Everyone Is Stupid Except Me

Author: Best.Korea


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IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
It's not what I think but the way it is. Maybe you are confusing autism with aspergers, the latter is not even a mental disorder like the first one and is what Musk probably has. But even so, I really doubt he is with Aspergers syndrome cause he makes everything to draw public's attention and I wouldnt be surprised if he made that story up because of his megalomania.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Asperger's is literally autism, just high functioning but cheers for the lecture.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
No, no literally.  It's like saying a sore throat is neumonia, just high functioning.
RationalMadman's avatar
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They literally removed Asperger's from the official diagnoses around a decade ago, it is all considered autistic spectrum and what most agreed was that high functioning autism repeatedly was asperger's.

Hans Asperger actually discovered all levels of functioning autism to be what it indeed was, the naming of his syndrome for the high functioning was actually contrary to his work. He found autism, he discovered that it is a social and processing disorder, not mental retardation. This mattered a lot as part of his work was done under the Nazis, who punished the mentally retarded.

As I say, thanks for the lecture. If you have more bs to add let me know. I am diagnosed autistic, I could easily be diagnosed asperger's instead but the diagnosis fell off. You can keep acting like a know-it-all prick if you wish. I really can make a fool out of you if you continue.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
"I am diagnosed autistic"

I noticed you were throwing tauntrums around when I called out autistic people 🤣
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
Dude, I just wanted to point out that you should use words correctly to avoid confusions. Its not the same to be sad than to be depressed, for example. Being sad is quite bening, but being depressed is something to be concerned of and needs medical attention. As far a I know, the technical name for both is Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), but both conditions are quite different. If you really had autism it's very likely we wouldnt have this debste.

And of course, I might be wrong, there is no problem on that, but you need solid arguments to convince.

