How Do You Know The Bible Is True?

Author: Yassine


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Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
I would suggest that pretending not to understand, so as to deflect from the logic of my argument, can rightly be regarded as strawman.

Who is pretending? I reject that God is omni- everything. There is no evidence to suggest anywhere in the bible that the God portrayed there is omni-everything.  You assert - I refute. Refutation does not mean I have disproved it. Merely that I reject it. And ask you to produce evidence to support your assertion. I have no need to deflect.  My position is to get to the point. 

Nonetheless, if a GOD is fallible and does not take responsibility for the outcomes of it's decisions and actions, then why should a human have any faith in it?
Hmm. But God is infallible. He cannot fall if we wish to use this definition.  The reality is that God has taken responsibility for humanity's stuffup. He himself paid the penalty for Humanity's stuff up.  Jesus died on the cross suffering the indignity of humiliation and shame and bearing it for whosoever would accept his help. He did not need to do this.  God does not owe humanity anything. Man chose to stuff up.   Yet God still despite humanity's pride and arrogance - was prepared to help anyway.  

The other thing you just don't seem to grasp - is God is God.  I know you don't believe. But you don't help yourself by ignoring the basis of who and what God claims to be.  Christians say - God is the ultimate power and authority.  He is accountable only to himself. Now I know that in this 21st century of flat earthers - where we think everything should be egalitarian - or socialist - FLAT with no hierarchy, that God or anyone as the pinnacle and ACTUALLY above the law is silly and does not compute.  Yet until the Atheist or whatever starts to grasp this concept - which honestly, you don't, then these type of questions you raise - miss the point. 

God is the ultimate authority. He is not accountable to anyone but himself.  He does not owe anyone anything. He is above the law. He wrote the law. He is the law. That is how the Bible describes God. Now you may not agree with this position - but surely you must concede that this is how the Bible describes God. 

Hence - for you to suggest otherwise - or that he must accept responsibility is an absurdity. Of course if God is fallible - as you put it - it creates a dilemma that I can't fix and you can't either. Although I would like to know how you would resolve it.  If God is fallible - against what measure has he fallen? Is there some kind of measure that is out there - in the ether somewhere. Some kind of moral ABSOLUTE and OBJECTIVE law that is not God?  If there is - can you prove it? 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Well obviously from my point of view the dilemma is easily fixable.

In so much as a biblical GOD has never been proven to exist.

In this exchange, I'm just questioning your contradictory faith and assertions.

"God is infallible" yet it's imperfect creation "stuffs up"....So who's fault is that?

It's clearly the fault of a fallible GOD, for imperfectly creating.

And a GOD that 's rather keen to pass the buck.

"God is the ultimate authority. He is the Law. He wrote the Law."

Sort of reminds me of something.......Despotism is one word for it.

He f**ks up peoples lives and the people are the sinners, because he says so.

And you would worship a despot.....Also reminds me of something.

And to the last point the answer is no, because there is no known answer.

Your solution....Blind faith in a fantastical ideology is simply what it is.....A fantastical solution based upon blind faith.

And "this is how the Bible describes God"......Well stories describe characters.....You're stating the obvious.

Doesn't mean that they are real though.

And the Roman occupation of the "Holy Land" might have produced a martyr named Jesus, who died for transgressing the Law.

But we can be no more sure of this than we can be of the existence of a GOD.

Can you actually prove otherwise.
Stephen's avatar
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I don't quote scripture at you. 

And I haven't said you have on this occasion. But then that is not what I was disputing here , Reverend Münchhausen , now was it.

You claimed;  'that you do not speak on behalf of Jesus', here>> #96.

I had to remind YOU, a man of the cloth and "chosen by god"#48 that your calling was most certainly to speak on behalf of Jesus, HERE>>#98
 There is a difference between me on a forum site purporting to speak on behalf of Jesus and me in my ordinary calling speaking for Jesus.

