Eh, the end purpose of debates vary, depending on different individuals goals.
I think any goal besides the truth is wrong, and according to my aesthetics, gross.
Eh, the end purpose of debates vary, depending on different individuals goals.
Eh, the end purpose of debates vary, depending on different individuals goals.I think any goal besides the truth is wrong, and according to my aesthetics, gross.Except animal f***ing, apparently.
48 days later
So I'll debate flat earthers, big foot people, holocaust deniers, etc... etc... on principle
43 days later
17 days later
DebateAllDaTings: Animals cannot rationally consent to sex, so any sex with them is immoral as it is rape.
zedvictor4:Does any other animal intellectually consent or not consent to sex?
zedvictor4: Or do they just do it, because the are functionally compelled to do it?Would a pig being fucked by a human, actually consider that "rape" was taking place?
zedvictor4: It's always interesting how we apply human conceptual standards to the behaviour of other animals.
As I see it, a pig would be aware of what was happening.But rape is an intellectual concept.Overthink as it were.
Though I suppose that the extraction of nutrients from decaying matter is a viable option.
All concepts are intellectual.
83 days later
Tell us more about how to stop ugly people reproducing and how mentally sane you are for wanting eugenics.
469 days later
The ethics of zoophilia has been subject to little academic attention so far.
We might thinkat first that zoophilia is so obviously wrong that no discussion whatsoever is needed
Those who have addressed the ethical status of zoophilia sometimesconfess that most existing arguments for the wrongness of zoophilia are lacking.
He attributes our hostility to sex with animals to speciesistprejudice.
Rudy takes queer theory as her starting point and uses zoophilia to questionthe demarcation between sex and nonsex.
This is not to say that zoophilia cannot be defended within anthropocentricapproaches. In fact, perhaps the easiest way to conclude that there is nothing wrong withzoophilia is to postulate that humans have a vastly higher moral standing than animals, sothat zoophilia is just one instance among many others of permissible use and exploitationof animals for human purposes.
Onemight take this to contradict my general claim that zoophilia is permissible, but this wouldbe a mistake: that zoophilia is permissible does not mean that all instances of zoophiliaare permissible, in the same way that the permissibility of heterosexuality does not meanthat all instances of heterosexuality are permissible.
If there is no clearcut boundary between the ordinary love that pet keepersexpress and the romantic love that some zoophiles express, then why accept one and notthe other?
I should point out that I am not interested here in the psychological and social factorsthat explain our ordinary aversion toward zoophilia.
Bolliger and Goetschel claim that “one important aspect of the dignity of the animalis its sexual integrity.” By this they mean “unhindered sexual development and sensation,the protection from damaging decisionmaking by sexual exploitation of dependencies,and the protection from sexual harassment.”
there is an unwillingness to recognize the competences ofdomesticated animals for agency, cooperation, and participation in mixed human–animalsettings
To be clear, finding out the moral status of zoophilia is not the same as finding outits optimal social status, so we might grant that zoophilia is morally permissible whilestill opposing decriminalization and normalization, perhaps on the grounds that it wouldultimately lead to a worse outcome for animals.
However, because of the sheeramount of moral outrage around this topic, advocating for zoophilia should be done withgreat caution to avoid undermining the broader agenda of the animal rights movement andother social justice movements. There are obvious pragmatic considerations to downplaythe plea for decriminalizing zoophilia, and even more so for including it within the LGBT+umbrella.
I maintain that:1. Bestiality is not inherently immoral
this clown defending humping animals or Best.Korea defending pedophilia.Both are very mentally disturbed and should seek professional help. Anyone who defensed those inhumane things should.
21 days later
99 days later
50 days later
ADOL, they leave off the F
should be pronounced beastiality
libertarian moral framework
...his entire adult life...
..."I'm disgusted by the thought of it", he could still argue that bestiality is correct......Not a lot of people that don't engage in it would make the argument, I guess because it's so taboo...
People intuitively 'oh that is wrong'
That doesn't mean that their premises aren't good, it just means they're hard at putting their premises into words
You know it in your heart
I don't see a lot of people making the arguments
He might not actually believe consent matters, being a libertarian
Treat animals humanely
I'm sure he'll watch it
What other arguments does he have?
based on his exact same arguments you could argue in favor of pedophilia
Maybe my premises are secretly and mystically better than they appear too?
...Intuition is a lot of things, it's a lot of processes, a lot of math and calculus going on in your subconscious mind...
...They don't have a robot that can catch baseballs....
abandoned this intuition that a greater being exists... men can get pregnant
Why did we evolve to like people that kind of look like us? We evolved that way because our genetics are more compatible and less likely to have dead offspring.
Women should be in the workforce, that's a rational argument
It's[intuition] a lot more accurate
It's[following one's animal instincts as opposed to intuition] supposed to come with some form of guilt
Do you want to be a martyr?
for you to get a partner that would respect you
It would change how many people you know think about you
There is a time to stand up for something that's right
God's not going to defend you for fucking a dog
Is the bad worth the good?
Unless you need to, in defense of someone you love
'All hate is born from love', that's not true
I don't know if he enjoys hearing from me or not
I would love to hear why you're against it (pedophilia)
Maybe that same argument could be used to destroy your argument
I think it's good enough that most people find it disgusting
You're really not hurting anybody by outlawing it
I guess your opinion is probably that we shouldn't legislate victimless crimes
Whatever happened with LGBT can happen with bestiality
You would legit start seeing people marry their dogs
you would see confused kids being taken advantage of
They'll call it a sexual orientation
I'm sure there are diseases and other things that could spread from that
I know cats can get covid
There have been some examples of diseases spreading because of bestiality
That's probably the reason it was outlawed in other cultures and why we find it disgusting today
It's all fun and games till you walk out your door and have three crackheads on your sidewalk you have to move by every day while they're begging you for change
You mean you would advocate?
I don't think you can argue against the transcendental truth very well