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Total comments: 104

You made the mistake of presuming my argument. You are very arrogant


I wonder what kind of sophistry the madman will pull to get out of this one.


Oh snap. Gotcha


I think that this argument only makes sense in the context of what Jesus actually is saying and how the rest of the new testament describes Jesus.

Otherwise, you could say he was either a liar, a lunatic, lord, or anything else? I think more than anything, to really get what Jesus is saying you have to believe he is who he says he is. What does Jesus say he is? What does the rest of the new testament say that Jesus is? How does it all fit together?

In my conversations, I've noticed that there are two Jesus that people tend to understand. The Jesus as simply being a man, a good teacher, a prophet, etc. This is what I call the Muslim Jesus, even though it is actually the most commonly refered to Jesus. Then there is The Word of God Jesus, which is the Jesus of Christianity.

There is a huge difference, because if Christians worship the "Muslim Jesus" as I call it, they are worshipping a man as God. The scriptures will tell you, even in the new testament that this is not actually the faith, and this is a very real error. Obviously, man is not God. Christian theology is very much NOT this, and I will hope to demonstrate in my argument that a misunderstanding of Jesus is what leads people to take him as a liar or a lunatic.

I don't really even like this argument. It sounds more like a catch phrase or something than an actual argument. However, it sounds like a challenge. I hope it will be an edifying debate.

I will waive the first round in a bit, forgive me for taking my time.
