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Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
Much of the evidence for the first is public information
If it IS public information, then why didn't you link to it?

Thus far all I've seen are baseless allegations from you. I am willing to look at whatever CREDIBLE evidence, meaning primary source material, you can supplant. Until then, I feel ai shouldn't respond to your questions.

You have asked whether I agree with a quote that nobody can verify. I don't see how the fact Trump may not have even said it is irrelevant. Why should I waste my time on that? Do you agree with Biden calling the vaccine highly-unsuccessful at curbing COVID-19? After all, it doesn't matter if he said it or not. 

Organizing a fake electors plot is certainly illegal
A what? What even IS a fake electors plot? Are you insinuating that Trump rigged the electoral college and still managed to LOSE the election? For real?

This is a link to a letter from Jim Jordan and James Comer demanding documents from the FBI.
Well, let's put our thinking caps on here... if they are asking for documents... then THE DOCUMENTS EXIST. 

Nevermind the fact that the a banker literally red-flagged the Bidens for a suspicious check from a CCP-backed company:

Like... Biden, and his son, are extremely dirty. Unlike with Trump we actually have the paper trail publicly accessible. (Notice how I habe actually been linking to things, not asserting my thoughts baselessly and without evidence as truth without any facts)
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
the person who replaces trump will be fun
Probably DeSaster.
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
Do you actually believe what you are clearly implying here - that when Trump says he wants to get rid of the beurocrats undermining democracy that this is actually his goal and by democracy, he's talking about the he same thing the founding fathers envisioned
I believe nobody has been able to verify the quote. Which is why I said it was "alleged."

It's very easy to Google.
Then why didn't you Google them yourself instead of assert things without evidence? It is not my burden to prove your claim. I have been asking, for more than a week now, for the actual transcripts or videos where he says the stuff you claim he says.

Do you seriously think this 2x impeached 4x indicted 1x booted out of office former president is the same person who took office in 2016?
No. I believe he has become more of a politician than when he first ran. But nothing has convinced me that his integrity has differed by all that much.

He tried to steal the electoral vote and that failed, he refused to let Biden's transition team in to prepare to take over, and he left Washington before the inauguration because his attempt to stay in power failed. He didn't transfer it over, we took it back.
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. All he did was file lawsuits and make phone calls. Nothing more. Nothing less. The same thing Bush and Hillary did. There's nothing illegal about sticking up for your rights.

The part about the FBI covering up his son's activities is complete bullshit.

You keep telling yourself that...

as if Trump hasn't obviously committed serious crimes. 
Thank you for clearing that up. I guess we don't need a legal system since we have your armchair opinion.

Posted in:
The Pope invites a busload of "trans men" to the Vatican
False. There's at least 7 historical accounts of Jesus, thousands of references to him in the Roman Senate, and there's 5 accounts (that I know of) of him being raised from the dead.
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
Yeah I agree. But it is still lazy reporting.
Posted in:
The Pope invites a busload of "trans men" to the Vatican
Those other things are all true though.
Posted in:
The Pope invites a busload of "trans men" to the Vatican
Well, cults do what cults do.
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
From your article:

Sources close to former President Trump say he would immediately reimpose his "Schedule F" executive order if he takes back the White House in the 2024 presidential elections, Axios' Jonathan Swan reports.
Which sources? Who are they? Why should I believe them?

The "reports" links to an article which starts by saying:
Former President Trump’s top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and filling career posts with loyalists to him and his "America First” ideology, people involved in the discussions tell Axios.
Ah, more anonymous sources.

How can I verify this? What proof do they offer? Is there a memo? A phone recording? A photo of the meeting? Of course not, because those would be facts. We can't have those now can we.

I mean, Axios' reporting is so lazy they didn't even link to the alleged Schedule F executive order despite it being readily available in the Trump White House archives.

Once again, not delivering what I asked for. I want an actual original source. I want to hear or read the statement myself, in its context.
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
He walked away in 2020 because he failed to gain the support of the institutions that would be tasked with removing him. These institutions include the secret service, the DOJ, the military, etc.
This was all based on unconfirmed sources. We have no tangible evidence this even happened.
Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
Trump's (alleged) quote:

We need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrats who are deliberately undermining democracy or at a minimum just want to keep their jobs,
Assuming this is the actual quote, since your source doesn't actually link to a transcript or video of the speech, what do you have against firing rogue bureaucrats who arw delibrrately undermining democracy? Would you rather have corrupt bureaucrats instead of honest ones?

