TWS1405_2's avatar


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Total comments: 153

"Let's get one thing straight here. Rap is not the best genre of music. "


Rap sucks. Not to high heaven, but to the depths of hell. Worst form of music, if it can even be called that, ever produced. Pure garbage.


Dumb debate. It began on a false premise.

The abortion debate and the issue of conception is about when a separate human life form has been created, not the utter existence of "life" in and of itself.

Just dumb. Poorly thought of. Poorly executed.


Thanks for proving you are a narcissist loser.


“ I haven't debated you before and at this point, I don't wish to begin in one with you. ”

You are a coward and would refuse ANY debate I started challenging you on.


“ Blah, blah, blah. All you do is sit there, type and insult someone”

FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You suck at debating, and suck at having any measure of integrity and humility.
You’re an intellectual coward. Period.


Awesome intellectual coward sophomorically banal response.


“ "Lastly, when each student walks into school they are all treated equally"
Funny! That's a great one.”

That’s not proof of a counter argument.
Screams “I HAVE NO ARGUMENT” so I will submit an ad hominem/appeal to mockery!!


It’s nice to see an admission that people are different, come from different backgrounds, grow up differently…but that is NO reason to cease the use of “standardized” testing for educational achievement and academic competency. No reason whatsoever.

An individual gets out of life what they put into it. Do well, you succeed. Do poorly, you do not succeed.

Merit. Effort. Desire. Hope. Caring. Goals. All ingredients for success.

Laziness. Complacency. Apathy. Lack of desire. No effort. No merit. Doesn’t care. All ingredients for failure.

Standardized testing cannot be held accountable for those who fail.

Lastly, when each student walks into school they are all treated equally. It is the student’s response that dictates their success or failure.


Well shit. It was only my first time voting. And it’s clear RationalMadman was whining about it. Didn’t realize I had to read a litany of excuses and standards just to cast a vote. I read others votes and modeled those. So clearly it’s okay for others to vote that way but not I. I’ll be sure to report votes that are similar to what you removed. See if you’re consistent or a hypocrite.


Well well…aren’t we nit-picky on such minor technicalities.

I called it like I observed it. All factually accurate statements. Sir.Lancelot won that debate hands down.


This is nothing but a circle-jerk semantics argument.

It’s premised upon the abortion debate, and that debate centers on when the life of a potential (not an actual) person (human being) begins. The obvious answer is successful conception, which meats the very basic criterion for biological “life.” It has NOTHING to do with what was or has been determined as the very first form of “life” on this planet.


Your delusions of grandeur are hilarious.
And your obnoxious pomposity is duly noted.
LoL 😂


No, you did NOt tell me anything that I didn’t already know.

I know everything about the issues of abortion. Everything. You and your ilk do not.


I invite you to read my recent reply to another clown arguing against abortion here: #8


No shit sherlock. Tell me something that I do not already know. FFS! *facepalm*


Abortion and the law are not mutually exclusive; they are tightly wound with one another. You cannot argue one without the other.


"To argue that abortion is not killing an innocent human being, also known as murder, my opponent must establish that an unborn child is not human..."

~ There is only one mammalian species on this planet that possesses the level of sentience that human beings do, and that species is homo sapiens. As such, homo sapiens - i.e., human beings - are the only ones having debates/discussions about "abortion" rights of female human beings. Not any other species. To levy such a demand demonstrates that the one making said demand knows less than they think they know about the topic at hand.

You're also conflating a pregnancy with being [a] human being, which it is not; not for the legal purposes of establishing the legal felonious crime of murder. A pregnancy has NO legal rights under law. The personal liberty rights of the girl/female take precedence over any internal matter. What is in and of her body is under the auspices of her control and none other.

Murder requires an already born human being taking the life of another already born human being for it to be, "murder."

"...that an unborn child is not innocent..."

~ "innocence" is completely and utterly irrelevant in this debate/discussion. It has absolutely nothing to do with guilt, innocence, spirts, souls, or religion.

"... or that abortion does not involve killing an unborn child."

~ Using the term "child" is a flagrant misnomer. A pregnancy =/= [a] child. Potentiality =/= Actuality. Never has. Never will.
A pregnancy has ZERO rights. 1 USC 8:

As this statute makes perfectly clear (predicated on the 14th Amendment), one must be born before they are bestowed all the rights, privileges and equal protection of the laws.


"To argue that abortion is not killing an innocent human being, also known as murder, my opponent must establish that an unborn child is not human..."

~ There is only one mammalian species on this planet that possesses the level of sentience that human beings do, and that species is homo sapiens. As such, homo sapiens - i.e., human beings - are the only ones having debates/discussions about "abortion" rights of female human beings. Not any other species. To levy such a demand demonstrates that the one making said demand knows less than they think they know about the topic at hand.

