I think in 2024, I'm planning on voting democrat down the ticket for the first time in my life

Author: TheUnderdog


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TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
The reason for this is because democrat politicians are trying to make the country better, whereas some republican politicians and most republican voters have double standards in place that I don't respect.

Republicans in 2008: Child rape should be punished with death!  Child rapists are horrible people (they are RIGHT here in my opinion)
Roy Moore: Rapes a child
Republicans(most of them): We'll vote for him.  We think he is a child rapist, but he has an R next to his name, so we will vote for him.

Republicans: Abortion is evil; abortion is murder and we believe murder should be punished with death (so logically, you can assume they want abortion to be punished with death)(I don't think it's pragmatic to execute 1/6 of the country for getting or paying for an abortion).  Also Family values, deadbeat dads should raise their kids (they are right; deadbeats deserve further punishment if they don't raise their kids)
Herschel Walker: Yeah; I agree with you.  Also, I'm the father of an aborted baby.  And I'm a deadbeat to 4 kids.
Republicans: We'll vote for you to own the libs.

Republicans: We want to cut taxes.
Me: Less taxes=less government services.  What do you want to cut?
Republicans: We don't want to tell you, we just want lower taxes.

Republicans: We support back the blue (except for Capital police officers on Jan 6)

Republicans: We want less people on welfare (never call out their own base when they are on welfare)

I'm sick of the hypocrisy.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
That sounds like a vote well placed.
AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
Good for you :D
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Democrats in 2008: Women have XX chromosomes.
Ketanji Brown Jackson: I cant define what a woman is; Im not a biologist.
Democrats (most of them): Ya, put her on the Supreme Court cause she’s a black “woman” (who can’t even define what a woman is) and deserves to be on the court just because she’s black.

Democrats: Racism is bad and should constitute a hate crime (even though calling someone the n word is legal under the first amendment)

Ralph Northam and other top Virginia officials: Ya we wore blackface and Klan robes, but that’s fine

Democrats and their media allies: It’s okay, we’ll cover for you and everything will be alright. You can keep your office and shouldn’t have to resign. Just let the news cycle finish

Democrats: We want to forgive student loans
Me: Well what about all the people that worked their asses off to pay back the money they willingly got after signing a contract. Not to mention where are you going to get the money.
Democrats: We care about people who pay thousands for a gender studies degree. Oh and money grows on trees. Big government, yay.

Democrats: We support Black Lives Matter. Donate to BLM to help the black community.

Democrats: Pocket the BLM money to buy mansions and other luxurious items rather than helping black people.

I’m sick of the hypocrisy 
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
If I recall correctly, this would be your first time to be old enough for voting.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Anyone who is serious about real change in this country should be voting straight Democrat. We need a civil war sooner than later.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Compare the mass transit system of an evil unhinged dictator to 50 years of Democrat rule and mismanagement.

With enemies like that, who needs friends?
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Congratulations, in a new study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, researchers state that liberals live longer than conservatives, basing their results on individual death records, which is a “more valid measure” than self-reporting on health and community death rates.
Greyparrot's avatar
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The Matrix needs their human batteries to last.
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This is my world. My world!
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TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I voted in 2020.  I voted libertarian, but the libertarians aren't going to give a candidate in 2024, so I think I'm switching my vote to be whoever the democrat is for this election cycle at least.  Maybe when the GOP starts having values (like being pro life and not voting for politicians that paid for abortions or being pro free speech but not criticizing Elon Musk when he bans people on Twitter) then I might vote for them, but until then, they will rather support a pro life politician that pays for girlfriend's abortions over a pro choice politician that waited until marraige and isn't the father of an aborted baby.  At least the ladder isn't a hypocrite, even if you disagree with abortion being legal.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I noticed how you didn't address any of the times I called the GOP politicians and voters hypocrites.

