How Do You Know The Bible Is True?

Author: Yassine


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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR QUOTE #295 OF BEING DUMBFOUNDED OF THE BIBLE AGAIN!!!:  "In fact the story of Genesis and the Garden of Eden which is God's home on earth - heaven - God placed both male and female in it.  So even in the very first story of humanity - as placed into Heaven - the Garden of Eden - woman exist."

Miss Tradesecret, OMG, how can you live with yourself in being so Bible STUPID?!  Before I easily Bible Slap you Silly®️ again, I am going to take it one step at a time, okay dear?  Good girl.

FIRSTLY; show the membership in the JUDEO-Christian Bible where it says that the Garden of Eden is "HEAVEN"as you comically propose!  BEGIN:

SECONDLY;  where is the Garden of Eden located today since it existed in the first place?  BEGIN:

THIRDLY;  yes, the woman was in the Garden of Eden, BUT, it was an afterthought of Jesus to put her there, remember Bible fool?  Jesus created animals first as a helpmate to Adam (Genesis 2: 18-19). Subsequently, Jesus saw that a helpmate for Adam was not found in animals, therefore, Jesus put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of His ribs and then created woman for a helpmate! (Genesis 2:20-21) When Jesus performed this act for a help mate for Adam,  this is the beginning of the woman being second class to man, as if Eve as a woman creating the "Original Sin" wasn't bad enough!  Understood Bible fool Miss Tradesecret? YOU WILL WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU!

From this point on, Jesus and I are going to have a lot of fun with your complete Bible ignorance and stupidity AS A WOMAN in going against 1 Timothy 2:12!



BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

1.  “And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.” (Jeremiah 19:9)

YOUR OUTRIGHT DECEIVING QUOTE #285 TO JESUS MAKING HIS CREATION EAT THEIR CHILDREN SHOWN ABOVE!!!: "When people choose to be evil - you know - things like eating their own children ...."

Your deceiving and conniving 2nd class woman in LYING towards Jeremiah 19:9 in that it was JESUS that caused them to eat their children, and not the people in question like you stated!  You are a sickening LIAR!!!

2.  “And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.” (Exodus 12:29)

YOUR QUOTE TO THE ABOVE WHERE JESUS KILLED INNOCENT CHILDREN OF THE FIRST BORN, EVEN OF CATTLE!!!: "Yet God did exactly what he said he would do. He delivered his people from slavery. And whatever happened to the Egyptians is on the king's head - not on God or Israel. "

Barring the FACT that Jesus is a serial killer, because the end result is Jesus KILLED the innocent first born, Jesus has many powers as being our Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate (2 Peter 1:3), therefore He could have accomplished taking His Jewish creation away from Herod in another peaceful way, but He didn't because Jesus loves to be a brutal KILLER as shown throughout our Bible, period!  

3. “Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.”  Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children. (Isaiah 13:15-16,18)

YOUR DISGUSTING QUOTE TO THE ABOVE JESUS' KILLING NATURE OF INNOCENT CHILDREN IN HAVING THEM DASHED TO PIECES!!!: The third passage doesn't mention innocent children. You might mention it because you want to believe that children are innocent. That however is an assumption."

Miss Tradesecret, tell the membership in how a child that knows not from their parents Jesus' killing revenge is not innocent, and a zygote or fetus of a pregnant woman is not being innocent when Jesus commanded the BRUTAL murder of this life within the womb and  children as shown in the passage above!  

Besides, you conveniently forgot to answer my simple question herewith: "have you ever wondered in what an innocent child sounds like when Jesus says they are to be DASHED to pieces? Maybe it is like a watermelon being thrown upon a large rock in a SQUISH THUMP sound? Yes? What is your opinion in how this sounds? Dear, are you once again too SCARED to address Jesus' outcomes in killing His creation? LOL!


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YOUR REVEALING QUOTE IN POST #293: "Nope. You are a true fraud. Fake big brother."

OMG, is my manly and godly reproductive area still out there on the internet when you admitted that I am BIG?  I thought all of those factual links were removed, damn it!

Tradesecret's avatar
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See [ A ] & [B] above.
Repeating something does suddenly give it any more substance than before. It was bollocks then and it is still bollacks. 

You are having a loopy moment when you can't identify what you are.  Atheist or not. You are simply a bit wokey and fluid. 

Redefine words because you wanted to lie about it. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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FIRSTLY; show the membership in the JUDEO-Christian Bible where it says that the Garden of Eden is "HEAVEN"as you comically propose!  BEGIN:

Surely you can read. Go and read it yourself.  Genesis 2.  What is the purpose of the Garden of Eden if the earth is a perfectly suitable place for humanity? It is God's home on earth. The fact that you misunderstand this is just more evidence of your lack of theological knowledge.   Where did Jesus tell the thief he was going to meet him after he died? In Paradise. What is the Garden of Paradise? Heaven.  

SECONDLY;  where is the Garden of Eden located today since it existed in the first place?  BEGIN:
I put it somewhere in Ukraine.  Perhaps that is why Putin wants Ukraine. 

THIRDLY;  yes, the woman was in the Garden of Eden, BUT, it was an afterthought of Jesus to put her there, remember Bible fool?  Jesus created animals first as a helpmate to Adam (Genesis 2: 18-19). Subsequently, Jesus saw that a helpmate for Adam was not found in animals, therefore, Jesus put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of His ribs and then created woman for a helpmate! (Genesis 2:20-21) When Jesus performed this act for a help mate for Adam,  this is the beginning of the woman being second class to man, as if Eve as a woman creating the "Original Sin" wasn't bad enough!  

So you are conceding the point. Thanks Brother. Obviously even the buffoon can have a sense of conscience. But Eve was not an afterthought.  Great Artists always make a draft copy before they make the real deal.   Nevertheless, Genesis 1 indicates God has already made males and females. In the Garden - God wanted Adam to realize that he is not an island - and that he is a social being - he needs others apart from himself.  Eve came from the side - not from his feet nor from his head. Eve was a partner - equal in status.  Equal in importance. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!
I tell you what Brother - I am not a woman - but let's say that woman should be silent - what about v. 8? Are you going to raise hands in prayer and do so without anger or disputing? 

When you stop with your vile attacks and your disputing, then perhaps you might get some credence. Yet while you carry on in your most unholy manner - this is unlikely to stop. 

1.  “And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.” (Jeremiah 19:9)

YOUR OUTRIGHT DECEIVING QUOTE #285 TO JESUS MAKING HIS CREATION EAT THEIR CHILDREN SHOWN ABOVE!!!: "When people choose to be evil - you know - things like eating their own children ...."
It is not deceit. Those people were evil. They did eat their own children. Do you think that is a good thing to do? Because by advocating that God should not judge them, you are saying that cannabalism of children is a good thing. 

