TheRealNihilist's avatar


A member since


Total posts: 4,920

Posted in:
I'm not gonna stay that's for sure, just saying hi

Hi 😊
Posted in:
Don't think it's caffeine.

The doctors didn't do surgery for some reason I don't remember why. 
Posted in:
You remember me?

What did I do?
Posted in:
I tend to just think so much which prevents me from sleeping. I either tire myself out or rarely repeatedly yawn.

I hopefully improve as a person in the following months. The problem with me is that I am easily distracted which gets my mind off important things. I believe I can tackle issues but the desire and the actual ability to keep at it is severely lacking coupled with anxiety/fear.

My nose is fractured, one side is completely blocked the other barely any air can travel through.

Fingers crossed 🤞 for the both of us, in ur worldwide successful book and video game and my better health 

Posted in:
I left that job, haven't fixed my sleeping problem. Heck I don't think I'm better off now than a couple years ago but these upcoming couple of months I believe I can turn my life to the better.

Just realised that post was about my difficulty breathing. I literally still can't breathe through my nose, yeah thanks for reminding me this exists and I haven't done shit about it. The doc said the procedure is risky but I should've taken it, I only really breathe to my mouth. 

I should really do something about that coupled with other issues. Thanks for reminding me. I'm kinda afraid to look at other posts to see what else I forgot about but I think I have to go through them.
Posted in:
Lets go!

That's great to hear 😄
Posted in:
So how is it going? You can't just leave my hanging that's rude.
Posted in:
Lemming ur here wtf 😢

Missed you FRIEND hope ur doing amazing. How is life?

Do forgive me if I forgot the forum etiquette 
Posted in:
Why are we banning wylted?
I can't believe I am replying to this but here I am 

Controversy is good and healthy for a debate site. 
YouTube's advertisers pulled out because PewDiePie paid Indians on Fiver to hold up "death to all J***", Twitch with the prominence of hot tub streams made an entire separate category for it (even though the hot tub streams is pretty much sexual content and they will have to eventually make a stance on it or lose advertisers).

I think you are bogged down by the debate title. If you go by any other really popular site they did tend to move into the family friendly area by promoting family friendly content and removing controversial stuff. You can have debates outside of controversial topics, now have things gone to far or will they get to a point maybe but a businesses sole responsibly is making a profit. 

I don't know about's history which is why I didn't comment on it.
By making an account you accept the terms the site lays out. You can of course protest and such but the rules are the rules. Even if they are given out inconsistently, too long or have little or no impact.

There doesn't have to be a good enough reason for rules to exist, they just need to be better than the other options. No rules will give them legal trouble and a bad image.

Your suggestion could be entirely correct or completely missing the point. It doesn't matter because you have to convince the moderators and owners. If you can't convince them you should drop it because I don't think you will get anything out of it unless you have become more persuasive.
I think it stems mostly from a new age sense of "you can't say that, it's offensive!". I think the world was a better time when comedians could make light of controversial topics without getting witch burned
I think in some cases cancel culture has gone too far but in other cases it is done well. This doesn't really change that cancel culture is a thing. I don't think it is fair for DA to take on responsibility for people not being able to have controversial topics. The blowback will lead to death threats, maybe doxxing and if big enough will pretty much be with them for the rest of their life. If DA wanted to have a strong stance on this stuff that would be cool but asking them puts them in jeopardy and I don't think they really want that hassle in their life. 
I was a right wing religious nut when I joined Getting schooled argumentatively changed a lot of my ideas and opinions. If I was banned or silence from I'd probably still be there.
I think interacting with debate websites gives unfair way of how things are. Majority of people don't really change their values, they stay the same even after counter-arguments whichever way it was given to them. I am lucky debating has changed me but I can't say the same for the people around me. My two parents are religious, my 3 siblings are religious and all of my cousins are religious. Even in my school I found like 6ish people who weren't religious. Now this doesn't mean people can't change their mind but it will require a lot of effort and understanding what kind of person they are.
Agreed, it was an amazing show and the soundtrack was awesome, especially the one from the 90's adaptation. 
I think the start was boring and the ending was trash given what the sequel looked like. The middle was the best part and I only appreciated the guts' theme outside the anime.

inb4 this conversation goes on for a decade

Posted in:
Why are we banning wylted?
I know I am slow to this but here is a video of two things faster than me.

