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I will stereotype debaters
Haha, mostly accurate. 
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What is your favorite video game?
I have several favorites, even multiple for each platform. I gotta say though, one of my favorite games, and the one I typically say is my favorite although there are several, is Bioshock Infinite.

Bioshock Infinite was written very well and is a great end to the Bioshock series. I loved all the time and universe jumps, and the ending was great, even tying into the first two games in the Burial at Sea DLC.

two of my favorite movies are Everything Everywhere All at Once and Inception, so you can see where my mind likes to go when it comes to storytelling.

Otherwise, I loved Detroit: Become Human, and other similar games. If you have a good story to tell and a beautiful way to let us play it, you got me hooked.

On the other hand, I'm not much of a fan of Bethesda games. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series are great, especially Fallout. I love that game's universe, I watched the TV show (and loved it) and generally really like Fallout. However, the games seem counterintuitive, can be quite difficult, and takes a hella long time to finish. Maybe I'm just impatient with poor writing though.
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I think that a lot of debates on this site are either heavily backed by opinions or have no scientific evidence. most religion and trans debates seem to follow that construct. I don't like it. then again, what should people debate about? it seems as though everything these days is subjective.
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I will stereotype debaters
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Is it "Heil Hitler" or "hi Hitler"?
From what I think would have happened if Hitler "won" (whatever that means) I'm glad he didn't. It really is a fascinating topic though, hitler's life as well as other dictators.
I guess we'll never know what would have happened though. For all I know the timeline where he wins the war leads to humans curing cancer and being peaceful, or he turns even more homicidal and kills all except those who look like him. Anything would have been possible. I think the latter would have been much more likely, which is why I'm content that he lost. 

Are you happy he lost, or would you have rather that he won WWII?
Posted in:
Is it "Heil Hitler" or "hi Hitler"?
Please note I do not like hitler. He was a tragic man who made tragic decisions

1. he was indeed a great painter, a shame he didnt stay with that career path.
2. he could really rally a room, which i can respect.
3. adding on to #2, he was a very convincing man (and manipulator) to many people, which I can also respect.
4. He was very resilient, he took several years and some several colossal fuck-ups before he killed himself.
5. He survived several assassination attempts, including a bomb that killed a few of his men during a meeting. 

Please again note I very much do not like Hitler. He made an extremely tragic impact on history. These are just things that are somewhat respectable. Honestly, it was slightly difficult to make this list, but I tried.
Posted in:
Is it "Heil Hitler" or "hi Hitler"?
this is really stupid. it is heil hitler. its a salutation and a show of allegiance. not a greeting.
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself

ok sure whatever

what up gang Im @Statichead i've been here for almost 2 years I think I haven't checked tho.
I rarely ever debate but I'm occasionally active in forums. I am any and all gender you wish to apply to me.
my pronouns are I/Don't/Care (not actually that would be weird, I usually say that as a complement to my prior statement.
I love science and being curious about the world. several things interest me. I hope to be well known one day.

anything I missed?
Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself

ok sure whatever

what up gang Im @Statichead i've been here for almost 2 years I think I haven't checked tho.
I rarely ever debate but I'm occasionally active in forums. I am any and all gender you wish to apply to me.
my pronouns are I/Don't/Care (not actually that would be weird, I usually say that as a complement to my prior statement.)
I love science and being curious about the world. several things interest me. I hope to be well known one day.

anything I missed?
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Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
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Increased Bot Activity
I guess it's up to preference. I prefer to have a more cohesive pfp while also supporting a small artist.
Posted in:
Increased Bot Activity
weird I havent seen any bots at all.
I saw one guy with an AI generated pfp but i dont think that was a bot
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
i aint listening to someone with an ai generated pfp lmao thats where my respect stops
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
mostly I think that it is bad because it is not serving everyone as it should. mainly the "rich get richer, poor get poorer" setup, which I wholly believe.

How?  The market is performing better than average since July 1 2023.
It certainly is performing well, but that doesn't mean that everyone is being treated well. big business monopolies are treating everyone terribly- cutting corners left and right to make even more profits while selfishly taking a little more from everyone else, leaving nothing for the individuals.
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
I can certainly appreciate your stance on immigration, but I also think there are some things wrong with capitalism. As you can probably guess, I live in the US, and right now the market hasn't been correcting itself like we've been told it's supposed to. What do you think about that?
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
makes sense
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
Jews were in many places, including East Asia (especially China). In the few places they weren't where nobody knew about them, they obviously weren't discriminated.

I think that was your question, I may have misunderstood.

Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
Jews were in many places, including East Asia (especially China). In the few places they weren't where nobody knew about them, they obviously weren't discriminated.

I think that was your question, I may have misunderstood.

Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
Humans have always needed/wanted scapegoats, and Jews have been around for centuries and provided a viable scapegoat for a variety of scenarios. It was mostly bad luck, but it stuck.
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
If I am understanding the question, then yes. not the craziest theory to grace your screen I'm guessing.
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
I definitely believe that Hamas is at fault for the situation, but I also think Israel could hold back even just a little bit more.
Great response, thanks
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
Don't believe everything you see, read, hear, or think. I like to say that the only thing I am ever sure of is that I am not sure of everything. I think it is much more likely that people have been lying for centuries than the existence of a god. But, as I previously mentioned, I can never be sure of that.
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
Maybe they do, I haven't studied them enough to understand their motivations.