Democrats in 2008: Women have XX chromosomes.
Ketanji Brown Jackson: I cant define what a woman is; Im not a biologist.
Democrats (most of them): Ya, put her on the Supreme Court cause she’s a black “woman” (who can’t even define what a woman is) and deserves to be on the court just because she’s black.
I define a woman as someone who looks more or less like this:

Democrats: Racism is bad and should constitute a hate crime (even though calling someone the n word is legal under the first amendment)

Ralph Northam and other top Virginia officials: Ya we wore blackface and Klan robes, but that’s fine

Democrats and their media allies: It’s okay, we’ll cover for you and everything will be alright. You can keep your office and shouldn’t have to resign. Just let the news cycle finish
I think Northam resigned due to his party calling him to resign, so the democrats have values they enforce.  If a democrat politician didn't want the COVID vaccine, I wouldn't care, but the democrat base (which I'm not a part of) would call for that person to resign from their job or get vaccinated.
Democrats: We want to forgive student loans
Me: Well what about all the people that worked their asses off to pay back the money they willingly got after signing a contract. Not to mention where are you going to get the money.
Democrats: We care about people who pay thousands for a gender studies degree. Oh and money grows on trees. Big government, yay.
I'm left wing on free college because the elderly people got college that cost $50 a semester because it was heavily government subsidized back then.  Now, the elderly get it for free in my state (but not Gen Z, because elderly people vote right wing and Gen Z doesn't).  I want Gen Z to have the same treatment with regard to free college as the elderly.

Democrats: We support Black Lives Matter. Donate to BLM to help the black community.

Democrats: Pocket the BLM money to buy mansions and other luxurious items rather than helping black people.
I'm right wing on BLM to an extent.  BLM states 3 objectives:

1) Repeal Qualified immunity
2) Give reperations to black Americans
3) Complain about white privilege.

If BLM's objectives were the following:
1) Repeal Qualified immunity
2) End single motherhood in the black home
3) (This one is optional; I don't care if you believe in white privilege or not) Complain about white privilege.

Then I would support them.

But BLM is just a culture war distraction.  I care more about the US debt, which republicans critisize democrats for increasing until they get into power and increase it when they are in power.

TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
How do independents do? 

Even though I plan on voting democrat, I still have many right wing beliefs on Affirmative action, vaccine mandates, Medicare for all, the death penalty, the war in Ukraine, and the 2nd amendment, nuclear energy. 

But I also have left wing beliefs like on transgenderism, ICE, vaccines (not the mandate, but I believe the vaccine is safe and good), I'm anti war, weed, LGB, climate change, and I think Biden won the election.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
I noticed how you didn't address any of the times I called the GOP politicians and voters hypocrites.
I noticed that you willingly ignored the hypocrisy of Democrats in your decision to vote Democrat, which is why I highlighted the hypocrisy.

I define a woman as someone who looks more or less like this:
Yet you’re voting for a party who does not agree with that.

I think Northam resigned due to his party calling him to resign, so the democrats have values they enforce.  If a democrat politician didn't want the COVID vaccine, I wouldn't care, but the democrat base (which I'm not a part of) would call for that person to resign from their job or get vaccinated.
Northam did not resign. You’re voting for Democrats, therefore, you are complicit in their hypocrisy regardless of if you’re part of their base or not.

I'm left wing on free college because the elderly people got college that cost $50 a semester because it was heavily government subsidized back then. 
Again, you are happy to subsidize someone getting a gender studies degree and then complaining about their 10 dollar minimum wage job about McDonalds. Either way, people still had to work to pay off debt they willingly entered into. Don’t go to college if you can’t afford. There are a lot of vocation and trade schools out there too.

Now, the elderly get it for free in my state (but not Gen Z, because elderly people vote right wing and Gen Z doesn't).  I want Gen Z to have the same treatment with regard to free college as the elderly.
Elderly people don’t want degrees in Gender Studies. And you still ignored that Gen Z willingly enter these bad contracts and pay the price. That’s not my fault.

I'm right wing on BLM to an extent.  BLM states 3 objectives:

1) Repeal Qualified immunity
2) Give reperations to black Americans
3) Complain about white privilege.

If BLM's objectives were the following:
1) Repeal Qualified immunity
2) End single motherhood in the black home
3) (This one is optional; I don't care if you believe in white privilege or not) Complain about white privilege.

Then I would support them.

But BLM is just a culture war distraction.  I care more about the US debt, which republicans critisize democrats for increasing until they get into power and increase it when they are in power.
Yet you would vote for the party that is against everything you just said.

So let me ask you this: what is the moral of the story?
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I noticed that you willingly ignored the hypocrisy of Democrats in your decision to vote Democrat, which is why I highlighted the hypocrisy.
Good point.

Yet you’re voting for a party who does not agree with that.
I don’t agree with ANY party 100% of the time.  I have many left and right beliefs.

