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Posted in:
The transgender man.
War is primitive and stupid. We should have a global government which is divided into smaller states, with each current individual country becoming like a US state to the larger global government. And it should be a social democracy except with a little more workplace democracy and a little bit of technocracy to keep people's subjective opinions out of matters of science.
Posted in:
The transgender man.
Quality should be put over quantity. If your philosophy was correct on this then Africa would be thriving. The quality of education, housing, food and water are all more important than the sheer number of new people being born.
Posted in:
The transgender man.
No, the biological incentive of every man is to impregnate as many women as possible. For women it is to be as picky as possible about which men they let impregnate them to filter out inferior genes.

Having as many children as possible does not benefit anything. The planet is overpopulated and I have never seen an intelligent person who has that goal in my life.

I once knew a guy who had like 9 kids because he thought "winning" meant reproducing as much as possible but he was constantly stressed out and struggling to afford taking care of all his kids.
Posted in:
Religion of Peace In Australia
Damn, women must really like being oppressed.
Posted in:
Religion of Peace In Australia
It is protected by stupidity. People can be indoctrinated with stupid shit and that's why Islam is so popular.
Posted in:
Consolidating a host of topics (food for thought)
Giving black people reparations is racist unless you also redistribute wealth to equally poor people of different races including crackers.
Posted in:
I challenge RationalMadman to a rap battle!
RM can carry a rhyme scheme and make very personalized attacks but he falls behind in the structure of his raps where he can make one line go on forever and make it difficult to see what words are supposed to rhyme. He also can have rhymes that are very accent-specific that don't necessarily rhyme in the accent someone reads it in.

If you're going to beat RM, your only hope is to be funnier than him and structure your bars in a way that are easier to follow than his. If you really tried than maybe you could improve your rhymes and wordplay but I doubt you will do this as you are not a fan of rap.
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
I don't like gay riddles. If you aren't a homosexual and you aren't schizophrenic then tell it straight nigga.
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
Also what is the light and why should we believe you?
Posted in:
Why I don't believe white privilege is real
There are a lot of rich and powerful Jews and while whites are mostly non-racist now or racist against themselves the Jews still have strong in-group preference. Jewish privilege is more real than any race-based privilege.
Posted in:
Why I don't believe white privilege is real
Some forms of privilege are real. Rich privilege and pretty privilege are the best examples.
Posted in:
Why I don't believe white privilege is real
The groups that everyone feels sorry for are more privileged specifically because everyone feels sorry for them.

It's funny how people say "whites have all the money and power" but if you say the same thing about Jews suddenly you're a conspiracy theorist racist ass hole even though it's true.

The least privileged people are white, heterosexual, ugly, short, cisgender males who are born into poor families.

The most privileged people are hot Jewish women born into Illuminati-tier families.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
Why does this creature hate pork? Is it a Muslim Djinn?
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
Yes, because you're stupid. I know.
Posted in:
Something changed in society - Now most people are weak
Trust me, I'm not angry at you as I cannot afford to be. I am struggling not to be angry at way worse things.

Your vision of society is very anger-based so I'm surprised you see anger as something that disqualifies someone from being a warrior. Especially since you are a very angry little niglet who is angry at the world for shitting on you and for being so feministically inclined.

Your vision allows sociopaths and psychopaths to rise to the top even more than they currently do which means it rewards the most angry people on earth and punishes the most calm.
Posted in:
Something changed in society - Now most people are weak
If your reason for anything is "it just is" that means you're stupid. Stupidity is worse than any other form of weakness because weak but smart people can be happy, safe, and healthy and therefore win at life more than some strong idiot who gets themselves killed.

You're a pathetic, weak, stupid omega male supporting a system that would crush you and destroy everything it touches. Your vision is negated by mutually assured destruction, by the need to protect the environment or humanity will die, and by the fact that fascism is dying and social democracy is rising.

You are a loser who will die with no money or power, no loved ones and will suffer from disease and die young from shit that could be prevented by simple diet and exercise. But hey, at least you were a big strong warrior right? At least you had the strength to annoy people on the internet like a real man.