Your deceiving and conniving 2nd class woman in LYING towards Jeremiah 19:9 in that it was JESUS that caused them to eat their children, and not the people in question like you stated!  You are a sickening LIAR!!!
Well no lying.  Jeremiah 19:9 is clearly a prophecy.  It had not happened at the time and like all prophecies it's purpose was to provoke an ethical response in the person hearing it - so that they might turn from their sins and embrace God. In other words, stop eating your own children. 

2.  “And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.” (Exodus 12:29)

YOUR QUOTE TO THE ABOVE WHERE JESUS KILLED INNOCENT CHILDREN OF THE FIRST BORN, EVEN OF CATTLE!!!: "Yet God did exactly what he said he would do. He delivered his people from slavery. And whatever happened to the Egyptians is on the king's head - not on God or Israel. "

Barring the FACT that Jesus is a serial killer, because the end result is Jesus KILLED the innocent first born, Jesus has many powers as being our Hebrew Yahweh God incarnate (2 Peter 1:3), therefore He could have accomplished taking His Jewish creation away from Herod in another peaceful way, but He didn't because Jesus loves to be a brutal KILLER as shown throughout our Bible, period!  
Funny how you twist words. God is a truth teller. Would you prefer God was a liar? That God cannot be trusted. Egypt's king was a madman who had been warned over and over again. His decision had implications.  Everyone knew what would result if they disobeyed God.  Their choice. 

3. “Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished. Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.”  Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children. (Isaiah 13:15-16,18)

YOUR DISGUSTING QUOTE TO THE ABOVE JESUS' KILLING NATURE OF INNOCENT CHILDREN IN HAVING THEM DASHED TO PIECES!!!: The third passage doesn't mention innocent children. You might mention it because you want to believe that children are innocent. That however is an assumption."

Miss Tradesecret, tell the membership in how a child that knows not from their parents Jesus' killing revenge is not innocent, and a zygote or fetus of a pregnant woman is not being innocent when Jesus commanded the BRUTAL murder of this life within the womb and  children as shown in the passage above!  

Besides, you conveniently forgot to answer my simple question herewith: "have you ever wondered in what an innocent child sounds like when Jesus says they are to be DASHED to pieces? Maybe it is like a watermelon being thrown upon a large rock in a SQUISH THUMP sound? Yes? What is your opinion in how this sounds? Dear, are you once again too SCARED to address Jesus' outcomes in killing His creation? LOL!
The bible says - no one is innocent. All have fallen short of God's glory.  Who was doing the killing? It was not God. He did not order anyone to do it. The people were killed because of their own evilness - and an evil nation came in and did what they themselves had been doing..  God says - he will not be mocked. He carries out his promises.  That is the God of the Bible. A person who ALWAYS keeps his word and his promises. 

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Redefine words because you wanted to lie about it. 

Lets see where I have done that Reverend. 

 Who was doing the killing? It was not God. He did not order anyone to do it.

Are you sure about that, Reverend Munchausen? Or is you extraordinary memory of the bible that you tell us you" know backwards and forwards and in three language's" letting you down ..AGAIN?

"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
1 Samuel 15:3

Tradesecret's avatar
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I am surprised you can read. 
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR ONCE AGAIN DUMBFOUNDED OF THE BIBLE QUOTE IN POST #305:  “Surely you can read. Go and read it yourself.  Genesis 2.  What is the purpose of the Garden of Eden if the earth is a perfectly suitable place for humanity? It is God's home on earth.  … Where did Jesus tell the thief he was going to meet him after he died? In Paradise. What is the Garden of Paradise? Heaven.” 

ROFLOL!!!!!!!! OMG, Miss Tradesecret, you did it again in making the forum laugh loudly at your perceived knowledge of allegedly the Garden of Eden is Heaven!!!  LOL!!!!  Seriously, you should be a comedy writer for Saturday Night Live here in the USA! 

If your Bible stupidity says that Eden was Heaven, then where were the other "heavens" located as Genesis 2:1 specifically states?  “Thus the heavenS and the earth were completed in all their vast array.” (Genesis 2:1). BEGIN:

YOUR QUOTE OF LAUGHTER ONCE AGAIN OF WHERE THE GARDEN OF EDEN IS LOCATED NOW: "I put it somewhere in Ukraine.  Perhaps that is why Putin wants Ukraine."

STOP IT, PLEASE, STOP, please understand that we can only take so much comedy laughter from your complete Bible Stupidity at one time, okay? No one knows where the Garden of Eden is located on earth, NO ONE!  This is includes searching the headwater area of the 4 rivers, where Eden was allegedly located nearby in Genesis 2!  

Let Jesus and I address your outright Bible stupidity AGAIN herewith upon where heaven is ACTUALLY located:

The location of heaven mentioned in the Bible IS ABOVE! When the people built the tower of Babel, Jesus said, "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7). After our serial killer Jesus spoke to Abraham, "he left off talking with him, and Jesus went up from Abraham" (Gen. 17:22). Jesus said to Moses, "And I am come down to deliver them..." (Exodus. 3:8). David in praising Jesus said, "He bowed the heavens down, and descended" (Psalm . 18:9). Isaiah’s prayer said, "Oh that You would rend the heavens, that You would come down..." (Isa. 64:1). The Lord Jesus Himself said, "And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven" (John 3:13), "for I have come down from heaven" (6:38, 42).

When the Lord Jesus ascended, the Bible says, "A cloud took Him away....And while they were looking intently into heaven as He went..." (Acts 1:9-10). Stephen, when he was about to die, saw the Son of Man standing to welcome the first martyred servant. He "looked up steadfastly into heaven" (7:55 KJV) and saw the Lord Jesus. The apostle John saw a door opened in heaven, and he heard the voice like a trumpet speaking with him, saying, "Come up here" (Rev. 4:1). When the Lord descends from heaven, all those believers who love Him "will be caught up together with meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thes. 4:17).

There are many more verses that can be quoted, but these few are enough to prove your ungodly stupidity of the Bible where you comically say Jesus' heaven is earth bound, NOT! LOL!

Miss Tradesecret, heaven is ABOVE, and not land based upon earth as you DECEIVINGLY want others to accept, understood Bible ignorant and stupid fool!  Yeah, you do at your embarrassing expense once AGAIN!  LOL


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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR LYING QUOTE THAT YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN AGAIN IN POST #306!!!:   "I tell you what Brother - I am not a woman"


1. Your profile page was first shown as you being a WOMAN herewith:

2. The actual FACT that you identified yourself as a WOMAN FIRST as you said in this  post herewith: 

3. The mere FACT that you comically now say your gender is "other" in your recent update of your ever so weak profile still digresses to you being a WOMAN, unless you had an ungodly sex change! 

