BearMan's avatar


A member since


Total posts: 1,067

Posted in:
Post here to get a theme character, song and description of you...
k np
Posted in:
Everything about Java is so utterly cumbersome and shit.
are functional programming languages becoming more popular in industry?

if so im absolutely screwed cuz langs like haskell confuse me
Posted in:
Bernie Sanders said public school teachers should get minimum $60k a year salary

Ironically my school is in the baltimore metro, i recognize that my school is above average, but it isn't anything special. there are plenty of schools that meet reasonable requirements.

"Through an analysis of 150 Baltimore City Schools, 23 of them, including 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three high schools and two middle schools, no students met math grade-level expectations, according to a report by Project Baltimore."
I think this is just a special case, as baltimore is notoriously bad for education. 

They wouldn't be. If the student doesn't turn in homework, there is nothing to grade is there? If a student doesn't ever go to the office there is no time spent is there? If the student never shows up for class, someone else can sit in his seat.

It's not punishment to pay people for results. If you claim to be teaching 20 people and none of them succeed the common denominator is YOU. Or we could assume poor inner city kids are mentally deficient in which case it STILL DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO PAY SOMEONE TO TEACH THEM!
I think teachers aren't majorly to blame for performance on standardized tests. if we train teachers to only be motivated by standardized tests, we'll emphasize the wrong things in education, only caring abt whats on the test, rather than what's actually important.

in my experience, standardized tests are very easy compared to what is actually taught at school, especially in math. the SAT only covers basic algebra and geometry in its math section.

Posted in:
Bernie Sanders said public school teachers should get minimum $60k a year salary
what schools are u going to?

most if not all people at my hs are through precalculus by senior year
a hefty portion of them are taking calc ab/bc senior year
and some are even taking multivariable

saying that school doesn't teach math is ridiculous. imo, unless somebody has learning disabilities or some sort of disadvantage, doing good in school is just a matter of putting effort into it. teachers shouldn't be punished for students who want to put in the bare minimal work.

Posted in:
Bernie Sanders said public school teachers should get minimum $60k a year salary
using standardized tests to measure teacher performance is ridiculous no cap 

Posted in:
Post here to get a theme character, song and description of you...
can i get one pls
Posted in:
Forum Posts Word Count
indentation is being screwed up
Posted in:
Forum Posts Word Count
send script 
i can help figure out debate comments + questions if u want
Posted in: 2023 Election Voting
Posted in:
Everything about Java is so utterly cumbersome and shit.
List comprehensions are also ugly. 
They can be elegant if not overused.

I would rather do [int(i) for i in ls], rather than

new_ls = []
for i in ls:

(or just list(map(int, ls)) )

Obviously, doing complicated operations with list comprehensions can be a bit funky. I used this once, when I was short on time (goofy competitive programming event):

[(i[0], [j for j in i[1] if j not in alr]) for i in p_pos if i[0]!=char or index not in i[1]] 

Posted in:
Everything about Java is so utterly cumbersome and shit.

If you now compare Java to non-object-oriented languages like Python... Wow, Java is blatantly shit.
Python supports OOP, and I think it's better that way. OOP is bussin fr.

Whoever thought Java is a sensible language has no idea how to strategise a coding language where you don't declare all variable fields at the start and don't need to change the code in 2-3 different places every damn time you want to make a single, minor alteration.
Usually when programmers need to change their code in multiple places to enact a singular change, it's the programmer's fault as they aren't following the DRY principle.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by declaring all variable fields at the start? Do you mean type definitions? I would argue that they are extraordinarily useful. 

(value) == (value) vs (value).Equalsto()
Since Java doesn't support operator overloading, when comparing the values of an object, you have to use .equals(). The general rule is that u use == when comparing primitives, and .equals() when comparing objects.

you can actually use == for strings and vice versa.
Nah, you can't. If you want to compare the values within the strings, and not the actual object itself, you MUST use .equals(). The way I understand it, the only time you can use == for an object is if ur seeing if two values are the SAME object.
Posted in:
 In fact there are no qualifications. I’m pretty sure you could be the Speaker
Posted in:
Any Websites Like YouTube But Mainly Educational Content For Adults?

I think it's paid tho
Posted in:
Emergency Meep for election reform
p1 nah
p2 nah
Posted in:
Biden embarrasses America with the American-hating WMBA swap for the Merchant of Death
Says the illiterate clown 🤡 suffering from TDS and penis envy given the last time he grabbed a woman by the pu$$y was 1946, and that was still without her consent, and never proffers let alone substantiates a legit position to be argued/debated/discussed. 
damn bro u rlly gotta do him like that?
Posted in:
Stupid things that the Democratic party has said.
Please reply to me using the receivers feature, as I can't see if you responded unless I manually check :)

Actually, that is misinformation. Watch the video of what happened.

