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Total topics: 3

How far have the American people fallen as a society? I mean, things that were unspeakable 20 years ago are here now. This society is so brain-dead, so perverted, and the fact that it's going to get worse is honestly scary. We're really the dumbest and most twisted human civilization to exist at this point, aren't we?
Current events
27 12
It seems that pissing off feminists has become a grand new hobby of mine. It's not that hard considering they're all borderline narcissistic. All you have to do is say something they don't agree with and watch them lose their freaking minds. It's funny as hell. Anyone else do this for fun?
95 14
Although I am one myself, I'd like to clarify that I hate most American women. 


Because they're completely screwed up. Why would I say this? Here are my reasons and findings after witnessing American women's attitude and (flimsy) reasoning on various issues. 

1. American women are sluts now
Apparently, being a whore became a good thing as of late. Women are always prostituting themselves and dressing provocatively, having no shame. They talk about their body counts, which are high numbers to hear including from girls under 19. It seems as if almost every teen girl has an Onlyfans now, practically selling their bodies. Apparently this is "empowering" as they call it, and somehow has to do with women's rights. They hate men so much yet the audience they're appeasing is made up of men 🤣

2. They are extremely entitled
American women think they can get whatever they want, and demand it. Remember when they were screaming how they were "oppressed"? Yeah, they still are. Their idea of oppression is idiotic, seeing as how they're practically worshiped in this society. Feminist women are always screaming about how they hate men, and are always applying double standards. I truly believe life is harsher for men, and the government indeed does treat women. Example?
If a woman cannot afford to take care of her child, she will be supported by the government to be able to provide and care for her child/children. 
If a man cannot afford to take care of his child, he will be thrown into prison.
See the double standard yet? Another example, American women are basically golddiggers at this point and think the most attractive thing a man has to offer is money and sex. Talk about whores. She has so many standards and expectations for him, yet if he has an expectation, i.e he doesn't want to date sluts, he's now suddenly a misogynist.
Definition of mysoginist?
"A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women."
He's not a mysoginist if he doesn't want to date a slut like you. Do you want an example of an actual mysoginist? Jack the Ripper.

3. They are stupid beyond reason
This one applies to both men and women, moreso women since they're mostly the ones rotting their brains on Tiktok. Ask a college student from Harvard or Yale extremely simple questions, i.e number of states in America or Adolf Hitler's first name and watch their dumbasses struggle and use the cliche quote "I didn't major in that topic/geography." Tell me you don't want to slap this idiot across the head. Go ahead. Ask them for their premise of logic and listen to the most asinine things come out of their mouths. Speaking of which, The New York Post recently published an article about the whatever podcast, where women are interviewed by some men. They say that this podcast makes women "look stupid", but they're wrong. They just are stupid. From that podcast, one girl said that she started an Onlyfans to "honor" her grandfather. What?

4. Always pushing feminism
We can obviously witness how damaging feminism is to our society. It destroyed the nuclear family and made American women a bunch of uneducated assholes and sluts. They always said they wanted equality, no they didn't. Quit lying, karen. They complain about literally everything and think their lives are hard! American women do nothing except prostitute and create problems. They do not want equality, only entitlement which our society has successfully given them. They say they have so much to offer and act like boss babes, when they're pathetic and do nothing. I understand why men have a hard time finding wives now. All most American women are good now for is sex. Even then 99% of them are already used and lost their virginity a long way ago. Besides that, they never want to take charge of anything. For example, a woman usually will not pay for a date. She usually relies on her partner to pay for her. She might go out with Beta men/men she friendzoned, just to scam them to get free food. No, she doesn't want to be equal. She wants to be pampered. I don't know what suppression she's ranting about, she's gifted and has so many chances to actually do something with her life in this country.

5. They end up alone and depressed 
I've discovered why they hit the wall, and how their tactics work. It's their own fault, and although they end up hating men, all she has to blame is herself. She'll always go for the "bad boys", i.e the guys that just want to pump and dump chicks. She'll end up pregnant, and if she doesn't she'll keep partying and being a slut until she hits the wall, and those nice, traditional guys she friendzoned? She'll bookmark them, which means she friendzones them, then years later contacts him that she wants to get with him. The weak simp will end up marrying her, and after she has kids and is in the position to do so, she'll take his children, the house, and half of the money. It's completely legal, too. She'll later end up alone when her kids are grown up, becoming an alcoholic, getting lonely and complaining about how no one wants her. Well, you screwed up your life yourself. No one to blame but you. You ruined your ex's life, and probably your kid's/kids', too. This is the basic life of an American woman. Pathetic, isn't it?

I could go on and on about this, but in conclusion most American women are just screwed up. If anyone wants to go against me, go ahead. I don't see how you'll end up winning. 
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