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Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Who's your character, that will be enough of an answer
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Accusing everyone? Please elaborate. My vote has only been on grey parrot and now he has claimed, bearman
Percieve you to be accusatory, it's the behavior you give off
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Pattern and Pie are the top of my suspicion list too. 
Them fighting it out  so early could be mafia vs. mafia, mafia vs. town, or town vs. town
Pie started out accusatory then moved to a reasonable alternative theory, the fact he claimed to be an antagonist and town is what compelled me to vote for him to confirm or deny theory and set a precedent for who antagonists are in relation to town.
 Pattern has been accusing everyone, possibly deflecting from himself, or going too hard as a noob.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
OK, so should we agree that if somebody is TOWN and somebody has the character claim PAIN or MADARA then they should make that claim now to avoid deeper suspicion later?  Does any other TOWN have some deeply suspicious aspect to their character or role that they ought to claim now?
I believe you are Pain or Madara, you said you're an antagonist and town, you should say who your character is.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
regulars would agree that it is too early in the game to make any assumptions about theme splits.  The guessing doesn't really start until we have flipped at least one scum and at least one town and we are able to compare PMs with confidence.
Hence why I'm saying to VTL Pie, he claims to be an antagonist and town, either guilty or innocent will advance a theory as a baseline, lynching Pie will reveal a lot for town.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
OK, so should we agree that if somebody is TOWN and somebody has the character claim PAIN or MADARA then they should make that claim now to avoid deeper suspicion later?  Does any other TOWN have some deeply suspicious aspect to their character or role that they ought to claim now?

Pie claimed to be an antagonist but also town, Pie should character claim now
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Such as publicly identifying the town's protection.... Mmmm... lies....
Everything besides that, should have said everything else, mistakes happen
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Don’t be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong..
Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm..
Also.. Don’t stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..
And make friends.. You don’t need a lot of friends..
Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust..
I wasn’t very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard..
Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses..
So don’t get too depressed if you can’t do something well..
Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy..
Oh, and this is important.. It’s about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi..
Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..
Put your mission wages into your savings account..
No alcohol until you’re twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation..
Another Prohibition is women..
I’m a woman, so I don’t know too much about this but..
All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women..
So it’s only natural to take an interest in girls..
But just don’t get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me..
Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..
Naruto, from now on, you’re going to face lots of pain and hardship..
Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true..
There’s so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..
I love you”

Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Greyparrot literally claimed sasuke.
Okay, didn't see, must have been replying before I saw the claim, now Ik thank you
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
unvoting, voting to lynch bear man

For announcing information that helps the mafia team.
It was an error but everything he has done points that Bearman is town.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
That wasn't my point though, I was arguing against the notion that it is good vs evil. Which is ironic considering Likepie's and my discussion earlier, though technically a similar subject, very different context. I wasn't dis-agreeing with him about it being good guys vs bad guys, or naruto and friends vs everyone else. If his character is truly innocent, and he has a grey area hero though, it would make sense why he was as confident about the theme.
You're saying Pie is someone like Sasuke in the grey area, being considered an antagonist but town?
Possible, don't know if it's probable, Grey mentioned being Grey too so maybe he's Sasuke.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
You are saying the regulars would agree that the theme is probably good v evil?  No, I wouldn't agree.
What would the regulars agree that the theme is in your view?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Mmm... And what of speedrace? Again it's been awhile since I've seen the show, but Gaara if I remember was the main bad guy in one of the seasons. I vaguely remember him getting a sort of arc near the end of the season but I don't remember if it went anywhere, nad Gaara was mostly antagonistic in the episodes I watched. Also I think I watched up until when Sasuke changed sides; but Sasuke still wasn't technically evil, I think just wanted vengeance on his parents. The lines of good and evil in this show are a little unclear in some case. The show allows for grey area, but in cases of madara and orochimaru I think they were pretty distinctly evil.

