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"Free Market"

Well, the big business monopolists, of course. Not only do we have the examples cited above (the FDA, the minimum wage, etc.) of big businesses benefiting from governments regulating their competitors out of the marketplace, you can watch Big Oil documentary is a case study in how an entire industry can grow up in conjunction with governmental institutions whose function is to cement big businesses in place as ruling monopolists. Oh, how the Rockefellers fell when the Supreme Court split up Standard Oil, hey?
But more to the point, the foundation of our economy lies neither in the politicians nor in the big business monopolists whose back pocket they rest in. It's in the bankster class that creates the money out of nothing and loans it out (at interest, of course) to those cronies they wish to succeed in the phony baloney economy. And it is for this very reason that the central bankers are always the ones arguing for greater "governmental" power over the economy. Because, in the end, the government is just the mask that they wear to conceal their true face from the public.

Century of Enslavement" documentary will already know all about this. When Morgan and his fellow Wall Street moneylenders knew that the public was fed up with the amount of control that they wielded over the country, they willingly put on the "chains" of a centralized, governmental institution. Rather than chain them down, though, the Federal Reserve that they created in fact benefited the banksters class. With the imprimatur of "government" behind their owned and controlled Fed monstrosity, Morgan and the fat cats now had control of a privately-owned central bank that could effectively privatize their profits and socialize their losses.

In the early years, the Fed was used to underwrite the military racketeering of the First World War and oversee the expansion of the bubble that was the Roaring Twenties. But with the Great Depression (which they helped to engineer), the banksters now found a new rallying cry for even further intervention in the markets: Keynesian engineering of the economy! For, you see, it was "free markets" that failed in the 1930s, so the answer was only to be found by greater "governmental" (bankster) control. This fallacious argumentcontinues to influence economists to this day, so that the crisis of 2008 was down to a "lack of government regulation" or "the demise of Glass-Steagal" or whatever other scapegoat could be found. But the idea that the crisis was caused by government interventions in the free market? Why, that's unthinkable!

This mentality has now pervaded society to the point where the public simply accepts that there is a central bank whose very mandateis to "foster economic conditions that achieve both stable prices and maximum sustainable employment." And the only way it can possibly live up to that mandate is by interfering in the markets with their magic money out of nothing. Trump knows this; that's why he decried the banksters' interventions in the markets before he was president and now muses about how nice it would be if they intervened more now that he's the don of the governmental mafia.

Many, many other examples can be cited showing how the bankers love to hate the free market, but perhaps no more shocking example exists than that documented in Antony C. Sutton's book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. In that work, Sutton demonstrates in meticulous detail how the Wall Street financiers aided and abetted the Bolsheviks, not because they had particular affinity for the communists' professed ideals of equality and well-being, but because both groups shared a hatred for free markets and free peoples. After laying out the documentation of Wall Street's support for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 over the course of 11 scrupulously documented chapters, Sutton concludes:

 The financiers were power-motivated and therefore assisted any political vehicle that would give them an entree to power: Trotsky, Lenin, the tsar, Kolchak, Denikin — all received aid, more or less. All, that is, but those who wanted a truly free individualist society.

This is the plain truth of the matter: The bankers love whatever ideas, systems, beliefs and revolutionary movements will allow them to have more power over the lives of others. Central banks, regulatory bodies, rules, regulations, taxes; all of these are meant to constrain the bankers' competition, not the bankers themselves. Having been created by and for the benefit of the bankers on the beliefs of the naive socialists who think that they could create a utopia if only they were the ones making the rules and intervening in the voluntary interactions of others, how could these market manipulations do anything but line the pockets and increase the power of the monopolists?

It's the oldest trick in the book, but it still works. Every. Single. Time. And that's why the bankers continue to use it.

Posted in:
"Free Market"

It's no secret that governments hate the free market. At its base, every single government tax, license, regulation and restriction is an implicit rebuke of the idea that humans should be able to interact freely with those around them.

Purveyors of socialist dogma to believe that free interactions between sovereign individuals is a scourge that must be eradicated. Because, you see, the fact that food, clothing, shelter, health care and the means of production don't magically rain from the sky into the lap of every person on the planet means that any attempt to exchange your skills and services with another in return for compensation is slavery. (No, this is not an analogy, it's LITERAL SLAVERY, guys!)

