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Change capitalism
A few responses
Instead of a nation being controlled by a racist leader to serve selfish goals at the peril of other nations...
While this has been a way that fascist nations have operated, this is not what fascism is generally speaking.

Your idea of "facism" is the opposite of real, historic facism.
I said it was a new form of fascism, implying it has similarities but is not identical to previous forms of fascism. I also said it was a global fascist-like system. They do not want sovereign nations. They want a single global "nation" (if you can even call it that) under the rule of an oligarchy of technocrats. If the world becomes a single global super-nation, it will just operate on a larger scale than an individual nation.

The dictator is replaced by an oligarchy of technocrats.
Thats a flaw of capitalism itself. I say we give more economic power and freedom to the people in the world. In the name of democracy and FAIR capitalism.
An oligarchy of technocrats is not a flaw of capitalism because there should not be an oligarchy at all. That's why the stakeholder capitalism being pushed into the U.S. should be rejected.

What is your suggestion? How do we improve capitalism without "making a deal with the devil" (that is humanity as a whole).
I don't believe capitalism needs to be fixed necessarily. Capitalism has done more for the world in terms of lifting people out of poverty and providing for people's needs than any other economic system in history. Since I do not believe the problem is with capitalism, the solution is not to change capitalism. The problem is a moral one, not an economic one. Therefore, the solution must be moral in nature rather than economic.

Capitalism does not force people to be greedy or take advantage of others. You can be a business owner and have integrity in a capitalist system. And such a person can do tremendous good for both their workers and society as a whole. You can't fix the human tendency toward greed with any economic system. And you can't legislate people to be more compassionate or less greedy. That requires an internal change, not external compulsion.

Here are a few quotes you have made here that I think fairly summarize what you are saying:
The economy is becomming financialised: that means, businesses care more about money than being good businesses and serving their customers.

We need to have an positive economy that benefits society, and money often incentivises the opposite. 

Capitalism should be about being the best, but today big business is a race to be the biggest badest villain to the employee and to society. We need to change the goals. First off, we need to focus on stakeholder value. Companies ought to prioritize their impact on workers and customers, not just the owners.

Capitalism is great but not without flaws -- and the biggest one is that everyone is incentivised to give no fucks about the world.

Let's maybe take a step back for a moment to make sure I understand exactly what you are arguing for.

  • What aspect of capitalism (be very specific) gives incentive for everyone to only care about profit and not care about the well-being of others?
  • What aspect of capitalism (be very specific) would you change, and how would that cause companies to prioritize their impact on society rather than greedy profiteering?
  • Who are the stakeholders whose values will be prioritized, and what specific role will they play in shaping the business practices of a company under your proposed changes?
  • What means will stakeholders have to enforce these practices to ensure companies follow through?
  • What authority does the company/shareholder have to veto the proposals of stakeholders?
Posted in:
Change capitalism
It is not the same fascism as was found in Germany. I said it was a global fascist-like system. Nationalism is replaced with globalism. The dictator is replaced by an oligarchy of technocrats. But the main idea of corporatism is still there.

Let me ask this of your ideas for Capitalism that values stakeholders over shareholders: is the government a primary stakeholder in this new system?

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, perhaps the biggest driver behind the push for this system, seem to think so.
To ensure that both people and the planet prosper, four key stakeholders play a crucial role. They are: governments (of countries, states, and local communities); civil society (from unions to NGOs, from schools and universities to action groups); companies (constituting the private sector, whether freelancers or large multinational companies); and the international community (consisting of international organizations such as the UN as well as regional organizations such as the European Union or ASEAN)...It leads to the stakeholder model as we know it today, valid anywhere in the world. When the well-being of people and planet are at the center of business, the four remaining key groups of stakeholders contribute to their betterment. As all of these groups and their goals are interconnected. One cannot succeed if the others fail.
What is being pushed as Stakeholder Capitalism today, even if you don't agree with all aspects, is just a new private-public partnership on a global scale - the Great Reset.
Posted in:
Change capitalism
When he founded the [World Economic Forum] in 1973, [Klaus] Schwab wrote the original Davos Manifesto aimed at urging corporate managers to reject shareholders and embrace a larger role as promoters of societal priorities. With that Davos Manifesto, the WEF now claims, “Stakeholder capitalism was born.”

