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Total posts: 291

Posted in:
There are/were many interesting people on this site
I do like DART a lot. It’s a great site

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Is It All Going To Plan?
Most criticism like yours misses the mark on Islam, sadly. As an example, Eric Zeymmour wanted to ban muslim names. That still wont stop muslims from practising their core tenets; names are irrelevant in islam. You cant really curb any substantial change on muslim immigration until you tackle the core theological issues of islam, most of which have remained unchanged for centuries ever since its creation. I would perhaps read up on the Quran and refute it that way like most apostates do. There are values there that remains incompatible with western lifestyle, I think most political icons have yet to expose them. For most muslims, it’s always easier to believe in the rhetoric of the street clerics, whose beliefs serve theIr overlords (Ulama)well. The far-right isnt your ticket to solve islam’s incompatibility with the west.

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Barney - AMA
Did you travel a lot in your earlier years? If so, what were your most favorite vacation spots?

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Macron vs Le Pen.
Le Penn is soft on unassimilated islamists, the french shouldve voted for Éric Zemmour. The far-right deserve to lose so Im definitely rooting for Macron.

Posted in:
on question for religious people
Merely skimmed the tread. I believe that faith is a leap, not an authentic observation of objects. Perhaps, you can tell those fasebook users to atleast consider the perspective of a believer whose legs are amputated? Better yet, they can ask one among the wild themselves if theyre bold enough.

Posted in:
on question for religious people

They did not have amputees back then
For better or worse, i think this sort of argument still resonates strongly among educated theists in my social circle. 

Posted in: 2022 Election Voting
Had an internet error posting my vote. Im posting my vote and i hope it wont duplicate. If it does, please ensure it counts as one. Thx

vote 3RU7AL

Posted in: 2022 Election Voting
Had an internet error posting my vote. Im posting my vote and i hope it wont duplicate. If it does, please ensure it counts as one. Thx

vote 3RU7AL

Posted in:
Im generally opposed to immigration because i think assimilation among foreigners are pretty rare. I don’t believe in integration. Immigrants have an obligation to assimilate, or they can return to their original home. Id grant exceptions on refugees but thats about it. Immigrants owning multiple homes in different countries really differ from refugees, and immigrants need to assimilate imho.
Posted in:
What is your favorite argument for the existence of God?
Mere Christianity is a great book. I’d say the book is a decent place to start.
Posted in:
I'm turning Chinese,

I think I'm turning Chinese,

I really think so.
Good. You’ll fit in Singapore, where guys obsess over anything chinese. Lol 
Posted in:
Why 3ru7al should drop out of the race and his supporters should vote Airmax
You have a hand in philosophy. I think you almost sound a lot like my Instructor. Are you sure you dont teach at my university? So much for your conspiracy theories when youre infinitely more insightful here. I guess most of airmax’s goons have some form of competent background in one field or another. Im convinced he has a group of educated goons looking to force their agenda down DART’s throats.

The examples notwithstanding, 3RU7AL has a universal position that neither discriminates nor favours reputation. If I have a shitty reputation, id still be equally treated like every other famous person on the site. His position resembles the generously tossed idea that people around the world often yanked about (i.e meritocracy). I want to see if its possible to do said idea in DART.

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New Presidential Poll
Well, im voting for 3RU7AL. So thats 2 declared at least
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
Look into Gnosticism. Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death. Gnostics focused on eradication of ignorance.
Jesus is identified by some Gnostics as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnōsis to the earth.
Wow, i actually did a bit of reading and it pains me to admit that gnosticism is sufficiently impressive imo. Most offshoots (like gnosticisims) are either too peculiar or too conspiratorial in their beliefs. I didnt expect a more somber impression of christianity in my reading of gnosticism.

