolutely nothing but make the poor starve and rule with an iron fist, silencing the opposition while pretending not to and giving fake news designed to make the real news seem outrageous.

So, I know exactly what happens when your vile ideology finds its way into the minds of the impressionable, I've seen it in countless different variations on both sides of the aisle. Jingoism and tyranny are a nice thing to package as 'but the other side doesn't let you be totally free'. Your shit works somewhere else, just stay the fuck off a debate website, it's not the best place to give your BS.

Nobody gives the slightest shit if the average IQ of a certain race is something in relation to another, there's factors involved such as opportunities during upbringing to increase intelligence as well as the fact that there's more to life even than IQ. The average IQ of a left-wing doctor is consistently higher than the average IQ of a right-wing farmer, nobody gives a shit because that has no implication beyond the IQ. The only fucking reason you post about blacks and caucasians having different average IQs is to suggest something else based on that and you have, especially on your MGTOWDemon account where you went full blown racist nutjob, which is just what you are with the mask off.

I couldn't give the slightest shit if any of this offends you, Mesmer, I didn't do shit to you and you used a fabricated past that you knew I was vulnerable to as I am sensitive about how I am seen, in order to blackmail me into dropping out of the presidency race here. You are everything you fucking hate, an oppressor and bully but you think it's okay when it suits your agenda. Get a taste of your own fucking medicine then, I am never going to be your buddy again Zarroette, no matter what enemy here you think we can unite against.

dfss9788's avatar
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Too lazy to proofread

I'm saying it's plausible that since Blacks speed more than Whites, if there is a difference in time wherein speeding is most likely done, this might explain some/all of the difference illustrated in the Texas graph. It's difficult to assess because there isn't data on the time people speed in America that specifically looks at an hour or so before and after dark. The data I found specifically said people usually speed during the morning rush to work, but doesn't comment really at all on any of the other times people speed, yet it remains plausible that people are speeding more an hour before sunset than an hour after because time of day DOES effect the amount of speeding (maybe to collect kids from school, get to the supermarket before everyone else -- we don't know).

That's why this speeding variable needed to be controlled for, or else they can't conclude that the results are indicative of racial discrimination.
There are other problems with the inference. When it becomes night some violations are hidden by darkness (e.g. carpool violations, drinking while driving) and other violations become more obvious (e.g. tail light out, headlamp out). There may be some racial correlation with the change in which violations are obvious and which become less obvious. So, day/night may not be the best way to check if officers are using race as a factor in their decisions. That the inference was made in the study.

The data from Stanford is quite extensive. Some of the datasets include the race of the officer. I had hoped that black officers showed different racial biases on the IAT and other tests, but apparently they show the same biases as white officers do. I had thought about a way to check for racial biases in policing that would be a better method than the day/night approach, and I think using the individual officer hash ID's might be the best way provided that other factors could be controlled for (e.g. location, time of day, day of week, type of offense). I would imagine that a racist cop's decisions would stand out in patterns. This would be a lot of data analysis work though.

The overall point of me bringing up these uncontrolled variables is that your paper makes the inductive leap that (1) there is racial disparity in stop rates (veil of darkness argument), and so (2) therefore racial bias exists. You seem to go further and draw the conclusion that systemic racism exists (something the paper doesn't necessarily go so far as to claim). Keep in mind that the paper does go beyond most papers in controlling for variables, but even then it's still not controlling for relevant ones because the inductive leap has such a huge burden of proof. In short, you can't use this paper to conclude that systemic racism exists because of this inductive leap in logic.
Something that's rather difficult about systemic racism is the lack of a working definition for it.  I would generally view the "war on drugs" to probably be the best example of it. While your OP focused on the behaviors of blacks that made them more likely to get caught, this is not where you should be looking if you wish to find systemic racism. You should be looking at the policy decisions of those in power and their impacts. Importantly those decisions may not be racially motivated at all a politician's decision is often to do or say whatever he thinks is best for his political career. I encourage you to review this article:

Also, the history of federal crack cocaine sentencing is a good example of how the system can be biased. These articles are a good resource on the subject: 

It wasn't until 2010 that the disparities in possession thresholds for cocaine sentencing were somewhat addressed under the fair sentencing act. That Congress was on notice of the problem in 1994 and allowed it to continue for 16 years represents a deliberate failure to act - And why? I surmise that it had to do with political expediency, or perhaps the issue was a legislative bargaining chip that was held up in negotiations.

The entire approach to the drug problem is destructive. Gangs fight over territory, murdering each other. Drug users overdose, now killing 70,000+ Americans every year. Drug users and dealers receive substantial prison sentences, removing them from the workforce and causing  them to be a drain on society. The high black market price of these substances is financially devastating to addicts who end up homeless and then turn to property crime as a way to pay for their habits. The cash flow leaves the USA and empowers drug lords, destabilizing other countries. If the production and distribution of these substances were socialized and regulated, one wonders how much of this damage could have been avoided.