Northam did not resign. You’re voting for Democrats, therefore, you are complicit in their hypocrisy regardless of if you’re part of their base or not.
I thought he did; some Virginia democrat resigned over doing something racist.

Again, you are happy to subsidize someone getting a gender studies degree and then complaining about their 10 dollar minimum wage job about McDonalds. Either way, people still had to work to pay off debt they willingly entered into. Don’t go to college if you can’t afford. There are a lot of vocation and trade schools out there too.
I don’t support subsidizing any woke major.  This includes all majors based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.  But STEM majors should be free, just like they were for the elderly.

Yet you would vote for the party that is against everything you just said.
I’m not a 100% democrat or Republican.  Parties are bad for free thought and they promote group think (which is bad for this country).  I’m an independent; it’s the independents politicians need to fight for.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Good point.
I know it is. 

I don’t agree with ANY party 100% of the time.  I have many left and right beliefs.
Yet you choose to support a party that clearly goes against your values over a party you just accuse of hypocrisy.

I thought he did; some Virginia democrat resigned over doing something racist.
He did not. Basic Google search really.

I don’t support subsidizing any woke major.  This includes all majors based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.  But STEM majors should be free, just like they were for the elderly.
Once again you ignore the burden on taxpayers and ignore the fact you’re giving a massive middle finger to those who worked hard and paid off their debt with blood sweat and tears.

I’m not a 100% democrat or Republican.  Parties are bad for free thought and they promote group think (which is bad for this country).  I’m an independent; it’s the independents politicians need to fight for.
Independents hold no allegiance, which is the problem and the reason why turning out the base is the core of any get out the vote campaign.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Once again you ignore the burden on taxpayers and ignore the fact you’re giving a massive middle finger to those who worked hard and paid off their debt with blood sweat and tears.
The people who paid off their debt had their college heavily subsidized by the state, so it makes more sense to just make college for productive majors free.  If college wasn’t subsidized, it would cost about $50,000 a year(private universities cost about that much).

Independents hold no allegiance
This is based; policies before parties.

the reason why turning out the base is the core of any get out the vote campaign.
Most people that vote in elections are base voters.   But most politicians can’t win on just their base; they need independents to vote for them to win.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
The people who paid off their debt had their college heavily subsidized by the state, so it makes more sense to just make college for productive majors free.  If college wasn’t subsidized, it would cost about $50,000 a year(private universities cost about that much).
You realize that state taxes go to education as well right? As a Texas taxpayer, I’m entitled to a subsidized rate compared to a random dude from California. If I wanted to go to California it would be expensive for me. The system works.

And at this point you’re just lying. People get into loads of debt to go to medical school and they pay off their loans. You don’t know what you’re talking about and just show up with a “hot take” that has zero ground in facts and logic

This is based; policies before parties.
Humans are inherently tribalistic and have been since the beginning of time. If you choose to be an independent, you die when push comes to shove.

Most people that vote in elections are base voters.   But most politicians can’t win on just their base; they need independents to vote for them to win.
Not necessarily. A vast majority of independents already lean one way or another. It’s the remaining 5-10% that can decide in small margins. And the number of them are very low in the states that matter compared to the states don’t really matter.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Roy Moore: Rapes a child
Republicans(most of them): We'll vote for him.  We think he is a child rapist, but he has an R next to his name, so we will vote for him.
No Underdog, they did not say "we think he is a child rapist, but..." They knew enough to not trust the left-tribe propaganda machine. You seem to be headed for a strong engagement with political life, you should learn the lesson too. The sooner the better.

TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Fair enough; if Roy Moore was found to be innocent, I'm not going to call him a rapist anymore.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
You realize that state taxes go to education as well right? As a Texas taxpayer, I’m entitled to a subsidized rate compared to a random dude from California. If I wanted to go to California it would be expensive for me. The system works.
So your fine with college being free as long as you go in state?  I mean, you have no issue with state taxes that go to state colleges, so why not make the entire thing free for in state residents?