Not quite. University of Calgary economist Randall Morck, editor of A History of Corporate Governance Around the World, sets the origins of legalized stakeholderism in Germany and the passage of the National Socialist government’s Shareholder Law of 1937. The law, writes Morck, “freed corporate managers and directors of their specific fiduciary duty to shareholders and substituted a general duty to all stakeholders.”

What you are arguing for is not Capitalism. Stakeholder Capitalism, particularly in the currently proposed form, is just a new form of fascism. In the case of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, it is a global fascist-like system where "You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy" (
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
More proof of how evolution works.

A well-known conservative activist in Arlington, Texas, who peddled COVID-19 vaccine misinformation has died of complications caused by the virus—just a few weeks after attending a “symposium” against the shots. 
The Arlington Republican Party confirmed the passing of Kelly Canon on Facebook. 
“Another tragedy and loss for our Republican family. Our dear friend Kelly Canon lost her battle with pneumonia today. Kelly will be forever in our hearts as a loyal and beloved friend and Patriot. Gone way too soon We will keep her family in our prayers,” the Arlington Republican Club said in a statement. 
Perhaps you could elaborate on how exactly this shows how evolution works.

Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
Kelly Ernby should get a Darwin Award.
Perhaps you could elaborate.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
I believe the correct terminology is:
  • "anti-vaxxers who are perpetuating their white supremacist nationalism through science-denying conspiracy theories and misinformation, which is as great of an attack on our democracy as the terrorists who breached the sacred halls of our Capitol on the worst day in U.S. history - January 6th - the day when Trump explicitly told people to murder AOC and commit a violent insurrection that was obviously premeditated and not in any way just a large crowd of people being instigated by federal agents or anything like that"
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
I'm just showing how evolution works.
Perhaps you could elaborate.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
I don't get the goal of either100 percent vaccination or universal vaccine passport policies knowing that vaccinated people can spread all variants known and unknown.
Agreed. Now that the narrative has gone off the rails, that should be enough to put an end to it. But I think the lack of a clearly articulated end goal (as I have been asking for) has allowed people to continue to be convinced that vaccine mandates will get rid of COVID-19 and solve all our problems. We're not sure how. But it will. Because science.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
the only question you need to answer is

are desires chosen by will
You skipped past the part about clarifying what a desire is and the role it plays in choosing.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Will is the ability to have priorities and make choices with future results in mind.
What is mind?

This is just a simpler way of saying that the physical brain choses which neurons to fire based on how it has been molded by neuroplasticity.
How does the brain choose? Does it have a will as well?

Then we pretty much agree that choice is bound by what preceeded it. Any such choice is by definition deterministic unless it's random.
That is too vague of a statement. What we disagree on is the what that did the determining. You are saying it's a predetermined chemical reaction that the person has no influence over. In that sense, humans have no more of a will than a potato does. The only difference between us and the potato is that we happen to be conscious of an illusion that our brain is producing for us.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
humans are slaves to their desires - desires are not chosen
And this is why I said to Benjamin that our presuppositions play a huge role inhow we examine this issue. What is a desire, and how responsible are we for them? Is a desire considered to be an internal influence or an external influence? Are desires just an illusion produced by chemical reactions in the brain? These are all questions that affect how we view human will and what it means for a will to be free.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
There's a lot that could be unpacked there, but I was specifically asking about the end goal of this particular vaccine mandate. It appears we are trying to get as close to 100% vaccination rate in the U.S., save for perhaps a few medical exemptions. There should be a clearly defined purpose as to what goal that will achieve, and a justification for why this mandate will achieve that goal.

So what is the specific goal of getting to the entire nation vaccinated?

Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
  • We are discussing whether or not human will is free.
We are also discussing whether humans even have a will or if it is just an illusion - something that doesn't actually exist.

  • Choice cannot violate physical determinism or the determinism of a creator's will.
Assuming I understand what you are saying correctly, I would agree. The difference is that choice doesn't even exist if physical determinism is true, so it is somewhat meaningless to even talk about it. The same cannot necessarily be said when talking about a theistic system. Our choices may not violate the will of God, but that does not mean choice does not exist. You have spoken much about the choices and decisions of humans being determined, but you have no justification to even use such language. If human action is nothing more than a predetermined chemical reaction that causes something to happen, then humans don't have a will because they aren't actually choosing anything. If you disagree, I would simply ask you clearly explain what human will is.