I'm imagining the whole thing with the disparities may feed in to itself. Black men sent to prison obviously aren't able to provide for children very well while they're in there and being a convicted felon isn't good for your career prospects. When they get out, they take prison culture with them and contaminate the community with it. In prison one way you protect yourself is by having a reputation for a readiness to resort to violence (i.e. "don't fuck with that guy"; AKA "cred" when they get out) That these things from prison are part of black culture today should be obvious.

And really, these are simply the impacts. Was the war on drugs a racist decision, or any of this legislation inherently racist in the first place? I don't think so. As I said before, politicians are too often indifferent cogs in a racist machine. As crudely explained by a Republican strategist:

legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater explains how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist themselves:  You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”
As you've pointed out, it's just so much easier to catch black people using or dealing drugs than white people because they're doing it out in public on street corners or whatever. Drug crimes are one of the easiest crimes to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. It's so simple. "We found crack in his pocket. Here is the bodycam video. This is the test result. Case closed." OK then - You're running the DA's office and the police department. What are the investigative and prosecutorial priorities? Well in our republic those are going to be set by elected officials, and it's time for us to be "tough on crime" which seems to be a good dog whistle these days. The priority is drugs! More drug arrests. More convictions. Drug abuse violations have consistently been a high priority for policing. (e.g. - measuring by # of arrests it is usually the biggest category other than "all other arrests"); (also - - see marijuana arrests as about a third)

You're a big fan of studies. I'm sure you're aware of the benign nature of marijuana. It's not killing thousands of people like fentanyl or alcohol do. And yet, it's a huge priority for law enforcement. And why is that? Why does the harm from the drug bear so little relation to the decision to arrest? It's not like the policy makers don't know about it by now. Who is making those policy decisions and why are they doing it? Well, go look at the disparate racial impact and perhaps you have your answer. Democracy appears to be working just as it was designed to. Racial hatred in, systemic racism out; An expression of the will of the people.

Firstly, this doesn't actually (potentially) provide evidence that systemic racism exists. All this data could show is that some people have racial bias. So this is already a non-starter.

Secondly, this data (specifically the black-white data) contradicts the overall data on this topic. A meta-analysis of 17 studies found that White people (n=10,435) had a net effect of no discrimination. It also found that Black people (n=2,781) had a "small to moderate" bias in favor of their own race. These sample sizes are far larger than the Pew Study's White (n=328) and Black (n=370) numbers Black and White discrimination in the United States: Evidence from an archive of survey experiment studies ( . 

Thirdly, you don't have to guess as to whether police officers are biased (based on your Pew Study) because we already have data on this. This study found that police officers were quicker to shoot AND more likely to incorrectly shoot White unarmed criminals than Black unarmed criminals exhibiting the same threatening behavior (here is the relevant data points, since it's paywalled: Imgur: The magic of the Internet ; Imgur: The magic of the Internet ) (sorry it's paywalled: The Reverse Racism Effect: Are Cops More Hesitant to Shoot Black Than White Suspects? | Request PDF ( ) If anything, this shows police are racially biased against White people more than Black people.
I don't really remember what we we're talking about, but I did look at those studies. The Harvard IAT goes a lot faster than those studies and is more casual (if you're familiar with it). Like, if you look at the studies that were part of the meta-analysis and particularly the one with the police simulation you're going to see that they're a lot different in their detection methods. The study participants are heavily primed for what is going on. They know people are watching them and they probably know what they're looking for. They will worry of testing as racist. The Harvard IAT is pushing buttons on a keyboard as fast as one can and really comes across as no big deal / nobody cares.

This is an argument from incredulity as your doubting isn't sufficient reason to believe systemic racism exists to any degree. The default position should be complete indifference, and as demonstrated by all my arguments thus far (including the 5 from the OP), the correct position is to believe systemic racism is a myth.
I suppose I had anti-black racial bias in my mind as a factor. The threshold was not very high. At what point it becomes prevalent enough to be considered "systemic" is unclear.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The USA is so ridiculously far-left right now it's laughable to think the country could ever become far-right in anyone's lifetime.

The KKK is so small you need a microscope to find it. The so-called flagship of the alt-right "proud boys" is run by a bunch of Blacks and queers that regularly get shot at by gestapo Antifa thugs without having the balls to shoot back. 

White supremacy isn't causing the crime in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the Homelessness in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the high taxes in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the corruption in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the arbitrary health mandates in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the high rate of drug use  in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the exodus of millions of people in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the 70% single mother rate in California.
White supremacy isn't causing the current recall effort in California from people in BOTH parties of all skin colors.
White supremacy isn't causing the outrageous failures and mismanagements of Marxist central planners in California.