4.  You substantiate yourself in being a WOMAN in your removal of an image that you had before as a MALE,  giving credence of you being the only thing left which is you being a WOMAN!  Dear, which pictured woman on your NEW moniker is you? LOL

Miss Tradesecret, Jesus and I are truly sorry that your inept mental capacity doesn't comprehend that you cannot remove your ungodly womanly status, no matter how much you throw your girly toys around the room, and hold your breath, because of the FACT that you are logically a woman as shown above, understood Bible fool?!  ENOUGH of your cry-baby tactics!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR ONCE AGAIN DUMBFOUNDED OF THE BIBLE QUOTE IN POST #305:  “Surely you can read. Go and read it yourself.  Genesis 2.  What is the purpose of the Garden of Eden if the earth is a perfectly suitable place for humanity? It is God's home on earth.  … Where did Jesus tell the thief he was going to meet him after he died? In Paradise. What is the Garden of Paradise? Heaven.” 

ROFLOL!!!!!!!! OMG, Miss Tradesecret, you did it again in making the forum laugh loudly at your perceived knowledge of allegedly the Garden of Eden is Heaven!!!  LOL!!!!  Seriously, you should be a comedy writer for Saturday Night Live here in the USA! 

If your Bible stupidity says that Eden was Heaven, then where were the other "heavens" located as Genesis 2:1 specifically states?  “Thus the heavenS and the earth were completed in all their vast array.” (Genesis 2:1). BEGIN:

YOUR QUOTE OF LAUGHTER ONCE AGAIN OF WHERE THE GARDEN OF EDEN IS LOCATED NOW: "I put it somewhere in Ukraine.  Perhaps that is why Putin wants Ukraine."

STOP IT, PLEASE, STOP, please understand that we can only take so much comedy laughter from your complete Bible Stupidity at one time, okay? No one knows where the Garden of Eden is located on earth, NO ONE!  This is includes searching the headwater area of the 4 rivers, where Eden was allegedly located nearby in Genesis 2!  

Let Jesus and I address your outright Bible stupidity AGAIN herewith upon where heaven is ACTUALLY located:

The location of heaven mentioned in the Bible IS ABOVE! When the people built the tower of Babel, Jesus said, "Let us go down" (Gen. 11:7). After our serial killer Jesus spoke to Abraham, "he left off talking with him, and Jesus went up from Abraham" (Gen. 17:22). Jesus said to Moses, "And I am come down to deliver them..." (Exodus. 3:8). David in praising Jesus said, "He bowed the heavens down, and descended" (Psalm . 18:9). Isaiah’s prayer said, "Oh that You would rend the heavens, that You would come down..." (Isa. 64:1). The Lord Jesus Himself said, "And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven" (John 3:13), "for I have come down from heaven" (6:38, 42).

When the Lord Jesus ascended, the Bible says, "A cloud took Him away....And while they were looking intently into heaven as He went..." (Acts 1:9-10). Stephen, when he was about to die, saw the Son of Man standing to welcome the first martyred servant. He "looked up steadfastly into heaven(7:55 KJV) and saw the Lord Jesus. The apostle John saw a door opened in heaven, and he heard the voice like a trumpet speaking with him, saying, "Come up here" (Rev. 4:1). When the Lord descends from heaven, all those believers who love Him "will be caught up together with meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thes. 4:17).

There are many more verses that can be quoted, but these few are enough to prove your ungodly stupidity of the Bible where you comically say Jesus' heaven is earth bound, NOT! LOL!

Miss Tradesecret, heaven is ABOVE, and not land based upon earth as you DECEIVINGLY want others to accept, understood Bible ignorant and stupid fool!  Yeah, you do at your embarrassing expense once AGAIN!  LOL

You do realize that you conceded the point as you soon as you referred to other heavens?  I don't know where Eden is located on our planet.  The flood most likely destroyed it - but then again - the flood destroyed the earth - it doesn't say it destroyed heaven.  Perhaps you can be a good boy and find the verse where God says the flood destroyed heaven. 

MY best bet for the location of the Garden of Eden is the Ukraine - around the Black Sea.  I have seen many people attempt to locate it and honesty none have been very convincing. Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors) who provided me a reasonably good basis for his view which is that it was in the Ukraine. Honestly, I can take it or leave it. But it was  quite soundly based as I recall. 

I can also see that you do not understand Greek.  Or you would have noticed that some translations say heaven in passages like Acts 1 and 1 Thessalonians and others say air or sky.   Why the difference? Because the greek word for air and heaven and sky can mean the same thing.  You yourself notices "heavens". But what does that mean? It is one thing to try and ridicule me by its use - it is entirely another to try and figure out what it means.  

Tradesecret's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR LYING QUOTE THAT YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN AGAIN IN POST #306!!!:   "I tell you what Brother - I am not a woman"


1. Your profile page was first shown as you being a WOMAN herewith:

2. The actual FACT that you identified yourself as a WOMAN FIRST as you said in this  post herewith: 

3. The mere FACT that you comically now say your gender is "other" in your recent update of your ever so weak profile still digresses to you being a WOMAN, unless you had an ungodly sex change! 

4.  You substantiate yourself in being a WOMAN in your removal of an image that you had before as a MALE,  giving credence of you being the only thing left which is you being a WOMAN!  Dear, which pictured woman on your NEW moniker is you? LOL

Miss Tradesecret, Jesus and I are truly sorry that your inept mental capacity doesn't comprehend that you cannot remove your ungodly womanly status, no matter how much you throw your girly toys around the room, and hold your breath, because of the FACT that you are logically a woman as shown above, understood Bible fool?!  ENOUGH of your cry-baby tactics!


I can honestly say that when I first signed up to this forum - that in my profile I identified myself as a male.  There is no question in that. However if you look now - it will say something different to that. And tomorrow it will say something different again. I figure your profile page is the biggest lie and charade on this forum - so anything less than yours is still more honest than you.  

Also - as you are well aware - if I use the phrase "Let us concede for a moment for the sake of the argument" - it is not an admission of anything. It is a intentional moving past a point of dispute  in the midst of an discussion in order to try and resolve a dispute.   To somehow turn that into me conceding anything outside of the debate is simply nonsense but a trick that a fraudster would attempt to make. 

I did notice you DELIBERATELY failed to apply v. 8 to yourself.  Therefore - due to intentional omission you have conceded that I am correct and you once again as is so often the case - way out of your league.    Lift some holy hands brothers - Do it without anger and without dispute. Come on Brother be the man.  That is of course if you truly to do think that this is what Paul is teaching.  
Stephen's avatar
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MY best bet for the location of the Garden of Eden is the Ukraine - around the Black Sea.