Humans are inherently tribalistic and have been since the beginning of time. If you choose to be an independent, you die when push comes to shove.
It's not good to be tribalistic now, just like during the caveman days, you could be a racist, but now that is taboo because society changed.  Similarly, society should change by getting rid of political parties and forcing every politician to run as an independent.  Tribalism is bad; it prohibits free thought and it promotes group think. What does Affirmative action have to do with free college or vaccine mandates?  On some of these issues I'm left and others I'm right wing.  Why are pretty much all the loud anti Affirmitive action people anti free college and anti vacciene mandate (or vice versa)?  The issues have nothing to do with each other, so your stance on one issue shouldn't impact your stance on the other.

And if tribalism was encouraged, there would be no way you could convince a democrat on ANY issue you believe in because to convince them on one issue (Affirmative action), you would have to simultaneously convince them on the 81 issues that democrats and republicans disagree on.  It's impossible for one partisan to convince another partisan, but the independents are a different story, because they don't look at issues through a partisan lens.

 It’s the remaining 5-10% that can decide in small margins. 
This 5 to 10% is very useful in presidential elections.

But if we got rid of parties, then our politicians are thinking for themselves instead of just touting party talking points, which is useful in advancing the nation.  Here's kinda something that you should think about:

With abortion, your probably pro life.  If this was because it's what you really believe, I wouldn't have an issue with it.  But if your pro life because it benefits the republican party, I would have an issue with it.  How do you tell the difference? 

Lets say the GOP said: "We believe in freedom and we don't want to pay for poor kids in foster care; that's socialist.  If you want to abort your kid, even up until the moment of birth, it's better than implementing socialism" and lets say the democrats said, "We believe in EQUALITY for ALL.  This is for people of color, undocumented immigrants, the homeless, the poor, and the unborn.  Protect the unborn; ban abortion."

If the parties preached this, pretty much everyone in America is changing their minds on abortion (not because they actually believe something different, but because their party is advocating a different position).  This already happened with American interventionism.  Before Trump was in power, the people that were pro interventionist were republicans (they were pro Iraq war under Bush and the Neo Cons).  Now, the interventionist people are on the left (they are pro Ukraine war under Biden).

If Trump was the first person to stand with Ukraine, virtually all the people that wanted to go to war with Russia would be Trump supporters and virtually all the people that would want America to stay out would be never Trumpers.

But since Trump is believed to be a Russian asset by the left and since the left hates Trump, the left are the ones that want to go to war with Russia.

All I'm saying is no matter what you believe on abortion or standing with Ukraine, it should be based on what YOU believe and not what the democrat or republican party tells you to believe.

This is why every politician should run as an independent, so they have to convince people to vote for them instead of just appealing to a base.

Since your a conservative, I think you have a vested interest in getting rid of political parties because right now for US president, more people are going to vote democrat than vote republican in pretty much every election (but the GOP wins because of the electoral college).  But there will be a time in US politics when the GOP is unable to win even with the electoral college, so it would mean democrats consistently get elected to the presidency and then the democrats enact ALL of their policies onto the country.  Getting rid of parties means that you can get a moderate into office and then they enact SOME things the GOP wants.

There are 81 issues I found where the democrats and republicans disagree.  If you agree with the democrats or republicans on all 81 issues, your a hack.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
On that subject, you can only come to the conclusion that right-tribers are more hypocritical then left-tribers by assuming all the allegations against left-tribe politicians are false.

For example, right-tribe says Biden sent Hunter to Ukraine to collect money from the puppet state in an severe act of either bribery or extortion.

Left-tribers say it's all fine, Biden had other reasons for threatening the Ukrainian government and Hunter was just pulling an independent con job.

You can't just say left-tribers are hypocrites for supporting a clearly corrupt politician while cheering on the impeachment of Trump. They don't view it that way, so even if they're profoundly deluded they aren't hypocrites.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
That's fair; both parties are hypocritical.  I need to decide what else to vote on.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
So you’re fine with college being free as long as you go in state?  I mean, you have no issue with state taxes that go to state colleges, so why not make the entire thing free for in state residents?
Cause I believe in a balanced budget and also the fact that trade school is also important. Nothing is ever free.

It's not good to be tribalistic now, just like during the caveman days, you could be a racist, but now that is taboo because society changed. 
Humans are inherently tribalistic whether consciously or subconsciously.

Similarly, society should change by getting rid of political parties and forcing every politician to run as an independent.
Why? If people want to band together and run under a common platform, why should that be disallowed. You’re essentially taking away their right to gather.