It's so funny how often white supremacy is invoked when it's so obvious to a rational person it's a boogie-man deflection from actual problems. 
Trust me honey, you are far, far more likely to experience the "joys" of the Marxist far-left dystopia WAY before you EVER see what a far-right dystopia looks like in America, especially with the kinds of idiots alive today that vote in Biden and call Trump a far-right Nazi for being a progressive New Yorker...

ebuc's avatar
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@Greyparrot think the country could ever become far-right in anyone's lifetime.........
..... WAY before you EVER see what a far-right dystopia looks like in America, especially with the kinds of idiots alive today that vote in Biden and call Trump a far-right Nazi for being a progressive New Yorker...
H,mm GP, you must be off the drugs cause you appear to be translating Fox news again above ^^ instead of your CNN posts.

76 million in USA voted for Biden

74 million trumpeteers voted for Trumpet.

H,mm,  you might consider going back on the drugs, - as they may actually be helping your mental cognitive -- @..@ --abilities. I dunno.

Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
Yes it's enjoyable for me. I like making excellent arguments and doing better than other people, as does anyone else. It feels really good to know you're right about something.
I sense there is an element of psychology at play here. Perhaps some sort of inferiority complex, where feeling right alleviates those feelings of inferiority. Nobody is better than you Mesmer.  You have nothing to prove
I don't see a reason to think people can be psychoanalyzed to this extent through text.

And this is all besides the point. The ideas and arguments should be addressed.

Ted kazynski has some interesting works explaining why transhumanism, will not alleviate suffering. As a transhumanist I've been meaning to get around to digging through his more obscure works to find a good outline of his arguments. he barely touches on it in his manifesto.  
This is quite far off the thread's topic, but it's interesting so I'll engage it.

I'd personally push for a post-human future that has evolved past ability to suffer, so that's where I am. I kinda agree with Ted that transhumanism wouldn't necessarily alleviate suffering, unless it was towards the extreme end of it wherein humans are barely recognizable anymore. I'd want a complete restructuring of the human brain, not just gadgets and augmentation for the human body (the small-minded transhumanist stuff currently pushed). I don't know exactly what he argues, though.

But this is all super theoretical.

"moving past tribalism", is the problem with the white race. Whites have no racial identity. It's genetic, we mostly believe in individualism and merit based decisions. We have a lot of in group preference with every other race. This is like the whites have made the wrong decision in the prisoner's dilemna. We would all be better off, if we acted like individuals and believed in merit above all else. However, only whites believe in this, so it is harming both whites and society as a whole. 
I somewhat agree with this.

If you got rid of all the anti-white propaganda and brainwashing, something like 85-90% of Whites would start doing the White Nationalism thing. Even with all the anti-white noise, you still have 40% of Whites having a racial in-group bias Imgur: The magic of the Internet . It's only the 'White Liberals' (not Classical Liberals, more like Progressives) who have the racial out-group bias, and they only make up roughly 10-15% of a population (depending on the study you look at) Mean In-Group Bias by Race/Ethnicity : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive . 

So where does that other 45-50% come from?

A lot of White people are Libertarians and Classical Liberals who just want to be left alone by governments and Progressive fanatics. These don't have an "in-group bias" with other races, but rather try the whole meritocracy you're talking about. They just don't yet understand that we need some rules to keep out degenerates and extremists so that you can have these Libertarian/Classical Liberal societies. Once you turn the anti-white brainwashing off, once you make them understand that their political beliefs require isolation from zealots and other races with different racial biases, these people will quickly do the White Nationalist thing. THESE are the remaining 40-50% of Whites.

White people aren't doomed and we can have these merit-based societies. They just need to rediscover why there were White-only policies in the first place.

Moving past tribalism also brings a host of other problems. Over socialization is one. We care about others at our own expense and we have a society of martyrs, where only psycopaths who cannot be oversocialized can succeed. It leaves us in a less authentically connected community, where we truly have no close friends or support network, leaving us to feel empty inside and unloved. 
I don't think is necessarily the case.

Perhaps it's possible to be a post-emotion entity and still have worthwhile lives. Perhaps we could make it impossible to become psychopathic so that they don't prey on incredibly agreeable people. There are so many theoretical ways around this that it's definitely not absolutely problematic.

The move away from tribalism, means we have less control over our fate. Far away presidents have more effect on our daily lives than tribe leaders who we could talk to on a daily basis. Moving past tribalism is not going to help us, or even necessarily move us to a post human world.
See the problem is that you keep thinking in human terms. What necessitates the existence of "presidents" or "tribe leaders" in these post-human worlds? We don't necessarily even need to "talk" about anything in the future -- we could just 'know' or act in 100% accordance to what is logical/correct. 