You're so fucking pathetic, it disgusts me and I regret trying to give you good advice. I should have encouraged you to keep fucking yourself if anything, but either way you're a waste of time.
Posted in:
Something changed in society - Now most people are weak
Warrior society is the one which is better, despite constant battles, as it forces beta males to man up and become strong to conquer the enemy.
You're literally saying "despite constant battles, it forces people who don't want to have constant battles to have them therefore is good". Why is fighting good? Why is being strong more important than peace and safety? Your opinion makes no sense.

Without beta males, military culture wouldn't work because the alpha male leaders need people who follow orders. Society at large also needs beta people for similar reasons. Not everyone can be the alpha.

 On the other hand, feminist society says that everyone should become a vagina,
Women are the ones who have an inherent instinct to want to reproduce with alpha males more than beta males.

any society where women even have right to choose let alone vote is doomed
Beta males exist and so do alpha females. Are you saying it's better for beta males to be able to vote and alpha females to not be able to vote? Are you saying that all women should be beta, therefore weaker? Do you really want your sons who are supposed to live a life of battle to be raised by weak beta females and have their genes instead of letting strong alpha women vote and reproduce?

warrior society wins by natural selection
Warrior society literally lost by natural selection. Social Democracy is becoming more popular and Democracies band together and have peaceful and mutually beneficial relations while defending each other from fascist warlike regimes which die out quickly while democracies thrive and survive.

 in feminist society strong are made weak and disorders multiply until everyone is a mentally ill autistic retard 
Neurotypical people are inherently mediocre. Almost all geniuses are autistic and none are neurotypical.
Posted in:
Something changed in society - Now most people are weak
hyper masculine society: Let's kill each other! Me eat meat get strong! Lay waste to the earth as we fight because we big strong men! Environment destroyed, everyone destroyed, life is carnage life is suffering but it's worth it because one big strong man will rule a pile of dead bodies! Oh no I have heart attack at 45!

Hyper feminine society: We should prioritize safety and come to fair agreements like reasonable adults instead of fighting. We should share resources, eat our vegetables and live to 100. We should accept each other, love each other, except for ugly men and short men because ya'll are gross and can die please. Yes, we are a tolerant and loving society but we still have strong men because we love the alpha males. Yes, do the work for us like a good little beast while us reasonable and kind souls guide society into a golden age. Except for the ugly men, you are totally ick and we will put you in concentration camps.

Posted in:
Something changed in society - Now most people are weak
I think a much bigger problem than weakness is stupidity.  Strong people just exist to be beasts of burden and cannon fodder. Society would be better off if it was ruled by very kind and empathetic yet intelligent women than it would be if it was ruled by some hyper-aggressive warmongering man who only cares about status and power.

The only thing I would worry about if women ruled the world is a eugenics program being implemented that seeks to eradicate men who are not handsome and under 6 feet tall, but even if women ruled the world I don't think that's very likely.

You wouldn't last a day in a world like the one you're saying is ideal. Your scrawny, underfed, internet trolling autistic ass would get drafted into the military and killed in 5 minutes while the women wait for all the men to kill each other then inherit the earth as they repopulate with the beta males who were left behind and then society would return even softer than before.

Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
Great choice, that's the least healthy meat. Pigs have very fatty flesh and both nutrients and toxins are stored in fat much more than in leaner tissues. Since the vast majority of porks are factory farmed and fed a very shitty diet this means you will be getting tons of toxins.

Also it's becoming glaringly obvious that you're just trolling now.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
Yes, starve yourself like Best.Korea for the clown man. That should work.

No, it's actually pretty stupid. You should just eat more vegetables. He probably hates vegetables.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
In fact they made it worse because they said "you're fine" every time I showed real abnormalities in heart rate and blood pressure and tried to gaslight me so hard that "it's just anxiety" that I thought the staff were in on it.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
If he seeks psychological help they will just assume he's crazy without even considering that something real is going on. That's what they do, everything is just an excuse to feed you meds. That's what they did with me even though I knew something was done to me by someone else and it wasn't just a mental breakdown I randomly had.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
I am hesitant to recommend a course of action here because it would probably involve violence just like your suggestion.
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
This probably isn't supernatural in nature but as someone who has experienced things no one would believe, I don't automatically reject the idea something fucked up is going on. I mean there's a good chance you're trolling but maybe you're being stalked by a fucked up clown guy, who knows.