On a similar note, what are your thoughts on the holocaust and how Jews have been discriminated against for centuries?
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
why is Hamas is cool?
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
no, I don't see Israel as the good guys at all.
Posted in:
Israel and Palestine is Not a One-Sided Conflict
The Israel-Palestine (or I should say Israel-Hamas) conflict is very complicated and indeed quite interesting. Let's talk about it. What do you think of it, Is there any side you think is right, etc.

To start off, I think that both the Israeli militaries and Hamas are completely at fault. The Palestinian citizens are experiencing a genocide of sorts, and Israeli citizens are becoming the victims of terrorist attacks. 

I think the conflict is not one-sided at all. Of course, this forum post won't do anything except open discussion, but I do think Hamas should disband as well as other terrorist organizations (including the CIA [that's mostly a joke but still they aint a great organization]) and Israel should stop attacking Palestinian citizens and give them their goddamn human rights.

So, what do you fellow internet dwellers think?
Posted in:
Are men and women equal?
gender is completely made up. It's like the dictionary, words change, are removed, and are added as society agrees that it should be. Of course, not everyone agrees with me which is fair. However, I truly think that just like words, gender is up to however the general people want to see it which is why I think it isn't "real." 

On the other hand, sex is completely real and biological. Even that isn't completely black and white, as everyone has different levels of hormones and brain chemistries that mix it up. That's not even mentioning intersex people.

hahahaha nice pfp to match your very particular set of skills. Skills you have acquired over a very long career. 
Posted in:
Why do you think people troll?
it's fun.
Posted in:
Are men and women equal?
Males and females are not equal biologically, as each has certain skillsets evolved into their brain chemistry.

men and women however, are indeed equal, because the concept of gender is equally bullshit

does that answer your question?
Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
whats poppin gamers
Posted in:
george carlin was a genius and a visionary and i miss him very much.
unfortunately its even worse than that
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
the pope has authorized same-sex marriage, even though it was considered a sin just a few years before. What changed???
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
you speak very poetically. you are a very interesting person. isnt it weird how we can see people on the street, have a conversation with them for two minutes, walk away, and never see them again?

isnt it weird how we can have many conversations on the internet, and yet never meet in real life? we'll probably never even know each others names. odd thoughts. odd thoughts
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I'm thankful to live in a place safe with a decent quality of life, though I still want for more.
I'm thankful for supportive family.
I'm glad you can see that. 

I have grown up a lot more privileged than billions of other children in the world, being white and upper middle class. I saw and see homeless people everywhere almost no matter where I go in the U.S. (and even Sweden). I rarely do anything to help, sympathetic as I am, which does leave me feeling terrible for homeless people. 

I think I let myself off the hook a little bit just by acknowledging my privilege and how grateful I am not to be in their position. 

There was a song my dad told me about once. I forgot exactly how it goes, but it had something to do with being grateful for what you have and sympathizing with those under you (socially, economically, etc), because tomorrow, you could be in their position too.

Posted in:
george carlin was a genius and a visionary and i miss him very much.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Why do you think I wouldnt understand it?
Posted in:
george carlin was a genius and a visionary and i miss him very much.
i miss george carlin a lot. I quote him on a daily basis and listen to his old shows so many times that I knw exactly what the next sentence is. I know every punchline, every commentary. 

one time i found an older recording from a show he did in Florida. Thing is, it was difficult to find because it was recorded privately and not officially.
I still knew every line, every joke, except one.

"We kissed and my balls exploded."

I laughed very hard at this. this joke is not even that funny. I just never heard it from this man I claim as my idol on this planet.
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Point of Existence of Universe
Existence is mistake.
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I love experiencing other cultures. I also like experiencing my own cultures. humans are funny.
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I'm unsure what you mean by this,
Do you mean you like individuals, but not people in general?
kind of. if i can get to know someone, I like them a lot more than if I dont, even if I dont agree with them on things. I dont like people I dont know because at that point I feel like they are useless to my world. Thats usually when im feeling kinda salty, but when im in a good mood its kinda fun to watch people.
Good to see you again.
thanks, i dont have as much time on my hands as last year, so im not here as often lol
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
our experience as humans is only a lump of fat and nerves floating in a dark pool of spinal fluid

we just get information from our eyes and ears and other stuff but us ourselves are just nerves and fat

anyway did you know that there is a similar chance of your exact brain right now spontaneously forming somewhere in the universe than there is of someone shuffling standard playing cards into perfect order?
the odds are:
brain forming somewhere in universe: 10^69
shuffling cards into order: 10^68 

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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I dont like people. I like persons. everybody is a person to somebody, but not to me. i dont like people i like persons i assign the title to
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
the waffle house has found it's new host
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I watched an analysis video on the album "everywhere at the end of time" and holy s**t. That is really crazy and I will never hear the word "dementia" the same again.

Also, remember that "name one thing in this photo" meme?
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I thought about that, lol.
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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
what if im in a coma and im dreaming everything only to wake up one morning and find out my entire life was a literal lie

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If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.
I broke my wrist last week, and found myself telling my friends about it. I realized that if I never broke my wrist, my friends and I would probably be doing the same exact thing except talking about something else.

I also had a friend in preschool who left before kindergarten started. If he never left, I probably would not be friends with the ones I have now.
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Something you and many similar to you fail to understand is that just because it is how you feel doesnt mean it is how others feel. Try your "research" again and look for the points and facts you dont agree with. I dont really care if you agree or not, but I want you to just see them. They might seem insane and unreasonable to you, but I just want you to know that is is really out there.
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Do some research before replying with your opinions. While you are at it, take a grammar lesson.

I realize that you did research for the intersex part but do it on every topic before considering yourself as correct.
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Why dont you answer my questions I have so lovingly laid out for you rather than show off what is and isnt a fallacy?