  Tribalism is bad; it prohibits free thought and it promotes group think.
False. If there is only one tribe then your argument would be true; as long as there are more than one, by definition groupthink cannot be possible.

What does Affirmative action have to do with free college or vaccine mandates?
Why should I subsidize someone who doesn’t even belong there. There are hundreds of hard working Asian students that want to go to school to learn but are prevented because affirmative action allowing African Americans and Hispanics who aren’t as engaged in education.

On some of these issues I'm left and others I'm right wing.  Why are pretty much all the loud anti Affirmitive action people anti free college and anti vacciene mandate (or vice versa)?  The issues have nothing to do with each other, so your stance on one issue shouldn't impact your stance on the other.
The issues are correlated most of the time. Most issues affect other issues.

And if tribalism was encouraged, there would be no way you could convince a democrat on ANY issue you believe in because to convince them on one issue (Affirmative action), you would have to simultaneously convince them on the 81 issues that democrats and republicans disagree on. 
You can be in more than one tribe at once…political tribes aren’t the only tribes that exist.

It's impossible for one partisan to convince another partisan, but the independents are a different story, because they don't look at issues through a partisan lens.
They don’t consciously look at it through a partisan view, but subconsciously they do it. Why do suburban moms dislike Trump? Because they don’t like the mean Tweets. Mean tweets = political correctness issue.
DavidAZ's avatar
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DavidAZ's avatar
Underdog, I do not vote for a party because I whole heartedly believe in everything they do or say.  You have to make a decision based on what will benefit you and your family.  DO NOT let either party suck you in to think it is your moral obligation to support them.  Almost all politicians are liars and cheats.  There is actually a way to tell when a politician is lying, . . . their mouth is moving.  I line up more with the republican ticket than democrat.  I held my nose when I voted for Donald Trump the first time.  We, the American public, are set in such an awkward position to have to vote for one bad politician so we don't get a worse one in office.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
Cause I believe in a balanced budget and also the fact that trade school is also important. Nothing is ever free.
Compared to other items (military budget) free college doesn't get this nation that much in debt.  It costs about $60 billion a year (vs $800 billion for the military).  Anyone who supports the military budget being that high is not for a balanced budget, no matter what justification they try to give for the military budget being so high ("It defends freedom", "Protects our interests").  The military kills innocent civilians so the military budget should be 1% of the GDP.

You can have free college and free trade schools for those that want to do it.  That would be pro trade school.

Humans are inherently tribalistic whether consciously or subconsciously.
Shouldn't you try to reduce that?

Why? If people want to band together and run under a common platform, why should that be disallowed. You’re essentially taking away their right to gather.
They can gather around a certain politician, but not around a party.  If you like Donald Trump because he's pro life and you agree with that, I have no issue with that.  But don't be afraid to criticize Trump when he says something you disagree with.  Abortion has nothing to do with immigration.  You can want abortion banned (generally) and oppose deportations (generally) (or vice versa).  The presence of political parties has led to the vast majority of vocally pro life people supporting deportations with the converse, inverse, and contrapositive being true.  Since abortion has nothing to do with whether the undocumented get deported or not, people shouldn't base their opinion on the undocumented on their opinion of abortion (or vice versa).  But political parties have caused this to happen, and it's made otherwise free thinkers into group thinkers.

False. If there is only one tribe then your argument would be true; as long as there are more than one, by definition groupthink cannot be possible.
There are 2 tribes; democrats and republicans, and group think happens within both of these parties.  If the parties switch on any issue gradually, the base follows along and switches their values because of what the parties say.  They did that in my lifetime with American interventionism.  Prager U (a right wing source) is pro interventionist below:

This was before Trump was elected.  The left disagreed, citing the huge expense of the military budget and the deaths of civilians.

Now, the people that want America's military to be strong (for Ukraine) are on the left.  The right disagrees, citing America first (which is the SAME argument the left was saying 8 years ago (the huge expense of the military budget).

Why should I subsidize someone who doesn’t even belong there. There are hundreds of hard working Asian students that want to go to school to learn but are prevented because affirmative action allowing African Americans and Hispanics who aren’t as engaged in education.
There are hundreds of poor smart students that want to go to school to learn but are prevented because of the cost (which would be made free if the government paid for 100% of college costs instead of the 60% that they currently do).  You didn't address the following point: There was a time in US history when college was practically free for people.  Nobody cared; free college was like free high school.  Why should it be any different now?

