MonkeyBara's avatar


A member since


Total comments: 33


In some of his newer debates he was kinda chill but there have been multiple new-ish debates where he definitely wasn't chill even now in this mini argument he overreacted my point was that he calls alot of debates vote bombs when only some of them are i admit he has been vote bombed i was exaggerating when i said "nobody is vote bombing you" because i find it funny that he thinks hes some genius who cant lose a debate


I said i thought mps won the argument against you i dont think i even had you in my mentions and you didnt ask for clarity your a giant cry baby who blocks anyone who disproves your argument


You know most people still debating are pretty highly rated and rating doesn't mean much when most people just noob snipe also no wonder people are voting against you when you just concede during the middle of the debate


You have over 300+ debates and you provided 3 where you were "Vote bombed" you cry that people vote bomb you everytime you lose even the mods are tired of this you also say mods arent doing anything yet also say that they removed votes in time so wouldn't that be hypocrisy and you literally insulted me by saying
"Let me now show you what your ill-informed mind on the matter is spewing against and make you eat some humble pie."
This was copy & pasted and still cry whenever someone even says the smallest insult you are a complete hypocrite


you know i cant even vote yet it would take atleast a weak for me to be able to and probably even more plus rm loses debates pretty obviously everytime yall lose you say its votebombing stop coping


nobody is votebombing you they are just voting against you since they think you lost


no one says you cant debate something in the comment i just dont think you can continue the the debate if this should be true since ive seen multiple debates on this sites with people who have debated plenty of times who debate in the comments also you dont debunk anything in 16# you just say you dont think your allowed to continue debating in the comments also you should read from the start since if you dont you will miss me explaining everything that youve done wrong and you still havent adress any points ive made in those 3 comments
plus some others and the mods still havent responded and you said you didnt really know so you cant state that as a fact threw your 2nd arg and this comment section youve done nothing but lie and try to manipulate people who might vote i wont argue with you anymore you can post whatever you want since you clearly dont wanna end this argument i will stop arguing with you since there is no reason for me to continue i might still post comments on here but i wont be arguing there is no reason for you to keep commenting if you really wanna stop then this is the time to do it
(if anyone wants to know the context read the whole comment section from the first comment)


why do you keep lying you havent debunked a single thing i said in this comment section also you cant reply to my comment make a point and then say to end it i responded to the point you made and then tried to end it if you wanna end it lets just end it


honestly lets just stop this has been a horrible experience if your not gonna try to debunk my points then just dont reply and we will end it there


you said i commited a fallacy in the last argument if people see that they might vote against me just because of that so i debunked and showed all the fallacys you made aswell as showing that you have lied multiple times and providing sources that arent relevant


your still ovoiding everything i said and you said i gave multiple dictionary attack when i only gave one as i already proved some of your definitions are flawed also you should know how stupid dictionary debates are


your not fooling anyone i debunked your accusation that i commited a fallacy and showed what fallacys you commited so you tried to get me a warning from the mods


i dropped 1 dictionary attack and it was barely an attack


bro please look at my comment where i explain why those sources are bad and with this comment you admit you lied


also what are you talking about you are the one who cried to the mods so how am i a crybaby you lied during the debate and in the comments


"Please also consider that my sources are much more than word-based definitions, as mentioned in round 2. I believe none of my sources in round 2 are dictionaries, purely from scientific articles, engineering blogs, and research journals."
you are just lying i already showed that you gave some bad sources and you know most people wont read the sources so your trying to make it seem like you have more and better sources even tho you dont


in the 9 sources you linked the second and third from the bottom are just bad
(third from the bottom) this one is just a random guy saying this word for word-
"I programmed a robot to drink water for me so I wouldn’t have to anymore, but it’s not working. I am so dehydrated.

The robot is drinking water all day long, even when I am asleep, but I am still dehydrated. Why is it not working?