Posted in:
Are covid lockdowns and mandates the new Millgram experiment?
Milgram experiment??????????????? What is that?
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3RU7AL for President - Official
Jesus, all of these presidential threads are way too long for me. They look and write like a cultural thing from another planet that im not entirely sure i empathise but whatever. I know ive made a habit of not keeping up with site-related discussions but i think these long threads are still a hassle. All in all, though, i think i favor 3RU7AL’s position a bit more than the others. Ill probably vote for 3RU7AL.
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
I oscillate between atheism and christianity a lot. I had the later half of 2021 believing in christianity while my earlier half of 2021 had atheism. Helps that i dont base my decisions around subscribing/following a religious or irreligious group. Better to form belief through ideas alone, i think theyre more consistent.
Posted in:
why do feminists defend islam and not christianity
Islam doesnt bully minorities; it only expects people to conform to its values. You wont be bullied for being gay in saudi arabia so long as you keep your mouth shut. According to islam, both muslims and non-muslims are required to safeguard the sanctity of islam in the public sphere. So, technically, i think a sharia compliant state cant really break down houses just to see if youre secretly gay but it will break you and your home down if you start spouting contrary-to-islam values in the public sphere. 

Dont know about the rest of the post, i dont live in the west. Lgbt groups often socialize with christians in indonesia though. I usually cant tell the difference between atheists and christians in indonesia, theyre just the same given that they group together a lot. They eat, sleep and socialize together. Interestingly enough, these minorities avoid muslims. Im not making a point, just making an observation after reading your thread. 
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
Your vampire friend is prob taken by a T-Rex
Posted in:
If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
sg's agreement on COVID precaution travel is confusing. Worth it to read throuhh tho, told the chinese gf to help change my name to an assimilated version once I get there. The requirements are not bad, and her language is a refreshing experience. Might delve into mandarin papers once I learn ennough
Opps, I mean to say WILL (and must)

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When people want to take down confederate statues, it sounds a lot like this
Can't apply universal verdicts on polemical issues when cultures themselves share no similarities.imo
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The sarcastic "Remember When" thread.
Don't remember much about the past. I do remember feeling intense passion about certain things that happened, but my actual recollection of the facts surrounding such things is non-existent.
Posted in:
If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
sg's agreement on COVID precaution travel is confusing. Worth it to read throuhh tho, told the gf to help change my name to an assimilated version once I get there. The requirements are not bad, and her language is a refreshing experience. Might delve into mandarin papers once I learn ennough
Posted in:
Cat Math
What's a good secondary source for this? Not looking to read the actual papers, only interested in commentary
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My billionth try
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This guy should be executed for murder
Kant supported the death penalty. According to him, it is "retributive justice".
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Trump’s Enduring Popularity
He's popular, like many other leaders before him. I think it's easy to be enamored with authority figures especially if a country is undergoing crisis. Churchill retained a strong support base despite being inept in government. He remained popular precisely because he was presiding over an uncertain, anxious time in history (i.e. WW2, cold war etc). In times of uncertainty, I think people rarely look for policy disagreements; they're more interested in a leader's competence levels in handling a crisis.
Posted in:
Don't really understand what you mean. You need to be more explicit. 
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Does Determinism Imply Predictability?
I think Peter Strawson's Freedom and Resentment is a good paper for philosophers, and I do want to mention that his paper is often lauded for its clarity on the thesis of determinism. I think it is easy to over-intellectualize the empirical side of things, when really, only few things are relevant to the problem of free will (and of defining determinism).

Plus, the answer is in Strawson's topic too, I think it should be very obvious what he meant by the word "Resentment".

Posted in:
Moments like this are supposed to be emotional dilemmas. Instead the only thing I receive from my feelings was just disappointment. Funny how passion works. 

Was this fuel for my imagination? None that I could discern. 
Was this fuel for my sentiments? No, I feel only disappointment. 

Well, I think it's time for me to move on, to find "better fuel" for my feelings and my imagination. 