The words "free market" have become so tainted in modern economic discourse that their very mention tends to evoke a slew of supposedly related and equally hated terms. "Capitalism" and "big business" and "banker" are thrown together in a stew with "free market" so that anyone who talks positively about voluntary transactions between free people in a positive manner is obviously a poor-hating fat cat who lights his cigars with $100 bills and dines on the tears of beggars.

But here's a puzzler for the socialists in the crowd: Why is it that the very banksters that they so rightfully rage against are in fact their biggest allies in the fight against the free market?

As I've already stated, we know that the very raison d’être of government is to undermine, skew, and otherwise hamper free exchange among its citizens. Government, after all, is a claim of ownership over a geographical territory by a cartel of crooks. That claim (according to the cartel and its defenders) gives the mafia the right to set rules for and impose restrictions on the inhabitants of that region. To understand how the gang of crook wields this power over the free market, one merely has to examine the history of the creation of the FDA or the ugly truth about the minimum wage or the nitty gritty details of how the financial regulators really operate.

But it would be folly to conclude from the simple observation that government is put in place to fleece the public that the politicians are the ones who benefit from this extortion scheme. Quite the contrary. The politicians are the punching bags that are put out for the public to lay into, expendable fall guys who are put in place merely to allow an enraged populace to let off steam without ever threatening the real rulers of the system. As Quigley observed long ago:

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.

So if interventions in the free market aren't merely about lining the pockets of the political puppets, then who does this system really benefit?

Posted in:
I feel like quitting my job
Yeah, I got done with the stupid painting. Then was just getting on lunch break. And the asshole telling me I needed to get the label done. Stupid dick head. I hate him. I hate all my managers there...
Posted in:
I feel like quitting my job
I feel like quitting my job

First it was one boss. Now there both bosses getting after me. For fuck sake, this is getting old and real fast….

I already told you what he happened earlier in the week with my first boss. Well now it my second boss turn in the same company. He was down my next the whole fucking day.. He told me to stop what I was doing and follow him. So I did. And I then he told me to was this graffiti on both walls.  And I was like what no you kidding me right? I said we have maintenance to do this. And then he said yes but they busy with a project they have to get done. Then he said he the paint but u have to mix it to the right color of the wall. I was like this is so fuck up. I said I still have to do those labels and he was like I know u have to get this done and the labels. I was like wow u fucking me over like this? He just shared and said get it done and make sure u don't get paint on the carpet. I was like duh. Then he said if I do it coming out of my paycheck which he wasn't joking. He never joke..

Then he keep walking in like every 15 mins. And tell me to hurry up. Finally after the 3rd time I told him will u stop checking in on me. This is like an hour and half type of work something I shouldn't even be doing. And then he said “you better get it done”… I was like fuck u asshole in my head.
Then guess what he came back in a half an HR later telling me I still have to do the ok labels. I then spoke up again and said why can't you? “He then said it my job to do it”, then I said well this ins't my job either. It the  maintenance job. “He then said I don't care get it done asap”... What a bitch move..

I finally gotten done. Now on to the labels. And yet he looking at me right now and like saying get it done. And guess what this is supposed to be my lunch time.. fucking asshole.. and the day not even over..

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Sure thing...
Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Thanks for telling me.. This will for sure help me get through the book much faster. 
Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Again thanks..

I will try to get a hold of that book as soon as I can. Then perhaps I will tell you how I though of it some time this year... :)

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Hmm. Sounds good. I will for sure look that book up and go from there.

And yeah I know to stay away for "work politics" all it leads to is trouble...

You are absolutely right this issue is a "power thing"issue.

BTW thanks...

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Thanks for the advice...

Although I have to admit I do know there's work politics, I just never cared to get into them. I wanted to just stay away and not get involved.   Either thou it just about impossible to escape from it... I sure you know what I mean... 

And yes you are right it not something that I can just do. I have to learn more about it and then try to apply it in the work force. 

Posted in:
Good music

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Of course I won't say these things out loud at the work place... LoL

But if we remain on back terms which I can very possible see I will tell him off once I do finally quit ...

And I used both my data and there wifi.

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Well no this isn't my long term job. LoL
I would do something horrible if it was...  Lol

Thankfully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can see it. :)

Only one more year of schooling once I get started again...  And Even before that I'm planning on leaving this job way before then.    