The issues are correlated most of the time. Most issues affect other issues.
How so?  What does immigration policy have to do with vaccine mandates or gun control? 

You can want ICE abolished and want no vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want no vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want no vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want no vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want vaccine mandates and less gun control.

If someone had ANY of the 6 non bolded stances, they would be thinking for themselves.  But if their stance is bolded, they probably not thinking for themselves and looking at these issues through their party's lens instead of their own.  My stance on these issues is underlined.

You can be in more than one tribe at once…political tribes aren’t the only tribes that exist.
Not what I meant.

They don’t consciously look at it through a partisan view, but subconsciously they do it.
That's not good and it should stop.

 Why do suburban moms dislike Trump? Because they don’t like the mean Tweets. Mean tweets = political correctness issue.
If you dislike Trump because of mean tweets and you don't want to vote for him because of it, I have no issue with that.  But don't be afraid to give him credit on the abortion issue if you were pro life pre Trump.  Don't be afraid to give him credit on immigration if you liked ICE pre Trump.  There is an exception if you changed your mind on the issue, but if you change your mind on an issue, don't have it be because somebody you don't like backed a position.  Change your mind because of logic that was used to change your mind.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I do not vote for a party because I whole heartedly believe in everything they do or say.
THANK YOU!!! Parties are bad.  Parties undermine free thought and promote group think.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Compared to other items (military budget) free college doesn't get this nation that much in debt.  It costs about $60 billion a year (vs $800 billion for the military).  Anyone who supports the military budget being that high is not for a balanced budget, no matter what justification they try to give for the military budget being so high ("It defends freedom", "Protects our interests").  The military kills innocent civilians so the military budget should be 1% of the GDP.
You realize the military budget does more than just buy weapons right? It funds R&D. Is there waste? I’m sure there is. I don’t know where the hell you got the 60 billion number from lol. Current student debt is at 1.76 trillion and that’s with tens of thousands not even taking loans. The military kills terrorists and is there as a deterrent. Should we be sending billions to Ukraine as a blank check? No. 

You can have free college and free trade schools for those that want to do it.  That would be pro trade school.
There is no such thing as free. You are going to have to raise taxes to pay for the trillions this would cost lol.

They can gather around a certain politician, but not around a party.  If you like Donald Trump because he's pro life and you agree with that, I have no issue with that.  But don't be afraid to criticize Trump when he says something you disagree with. 
I do. I called him out for doing things I disagree with. Am I going to vote Democrat cause of those 2 things? Absolutely not.

Abortion has nothing to do with immigration. 
Sure, it doesn’t.

You can want abortion banned (generally) and oppose deportations (generally) (or vice versa).  The presence of political parties has led to the vast majority of vocally pro life people supporting deportations with the converse, inverse, and contrapositive being true.  Since abortion has nothing to do with whether the undocumented get deported or not, people shouldn't base their opinion on the undocumented on their opinion of abortion (or vice versa).  But political parties have caused this to happen, and it's made otherwise free thinkers into group thinkers.
If I seem to recall, it’s you who conflates the two issues. Illegal immigration is against the law. Hell against the law of every developed country. Even abortion is banned after like 10 weeks in the EU while we have up to birth abortion. 

There are 2 tribes; democrats and republicans, and group think happens within both of these parties.
Again: false. You can be tribalistic with any viewpoint. Whether it’s the death penalty or something else.

If the parties switch on any issue gradually, the base follows along and switches their values because of what the parties say.  They did that in my lifetime with American interventionism.  Prager U (a right wing source) is pro interventionist below:

Why America's Military Must Be Strong - YouTube
Why shouldn’t values change with new information? It would’ve been good to know that Bush lied about there being WMDs in Iraq right? It would’ve been good to know that the US did the Gulf of Tonkin event no? Sure values can change over time. But Indy’s like you, they change every two years.

This was before Trump was elected.  The left disagreed, citing the huge expense of the military budget and the deaths of civilians.
The military industrial complex is a whole other debate.

Now, the people that want America's military to be strong (for Ukraine) are on the left.  The right disagrees, citing America first (which is the SAME argument the left was saying 8 years ago (the huge expense of the military budget).
You can be AMERICA First and still have a high military budget. They aren’t exclusive.

