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Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
All at the same time?. Do you not have a job or something? Who can do that? 
- I'm self-employed. Arguments can be extended to two weeks each. There should also be a lot of overlap in subject matter between those topics. It's not that bad. Better to take our time though. 

Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims

1. Jesus is God
2. Jesus died and then rose from the dead
3. Muhammed was not real
4. Having sex with children is unethical
5. The Quran is corrupted
6. Islam is not a religion of peace
- I'm game as long as rules & definitions are well established. I don't want this to fall into semantics. Which of these topics are we broaching first. I'm fine with doing all at the same time.

WWere going to try and convert each other in order to do that I need to use the Quran against the Quran and you i would leave the option to lean on the Quran or bible but you should probably be quoting the bible a lot. This can't happen for a few weeks anyway Yassine but I am open to a lot of different things and willing to argue devils advocate to make something work for both of ua
- This sounds like a mess. Details need to be specified. Maybe I'll open a thread to discuss the appropriate way to approach these topics. 

Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
The intention Yassine is to the best of our ability to respect both the Quran and the bible as true for most of these debates or as much as we can. I was hoping mostly for debates that centered around exploring both books. Some of those debates do not fall into those categories but for the most part thinking of the challenges across those lines would help understand what I am after. I have seen some debates recently between Muslims and Christians where they are both quoting each othersbooks a lot and they seemed like they would be fun
- Since neither of us takes the other's scripture as wholly true, the resolution must be prefaced with some reference; such as "According to the Bible/Quran...".  Still, "Jesus died then rose from the dead" is too ambiguous that is could fit the narrative in both scriptures. 

I can't think of any examples but I am sure some exist the bible has a lot of people in it that range from good to evil only a few moral exemplars such as your prophet exist in the bible.
- So you'd be arguing from a Christian/Biblical moral standard?

Posted in:
Debates I am willing to debate with Muslims
1. Jesus is God
- What does this exactly mean if not "a contingent being is a non-contingent being"?

2. Jesus died and then rose from the dead
- Is this intended as a historical debate or a scriptural one?

3. Muhhamed was not real
- I don't know who that is. He probably wasn't real. The beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is not not real. That would be an interesting debate!

4. Having sex with children is unethical
- Are you taking Con? Understandable, since plenty of that in the Bible. Unless you wish to argue from some other non-Christian moral viewpoint.

5. The Quran is corrupted
- As in the letter of the Quran? Or as in 'morally'?

6. Islam is not a religion of peace
- Definitions must be specified adequately, then I am all for it. 
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
I am not sure where those things conflict, so I can't tell you. 
- Lower cost, higher volume & greater complexity requires ever larger enterprises. Small businesses may supplement an industrial system, but will not be able to achieve sufficiency.

Obviously because if you are always 20 years behind liberals, you will just have the country turn into what liberalism wanted for it 20 years ago. In 20 years you'll have conservatives defend what liberals are pushing now. 
- Where do you draw the line then?

Mostly just by sitting back and watching things and then reacting to any sort of disloyalty. Suddenly a corporation puts their own self interests above that of the country. Bang, step in and execute the CEO for treason. If it happens again, bang execute the board that elects CEOs. 
- So a middle between government regulation & private enterprise. CCP style on steroids, cool.

As far as reeducation of the population is concerned, just intense philosophy classes beginning in elementary and going until they get out of highschool. 
- No religion?

The end goal of liberalism is what you see in other liberal controlled countries. Countries such as North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba. If you look at the economic freedom index which measures how capitalistic a country is, than the countries doing the worst job, such as the ones I mention, are the end goals of liberalism.
- Liberalism is to prioritize individual good over common good. I don't think those countries epitomize this principle.

