A Response to Stephen's Threads

Author: PGA2.0


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disgusted's avatar
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So now it's a human sacrifice to appease a god and it's suicide by the sacrificed, how very righteous....NOT..............how very obscene....YES
disgusted's avatar
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He's far more conversant with the bible than the bible bashers here, for starters he has no need to change what is written. The bible basher has no alternative.
Stephen's avatar
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I think his dishonesty is apparent to all,

I have not been "dishonest about anything". And I would like you to show the members of this forum where it is that YOU believe I have been so. 

he simply throws as much crap against the wall as he can in the hopes that something will stick.

Interesting you should say that seeing that the "so much crap " you speak of comes from the scriptures.

Like this:

1 – Psalm 137:9
“Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”

And this:

Judges 11:30-1, 34-5
“And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, and said, ‘If you will give the Ammonites into my hand, then whoever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return victorious from the Ammonites, shall be the Lord’s, to be offered up by me as a burnt-offering.’ Then Jephthah came to his home at Mizpah; and there was his daughter coming out to meet him with timbrels and with dancing. She was his only child; he had no son or daughter except her. When he saw her, he tore his clothes, and said, ‘Alas, my daughter! You have brought me very low; you have become the cause of great trouble to me. For I have opened my mouth to the Lord, and I cannot take back my vow.’”

What about this one?

1 Peter 2:18
“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.”

There are hundreds more where those come from. 
Mopac's avatar
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Mopac's avatar
Yeah, and even after you were shown the context of the first one, you still persist in weaponizing it to maelke God, and by proxy, all Christians evil.

And your type of rhetoric leads to things like oer 20 million Orthodox Christians being martyred in the last century. The governments that execute these atrocities use the same rhetoric as people like you and others who make their life's mission to crusade against something they don't understand.

Well, I hope you eventually have a change of heart.

Stephen's avatar
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Never mind your bullshit explain this blatant lie of yours. 

I think his dishonesty is apparent to all,

I have not been "dishonest about anything". And I would like you to show the members of this forum where it is that YOU believe I have been so. 

Well, I hope you eventually have a change of heart.

Not while you keep refusing to address my questions, you clown. 
Mopac's avatar
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You quote scriptures out of context, even if it changes the meaning. When you are corrected, even by several people, you persist in doing the same thing.

If I answered your questions, you would simply refuse my answers and pretend no one is answering your questions.

Yeah, I have plenty of good reason to believe you are dishonest. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

God is holy and pure - morally perfect
Not if he gets angry as you claim in post #24.

There is such a thing as righteous anger. Do you not get angry at injustice and wrongs?
Stephen's avatar
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Yeah, I have plenty of good reason to believe you are dishonest. 

I think his dishonesty is apparent to all,

For the Third time now Mopac; I would like you to show the members of this forum where it is that YOU believe I have been lying to the members here.  I also now, want you to provide evidence that my alleged  "dishonesty is apparent to all".

There should be a rule about people her telling blatant lies about other members and not showing a shred of evidence to support the accusation.

You keep doing this and getting away with it, Mopac. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
If I answered your questions, 

But you never do, you absolute clown.
Mopac's avatar
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Mopac's avatar
Why would I go on a wild chase to compile evidence of you lying when you will just ignore it anyway?

Besides that, I am very secure that your dishonesty is apparent.

And as we all know, you will just parade around as if you were triumphant, because well... you are, after all, the real clown around here.

Keep living in your own world Stephen, but The Truth is what sets you free.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

Stephen wrote post 10 above

I could take this post of yours as a personal attack as it , like a few others now, have been directed at me personally, with my name in your title and two of those are authored by >>>>>> YOU<<<<<<<<. I don't mind. I can always ignore , you see, I have been created with a built in Ignore facility that I can switch on or off at any given time I choose to. Brilliant isn't it!!!!! ? I bet you wish were created with one , don't you?