No there isn't. You had a calling, and "god chose you"#48 according to you. Jesus gave all his disciples a mission and the agenda of that mission his clearly spelled out in the gospels, here Mark 16:15& here Matthew 28:19-20 , which YOU are denying and suggest it doesn't mean what it says actually says- no surprises there then..    You have quoted directly from the gospels many times on this forum  and gave your own opinions of what you believe god means and is conveying <<<<<this is your calling and its agenda,  you idiot. Unless of course  you have lied about your calling, your high status in the church and  lied about being " a pastor of a church with over 300 people" #67? Otherwise,  "The authors in the bible are pretty clear about what they want to communicate". So tell us what in hells name did God choose you for?

Did you forget your calling, Reverend Münchhausen?
Obviously! With just hint of sarcasm. 
That will be a yes then and from he, a man of the cloth that claims to have" been taught to memorised the bible from a very young age."#52

I never said the bible was a scientific book. I said that the scientific methodology of reading books  ought to be used. 

Why scientific method?  Don't you often tell us :

Tradesecret wrote: 
  "Well, I for one, do not believe that the bible is ambiguous at all.  It is clear. Crystal clear in fact."

Why would anyone need to take a "scientific" approach or use "scientific methodology" to what you say is so clearly written and unambiguous ?

I am quite curious that you think you are making some kind of point here. 
Address the points, you bible dunce. You brought "scientific methodology" into the mix.

Don't you also tell us that:
Tradesecret wrote: 
 "The authors in the bible are pretty clear about what they want to communicate". ? 
So again, bible dunce, if the authors have made the bible very clear and unambiguous, and extremely clear on what they intended to communicate, then why does anyone have to take a "scientific "approach to, or use "scientific methodology" for the bible?
I am curious -
I bet you are. This will be because your statements do not hold water. Unless you can actually  soundly address the questions . 

Holy books and any book - can be understood when the proper questions are asked. 

Nonsense! You mean only questions that YOU are able to  answer are the correct questions, and you steer well clear of those that cause you problems and that you cannot answer and consider are the wrong questions.
You do it all the time by prefixing many of your replies to questions asked of you  with the words " maybe a better question would be" or "great question but the question should be" or "interesting question I am not sure its the right one" or "a better question to ask would be" in the hope of steering yourself away from an embarrassing question and /or conversation. Its an old trick and won't work on me.  You take everyone here for a mugs and bible dunces and you make that mistake with myself and others often, you bible dunce. I am simply able to see right through your swerving and evading bullshite.

Don't nonsense me. I don't change the meaning. 
 You do it all the time, you liar.

Yes. I ask questions - and prompt people to ask better questions - why?

Because just like me, I want answers instead of another question in reply, something else you do and often.

So tell me Reverend Münchhausen,  from whence does your information come  concerning the life and teaching of the Christ, if not the scriptures? 
It does come from the Scriptures. 
And what do you do with this memorised information from scripture?

I know this doesn't fit you agenda -

I don't have an agenda you clown but you certainly do, would you like reminding once AGAIN what your agenda is?

Tell me Reverend Münchhausen, do you not quote scripture at all when preaching to your " church of  over 300"?

Again I DONT HAVE an agenda.  The Great Commission is NOT MY AGENDA.....

But you do and it is.  As I , and the bible clearly point out to you. You just cannot cope with the fact that you, a man of the cloth with a " congregation of over 300" didn't understand your calling or hadn't even heard of it. The latter is more likely the case.

 I reject that God is omni- everything.

Why? Are you denying that god has all of the attributes of someone Omni?

Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future. Nothing takes him by surprise. His knowledge is total. He knows all that there is to know and all that can be known.
Omnipresence means all-present. This term means that God is capable of being everywhere at the same time. It means his divine presence encompasses the whole of the universe. There is no location where he does not inhabit. This should not be confused with pantheism, which suggests that God is synonymous with the universe itself; instead, omnipresence indicates that God is distinct from the universe, but inhabits the entirety of it. He is everywhere at once.
Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless.