Transhumanism is at the end of the day about radical life extension. Liberalism kills babies before they are born, attempts to kill the elderly through euthenasia and is generally anti-life.
- Transhumanism is essentially an ideal where biological & social hindrances to individual aspiration are removed, where the individual can realize their "true" self sans constriction. Things like gender free genitals, swappable organs, pregnancy free birth, abolition of hierarchy... are all the ultimate extension of Liberal principles. All humans are equalized & identical, & free to chose who they want to be without restriction...

Your paradigm is wrong. I would execute people who cut off the dicks of 9 year olds . At what point in American history were people executed for routinely cutting off children's penises?
- England executed for some 80 different capital crimes back in the 19th century. Cutting off children's penises was probably one of them.

Assuming that humans act in accordance with a predetermined nature has nothing to do with viewing reality as objective or subjective. It probably falls more along the lines of whether I believe in predeterminism or not and predeterminism is a philosophical belief probably more in line with what an objectionist would think.
You can say my nature is predetermined or not, it is irrelevant as to whether truth is subjective or not. Either genetic predeterminism is true or it isn't. If it is true, it doesn't mean subjectivism is true. In fact I think it makes subjectivism less true.
You are saying things can't be reconciled which can be. It is logical to both believe in a higher power and to believe in that God wrote himself onto our heart. The reason all of humanity share moral values is because God gave us those moral instincts. God did not give everyone throughout history a Bible or a Koran.
He did give everyone an instinct for what is moral. We know murder is wrong. We knew that before you ever read the Koran. You knew that because God gave you instincts for right and wrong. Every society on the planet even ones unexposed to an abrahamic religion knows that killing for fun is wrong, every single society knows that raping baby's is wrong.
Having this internal moral instincts does not mean you get to determine what is right and wrong. It means God has already determined right and wrong and wrote it on your heart. There is a reason that Cain tried to cover up his crime before a single commandment was written. God has wrote the laws on his heart and he knew murdering his brother was wrong according to his own internal morality set by God. He chose to ignore the laws God wrote on his heart. 
Humans don't get to determine right and wrong. Allah already did it, and nobody gets a free pass even if they have no access to holy books, because like Cain who knew what was wrong prior to the 10 commandments, we also have the law written on our hearts. 
- This is a vast & complex subject. I may end up making a post about it that others may engage. You are referencing a lot of philosophies: natural law, innate nature, human predisposition, existentialism, & ideas as old as platonism... etc. I'd love to talk more about this, but I don't wanna digress, so I'll try to be brief. – There are parts to this issue, each induces divergent positions:
  • As to Human nature. Some believe it's innate to be preserved or improved. Some believe it's not, therefore either malleable in accordance to environment, thus society ought to maximize its potential (marxism for instance), or it's predetermined, thus must be freed from social obstruction due to social restriction (deconstructionism for instance). The latter two are often confused with each-other, but they differ in the second premise, albeit they share the first.
  • As to intrinsic knowledge. Some believe there is innate knowledge, for instance platonism. Some believe there is proto-knowledge (i.e. predisposition to acquire knowledge). Some believe in blank slate, that all knowledge is acquired, for instance empiricism.
  • As to Truth. Some believe Truth is objective & known. Some believe Truth is objective & unknown, for instance skepticism. Some believe Truth is subjective & known, for instance subjectivism. Some believe Truth is subjective & unknown, for instance in solipcism.  
  • As to Reason. Some believe it's entirely demonstrative, that beauty is as reality, & both may be objectively ascertained, for instance rationalism or scientism. Some believe it's entirely preferential, that reality is as beauty, that it's a matter of taste & preference, thus subjective, for instance existentialism. Some believe Reason is both: reality is what is, thus the object of demonstrative reason, & beauty is what ought to be, thus the object of preferential reason.
  • As to Morality. Some believe it has an objective reality, therefore either known innately, for instance in natural law, or known through reason, for instance using science or rationality. Some believe it doesn't, therefore either can solely be known through revelation, or it's subjective, for instance relativism; or it's non-existence, for instance in nihilism.
  • As to human agency. Some believe agency is tangible, that humans have a will to act efficiently on the world, i.e. immediate reality is contingent on human will. Some believe agency is mental, that human have free choice but predetermined actions, i.e. free reasoning. Some believe that agency is nominal, thus human choices & actions are all predetermined.
  • As to Good....etc ...etc. 