Post-human entities won't necessarily have any of the human problems you're listing here, and that's me using my human brain to comprehend post-human entities that aren't close to existing yet. This is like trying to imagine planes and telephones in the year 4000 B.C. Hell, I think it was Socrates that thought human slavery would never end. He was right for a long time, up until he wasn't.

All I'm saying is this stuff is theoretically possible and could solve human problems. I don't know precisely how this stuff could eventuate.

That sounds very altruistic of you. You must be a very good person
Yes, I must be :)
Wylted's avatar
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Wylted's avatar
I don't see a reason to think people can be psychoanalyzed to this extent through text.
Well, it's fun to try

And this is all besides the point. The ideas and arguments should be addressed.

I'd personally push for a post-human future that has evolved past ability to suffer, so that's where I am. I kinda agree with Ted that transhumanism wouldn't necessarily alleviate suffering, unless it was towards the extreme end of it wherein humans are barely recognizable anymore. I'd want a complete restructuring of the human brain, not just gadgets and augmentation for the human body (the small-minded transhumanist stuff currently pushed). I don't know exactly what he argues, though.

I seen this discussed within certain groups, but you really should read uncle Ted's stuff. 

Right now they try to reduce human suffering by giving pills to depressed people or people who do not fit into society. Uncle Ted says we should not be perverting human society by artificially altering everyone's brai. Structure to fit into industrial society. Instead we should destroy industrially society, so humans can be happy like before they ate the fruit in the garden of eden. 

See the problem is that you keep thinking in human terms. What necessitates the existence of "presidents" or "tribe leaders" in these post-human worlds? We don't necessarily even need to "talk" about anything in the future -- we could just 'know' or act in 100% accordance to what is logical/correct.
Correct, when humans become extinct and are replaced with post humans, there will be no human problems. 

You know these theoretical post humans will come in 2 varieties.

1. Post humans are so radically different than is, they can't be described as human. This is really the same as human extinction.

2. We are still humans no matter what. It would be like giving an aunt super aunt abilities. Now it is just an aunt that can do cool shit.  

Either option isn't really good
Mesmer's avatar
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There are other problems with the inference. When it becomes night some violations are hidden by darkness (e.g. carpool violations, drinking while driving) and other violations become more obvious (e.g. tail light out, headlamp out). There may be some racial correlation with the change in which violations are obvious and which become less obvious. So, day/night may not be the best way to check if officers are using race as a factor in their decisions. That the inference was made in the study.
Yeah exactly.

This study is great and controls for an abnormally large amount of variables, but it doesn't and really can't control for all of them. It's just nigh impossible to prove systemic racism from such a study.

The data from Stanford is quite extensive. Some of the datasets include the race of the officer. I had hoped that black officers showed different racial biases on the IAT and other tests, but apparently they show the same biases as white officers do. I had thought about a way to check for racial biases in policing that would be a better method than the day/night approach, and I think using the individual officer hash ID's might be the best way provided that other factors could be controlled for (e.g. location, time of day, day of week, type of offense). I would imagine that a racist cop's decisions would stand out in patterns. This would be a lot of data analysis work though.
The day/night approach in that 2020 100 million sample size paper is the closest anything has come to proving systemic racism, and it still falls short. The people who analyzed the data set and wrote the discussions in the paper don't seem to understand that it's possible to have different outcomes for races that DON'T involve 'systemic racism' or racial bias (this is just researchers being dumb).

The issue with cataloguing individual police, even if they provably have racial bias, is that this isn't systemic racism -- this is racial bias. Systemic racism is argued to be a result of institutions inherent racial bias against races -- that is not individual bias. If you want to argue that individual police are racially biased against certain races, that's a plausible argument that can be debated, but that won't prove systemic racism exists.

Something that's rather difficult about systemic racism is the lack of a working definition for it.  I would generally view the "war on drugs" to probably be the best example of it. While your OP focused on the behaviors of blacks that made them more likely to get caught, this is not where you should be looking if you wish to find systemic racism. You should be looking at the policy decisions of those in power and their impacts. Importantly those decisions may not be racially motivated at all a politician's decision is often to do or say whatever he thinks is best for his political career. I encourage you to review this article:

Also, the history of federal crack cocaine sentencing is a good example of how the system can be biased. These articles are a good resource on the subject: 

The working definition I use is 'outcomes that are a result of racial bias built into systems'. This is a definition I've gotten from semi-famous left-wingers like Destiny, Vaush and Hassan, so I'm intentionally attempting to give these left-wingers their ideal definition. I can understand people having difficulty in forming a definition because "racism" is a nonsense term: Racism is a nonsense, malicious term v2.0 ( . 