OR are you going to interpret these words using your own definitions to each , even Australian ones?

Despite LIARS like yourself pretending that no one can answer your questions. 

So you can and will answer these questions then.

What did God choose you for?

Why would anyone need to take a "scientific" approach or use "scientific methodology" to what you say is so clearly written "crystal clear in fact" and is unambiguous and that the authors are" extremely clear on what they intended to communicate"?

And what do you do with the information that you get from scripture?

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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The ever so Bible dumbfounded Miss Tradesecret is going for the record again in how many times she can completely RUNAWAY from my godly posts to her in a single thread!  When my superior Bible knowledge, as a man, easily supersedes Miss Tradesecrets grade-school knowledge of same, as a biblical second class woman, she has to remain silent to my posts because she cannot address them and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath.  

Miss Tradesecret's runaway record before from my godly posts was 12 in one thread, as shown below, she is now at 10 runaways and closing in on a new record! As we can only surmise, Jesus is shaking His head in disgust towards the complete Bible fool Miss Tradesecret in giving His Christian faith a bad name in having to run away from it.

Is there another pseudo-christian like Miss Tradesecret that maybe can help her with her runaway posts shown above, where obviously she can't refute them and has to remain embarrassingly silent?  Anyone?  For God's sake, someone help her!


Stephen's avatar
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Tradesecret, now to save yourself from further embarrassment .................., isn’t it time again for you to make a "sheepish exit stage right," and disappear again until the dust settles upon your most recent and complete Bible stupidity? 

It is, and s/he has. S/he's probably taking council with all those " bible scholars,academics,priests and fathers from the Orthodox Church #91 and his Hebrew teacher#45" that he brags and claims about being tutored under. Why he thinks that will improve even his/her basic biblical knowledge is anyone's guess, Brother.

Although,  he claims to " know the bible backwards - and frontwards - in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic".#191,  not to mention  he has "been taught to memorise the scriptures from a young age".#52
Still, god loves a tryer, Brother. 

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret,

Jesus and I are going to help you along in breaking your record of RUNNING AWAY from 12 posts in a single thread to me alone, notwithstanding other members as well, by posing the following biblical axioms that you will runaway from again at your embarrassing expense, like the others of mention in this following link:

1.  It is EXPLICITLY SHOWN that you are a woman in this embarrassing post on your behalf relating to your bereft biography, which you cannot change to a male gender without further unrecoverable embarrassment on your part, understood?: 

2.  The direct words of Jesus state without question that women are NOT to teach, nor to usurp the authority over the superior man like myself, but to just STFU when men are around, period!  “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp the authority over man, BUT TO BE IN SILENCE.” (Timothy 2:12)

3.  Therefore, if you continue to act in an ungodly Satanic manner in speaking within this esteemed forum as a woman, then you are outright going directly against Jesus' command regarding Timothy 2:12, whereas  you continue to slap Jesus in the face!  How would you feel in going against Jesus' inspired words in this respect if you continue to speak within this forum as a known woman?  

If you run away again from this godly post of mine, then I will add it to your ever-growing and outright bothersome runaway posts. 

Miss Tradesecret, the least of which, could you please tell the membership in what running shoes you wear? Are they Adidas, Nike, Converse, or?  LOL!


BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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YOUR REVEALING QUOTE REGARDING THIS FORUM'S #1 RUNAWAY FROM BIBLICAL AXIOMS, MISS TRADESECRET: "It is, and s/he has. S/he's probably taking council with all those " bible scholars, academics, priests and fathers from the Orthodox Church #91 and his Hebrew teacher#45" that he brags and claims about being tutored under."

Well, if Miss Tradesecret is following your notion listed above, then because of Miss Tradesecrets complete Biblical stupidity, then it is the blind leading the blind scenario when she listens to them regarding the Bible, because we have adamantly shown her in how inept she truly is regarding the scriptures!  LOL!   