- It is not evident to see the connection between these ideas until you delve into the implications of each paradigm. Sterilizing a family line for being "bad", assumes that their actions weren't born out of choice but out of nature, such that their nature is predetermined, to remove their harm is to remove them. This assumption is a consequence of adopting ideals like existentialism, or more generally denying Truth as having an objective reality. In effect, if acquired Truth is contingent on environment (for instance state or social norms), then it has no objective reality, therefore by precluding the impact of environment, what remains must be the original state, the "true" self. Hence, the -predestined- "true" nature. – This mode of thinking is prevalent in Liberal consciousness. Reason why, many of the Left today if not all, believe Whites are inherently racist, or that a transwoman is "truly" a woman...etc.

- As to what you mentioned about knowing good & bad, we can have a separate discussion about it. Although in the Christian Tradition opinions on this are diverse, there is generally a tendency therein to adopt that position. Particularly, some combination of innate disposition to know God, thus good & evil, & also an innate disposition to deny God, thus good & bad, as per original sin.
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
You don't disagree with me but still you persist in presenting an opinion you know to be false.  Why?
- There is overlap of agreement. Your opinion is false too.

Don't you need to state what practices you are talking about?
- I assumed you got it... Anything not conducive to family & community & Truth. 

Pure mentally ill truth-hating bullshit. 9 out of 10 pedophiles are fellow family members or fellow church members.  Children are far, far safer in the company of Liberal adults than Conservative adults.  Statistically speaking, a young girl is much safer from attack with a gay stranger than with father, brother, uncle, or minister.   The overwhelming amount of child sex assault comes from the big strength differences between adult males and young teenaged or preteen girls.  
All of the major anti-pedophilia legislation of the 20th and 21st century comes from the Left-wing, mostly from Feminists.  Walter Mondale is credited with most of the laws cracking down on child sex assault in the late 20th century, overcoming fierce Conservative resistance to legislation.  Throughout Europe, Liberals outlawed child sex over Conservative's strong objections.
Modern MAGA is far more tolerant of child sex assault than any other political party in American History- Donald Trump's 20 year close friendship with Jeff Epstein and Alex Acosta's Republican cover-up, Matt Gaetz's relationship with 17 year old girls and 12 year old boys.  Jim Jordan's cover-up of hundreds of sex assaults by Richard Strauss while Jordan was wrestling coach.  Lauren Boebert's husband's conviction for exposing his genitals to underage girls while Boebert watched, the whole Republican Party knew about Mark Foley and covered it up, the same with Denny Hastert,  
Just look at how many Klan leaders and Neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists go down for child rape and child pornography.  The numbers are not a coincidence.  Nor is it a coincidence that Jim Watkins, the most probable long-term personality behind QAnon and the QAnon servers' administrator also ran stormfront.com from the same server rack and also made his millions sneaking child porn into Asian markets.  There is a strong relationship between right-wing extremism and child sex abuse.
For every liberal you can find guilty of child sex assault I can hand you twenty conservatives so your delusional psychic predictions about Liberals and pedophilia can get fucked.  If you want to stop pedophilia, put women into power.
- Again with the tangent rants. Totally irrelevant. Regardless of the inaccuracy of your claims, child assault or whatever that is =/= pedophilia. Pedophilia is a necessary outcome of your Liberal values. & you will adopt it the same way you adopted all the sexual perversions before it, after these were priorly abhorred. This is purely contingent on social stigma, hence exposure. Calling for sexual freedom of your preferences & denying others theirs is antithetical to Liberal principles, & also hypercritical. Incest & Pedophilia are just as valid as any, & your stigma is just as oppressive. In fact, Incest was a normal expression of love -original love- among Zoroastirans, & pedophilia towards boys (pederasty) was an ideal in Ancient Greece. 