Sorry for my misrepresentation/misunderstanding of the situation, I just quoted directly from the NYPost article you sent me. 

This is one example of authority trying to silence social issues. Both Democrats and Republicans are known for this, this does not show that Democrats actively try to label everyone that even slightly disagrees with them as terrorist, fatphobic, racist, etc. 

Democrats support the LGBTQ+ community, and this is what they are pushing in schools. It's not just extreme groups. It's the group as a whole.
You have to be VERY careful when generalizing an entire group and, in this case, you are not. Not all LGBTQ+ people are pushing for pornography in schools, in fact, very few are. So far, you have provided around five examples of egregious pornography in schools. These five examples CANNOT speak for the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community and the entirety of Democrats. Suggesting that most if not all Democrats want porn in schools is a claim that CANNOT be made.

For the first example, it is very vague how the LGBTQ+ Community is tied in. It only says that "others" want to keep the book out of solidarity for the LGBTQ+ community. Who are these others? I'd say you have to take anything Fox News (and CNN, on the opposing side) says with a grain of salt. These "others" could literally be anybody.

For the second example, it seems a majority of examples are only about transgenders. This is hardly anything related to pornography. I will address the rest in the next paragraph.

It seems there are a few books that are MAJOR problems throughout the articles you sent me. Flamer and Gender Queer are two that I keep seeing. These books again do not represent the majority of the LGBTQ+ community. 

Let me make my position clear. Though I agree with teaching students about transgenderism and the LGBTQ+ community, I don't agree with showing children pictures of gay/lesbian sexual acts (I also don't agree with showing children pictures of straight sexual acts).

Look up Critical Race Theory. Something that Democrats are pushing to be a course in Colledge Campuses'. 
Critical Race Theory doesn't suggest that all white people are born inherently racist, and they need to be taught not to be racist. The way I understand it, CRT is just a way to analyze how the "system" has adversely affected the colored community. I think there are some issues with CRT, but I'm sure it doesn't suggest anything along the lines of "All white people are racist." 


At the end of this, I think that these statements were just generalizations of much more nuanced topics. I believe that you should have gone in way more depth, as the claims you make are entirely false. You are misrepresenting the intentions and actions of the democrats by only considering a select few extremists and generalizing complex topics too hastily.

Thus, I think this forum post only exists to spread hatred for the opposing side.  I believe that you can hate the democratic party, if you have gone to great lengths to weigh and understand their intentions and actions. And, simply convincing yourself of well-known republican talking points isn't a great way to go to do so.
Posted in:
Stupid things that the Democratic party has said.
What do all these books have in common. They support the LGBTQ+ agenda, which democrats also support.
I think it's pretty disingenuous to assume most members of the democratic party supports pornography in schools, based on the fact that some extreme members of the LGBTQ+ community are depicting pornographic scenes in children's books. 

You should probably read those sources. None of them claim that "All white people are born racist, and we have to teach them to not be racist." Again, this is also a Republican talking point aimed at misrepresenting the majority of Democrats. Only a very tiny portion of Democrats actually believe the extremes that you are claiming. Similarly, Democrats also having talking points aimed at misrepresenting Republicans. The problem with these misrepresentations is that they are actively trying to misinform to public as to the intentions of the majority, when they only represent the intentions of the few.

Read the first source again. The man stormed a public meeting and was arrested. I don't agree with the fact that he should be labeled a domestic terrorist, but this doesn't prove what you are saying.

Read the second source again. Democrats are rallying against white supremacy and violence, which they obviously disagree with. This doesn't mean that anyone that only somewhat disagrees with the Democratic party is a terrorist. The group that they labeled were the proverbial "worst of the worst."

Posted in:
Stupid things that the Democratic party has said.
We should support pornography in our children's books.
yo when tf did they say this tho

All white people are born racist, and we need to teach them how not to be racist.
who said that?

If you don't agree with us, then you're a misogynistic racist, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, terrorist. 
who said this?
Posted in:
See Elo Rating Changes Over Time
u could prolly just look at the status of their finished debates and manually calculate the ELO after every debate for a very rough approximation.