Yes, my serial killer Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, at least recognizes and sees poor Miss Tradesecret in at least "trying" to follow His direct words (Hebrews 4:13).  BUT, at what point does He consider it a lost cause when we are shown to Bible Slap Silly®️ Miss Tradesecret ad infinitum, barring the fact that she LIED in telling us that she is not a woman, whereas I have shown her to be a woman within this thread, and the ramifications thereof! 

Therefore,  what does Jesus think of LIARS like Miss Tradesecret, barring the fact that she is a 2nd class woman? "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)  Yes, she is Hell bound, praise Jesus' revenge upon women where their Sister of Eve caused the original sin!

Stephen's avatar
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About date of birth.
 "           Gender.
 "            Country of birth and residence. 

I keep asking myself why  when there was absolutely no need?

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

But I don't doubt the above verse will not apply to the Reverend Munchausen and s/he will have a new definition for the word "liars" and a new translation for what Revelation 21:8 actually means.

BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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In addressing your post #128,  and you can see, Miss Tradesecret hasn't posted in 3 days!  We can only assume that either Jesus woke her up in a prayer to her stating that He has had enough of her Bible stupidity that you, I, and others, have easily pointed out to the membership.  Or, Miss Tradesecret it taking Jesus' inspired command to heart in Timothy 2:12 in her being a woman in not to usurp the authority over the man to be in silence,  and will not post within this forum anymore!

In any event, I think it is Vacation Time for Miss Tradesecret AGAIN, where she will take some needed time away from this prestigious forum AGAIN, because of the membership calling her out on her outrageous Bible ignorance and runaway status!

Stephen, remember Miss Tradesecrets total admittance in being a Sexual Deviant, as if that wasn't bad enough for her to take a long vacation after this ungodly act of hers was presented to the membership, whereas now her Bible stupidity has caught up with her, where she realizes in embarrassment that a "time out" is now needed away from this forum again. Sad indeed.

Seriously, I think Jesus came to her in prayer because of her heavy laden acts of Bible misjudgments, and told her she needed to rest: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)



Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Brother - 

I am not a female. 

I can't be bothered as a rule to respond to bullyish behavior. 

There is nothing to be discussed in relation to your post about the same. 

I will respond to your earlier post in respect of the questions of religion you sought clarification. And I will do that when I have some time to do so. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
No need to change words or meanings. 

I am not a liar. 

It does not apply to me in that context. 

It does however apply to you - since you are fake and a fraud and a liar.  But even still - while there is life - there is hope. Repent of your ways - forsake the ignorance of your own wisdom and embrace the wisdom of GOD. 

I continue to pray for God's mercy on your life. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Well obviously from my point of view the dilemma is easily fixable.

In so much as a biblical GOD has never been proven to exist.
And God has never been proved not to exist.  

In this exchange, I'm just questioning your contradictory faith and assertions.
I do not see it as contradictory at all. Any more that you see as contradictory the improbability of the universe just happening and the existence of God. 

"God is infallible" yet it's imperfect creation "stuffs up"....So who's fault is that?

God is infallible.  His creation was very good.  God designed the universe with inbuilt abilities to stuff up. I think that is brilliant not a stuff up.  As for fault - the only fault here belongs to those who actually stuffed up. 

It's clearly the fault of a fallible GOD, for imperfectly creating.

And a GOD that 's rather keen to pass the buck.
You do realise that you continue to sound over and over again like that little boy who goes out in cricket - and says - I'm not playing any more - and I'm going to take my bat and go home. 

God made the world very good.  Humanity - one of God's creations with the ability to do good and bad - chose to intentionally go bad.  In my view - this capability is more profound and perfect than the robot you would have preferred which could NEVER do wrong.  The entire notion of freedom - to do bad but also to love freely is in my view a much better picture than ONE where everyone is simply programmed to do good. 

I would prefer to have a girl love me willingly and freely than a robot or one who is brainwashed.  