- In effect, the initiative cause of "Free Love" or "Sexual Freedom" was born out of the French postmodernist movement lead by Derrida, Foucault, De Beauvoir, Sarter...etc, represented in the US in people like John Money & others. It did not aim to just legalize homosexuality. They called for decriminalization of all consensual relationships, including between adults & minors & zoophilic relations, for sexually morality is beyond the sanction of power, the state. In 1977 a petition to abolish consent laws in France was issued to the French Parliament & signed by 70 prominent intellectuals... In the US, attempts to abolish consent laws were lost in the Supreme Court in the late 1980s, when chastity based consent laws were replaced by statutory-based ones, thus consent age was maintained. Their rationale being: 1 that maintaining consent laws, which were priorly set to protect the chastity of young girls, when chastity is no more a concern, is to create a criminal class of adults without any actual crimes committed, predicated that adults are criminals by virtue of being just adults – 2 that to claim a child is incapable of consent is preposterous, for they are sexually aware & do effectively & normally consent to sexual acts, as established by propagated research at the time by the likes of Money – 3 that consent laws are predicated on a contractual condition, of mutual agreement, without a contract, hence void laws. Indeed, all sound & valid arguments – 4 that such state involvement in sexual policing which denies the individual freedom of persons is unjustifiable, for it is arbitrary at the whims of elites & the powers that be.

- Moreover, Pedophilia was not a big deal back then, Gerard R. had relations with 6 year olds in the late 70s & was sentenced 3 months in prison. The extreme bias against pedophilia & underage intercourse in the West developed as a cultural substitution of the previously held bias against chastity violators & homosexuals. There are some 200 recognized paraphilia (perversions) only meaningful to those concerned. Pedophiles, just like the rest, also want sexual freedom of sake of love. – The fact that you don't like it is only owed to you not being indoctrinated to accept it as you have been in accepting homosexuality & all the rest. 

Carter is still alive and strongly endorses the current Democrat platform.
- General endorsement =/= agreeing with everything they do.

Your doubt is not evidence-based.
- No such thing.

an existent moral order that precedes political exigency
family values
free trade
strong national defense, strong support for military alliances, particularly against European dictators and Russian autocrats.
strong support for democracy and capitalism internationally
Conservatives preserve custom, convention, continuity.
strong defense of Western cultural tradition
prudence is a virtue
restraints on political power by loyal opposition
change must be reconciled with tradition
- I'd be interested in seeing you defend these claims against a conservative in a debate. Though, I fail to see how. 

Long story and we have established you are ignorant regarding most of world history
- Don't project your ignorance. You haven't got the faintest idea what World History looks like.

but just look at the increases in percentage of citizens, stakeholders in the economy, individual and property rights, power sharing.
- In that case, your liberal modern states are close to the bottom of that list. If you disagree, then I am sure you are ready to defend your position in a debate, say: modern West vs. traditional Caliphate? 

Sorry, bud.  You'll never be an American.  America is founded on the principle of justice for all, equality as the just state.
- LMAO! I am starting to think you're actually dumb. You can keep shouting this until the cows come home, it won't change the fact that Justice =/= Equality, BY DEFINITION. You get to pick one, you can't have both. Equating unequals is necessarily unjust. – This explains why you are against legal pluralism, you prefer forced equalization according to your values... Disgusting!

Yet, the liberal secular modern West is vastly more authoritarian than virtually any government system in History.
ridiculous and ignorant
- Alright, can you give me a list of historical government systems which are more authoritarian than yours?

seems like you've given up
- On you, yes. Lost cause.

clearly, you have not read much of this website over the past three years
- It must be that you're not confident enough to win against me in a debate then.