I probably will try some of these...

Either thou I doubt there would work on him. But I can always try. 

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
I agree. Most of the People who work for the company isn't at fault and had no idea of what was going on.

The ppl who should be hold accountable is the ppl who know and the higher management.  They should be hold  accountable for their actions...

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Not sure it a rare case. 

I mean alot of company make mistakes and try to cover up what they did.

It just hard to prove they did it. Bec they have money and power. The bigger the company the harder to prove any wrong doing against them...

It is very unfortunatly that the higher up don't get  anything pinned against them. 

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Yes it is totally unfortunate. It unfortunate for every one involved. Every did get hurt and it just not right. And the ppl who did cover it up. Unfortunately not much will happen to them. 

It a good in-depth article and what happened should get more attention and let hope company's can learn from J&J mistakes. 

But the company J&J should be hold to strict for what they did. They failed their responsibility to protect the public with this information and should be hold to the strictly for this...

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Hmm. That so wried it post the wrong link. 

Anyways here it is. 

BTW all you had to do was just copy and paste the title in the search bar and it would had came up.

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick

If your boss say  you have to stay even after your work shift is over. That not me creating this problem. I'M not getting paid salary. I'm only getting paid hourly right now.

So again I'm not creating my own misery.

And my boss making me do advanced work load above my paid grade again not me creating this misery..

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Have you actually read the document of the article that Reuters put up?  These documents are in the bottom of the article...

Plus important to note these finding we're found between 1970's to the late 1990's.  Now since 2003 and the present there haven't been any proof of any wrong doing..

BTW, have you even watch the short video? It only 17mins explaining what these two articles we're saying and have news interview on how the narrative were being twisted..

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Well good for you...

Unfortunately I'M not in your situation...

I unfortunately have to deal with a dick boss and the co-worker well I have nothing really against anyone there. Only the Management I'm having issues with...

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick

Good for you.

I'm adult too.

I only saying my boss shouldn't be acting like a complete dick. It really is unnecessary...

If you wanna put up with that then fine. That's on you...

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Well usually me and my bosses are fine..

It was just a few days ago at a little meeting we were having and my phone went off. It was in the middle of him talking, so he just stop talking and then stared  at me. Btw I just literally clocked in and my boss wanted to have this stupid meeting that meant nothing.. Anyways that's how it started this time.

And no good can't leave this job. At least not yet…

Yes I do work near Los Angeles. Actually I'm about 25 mins away with traffic more or less.

And unfortunately this boss I'm referring too, it no reasoning with him.

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Yes I'm there to get paid… But I'm getting underpaid. The things I'm doing for this company  isn't under my job description. I shouldn't be doing things higher up without getting compensate. But in fact that what I'm doing. The bosses there don't care too, as long as they get what they want on a little cheaper labor.

The only reason I'm still there is Bec I need the money. And once I'm done with school, which is a year out. I will not work at this place again. Maybe at another place, but that's about it.

You would be mad as hell too. If your boss were taking advantage of your ability and you really not getting compensate for doing the advanced work...

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Oh so we have a goodie good shoes over here... 
Never break the rules...

Look the real reason I'm on my phone because it literally boring. Actually half my time is in the back doing invoice and doing what I'M not getting paid to do... So that half my problem right there.

Posted in:
da i need a god damn drink.
Honestly I have no clue. It not a big production... They doing it for I guess a small San Diego show...

It just it so bad.. the singers. There literally no good ones. If there were I wouldn't be here bitching...

Posted in:
da i need a god damn drink.
At least u can do is suggest a hard drink???
Posted in:
da i need a god damn drink.
Posted in:
da i need a god damn drink.
What is the strongest drink do any one recommend pls I need it after this.. 

Posted in:
da i need a god damn drink.
Why is this happening? 

Have you ever listen to just horrible singers? 

This what I have to go through right now. Oh it a living nightmare.. 

It worst than America Idol.   

Oh why me? Why now?

Posted in:
Oh god
I have two hrs of this crap. Why does the guy up stairs hate me?
Posted in:
Oh god
Pls help..

Now I have to hear these fucking horrible singing auditions.  They are horrible. Oh my gosh. Why me. Why fucking prick boss making it a living nightmare

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
To add to this miserable day. My freaking boss making me stay for another two hrs. .. 