"God is the ultimate authority. He is the Law. He wrote the Law."

Sort of reminds me of something.......Despotism is one word for it.
And perhaps that might be true if God was not perfect and good.  

He f**ks up peoples lives and the people are the sinners, because he says so.

And you would worship a despot.....Also reminds me of something.
God does not stuff any bodies life just for the sake of it.  He asks people to do the right thing - or suffer the consequences.  We live in a fallen world that is the point. 

And to the last point the answer is no, because there is no known answer.

Your solution....Blind faith in a fantastical ideology is simply what it is.....A fantastical solution based upon blind faith.
I don't believe in blind faith.  That is the whim of people who are atheists. They believe nothing existed and then nothing exploded for no particular reason and that from this nothing - which somehow exploded - that everything came into being and was somehow subject to laws - that required a scientific methodology to prove anything.   Blind Faith.  

And "this is how the Bible describes God"......Well stories describe characters.....You're stating the obvious.

Doesn't mean that they are real though.
Nor that it is not. 

And the Roman occupation of the "Holy Land" might have produced a martyr named Jesus, who died for transgressing the Law.

But we can be no more sure of this than we can be of the existence of a GOD.

Can you actually prove otherwise.

Jesus a Jew from a century long time ago - in a backwater place that nobody really cared about - has become one of - if not the most famous person in history - why? Because he died on a cross.  And his disciples claimed he rose from the dead - - a point for which they died for - not for a lie - but for what they actually saw with their own eyes.  

Billions of people have come to faith in this Jew.  Billions of lives have been changed.  None of that is conveniently allowed to be evidence. Just like the bible is conveniently not allowed to be evidence.   You don't want proof.  You really don't. You just want an excuse to live the way you do - without feeling bad about it. 

Just as you want to hedge your bets - just in case you are wrong about God. So you try and figure it is all his fault - despite the fact that you are responsible for your own life - God states it like it is. The problem is - though -  you keep coming back to religious forums like this - asking people to try and justify their positions BECAUSE you actually can't justify your own.   

My view - is you should stop - sit down - take out the gospel of Mark - spend an hour reading it - out loud - and then ask yourself the question - why don't I want to believe this story?  Then you should do something really profound. Pray. Ask God to help you understand what you have just been reading. Ask for forgiveness. And then find a local church - preferably either a baptist church or a reformed one.  And then talk to the pastor and honestly - get serious. 

You only get one shot at this life.  And you either spend it all trying to find meaning or you do something about it. You seem like a smart guy. Do the smart thing. 
Stephen's avatar
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Repent of your ways - forsake the ignorance of your own wisdom and embrace the wisdom of GOD. 

Speaking of ignorance, you missed the questions that you say you can and do and will answer;

What did God choose you for?

Why would anyone need to take a "scientific" approach or use "scientific methodology" to what you say of the bible  that it " is so clearly written ,crystal clear in fact" and is "unambiguous"  and that the authors are" extremely clear on what they intended to communicate"?

And what do you do with the information that you get from scripture?

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
If there is an actual GOD, I would expect it to be omni-sensible.....Rather than the one of whacky biblical stuff.

Though my only hedge betting, is that GOD might actually represent an inevitable evolutionary creation, process and finale.

So I'm not expecting a floaty about bloke to reappear any time soon.

And of course everything might just be pure chance.

And of course, neither you nor I actually have a clue....And neither did those that contrived the particular tale that you are hedging your bets on.

But if it makes you happy....Good.

And I'm happy too.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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This is why you need to practice your  (  joining religious groups quickly  ) 
Picture having 5 mins to live. 
It wouldn't be unwise to spend 1 min on  " joining religious groups quickly " 

For example.
The phrase,  (  i except  jesus christ as my lord and saviour. ) 
Powwwwwwww  ,  why Thus phrase alone has you a ( INSTA CHRISTIAN ) in many denominations,  thus making you  ( FULLY ELIGIBLE FOR HEAVEN ACCESS )  

No doubt you have already excepted jesus christ as ya lord and saviour. 
Very well played. 