So for all of your years of being "tutored under all of those biblical scholars and church fathers" they didn't tell you that, for few centuries now, The Eden has  been accepted to have been located in Iraq, once known as Mesopotamia,(the land between two rivers) and the birth place of civilisation according to scholars? Or has your extraordinary  power memory let you down again?

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52

the flood 
It was a localised flood-as devastating as it was. You need to read your bible more often than the three times a year that you tell us that you do.

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52.....I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 

Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)

🤣🤣🤣 Speak Russian now do you or are you really Russian?  You just cannot help yourself can you Reverend Munchausen.🤣🤣🤣

I have seen many people attempt to locate it and honesty none have been very convincing.

So what evidence did your "Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow mentor" tell you that caused you to believe his account?

And while I'm at it, "the kingdom of heaven", that Jesus spoke about  was Jerusalem. Read Josephus .... and your bible.


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
MY best bet for the location of the Garden of Eden is the Ukraine - around the Black Sea.

So for all of your years of being "tutored under all of those biblical scholars and church fathers" they didn't tell you that, for few centuries now, The Eden has  been accepted to have been located in Iraq, once known as Mesopotamia,(the land between two rivers) and the birth place of civilisation according to scholars? Or has your extraordinary  power memory let you down again?
If you actually read and COMPREHENDED my remarks above - you would see I said " I have seen many people attempt to locate it and honesty none have been very convincing."  So yes, many people have regurgitated your position - but just because some accept it as in Iraq does not mean that all do. Nor even most.  I don't have extraordinary memory. And I have never said that I have. But thanks for praising me up again. Mr Creepy. 

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52
the flood 
It was a localised flood-as devastating as it was. You need to read your bible more often than the three times a year that you tell us that you do.
LOL! firstly, memorizing parts of the bible is not the same as memorizing the TOTAL of it. Please stop lying.  The flood for some is localized for others a total worldwide flood.  And the flood is part of the OT narrative, so again stop exaggerating my words. I indicated that I read the OT once a year.  And the interesting thing dear Stevie Blunder is that flood whether localized or global - would still have taken place in the Middle Eastern Regions where even those disposed towards thinking the Garden of Eden to be planted - is located. 

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52.....I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 
Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)

🤣🤣🤣 Speak Russian now do you or are you really Russian?  You just cannot help yourself can you Reverend Munchausen.🤣🤣🤣
hmm I have not said I speak Russian.  Why are you telling lies - once again? O I know because you are a serial liar. A creepy stalking serial liar.  

I have seen many people attempt to locate it and honesty none have been very convincing.

So what evidence did your "Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow mentor" tell you that caused you to believe his account?
That is for me Stephen. You are not my student. And besides - you can just go and find out in one of your little secret books that you get all of your material from. 

The Brother asked me a question. I gave my opinion - which I based on some material that someone provided. 

Stephen's avatar
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I have seen many people attempt to locate it and honesty none have been very convincing....Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)

So what evidence did your "Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow mentor" tell you that caused you to believe his account?
That is for me Stephen.

So you are just repeating and "passing on" MORE unfounded claims made by your imaginary friends.😂

The Brother asked me a question. I gave my opinion - which I based on some material that someone provided. 

Who, your imaginary "Russian Academic". What was the material he provided that convinced you he was correct as to the location of The Eden and all other scholars and arachnologist were wrong?

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52.....I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 
Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)

🤣🤣🤣 Speak Russian now do you or are you really Russian?  You just cannot help yourself can you Reverend Munchausen.🤣🤣🤣
hmm I have not said I speak Russian.

No you haven't . That is why I ASKED if you speak Russian. Or did you miss one of these >> ?

LOL! firstly, memorizing parts of the bible is not the same as memorizing the TOTAL of it. Please stop lying. 

There you go again, giving me cause to remind you. 

 This is what you have claimed, you bible dunce:
Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52

 So your attempts to play on words doesn't work.

You then  pressed home YOUR point of  YOUR amazing memory of the bible by adding this:

While further adding:

Tradesecret wrote: I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 
"backwards!" ?  That takes a special and extraordinary memory  in anyone's book.

You just don't learn anything to you?
Of you go now, Reverend Munchausen. 🤣
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Stephen I NEVER said I have memorized the whole bible.  And since you have misinterpreted my words, I am sorry, but my intention is what I have now said on numerous occasions despite your persistent nonsense.  I have never said anything else. And you can't produce any thing else. Yes you can repeat what you have again - but it does not say I have memorized the entire bible.  You know it and I know and everyone else knows it. And yes I know you are just stirring me up. But would you please at least try and stay on topic.  

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Stephen I NEVER said I have memorized the whole bible.   And you can't produce any thing else.

 Oh FFS stop with your bullshite. 

 It is clear in the extreme that you have claimed to know the bible "backwards and forwards in many languages from a very young age". NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ATTEMPT TO SCRABBLE FOR A GET OUT AND PACKPEDAL ON SUCH  RIDICLOUSE AND ASTOUNDING CLAIMS THAT YOU HAVE MADE.

HERE>  This is what you have claimed, you bible dunce:

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52

 So your attempts to play on words doesn't work.

You then  pressed home YOUR point of  YOUR amazing memory of the bible by adding this:

While further adding:

Tradesecret wrote: I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 
"backwards!" ?  That takes a special and extraordinary memory  in anyone's book.

The fkn truth is that you do not know the bible AT ALL!   I truly feel for those poor students of yours that you have the audacity to charge(rob) their Universities to lecture them on all things theological.

Tradesecret wrote:   No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20

The Brother asked me a question. I gave my opinion - which I based on some material that someone provided. 

Who, your imaginary "Russian Academic mentor"?  What was the material he provided that convinced you he was correct as to the location of The Eden and all other scholars and arachnologist were wrong?

Your an out 'N' out clown, Reverend Munchausen.

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!


Regarding 1 Timothy 2:8, I am the MAN, you are the WOMAN, I rule over you, whereas you do not rule over me, I can do whatever I want, you as a woman cannot, understand this simple Biblical axiom? Huh? How many biblical verses do I have to give you in this respect to prove that man is superior to you as a woman?!

Miss Tradesecret, conversely, how come you have DELIBERATELY FAILED to answer my question to you in your sickening and irrational response to Jesus wanting innocent children to be dashed to pieces, let alone killing them in their mother's womb in Isaiah 13: 15-16,18?

The question for a THIRD TIME is: "have you ever wondered in what an innocent child sounds like when Jesus says they are to be DASHED to pieces? Maybe it is like a watermelon being thrown upon a large rock in a SQUISH THUMP sound? Yes? What is your opinion in how this sounds? Dear, are you once again too SCARED to address Jesus' outcomes in killing His creation?  



BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

yes, the woman was in the Garden of Eden, BUT, it was an afterthought of Jesus to put her there, remember Bible fool?  Jesus created animals first as a helpmate to Adam (Genesis 2: 18-19). Subsequently, Jesus saw that a helpmate for Adam was not found in animals, therefore, Jesus put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of His ribs and then created woman for a helpmate! (Genesis 2:20-21) When Jesus performed this act for a help mate for Adam,  this is the beginning of the woman being second class to man, as if Eve as a woman creating the "Original Sin" wasn't bad enough!  

YOUR COMICAL AND IGNORANT QUOTE ONCE AGAIN IN POST #305 RELATIVE TO MY QUOTE ABOVE:  "Nevertheless, Genesis 1 indicates God has already made males and females. In the Garden - God wanted Adam to realize that he is not an island - and that he is a social being - he needs others apart from himself. "

ROFLOL!!!!!  We can see that you took your Bible Stupid Pills®️ once again before your deceiving quote above!  Dear, let's do some very simple math that you are obviously unaware of AGAIN, okay? 

1. In chronological order in Genesis 1, Jesus made animals AFTER man and woman were created at the same time (Genesis 1:25-27), understood Bible fool? Good girl! 

2. In chronological order in Genesis 2, Jesus created animals FIRST before man and woman as a helpmate to Adam (Genesis 2:18-19). Subsequently, Jesus saw that a helpmate for Adam was not found in animals, duh, (Genesis 2:20). Therefore, then Jesus created woman in a blatant contradiction to Genesis 1:27 by putting Adam in a deep sleep and took one of His ribs and then created the woman Eve for a helpmate to Adam instead of the animals! (Genesis 2:20-21).

YOUR CONTINUED IGNORANT BIBLR QUOTE IN YOUR POST #305: "Eve came from the side - not from his feet nor from his head. Eve was a partner - equal in status.  Equal in importance."

Miss Tradesecret, your Bible ignorance is without bounds with your priceless stupidity!  How can you remain upon this Religion Forum? LOL!  

1. First thing, Eve specifically came from Adam's rib (Genesis 2:20-21), and not from "the side" of Adam as you state which includes many other body parts, get it Bible fool?   

2. Eve was a NOT equal in status and equal in importance to Adam as you deceivingly state, simply because Eve created the original sin to begin with by eating from the Tree of Knowledge FIRST, remember Bible fool?  Therefore our ever loving and forgiving Jesus, as our serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, gave her the following in punishment: "To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." (Genesis 3:16)

The above  biblical AXIOMS are far from Eve being equal to Adam, GET IT BIBLE STUPID FOOL?



BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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BrotherD.Thomas's avatar

Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR QUOTE THAT IS WITHOUT PROOF IN POST #312:  “I can honestly say that when I first signed up to this forum - that in my profile I identified myself as a male.  There is no question in that.”

Okay, then without question PROVE that your statement above is true without any doubt because at this point it is nothing but convenient HEARSAY on your part, understood?  BEGIN:

Your comical “honest ruse” is laughable and false because you continue to show us your Bible stupidity whereas you are NOT honest in its presentation where we have to Bible Slap you Silly®️ in being wrong over and over again! Understood Bible fool?

Furthermore, if you HONESTLY signed up in this Religion Forum as a male FIRST, then you LIED when you said, or inferred; “Let's assume for the sake of your argument that I did first identify as a woman” where there is NO ASSUMING whatsoever because of the FACT that you are shown to be WOMAN!  2+2=4!

This ever so revealing post shown in the link below is therefore without question and will follow you around this DEBATEART Religion Forum as long as you are present in going against Jesus' words in 1 Timothy 2:12 in being a woman, bar none!



Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Stephen I NEVER said I have memorized the whole bible.   And you can't produce any thing else.

 Oh FFS stop with your bullshite. 

 It is clear in the extreme that you have claimed to know the bible "backwards and forwards in many languages from a very young age". NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ATTEMPT TO SCRABBLE FOR A GET OUT AND PACKPEDAL ON SUCH  RIDICLOUSE AND ASTOUNDING CLAIMS THAT YOU HAVE MADE.

HERE>  This is what you have claimed, you bible dunce:

Tradesecret wrote:"I have been taught to memorise the bible from very young. I have read the bible numerous times. I try and read the OT once every year and the NT twice a year. "#52

 So your attempts to play on words doesn't work.

You then  pressed home YOUR point of  YOUR amazing memory of the bible by adding this:

While further adding:

Tradesecret wrote: I  know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic 
"backwards!" ?  That takes a special and extraordinary memory  in anyone's book.

The fkn truth is that you do not know the bible AT ALL!   I truly feel for those poor students of yours that you have the audacity to charge(rob) their Universities to lecture them on all things theological.

Tradesecret wrote:   No, I don't charge students,  I charge universities when they request me to lecture to them.  #20

The Brother asked me a question. I gave my opinion - which I based on some material that someone provided. 

Who, your imaginary "Russian Academic mentor"?  What was the material he provided that convinced you he was correct as to the location of The Eden and all other scholars and arachnologist were wrong?

I'm really NOT sure what your problem is.  I was taught to memorize the Bible from a young age.  It started in school. I was given three selected passages each term in order to pass the semester.  That was 12 passages of the Bible every year  I memorized just for school over a large part of my schooling. I started to learn different languages in school - French, German, etc and then NT Greek.  After school I attended at seminary where I studied OT Hebrew and Aramaic and NT Greek.  

As for knowing my bible frontwards and backwards, so what? Many people do. It doesn't mean that I can remember every verse. There are a lot of verses and ideas in the bible.  It doesn't mean literally that I can say it from my memory. But it means I have a pretty good gist of the narrative and where things are and how to find them.  I do read my NT twice every year. I do read my OT once every year.  So what?  It is you who are playing with words and spin. It is you who is trying to make my say things which I have not done. As I said above - you keep repeating stuff.  It's not the repeating my words I care about. It is always the spin and the lies you comment from there. I tell you what I said - and you just dismiss that - because somehow you know me better than I know myself.  You are deluded Stephen. 

I never said a Russian gave me information about The Garden of Eden. I said a Greek Orthodox academic in Moscow did.    I never said I knew Russian.  You just make things up as you go. No wonder you believe all the lies in your little secret book of Mark and other well discredited books you cut and paste your unoriginal ideas.  You are interestingly, both naïve and intentionally dumb. It is no wonder that no one on this site respects you. Little wonder you are considered a troll and that people have encouraged me to not interact with you.  You are creepy. A little middle aged white man - who is pretending to be wokey left and is a fraud in everything you do.  
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
You are not a man. If you were you would ACTUALLY address the text of the scriptures rather than just repeating rubbish that has well and truly been discredited over and over again. 