This doesn't really fit what I asked for. I asked for the actual source of the quote so I can listen to it from Trump himself, not a media snippet.

Posted in:
Question for Trump Supporters
his behind the scenes plan to rid the government of all civil servants and replace them with loyalists who will do whatever he wants.
Can you substantiate this with actusl direct quotes from Trump limked to the original speeches/social media posts etc. that he made them in?

The Left keeps saying this but nobody has actually provided a direct quote (with the source linked) proving this.

This comes in the wake of Trump mocking the brutal attack on the husband of a political rival Trump has rhetorically attacked many times before, calling for the execution of a top general over charges of not obeying his presidential will, and encouraging police to shoot shoplifters on the spot, not to mention January 6th. There is of course, so much more I could mention but I'd be here all day.
Once again, can you actually provide the original quotes with the source for these claims? I haven't heard about any of this at all, and I've been closely following the news all this week.

Do you believe Trump is a fascist and/or an authoritarian? Yes or No?
No. Fascists and authoritarians don't decline to investigate their political rivals when given the chance like what Trump did with Hillary.

Fascists and authoritarians also don't concede after losing elections and transfer power over... because they rig the elections so they can't lose in the first place.

Fascists and authoritarians also don't greatly scale back the regulatory state and prefer to go with an antifederalist governmental system to initiate reforms.

So yeah. I don't think Trump is a fascist or an authoritarian.

I know you didn't want to make this about Biden so I'll be extremely brief here, but Biden has investigated and charged the opposition, has grestly increased the regulatory scope of the government, and has literally used the FBI to track down his personal effects like his daughter's journal and to cover up his son's illegal drug usage and working as a foreign agent.

For the life of me I don't understand why Trump is everyone on the Left's biggest threat, and not the guy who is literally acting like a fascist. Anyways.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
Huh? I don't follow.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
I wasn't being a troll. I was just commenting.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
Well, I really gave an extremely simplified cliffsnotes summary. If you read the book, it'll answer your qualm in extreme detail. It's not an "I feel" book. It is a rational, detailed commentary on life and why it is all meaningless apart from serving God, enjoying your work, and enjoying your money.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
what makes you think this work isn't serving God?
I wasn't really commenting on your theory of everything seriously. I was more answering the question in the title.
Posted in:
Trumpets Last Supper SNL
The beginning part was not funny to me, tbh. Mainly because it was historically inaccurate.

But it was funny when Trump came in and said "sound familiar?" That monologue had some good moments in it.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
Well, I highly recommend Ecclesiastes as it is a fantastic book of the Bible.

But the teacher's main point is that all that matters is to serve God, enjoy your wealth, and not stress the problems in life.

Everything else is meaningless. Amassing a huge fortune comes with sleeplessness, anxiety, and endless work. Partying all the time comes with poverty and health problems. Trying to "make your mark" on the world comes with being ultimately forgotten to history or realizing you didn't do it first and somebody else already did it before you.

And when you die, if you worked hard, it goes to someone who did nothing to deserve it. And you have striven after the wind spending your whole life focused on checking boxes and building status for yourself.

But the fool who does nothing but play will come to a life of poverty, ruin and misery.

So all that is left is to serve God, enjoy your purpose, and spend your money on the things you like.
Posted in:
what would you expect from a "theory of everything" if you were going to take it seriously?
“Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” - Ecclesiastes 1:2 NIV

Posted in:
Why jews are hated?
what hustory book are you reading? Was it written by Iran?
Posted in:
If you support Israel…
Would you like to talk more about the content and structure of the debate?

Like, what, specifically we will be debating? Which of your two major points? Or do you want to debate the genocide rallying cry you made at the end of death to all jews commonly made by Neo-Nazi terrorists?
Posted in:
If you support Israel…
Would you like to debate this topic?
Posted in:
2023 will be the hottest year on record.
according to which computer model? And which dataset?
Posted in:
Nikki Haley is pro-choice
Thanks for adding another reason for me not to vote for her. As if I needed more than 20
Posted in:
The Federal Reserve Is HEMMORAGING MONEY
Are you quoting Putin?
No... 🧐
Posted in:
Morality is subjective in character with an objective compulsion
There is no objective morality. Morality is subjective. Thats why 2 persons can have completely different morality.
Two people can also be wrong and think they're right. 