After uttering that you move straight on to Muhammad and Alan. 
Becoming a Muslim is as easy as becoming a Christian  ,  you just say.
I  AM A MUSLIM NOW.  ( and thats fucking locked in. ) 
Powwww you are now a Muslim and multi denomination christian. 

Close your eyes and   Tell  L Ron you love him.   and a quick shoutout to  zeenoo or whatever his name is. 
Give a thought to Joseph Smith and Buda . Do the satin sign with your fingers

And thats not even 15 seconds.  

UNFORTUNATELY one cannot become Jewish within a minute  sooooooooo, fingers crossed on that one.

This  (  JOINING RELIGIOUS GROUPS QUICKLY  )  done correctly  has you a   FULLY  qualified (   CHRISTIAN MUSLIM MORMON WITNESS SEVENTH DAY SATANIC WITCH )  in    under 60  seconds. 
Practice this over and over and you will get it down to 20 seconds max. 


Stephen's avatar
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Well, as I predicted here , Brother>>>#128

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

But I don't doubt the above verse will not apply to the Reverend Munchausen and s/he will have a new definition for the word "liars" and a new translation for what Revelation 21:8 actually means.#128

Tradesecret wrote:  "It does not apply to me in that context". #131
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SATANIC WITCH   in    under 60  seconds. 
Practice this over and over and you will get it down to 20 seconds max. 

Not sure about the bold underlined, Deb? It appears that one has to go through some  sorts  of  "major woo woo" stages of  initiation also known "Reiki attunement" to become a fully fledged, fully licenced broom riding Witch#1
 The Witch in the case mentioned appears elated that she has achieved "level one" on her journey. What  level one actually entails/d and actually means, is anyone's guess as are the number of stages she has to reach or achieve?
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Can it all be done online?

I see an opening.........RUMBA

Rapid Unified Multi Belief Affiliation...

One click and you're in the lot.

And download a mutilated dick photo....MDP.....And you're as good as in the Jewish gang anyway.

$50 a pop.

So if we can corner just 10% of the market, that's 7.9 billion divided by 10, times 50......Errrrrrrr......You work it out.

You set up the website and sort out that side of things, and I'll oversee the operation from my Luxury Pad on the Med.....LUXPOM as it's sometimes referred to.


We do have the virgins on entry don't we?.....If you'll pardon the expression.

Though I often wonder where all the virgins come from.

Or do you think that it's actually all  a virtual reality sort of set up.

Sort off Simulated and Matrixial,.....S&M as it were.

Maybe GOD is in fact a Universal Computer System.....Formerly known as Joint Enterprise Services for the Unification of Souls

Latterly known as the, Multi Atheism Directorate.

Or MAD for short.

What do you think Deb?

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Ahhh,  the good old reiki attunement .
God dam it.     
I totally forgot about that.  .., thats a major boo boo on  my part. 
Becoming a full fledged cackling, spell casting witch might be a little time consuming.  
I am going to look into what it takes to become a " basic witch  "   
Hopefully there is something simple and easy to do to become a witch. 
Like slitting a goats throat and drinking a little of his blood. 
Or own a black cat.  
This i can do . 

But you are right Hen step.   
A reiki attunement doesn't  happen over night..   
▪°•▪°▪•°▪•▪°•▪°▪  Thank you for brinig this to my attention    ▪•¤°▪•¤▪°•▪°▪ ▪° ▪°

I may in fact  have to chance it and die a "non-Jewish"  "non- witch"     
Fingers crossed that these groups are incorrect  and  my ( HEAVEN ENTRANCE EXCEPTENCE APPROVAL RATING )  is not effected. 

Good game. 
Good game.  

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Pat pending . 