You are not a man. I am not a woman. You are a deluded person who has somehow come to the conclusion that pretending to be a fake persona gives you rights that ordinary people do not have.  

I can put into my profile whatever I want.  I can choose to change it IF I think deluded creepy stalkers will try and use my profile against me. And I will continue to change it whenever I want.  You and Stephen have both demonstrated that you are creepy and stalkers.  

You fail to understand Biblical language and theology.  Hence why you continue to repeat the garbage you do. It has been suggested by some that I block you and not respond to you anymore. I am seriously considering that since you do not have the intellectual capacity to ACTUALLY put forward a half decent argument. 

Did I intentionally not address your question about alleged innocent children? Absolutely. It was a question that was intentionally provocative and perverse. Jesus does not kill innocent children.  You have yet to provide a biblical definition of innocence in the first place.  You have yet to show Jesus was in the OT. You have yet to prove any of the things you throw out. Assertion is not proof. Repetition is not proof. Blustering like a buffoon is not proof.  Discrediting me is not proof. 

There is an interesting dilemma between chs 1 and chp 2. I brought this to the attention of Stephen probably about 3 years ago. Yet if he knew about it - he never mentioned with me.  (He fumbled over a hundred different ways of trying to answer my question - but never go there. He was too focused on attacking me as a person rather than the passage -he really hasn't changed very much - if at all) But what you fail to address is my interpretation.  Ch 1 is talking about earth.  Animals made first and humans next. Ch 2 is talking about heaven. Humans first and animals second. Chapter 2 also begins with a very interesting change in word order of heaven and earth to earth and heavens.  Clues in the text itself - that ask us to consider why the change.  But I suppose if you don't know Hebrew, you could not be expected to pick this up.  Tweedle dee and twiddle dum.  Or is that twiddle dum and tweedle dee.  OR does that sound too much like Ethang5? 

Remember dear Brother that being ruled over by the man is a curse.  Just like the text in Timothy talks about females being naïve.  But what you fail to draw out of that text is something that is much more profound. Eve might have  been deceived. Yet Adam ate the fruit - fully knowing what he did. Adam did know better. Eve asked her husband - and Adam intentionally ate.  

As I said above Brother you are not a MAN. A man would understand these verses and respond appropriately.  You are a bully. And a creepy perverted stalker. You fail to address any biblical text with even the capacity of a half-witted person - demonstrating over and over again - your fakeness. And your hurt. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
The Garden of Eden according to Mrs Zed, is out the back.

Which also includes out the front.

She now want's me to build a folly, and a second water feature in the back yard.

And then there's the side bit.

Mrs Zed watches too much Gardeners World.

Just thought that I would interject with a bit of levity.

Now of you go boys and/or girls.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
You are just a glutton for punishment aren't you Reverend Munchausen.

I'm really NOT sure what your problem is.

I have never understood why after me only being here for just a few weeks you decided I was "the slime of Satan, disgusting and ugly#24 and dumb as fuck#161", either.

  I was taught to memorize the Bible from a young age. 

Yes you have told us enough times. But you must have forgotten that you had.

I started to learn different languages in school - French, German, etc and then NT Greek.  After school I attended at seminary where I studied OT Hebrew and Aramaic and NT Greek.  

French too!  That's a new addition to your ever increasing foreign language tool box. This comes  on top of your recently disclosed  capabilities to " conduct and prosecute court cases in the Bengali language of   Bangladesh".  

As for knowing my bible frontwards and backwards, so what? Many people do. It doesn't mean that I can remember every verse.

You see this is where your bullshit fails you and often.  If I was to make the claim that "was taught to memorise the bible from an early age and I knew the bible backwards" as you have often done Here> #52 here> #190 & here>#191, I would, at the very least, be able to recall a verse when prompted.  You on the other hand fail this simple memory recall and often. Would you like an example? Do you remember forgetting that "Lot was righteous in the eyes of god, do you remember that  you said:

Tradesecret wrote: I can't seem to recall anywhere in the Bible  where Lot was ever held up as a paragon of virtue or righteousness. Can you[Stephen] think of anywhere in the Scriptures where Lot is help up as being a model for Jews or for Christians? I can't and I would never hold him up as so. #4
THIS ^^^^^^^^  from the man the makes all those claims about his wonderful amazing memory. The whole of that thread and conversation was about LOT, and should have been enough to prompt your amazing memory.
  But who was it that had to remind you what Lot's standing was in the eyes of god? LOT, one of the most famous biblical characters in the whole of the Old Testament and that children never forget once they hear the story of the total destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah! LOT who's was the only family was saved BY GOD from the total annihilation?  Well it was me , wasn't it you bible dunce; HERE>>

Stephen wrote: 2 Peter 2:7 "and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless" . 

You see Reverend Munchausen, this is where your memory should never had failed you. Especially after the very clear prompt that should have served your memory well. But failed you and miserably. 

There are a lot of verses and ideas in the bible.  It doesn't mean literally that I can say it from my memory.

But you should be able to when give such blatant prompts as shown in my example above.
  You are a bible illiterate dunce. And you have shown to be so on a regular basis. Recently you told us that "god doesn't order the killing of anyone#306". That is a profound claim for one of your claimed academic standing and status to make about the bible. But who was it that had to remind you again that god does in fact tell others to kill others and often? Well it was me again wasn't it , you bible dunce

Then there is another recent claim of you telling us that "god has no favourite" #39?  Again, your amazing and extraordinary memory of the bible let you down once more didn't it. Who was it that had to show you how wrong again you were, well, Reverend Munchausen, it was me ... again.

But it means I have a pretty good gist of the narrative and where things are and how to find them.  I do read my NT twice every year. I do read my OT once every year.  So what? 

Even more reason to have a better recall than most people. THAT'S WHAT, you bible dunce.

I never said a Russian gave me information about The Garden of Eden.
 Neither did I . I asked you if you spoke Russian.

I said a Greek Orthodox academic in Moscow did. 

Nope you didn't , you didn't mention the word Greek. stop trying to backpedal. This is what you wrote, exactly:

Tradesecret wrote: Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)#311

And you mentioned "Moscow". And there are RUSSIAN orthodox academics too. But you didn't think of that did you, thicky?

  I never said I knew Russian. 

And neither did I. That is why I asked you if you did HERE>>#313

You just a  little middle aged white man -

 That won't be the first time that I have been called EXACTLY that on this forum. And it was by your other persona, Ethang5.. Your mask is slipping Reverend Munchausen.

Off you go, now. I have things to do.

Tradesecret's avatar
Debates: 2
Posts: 3,382
Tradesecret's avatar
You are just a glutton for punishment aren't you Reverend Munchausen.

I'm really NOT sure what your problem is.

