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Total topics: 2

I will first define two terms, to avoid equivocation.

- The People’s Republic of China or the PRC is the contintental part of China and which excludes Taiwan.
- United China is the PRC + Taiwan and does not exist as a single country today.

Context : The PRC objects violently to US speaker Nancy Pelosy’s visit to Taiwan because it allegedly violates the one China principle.

In order for any foreigner to visit a country, permission of the state is required. Since United China does not exist, such permission cannot be given. However, in this case, permission of all regions should suffice. So if the PRC and Taiwan give permission, it would be OK. Since the PRC denied permission, on those grounds Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on august 2nd was inappropriate.

However, to my knowledge no high profile individuals ever ask Taiwan for permission to visit the PRC. They should require such permission since United China cannot give it. Hence the PRC is hypocrytical. People visiting the PRC is OK, but visiting Taiwan is not.

It boils down to might makes right as is often the case in geopolitics. It could be that high profile individuals visting Taiwan is a problem while such visit to the PCR are not because the Taiwanese are just nicer and more tolerant. A more likely explanation is that the PCR is more powerful than Taiwan.

Or is there actually a relevant distinction that justifies different treatment of visits to these regions ?
Current events
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In the elections last Sunday Fidesz, the ruling party of Hungary with leader Victor Orban, won with 53% of the votes against 35% for the united opposition. That gives them 135 of 190 seats in parliament, or a 2/3 majority. That allows them to change to constitution in their favour, as they have done in the past.

Victor Orban is a friend of Vladimir Putin. For example, Hungary approved of the annexation of Crimea and opposed European sanctions against Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. It was thought that that closeness would play agains Fidesz in the elections, but apparently the opposite has happened. Since the voters were afraid of Russia, they wanted to stay on Putin’s good side. So who better to support than Putin’s friend Victor Orban ? That is cowardice. It stands in contrast to Ukrainian valor. Poland also opposes rather than appeases Russia out of fear. Bullies are best dealt with by standing up united against them. Appeasing them may be good for you, but it comes at the expense of other victims, as it makes the bully stronger. The Kremlin invaded Ukraine because it had learned from past reactions to its agression that it could get away with such behaviour.

Probably most Hungarians don’t know the long term damage they are doing. If they had, Fidesz would probably have been less successful. So it is not just cowerdice; it is also ignorance. Winston Churchill once said : “The best argument against democracy is the a five minute conversation with the average voter.” There must be many average voters in Hungary.

Although Hungarian democracy has been weakened, it was still within the people’s power to oust an autocrat. Thanks to the European Union that will probably still be possible in four years. Whether this result is good for Hungary (their friendship with Russia gives them safety and cheaper gas) in the long run remains to be seen, but it is bad for Europe in general and especially for Ukraine.

The Fidesz government handed out many presents during the election campaign and are now hoping to benefit from the Corona-fund of the EU. Of course that fund must remain blocked. It is not the EU’s duty to fund the election campaigns of parties that undermine European values.
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