I also made it simple.
Posted in:
In the bible was jesus from the "flesh" of david?
Don't forget about Mary's genealogy in Luke 3:

23 Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Heli, 24 the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, 25 the son of Mattathias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli, the son of Naggai, 26 the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda, 27 the son of Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel,[a] the son of Neri, 28 the son of Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam, the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, 29 the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, 30 the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim, 31 the son of Melea, the son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son of David, 32 the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Sala, the son of Nahshon, 33 the son of Amminadab, the son of Admin, the son of Arni, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah, 34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, 35 the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, 36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, 38 the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

Posted in:
Once Again, Fighting Abortion
The microorganisms that live near such plumes have led some scientists to suggest them as the birthplaces of Earth's first life forms.
Then why ain't I lava-proof?

Posted in:
I doubt a naturalistic origin for Christian resurrection belief.
Why would people, in an authoritarian nation, where their religion was highly disfavored, even by their own Jewish sect, and made illegal, and they were literally fed to lions for entertainment if not beaten or imprisoned without food or drink, make up a resurrection story and PURPOSELY put a target on their back and then, at the end, all die for this lie?

And, moreover, why in the world would they do all of that and NOT ASK FOR A SINGLE PENNY for themselves?

Does that make sense to you? Did Elron Hubbard, Joseph Smith, or Charles Russel do that? 
Posted in:
Morality is subjective in character with an objective compulsion
Objective morality means that it cannot contradict itself.
Objective morality doesn't contradict itself. Subjective morality does. Just because two people are discussing subjective morality, that doesn't mean objective morality doesn't exist.

A case in point, the flat earth debate. Flat earthers insist the earth is flat. Round earthers INSIST the earth is round. In reality, the earth is neither. It is an oblong sphere with peaks and valleys in it and a very uneven surface.

But just because these two groups are debating a subjective idea (the shape of the earth), that doesn't mean the earth itself doesn't have a shape...

Same with morality. Just because people debate it, that doesn't mean there is no morality.
Posted in:
The Federal Reserve Is HEMMORAGING MONEY
Well, as much as I love America, it's one of, like 200+ countries.
Posted in:
Morality is subjective in character with an objective compulsion
The mere fact that there is a moral disagreement tells you that morality is entirely subjective.
Why is something subjective because people debate it? People literally debate the existence of a flat earth. Does that mean the idea of the earth being round is subjective?

It's as if you forgot that Ambiguity Aversion, Confirmation Bias, Choice Overload, Cognitive Dissonance, and Bounded Rationality all exist.
Posted in:
The Federal Reserve Is HEMMORAGING MONEY
Well, at least according to the Mises article, Banks are also responsible for the deficit by being mandated to have shares in their local Federal Reserve. So it could be either or a mixture of both.

They say:
Two candidates are likely to absorb the Fed’s operating losses:

  1. American taxpayers as a whole. Now that the Fed is incurring operating losses instead of surpluses that would otherwise be paid over to the US Treasury, federal budget deficits are commensurately larger, requiring the Treasury to sell more debt in order pay its bills. This is an obvious cost to American current and future taxpayers.
  2. Commercial banks that are members of the Federal Reserve system, which are required to buy and hold stock shares in their respective Fed district banks. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act specified that these member banks could be assessed for Fed system losses. If the Fed were to make this demand of its member commercial banks, they would be obligated to cover the Fed system’s losses. Again, there is no precedent for this.
Ehile there is no precedent for the second proposed solution, that doesn't mean it won't happen.

Honestly, the WEF has warned that banks are out of money. The usual suspects who dump money into the banking institutions have not done so in a while, and, iirc, new players are lower than usual. (I think they removed the article. I can't find it anymore and neither can AI lol).

Expect more inflation, I suppose, as the Federal Reserve prints more money at our expense to bail themselves out.
Posted in:
The Federal Reserve Is HEMMORAGING MONEY
From The Mises Institute:
Financial statements of the US Federal Reserve, which consists of the board of governors in Washington and twelve district reserve banks across the country, indicate that the consolidated system has generated both capital and operating losses for the past couple of years. The Fed was created in 1913 to issue and circulate an “elastic currency” that could respond to consumers’ demand for cash, end bank runs known then as “money panics,” and serve as a “lender of last resort” to the nation’s commercial banks. How is it possible that the Fed could be losing money after one hundred years of operation?