I have never understood why after me only being here for just a few weeks you decided I was "the slime of Satan, disgusting and ugly#24 and dumb as fuck#161", either.

  I was taught to memorize the Bible from a young age. 

Yes you have told us enough times. But you must have forgotten that you had.

I started to learn different languages in school - French, German, etc and then NT Greek.  After school I attended at seminary where I studied OT Hebrew and Aramaic and NT Greek.  

French too!  That's a new addition to your ever increasing foreign language tool box. This comes  on top of your recently disclosed  capabilities to " conduct and prosecute court cases in the Bengali language of   Bangladesh".  

As for knowing my bible frontwards and backwards, so what? Many people do. It doesn't mean that I can remember every verse.

You see this is where your bullshit fails you and often.  If I was to make the claim that "was taught to memorise the bible from an early age and I knew the bible backwards" as you have often done Here> #52 here> #190 & here>#191, I would, at the very least, be able to recall a verse when prompted.  You on the other hand fail this simple memory recall and often. Would you like an example? Do you remember forgetting that "Lot was righteous in the eyes of god, do you remember that  you said:

Tradesecret wrote: I can't seem to recall anywhere in the Bible  where Lot was ever held up as a paragon of virtue or righteousness. Can you[Stephen] think of anywhere in the Scriptures where Lot is help up as being a model for Jews or for Christians? I can't and I would never hold him up as so. #4
THIS ^^^^^^^^  from the man the makes all those claims about his wonderful amazing memory. The whole of that thread and conversation was about LOT, and should have been enough to prompt your amazing memory.
  But who was it that had to remind you what Lot's standing was in the eyes of god? LOT, one of the most famous biblical characters in the whole of the Old Testament and that children never forget once they hear the story of the total destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah! LOT who's was the only family was saved BY GOD from the total annihilation?  Well it was me , wasn't it you bible dunce; HERE>>

Stephen wrote: 2 Peter 2:7 "and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless" . 

You see Reverend Munchausen, this is where your memory should never had failed you. Especially after the very clear prompt that should have served your memory well. But failed you and miserably. 

There are a lot of verses and ideas in the bible.  It doesn't mean literally that I can say it from my memory.

But you should be able to when give such blatant prompts as shown in my example above.
  You are a bible illiterate dunce. And you have shown to be so on a regular basis. Recently you told us that "god doesn't order the killing of anyone#306". That is a profound claim for one of your claimed academic standing and status to make about the bible. But who was it that had to remind you again that god does in fact tell others to kill others and often? Well it was me again wasn't it , you bible dunce

Then there is another recent claim of you telling us that "god has no favourite" #39?  Again, your amazing and extraordinary memory of the bible let you down once more didn't it. Who was it that had to show you how wrong again you were, well, Reverend Munchausen, it was me ... again.

But it means I have a pretty good gist of the narrative and where things are and how to find them.  I do read my NT twice every year. I do read my OT once every year.  So what? 

Even more reason to have a better recall than most people. THAT'S WHAT, you bible dunce.

I never said a Russian gave me information about The Garden of Eden.
 Neither did I . I asked you if you spoke Russian.

I said a Greek Orthodox academic in Moscow did. 

Nope you didn't , you didn't mention the word Greek. stop trying to backpedal. This is what you wrote, exactly:

Tradesecret wrote: Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)#311

And you mentioned "Moscow". And there are RUSSIAN orthodox academics too. But you didn't think of that did you, thicky?

  I never said I knew Russian. 

And neither did I. That is why I asked you if you did HERE>>#313

You just a  little middle aged white man -

 That won't be the first time that I have been called EXACTLY that on this forum. And it was by your other persona, Ethang5.. Your mask is slipping Reverend Munchausen.

Stephen,  do you think I am Ethang? LOL @ you. What if I am? Prove it. You are so lame. Let's say for the sake of your own speculations it is true.  How are you going to prove such a thing? I'm not by the way.  But you never care what I say - unless it is in accord with your agenda. 

Did I think about a greek orthodox academic in Russia making you think I spoke Russian?   Why?  I use the internet. Gee lo and behold - you live in UK. That means I must speak English. Dum Dum. 

I've never bragged about my memory.  You do all the bragging for me. My dear little creepy white stalker.  When my memory fails me - which it does invariably, I am happy to admit it. Not like you. I remind you of things - because you forget and then you lie about it. LOL! And then you try and say - it was all ok in the first place. 

All your repetition of my words - merely confirms that I speak the truth. I don't hide from it. I admit it when I get it wrong. I even apologize.  

You on the other hand - well that is another matter. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

Stephen wrote: You are just a glutton for punishment aren't you Reverend Munchausen.

Tradesectert wrote: I'm really NOT sure what your problem is.

Stephen wrote:I have never understood why after me only being here for just a few weeks you decided I was "the slime of Satan, disgusting and ugly#24 and dumb as fuck#161", either.

Tradesectert wrote:  I was taught to memorize the Bible from a young age. 

Stephen wrote: Yes you have told us enough times. But you must have forgotten that you had.

Tradesectert wrote:I started to learn different languages in school - French, German, etc and then NT Greek.  After school I attended at seminary where I studied OT Hebrew and Aramaic and NT Greek.  

Stephen wrote: French too!  That's a new addition to your ever increasing foreign language tool box. This comes  on top of your recently disclosed  capabilities to " conduct and prosecute court cases in the Bengali language of   Bangladesh".  

Tradesectert wrote:As for knowing my bible frontwards and backwards, so what? Many people do. It doesn't mean that I can remember every verse.

Stephen wrote: You see this is where your bullshit fails you and often.  If I was to make the claim that "was taught to memorise the bible from an early age and I knew the bible backwards" as you have often done Here> #52 here> #190 & here>#191, I would, at the very least, be able to recall a verse when prompted.  You on the other hand fail this simple memory recall and often. Would you like an example? Do you remember forgetting that "Lot was righteous in the eyes of god, do you remember that  you said:

Tradesecret wrote: I can't seem to recall anywhere in the Bible  where Lot was ever held up as a paragon of virtue or righteousness. Can you[Stephen] think of anywhere in the Scriptures where Lot is help up as being a model for Jews or for Christians? I can't and I would never hold him up as so. #4
Stephen wrote: THIS ^^^^^^^^  from the man the makes all those claims about his wonderful amazing memory. The whole of that thread and conversation was about LOT, and should have been enough to prompt your amazing memory.
  But who was it that had to remind you what Lot's standing was in the eyes of god? LOT, one of the most famous biblical characters in the whole of the Old Testament and that children never forget once they hear the story of the total destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah! LOT who's was the only family was saved BY GOD from the total annihilation?  Well it was me , wasn't it you bible dunce; HERE>>#8

Stephen wrote: 2 Peter 2:7 "and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless" . #8

Stephen wrote: You see Reverend Munchausen, this is where your memory should never had failed you. Especially after the very clear prompt that should have served your memory well. But failed you and miserably. 

