Democrats want Trump to run.

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Desantis's favorability has climbed within his own state (a state that voted pretty comfortably for Trump) but the coverage you're pointing to is national, so they're not the same. 

There's no question Desantis has dramatically improved his national profile among republicans…
“Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.”
Seriously??? What part do you not understand?
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
I don’t understand the part where you fail to see how your two claims above contradict each other.

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Let me help.

In the first post I pointed out that his favorability increased within his own state which is essentially, a red state. In the second part I explained that his favorability increased among the "red" party.

In case you haven't noticed, these are almost the exact same statements.

The part that you seem to be confused by is the distinction between being popular within you're own state and being popular nationally. See here's the thing, in a national race you can't just appeal to your own side, you have to appeal to those in the center and you have to at least not be repulsive enough to mobilize the opposition. Thus, running in a red state and running nationally are not the same.

cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
Ugh… nice try, champ, but you are merely prevaricating throughout. I asked this:

“How could media possibly view him as presidential material when all their coverage of him is negative?”

And you answered that his popularity has increased within a red state and that is highly distinct from the context of national coverage. (Nevermind that Florida has been a swing state historically and recently became a red state because of DeSantis)

When I questioned that, you shifted to acknowledging his increased popularity on a national scale, right after saying his popularity is only a factor on the state scale.

If you refuse to/cannot see your fallacy of self contradiction here, it is either bad faith on your part, or you’re hopelessly incoherent.
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
So he got 60 million votes last time.  Does he get less votes if he is convicted of crime, and/or does jail time? Some future is not easy to predict

The only people who dont grasp the above is Trumpets cult following Trumpeteers aka follow the narcissistic psychosis leader irrespective of all else, ergo, irrespective of Apocalypse Pence, >> or the less-nutter{?} Haley{?}, De Santis{??}, Cruz{???}, Greene{ !!!!!! } etc

>>>Newt Gingrich explains Trumpet to Fox viewers.<<< 

...“One of Trump’s great advantages is he talks at a level where third, fourth and fifth grade educations can say, ‘Oh yeah, I get that. I understand it.’” Gingrich told host Laura Ingraham on her Fox News show."...

.." “The fact that [Trump] speaks to the children says everything you need to know about the educational level the Right is shooting for,” one person on Twitter wrote. “I don’t see where that’s good for somebody that’s running a country. SMH,” another commented. "....
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
When I questioned that, you shifted to acknowledging his increased popularity on a national scale
I specifically stated "among republicans", that is not the same thing as saying someone is more popular nationally.

This is basic English.

And if you needed further clarification on what I was saying, all you had to do was read two sentences later:

the coverage you're pointing to is national coverage so you can't pretend this discussion is confined to the political right.

Clearly, I am making the point that the political right does not = the country, which is what we're talking about when we start using the word "nationally".

Nevermind that Florida has been a swing state historically and recently became a red state because of DeSantis
Florida went red because the state went all in on Trumpism, which Desantis has built his entire political persona around. But Trumpism has proven toxic nationally. Florida is the only swing state in which Trump's presence has not been a liability so they are an outlier, hence my point that Desantis's popularity within the state is not indicative of how he will be perceived on a national level.

If you refuse to/cannot see your fallacy of self contradiction here, it is either bad faith on your part, or you’re hopelessly incoherent.
Start reading what I'm actually writing and this won't be a problem.

cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
Classic gaslighting, and it’s not an isolated incident. I actually did a “sanity check” regarding your two claims by having my wife read them, and she said, uncoached by me, “he’s contradicting himself.” We both have degrees in English. Now, I am fully aware that none of this makes any difference to you; nothing ever does, which is partly why haven’t initiated convos with you for quite some time now.

I will nonetheless offer an expansion and further clarification of my first response to you, which I knew would fry your easily overheated circuitry. This is certainly not in order to rejuvenate or continue this truly pointless back and forth, but just to offer it for what it is and for whomever might appreciate it:

The majority of media was reporting DeSantis’ COVID strategy as dangerous to the health of his constituents. This was conveyed at just about every opportunity. Meanwhile, people were moving from New York and other places to Florida in droves. Non right-leaning media avoided drawing attention to this fact— it certainly wasn’t mentioned in the same articles emphasizing Florida’s COVID dangers. Simultaneously, New York’s Governor Cuomo was a bonafide media darling (until… you know)— two glaring examples of media not reflecting the reality of governors and their constituents “on the ground.”

In other words, if not for right-leaning media, the non right-leaning media would have to report at least SOME positives about the right, lest these outlets be completely out of touch with certain political realities.

What I have observed media outlets currently doing is reporting on the reporting of competing outlets with a different slant. Clearly, the goal is to mock how stories are spun elsewhere, but it at least serves as a sort of “plausible deniability” that they are acknowledging that a different interpretation of events and people exists.

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
I actually did a “sanity check” regarding your two claims by having my wife read them, and she said, uncoached by me, “he’s contradicting himself.”
Then it appears neither of you two understand the difference between:

"Person X increased his favorability nationally"


"Person X increased his favorability among republicans"

The former is all inclusive. The latter is a specific carve out. It's very possible to appeal to a carved out segment of the population while failing to appeal to the population as a whole.

This isn't complicated.
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
Right, right… that’s exactly what you were saying with crystal clarity, consistency, and without prevarication. *eyeroll* Clearly, you’re not a serious interlocutor, so I will offer up something unserious now— continuing your baseball analogy idea and how DeSantis is characterized by non right-leaning media. You won’t appreciate it, of course; perhaps someone else will.

Imagine if you will— DeSantis as a pro baseball player (actually, he did want to be a pro ball player earlier in his life) and the media as sports commentators:

“Now up to bat, number 13, Ron DeSantis. Yikes, 13… that doesn’t bode well, does it, Bob?”
“No, it doesn’t, Don. I’ve actually been to hotels where the elevator buttons actually skip the number 13 entirely!”
“Yeah, literally nobody likes that particular number. Why DeSantis has embraced the number 13 is anyone’s guess… just seems a bit… evil, doesn’t it?
“Sure does, Don. Boy, he really has his game face on today, too. He just looks kinda… mean! Ya know?
“Oh, definitely, Bob! Doesn’t seem personable at all. He also missed an important practice recently, which created quite the stir.”
“No doubt! Ok… bases are loaded, and DeSantis… ooh! Swing and a miss! Nothing but air there! You need to put all that power to better use, Ronny boy! Keep your eyes on that ball, for goodness’ sake!”
“Listen to that crowd… they’re going nuts! Are they “booing” him? They must really hate this guy!”
“After a total strike like that, who wouldn’t, Don! Ok…”
“Oh, that one’s going downtown! Oh, no, if that hits an innocent person or, heaven forbid, a little child, there could be fines imposed… lawsuits… the whole enchilada.”
“Ok… so… evidently, that is four more runs on the board now. DeSantis has to be feeling really confident now, but we’ll see if he can keep this up in their next game tomorrow. To quote the last line of a famous movie from yesteryear, “Tomorrow is another day!” Ya know, I understand that major league baseball has been having declining ad revenues recently. That’s a bit disappointing.”
“Sure is. It might be declining in popularity as the great American pastime.”
“Speaking of ad revenue, we have to cut to commercial.”

And scene!