Posted in:
I do not believe that Shila is a bot. I agree with the muting for toxicity only.
if it is a chat bot its pretty ass lmao

the generative models that we have now are a lot better than wtv the user is spitting out

it also depends on what data is being fed into the model

i think its just a person who is just putting gibberish onto a page frequently, if it is a chat bot, its def not a very good one.
Posted in:
lmfao bro okay but did i ask??????

rip bozo 2022

Posted in:
okay bozo
Posted in:

Posted in:
Pelosi landed at Taiwan
The current leading party in Taiwan heavily leans into the "Taiwan independence" ideology. Though many younger Taiwanese share similar feelings to wanting other countries to respect their integrity and value their unique historical existence and culture diversity. NO ONE in Taiwan wants a full out war to break out. Taiwan knows they are just a mere chess piece in the global tug of war for power and control of trade. So the leading party heavily befriends the US in an attempt to feel more secure against China. What many people don't recognize is by doing so, they're constantly building the pressure for conflict on China. Many young people in Taiwan, value their freedom and diversity. The freedom of speech, the freedom to love who you wanna love, the freedom to have access to outside information, the freedom to not have to constantly live in fear of being "disappeared" because of their ideologies. However, it is increasingly evident that the threat of an all out war is increasing with every minute passing, making all those other things meaningless. The political nuance between Taiwan and China is extremely complicated; people in Taiwan have been racking their brains to come up with better solutions to resolve it. Taiwan has long been trying to maintain balance on the thin rope of "independence"/"compliance". And with the recent development of technology (their semi conductor industry) and the political expression of favoring the US. That rope is becoming incredibly thin...

 This conflict affects way more than just Taiwan, it's a reference for how future modern conflicts could play out. And with nuclear weapons involved, if shit hit the fan, it's gonna be REAL BAD..... I just wish more people could be informed about this, and if and when the shit hit the fan, at least we all knew it was coming...

Posted in:
Pelosi landed at Taiwan
Uhh... not even Taiwan openly state this view. Only 1 party agrees with this, which is just discount democrats basically. The reason the Taiwanese people "Disagree" is because of education: They distill separatist messages(in an unregulated or lightly-regulated market of textbooks). In reality, nobody "should" hold this view.
I call massive BS. Nobody is distilling separatist messages into Taiwanese education or censoring any info regarding the sovereignty of Taiwan, unlike some other nations.

The party that agrees with the claim that Taiwan is independent is the DPP. I'd say calling it the "discount democrats" is a bit cheap. And saying that only one party agrees with the view is utter BS, at least five political parties agree with Taiwanese statehood. 

The main party that does not agree with this decision is the KMT, which supports the reunification of Taiwan and mainland China under the ROC, not the PRC. Which is ironically even worse than just an independent Taiwan, in the PRC's eyes. 

People's Liberation Army is MUCH more well-equipped than military trained in Taiwan. Some experts expected such potential attack to fall in days. If the US is getting into this, this will turn into a much larger warfare(with the US more well-equipped) and could possibly lead to WW3. What Pelosi is doing is escalation.
While the PLA is well-equipped, it is not well-equipped for a large-scale amphibious invasion. Amphibious attacks are notoriously hard to pull off, combined with the fact that Taiwan's geography is insanely difficult to fight against. Taiwan isn't impregnable, but saying that the PRC can EASILY take on Taiwan is a massive overstatement.

The US has already got itself into this, they vow to protect Taiwan if the PRC would ever invade it. 

But what is Chinese expansion in the past few years? Just a few islands in the ocean and a few undisputed areas with India or something. China DEFINITELY would not want to act first in a war. They haven't for like almost a century.
Look at it wisely, the PRC is (literally always) threatening an invasion and is regularly flying aircraft (illegally) into Taiwanese air space, and pretends the US is going for an escalation? Jeez dude. 

Posted in:
1. NO
2. YES
Posted in:
Debate Data for DART
Posted in:
Debate Data for DART
Send me a PM with your email if you want it (or you can figure out another way). I also have some graphs and analysis I did with R, if you want that, tell me as well.

You don't need to do that anymore. The GitHub repo is here: KevinH45/DARTScraper (

Posted in:
Debate Data for DART
I have data on all finished debates (columns mentioned below) in a CSV format. Send me a PM with your email if you want it (or you can figure out another way). I also have some graphs and analysis I did with R, if you want that, tell me as well.

For Scraping:

I used a (VERY simple) BS4 based webscraper to scrape debate "stat" data from ALL finished debates. This stat data is the stuff you see under a debate in the debate list:
  • Amount of arguments (7/8, 2/2, 6/6)
  • Amount of comments
  • Amount of votes
(Let me know if you want me to scrape more data from debates: debate name, debate instigators, debate contenders are all possible)

For the Data:

It's in a CSV format.