How free do you believe our will is, and what evidence supports your view.
I believe humans have a will that is free to make choices, but it is not free to make spontaneous choices free from any prior desires or inclinations. We choose according to our strongest desire at the moment of the choice. What type of evidence are you looking for?
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
The irony of everyone here posting to their own will supporting the most ridiculous notion that they have no will is hilarious.
To be fair, I never said humans don't have a will at all. But there is a distinction between a will that can make conscious moral decisions, and a libertarian free will that can act independently from the will of God.

You may disagree on the coherence of this position, but we would at least agree that the "choice is an illusion" crowd are denying the reality of their own existence.
Posted in:
Reflection on January 6th
This is, of course, a lie.

Please identify one insurrectionist who is being held without a trial date- just flat out false.
Jose Lino Padilla

I encourage you to find a trial date for him. 
I didn't look too hard, but it does appear that Jose Lino Padilla is still being held without a trial date. That's pretty messed up if that's the case.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Do you believe in free will, if so, could you define it and provide evidence for it?
No. At least not in the sense of a libertarian free will that can act outside of God's sovereign decree.

How do you reconsile free will with belief in an omnicient creator God?

There are very strong and clear arguments for free will being an illusion regardless of whether or not God exists. Do you ignore these or do you have rebutalls?
While humans may not have a libertarian free will, humans are moral agents capable of making decisions and being responsible for those decisions. This means that our decisions are not merely an illusion, nor are they strictly the product of brain states. Both Scripture and experience tell us that we make choices.

The question then is whether our presuppositions match our view of both determinism and moral agency.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
You said:
Whatever we do is already a part of the universe's trajectory, so our actions changing it makes no logical sense.

And then you said:
Our actions do change the trajectory of other people, and that is ultimately what matters.
How can our actions be the predetermined results of the universe's trajectory that we have no ability to change, yet our actions can change the trajectory of other people (who are also a part of the predetermined trajectory of the universe)?
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
I don't see God displaying any symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. The goal here isn't to get into a debate about these issues. You don't have to make an extensive case, but it would be helpful to at least make any case at all.

My goal is to fairly represent these issues, which is why I'm looking for clarification as to why exactly this should be considered a biblical contradiction.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
If anything, the notion that our actions directly controll the future should amplify our desire for virtue.
Again, here is the inconsistency. If you are saying that your actions now directly control the future, then it follows that someone else's past actions directly control your present actions. Trace that all the way back to some cosmic beginning, and everything is ultimately the inevitable product of the Big Bang, and you are powerless to change that trajectory without defying the laws of physics.
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
School shooters on the other hand have already made a decision to massacre before comming to School.
Could the school shooter have chosen to do otherwise based on your previous statements about the cause of human actions?

The whole problem is you seem to deny that there is any semblance of human will that can actually choose between two options in a way that is not inevitably determined by natural processes outside the individual's control.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
What's the point?
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Factually speaking, a criminal is nothing more than a human with a smaller og bigger problem;
Why is it a fact that pedophiles or rapists have a problem? If animals are sexual creatures by evolutionary nature, isn't it possible that non-rapists could be considered by a society to be the humans with a "problem" instead?

and they certainly didn't all consciously chose to become criminal.
What does it mean to consciously choose to be a criminal?
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
I am saying that scientifically speaking, how we act is 100% determined by the past. Only the yet poorly understood quantum mechanical randomness could serve as a rebutall.
If that is true, and we know that with 100% certainty, then why do we hold anyone accountable for their "choices"?
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Scientists have known for quite a while that human choices are facilitated by biological processes controlled by external physical laws. The idea of free will as "the ability to have chosen otherwise" might fall solely on this fact: that we could not have acted differently without breaking the laws of physics.
So you're saying scientists know that all of our choices are simply the inevitable results of natural processes totally outside of our control?
Posted in:
Reflection on January 6th
Has anyone done a debate on a topic like "Donald Trump is Responsible for Inciting an Insurrection at the Capitol on 1-6-2021"? I don't have time but if you wanted a topic that would probably be popular, that's an idea.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
I couldn't hardly believe it when I didn't see a blocked symbol next to your username, for what I assume are political purposes. Regardless, I'll go ahead and engage now.

1. The Christian (and Jewish because OT is where it's revealed more) God is a narcissist in every way, yet being self-serving and egomanic yourself is considered a pride-based sinful way of living life and acting.
Could you be specific as to how exactly God "is a narcissist in every way"?