You're also conflating a pregnancy with being [a] human being, which it is not; not for the legal purposes of establishing the legal felonious crime of murder. A pregnancy has NO legal rights under law. The personal liberty rights of the girl/female take precedence over any internal matter. What is in and of her body is under the auspices of her control and none other.

Murder requires an already born human being taking the life of another already born human being for it to be, "murder."

"...that an unborn child is not innocent..."

~ "innocence" is completely and utterly irrelevant in this debate/discussion. It has absolutely nothing to do with guilt, innocence, spirts, souls, or religion.

"... or that abortion does not involve killing an unborn child."

~ Using the term "child" is a flagrant misnomer. A pregnancy =/= [a] child. Potentiality =/= Actuality. Never has. Never will.
A pregnancy has ZERO rights. 1 USC 8:

As this statute makes perfectly clear (predicated on the 14th Amendment), one must be born before they are bestowed all the rights, privileges and equal protection of the laws.


Non sequitur gibberish.


Your definition is utterly incomplete and comprehensible as it is/was originally written. Sir.Lancelot is correct when he rebutted you gave no actual/real/tangible definition of so-called system racism.


By its definition, systemic racism refers to the policies and practices of society. Systemic racism can thus result from implicit biases, unequal access to resources and opportunities, and other systemic factors. The marginalization of persons of their race has grown to a pervasive and intrinsic level. This fulfills the idea of “systemic”. [F1] There doesn’t need to be any explicit laws that allow for systemic racism. "

THAT is NOT the definition of systemic racism.

You need to read the following:


Thank you for the heads up. I like these topics, as you know, so I will follow and vote, if allowed.


It’s not about defining [a] human being when it comes to this debate. The ONLY issue of any relevance is fetal viability.


Stupid debate. Get a damn law and layman’s dictionary. Abortion isn’t murder. Never has been. Never will be.


"George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin, in a consistent manner to the testimony from the medical examiner"



Since you are stuck on Floyd, I just debated Mps1213 (?) on this topic.

Floyd, like so many black males before him, died due to piss poor health (common affliction with cardiovascular disease and hypertension) complicated by drug addition, in addition to excited delirium.

Floyd did not die because of the infamous knee. Only Chauvin knows how much pressure he did or did not apply. NO ONE can say otherwise. NO ONE! That is a FACT of reality.

Floyd died due to the speed ball he took complicated by his poor health and excited delirium. Period. Fact. Period.
Appeals to authority are rejected because they lied for the purpose of politicization of the case, and racial division.
It was agenda drive. The truth is hidden.


JFC, you have a lot to spew here.

What, exactly, is your position here.

Please. One or two sentecnes.


-> Who in the hell are you even talking about here.
That was a conversation about if it's fair to call Novice a batshit crazy white supremacist, on account of him being verifiably batshit crazy, and very strongly implied by his actions to be a white supremacist."

Thank you. I guess I need to read more of his material to ascertain whether or not that is an accurate assessment.


~ "You're welcome to debate me on if there's been known unpunished acts of domestic terrorism committed by whites against blacks. If our justice system has really not left any of those hanging (no pun intended), it's an easy win for you."

I do not care about the past, anything before 1970.

The only issue is the present post-Civil Rights.


~ "If he's faking being insane for attention, to me speaks of a strong enough mental imbalance to still merit calling him insane."

Who in the hell are you even talking about here.

The responses here are so cryptic...just speak plainly, FFS!


Check out how Barney claims that stating facts = promoting white supremacy, lol."

Typical. Doesn't surprise me at all. Denialist intellectual coward move on his part.


Dude, I have worked in the CJS in law enforcement, a DA's Office and have a criminology degree. I have done the research into this topic, among others, and I know for a fact that what I posted about con is truth. He doesn't understand. And a single or a couple anecdotes isn't proof of an argument.

It's to you who is being the troll and having some measure of cognitive bias.


"Con argues that African-Americans are more likely to be given high sentences or convicted of drug use and sexual violence, and that terrorism against Black people goes unprosecuted in the United States."

This is BS reasoning to vote for con. con clearly doesn't comprehend why blacks are given higher sentences or convicted of drug use, etc. - and there is NO terrorism against blacks that go unprosecuted in the US.


I’ve invested myself in the George Floyd death being a cocktail of illicit drugs that killed him vs the the knee on the neck, and not the psychoactive drugs subject.

I’ve already started doing research and preparing a
Draft intro for a new thread in the forum section to challenge MPs with. I’m sticking with that unless everyone agrees on jumping on that wagon too? At least there you can tag team with him, and anyone else can feel free to chime in as well. Then we will really see how it plays out.


There have been many others here who just exude the Dunning Kruger Effect, but damn, you take the cake.
Your sophomoric hypocritical banality just knows no bounds.


Forum. Not debate section. Reading comprehension matters.


See, there’s that insecurity again with yet another superfluous retort full of drivel. Not to mention a lot of unsubstantiated subjective claims about what you think I know vs what you think you know.