David's take here as post #5 is pretty much all you need. 

If you care about growth you ban wylted.
If you care about upholding the rules you ban wylted.
If you care about literally the only bastion of the free speech you are talking about you wouldn't ban wylted.

Even if I agree this isn't illegal, it will bring about a bad image to this site. I think it is fair for sites to care about longevity even though it might go against what the site is about. It's a debating platform but it also works to provide users a worth-while service, having this baggage turns majority of people away. Competitors and news sites can also weaponise a brave stance on free speech. 

Hopefully I showed you the other side or maybe think about it. I don't think I will respond, see that as I forgot or what you said doesn't influence me enough to make a response. That can be you missed the point or even if I answered what you said it is unlikely for you to see the other side.  

I really like this theme, shame that the dude died. :(
Posted in:
I like this website.
Good for you RationalMadman

If you are happing doing this and that feeling doesn't change I see nothing wrong with it 

Posted in:
I will just like to say goodbye.
The competitiveness was for show and in reality I am more humble than a lot of you realise but that's fine by me.
Yeah I believe you.
I guess Trump losing and some other things going well for me IRL have led to me finally understanding that I don't need to argue my way through life in actuality, even if I'm right.
I think Covid and his take on Mail in ballots lost him the presidency but its just a guess.
I can sit here all day typing and what have I achieved?
Yeah I believe you.

Posted in:
Do you ponder about the past?
You barely live in the present and prepare for a future you may never see

Got em 
Posted in:
Do you ponder about the past?
I would do the opposite. I don't think it is not likely you will learn from mistakes unless you went out of your way to do so and in some cases you can't change only look forward. Something like your kid died of a rare disease that you couldn't prevent and for the rest of your life everyone once in a while that brings you down. Forgetting that helps the person focus on the other people that matter to them most in life. 


Don't know about valuing yourself. I guess the disadvantages are that your ego becomes so huge you just can't seem to understand other people. The positives of course is that you can always default that at least I'm okay as way of moving through hardships.


I don't think it is possible to learn everything and the best you can do is know what you can know really well and avoid other topics intentionally so that you say things that are untrue. 
Posted in:
Do you ponder about the past?
Oh yeah that was one of our disagreements. I said it would be better to not remember everything because it wouldn't really improve live something like ignorance is bliss whereas I guess you take the position knowledge equals happiness.


Defining yourself is not a big deal I think. Just like base it on what you do now and have some long term goals on how you could change and work to that. 

Posted in:
Well F*ck


Friends are not supposed to be the ones you improve yourself as a person. It is the people who you enjoy your time with and let you off of the hook. Yeah it would be cool if your friends are able to hold you accountable but then your not going to happy with your life. Of course this wouldn't facilitate change with anyone through friends but if the person really wanted to change they would've done so. I am not opposed a friend you enjoy spending time with and can persuade you.

Posted in:
Do you ponder about the past?
Thankfully my pondering is short-lived or I don't have to check up on it for a while. I don't think I will ever get a satisfying answer so it's best to forget about it. 


Don't know about it being a learning tool because most of what I remember I have yet to improve on or if I do it wouldn't be to same people I am impacted. The best thing I can do is also forget about it.


Memory I think it is for the best we don't remember everything. I think I would be more hateful. I just forget and don't really care about I issues I had with people. If I was able to remember I would do whatever it takes to make their life a misery but I haven't. The positives would be in law testimony would be better and if I somehow I am able to learn from my mistakes then that is also a benefit. 