AI is such a crapshoot. Overhyped nonsense."
(second from the bottom) is just how to build a kids toy which can simulate drinking water but in the
images and videos of it there is no water

clearly very good sources


people might vote against me just because you said i commited a fallacy and in many of my comments i clarrified that people should still vote based on the 2 rounds of the debate my comment was to debunk your accusation of fallacy and an argument isnt an argument if i dont make any points for my side also again even if the mods determines i broke the rules you did too and you didnt read my original comments too atleast before you replied


again this is not apart of the debate you accused me of commiting fallacy of composition i debunked that explained why your using bad logic and commiting multiple fallacys in alot of your arguments also you shouldnt be asking for mods help since you already insulted me by calling me a "discord mod" also i didnt even argue for my side in these comments


probably i guess the choice of words just threw me off


you said i commited 1 fallacy but i already debunked that istead i showed that you commited multiple fallacys and this isnt apart of the debate and people should vote based on what was said in the debate but i think people might miss the multiple fallacys you commited with bad logic and tried to explain why you won the debate while you were still debating also you replied without reading my comment


also you should vote based on who made the better arguments again im not saying that i made the better arguments but when you said
"I give win to Con. There are lots of differences between humans and animals, and similarities dont negate so many differences."
it gives me the impression that your just voting based on your opinion


this isnt apart of the debate this is what i think of your arguments and for voters to not blindly look at your arguments when voting


(My Fourth Comment)
Sorry if i came off too aggresive i was pretty heated when i wrote the first half and dont take offense to this since this isnt an attack to your character this is an attack on your argument/your actions also im not arguing that i won interms of arguments


(my third comment)
4) us becoming so intelligence and advancing so much could be classified as evolution since we werent strong enough we
needed to evolve and become smart enough to build tool, communicate, and survive in general

So what I understand is you’re saying humans are animals because we evolved? Wouldn’t that make us different from animals? That would be contradictory.
you didnt understand that correctly just like animals can evolve to better survive their enviorment
like evolve to be able to camouflage we arent as strong as bears, lions, tigers so us becoming so
intelligence can be classified as evolution for us to be able to survive better

"I have successfully refuted all of Pro’s arguments
Pro has dropped all dictionary attacks of the word “animal”.
Pro has dropped his fallacy of composition due to similarities among humans and chimps
There are multiple reasons and points in time to separate us from animals
We have grown traits such as distance estimation and have constructed complex societies with agriculture, which animals cannot do.
I have proved multiple reasons why humans can be distinguished from animals
Pro did not satisfy his 100% BOP since he hasn’t provided evidence that humans are FULLY, 100%, ANIMALS."

i have proved why your defensive and offensive arguments are wrong and have shown how you commited multiple
fallacys and i explained in my second argument why i dont need to prove why humans are 100% animals
which shows you either
a) didnt read that or chose to ignore it or
b) you are lying so people would vote for you

My Subjective Conclusion-
you have lost on the biases that you have commited multiple fallacies and probably lied for votes plus
half of the people youi asked to vote are your friends


(My Second Comment)
tating is that because something is similar or partially
common/indicative of a group, it does not mean that you can pinpoint direct
correlation/truth of the entire group. If we are only 98.8% similar to a chimp, it does not
mean the attribute of an “animal” of a chimp can be applied to us.
10) i already explained this i didnt mean that we are the same as chimps i meant we are to similar
to not even be considered as an animal and i was asking about what you meant when you said-

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

So since 25/26 = 96.1% of those numbers are 2, according to your logic, all numbers in the
list are two since 2=2."
because that is not at all what i said another fallacy(strawman)

Let me show you an example using
Humans have DNA that is 99.6% similar between all humans. However, my friend has blonde hair, and
I have black. We are only 99.6% similar, not 100% same. Therefore, you cannot generalize the
fact that “I should be considered as one who has blonde hair because my friend also has blonde
hair” purely because of similarity alone. Likewise, you cannot generalize that humans are animals
because chimps are purely based on similarity alone (which is exactly what you
are doing, essentially an applied version of fallacy of composition).
11) that wasnt my only argument and if i commited fallacy of composition that would mean i said something
like "some humans have similar dna to chimps that means all humans have similar dna to chimps" and i didnt
say humans and chimps are the same i said they are similar

1) we arent diffrent enough from animals to be classified as something else we should be classified as
mammals since we both are made of cells, have blood, need oxygen, need water, need food, are born/give
birth, die etc...