I find it non-connecting to argue that laws can be racially biased when there's no hint at them being so, and that the only 'evidence' you have is the different outcomes for racial groups. I've addressed and explained variables that account for these different racial outcomes, so that was a correct place to look for racial bias built into a system. Anyone of any race can get arrested for dong illicit drugs, so there doesn't appear to be 'systemic racism' there either. You seem to be missing any evidence that systemic racial bias exists, yet because it affects Blacks more, that's how you conclude systemic racism exists -- you're missing the essential part to conclude systemic racism exists.

It wasn't until 2010 that the disparities in possession thresholds for cocaine sentencing were somewhat addressed under the fair sentencing act. That Congress was on notice of the problem in 1994 and allowed it to continue for 16 years represents a deliberate failure to act - And why? I surmise that it had to do with political expediency, or perhaps the issue was a legislative bargaining chip that was held up in negotiations.
You could argue that this is problem with the law itself, that it isn't fair. But again, even if we agree this law wasn't fair, everyone is subject to this law, not just Black people. This argument doesn't demonstrate any racial bias that is generated by a system.

The entire approach to the drug problem is destructive. Gangs fight over territory, murdering each other. Drug users overdose, now killing 70,000+ Americans every year. Drug users and dealers receive substantial prison sentences, removing them from the workforce and causing  them to be a drain on society. The high black market price of these substances is financially devastating to addicts who end up homeless and then turn to property crime as a way to pay for their habits. The cash flow leaves the USA and empowers drug lords, destabilizing other countries. If the production and distribution of these substances were socialized and regulated, one wonders how much of this damage could have been avoided.

I'm imagining the whole thing with the disparities may feed in to itself. Black men sent to prison obviously aren't able to provide for children very well while they're in there and being a convicted felon isn't good for your career prospects. When they get out, they take prison culture with them and contaminate the community with it. In prison one way you protect yourself is by having a reputation for a readiness to resort to violence (i.e. "don't fuck with that guy"; AKA "cred" when they get out) That these things from prison are part of black culture today should be obvious.
Look I'm just going to stop giving you the benefit of the doubt and say that no society in their right mind would legalize these drugs.

I think it would be better if people received fines for personal drug use (so as to avoid clogging expensive jail cells with people who would otherwise be useful to society, kinda what you said about Black dads), but drug dealers/growers need the bullet. There's nothing productive about monetizing addiction, and it takes away from people being productive (e.g. why go to work and keep the country running when you could feel better getting high all day on your cheap supply of weed?). Getting large groups of people addicted to these things always causes massive social problems that aren't worth the 'money flying around the economy' or whatever.

Of course, this is a large topic and really needs its own thread (and I don't think it has anything to do with systemic racism because drugs laws apply to everyone), but I 100% do not agree with you that legalizing ANY of these illicit drugs is a good idea in the slightest.

And really, these are simply the impacts. Was the war on drugs a racist decision, or any of this legislation inherently racist in the first place? I don't think so. As I said before, politicians are too often indifferent cogs in a racist machine. As crudely explained by a Republican strategist:

legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater explains how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist themselves:  You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”
This is about politicians getting "racists" (whatever that means) to vote for them. Just because "racists" think this will hurt Black people, that doesn't mean the law itself is systemically racist. That's a rather nuanced difference, but hopefully it's clear.

As you've pointed out, it's just so much easier to catch black people using or dealing drugs than white people because they're doing it out in public on street corners or whatever. Drug crimes are one of the easiest crimes to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. It's so simple. "We found crack in his pocket. Here is the bodycam video. This is the test result. Case closed." OK then - You're running the DA's office and the police department. What are the investigative and prosecutorial priorities? Well in our republic those are going to be set by elected officials, and it's time for us to be "tough on crime" which seems to be a good dog whistle these days. The priority is drugs! More drug arrests. More convictions. Drug abuse violations have consistently been a high priority for policing. (e.g. - measuring by # of arrests it is usually the biggest category other than "all other arrests"); (also - - see marijuana arrests as about a third)

You're a big fan of studies. I'm sure you're aware of the benign nature of marijuana. It's not killing thousands of people like fentanyl or alcohol do. And yet, it's a huge priority for law enforcement. And why is that? Why does the harm from the drug bear so little relation to the decision to arrest? It's not like the policy makers don't know about it by now. Who is making those policy decisions and why are they doing it? Well, go look at the disparate racial impact and perhaps you have your answer. Democracy appears to be working just as it was designed to. Racial hatred in, systemic racism out; An expression of the will of the people.
I don't agree at all that marijuana is benign for a society. I can somewhat agree that it's a relatively benign drug for people to take (although the IQ lowering and schizophrenia risk are certainly worrying), but a society full of potheads isn't a productive one at all -- that is EXTREMELY dangerous. Jobs need to get done to maintain society. Yes, a lot of them suck to do. But if your choice is between smoking highly addictive stuff all day, and going to work a nasty job that is necessary for society, guess what will happen to society when few people decide to turn up for work? Anyway, as I said before: needs it own thread.