Speed is a def target to lynch down the line but we need to eliminate more main antagonists, I personally believe Pie is Madara or Pain, he could see himself as town by how driven by ideals they are.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
do you guys wanna do a mass character claim? we have a good idea of what the theme split is so do you guys wanna do a mass claim?
No, too early for this, let's hold off for now on mass claims and focus on specific characters.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
If anyone is a protector role, please protect That1User.
Thank you Bear, please protect me
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
There are two conflicting theories
Good/evil split between Naruto's friends/enemies (My theory)

Naruto's Friends=Town

An alternate town/mafia split (Pie's theory)
Allows for Antagonists to be town

Pie says he's antagonist and town, either he's saying the truth or he's lying and he's antagonist and mafia
If Pie's voted and is innocent then his alternate theory is right, if Pie is guilty then my Naruto's friends/enemies division theory is right

For theory confirmation
I encourage everyone to do the same
We either get rid of mafia or we confirm a prevaling belief/base assumption as false
Town wins either way
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
i'd also like to confirm that i am one of naruto's friends and the way my pm is worded seems to make it that the town split is naruto's friends vs naruto's enemies.
Thank you, this helps a lot, since your PM semi-confirms this there is reason to believe antagonists are probably scum
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
His town meta is random accusations at the beginning of DP1
Oromagi is a Pressurer, he pressures users to gather information, his analysis makes him look pro to me
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
My two cents:

Based off my role, Oromagi's claim to not be on the list Bear gave, and the rest of the roles given, I would say that generally Naruto-oriented people in the anime will be town oriented and vice versa. Keyword: GENERALLY. There may be an exception, or even multiple that we do not yet know about. That's entirely possible. 

I believe it is a much more valuable use of our time to pressure some of the more questionable users instead of arguing about the matter further. 
Who is suspicious in your view? Skittlez hasn't seen any pressure.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Again, you have claimed one of the main characters.  Also theme guess work is not the issue, its the way it's approached. The air of confidence around the disapproval of your theory is what I am questioning of him, not simple guesswork at what the theme is. 
He seemed to hit hard/plow through my theory initially, antagonistic right off the bat, this could either be a dismantling of the true good/evil split between Naruto's friends and enemies or an earnest attempt to rid of unlikely scenarios.
You should have questioned me too but you seem to respond more to aggression rather than certainty in theory 
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Pressure isn’t just one vote. Pressure rn would be on GP because he has 4 on his wagon. At least that’s how I and others interpret it to be. Your theory is possible but unlikely since we know only two characters at this point. I’ve made various games where some the “good guys” are scum along with some of the “bad guys.” I don’t have an alternative theory. All I’m saying is your theory necessarily isn’t true 99% of the time. My biggest problem right now is Pattern and his sheer hypocrisy.
That's what I feared, a lynching bandwagon instigated by oromagi, wanted to prevent what's happening to Grey from happening.

Unvote Greyperrot

Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
What’s the difference between guessing a theme and saying it’s most likely not that theme based on historical precedents. I’m not denying that her theory could occur, im just saying it’s not as likely.
We need to develop an alternate theory beyond good vs. evil then, it doesn't make sense for us to both be town if you're an antagonist and I'm a protagonist without one. Initially believed you were poisoning the well by opposing the Naruto friends/enemies dichtomy and advancing a distraction.  The alternate theory makes sense from your perspective though since you are town and an antagonist in your view. Pattern being so against your certainty but not against mine is questionable.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Keep in mind my policy stands if there isn’t a suitable alternative. Ideally tho I don’t want a PGO at MYLO or LYLO
Because the role is so unpredicable/unstable?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
That’s not a pressure lol. And a town mafia split between friends of Naruto and enemies is wayyyy too easy lol. Supa is much more complicated than that
 It's a pressure because I was pressured. From my perspective the friends/enemies of Naruto split is true because I'm Sakura, Sakura is one of Naruto's closest friends, and Sakura is town, so close friends of Naruto have to be town, unless there's more than meets the eye. What's your alternative theory? Who's your character?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
It might have been in the first game I played here: Supadudz claimed PGO, then when someone (mailman maybe?) survived visiting him he ranted something about how his role PM stated it was a special PGO variant which would not kill that, proceed to NK the person who had visited the previous night, and still did not get lynched the the next day.
Should be an auto lynch at that point, did Supa end up being scum or was it really a special variant?
We should take Speed's POG town claim until proven otherwise while taking potential POG weirdness into account 
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
You've been away for awhile, why?
What have you found while gone?

Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Not really.  I read my Naturopedia entry but it was rather heavy on jargon and plot.
It has that tendency sometimes, have a strong town read on you so it probably doesn't matter, reveal later if understanding your character is vital
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
As a general rule, PGO is an anti-Town role because it is more likely to kill Town power roles than scum in all cases except when there are no other Town power roles (in which case it is functionally a Bomb). When town, it is typically considered a negative utility role (and as such is often claimed right at the start of day 1 in order to minimize its impact.)
The ideal play for a PGO is to get targeted by the Mafia, while not being targeted by any Town power roles. However, safer play is to claim directly -- this keeps other Town power roles safe, but also ensures the Mafia will not target you. Note that by claiming, you are opening yourself up to potentially being policy eliminated at some point during the game.
A very risky strategy is to hint at a power role, causing the scum to target you, and, as a 1 for 1 trade with scum is in the town's favor, you will have helped the town..

Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
You for pro-town activity and oromagi for his breadcrumbing
I agree with this analysis, think Ragnar is town too
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
I am not on this list
Do you have some vague sense of who you are? You read town to me.
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
You're confirmed town via claim, who else do you think is town?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
What rainbow are you tasting for town rn?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Is PGO commonly town? It is not listed among earth's town roles in his guide.
PGO is commonly town
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
I am among these
Don't reveal who you are yet

Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
My thoughts are that waterphoenix is innocent... This is a truth, because the game started without his role pm, seems mod wouldn't start the game without mafia confirming roles right? Hmm...

Ragnar feels innocent.

Speedrace's character seems... Suspicious. That character from my google search seems like an antagonist, though the character is said to have an arc. Wiki says:  "Initially introduced as an antagonist,". 

That1user feels innocent. Sakura seems a good character, and one of the main of the series. Also your inquisitive nature feels innocent.

I am still feeling out the others for lies or truths.

Thank you for your thoughts, pretty good analysis, personally I think Speed's POG claim checks out, Gaara was an initial killing antagonist then became village protector
Let us know what lies or truths you feel when this develops
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
I know nothin bout Naruto and I'm not going to try to learn more than I need to.  I hope somebody in TOWN has a firm grasp on themes and is actively considering ways to probe theme splits
It looks like Bear is our man here
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
What patterns do you see?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Thoughts on the game so far? Besides Grey being inactive?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
You're under threat of being lynched for inactivity, if you want to save yourself say something
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Lynching greyparrot


VTL greyparrot

To make your vote count
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Mmmm... Lynching greyparrot
Why? Inactivity?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Pressurers apply pressure to specific users to gain information out of them
Note: Pressurers are those I personally felt pressured by, but the pressure was to gain info
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
That's almost literally my pm lol
Lmao you check out then
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Role Breakdown:
Claims are confirmed town, no one has counter-claimed them and the logic for both being town makes sense
Analyzers provide deep analysis, trying to develop categories and themes for town based on overall observations
Pressurers apply pressure to specific users to gain information out of them
Back and Forthers are those engaged in early banter and not much else so far
1 Poster is Grey,  he only posted 1 post
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Are you suggesting a third party? 
Potential third party, it's a possibility

Sakura Haruno-That1User
Gaara (PGO)-Speedracer



Back and Forthers:

1 poster:
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
I'm Gaara, I have a motive to kill everyone, I'm the PGO
Makes sense, Gaara hated the world and will kill anyone in his path, but he became protector of his village post-defeat, the Fifth Kazekage 
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
speed- how are u on this Naruto?
90% he's asking you how familiar you are with Naruto and the characters
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
Mafia is probably some of the more evil characters like Orochimaru or Madara.
I'm also thinking Pain though he may be against Town and Mafia
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
That's what I think. We can figure it out if more people claim, but that will be dangerous for town. And I don't think its worth proving this kind of obvious theme split.
What theme split do you see so far?
Posted in:
Naruto Mafia DP1
I think in the first DP we should determine a theme split first. That way we can easily  tell who's mafia in the later rounds.
Naruto's friends vs. Naruto's enemies or a different theme split like behavior?