2. Direct Attack
A direct attack is when, outside the context of a discussion on the topic or of behavior in the course of that discussion, someone posts something negative about a specific member. Generalized complaints about generalized behaviors are not direct attacks. But, for example, a thread specifically calling out a member by name, and speaking negatively about them, is a direct attack. Attack threads will be deleted out of hand.

Goldtop's avatar
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There is nothing fair about that
So, you're upset that life isn't fair? Awww.... isn't that cute.

Your worldview has no ultimate accountability for wrongful action
They're called Legal Justice Systems. Ever hear of the Police? (Not the rock group)

That is not equal justice, for the suffering he caused.
I would agree, but that's the world we live. Deal with it.

No justice in your worldview. Thus, there is no accountability.
Again, Justice system, courts, police.... look it up.

What does it matter in a pointless, uncaring, indifferent, amoral universe? Not one iota.
And, I can see you're visibly upset about it. That's too bad. Deal with it like a adult, not a child.

If I can survive by exploiting others, such as Kim Jong-un or Hitler, then I get what I want. Why SHOULD I care about you unless you serve my purpose?
You don't care about me and I will not serve your purpose. See how that works?

It is just made up to serve whatever someone likes to do.
One more time, look up Police, Justice system, etc. We can't just do what we want to do, especially when it's about harming others. You do know this, right?

In some countries, they kill the unborn because they find it an inconvenience.
In others the condemn such acts because they value all human beings. What do you PREFER?
Lol, and in some countries, you are killed for not believing in God. What's your point?

PGA2.0's avatar
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So your worldview does not deal with justice for all. Some get away with the worst atrocities in the history of humanity without receiving any judgment for their crimes. There is nothing fair about that, yet you criticize God for being just and fair in that we are judged for our life lived and what we do with it? 

I don't think anyone is critiizing God for being fair!   I am saying the fairness and justice you think god provides is illusory.   Hitler didn't suffer enough for his crimes and many good people die young or poor.   The world sucks like that because there is no god to make things better. 
You seem to think that all judgment happens in this life with God. The Bible reveals that is not the case. That being the case would explain why you think it is illusionary.

Atheists have a problem answering 'Why bother? you just die anyway.'  I've never found a good reason to care about others.  But I - and 99% of atheists care anyway.   I can explain why humans have evolved empathy, but that expains why we are not all rabid egoists not why we shouldn't be rabid egoists!   i'm not sure 'should' can ever be explained totally logically.   At least theists can evoke 'enlightened self-interest' -atheists don't even have that option.
That is just the point, you can't find a good reason, or any reason, from your starting point (from where your worldview would have to begin) - a blind, indifferent, amoral universe. Why do you continually manufacture morality and meaning in such a universe? Because you think it makes a difference. What about those who do not?

"Should" is the basis of morality. David Hume identified the is/ought problem. How does an "ought" come from an "is"? How does a prescription arise from a description? The amoral universe is? Why should we find morality and meaning from it? No reason.

You explain a behavior, what is, but how do you get an ought from what is? Why should empathy be the reason in an amoral universe that just is? The universe has no reason. You manufacture the reason and call it empathy. Others do not "value" or feel your sentiment. If killing six million people is beneficial for their likes and dislikes, of the likes of someone in power, then so much for your empathy. It goes out the window. In the big picture from an atheistic worldview, what does it matter? It does not. Yet you go against that by making it matter. You borrow from such a worldview as the Christian one that believes what we do in this life does matter. Before you were born I think you would admit the universe did not care. It will not care when you die. So what does it really matter now? Yet it does so much to you. There is an inconsistency there. 

What does it matter is one species survives in the big picture? Nothing if the universe is the sole cause of you. Survival is just what happens. There is no rhyme nor reason to it. It just is.  

Sure some people seem born with defective empathy cells in their heads but that is inevitable as every brain is unique.   But most humans have a healthy mix of selishness and altruism built in to their brains.   Atheists tend to explain human nature using genes, theists prefer to think a god is responsible.  The thing is we know that genes exist and how altruism can evolve against naive expectation.  The existence of the gods,on the other hand, is infintely debatable.

