"Open Your Eyes"

Author: Danielle


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What does ranked choice voting have to do with refusing to accept the results of an election? 
Athias's avatar
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I don't know what's more embarrassing:
Why are you concerned with what embarrasses me? Trust me: I am not embarrassed.

the fact that you're an adult who  believes in mythological creatures
I don't "believe in" mythological creatures; I acknowledge and accept their existence. (Feel free to engage me on the matter in the proper venue.) How is this even remotely relevant to the subject matter? You're not trying to argue ad hominem suggesting that my ontological conclusions on spirituality and mythology somehow qualifies my assessment of your not so subtle hit-piece?

or the fact that you actually think this is remotely analogous to anything I talked about in the OP.  
Just the parts I referenced.

Are you old enough to remember Al Gore's concession speech and him presiding over the Senate certification of his own loss? 
This is not a contest over Al Gore's and Donald Trump's decorum.
Oh no! Maybe you should go take it up with the tooth fairy. 
Why? I would assume that the tooth fairy's expertise is not in political science, but in orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, prosthodontics, orofacial orthopedics, oral pathology and medicine, and general dentistry. Do you know something about the tooth fairy that I don't?

If the entire voting process is a predetermined and rigged sham, then #1Donald Trump's victory was also a rigged sham so he was not a genuine victor and has no business declaring himself as such in 2016 or otherwise
Why would you assume that my statements about elections exclude Trump?

#2 it makes no sense for Donald and co. to run for office (again) and beg people to show up and vote since they're telling people their votes don't matter. If you accept these logical conclusions then you accept that trumptards are being nonsensical in their positions.
I wouldn't call them, "Trumptards" but yes, their expectations of the electoral system is as disappointing as any other's.

I don't understand why you felt the need tp respond with such pathetically desperate and ridiculously far off whataboutism  rather than your usual regurgitations about the illegitimacy of government or immorality of voting generally.
I like to throw people off from time to time.

I never said Democrats don't engage in political nonsense;
You said this:

I mean I know denying election results is nothing new; it happens in third world countries all the time. What I'm asking is what if U.S. voters continue to legitimize or simply ignore and disregard the nonexistent claims of fraud though? Are we watering down the accusation to the point where it means nothing, and if so couldn't that be dangerous? 
As if Democrats have never done this. And they have. I witnessed eight years of it.

Again if voting doesn't matter it begs the question of why politicians prostitute themselves for campaign donations, why they gerrymander like crazy and why they try to make it less convenient for certain people to vote.
Why do people vote on "American Idol"? For the pageantry.

It begs the question of why anyone gets summoned to jury duty among lots of other questions (many of which I outlined in the OP) that your false equivalences don't come anywhere close to answering.
To maintain the illusion.

You'd think that arguments from partisan hacks would be easy to discredit, but yet here you are desperately reaching to convince yourself that speculating or  pouting over Jeb Bush for a few weeks (conveniently ignoring all of the absolutely legitimate issues with unclear and miscast ballots) is somehow the same as insisting thousands of people at every level of government and beyond conspired  to rig an election and/or stage school shootings + terrorist events because of a deep state run by nefarious reptiles and Jews.  Tsk tsk. 
Apples and oranges. As I've said, social media has only broaden the scope.

Lol. The title of the thread is called "Open Your Eyes" because I'm mocking conspiracy theorists who use the term. That's why it's in quotes. Obviously. 