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A member since


Total questions: 17

Do you plan to be a politician in the future? If not, what is your ideal occupation?

I want to be an actuary, then governor of my state, and then president, so to answer your question, I want to be a politician, but not a career politician. No one should be a career politician since they are so out of touch and politicians need experience being every day citizens.

Here is what I'd want to do as governor:

-Be tougher on crimes that deserve it. In my state, rape is punished by at most 4 years in jail. Murder isn't punished harshly enough either. As governor, I'd make both murderers and rapists give blood every 2 months for the rest of their lives to save 12 people per year per felon. Any excess blood can be sold to other states and countries and the money goes towards the murder and rape victims of the perpetrators. Enough corporate democrats should be on board with this since it is consistent anti-rape, pro-woman ethic that is bound to reduce rape rates in the state.

-Abolish the income tax and replace it with a sales tax and a capitol gains tax. The income tax discourages income production and has caused many of the rich to flee to other states like Florida, where there is no income tax.

-Introduce 600,000 immigrants to the state so they can get jobs and contribute to the economy. Connecticut is already a sanctuary state, but very few immigrants come here since very few immigrants know Connecticut even exists, let alone would accept them as immigrants. I would want to increase the number of immigrants into the state to improve our economy. States rights should keep our currently anti-immigrant government at bay (I say this because about 1% of immigrants to this nation are accepted per year, and it was 3% under Obama). Once Connecticut shows what immigrants and encouraging immigration can do, I hope other states follow suit.

-Fund planned parenthood more. The data is present with a google search, funding planned parenthood reduces abortions because of contraception increasing. Funding PP is a cheap way to eliminate abortions in the state without banning abortions and is bipartisan enough to make a reality.

Thoughts on these ideas?

As a libertarian do you believe in anarchy? Or a limited Government?

Limited government. Some things should be banned. But I think the BoP should always be on the authoritarian. If they can't come up with the proof, it ought to be legal.

Which side of agnosticism do you lean towards?

Hard to say. I flip on religion a lot, so I'm open to evidence. Right now, I'm more towards the atheist side.

As president what would be your first act?

My main goal would be eliminating our debt. I also would want to legalize a bunch of things, like polygamy and prostitution. I would want to overturn Roe V Wade and Citizens United. One is left wing, one is right wing. Hopefully, both sides can agree to that.

How did you become a libertarian?

I started off as a liberal in 7th grade and became more right wing since then. I almost was always pro life. I became right wing, then I was pretty far right on issues. I had my mind changed, Trump alienated me and now I'm fiscally and socially libertarian. Exceptions apply.

What career are you pursuing and why?

I want to be an actuary at 21 and I want to become President of the United States sometime in my life.

What was your eagle project?

My project was making a trail.

Why did you remove me lmao

I don't know. I guess it might be a bug. I resent you a friend request.

Could you explain your position on polygamy a little further?

I think polygamy should be legal if every person involved with the relationship wants to be in it. The government shouldn't interfere.

Why do you have a gun in your pic?

I liked the picture of Austin Peterson with the gun in it. I'm pro 2nd amendment.

Your profile says that you believe transgenders are a threat to the first amendment in the United States. Could you clarify as to why this is?

Transgenders and their allies have managed to ban misgendering in the state of California, and they made it punishable by up to 1 year in jail ( The law is being challenged, but the notion that the law even exists shows how close we are to losing the 1st amendment in the US.

Out of all of them. Yang, Bernie, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Klobachar, Steyer, and the others who didn't appear in the 6th debate.

Bill Weld. We disagree on one issue(abortion) but I trust that Weld is going to at least help us get out of debt. Libertarians deserve a shot at the white house. Both parties have caused us to get deeper in debt. We need a party that's going to get us out. Bill Weld seems like he's the best shot at getting us out of debt.

Favourite candidate?

Who are my options?

Wanna do a debate? Looking for a good opponent to challenge and figured you'd be a good one. PM me topics you're interested in.

I need a break.

You aren't top 10 anymore

I modified my profile.

How do you have 107 friends I don't even know 107 active users

I friend whoever I feel like. Many of my friends aren't even active users anymore, but I felt like adding them anyways.

Are you an Intellectual? Anti-intellectual? What?

I would say that I'm an intellectual. I'm pretty smart.