25 days later

AleutianTexan's avatar
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AleutianTexan's avatar
As a preemptive note, I just did this because I thought it would be fun. I don't mean any ill-will to Best.Korea and this was the perfect distraction since my girlfriend broke up with me right before I started this. Saddest part is Best.Korea is asking some good questions.
I have long come to realize that I am the only human on Earth surrounded by a bunch of autistic droids.
1. Autism has nothing to do with intelligence, but simply a spectrum of anti-personality traits and some other physical and mental issues.
2. Ableism is bad. To call someone "unhuman" because of a disability is the root cause of dehumanization, therefore justifying violence.
Take religious droids for example. For the past 2000 years, they have constantly preached that the end is near. They still preach it today.
1. As Wylted pointed out, near is subjective.
2. Different sects have different dates, however, regardless of if the end is near or not, this isn't an answer to the idea that there will or won't be an end.
3. Without identifying individual religions, this is a meaningless combination.
Religious droids intentionally lie and use false logic that they themselves fail to follow.
1. Not even one example.
2. Even if some individuals are hypocritical, this doesn't indict the message of religion, just the actions of individuals.
3. Getting mad at the religious for being imperfect is like getting mad at the fat for going to the gym. They are in an organization that has good moral teachings to make them better people.
Religious debates are pointless arguments about if something that is undetectable exists or not.
1. If you're talking about theological debates, then no, they start at the premise that God exists and try to answer questions and conflicts around that.
2. If you're talking about philosophical debates, then this is non-unique to religious conversations. Ethics are unverifiable, but are still useful as a tool.
Its obvious that vaccines turn people into rapists and idiots.
1. Any warrant at all? Like a shred of evidence?
2. Rape is a behavior, so I'm going to say that injecting a sterile form of a virus can't possibly do that.
3. A sterile form of a virus can't make you know less things.
Vaccination is rape: penetration of a body without consent, and injection of unwanted liquid in the body.
1. This only works if there is a vaccine mandate system.
2. Rape is defined as "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception" according to Merriam-Webster, so it's not rape.
3. Vaccines have a medical benefit, and can be required to protect populations that are unable to get a vaccine. 
4. Your metaphorical use of rape devalues the true experience that people experience. This devaluation turns a very serious issue into a buzzword that then gets ignored as it is overused, making victims get less support.
The inventor of a first vaccine did experiments on children. Some of them even died. He is praised as a great scientist.
Some of them will turn gay. Some will be more autistic/retarded. Some will become deformed.
1. No evidence for any of this.
2. Let's say vaccines do turn the frogs, erm, I mean people, gay. And? That's not a bad thing and acting like it is is homophobic, creating the other as a negative entity. This justifies violence.
3. No evidence of autistic/"retarded".
4. Use of slurs like "retarded" is bad. The slur does nothing but bring up a context of lesser, which justifies violence.
5. No evidence of deformed.
Whats important is the vaginasation of society. Or if you like: placing importance on vagina.
1. Women have had their clitoris mutilated in some societies (and it still happens) so they won't cheat on their husbands. Genital mutilation is not unique to men.
2. Calling out a form of violence doesn't mean you should treat other forms of violence as illegitimate. Building coalitions is key to creating any meaningful change.
Unwanted penetration of a vagina is much more important than unwanted penetration of anything else.
1. No evidence of prioritization.
This is why circumcision, unwanted penetration of a penis, is not considered rape. But it is rape by definition.
1. It's not rape under your definition because circumcision isn't penetration. They're not sounding babies.
2. It's not rape under the real definition because it's not a sexual activity.
3. Regardless, circumcision is bad, I'll agree with that. This doesn't prove any greater trend, however, just and individual example of systemic violence against men. Nothing about "vaginalization" or whatever.
 Vaccination was invented to prevent suffering. But the result of a vaccine was a massive increase in population which resulted in mass suffering and pollution and wars and drain of planet's resources.
1. Overpopulation is a myth. The planet can sustain 10 billion people and most estimates see lower birthrates with societal progress, meaning we'll never hit a tipping point. This also answers the question of resources.
2. Population did not cause suffering writ large. There was suffering in low population societies.
3. Same with war.
4. Pollution does go up with population, however, so does innovation to find solutions, so it's a self-solving problem. Also, I would argue the issue is less the amount of people and the pervasive cultures of consumerism and lack of regulation.
Mass increase in population naturally gave birth to junk food, which gave birth to bad teeth, which gave birth to many dentists having a job.
1. Junk food was not caused by population.
2. Junk food is not the only reason we need dentists, but also evolutionary degradation as people with bad teeth survive and pass bad genes.
3. Dentists having jobs good?
Mass increase in population caused 2 world wars.
1. WWI was caused by empires wanting to imperialize, secret alliances, miscalculation, and no deterrence.
2. WWII was created by ideological tension, nations wanting to imperialize, alliances, and no deterrence.
3. More people since WWII, yet no major war global war during that time proves this is false analysis.
Increase in population resulted in increased production. The result was technological rape of society, society that is addicted to technology. This society spends days insulting people online, watching cute videos and playing games.
1. "Addicted to technology" just means we use it to make life better and easier. Nothing wrong with that.
2. Cross apply that the use of rape metaphorically is bad and devalues support for women.
3. Insulting people online is bad, but this isn't unique to online spaces. Bullying and mean people existed pre-internet.
4. Cute videos are good. 
5. Games are good.
99.9999% of the people would not be able to survive alone in the wild.
1. This is specialization and is good. It allows people to get good at certain things, which then makes society more efficient and develop more and new tech exponentially.
2. There's no reason to survive in the world. This is a literal non-issue.
Despite that monkeys survive in the wild without weapons or equipment, humans are not as capable. Most humans dont even know what's food in a forest and what's not.
1. Despite that humans survive the internet and can answer Best.Korea on internet forums, monkeys are not as capable. It's almost as if different species develop different survival strategies and fill different niches. We made tools as our survival strategy. That would be like a deer upset that it can't camouflage like a chameleon and requires to run.
2. Why would I need to know what is food in the woods? We have an agricultural system developed through specialized labor.
People treat science and media as their Gods. They are ready to believe everything scientists and media tell them.
1. God is dead and if media and science fill the sociological/psychological hole, like better that then nothing.
2. Science good?
3. Media good? You gave no reason otherwise.
4. We are literally at one of the highest rates of lack of trust in media and science with one of the largest conspiracism epidemics we've ever seen. You are an extension of this.
5. People who reject the mainstream narrative blindly follow a counter narrative. This is no better.
Thinking you are free while blindly following orders is the definition of stupidity.
1. No example this happens.
2. Unlimited freedom isn't possible, we need a level of security and structure to respect freedoms.
3. Who says that it is blindly and people don't support civil society?
This is why 99% of the people believe toothbrush is good for teeth.

Ironically, the only species to use a toothbrush is the species that has worst teeth.

Its obvious to anyone with a brain that teeth are cleaned with water and healthy food. This is why our ancestors had better teeth than we do.

Today's way is toothpaste. It can be used with water to clean teeth.

Toothbrush should never be used. Only toothpaste.
1. Toothbrush is good for teeth in a world where we have different diets than wild animals.
2. We have best teeth from decadence.
3. This doesn't prove anything about freedom.
Sadly, I evolved in a way that my understanding of life far exceeds that of droids. This is a curse, since I would be happier if I didnt know what I know.
My brother in Christ, you just call everything rape and everyone a droid. This is the most robotic behavior I've ever seen.

12 days later

Skipper_Sr's avatar
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Skipper_Sr's avatar
You pretty much replaced the word "human" with "droid." If we are droids, who created us? You also have not proven how you are right 
zedvictor4's avatar
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People function variously.

Out of 8 billion, how many are the same?

What is normal?