Posted in:
Well F*ck
I'll probably just check everyday if you want to speak or other people then I'll reply but I'm not going to create debates or start forum posts.

Chicken eggs don't really bother me because I don't really remember being an egg but I do have and remember having organs, blood and skin.


Friends are necessary as social creatures. If you fuck up they are still probably there whereas a random stranger would never talk to you again. 


I didn't find it. I did find a liveleak video that was removed which I'm sure linked to the video which I think was on YouTube. I'm not watching the more recent one I found because that one is worse. 
Posted in:
Well F*ck
Are you Leaning?

You have to be. No Friends because you don't accept anyone, you say eh, your drawing is really similar to his and I think your mediator not trying to come off combative whatsoever. 

If it is you, it is nice to meet you again. Didn't know you arrived but welcome. I don't participate on this site anymore only if someone messages or talks about me so you should a better welcome from someone else if you haven't already. 

I think that people have interests now and then, more or less, or more frequent hobbies.
I don't have an interest in actual gore. That shit scares me. I don't really remember this but I imagine it is someone's head being blown up. I did find something more recent which was a cartel skinning someone alive. I think it was a liveleak video. I think I was hyper-ventilating watching it and was losing my mind. I kinda also get weirded out when I see animals dying, cut up or even how they are treated as pets.
Sometimes people only have an interest in such a subject for the novelty, but become bored of it in time, and stop looking at such videos.
I think if I was able to stomach these videos I would've found more than 2 but I didn't. I do watch a YouTuber who covers creepy stuff but the videos are not shown on YouTube so there is a disconnect but there isn't when animals are neutered, hunted and cut apart. I am not a vegan by the way so yeah kinda weird to complain about animal treatments and still eat animal products.
Sometimes people even late in life, have such as a habit of their interest.
Some never get away from it or when they do it is already too late to do something about it but the reverse can be true as well.
So long as you're not 'causing death/pain/destruction to others, eh.
The worst thing that can happen on this site is assisted suicide. The second would be blackmail. Third would be probably be bullying. I didn't include anything happening outside DA because people are cowards when you are face to face including me but maybe if anyone on this site DA I am very similar to what someone portray me as.
So long as it does not make you unhappy, eh. 
I think that video made me unhappy enough to post this and it completely escapes my mind that even done this but fuck it dude I'll make the same mistake again until I eventually build up a tolerance to it or never ever find about this stuff again. Oh and thanks for reminding me, I will search what it is to refresh my memory and it is all your fault :)

Posted in:
Platform development
Or are you perhaps better served by COVINCING THEM with rhetorical skill.
That is one on one. A debate has an audience. If your siblings were involved you can pander to them to help your case. 
Your example simply highlights the PROBLEM with a "traditional-style" debate.
The traditional-style is the way to debate because it is a waste of time convincing your opponent.
AND, Trump having to persuade Biden...
Neither will happen so the audience has less to feel something about.
And how is that outcome materially different
Your not wasting your time talking to Trump and spending it convincing voters. That is materially different.
you told Trump and Biden and the Audience that ONLY the participants could award points to each other (presumably on common-ground) and the "moderator" was simply there to keep time
Trump wouldn't accept these rules nor with any Republican. They rely on voter suppression, sound-bytes instead of allowing people to vote and an actual policy discussion. To even accept this would show just how awful Republican ideas are which would be stupid for any Republican to accept. 
the audience could much more easily judge who was a better NEGOTIATOR (incidentally a crucial skill in state-craft, also known as DIPLOMACY which just happens to be one of the PRIMARY jobs of so-called politicians).
Undecided voters are so stupid it is insane. To even think they can't pick from the two before the debates has started shows the lack of understanding of the platforms. A debate won't change that.
The media isn't going to focus on "the win for Trump".  They're going to focus on the point of agreement, and the fact that Biden appeared to be a more honest and open debater.
The media or news outlets posts what is popular. This can be this.
And I would consider that a MAJOR IMPROVEMENT over the current system that simply promotes mindless spectacle.
Your view requires Republicans to be stupid enough to accept those conditions. 