Satan/Devil doesn't add up. How is it that an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God is incapable of preventing the evil tempting, persuading and possessing of people and that this guy who was supposed to be suffering in hell ends up getting a joyride running the place?
I don't personally know any Christian who thinks God is incapable of preventing Satan's evil work, nor any passage that implies that. At most, people would argue God allows the evil (as opposed to ordaining it), but He is still capable of stopping it. That introduces the problem of evil, but not in the way you've described.

And Satan isn't eternally cast into hell until the end of Revelation, a future date relative to now. I'm just trying to hammer out the accuracy of your point before diving into it as a contradiction.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
The point is to have some interaction with these alleged contradictions. I am hoping people will list only ones they are confident actually qualify as a contradiction and not just some fallacious word play. And I don't want to just have a bunch of them spammed at me so fast I can't keep up with them.

But credit where credit is due - while I was not surprised you were the first one to post in here, you actually stuck pretty close to what I requested.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
The biggest contradictions is not within the bible - it is between the bible and reality.
That's a bit to broad of a topic for the purposes of this thread. Did you have anything more specific?
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
Since I specifically had contradictions within the biblical narrative in mind with this thread, I'll leave a scientific deep dive with the flood narrative for another time. But John 3:13 is certainly worth looking at, thanks for the response.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
Yes, the contradiction is if Jesus is God’s “only begotten Son,” then how can angels and Christians also be God’s sons?
Thanks for the clarification.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
Was there a specific contradiction you had in mind? That just seems to be a difficult passage to interpret the meaning.
Posted in:
Contradictions in the Bible (SURVEY)
PURPOSE: The purpose of this post is to get a general idea of what people see as the most problematic contradictions in the Bible. This is not to get into a deep discussion about those particular issues right now. My goal is to make a separate thread for single issues later to address those topics more in depth.

DIRECTIONS: Pick up to three specific contradictions in the Bible that you see as the most problematic and challenge the authority if it. This isn't a hard rule, nor do I have any way of enforcing it. I just don't need some long list copy and pasted from an atheist forum page. I can look that up myself. You could also include a particular contradiction that you may be interested in discussing further, even if you don't see it as an overly severe one.

Try to be concise but clear about what the alleged contradiction is. I'll ask questions if there is any misunderstanding. But to repeat myself, the intent here is that this is more of a survey for future use, not a debate thread.

Feel free to repeat a contradiction someone else has chosen if it would make your top three list. This will indicate popularity and may be helpful.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Although you can get pregnant without having sexual intercourse, pregnancy without sperm is impossible.
According to naturalistic thinking...
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Naturalistic thinking and knowing, the tacit, experiential, and intuitive reasoning of everyday interaction, have long been regarded as inferior to formal reason and labeled primitive, fallible, subjective, superstitious, and in some cases ineffable. It is the type of thinking that created a God that banged a 14 year old virgin to get his son.
Naturalistic thinking is associated with Naturalism, is it not?
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
If sin must be in us and be a necessary part of Yahweh's plan, which it clearly is as sung by Christians, and confirmed by scriptures, then without it we go extinct.
This is not a biblical justification. It is a baseless assertion.

I learned that Christianity is a take off on naturalistic thinking, which confirms the stupidity of supernatural beliefs.
So Christianity - a theistic religion - is a take off of naturalistic thinking which starts with the presupposition that there is no God? Where in the world did you learn that from?
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Given what seems to be your position on original sin and God's sovereignty, it was difficult to tell. But thanks for clarifying.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Also, that if man fails, it is not God's doing either, nor God's "plan".
Well this deals with God's sovereignty, which is an entirely different issue than original sin.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Seriously? that man is accountable for his own actions, not the actions of another....and not any supposed original sins, but that which he does himself. 
I already made the point that each person is accountable for their own sins in post #5.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
What is the specific point that you are making with this text?
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
"You have given no justification for your assertion that sinlessness will make humans go extinct."

I have but you did not get it.
Let me clarify. You have given no biblical justification for your assertion that sinlessness will make humans go extinct.

Evolutionary theology posits that all we ever do as we evolve is cooperate or compete. 

Cooperation is seen as good because no loser is created.

Competition is seen as evil because it creates a loser to the competition.