Defective empathy cells? What makes another persons brain defective and not yours? Nothing. It is just whatever happens. With evolution what control do you have over how you are? You are determined by your genes. What is good or bad about that?

Genes do not explain morality. They just are. Will and reason explain it. Conscious beings explain it. Evolution does not care what you think. It just is. 

keithprosser's avatar
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I have to ask a dumb question - do you believe Hitler is suffering in hell?

I think you probably do, beause otherwise justice would not be served.  Am I right?

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
There is such a thing as righteous anger. Do you not get angry at injustice and wrongs?
There is no such thing as righteous anger for a pure and holy being, that is a lie you tell yourself because it isn't pure and holy, your book is very clear on that point. Your god is far from pure and holy and in support of that you need to compare it to me to make your point and it doesn't pass muster even then. I've never committed genocide.

disgusted's avatar
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You seem to think that all judgment happens in this life
There is no other.

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
Stephen wrote post 10 above

I could take this post of yours as a personal attack as it , like a few others now, have been directed at me personally, with my name in your title and two of those are authored by >>>>>> YOU<<<<<<<<. I don't mind. I can always ignore , you see, I have been created with a built in Ignore facility that I can switch on or off at any given time I choose to. Brilliant isn't it!!!!! ? I bet you wish were created with one , don't you?

2. Direct Attack
A direct attack is when, outside the context of a discussion on the topic or of behavior in the course of that discussion, someone posts something negative about a specific member. Generalized complaints about generalized behaviors are not direct attacks. But, for example, a thread specifically calling out a member by name, and speaking negatively about them, is a direct attack. Attack threads will be deleted out of hand.

"Generalized complaints about generalized behaviors are not direct attacks."

I wanted my say on your charges and you blocked it. I was censored and not allowed to respond.   

What I stated was true. You post thread after thread on negatives about Christianity. There are so many issues it would take a heaping load of time to get to the bottom of them. On the first couple of months during the startup of this forum, how many threads did you post, and most on the negatives of one religion, Christianity? I tried reasoning with you but you were not interested. So I dropped the subject until I noticed post after post that I felt misrepresented Christianity. 

26 threads and one not included on Isalm (#27), the rest on Christianity. I would say you have a focus, an agenda, which is fine, but the problem, whenever I read one of your threads, is that you take verses out of context or read your own interpretation into the verse.  

You and others keep charging there is no evidence and when I present some for discussion and invite you to test it, you ignore it. 

And when I respond you shut me down and deny me a say.  

Then you add ad homs against me instead of attacking my arguments. I.e., 

"Cough , splutter kettle cough, choke, black choke, cough splutter calling, splutter pot, choke splutter cough. Excuse me while I clean up my keyboard!"

"What are you doing now if not responding, you clown?...
I have been blocked by many here, but it hasn't stopped me posting on the thread I have been blocked. So stop crying and whining...I don't think you know or understand the difference...in my opinion, you would deserve to be "mocked"...
How do you know that they don't ,you jumped up self serving bible punching narcissist?..This is where you do actually invite and deserve mockery. You are just like the other religious clowns here. Get over yourself,  for god's sake!!!
You charge me with doing something that you claim you have also done - posting on a thread where you have been blocked. All I wanted was my chance to respond. I have no animosity to you personally since I don't even know you. Why would I? I have never thought of disallowing someone their say.  
And you do the same with others:

--> @Mopac

If I answered your questions, 

But you never do, you absolute clown.

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

I have to ask a dumb question - do you believe Hitler is suffering in hell?

I think you probably do, beause otherwise justice would not be served.  Am I right?

Yes, I do think that Hitler is in hell if he committed suicide, but it is not for me to judge. God has been merciful to me and I know He is merciful to others. Paul who pails in comparison to Hitler claimed he was the worst of sinners, yet God saved him. Justice is served in one of two ways. Either you serve for your crimes of Someone who loves you takes your punishment and serves it on your behalf. Either way, God's justice is met. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

There is such a thing as righteous anger. Do you not get angry at injustice and wrongs?
There is no such thing as righteous anger for a pure and holy being, that is a lie you tell yourself because it isn't pure and holy, your book is very clear on that point. Your god is far from pure and holy and in support of that you need to compare it to me to make your point and it doesn't pass muster even then. I've never committed genocide.