There are hundreds of poor smart students that want to go to school to learn but are prevented because of the cost (which would be made free if the government paid for 100% of college costs instead of the 60% that they currently do). 
That has nothing to do with affirmative action. Poor kids can go to school for free if they get the required grades and everything. I am completely okay with that. Race should not be a determinant though.

You didn't address the following point: There was a time in US history when college was practically free for people.  Nobody cared; free college was like free high school.  Why should it be any different now?
Cause there weren’t majors like gender studies back then lol. Not to mention you have dropped at least 15 arguments of mine by now.

How so?  What does immigration policy have to do with vaccine mandates or gun control? 
Sure, I’ll humor you. Joe Biden and Dems wanted vaccine mandates but were okay with illegals crossing the border who didn’t have vaccines. Cartels are behind illegal immigration. Check out Fast and Furious with Obama and guns to cartels. 

You can want ICE abolished and want no vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want no vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE abolished and want vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want no vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want no vaccine mandates and less gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want vaccine mandates and more gun control.
You can want ICE not abolished and want vaccine mandates and less gun control.
If someone had ANY of the 6 non bolded stances, they would be thinking for themselves.  But if their stance is bolded, they probably not thinking for themselves and looking at these issues through their party's lens instead of their own.  My stance on these issues is underlined.
Why though. Who are you to determine what stances people can have or can’t. I hold all three of those stances. ICE should not be abolished. There shouldn’t be vaccine mandates, and there shouldn’t be more gun control. ICE is needed to uphold immigration law; vaccine mandates are violations of the 4th amendment; and gun control is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. In a party less society, a person can have those beliefs. You saying they can’t is laughable.

That's not good and it should stop.
Good luck trying lol. You’re doing it right now.

If you dislike Trump because of mean tweets and you don't want to vote for him because of it, I have no issue with that.  But don't be afraid to give him credit on the abortion issue if you were pro life pre Trump.  Don't be afraid to give him credit on immigration if you liked ICE pre Trump. 
Again my entire point was that GOP/Dems out of a 100 policies are 90-10 or 10-90. Independents switch around every couple of years 52-48, 47-53, etc. GOP and Dems stick to their beliefs. It’s the independents that by definition switch.

There is an exception if you changed your mind on the issue, but if you change your mind on an issue, don't have it be because somebody you don't like backed a position.  Change your mind because of logic that was used to change your mind.
Every 2 years you’re going to change all your values to support the opposite party, okay lol.
Tejretics's avatar
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Tejretics's avatar
Democrats in 2008: Women have XX chromosomes.
Ketanji Brown Jackson: I cant define what a woman is; Im not a biologist.
Democrats (most of them): Ya, put her on the Supreme Court cause she’s a black “woman” (who can’t even define what a woman is) and deserves to be on the court just because she’s black.
Not sure which 2008 Democrats you’re talking about, but changing your views on something (e.g., whether to recognize trans people for their gender identity) is different than being a hypocrite -- Republicans didn’t change their minds on abortion, they just stood by Herschel Walker anyway; they didn’t change their minds on violence against children, they just stood by Roy Moore anyway.

Democrats: Racism is bad and should constitute a hate crime (even though calling someone the n word is legal under the first amendment)

Ralph Northam and other top Virginia officials: Ya we wore blackface and Klan robes, but that’s fine

Democrats and their media allies: It’s okay, we’ll cover for you and everything will be alright. You can keep your office and shouldn’t have to resign. Just let the news cycle finish
Almost all of the national Democratic establishment pushed Northam to step down immediately, including Biden. Which Republicans did that about Moore and Walker, or about other candidates who’ve done equally discriminatory things (e.g., Representative Greene’s past anti-Semitism)?

Democrats: We want to forgive student loans
Me: Well what about all the people that worked their asses off to pay back the money they willingly got after signing a contract. Not to mention where are you going to get the money.
Democrats: We care about people who pay thousands for a gender studies degree. Oh and money grows on trees. Big government, yay.
Not sure how this is “hypocrisy,” and not clear why the fact that others didn’t get something (had to work hard to pay off student loans) means no one else should in the future.

To be clear, I thought student loan forgiveness was a bad idea in an inflationary period (and I opposed it, quite vocally), but I’m truly confused by this -- most people whose student loans are targeted by forgiveness programs are middle class, and there’s clearly reasonable arguments for it.