The specific columns are:
  •  Completed Arguments
  • Total Arguments
  • Proportion of Arguments
  • Comments
  • Votes

For Analysis:

There were a few interesting things I found with R:
  • The mean of votes on debates that have a forfeit is double the number of votes on debates that don't have a forfeit.
  • A majority of debates have at least one forfeit.
  • Zero-vote debates make up 6% of all debates.
  • The largest number of comments on a single debate is 384. The largest number of votes on a single debate is 27.
  • I suck at statistics (and R)

Posted in:
The Twin Towers were bought in Chinatown ..
probably a bot using a poorly trained language model
Posted in:
DART: Assume Your Gender
How u going to be a high school student with an income over 150,000
Posted in:
Recently started playing Go again after years.
Machine learning excels at hard to quantify problems
Posted in:
This website is Russia-owned. What is our official stance on the Russian genocide of Ukraine?
Ah ok
Posted in:
This website is Russia-owned. What is our official stance on the Russian genocide of Ukraine?
It does mean I'm not sure, but I can make an educated guess.

It's likely that this website is hosted in Russia, but there's a large chance that it isn't.

Posted in:
This website is Russia-owned. What is our official stance on the Russian genocide of Ukraine?
I'm 60% sure this website is hosted in Russia.

Before Mike started using Cloudflare, it was hosted at a data center in Russia.

He might've moved to another IP address/hosting before moving to Cloudflare though, so like 60%.

Posted in:
This website is Russia-owned. What is our official stance on the Russian genocide of Ukraine?
I'm kinda confused:

Why do we need a site stance?
Would the owner have any reason to lie about his residence?

Posted in:
This website is Russia-owned. What is our official stance on the Russian genocide of Ukraine?
Since this is a debate website, I'd say we should never take an official stance on any current topic so we can maintain neutrality.

Posted in:
Profile pic if you want to support Ukraine during this time in a minimalistic on-site manner.

Posted in:
Profile pic if you want to support Ukraine during this time in a minimalistic on-site manner.
hell yeah

I just dont understand how, in 2022, we are still mass invading other countries 
Posted in:
Ukraine rightfully Belongs to Russia
Putin has no interest in the majority of the Ukraine which is not ethnically Russian and do not speak Russian.

Ah yes, that's why he invaded it of course...

Posted in:
Desired debating features
Don't wanna keep spamming this thread, but its been def more than a year lol

Good to see ur still active though

Posted in:
Desired debating features
good wbu?
Posted in:
Desired debating features
Yes a points system overall that has some sort of level system within it

Posted in:
Desired debating features
thank you
Posted in:
Desired debating features
Also, what is the incentive to level up?
Having a higher level than everybody else? Probably add some privileges to the leveling system as well. Also maybe a leaderboard.

 I think coins can be given out if one wins 100 debates or votes on like 500 debates or something, or like post 10,000 forum posts, just my own opinion, feel free to disagree.

Posted in:
Desired debating features
Ah ok, I'll strike that one down then.
Posted in:
Desired debating features

Yeah, the whole rewards system will have to be implemented. Provide proper internal currency and then means to earn it and spend it.

Maybe like a leveling system? It'd be a challenge to implement, but taking into account votes, debate wins, and liked forum posts, you get some sort of XP points separate from ELO? There's currently no good incentive and reward for new users to vote. (no, not medals, maybe like StackExchange's reputation system).

I think debates are already extremely well-developed but the main problem is the community not voting as much as they should be (or voting really badly).

For the lack of voting, I would suggest:
  • A debate being automatically bumped up when the vote countdown reaches 1 day
  • Providing some sort of incentive (the leveling system mentioned above)
  • Better vote editor (The RFD is often exceptionally long, making the vote form's editor similar to forum post editor is highly beneficial and allows the user to actually format the RFD)
For bad voting, I would suggest:
  • Some sort of automatic filter (ML-powered?... we def can get the data required)
  • Reminding the users of the voting policy and displaying the rules for voting when they vote (helps new users to gauge what they are supposed to do)
  • Ability to edit votes (we all make mistakes)

Posted in:
Referendum: Voting Policy and Restraining Orders
Yes to everything besides 2 (neutral)
Posted in:
I will roast you
I don't know what's smaller, your brain or your d***

Don't sue me
Posted in:
Using the terms "racism" and "racist" makes you look stupid
This is pretty accurate. The fact of the matter is the way it is used. I don’t know anyone who randomly states a study showing that blacks have less IQ than Whites.

This is an inherently true fact. Whether they were born like that is completely up to the interpreter to decide. The problem is, people use studies like these to advance their racial hatred agenda. Since so many race hating people use these, lefts usually interpret this as raci-st.

Of course, it really isn’t racist, rather, the way it’s used is racist.

FYI MgtowDemon blocked me in a fit of rage, so I blocked him while watching YouTube videos and eating potato chips.