Posted in:
Platform development
That's why I proposed the 1/1/1 ranking system.
I am guessing debater 1 gets 1, debater 2 gets 1 and the audience gets 1.

Having this kinda reduces the audience vote. It is the entire reason for the debate to convince the audience not persuading both debater and audience.
I find it much more practical to hone my rhetorical skill with the aim of convincing my opponent.
Under the assumption they agree with a discussion format and are willing to have their mind changed. Highly unlikely. Biden V Trump is a clear example at the peak of debating. If that was changed to Biden having to persuade Trump, the entire time would be spent trying to but we both know he is clueless or deliberately misleading people so Biden is wasting his time.

Didn't address everything else because I was going to repeat myself even more. 

Posted in:
All Hail! King Ragnar!
Are you handling reports to your own forum posts?

Is my report function completely removed or am I blind? I see like and reply and that is it.

It is also pretty cringe to make CoC violations public, I guess you couldn't tell him in private messages that I will ban you if you carry on. If you did and he carries on then ban him. Pretty unprofessional but guess I'm not a moderator so what do I know.

Posted in:
Platform development
A judge can lie and say they are unbiased when in-fact they are emotionally (implicitly) predisposed to one position (and or participant) over the other.  Have you ever encountered a truly "unbiased" judge?
Nope so I can lie about having my mind changed in a debate.
Based strictly on your proposed, "measure of a person's thoughts", both debate styles appear to be equal.
Yes but in order to measure if someone is telling a truth you need to know what is going on inside their mind. Without it a discussion depending on convincing the otherside is not good grounds to measure a debate because we have no way in reading people's minds.
With perhaps some advantage to "self-moderated" because each participant would likely be expected to be biased toward themselves, (which denies any unfair advantage to either side) which would make a WIN exceptionally challenging and therefore exceptionally valuable.
Does self-moderate mean you can vote for yourself?
Do you think it would be fair to say that you have zero interest in convincing your debate partner?
Maybe but in a debate a person's interest should be convincing the audience so your question is irrelevant to what a debate is about.  
Posted in:
Platform development
I believe the only measure of an argument should be your ability to convince an opponent.
I can lie and say I wasn't convinced even the slightest and we have no way in measuring a person's thoughts. 
By removing the "audience" from the equation, you automatically get a much more honest discussion and exploration of opposing ideas. It would also save a lot of time for the moderators sifting through long and detailed "reasons for vote". I'm sure a lot of "self-moderated" debates would end in a tie, but I don't see that as a "problem".
I think there is a distinction between a discussion and a debate. A debate is used for the purpose of persuading the audience into taking your side. A discussion is talking to one another at the very basic level. I guess you can say the "Debates" section is for debates and the "Forum" section is for discussions but from my point of view forums become a circle jerk or a pseudo debate section.

I don't have an opinion on the debate tallying. 
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM

You still hate me or maybe you like talking to me? Yikes get over it. 

I could engage with what you said but I have no reason changing your mind but guess you are still adamant after all this time to defend yourself as if I care after like 4 months not talking to you.

I think you need help or maybe this is how you vent out your frustration so it might be good because you are not harming anyone you care about.

I guess you can type more but don't expect me to reply. See our past interactions I have put more than enough to challenge your positions. 

Bye SupaDudz

Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM
I do remember that there were a bunch of random SupaDudz posts in a bunch of different threads that were reported. If your memory is correct and you didn't reach double digits, then there might have been someone else involved. Of course, what do I know?
oooo another person. Who might it be?

I'm guessing RM or maybe it was me.
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM

If people do address me expect me to reply.