All human to human conflict stems from us competing.
Why should I care anything about "evolutionary theology"?
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
It is a shame you do not really want to consider both the Christian Original Sin concept and Jewish view or Original Virtue on this.

Bottom line.

You do not sin, you go extinct.

Sin is necessary to our evolution.
It has nothing to do with whether I will consider an opposing view or not. You have given no justification for your assertion that sinlessness will make humans go extinct. The text of the Bible simply doesn't support that.

People can believe whatever they want, but some will be right and some will be wrong. 
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Are you saying that God would logically want his great plan derailed?
What is this "great plan" you are referring to? What is the biblical basis for claiming such a great plan? And how does what I have said so far derail this plan?

We are talking interpretation that are in conflict between Christian and Jewish interpretation of a Jewish myth.
No, we are looking at the historical writings of an Old Testament prophet and trying to determine what he meant by what he said.

Not wise to ignore them. Original Virtue and our passing the tests in Eden with out happy fault of sinning.

As I stated, without it we would go extinct.
If Jewish tradition does not align with the text of the Old Testament based on sound principles of interpretation, then it is absolutely wise to ignore them.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Whatever one believes about the doctrine of Original Sin, it must be in accordance with the text of the Bible. Ezekiel 18 makes clear that no one will be condemned to death because of Adam's sin, but rather their own.

However, that does not logically contradict the doctrine of imputation.
Posted in:
The restriction of Ivermectin by Joe Biden.
Let me just make clear I am not arguing that Ivermectin is a proven effective treatment for COVID-19. I think there is evidence suggesting a possible correlation between early treatment with Ivermectin and a more positive outcome, but I am not willing to stake that claim without a more concrete case.

What Discipulus seems to be saying is that the possibility of profit to be made for misleading people about Ivermectin is a good enough argument to dismiss any suggestion that vaccine companies could possibly have a motive to suppress Ivermectin.

My rebuttal is that argument doesn't prove anything. It offers a potential motive for intentional misinformation about Ivermectin, but it doesn't prove it. I previously said motive doesn't imply guilt.

The same argument can also be used against vaccine companies. Let's assume for the argument that Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19. If a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19 was found early on, that would have probably seriously reduced the amount of vaccines being purchased and administered around the world. That's a potential motive, but it doesn't prove it happened that way.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?
Numbers 14:18. The Lord is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. KJV

He certainly appears to be a contradictory fellow.
There are temporal consequences that are at times experienced by future generations. The decision of those voting in Communist regimes is a great illustration of how future generations are impacted by past decisions.

But that is not what the doctrine of Original Sin is about.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
...and RM regularly denies that the Earth is round. I suppose that technically speaking any degree of opposition makes an idea controversial and therefore every idea is controversial but I was speaking more generally of American societal norms.
You are speaking in vague generalities and then trying to make judgments about how much controversy qualifies something as "uncontroversial," then applying that same standard into today's context. Maybe using more concrete examples would be helpful if you're going to follow this line of logic.

Your claim was that employee mandates would "seem odd." My argument is that such mandates are correctly seen as generally accepted by American society for the past couple of generations (and therefore not "odd").
This was my original statement:
  • It would seem odd to make access to employment and other such important aspects of society contingent upon annual or biannual vaccinations for all eligible adults indefinitely.
I was not just referring to employment at a hospital. I was talking about access to employment in general being contingent upon receiving a vaccine based on new technology that has never before been used in the general public. Nor do I recall a point in American history where participation in general society (such as seen with vaccine passports) was contingent upon one's vaccination status.

Whether you watch FOX News is irrelevant to the point that FOX serves as the primary gatekeeper and distribution node for most right-wing propaganda and disinformation.
If I go to primary sources for my information, and my opinions were formed prior to Fox News reporting on a particular viewpoint, how does that make Fox News a gatekeeper for the information that I receive and the source of my opinions?

As we established in our earlier discussion of CRT, your misuse of those initials as a euphemism for civil rights stems from Tucker Carlson's deliberate decision to misuse that term in Sept 2020, whether you ever watched FOX or not. 
We established no such thing. If I recall correctly, you stopped responding to my posts. I don't have a problem with that at all, but don't pretend we somehow established that I'm wrong if you just dropped out of the conversation.