"Scientists have figured out a way to make robots made of cells, use blood, sweat, breathe"
12) first frog cells not just cells also if you reply could you tell me when they say that the xenobots
"use blood, sweat, breath"

drink water, eat organisms for fuel"
they literally say they dont eat-
"The xenobots then spend a little over a week crawling or swimming around a dish before disintegrating (as they don’t eat, their lifespan is limited)."

"and can reproduce."
they say "self-replication" not reproduction

For obvious reasons, robots can die (e.g. hardware failures, they explode, software failures).
its not a fact it could very much be argued if it should be considered death

"Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including
humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing
mammary glands for nourishing the young."

bro that definition literally includes humans as animals

"Robots don’t even have a taxonomic rank Therefore, they cannot be mammals and thereby cannot be robots"

probably cause the article was released in 2023 april 8 and how are robots not robots

"Also consider the accomplishments we have done due to our intellect. We are able to
read and write, make nuclear bombs, create technology, have much higher IQ than animals
due to our unique brains."
we dont really have unique brains our brains are just capable of more also not everyone
can read, write, make nuclear bombs, create technology so that is fallacy of composition and this doesnt adress my point

"Multiple points exist. The most recent, as historians
identify it, is the birth of the Anthropocene era due
to the Trinity test in 1945 (
The whole point of defining the anthropocene era is to define advanced human impacts on the world, something animals would not be
able to do right now and distinguish humans from capabilities of other animals.
There is also the Neolithic Revolution at about 11700 years
ago (, where farming and agriculture
was first invented. In fact, many animals still live as hunter-gatherers, not being
able to farm which is a uniquely human trait."
first some animals are cable of farming also this would mean people before these points are animals also
there can only be 1 point since if we became humans we cant stop being humans

"Also, this started our complex society structure, something animals don’t have."
some animals have society structure not as complex as ours but they still have it

"Therefore, there are multiple points “where we stopped being animals” due to events “significant enough … to separate it”
again there can only be one point


(First Comment)
please read before replying

"We have an understanding that we can die, and we do things in life to gain satisfaction before we die. Animals do not
have the ability/intelligence to understand that they will die someday.
We negotiate conflicts between each other much different than animals do; we have codes of conduct while animals just have some simple favor-based “sorry”.
We have the ability to be creative with our thoughts and express it through art and technology
We feel more empathy for each other than animals
We have diverse culture and traditions, while it has not been documented that animals have any."

basically all of these are because of intelligence so-
1) animals might not know that they will die obviously know that they can die and animals do things for
2) animals obviously are able to express themselfs
3) empathy comes under intelligence and some people just cant feel empathy
4) your culture argument is a fallacy since absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

We have an understanding of religion and the spiritual dimension, while animals do not.
5) no evidence for that provided

We have moral/ethical frameworks (codes of conduct) while animals just have some simple repayment systems
again no evidence provided and its a known fact that some animals have ethical frameworks

We can think rationally
6) no evidence provided and it again obvious that animal can think rationally

We have pushed technology to its limits through innovation
7) animals are capable of toolmaking so it we could have just proggressed faster

Humans have higher mental capabilities
8) some people dont have better mental capabilities than animals and they are still humans


Please note none of my definitions explicitly include humans, making it not contradictory.
Also, this arg is essentialy dictionary attacks from 6 dictionaries proving multiple definitions in modern society for the word “animal” to not
be a referent to humans.
Also by stating “ i wont be arguing against dictionaries”, you’re basically dropping the argument of the fact that many definitions for “animal” are not inclusive of
(all) humans.
9) alot of them exlude fish amd birds which are very obviously animals also its easy to cherry pick
definition that suit your argument i only picked one since it was the most popular one

Some definitin i found on the FRONT PAGE OF GOOGLE
Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms in the biological kingdom Animalia

a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and
nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.

any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled
organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (such as protozoans) that typically
differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the
capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (such as proteins), in
being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for
spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation


maybe but i think rm doesnt like me and being bias is something he would do


you could have just said everyone who sees this please vote since your friends have the capability to be biased


half of those are your friends


con actually won by barely saying anything while pro wrote a whole paragraph


alot of my family member say humans arent animals and i think humans should be classified as animals
(i tried to argue with them but their argument are just humans are not animals and thats it)