Posted in:
Does debating ever get you emotional or upset?
I have too many real problems to give a fuck about any of you ass holes.
Posted in:
Post your favorite personality tests
The test mixes up Sociopath and Psychopath. Sociopaths are more impulsive and chronically enraged and Psychopaths are more cold and calculating. What they both have in common above all is lacking empathy.
Posted in:
Post your favorite personality tests
I just did a bunch from idrlabs but now I have run out. 
Posted in:
Jake Paul should not be fighting Mike Tyson
Jake Paul should not be breathing.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
Japan is not beating white people in quality of life, it isn't even a social democracy which is the system of all the best countries in terms of quality of life.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
Life is war, and the ones who benefit from war are the rich powerful people who send others to die for them while they sit back eating lobster and smoking cigars. You are convinced that the cannon fodder are the ones benefitting and it's just sad and stupid.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
But look at powerful positions at most companies and you will find they are overwhelmingly white and male. 
Look at people who are white and male and you will see that they are overwhelmingly normal ass dudes who don't have anything special going for them. 

White people get treated better at all levels of society. Is that an admission that you are wrong?
Well there are just more white people in countries such as the US, and more whites in positions of power so maybe. But the fact remains that it is no longer normal for whites to be racist and it is still normal for everyone else to be racist when it comes to actual hate of other groups and not just some slight subconscious bias.

based on the arguments you are making, the smart money would be on that you said something racist. 
I'm talking about the ones who hate me by default for being a white male.

You being unattractive and unlikeable doesn't really have anything to do with this subject.
It has to do with pretty privilege, height privilege, neurotypical privilege, "normal" privilege and female privilege.

All of these are more pervasive and severe than white privilege.

I can't really comment on your personal experience. 
You don't care about my experience but you care about black people's experience even if they aren't experiencing shit.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
the fact of the matter is that I do battles here all day and I do battles in games, so I am a warrior because I attack people to take their happiness so I am happy
The fact of the matter is that no one gives a shit anywhere near as much as you do. You spend your whole life, all your mental energy and time trolling people just so they can be annoyed for a couple minutes then move on with their lives. It's a pathetic waste of time, and at the end of the day you will never be happy and you are dead inside. Sure it may give you a temporary thrill just as much as it gives them temporary annoyance, but then they go back to their lives and you go back to yours. They go back to having families that love them, back to having jobs that pay more than yours, back to being happy and healthy relative to you while you rot in some apartment and starve yourself because you can't cope with life.

You aren't winning, you are every definition of "loser" wrapped in one sad bundle.

 just know that I was vegan for a year and it was horrible as I was delusional, since human happiness is contingent on causing suffering to others, and you cannot even be happy if no one suffers.
I don't give a shit about any of that. I am telling you that a balanced diet and consistent meals is better than what you're doing. I never said you should be vegan.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
You are literally a scrawny autistic nerd who sits on his computer and trolls people all day. You have never seen battle in your life and if you did you would be even more of a moron than you already are.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
They aren't saying they want white people to be treated badly.
You're underestimating how much other groups don't care about or are resentful of white people. There are tons of black people who hate white people while also thinking that it is impossible for blacks to be racist because their definition only includes systemic racism and they delude themselves into thinking they are so oppressed as an excuse to act like entitled SJW douche bags.


 For example, a white person is more likely to be hired for a job 
No, affirmative action and the inclusivity policy of most companies make it so that they are more likely to think about increasing the hiring of every group other than white/straight/cis/male. The perception that blacks and other groups are hired less and that it still needs to be fixed is exactly what makes them more likely to be hired.

The issue is systemic and found across all levels of society. 
How do you know? My experience is that blacks are currently more likely to hate whites than whites are to hate blacks.

People may not consciously decide to treat white people better, but they do. 

Everyone is more likely to treat people who look like them better. Whites however are the only ones saying "I'm so sorry I'm white" to the people saying "fuck you, you privileged scum. You owe us reparations".

They make more money than all other groups. They have an easier time getting hired than any other group. That have the vast majority of political and financial power. 

Absolutely none of this applies to me. All I see is blacks who are angry at me and think I owe them something and women who think I'm subhuman because I'm not attractive and normal enough.


 But they love crying about how downtrodden they are.
I am literally dehumanized on a regular basis.

 And the funniest part is that the people crying about it the hardest are usually the ones who think they are an "alpha male". 
I'm a zeta male.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
That's stupid, eating leaves is good for your gut microbiome which is where neurochemicals are produced. Eating leaves literally makes you happier on a chemical level.