The debate has raged in the banking and finance communities. Two investigators, Paul Kupiec at the American Enterprise Institute and Alex Pollock at the Mises Institute, have analyzed Fed financial statements and presented their findings about these Fed losses in publications such as the Wall Street Journal and on the websites of the American Enterprise Institute, the Mises Institute, the Federalist Society, and Law and Liberty. The Wall Street Journal has produced a nontechnical video explaining how the Fed makes (and loses) money.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
You are the last sad bastard to still believe that desperate lie.
Is it proper conduct for moderators to insult people without cause?

I am all for a debate, but Oromagi has repeatedly barraged me for no real reason. Go over his previous statements in this thread and you will see this.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
I don't care what they tell us
So... I am seeing a soecisl pleading case developing here. You are quick to trust the PA government as an unbiased factual authority without questioning where they get their data from, but are questioning anf distrustful to an audit that plainly lists their sources.

Why does one side have to prove their claims but not the other?

Moreover, I've already explained why their numbers do not tell the story they are telling. Do you have anything to say about that? 
No you haven't. You simply did a bait-and-switch. You switched one source for another without putting in any effort to justify why YOUR source has the data. This isn't "explaining" anything. It is denialism.

I also already said I am happy to admit the PA DoS fact sheet on the 2020 election lowers the missing ballots to just 3-4k. But this isn't SURE data. They don't publicly release such analyses to the general public, so who knows if it us the real story.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Regardless of what the DoS says anyways, they did not give public access to sure, so we don't even know these numbers are real or not.

That being said, I can accept that that website states there are around 3-4k more ballots than voters. But it still isn't the SURE data, if you understand what I am saying.

I am unsure (pun not intended) ehy the DoS put a participation rate instead of the raw voter number anyways. Seems sus.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
so it seems neither of us really know where they're getting any of their information from.
They tell us... in the abstract...

"After all counties closed the election in SURE, only 6,914,556 voters were credited with participation in the 2020 General Election. This reveals a voter deficit of 121,240."
They get their data from SURE itself.

You said:
There's your deficit.
No. That still doesn't explain the discrepancy of voters. We don't know if they removed the discarded voters with the ballots or not.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
This fully explains it
Except that is a totally different claim from the GOP in PA, not Verity Vote's audit in question here.

Snopes says this here:
The apparent source of the misinformation amplified by Trump was a news release issued by Pennsylvania State Rep. Frank Ryan on Dec. 28, maintaining that a comparison of "county election results to the total number of voters who voted" in Pennsylvania revealed a discrepancy of over 203,000 ballots:
But, even so, the Pennsylvania DoS stated not that the SURE system is inaccurate, but that the data was incomplete:
However, the Pennsylvania Department of State (DoS) issued a statement noting that the numbers obtained from the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) system by Ryan were not accurate because they were based on incomplete data. As the DoS observed, "a few counties have not completed uploading their vote histories," and that those as-yet-unreported numbers "would account for a significant number of voters":
The key thing to note, here, is that the Verity Vote audit took place AFTER this letter was passed around. And the American Thinker article adds additional voterd since then, 30,000, that were previously unaccounted for following the audit.

But no new voters have been added since the article, leaving ONCE AGAIN FOR PEOPLE WHO READ, 90,000 MORE BALLOTS THAN VOTERS.

So the Snopes fact check isn't updated for the latest numbers anyways. As it currently stands, the SURE system is still 90,000 voters short of the ballot count. To me, that warrants an audit. Where are the voters? Why haven't 90,000 voters been added after 3 YEARS SINCE THE ELECTION??? You'd think we'd have found them by now, right? 3 years is ample time. 

But I'd like to point something else out... Snopes says 6.96 million people voted. They cite a webpage that does not say this. I will prove it.

The website linked is here:

The numbers were: 4,216,030 in-person ballots + 2,637,065 mail-in ballots +126,573 provisional ballots, which totals... 6,979,668 votes.