I was using autism describing the repetition of hashing out very similar arguments in different contexts and if you have a problem with that report me.
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM

How would I be Ramshutu's brick?
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM
Hello. Long time no see.
Hello as well. My memory is bad so we might've hated each other and we both forgot :)
It actually would. Public figures aren't protected by the CoC.
I didn't know it was the case so I reported him for that. 
Are you sure about that? Whoever it was went around and reported large numbers of random posts (50 at least, probably more) he made, many of which weren't remotely offensive or controversial. I don't know if you did that or not, of course, but I'm not sure why you assume he was talking about you.
Probably was me. Don't know my justification/s but if you want me to talk about a specific reported comment then I would gladly try to defend myself. I'm a bit blown away by the 50 number, I thought Ragnar took my reporting privileges away before I even reached double digits worth of reporting. Maybe I'm wrong and Ragnar did show a lot of restraint when it came to me. 

Oh yeah if SupaDudz and Ragnar are okay with revealing if I did report a comment that you thought was way out of line I will try to defend it if I can. Oh and I agree to it if they want to reveal that information. It would be funny to see what I did report since I can't check that myself. 
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM

I know my losses aren't due to him. I don't know what you are trying to say with that comment.

"Who is that"

He was speaking about me. I didn't know disrespecting Colin Kaepernick, a civil rights activist, was allowed before I reported it and asked Ragnar and he said yeah it was okay.

Basically if MLK was alive today this site would allow the disrespect of him as well.

I'm sure I reported other comments he made but Ragnar saying I can't argue against him so I report him (#24) is so disingenuous. I have matched the level of autism in my debates and in the forums but guess my multiple conversations slipped his mind. To even think I can't argue against him is a misrepresentation of the past which is still clearly present on this site.  
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM
How so?

Do you dislike me as well, if so can you link me what I did if this was anyway I form of insult? 
Posted in:
Top 20 debaters of DART 2020 according to RM
Wouldn't I be Ramshutu's assistant?

I build the cases and Ramshutu exploits them?
Posted in:
ps5 or series x?
I'm out of the loop with the console wars thankfully.

Posted in:
ps5 or series x?
Buy PC

More games
Steam, Epic, GOG

Ability to improve on it
Whenever something doesn't meet the required hardware you can change it

Ability to increase how long you can enjoy a game for

If your friends are going to get a console then there is no point listening to what I said above unless you can persuade them to buy a PC
Posted in:
My body my choice
Killing yourself harms no one but yourself
Guess you have no friends or family that cared about you or maybe you don't think there is thing called mental illness.

Don't know what is more sad what I said above or the environment you have been brought up in. 
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel
It's not the only reason but lol it's definitely a reason up there, the vast majority of the middle east absolutely hates and loathes Israel. In return, that carries over to the United States.
Stemming from things that US can't even dream of solving so the best they can do is make sure Israel is safe just maybe making more deals instead of removing a successful Iran Nuclear Deal. 
Posted in:
Why is the US still involved with Israel

Read this. Whiteflame part of course. 

They do give stuff in return. Israel is not the cause nor a big enough reason for why the US is bad in the middle east. It is the knack of presidents just loving to go to war with the middle east. I thought that would be obvious. 

Posted in:
My body my choice
I 2nd that oppinion and ask that he, and sadolite keep, their noses in a mask, and,  out of womens bodies, unless those women give their consent.  It is immoral to do otherwise, but who says sadolite or ethang have any moral intelegrity? Not me.
The integrity is as flimsy as their parents parenting skills.
Ego is the greatest danger to humanity.
I would go for more delusion.
Posted in:
My body my choice
In what world is ethang5 sane? He is a well known conspiracy believer no wonder he would take the anti-science route.

Maybe you should re-evaluate the people on the site.  
Posted in:
My body my choice
What if someone wanted to kill them self?

The difference in your very bad example of either side is that, no brains that think abortion is murder are making a law claim which is from morality. Wearing face masks stems from a scientific thing.

At least think really hard before you type this or maybe you were thinking. 