We might be able to get it down to  a  online (  one click  )  and you are in large majority of the most popular and up to date groups of the twenty-first century.  
It ain't  going to be cheap that is for sure. 
But thats to be expected. 

I do not think becoming a jew is going to be a ( one click and a dick pic ) reality.  
It takes alot to become a jew.    
Pulling your foreskin back and looking the JEW good right in the eyse and saying you are circumcised might not cover it.  Pardon the pun. 
Getting into jew heaven not knowing the lines and song thing they do is one thing but getting into jewish heaven with a forskin is another thing.
And i haven't even touched on our WELL-ABOVE EVIL  levels of pork consumption . 

We are going to have to work on this because it is a MAJOR DRAW POINT.  
To Insta join the major three.   

Becoming  a Christian,  a Muslim  and or a Jew.  In the click of a button would be golden.    
One click for men. 
Or the  sixteen clicks and a bunch of forms for Women.  


Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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We could make something up and just say ( one click  ) "works "   
That will work. 

  First expense.   For ( CREATING A GROUP  )     

$$$$  upwards of one thousand to 1300 a week for eight weeks. 
A fully qualified  great and intriguing  (story maker upper )  a    ( bullshit artists )  
Then we will need a layer,  ( for advice ) 
An accountant . Advisor.  

The multi  gods want me to get a red Ferrari .
A mansion.

And then i want what every major religious group boils down to .
How do i spell that word . 
Premisque sex. 

As joint co founder and a real important guy. 
Im thinking
Or maybe four. 
No five .  I want five wives.  Pick of the bunch.  

Cash and Chicks 

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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I crouch down so I'm like squatting. 
Then i simply  " fall  " in a foward motion  , ducking my head between my kness . 
Well thats how i roll. 


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Being a member of one religious group =   Moral
Being a member of two religions groups =  Double Moral. 
A member of three religious groups  =  ULTRA MEAGA MORAL MAN.   

On a serious note.
I feel if joining a religious group was " good and or benifits outway negs  in any way , one should  and would join another. 

Ben a fish a wear ie  ( spell check  )  


How does it go agin .
Thoht shall not put a another god dude above me  , or before me whatever.  FULL FUKING STOP 

Tis a brilliant play. 

Good game.
Good game. 

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I cant see Gods getting  on very well  with other Gods. 

Like  Alah , god , jesus and Muhammed  wouldn't walk into a bar together. 
You cant hit allah with a quote from the bible. 
Imagine muhammad and allah telling  and teasing jesus allllllllllll day long calling him  " prophet boy " 
Jesus will soon tire of this. 
Then god will gets involved wich puts EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING  on edge because of gods sheer power and ease of  just ending  everything. 

Gods would hate Gods.  
End of story.  
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Wich brings us to a important question. 


What gang has the toughest  Gang leader. ? 

Is "OT god"   and   " NT god " the same dude.?

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Noway or yahweh ?
BrotherD.Thomas's avatar
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Miss Tradesecret,

YOUR LYING QUOTE AGAIN IN POST #130!!!!: "I am not a female. I can't be bothered as a rule to respond to bullyish behavior. "

You have RAN AWAY from this following link 4 times now!!!  Simply explain this post of you being a FEMALE and then you comically are now UNKNOWN: 

Ah yes, because of your mortification about the topic at hand, you have to go to your EXCUSES again to try and smoke screen actual facts away that you cannot address, where your current one now is "I am a bully again" Remember dear, you have played this card many times before when I've easily Bible Slapped you Silly,®️ where you had to run away in total disgrace in front of the membership many times subsequent to my godly posts to you!


TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #1: Tradesecret will now call you a “bully,” for making them the Bible fool, or for asking questions that they could not answer, even though the questions asked were logically valid!

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #2: Tradesecret will now accuse you of “stalking” them if you repeat more than once why Tradesecret hasn’t addressed your questions in the first place! 