But the official number from the PA website is 76.5% of 9,090,962 ehich equals: 6,954,586 voters, or a deficit, FROM PA'S OWN FUCKING STATS of 


Not 90,000 but still enough to warrant an audit.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Therefore the claim that there were more ballots cast than eligible voters is ludicrously false
Who claimed this? I didn't and neither did my source. The claim is, as it has been from the beginning, that more votes were recorded than people who voted in the 2020 election. Not that there were more votes than registered voters in general.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
I would tell you to Google it but I already put the information on your lap.
I think I missed the link... And if you didn't open up the report yourself, how do you know if they didn't include write-ins?
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Sounds like another one of Trumps porn star mistresses

Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Do you have a source proving "democrats don't participate"? Because the actual fucking commonwealth of PA disagrees with you. In a June 30, 2023 annual report to the Pennsylvania General Assembly, the PA Department of State said:

"Through the SURE system, the county voter registration commissions maintain a complete list of all eligible registered voters in the Commonwealth. As of December 2022, there were 8,700,826 registered voters. The charts in this section represent a high-level snapshot of the change in voter registration over both the previous calendar year and the four-year period since the end of 2018. Details broken down by county and party can be found in Appendices A and B."

Basically, EVERYONE BUT YOU understands how SURE works.

And EVERYONE BUT YOU says it is accurate and represents ALL VOTERS in the commonwealth.

You say:

Verity Vote is just the blog of a Trump Fan named Heather Honey
Their about page says:

In 2020 a group of capable investigators who’ve provided investigation and intelligence training to large corporations and government agencies, performed supply chain audits, along with published scientists and engineers, volunteered to analyze issues of election integrity.
To your credit, though, an inquirer article claims, without evidence, that Honey started Verity Vote. Same with a Conservative Partnership Institute article.

But, you know what NOBODY BUT YOU says? That it is just a blog. Because that would be a dumb, gullible lie by any measure.

But what is evem funnier is that I don't agree with the Verity Vote audit because, well, it is outdated. PA has since added another 30,000 voters, so the discrepancy is now 90,000 not 121,000. It seems you've forgotten how to read lately.

In the 2020 election, there were 90,000 more ballots than eligible voters in PA according to the SURE system. This is a fact. 
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Yeah I heard.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
But just to add insult to injury, the page from Verity Vote themselves on the study states:

"This includes ballots with votes for one of the three major presidential candidates, all write-in votes, all over-votes, all under-votes (as reported by the 67 counties), and the 71K late mail ballots. After all counties closed the election in SURE, only 6,914,556 voters were credited with participation in the 2020 General Election. This reveals a voter deficit of 121,240."

So they included all write-in ballots anyways.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
They're not missing voters, they're ballots that were cast without voting for one of the three major candidates.

On the 2020 election, only 3 candidates were on the ballot. Trump, Biden, amd Jorgensen:

So you are factually wrong on that.

I'm pointing out that if something so easily verifiable was so egregiously off it would have gained much more attention that being relegated to the dark corners of the internet.
There's plenty of true, alarming stuff the media doesn't report on, like how Israel actually started HAMAS, how they sell china surveillance equipment and their government runs a lot of the surveillance tech companies that the world buys from, for instance.

Or how Congress voted to pass a resolution that turns rare earth mineral mining areas into mational parks instead of approve more rare earth mineral mining.

Or, for fuck sake, Biden and NBC News's financial ties to chinese communist party businesses. Or the fact that George Soros and other billionaires have invested their own money into Chinese EV factories.

You never hear any of that being covered now do you? But it's all true.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
Let me see if I understand you. The PA government data actually does show a discrepancy. Nobody can explain the discrepancy. Nobody even offers an explanation. But we should ignore it because mainstream networks aren't reporting it?

Do I understand you correctly here? You think 90,000 VERIFIED MISSING voters from the actual ballot reporting software used in PA is no big deal because only conspiracy people are talking about it?

I am not assuming Trump won based off this. I am simply reporting the fact that the ballots are higher by 90,000 than the actual voters. This is a fact. A fact that warrants an audit at the very least.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
The vote total listed above represents the ballots cast for the three big candidates; Biden, Trump, and Jorgenson.
Can you provide a source showing this? From what O understand all ballots in SURE, not just the big three, were counted, and among all ballots, there is a shortage of voters to votes.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
If it isn't true, then why hasn't SURE been updated? Shouldn't be difficult to find the voters if they're there. But they aren't there, still, after 3 fucking years.

The fact checkers, once again, were wrong.
Posted in:
Pennsylvania has 90,000 more votes than voters for the 2020 election, audit finds
The SURE system is PA's election database. It compiles a list of all the votes, and all the voters.

From what I undersrand, they take voter and ballot data directly from counties and compile both numbers separately to create two different voter totals.

Now, the problem lies in the discrepancy of additional ballots cast when there weren't enough voters recorded as casting a ballot.