So, if someone did something outrageously horrible and wrong you would not be angry over it? Then why are you angry with God? 

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
I believe Adolph Hitler 'ceased to be' in 1945.   Justice was not done and can never be done. 

I don't like that's how things are, but - well - that's how it goes.   What i cannot do is convince myself that there is a posthumous realm were the ills of this world are put right; where the good are rewarded and the evil punished.   Wouldn't it be nice if it was like that! 

Everyone makes plans for 'if they on the lottery'.  It's a nice way to spend a few minutes fantasising, but in the end you stop daydreaming and go back to saving up for your holiday.   imaging that things are put right when your dead is like imaging a lotery win - a nice fantasy.  

But look around!  unless you are very fortunate you can see the world is chaotic and random.  The good die young and the bad seem to have all the fun!  I don't blame people for really wanting Hitler or jimmy saville to be burning in hell.  But that's not how things are.  Instead we really need to concentrate on making this world better - because it's the only world.

Without an eternal reward on offer the only reason to try to do the right thing is it is the right thing.  If that's not enough of a reason for you then peraps it's better you don't wakeup from your daydream. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
26 threads and one not included onIsalm (#27), the rest on Christianity.
Well if you’re so upset about all the attention Christianity is receiving then start your own thread on Islam. WHY HAVEN’T YOU DONE SO??? I will be happy to discuss that barbaric ideology with you.
I would say you have a focus, anagenda, which is fine, but the problem, whenever I read one of your threads, is that you take verses out of context or read your own interpretation into the verse.  
 Yes "out of context" seems to be your only argument without having to face the problem head on. it is ALLLLLWAYYYYS someone else who doesn't understand with you lot. It is never EVER you who are at fault is it??? 
You and others keep charging there is no evidence and when I present some for discussion and invite you to test it,you ignore it. 
No, is all you do is quote other unreliable verses from the same unreliable source which counts for nothing I am afraid.


Since I have been censored and blocked from responding to Stephen's threads by Stephen I will establish my own thread in response to his allegations since he responds to my posts on these threads, then does not give me the courtesy to respond to his. 

What are you doing now if not responding, you clown? Congratulations!!!!  As you have eventually worked out for yourself, there is absolutely no way that  I could stop you responding to me in any way. The block facility on this sight is laughable as you have proven. You can still respond on  any given thread in question itself, there is nothing stopping you  at all. It just won't show who you are  quoting. I have been blocked by many here, but it hasn't stopped me posting on the thread I have been blocked. So stop crying and whining. 

I am not interested in what you in particular have to stay for many reasons. (1)  you never stay on track. (2) you post responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. (3) you bombard and clutter up my threads with SO MUCH absolute nonsense that there should be a rule against it. 

It is hard to complain about this sort of rude behaviour as one can only flag the post but not give a reason for flagging it. It leaves one with the single option of simply "blocking" you.

I could take this post of yours as a personal attack as it , like a few others now, have been directed at me personally, with my name in your title and two of those are authored by >>>>>> YOU<<<<<<<<. I don't mind. I can always ignore , you see, I have been created with a built in Ignore facility that I can switch on or off at any given time I choose to. Brilliant isn't it!!!!! ? I bet you wish were created with one , don't you?

But I won't whinge and whine and throw my rattle out of the pram. I have been given warnings twice simply for calling someone  stupid, so the only thing that I will complain about is if someone calls me stupid, which is often and so I must be driving the mods up the wall for keeping them on overtime

He mocks Christianity 

I may appear to be mocking Christianity. But highlighting biblical flaws and biblical contradictions is not mockery.  I don't think you know or understand the difference. I will admit to highlighting some very silly and contradictory biblical verses, but this is , after all, a religion forum to discuss religion. I will also admit that some theist here do actually invite "mockery" AND ridicule, for statements not only the bible makes, but for statements they make but never ever back up. You are of the opinion that by you simply quoting unreliable verses in defence of a unreliable verse/s that I have highlighted from the same unreliable source, somehow proves your case and me wrong.  it doesn't .