Posted in:
Political and economical class struggles push the world further and further into ultimate implosion and collapse. Individual rights far overpower the greater good in the world that all of us live in today, which leads humanity into a greed that cannot be cured unless there is a radical and rapid political and economical event that takes down the capitalist and part-communist governments that are in place today.
This is revolution talk but I think your too much of a coward to be apart of it only to wave the flag when it's over. Ad hominem but your rhetoric would send people to die in the hopes of a better future that you have in no way provided to be true.
Hard work in capitalist society is rewarded rarely and that is the problem with society and the economy that is currently in place.
Guess free will isn't enough. You don't expect stupid hard working factory workers to just do better even though they want it. Goes against your free will argument if the people you want to help need government intervention since their will isn't enough. Government needs to intervene on issues but your deluding yourself into thinking free will is possible to do anything apart from giving people empty hope.
Never said what this was so there goes our only hope for a better world.
Why should we need a proxy, instead of giving needs directly to humans themselves?
You disavow Marxism, Leninism, but this is what they did. I'm guessing you didn't read what you said.
It actually does one thing besides that, it satisfies the natural human greed for power.
Money can be a factor in creating human greed but so can the goods given to people. Why settle on this amount of money when I can make more? Why settle this amount of needs when I need more?
When you work, you get rewarded, not with money but with food and needs This creates a world where everyone gets what they need.
This is like removing from 1 part of the transaction but not acknowledging the problems will be the same if not worsened given the shift to this approach. Instead of money buying things the state is giving you things. Instead of trying to find the best way to make money it would be to how can I get the government to like me the most. 

Not demonstrated how removing currency will help so I don't see the point of anything you wrote instead of wasting everyone's time reading whatever it is that typed.

Posted in:
Determinism vs Free Will
Determinism, as suggested by countless philosophers suggests that our minds are simply predictable, our behavior is literally determined from the start. But, who determines our behavior in the first place? Philosophers state that there's external and internal forces that we can't possibly interfere with. If we can not interfere with them, that means, to us, they do not exist. We have no way of proving if they do exist or do not. So, why pretend that they have power? Determinism is further contradicted by the legal and moral obligations of a human being. True, parents have control over children. But, do they really? A child has the free will to run away. 
Right off instead of actually providing an argument for why free will is the case you instead say why determinism is wrong. This would be okay if there were two options. If it wasn't clear on this thread there is a 3rd meme option so I find this to be poisoning the well before give an argument for your side. 

Another thing you do is very weirdly attach to an irrelevant point. Instead of actually providing what the external forces and internal forces are then explaining how they do not stop free will you instead decide to hone in on the part we are not able to interfere with it. I guess this is a sign of cherry picking but your point to this is well if we don't know it exist how do we know it does anything? Bearing in mind you miss out mentioning internal behavior and most importantly missing out what are these external and internal behavior's that we cannot interfere with so basically a bad cherry picking that doesn't even help your point.

Appeal to morality and appeal to legality. Do I need to say more? Your basically saying since we have morals we have free will but this is not explained in anyway and it isn't by definition so yeah.

Free will is literally mastered by happiness and true justification within a human mind. Once you've achieved a true moral compass, you're free from the philosopher's version of "determinism", and you do have free will. Evil ones are easier to predict that moral ones.
This is not an argument more of showing a positive to believing him. I guess this is a reverse poisoning the well where you positively attribute things to your point. 

From this his only arguments for free will were an appeal to morality and appeal to legality. The rest was cherry-picking and poisoning the well and reverse poisoning the well (totally not made up). 
Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
So, in PURELY PRACTICAL TERMS, all "truth" must be 100% verifiable by empirical evidence and or logical necessity.

This renders "objective truth" a meaningless abstraction.

Yeah I find truth and fact similar. I guess distinction could be a fact is too much heat will burn you and you will die. A truth can be the applied version which is don't be near volcanoes and follow the right safety precautions in order to avoid volcanic death. 