Posted in:
Well, okay then. Perhaps I should care about what you said, and introspect deeply about who I want to be. But, at the moment, I see no reason to do so. More importantly, my sentiments suggest to do the exact opposite of what you suggested. Is it a red flag for our future encounters? Perhaps theres a new underlying rule in social etiquette? Don't know, don't care.  You want certain things in a certain way, then make it happen. Stop relying on public feelings to guide your judgements. Your outward feelings lend yourself a very charitable crusader of virtue, one that I don't find much appeal. I have sentiments that point me in a certain direction, with reason subjected to a very undignified position in my decision making. I will not compromise my feelings just because you deemed it necessary that I should do so. I might compromise my reason, yes, but my trust is in my sentiments. In short, I will not do any of your suggested advices. You do you, so long guy. 

Selamat tengah hari,  katak di bawah tempurong. 
Posted in:
Does Determinism Imply Predictability?
A dog could exhibit free will if and only if it could've chosen a different action. The condition for determinism to be true is if it's not possible for the dog to have chosen a different action that it did. 
Posted in:
Just travel to Singapore. I'm not particularly motivated to explain what I said. My post was poorly articulated, and I'm already lazy. Nothing against the site or you tho
Posted in:
I meant exactly what I said. Are you suggesting I should lie? Im not that person. Call me whatever you want, I trust you enough to make your own judgments like that since you're a regular on the site and we've interacted for some time before this thread. beliefs are still mine. I'm not convinced of any of the posts here that I should change my beliefs about immigration. Singapore is still populated by conservative Muslims, if you think I should side with people believing my kind deserves to be "corrected", all in the good name of #MigranJugaManusia (translated roughly: #MigrantsAreWhollyHumans) you're sadly mistaken. To an outsider, a Muslim might not be any different from any other apostate. But, to an apostate, the differences are life and death. 

Such a problem doesn't exist in the US, because it's obviously a better country than most. So if I were you, I wouldn't bother. There are good things about multi-culturalism, especially in countries like the US. You do you is what I'm trying to say.

the only example you gave was one scam artist, which there are plenty of in any country's local. Trump is a fantastic scam artist, if he wasn't as rich as he was he'd do worse than Tuan and smile while his victim's life was ruined.
Singapore is a third-world Switzerland. I think the sooner you understand that, the better. For example, singapore briefly had a eugenics policy against muslim minorities, along with an "extermination" policy against minor dialects (i.e. Hokkien, Cantonese).

Anyway, I know it feels right to act in good faith, and I happen to generally agree with your approach. But, believe me, Tuan had no form of regret. He's a moron who thinks that he can cheat his way. Ironically, he never stole from Indonesian students. How very convenient of him to side with his own kind. 
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Why would I make something and expect it to worship me ?

I fail to see the logic.
Now that's an interesting possibility. I'll have my thoughts on that. 
Posted in:
No, I mean the whole "Melting pot". Take the RINO republicans, for instance. I think they're all "Americans". I doubt that trump voters are stupid, there's plenty of reddit/facebook/twitter wierdos with strong affiliation with authoritarian beliefs. Perhaps they're similar to third-worlders but thats not the point. The american empire needs no comparison. 

What should be extermidinated (I assume you're talking about deportation)? Immigrants. There's plenty of cases where Indonesians sought to steal from Singaporean landlords. I've seen plenty of them. I doubt America has angel-like immigrants while Singapore has devil-like immigrants. They're all the same; give them a chance and they can be thieves just like my social circle was.

Need a specific example? There was this guy named Tuan who ripped a Singaporean taxi driver by actually stealing his money. He initially helped the driver, by promising to unlock his locked car, because the driver left his keys inside. But, as soon as Tuan unlocks the car, he snatches away the driver's hard-earned money. I should've assimilated harder and made myself a chinese so I could snitch and report him to the authorities.

Then again, I maintain my earlier position. America's affairs should not be swayed by the world's opinion of it, so ultimately, that's on you to vote adequately in elections.
Posted in:
Nope. That sounds more exciting and more unpredictable than appearing before your followers.
Posted in:
Ivermectin and COVID-19
Good for you. If there's a benefit like that, you should always use it.
Posted in:
Huh? My thoughts are devoted to Wylted/Mesmer this whole week.