The latter part of your paragraph is just question begging. Just because there are different racial outcomes, that isn't in itself systemic racism. For example, just because Usain Bolt finishes first in a sprints against White people, that doesn't mean sprints are 'systemically racist' against White people -- bad, question begging logic.

I'm about to hit the char lim so I'll respond to the rest in a 2nd post.
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2nd post

I'm sure you're aware of the implicit association test. The data indicate that about half of whites favor whites over blacks, about a quarter of whites have no preference, and about a quarter of whites favor blacks over whites. In other words, by about 2 to 1, the number of whites who favor whites over blacks outnumber the the number of whites who favor blacks over whites. The decision of a white police officer to pull someone over is a subjective one that is made quickly, and I do not think it even possible for ethnocentric feelings to be eliminated from that decision. That there would be disparities in quick and subjective decisions like these is what I would expect. When a black person is in an environment with white police officers, well that these things are going to happen is just how it is.
Firstly, this doesn't actually (potentially) provide evidence that systemic racism exists. All this data could show is that some people have racial bias. So this is already a non-starter.

Secondly, this data (specifically the black-white data) contradicts the overall data on this topic. A meta-analysis of 17 studies found that White people (n=10,435) had a net effect of no discrimination. It also found that Black people (n=2,781) had a "small to moderate" bias in favor of their own race. These sample sizes are far larger than the Pew Study's White (n=328) and Black (n=370) numbers Black and White discrimination in the United States: Evidence from an archive of survey experiment studies ( . 

Thirdly, you don't have to guess as to whether police officers are biased (based on your Pew Study) because we already have data on this. This study found that police officers were quicker to shoot AND more likely to incorrectly shoot White unarmed criminals than Black unarmed criminals exhibiting the same threatening behavior (here is the relevant data points, since it's paywalled: Imgur: The magic of the Internet ; Imgur: The magic of the Internet ) (sorry it's paywalled: The Reverse Racism Effect: Are Cops More Hesitant to Shoot Black Than White Suspects? | Request PDF ( ) If anything, this shows police are racially biased against White people more than Black people.
I don't really remember what we we're talking about, but I did look at those studies. The Harvard IAT goes a lot faster than those studies and is more casual (if you're familiar with it). Like, if you look at the studies that were part of the meta-analysis and particularly the one with the police simulation you're going to see that they're a lot different in their detection methods. The study participants are heavily primed for what is going on. They know people are watching them and they probably know what they're looking for. They will worry of testing as racist. The Harvard IAT is pushing buttons on a keyboard as fast as one can and really comes across as no big deal / nobody cares.
I posted the context of what we're talking about.

If I remember correctly, the officers in my studies weren't told they were going to be tested on how racially biased they are lol. They were told to shoot when they thought a suspect was a lethal threat. So, it seems that both of our studies control for people worrying about being 'racist', and they certainly aren't "primed".

As for being more casual, officers in my study are worried about shooting lethal targets, and thus are distracted from thinking 'am I being racist?' a whole lot. So, despite not being casual, both our studies seem to (again) control for being "primed" in their own ways.

Since both studies are valid in the way you wanted, the bigger (33x and 9x for White and Black participants respectively) sample sizes in my study makes it better. My study is also useful in disproving racial bias in the police force, a common argument for anti-police, anti-"racists" to make.

I suppose I had anti-black racial bias in my mind as a factor. The threshold was not very high. At what point it becomes prevalent enough to be considered "systemic" is unclear.
There is literally no evidence for it.

Most of what is purported evidence is inductive reasoning that doesn't control for confounding variables (have a look at my response to RationalMadman's stupid posts -- literally everything had this problem).
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I seen this discussed within certain groups, but you really should read uncle Ted's stuff. 

Right now they try to reduce human suffering by giving pills to depressed people or people who do not fit into society. Uncle Ted says we should not be perverting human society by artificially altering everyone's brai. Structure to fit into industrial society. Instead we should destroy industrially society, so humans can be happy like before they ate the fruit in the garden of eden. 
Again, you're dealing with humans. I'm talking about POST-humans. I don't care about dumb labels like 'perverting' or whatever. Human brains clearly cause a whole heap of problems that we'd simply be better off without.

As for destroying industrial society, this TradCon reversion doesn't work in the long run. Humans would get sick of the discomfort/restrictions, invent new tools to make them more comfortable, and they'd just ramp right back into where we are now (eventually).