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
I see, so, do you think it would be fair to say you believe in "objective truth"?
Do you believe that "objective truth" is "truly true" independent of any form of human verification?
Yes but for humans to find that to be the case they would have to verify it.
And if you do believe in "objective truth", can you please give me an example of something you believe qualifies as an "objective truth"?
My first answer kinda screws that up. 

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
Universality: the quality of involving or being shared by all people or things in the world or in a particular group.

The problem I find with this is that something can be true without everyone agreeing with it but this is as close it can get.

Do you believe "universality" is only what "all humans" find "undeniable"? 
Sure but even an agreement wouldn't really be enough given we all could be perceiving things different to what they actually are. Kinda difficult to explain but here is my example:

Imagine if you knew everyone was able to see but after everyone became blind they had no recollection of when they had sight. Under the definition this would be as close to universality ever but you know we had sight.

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
I thought it was a joke.

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
It sounds like you're pursuing APODICTIC TRUTH.

And good luck discovering APODICTIC TRUTH without engaging in "philosophy".
Not possible. Unless you change the definition of universality or have a logic which claims it is universal during or before that you would have to agree with it.

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
I'll keep that in mind whenever I'm building a house.
Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
and not better merely in terms of being more effective at achieving your goal .... but better full stop, categorically? Is that what you mean by standards?
Of course, but it complicates matters when they give their reason for their action as "Because I freely chose to do it." .... then such an argument is needed.
they at least believe that they sometimes do. And my point is that they never do and nobody ever does.
Guess I have to talk in the situations they think that have free will then. 
But even if your example argument was sufficient, as you seem to believe it is, that would already show that philosophy can give concrete answers
I wouldn't call that concrete mainly examples on something we agree upon. If we didn't agree on free will I wouldn't have given examples instead would be arguing against free will. 

Basically what we agree upon isn't what i consider to be concrete. If it is based on people agreeing with each other then it can simply change with a different group of people. A synonym of concrete would be universal if it wasn't clear on what I mean is concrete. 

Posted in:
The study of philosophy can never yield concrete answers
Could you give an example of the sort of standard you mean?
God exists. Whatever the Bible says is true would be an easy example. 
I answer whether we have free will or not by looking at the sort of free will that most people believe in. It seems that what most people believe in is that whenever we do something we could have always done something else instead, and not out of pure randomness, but out of choice ... that we are in some way self-causing. And not in a shallow way where we cause our actions with our mind but then our mind itself is ultimately caused by factors beyond our  control ... but in an ultimately deep way so that we are somehow to be the cause of ourselves in an ultimate sense that would require one to be Causa sui. But such a kind of self-causation is impossible because it would lead to an infinite regress and we are finite beings. So that's a simple sketch of how it can be shown that the free will that most people believe in is impossible without requiring any sort of scientific evidence at all.  It's something that is impossible both under determinism and indeterminism, both under naturalism and supernaturalism and both under physicalism and idealism. 

My favorite version of the argument against the strong version of free will that most people irrationally believe in that is given by a professional philosopher is the following argument by Galen Strawson:

Premise 1: You do what you do, in any given situation, because of the way you are.
Premise 2: To be ultimately responsible for what you do, you have to be ultimately responsible for the way you are—at least in certain crucial mental respects
Premise 3: But you cannot be ultimately responsible for the way you are in any respect at all.
Conclusion: So you cannot be ultimately responsible for what you do.
I agree with this. An easier way I think would be to say so why did you pick this option instead of another. When they give a reason like not enough money or not being there. They would have to yield they are contingent on factors meaning they are not free to carry out their will.

Another way of seeing this is that did you have free will as a child? If they said yes then they would have to say they chose to cry over not getting something. They might yield so you can say you are contingent on reactions that you do not have control over. If they don't yield then I guess you can say you were purposefully making your parents less happy because you I can. I don't think they would accept that. 

I guess this one is the easiest example but I like to hear you thoughts about is did you choose to be born? They would have to say no (or maybe they would say something different) and then keep moving to an age or something else. The more they push the question can be levied as so people under 18 are not worthy of moral consideration?  