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Why do you believe in God?
Exactly. According to Athias's argument, I have the ability to believe that Athias is an idiot. Therefore, Athias must be an idiot because I can believe that he is one.

This is what religion does to people, it completely destroys their internal logic and rational thought.
Posted in:
Why do you believe in God?
If the ability to believe in God was a reason to believe in God, then everybody who has that ability would do so. But they clearly don't, so your argument is invalid. I can believe in God too, but I don't. "Just because I can" is not a valid reason to do something.
Posted in:
Why do you believe in God?
Guys, guys, what are you doing here? I made this topic for theists to explain to us why they believe in God. This isn't about whether theism is valid or whether there is evidence that God exists. Only post what is relevant to the topic: "why do you believe in God?"
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Why do you believe in God?
I myself am an atheist, but I'm always open to new ideas and make sure to listen to the opposing side. There are a lot of people who consider themselves religious, and I'm curious: what reasons to they have for believing in a deity? This isn't really a place for arguing, I just want to hear from different people and maybe perhaps even change my mind about God. It's hard for me to find someone in real life with whom I can talk about religion,  but this website has a lot of smart people who are theists and I would love to hear from them.