Tradesectert wrote:There are a lot of verses and ideas in the bible.  It doesn't mean literally that I can say it from my memory.

Stephen wrote: But you should be able to when give such blatant prompts as shown in my example above.
  You are a bible illiterate dunce. And you have shown to be so on a regular basis. Recently you told us that "god doesn't order the killing of anyone#306". That is a profound claim for one of your claimed academic standing and status to make about the bible. But who was it that had to remind you again that god does in fact tell others to kill others and often? Well it was me again wasn't it , you bible dunce

Then there is another recent claim of you telling us that "god has no favourite" #39?  Again, your amazing and extraordinary memory of the bible let you down once more didn't it. Who was it that had to show you how wrong again you were, well, Reverend Munchausen, it was me ... again.

Tradesectert wrote:But it means I have a pretty good gist of the narrative and where things are and how to find them.  I do read my NT twice every year. I do read my OT once every year.  So what? 

Stephen wrote: Even more reason to have a better recall than most people. THAT'S WHAT, you bible dunce.

Tradesectert wrote:I never said a Russian gave me information about The Garden of Eden.
Stephen wrote:  Neither did I . I asked you if you spoke Russian.

Tradesectert wrote:I said a Greek Orthodox academic in Moscow did. 

Stephen wrote: Nope you didn't , you didn't mention the word Greek. stop trying to backpedal. This is what you wrote, exactly:

Tradesecret wrote: Nevertheless, there was an Eastern Orthodox Academic in Moscow - (one of my mentors)#311

Stephen wrote: And you mentioned "Moscow". And there are RUSSIAN orthodox academics too. But you didn't think of that did you, thicky?

Tradesectert wrote:  I never said I knew Russian. 

Stephen wrote: And neither did I. That is why I asked you if you did HERE>>#313

Tradesectert wrote:You just a  little middle aged white man -

 Stephen wrote: That won't be the first time that I have been called EXACTLY that on this forum. And it was by your other persona, Ethang5.. Your mask is slipping Reverend Munchausen.

Tradesectert wrote: All your repetition of my words - merely confirms that I speak the truth.

Nope. It shows you to be the contradictory, self aggrandising, narcissistic, compulsive lying bible dunce that you truly are. Reverend Munchausen.

And when or If you keep giving me genuine cause to remind you of what you are;  I will, at every opportunity. So, keep em'coming. 
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Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR QUOTE TO STEPHEN THAT COMES BACK TO BITE YOU, LOL!:  "Stephen,  do you think I am Ethang? LOL @ you. What if I am? Prove it. You are so lame. Let's say for the sake of your own speculations it is true.  How are you going to prove such a thing? I'm not by the way."

Dear, dear, Miss Tradesecret, who removes one foot to insert the other, your statement to Stephen in where you want him to PROVE that you may be the equally Bible dumbfounded and stupid Ethang5, is equal to the FACT that I can prove you to be a WOMAN as your profile so signifies herewith: 

The above FACTS are embarrassingly barring that your profile after you were a woman first, now shows your gender to be "other," and where your continuous  banter is that you are a MAN!  This revealing proposition of yours can only prelude that you had a SEX CHANGE from a woman to a man which is ungodly as Jesus so states: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;  male and female he created them."

Therefore, as Biblically shown above, do you actually think that you can show yourself as an ungodly TRANSGENDER person when Jesus created you as an image of Himself, male and female he created them? NOT!  As if this isn't embarrassing enough for Jesus as He watches you (Hebrews 4:13), you slap Him in the face by obviously not accepting His chosen gender as a female for you at birth! BLASPHEME!


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YOUR REVEALING QUOTE IN POST #323: "The Garden of Eden according to Mrs Zed, is out the back."

OMG, another biblical Garden of Eden is upon the earth like Miss Tradesecret so states, where the alleged first one is near the Black Sea near Ukraine, *cough,* as shown by her in this link:

Zed, STOP LAUGHING at Miss Tradesecret's expense! Shhhhh, don't embarrass her even more than me because of her link above! 

YOUR QUOTE OF ALMOST FACT: "Now of you go boys and/or girls"

Let me graciously correct you, it is FACT as repeatedly shown that you should mention 2 boys, and one girl, aka, Miss Tradesecret. 


Tradesecret's avatar
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Nope. It shows you to be the contradictory, self aggrandising, narcissistic, compulsive lying bible dunce that you truly are. Reverend Munchausen.

And when or If you keep giving me genuine cause to remind you of what you are;  I will, at every opportunity. So, keep em'coming. 
I love how you think you are my keeper and brother.  It must really get up your nose that a bible believer is so much more talented and skilled and educated than you.  You are a real little leftie - trying to cut all the tall poppies down.   Of course, everyone knows that this is really envy.  Almost the same thing as jealousy.  You want it - but you can't get it - so you try and stop anyone else from having it.  Oh well. Oh that's right - Jacob's well. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Miss Tradesecret, as a woman shown herewith: that goes directly against Jesus’ words in 1 Timothy 2:12, whereas she is not to teach and in being SILENT towards men!

YOUR QUOTE TO STEPHEN THAT COMES BACK TO BITE YOU, LOL!:  "Stephen,  do you think I am Ethang? LOL @ you. What if I am? Prove it. You are so lame. Let's say for the sake of your own speculations it is true.  How are you going to prove such a thing? I'm not by the way."

Dear, dear, Miss Tradesecret, who removes one foot to insert the other, your statement to Stephen in where you want him to PROVE that you may be the equally Bible dumbfounded and stupid Ethang5, is equal to the FACT that I can prove you to be a WOMAN as your profile so signifies herewith: 

The above FACTS are embarrassingly barring that your profile after you were a woman first, now shows your gender to be "other," and where your continuous  banter is that you are a MAN!  This revealing proposition of yours can only prelude that you had a SEX CHANGE from a woman to a man which is ungodly as Jesus so states"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;  male and female he created them."

Therefore, as Biblically shown above, do you actually think that you can show yourself as an ungodly TRANSGENDER person when Jesus created you as an image of Himself, male and female he created them? NOT!  As if this isn't embarrassing enough for Jesus as He watches you (Hebrews 4:13), you slap Him in the face by obviously not accepting His chosen gender as a female for you at birth! BLASPHEME!


As I said above my dear ignorant fake creepy stalker,  my profile is none of your business. And it is all of mine. I can change it at my discretion - especially if I believe that creepy old white men like you and Stephen will attempt to stalk me and use it for whatever "sick" reason you can think of.