With trump, I think he's more comical, though I don't think my opinion matters. Remember when foreign ministers had a habit of asking Pence if he was actually the man-in-charge? That's how the whole world views trump. It doesn't matter though, because ultimately, the fate of the US is up to Americans. I certainly don't think Americans should care about what the world thinks of them. Imagine caring what poor people (thousands of miles away) think of you (lol). If only Americans are more selfish. My opinion.
Posted in:
Ivermectin and COVID-19
I don't think I can answer either of those questions but there's a substantial group of licenced physicians in the third world advocating for the use of ivermectin. So, in part, I think they want clearances to use ivermectin because they believe that it'll make a difference in recovery. Vaccine rollout is ridiculously low for the third-world, and patients near my hometown demand alternatives especially if the unvaccinated are infected by Covid. I read that neighboring countries such as Singapore tested subjects with ivermectin but they never suffered any side effects, although they did die of Covid in spite of ivermectin. 
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Sorry, I only came to the topic originally because I thought it was about Trump voters.
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But I think my post is still the current most plausible conclusion. Your what-if scenarios sound more like  mere phantoms or mere predictions of the site's range of possibilities and that doesn't sound right to me. Wylted is an actual individual that exists on the site. He is not a possibility. He has a problem with the site, and I happen to agree with him, albeit on different points. 
Posted in:
I think this witch-hunt of identities is what happens when Wylted is no longer here to entertain the site. Well, okay then.
Posted in:
Ivermectin and COVID-19
Popular drug where I am. 
Posted in:
Terrible reasons to ban somebody
The word root is "from Latin invectus, past participle of invehī, to inveigh against"

If you look at the entry for "inveigh" you're going to see "To give vent to angry disapproval; protest vehemently."

This is what I mean when I say that I do not think the posts rose to the level of reasonably being considered "invective".
Posted in:
Terrible reasons to ban somebody
We are not banning him for his opinions and such. The rhetoric in what he said is not only excessive, it is illegal in which what he said and uses a derogatory term. This rhetoric is not rhetoric on a debating site used to debate, but to stir attention and cause commotion versus being intellectual

Ultimately, his rhetoric violated the SPES and COC. He warned various times for his rhetoric as well, yet failed to comply and as a result. Received a ban. Also note this isn't a permanent ban, but a temporary ban

Is the site undergoing some form of trying times in which spammers flood the site? No. So, I think that decision you made alongside your colleagues wasn't out of some unseen pressure, but rather it was made out of careful observation of the rules. I don't have problems with the way moderators handled it since the site isn't undergoing any form of crisis but I do have problems with the rules. This is what I'm trying to say. Wylted was singlehandedly carrying those crazy threads of hers all by herself, with the occasional "peek-a-boo" by the few really smart liberals on the site. This is one instance where the rules failed the test of free speech just like crazy islamists thinking about how rights of minorities suffice so long as apostates and LGBTQIA minorities remain private about their lives. I'm not saying you and your colleagues should start comparing to the third world, that's not your job. I'm just saying that the rules' attempt to safe-guard free speech are way-off and these bans are unnecessary. My opinion.
Posted in:
Terrible reasons to ban somebody
That's still not enough. What he did is distasteful, because he demeans the often-targeted minorities -- and he happen to pick minorities who are regularly prosecuted in the third world. I think he needs to start talking like he's walking on eggshells. 

But, I do like to think that his social shenanigans are irrelevant to what I believe is the issue of free speech. I think he's not disrupting anyone with that sort of rhetoric. Rhetoric isn't really an objective standard. I get personally affected when someone launches superstitious-themed slurs (i.e. blasphemy, apostasy and treason)  against me, but that's not a valid basis for me to requests bans simply because I deemed such accusations "a common slur that is degrading to me" or whatever. 