If you want to debate this, take it to the forum where we can properly reply with “quotes” and use hyperlinks.


Mps sure is a lot of bark and no bite.

I’d enjoy seeing you wipe the floor with him/her/it a second time on the subject matter.


“It’s cool if you think I’m insecure lol (sic)… Call me insecure all you please, you are wrong, and know nothing about this topic.”

~ Now you’re being a hypocrite and now it’s obvious that you’re clearly flustered

“Also You’re roving (sic) my point.”

~ LOL!!! Your delusions of grandeur knows no bounds.
I’ve proven no such thing.

“You are willing to die on a hill, call people sheep basically,”

~ Strawman fallacy. Among others. And all liberal progressives ARE “sheeple.”

“While presenting 0 reason to agree with you on anything you’re saying.”

~ I’ve already out-argued others on this subject within various forum postings. I’ve linked to the coroner and toxicology reports as well as credible sources demonstrating that the amount Floyd had in his system was more than enough to kill two dozen or more people.

“You also still force big vocabulary, because you’re likely nothing special on the intelligence front, and that’s fine. Just stop making claims about stuff you have no knowledge in.”

Wow. Never heard that response to my use of correctly used terminology you call “big vocabulary” as being unintelligent. I’m always accused of trying to act intelligent/smart, never dumb/unintelligent. That’s a new insecure sophomorically banal retort.

I use big words precisely because I am intelligent; and I choose any word that accurately describes what is needed to be described or labeled within the context of the discussion. The fact that you have to address my use of “big vocabulary” is further proof of your insecurities.

I have the requisite knowledge to discuss this subject on Floyd, you do not. All you have are fallacious appeals to authority by mouth pieces with a few letters after their name who were bought and paid for to say what the driving narrative needed said and NOT fact based truth.


Only one I see with insecurities is you with these continuous superfluous self-righteous retorts.


Nice fallacious appeals to authority there.

When a case such as this becomes polarizing and highly politicized, one side will always seek out those willing to say what they want them to say in order to back their side, no matter how incorrect what they say is. Slapping a Phd behind the lie doesn’t make the lie magically truth. Especially when there is more than a decade of research and a huge body count continuously stacking up because of fentanyl.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!!! Sooner or later you’ll either choke on it and give it up, or you’ll just poison yourself six feet under.


Thanks for your uneducated unsubstantiated subjective personal opinion. Tad superfluous. No. It was completely superfluous.

I’ve read the toxicology and coroner reports. I’ve correlated what was documented with research done by the Mayo Clinic and several others. All affirm the amount of fentanyl in his system is what killed him. Not the knee on the neck. He complained of respiratory problems shortly after consuming the drug cocktail, and can be easily heard saying as much on the body cam of the first officers on scene.


If they possess the requisite knowledge, sure. I could care less if they adequately demonstrate said knowledge. Neither a profession nor any one subject is relegated to one gender(sex).


PRO shall only argue that Abortion Is Murder”

Seems pretty clear to me.



The scientific consensus is that a fetus is a living human being from the moment of fertilization. Multiple scholarly sources and the consensus of Biologists attest to this fact. A fetus has all the biological markers of life, fully-human DNA, and begins as fertilization.

To perform an abortion, the woman must premeditate the actions. She must plan her abortion ahead of time. This is apparent from the literature from Planned Parenthood and the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

The scientific consensus has also shown that abortion causes the death of the fetus, meaning, therefore, that abortion is murder, since it is a premeditated killing of a human being.”


A pregnancy is NOT [a] human being. Potentiality =/= Actuality. Never has. Never will. It is impossible. Period. Fact. Period.


“ If it is possible to commit fetal homicide when a pregnant woman is shot, then a fetus doesn't have to be born to be murdered:”

~ No 💩 Sherlock! 🤦🏼‍♂️

As one capable of reading, you would have seen that it is not “murder” per se since the pregnancy, regardless of stage, is not categorized as “[a] human being.” Therefore it cannot be “murder.” What a the law clearly says (demarcates) the pregnancy to be is that of only a mere “legal victim.” That law is merely a stacking charge to enhance the punishment for murdering the women to begin with.


Murder is a legal term first and foremost.
Even the laymen’s definition = the legal term.
As such, you PC lost this debate before you even began.
Abortion =/= murder.
Murder takes one (already born) human being taking the life of another (already born) human being without just cause, AND with malice and aforethought.


George FLoyd is NOT an example of racism. Unless you are inferring it’s racism against white males. BEcause that is WHAT it was.
Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose, but because it was a white cop and a black criminal, BINGO! Racism.
The real litmus test on so called police racism is what happened with Tyre Nichols. If Nichols actually died not of his injuries but of his Crohns Disease and/or a drug overdose, you can bet the media will focus on that disease or overdose to write off the five black officers arresting him as being systemic of anything.