This is not a solution. We need another way forward.

Correct, when humans become extinct and are replaced with post humans, there will be no human problems. 

You know these theoretical post humans will come in 2 varieties.

1. Post humans are so radically different than is, they can't be described as human. This is really the same as human extinction.

2. We are still humans no matter what. It would be like giving an aunt super aunt abilities. Now it is just an aunt that can do cool shit.  

Either option isn't really good
Yeah I have no problems with humans being so radically different that they no longer can be described as humans. Calling that 'human extinction' is just a negative semantics frame-game that totally ignores all the violent destruction humans have inflicted upon the world and themselves. Human nature is such an ugly, gruesome and malicious thing that only sometimes is good; it would be better to morph it into something far more pleasant. Take all of the horrible baggage ingrained in humans from millions of years of unintelligent design and erase it. Of course, this super theoretical, but that's the ideal imo.

The second option is the stupid one a lot transhumanists like to espouse currently. This isn't really useful for life; it's just polishing a turd.
Wylted's avatar
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Again, you're dealing with humans. I'm talking about POST-humans. I don't care about dumb labels like 'perverting' or whatever. Human brains clearly cause a whole heap of problems that we'd simply be better off without.

They just aren't well adapted to industrial society. Having industrial society adapt to our brains, i stead of forcing humans to fit into an unintelligently created system, would be better. 

It's fair to make these criticisms, because you are suggesting a posthuman society, to fix these forms of suffering. If I present a better alternative than you should drop your argument.  

Or is there some unspoken reason you would like to see posthumanism?

To me it seems like the cure is worse than the disease. It's not a semantics game. Posthumanism, is human extinction. If we wouldn't be recognizable as humans, it stands to reason..... it's because we aren't.  Your solution to psychological suffering, is extinction. 

I just have a self preservation instinct I can't shake. I don't want to die. The radical life extension elements of transhumanism are appealing, as is the intelligence explosion that should help those along, but not a fan of the posthuman stuff.

Transhumanism has many elements of religion, and is just a substitute for the most part. It has it's paradise myth, of paradise after an intelligence explosion caused by artificial intelligence.  It has it's resurrection myth, of people joining Alcor to be resurrected. 

It has it's myth of transcendence, where you can become a posthuman God, if you play your cards right. 

It's probably just a cope for death, like religion is. Except this cope is using optimism about technological advances to feel good about having an escape plan for death. 

Transhumanism is not a solution you see. It is religion, saying God will save us all. Except this God is an intelligence explosion, most likely caused from advances in artificial intelligence.  Your God is quite literally an artificial intelligence, that has not been created yet. One that will remove all suffering from the world, and turn you into a God/posthuman . 

As for destroying industrial society, this TradCon reversion doesn't work in the long run. Humans would get sick of the discomfort/restrictions, invent new tools to make them more comfortable, and they'd just ramp right back into where we are now (eventually).
This is not a solution. We need another way forward

Do solutions need to be permanent. Can't we just have some well placed revolutions when we are on the verge of creating an industrial society?

Calling that 'human extinction' is just a negative semantics frame-game that totally ignores all the violent destruction humans have inflicted upon the world and themselves. Human nature is such an ugly, gruesome and malicious thing that only sometimes is good
What destruction can they inflict upon themselves that would be worse than extinction? 

The second option is the stupid one a lot transhumanists like to espouse currently. This isn't really useful for life; it's just polishing a turd.

It's not something being pushed. It's just acknowledgement that any upgrades you make to humans, will not remove their humanity. 

Any more than giving a crocodile the ability to use a gun, would remove it's crocodile nature. It will still seek prey, it would just shoot it, to feed itself. 

It isn't something being espoused, like people are hoping for it. The reason transhumanists get more into predicting what advancement will bring, instead of directing it, is because ultimately they know, that once technology starts advancing, we lose control over what happens with it, and how it will be used. 
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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As someone who's worked in the criminal justice system for 22 years there most certainly is institutional racism within the criminal justice system. You can't have racist in the system and not have a racist system. Criminal justice covers police officers, probation officers, parole officers, judges,prosecutors, defense attorneys and any system or service that a criminal will come into for. So now you're looking at rehabs, day programs, halfway houses things of that nature. A lot of those systems work on certain areas of town or bad, the names of certain families are bad, the police often work on there's no such thing as rehab or rehabilitation and will target people and considering that whites have been in position to hold these jobs over the years African Americans are targeted. And that doesn't even address the problems of these systems protecting their own when they screw up to protect their image so now you have a system where if you don't want racism or problems you still cover those up because you don't want to look bad.
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They just aren't well adapted to industrial society. Having industrial society adapt to our brains, i stead of forcing humans to fit into an unintelligently created system, would be better. 