Fucking A... 

Now triaffic Will be a nightmare. The 5 freeway and the 405.. Of course the day I didn't take the train. My boss have to make me stay.  What a horrible afternoon..

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
Oh yeah, and today he was no better. He kept on telling me to get off my phone. And yet he doesn't even do anything. Sure he my boss. But that doesn't make it right for him to be a complete fucking asshole. Shit I'm getting extremely underpaid for the crap I have to do. He knows what I'm taking in college so he uses me to do his or someone else's payload. Fucking prick….

Posted in:
Your boss is a dick
My Boss was asking me to get into this program on the PC we have. But i'm unfamiliar with this new program, mostly Bec it not my job nor my responsibility to handle software work. (BTW We have a technician for this. But No he had to ask me). So he was irritated that I didn't know what I was doing.  And then “he ask me well you when to college right?” I responded Yes but haven't finished yet. Plus I added to him this isn't my expertise is at. And then I ask him well you went to college and got a bachelor's degree. He didn't like how I responded to him thou.

So he made me do extra things like more invoices and more paperwork and more talking to the guests. What a fucking prick… and then he told me to stop being on my phone so much. I really hating him… he just want to feels like he in control so he start pushing his weight around. It so tiring sometimes… usually it not at me but yesterday it was in full force.  

Posted in:
What are you listening too?

Posted in:
Good music

Posted in:
FBS Bowl Season Predictions
Clemson Def. Notre Dame 

      Alabama Def. Oklahoma

       Clemson Def. Alabama

I'm 3-0

Perfect..... ;)

Posted in:
How to live life to the fullest
Don’t be a crab in the bucket. You’ve heard the expression “crabs in the bucket” – its the tendency crabs have for pulling other crabs back down, right when they’re about to climb out. When you break from the norm, you’ll get pushback from your loved ones. Its not jealousy – they genuinely care for us. But people living the life society tells them to live get scared when they see others going for it. Even if they do it subconsciously, and even if it’s out of genuine concern – its still harmful. It creates a culture of conformity, mediocrity, and quiet desperation. Don’t be a crab in the bucket.

It’s OK to fail. The only way to avoid failure is to not try anything. Don’t be afraid to fail…that’s how you succeed. Besides, it’s only really a failure if you stop trying.

So, how to you live your life to the fullest?

Posted in:
What do you like to drink?
Watch you freaking turned son...

And listen up boy....

It's a beautiful night so wash my car...

And after that, then you have to do your Homework...

Then maybe just maybe you can get your fanta grape drink.

Posted in:
What do you like to drink?
Hmm. That's more like it. :)

But before you do. 

You have to do something for me.

Posted in:
"Life always get away of living"
"Life always get away of living"

What do you make of this saying?

Posted in:
What do you like to drink?
IDK, can you?
Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Yeah pretty scary huh. 

Facts should scared people sometimes.

Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Posted in:
Johnson & Johnson investigation
Johnson & Johnson investigation

Asbestos found in baby powder. You'll Never Guess How J&J Respond!...  (Video)

Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder (article)

Johnson & Johnson Shares Plunge After Report It Knew of Asbestos in Baby Powder (article)

J&J said the Reuters report is nothing more than “absurd conspiracy theory”.

Oh really. Then how come there is mountain of evidence saying there is evidence on J&J KNEW ABOUT THE ASBESTOS PROBLEM.

Reuters only reported on “document fact” that J&J knew what their we're doing.

“The World Health Organization and other authorities recognize no safe level of exposure to asbestos. While most people exposed never develop cancer, for some, even small amounts of asbestos are enough to trigger the disease years later. Just how small hasn’t been established. Many plaintiffs allege that the amounts they inhaled when they dusted themselves with tainted talcum powder were enough.”

My question here is will you still buy J&J products even after reading and learning what they did was wrong in the past?

Posted in:
Chicago Bears Seasons ends in disappointment
Me and you both in the same boat. We lost... 

This suck.... 

We'll always have next year thou. :)

Posted in:
Good music
The Champion
Posted in:
We always got next year.

It was such a horrible start for the Ravens in that game. But the rookie has some fight. It be a good learning experience for him. 

Posted in:
What are you listening too?

Posted in:
Good music

Posted in:
A solid win..  Good job!