And he borrows from a worldview that can make sense of morality because it contains such a source when he refers to the Christian Scriptures. 

Nonsense . It is very rare that I even have to quote any other "worldview" sources than the scriptures themselves. In many cases it takes only seconds to counter one biblical verse with another biblical verse from the same source bible, THAT IS HOW CONTRADICTORY the bible is. The flaws lie with you and the scriptures sunshine. It is not for me to explain away the anomalous, ambiguous, contradictory half stories. Is all I do is highlight what I believe are mistakes, contradiction, and downright lies. It is up to you to scrabble around searching desperately to find a response and or answer., which usually boils down to you and your kind simple changing the scripture and adding a new definition to what is actually written, for which,in my opinion, you would deserve to be "mocked". 

Although Stephen understands the biblical requirements he fails to live up to them at all times as does every other human being of accountable/reasoning age. 

Oh stop with your back porch preaching. "The lord" requires nothing of me that my parents required of me: to be as good and as honest that I can be.

why would Stephen's "good deeds" outweigh his bad deeds

How do you know that they don't ,you jumped up self serving bible punching narcissist? 

or why would he not be guilty of punishment for his wrongs?
Guilty of punishment!!?   Don't you mean  - deserving of punishment?

Why would he get away without being judged for all the wrongful actions he has done in his life?

Who said I have?. This is where you do actually invite and deserve mockery. You are just like the other religious clowns here. Get over yourself,  for god's sake!!!

I am responsible for my actions and no one else. And I take responsibility for my actions, I would not let someone else take my punishment for me when it it is I who deserves the punishment that I am sure  you wish on me.

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
So, if someone did something outrageously horrible and wrong you would not be angry over it? Then why are you angry with God? 

Despite appearances gus is not angry with God.  He is angry that people worship something that - if it existed - would be odious.  He hopes that by showing you that the god you believe in is odious you will see sense and stop your superstitious nonsense altogether.

AFAIK that approach has never worked.

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
So, if someone did something outrageously horrible and wrong you would not be angry over it?
Once again you need to compare your imaginary god with me, but it fails because there is no doubt that I'm better than any genocidal killer.
How can you be so unbelievably ignorant enough to even claim that I'm angry with your imaginary god, you people live in a world of fantasy.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

I believe Adolph Hitler 'ceased to be' in 1945.   Justice was not done and can never be done.  
Unless the biblical God exists!

I don't like that's how things are, but - well - that's how it goes.   What i cannot do is convince myself that there is a posthumous realm were the ills of this world are put right; where the good are rewarded and the evil punished.   Wouldn't it be nice if it was like that! 
For those who believe and have been justified by God's grace since otherwise we would have to have our own crimes and misdemeanors accessed.

Everyone makes plans for 'if they on the lottery'.  It's a nice way to spend a few minutes fantasising, but in the end you stop daydreaming and go back to saving up for your holiday.   imaging that things are put right when your dead is like imaging a lotery win - a nice fantasy.   

But look around!  unless you are very fortunate you can see the world is chaotic and random.  The good die young and the bad seem to have all the fun!  I don't blame people for really wanting Hitler or jimmy saville to be burning in hell.  But that's not how things are.  Instead we really need to concentrate on making this world better - because it's the only world.
Better is whose view. That was Hitler's aim too. The big problem with throwing around quantitative moral values is which are objective and true. As a relative, subjective human being how do you arrive at better?

Without an eternal reward on offer the only reason to try to do the right thing is it is the right thing.  If that's not enough of a reason for you then peraps it's better you don't wakeup from your daydream.  