It's fair to make these criticisms, because you are suggesting a posthuman society, to fix these forms of suffering. If I present a better alternative than you should drop your argument.  

Or is there some unspoken reason you would like to see posthumanism?
I think the human condition would simply be too prickly for you to adapt industrialization to humans to the parity/better degree necessary than evolving humans past their prickly nature.

But if you wanted to flesh out your argument, I'd respond to it.

To me it seems like the cure is worse than the disease. It's not a semantics game. Posthumanism, is human extinction. If we wouldn't be recognizable as humans, it stands to reason..... it's because we aren't.  Your solution to psychological suffering, is extinction. 

I just have a self preservation instinct I can't shake. I don't want to die. The radical life extension elements of transhumanism are appealing, as is the intelligence explosion that should help those along, but not a fan of the posthuman stuff.
What destruction can they inflict upon themselves that would be worse than extinction? 
This is absolutely a semantics game lol.

"Extinction" evokes emotions of death and meteors smashing into the planet wiping out life. That's the emotion you're attempting to latch on to. Whilst you're technically correct, you could simply use the word 'evolved' and be as technically correct.

It's similar to how Neanderthals evolved into humans. Yes, Neanderthals technically went extinct, but they evolved into something better. They didn't all die in horrible ways in a life-ending event. Neanderthals that have never existed aren't upset about not being alive.

What you're doing is filtering your human experience (i.e. "preservation instinct") and transposing it onto potential future humans that don't have to exist. These potential future humans won't miss existing if they never existed at all.

Transhumanism has many elements of religion, and is just a substitute for the most part. It has it's paradise myth, of paradise after an intelligence explosion caused by artificial intelligence.  It has it's resurrection myth, of people joining Alcor to be resurrected. 

It has it's myth of transcendence, where you can become a posthuman God, if you play your cards right. 

It's probably just a cope for death, like religion is. Except this cope is using optimism about technological advances to feel good about having an escape plan for death. 

Transhumanism is not a solution you see. It is religion, saying God will save us all. Except this God is an intelligence explosion, most likely caused from advances in artificial intelligence.  Your God is quite literally an artificial intelligence, that has not been created yet. One that will remove all suffering from the world, and turn you into a God/posthuman
I don't think transhumanism and posthumanism can be used interchangeably. Transhumans use the framework of humans, whereas posthumans don't. This distinction is meaningful because transhumans would arguably run into the problem you're talking about here. I think one of the faults of humans currently is that they need religion (otherwise you run into nihilism and the like), and so using human psychology to steer the ship towards goals of transcendence is wrought with the faults/limits of human nature (all the faults covered/lessened by religion). It's not the physical limitations that religion mends; it is the mental shortcomings. So, to be transhuman and use the faulty/limited wiring doesn't save humans from themselves (and the need for religion, among other things), but posthumans (potentially) can.

Do solutions need to be permanent. Can't we just have some well placed revolutions when we are on the verge of creating an industrial society?
Even if you could, moving towards a posthuman society still seems preferable -- just remove the problem altogether.

It's not something being pushed. It's just acknowledgement that any upgrades you make to humans, will not remove their humanity. 

Any more than giving a crocodile the ability to use a gun, would remove it's crocodile nature. It will still seek prey, it would just shoot it, to feed itself. 

It isn't something being espoused, like people are hoping for it. The reason transhumanists get more into predicting what advancement will bring, instead of directing it, is because ultimately they know, that once technology starts advancing, we lose control over what happens with it, and how it will be used. 
Well transhumanists are going to push for logical conclusions of their ideology, even if it's "acknowledged that any upgrades you make to humans, will not remove their identity". It is not necessary that the two are mutually exclusive. Furthermore, it would be super strange if transhumanists didn't for logical conclusions of their ideology. Therefore, I think it's being pushed by transhumanists.

I think there are people who believe in transhumanism enough to espouse it -- I have no idea why you are contesting this. Sure, people who don't understand transhumanism as much probably only hope for it, but someone interested and studying transhumanism will know enough to espouse it.

I'm not sure it's necessary that humans will lose all power over transhumanist advancements. There might be a point of no return, but I'm not sure it would be reached or even exists. This is too theoretical to make predictions on.
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Striking similarity.

Post from "Mesmer" account:
What you've decided to argue is the old, dumb and wrong continuum fallacy argument [...] Bamshad then looked at K=4 and got results that further sorted humans into racially distinct groups with even more accuracy Human Population Genetic Structure and Inference of Group Membership ( [links to same study]

Compare post to "MgtowDemon" account:

This is incorrect. What you have committed is the continuum fallacy in that you've [...] This study breaks down those broad generalised genetically distinct groups (African, European and East Asian) into smaller genetically distinct groups