I also never used CRT as a euphemism for civil right, and explicitly denied that assertion. That is a false accusations, so please stop using it. And even if I am misusing the terminology of CRT, I have been misusing it since well before September of 2020, and I know of other sources who have also done so. This is also a false accusations, so please stop using it.

The notion of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID had been floating around for months, mostly within the least credible circles of social media hell until Tucker Carlson began to call social media crackdowns censorship beginning Jun 12, 2021. By September, ivermectin sales increased 30 fold in spite of FDA warnings. When FOX News pushed anti-vax last summer, the right-wing went anti-vax. When FOX stopped pushing (mostly) in Oct, resistance to vaccines rapidly quiesced. Whether you know it or not, FOX News controls what right-wing America thinks to a depressingly potent degree.
Are you arguing that the news source someone chooses to follow affects their decisions and beliefs to some degree? Because we can agree on that. Are you not affected by the news sources you watch/listen to? I could point out ways the public has been fed misinformation by CNN and others such as in the Kyle Rittenhouse incident. But to make sweeping statements like "all Democrats only believe whatever CNN tells them" is fallacious at best.

Are you talking about anti-vaxxers who are against all vaccines, [or] anti-vaxxers who support all vaccines except the new mRNA vaccines [?]
Both of these as I see little enough difference in the quality or nature of arguments vs. either to merit distinction.
Well you left out the last category, because people who support all vaccines (including new mRNA vaccines) but simply oppose vaccine mandates are now considered anti-vaxxers. And that is not a "once-fringe philosophy."

Also, there are a great many conservatives (including myself) who have no problem with previous vaccines that have shown safety over a long period of time, but would like to see long-term safety data on a brand new vaccine technology before it is forced into use for the entire global population.

The "once-fringe philosophy" of anti-vaxxers you seem to be referring to is from those that claim vaccines cause autism and such. That actually used to be one of the few issues the right and the left could agree on.

But as I have said before, I think you are smart enough to recognize the sleight of hand when it comes to the redefinition of a term like "anti-vaxxers" in your rhetoric. You are capitalizing on the "anti-vaxxers" sentiment we all used to agree on, and then turning that to apply to anyone who thinks people shouldn't be fired from their jobs nationwide for not agreeing to mRNA vaccines and indefinite boosters.
Posted in:
Is Original Sin an Example of Kin Punishment?

"The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."
~Ezekiel 18:20
Posted in:
The restriction of Ivermectin by Joe Biden.
What you don't seem to realize is that money-making is the goal here, if plan A makes less money than plan B they will want to go with plan B.

Hypothetically speaking if Ivermectin was an effective treatment for COVID and nobody knew it except for the drug companies then what you describe is not an efficient money-making option.
What is a more efficient money making scheme for a drug company:
  • Treating only people that have COVID-19 with a drug that has an expired patent like Ivermectin?
  • Vaccinating the entire global population with a patented vaccine that loses significant efficacy around six months and has the potential for unlimited boosters?
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
Here's the kicker: it doesn't allow us to get back to normal, this has always been their goal
I agree with you on this. I am increasingly convinced that there are many powerful players like the World Economic Forum working tirelessly to usher in the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Posted in:
Vaccine Mandate Purpose
We didn't feel that way about flu shots when they started becoming regularly promoted, when? 15-20 yrs ago. Before the pandemic, most hospital jobs mandated a flu vaccine uncontroversially, most schools mandated a series of vaccines uncontroversially.
Admittedly, schools are a bit of a gray area in my mind when it comes to vaccines, so I'll avoid that since that is not the core issue I am concerned with. However, I would guess that I could dig up lawsuits and other controversies regarding mandated flu vaccines within that 15-20 year period. This would mean the mandates weren't uncontroversial.

Before FOX and Trump decided to try to divide the nation about the issue, regular vaccinations had been a very normal part of American society for more than 50 years.
I will remind you that I don't watch Fox, so any opposition to mandating these vaccines does not originate from them. Also, mRNA vaccines have not been a part of American society for even two years.

What seems odd is the present popularity of the once fringe philosophies of anti-vaxxers in the face of overwhelming evidence of the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations.
Are you talking about anti-vaxxers who are against all vaccines, anti-vaxxers who support all vaccines except the new mRNA vaccines, or anti-vaxxers who support all vaccines (including mRNA) but simply oppose vaccine mandates? This clarification would be important when talking about the "philosophies of anti-vaxxers." That term has become increasingly broad as of late...