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #3: Tradesecret will now use the ruse of “attacking them personally,” by name calling, which has nothing to do with the questions asked to them. Where the irony is “her/unknown performs this act as well. Can Tradesecret spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?  Sure she can.

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #4: Tradesecret will just go “SILENT” to your questions in the hopes that you will forget about the fact that you presented them to “her/unknown in the first place! 

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #5:  Tradesecret will give you “cutesy” excuses and images to try and take your mind off of the FACT that they are running away again from your valid axiomatic biblical questions! Child-like, but what did we expect. :(

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #6: Now if you want to make Tradesecret the continued Bible fool, they “may” answer you if your question or statement to them is, properly put to her! LOL!

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #7:  She will tell you that you are not interpreting the scripture correctly, even though it is LITERAL in nature, but if she disagrees with the literal presentation of any passage or narrative that embarrasses her, she will come up with another "convenient interpretation" of said verse to make you wrong!  

TRADESECRET RUNAWAY EXCUSE #8:  She will tell you that what you have found regarding her ungodly and despicable nature, is because you have "hacked" into her PD account, and changed her disgusting posts to further embarrass her!  Priceless.

What would we do without Miss Tradesecret in running away from biblical axioms with excuses listed above at times, and being a hell bound woman, whereas someone has to be #1 in being the Bible ignorant fool in this forum!


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Shhhhhhhh, in your post # 136, you are not to dig up any notion that is embarrassing to Miss Tradesecret, remember? As if she doesn't step in the proverbial poo herself all the time within this thread alone!

Psst, ........ Miss Tradesecret has RAN AWAY from this link 4 times now, as if we and Jesus hasn't seen this ungodly action of hers, where she states that she is not a female, whereas in her biography before her comical current "unknown status," SHE IS A FEMALE! 

As shown throughout Miss Tradesecrets membership, when she gets into a corner that is hard to get out of, she plays the "excuse cards" as I have shown in my post #147, where we have seen all seen the excuses listed.  You may have some more of her excuses to run away from biblical discussion that I did not list?

In prayer with Jesus last night, He told me to continue to address Miss Tradesecrets TOTAL biblical ignorance and lies. Therefore, I will be very busy in this thread alone!  


Swagnarok's avatar
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Call this the argument from firsts.

If you read J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, with knowledge that this was published in 1997 and preceded by virtually nothing similar to it, you would have to admire it.
But if you read a children's book called Johnny O'Donald and the Magic Academy, published in 2018, you would quickly recognize that it wasn't so groundbreaking. The author clearly built upon an existing work, its ideas, its tropes, and its conventions.

Mind you, in this example we're talking a gap of 21 years. Try a minimum of 500 years, if not 1,500.

You believe your religion's holy book to be a miracle in itself, by virtue of its impressive literary qualities. However, the Arabian landscape from whence it came had the long ago imported Christianity and Judaism. Whether Muhammad was literate or not, he was clearly exposed to the ideas inherent therein or otherwise found in the common discourse of Christians and Jews of that time.
Which is to say that he had the benefit of building upon previous material.

That previous material, the Bible, was the first. And it largely emerged from a vacuum, having built upon nothing. The Torah was a great work of literature, filled with original themes and stories expressed in remarkable detail. It's recited today by Jews as a work of poetic prose, written in a script arguably as beautiful as that used in Classical Arabic.

It is as much a literary miracle as what you believe in, but its authors did it first and in such a way as to call its origin totally spontaneous. Granted, this argument will not work on non-believers, but an intellectually honest Muslim will stop and reflect on it.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
Well, as I predicted here , Brother>>>#128

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

But I don't doubt the above verse will not apply to the Reverend Munchausen and s/he will have a new definition for the word "liars" and a new translation for what Revelation 21:8 actually means.#128

Tradesecret wrote:  "It does not apply to me in that context". #131
Surely even a dunce like you appreciates that verse to apply to me requires that I be a liar?  I am not a liar.     Convenient of course that you intentionally and deceitfully choose to delete that line when you repost.