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
-->@ Stephen
26 threads and one not included on Isalm (#27), the rest on Christianity. 
Well if you’re so upset about all the attention Christianity is receiving then start your own thread on Islam. WHY HAVEN’T YOU DONE SO??? I will be happy to discuss that barbaric ideology with you.
No, I only posted 26 of those 27 threads. The one I left out (your first) was on Islam. That is my point. 

I would say you have a focus, anagenda, which is fine, but the problem, whenever I read one of your threads, is that you take verses out of context or read your own interpretation into the verse.  
 Yes "out of context" seems to be your only argument without having to face the problem head on. it is ALLLLLWAYYYYS someone else who doesn't understand with you lot. It is never EVER you who are at fault is it??? 
I believe you speak of something you have little understanding of. Whether you like it or not, you do tend to snip Scripture to present only what you want others to see. Sometimes the very next verse counters your quibbles. 

You and others keep charging there is no evidence and when I present some for discussion and invite you to test it,you ignore it. 
No, is all you do is quote other unreliable verses from the same unreliable source which counts for nothing I am afraid. 

More clowns! (^8

Since I have been censored and blocked from responding to Stephen's threads by Stephen I will establish my own thread in response to his allegations since he responds to my posts on these threads, then does not give me the courtesy to respond to his. 

What are you doing now if not responding, you clown? Congratulations!!!!  As you have eventually worked out for yourself, there is absolutely no way that  I could stop you responding to me in any way. The block facility on this sight is laughable as you have proven. You can still respond on  any given thread in question itself, there is nothing stopping you  at all. It just won't show who you are  quoting. I have been blocked by many here, but it hasn't stopped me posting on the thread I have been blocked. So stop crying and whining.
The block feature, it seems, is only to prevent you from receiving notification. It prevents me from notifying you. 

I am not interested in what you in particular have to stay for many reasons. (1)  you never stay on track. (2) you post responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. (3) you bombard and clutter up my threads with SO MUCH absolute nonsense that there should be a rule against it. 
I present information regarding the Bible that you overlook in your quick and simple evaluation of it. There are so many factors you fail to take into consideration because you don't understand them. That is my point regarding your 26 posts on the Bible. You just don't understand it. You are too superficial in your thinking about it, IMO I think I have demonstrated that.

It is hard to complain about this sort of rude behaviour as one can only flag the post but not give a reason for flagging it. It leaves one with the single option of simply "blocking" you.

I could take this post of yours as a personal attack as it , like a few others now, have been directed at me personally, with my name in your title and two of those are authored by >>>>>> YOU<<<<<<<<. I don't mind. I can always ignore , you see, I have been created with a built in Ignore facility that I can switch on or off at any given time I choose to. Brilliant isn't it!!!!! ? I bet you wish were created with one , don't you?

But I won't whinge and whine and throw my rattle out of the pram. I have been given warnings twice simply for calling someone  stupid, so the only thing that I will complain about is if someone calls me stupid, which is often and so I must be driving the mods up the wall for keeping them on overtime
You just did. 

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar
-->@ Stephen

He mocks Christianity 

I may appear to be mocking Christianity. But highlighting biblical flaws and biblical contradictions is not mockery.  I don't think you know or understand the difference. I will admit to highlighting some very silly and contradictory biblical verses, but this is , after all, a religion forum to discuss religion. I will also admit that some theist here do actually invite "mockery" AND ridicule, for statements not only the bible makes, but for statements they make but never ever back up. You are of the opinion that by you simply quoting unreliable verses in defence of a unreliable verse/s that I have highlighted from the same unreliable source, somehow proves your case and me wrong.  it doesn't .
Calling Christians clowns, narcissists, and other derogatory terms mock them. 

And he borrows from a worldview that can make sense of morality because it contains such a source when he refers to the Christian Scriptures. 