There are no single representations with language. Language can't exist in a vacuum and it relies on communication and the formation of grammar (which evolves over time). I was born in the third world, i have found it deeply offensive to be accused of being a dishonest apostate. However, if I grew up in the West, I'd probably whine about what...asian europeans/americans whine about. Plus, Wylted did not disrupt the forums. As I understand his ban, it wasn't sentenced because of his spam. I understood that it wasn't because people have elected to ignore his ramblings because they understood that he sometimes make threads just to vent his frustrations or whatever.

I still think he is innocent because he is right, though I concede that modders reserve the right to apply the rules as they see fit. But thats just my way of expressing my pessimistic leanings. Nonetheless, he is still right in this. The rules themselves are wrong to rely on arbitrary criteria.
Posted in:
Terrible reasons to ban somebody
I don't agree. I think you misunderstood Mesmer. The only thing Mesmer did wrong was overstepping the rules of the site. Even then, I still don't agree with the ban. A detective relying on the whims of his intuition is always inferior to a researcher relying on an objective standard. I'm saying that "In my eyes, this is how things should be" is perhaps the weakest argument, one that relies too much on the inadequacy of experience and perception.

As I understand the recent ban on both Mesmer and Wylted, the rules themselves are vague, and I still don't see any issue with any of their statements. The rhetoric may have been too much, but I've been similarly banned from Indonesian websites for simply predicting the inevitable rise of authoritarianism in SE Asia. I've done it in passive language, yet the (liberal-multi-cultured) indonesian moderator contacted me just to slap a death sentence on my account because according to his eyes, the word "authoritarian" was offensive. Language formulation is infinite and accents are ever-changing, the idea that moderation would consider rrhetoric (itself a vague idea) as a valid justification for bans is ridiculous IMHO.

Posted in:
Terrible reasons to ban somebody
Well, i think your post sounds like you've written this thing hours before your official ban. I don't really know the details, nor do I care to look up how moderation works. I don't even know the history of DART moderators tbh. I do know their posts in the religion,politics and philosophy forum, but those are different. I know next to nothing about how bans are carried out.

I do want to say that I've been banned (and my comment history permanently deleted) by a moderator who deemed my words offensive and "seditious" for indonesians. So, I know what it feels like to have been removed(banned) at the whims of another. 

I'm going to be very fatalistic, because I am generally a pessimist person with a huge bias against optimists. You may not like what I post here but I'm just going to be honest. I genuinely think that what you're doing is a waste of time. I think you're trying to advocate for what looks like an impossible change in moderation rules. I think it is equally a waste to expect them to change to the styles of a moderator you once liked. There is no form of control that you can exhibit against those in authority. IMHO, there's nothing wrong about making your case, but if bans are repeated, you need to look to better places for your extreme views.

I don't like extreme views. But, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with you and Mesmer. My understanding is that neither of you are extreme.  I think both of you are good and decent people. I have a high opinion of you and Mesmer. Sure, if I have to think about what you've been posting, none of what you said is even close to the rigour of academic literature like college, but that's the whole point of this website. The whole point is to have alternative views. For instance, Mesmer recites a lot of fascinating sources. Sure, race-realism's correlation remains spurious, but I'd rather talk to Mesmer than be tied up in an ego fight on who has a better reading habit. 

I think the idea of harm in hate speech is really a vague idea, and it's usually abritrarily controlled by whoever has the most authority. That's usually the case where I live. For example, islam forbids attacks against it in the public sphere, but allows attacks (even extreme ones) against it in the private sphere. The vast majority of non-muslims, even apostates like myself, has a tendency to miss this simple rule. But really, does it matter where I'm coming from? Wylted, I know you know things better than I do but please seek better places for your extreme views, especially if they are really that important to you. It's clear that you can't change things. Personally, I don't think any of the recent bans are correct, but that's my opinion, and it's divorced from the individualistic culture that usually accompanies the site. 

Posted in:
Goodbye. Thanks for your perspectives.