Battle is stupid, risking your life and physical injury is stupid. Smart people are pussies who highly value their own health and safety and would rather sit in the shade eating leaves then go to battle.

Being a warrior does not make you a Chad, only being born with genes that make you tall and handsome can make you a Chad.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
So your argument is that they want to be treated like white people are, but they don't want white people to be treated that way so you're basically admitting it's about changing which group is oppressed and which is privileged rather than equality.

It's true that there is a disproportionate number of whites who are wealthier and shit, but there are also whites who aren't. The privilege is "rich privilege" and not "white privilege".

Most people nowadays don't think whites are superior or deserve better treatment, the vast majority of people believe that whites are privileged and every other group than white/straight/cis/male deserves reparations at the expense of white/straight/cis/male. This means that white/straight/cis/male is the least likely to be given a job, the least likely to be treated better by default, the most likely to be targeted for their identities, the only group you can just straight up get away with hating and attacking without being charged or cancelled for hate crimes, and the only group that isn't allowed to be proud of their identity.

The biggest privileged/oppressed dynamic is gender/sex imo rather than race. Women are treated way better than men and just have it way easier in every way.

Posted in:
How to troll BLM
That shit isn't healthy. People are happier when they feed their microbiome lots of fruits and vegetables so that it creates good neurochemicals. People are happier when they aren't deprived of calories or nutrients.

Your stupid unhealthy coping mechanism is going to fuck you up long term. You're the one who's being a "vagina" because you are running away from your feelings and slowly killing yourself instead of trying to improve your life.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
Because they have low quality food that isn't nutrient dense, so their bodies get addicted to the empty calories as they eat more and more looking for nutrients that aren't there.

Hunger doesn't make people happy, you're just weird. A balanced diet with a variety of high quality foods makes people happy.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
Poverty is part of it. If you don't have anything you are more likely to be angry at the world, more likely to steal or turn to organized crime to get things you want etc.

Plus a big part of it that is overlooked is the importance of diet. Poor people have less access to good food and the malnutrition that results causes them to be agitated and have more mental issues that can lead to criminal behaviour.
Posted in:
How to troll BLM
The most intersectionally oppressed group is straight, white, cisgender males specifically because they are the only group that isn't seen as oppressed.

Nobody cares about them, whereas every other group has a pity party in their honor. Everyone else can be treated better and get away with more because not being racist against whites is racist and not being sexist against men is sexist etc.

Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
The reason Muslims seem so much worse is because they still live in Theocracies. Back when the Church was equivalent to the government Christians did the same kind of shit.
Posted in:
Am I a bad Christian, cause i think gods love conquers death instead of legal atonement?
There are only 2 kinds of good Christians.

1: The ones who stop being Christians because they realize how shitty and stupid it is.

2: The ones who suffer and die.
Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
Well it's just wishful thinking, I know it isn't a realistic solution. Plus even if every religious person on earth died humanity would just invent new and resurrect old religions because such is the nature of the stupid.
Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
Just make religion punishable by death imo.
Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
No he's not, he's just a pussy when it comes to disrespecting Islam because he's afraid of how extreme and violent Muslims can be.
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As Tyrion Lannister said, I would like to die at age 80 while drinking wine and getting my dick sucked by a hot girl.

Fighting is stupid, save that shit for the dumb asses in the world.

There are tons of things you can do other than fighting. Just use your imagination.
Posted in:
A warrior, especially a Japanese one, is usually someone who kills themselves or gets themselves killed for the interest of the state or for some warlord. Being a warrior is dumb. Being a female warrior is even more dumb because women are more likely to know that being safe and comfy is more important than being a bad ass.
Posted in:
If it's gay, then why doI like women despite thinking that way?

The fact that I like women negates it's gayness.

I am just a straight man who happens to be smart in the same way that women and gays are.

You are a gay woman who thinks like a straight man.
Posted in:
Power isn't a worthy goal on it's own.

The purpose of power is so that others can't have power over you and oppress you.

The real goals should be happiness, health, comfort, things of that nature.

To think otherwise makes you both gay and a woman, so don't be a gay woman.

Actually women and gays are more likely to understand this than real men. So don't be a man because men are stupid.