Nonsense . It is very rare that I even have to quote any other "worldview" sources than the scriptures themselves. In many cases it takes only seconds to counter one biblical verse with another biblical verse from the same source bible, THAT IS HOW CONTRADICTORY the bible is. The flaws lie with you and the scriptures sunshine. It is not for me to explain away the anomalous, ambiguous, contradictory half stories. Is all I do is highlight what I believe are mistakes, contradiction, and downright lies. It is up to you to scrabble around searching desperately to find a response and or answer., which usually boils down to you and your kind simple changing the scripture and adding a new definition to what is actually written, for which,in my opinion, you would deserve to be "mocked". 
You supply the verse, but you twist it into a pretzel with your own private rendering of it. You read into that verse all kinds of things that the greater passage or other passages on the same subject refute. 

Although Stephen understands the biblical requirements he fails to live up to them at all times as does every other human being of accountable/reasoning age. 

Oh stop with your back porch preaching. "The lord" requires nothing of me that my parents required of me: to be as good and as honest that I can be.

why would Stephen's "good deeds" outweigh his bad deeds

How do you know that they don't ,you jumped up self serving bible punching narcissist.
I base my response on what the Bible teaches, that there are none who are righteous, not one who understands and does what is right. 

Romans 3:9-11 (NASB)
What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; 10 as it is written,
There is none righteous, not even one;
11 There is none who understands,
There is none who seeks for God;

or why would he not be guilty of punishment for his wrongs?
Guilty of punishment!!?   Don't you mean  - deserving of punishment?
Too true!

Why would he get away without being judged for all the wrongful actions he has done in his life?

Who said I have?. This is where you do actually invite and deserve mockery. You are just like the other religious clowns here. Get over yourself,  for god's sake!!!

I am responsible for my actions and no one else. And I take responsibility for my actions, I would not let someone else take my punishment for me when it it is I who deserves the punishment that I am sure you wish on me.
Then, finding out God exists would require you to pay for those wrongful actions. You would get to experience that punishment as you have wanted too. It would be understandable why you would deny Him. It justifies doing what you decide without penalty.

PGA2.0's avatar
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So, if someone did something outrageously horrible and wrong you would not be angry over it? Then why are you angry with God?  

Despite appearances gus is not angry with God. 
May I ask who Gus is; is it Stephen or Disgusted?

He is angry that people worship something that - if it existed - would be odious.  He hopes that by showing you that the god you believe in is odious you will see sense and stop your superstitious nonsense altogether.

AFAIK that approach has never worked.

What hope does he have to offer? Especially if someone is suffering from brain cancer, and has been given 4-5 months to live, as my friend. What can Gus offer?

PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

So, if someone did something outrageously horrible and wrong you would not be angry over it?
Once again you need to compare your imaginary god with me, but it fails because there is no doubt that I'm better than any genocidal killer.
How can you be so unbelievably ignorant enough to even claim that I'm angry with your imaginary god, you people live in a world of fantasy.

How does that answer my question? Why is your subjective view better than any other? Because you arbitrarily decided it or do you have an objective, ultimate, objective, unchanging standard that you can refer me to?

keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
May I ask who Gus is; is it Stephen or Disgusted?
I'm fairly sure you were in conversation with disgusted at the time.   I don't think i would abbreviate stephen as gus.

Gus has a chip on his shoulder, his heart on his sleeve and a bee in his bonnet.   He sticks his nose in first, and his foot in straight after.  He needs to pull his finger out before his hands get too full for his boots.  He certainly has some neck, even if it is up his backside right upto his chin.  i'll stop there because i'm running out of body-part metaphors.
PGA2.0's avatar
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PGA2.0's avatar

May I ask who Gus is; is it Stephen or Disgusted?
I'm fairly sure you were in conversation with disgusted at the time.   I don't think i would abbreviate stephen as gus.

Gus has a chip on his shoulder, his heart on his sleeve and a bee in his bonnet.   He sticks his nose in first, and his foot in straight after.  He needs to pull his finger out before his hands get too full for his boots.  He certainly has some neck, even if it is up his backside right upto his chin.  i'll stop there because i'm running out of body-part metaphors.
That is quite some description. (^8