You claimed gay marriage was evidence of future pedophilia
- It is your illogical mind that jumps into those assumptions. But I did state the fact that homosexuality & pedophilia are both inline with Liberal principles.

You said white christians were easily turned, I pointed out that is a rapidly shrinking demo.  Try to keep up.
- Entirely besides the point.

- I don't think that means what you think it means...

because you fail to comprehend
- The level of your incoherence, indeed.

- Ur mum...

Improve your reading comprehension:  I said "continuous government in the world today"  Abbasids and Ottomans are no longer in the world today but I don't expect that you have noticed.
- Take your own advice. Again, what exactly is your idea of long lasting government? The Abbasids lasted 750 years, the Ottomans 600 years... You haven't answered the question. – As to your 'All of the longest lasting continuous government in the world today are Liberal Republics', it's factually false.

You said Capitalism is unsustainable.
- I said, Western style Capitalism is unsustainable, which indeed it is. You have yet to address that.

I pointed out that Capitalism is human character so always present in every human society. 
- You don't know what you're talking about. 

Don't know how you failed to comprehend.
- Indeed, I fail to comprehend how ignorant you are.

non-sequitur straw man. You said the American Revolution was historically inconsequential. 
-  I said it produced meager results, which it did. Very convinient for you to delete the parts you can't refute in my text, then proceed to respond in pretense. I am still waiting, why don't you tell us us exactly how shouting "all men are created equal" then proceeding to exclude all but some men: Blacks, Irish, Catholics... &/or non-Nationals... is not meager results. The Bolshevik Revolution was significantly more consequential, & also produced just as meager results.

I pointed out your historical  illiteracy.
- You have yet to. Good luck.

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
We’ve talked about this before but the idea that there’s going to be a civil war in the United States any time soon is absurd, and no amount of mean words is going to change that. Democrats and Republicans don’t even have street fights at a large scale in the United States, now they’re going to go to war? 
- The present is, therefore the future is, is a fallacy. I am aware there is no civil war at this current moment, that's not the object of contention here. In fact, the ingredients of a potential civil war are all present. The nation-state project proved unable to harmonize & equalize people of different backgrounds & belief systems, despite unprecedented amounts of mass indoctrination from early age & universal regulations imposed on all subjects.  

Look at the 1860 election which led to the first attempt at secession. Of the 11 confederate states in ten of them Lincoln, the winner, was not even allowed on the ballot and got ZERO votes. In the one state he was on the ballot, Virginia, he got 1% of the vote. And he WON the election. The reason the split happened was because opposition to Lincoln in the southern states was universal (well…among those who were allowed to participate in the decision making process.) Notably Lincoln got virtually no votes in the slave states that ended up sticking with the union but even a small minority of Lincoln supporters seemed to prevent a state from leaving the union over him. In Virginia where he got 1% of the vote, enough counties who hated the guys guts nonetheless wanted to stick with the union so badly that they ended up creating an entirely new state. 
Compare this to 2020. In Trumps worst state, Vermont, he got just under 31% of the vote. In Biden’s worst state, Wyoming, he got 26% of the vote. So flip a coin twice, if it lands on the same face both times that’s LESS likely than a randomly selected voter in Vermont or Wyoming going against their state. 
- Distinction without difference. All this division you are referencing is completely arbitrary. Civil war doesn't necessarily have to be alined with state borders or according to constituencies... It's civil war, chaos... Your second point also undermines your premise. You just prove voting trends can change & shift drastically. 

On top of that the US of the 1860s was a much different place with much much more poverty, food insecurity, and chronic, uncured disease. Birth and death rates were much higher—the median age of the population was decades younger and the culture matched that. Life was cheap and people had little to lose. Nowadays the people who would only go outside wearing a mask aren’t going to be starting a war any time soon, and the people who don’t even pull their kids out of schools they think are brainwashing them and just angrily post online aren’t going to start killing them. It’s a fantasy 
- You are saying very sensible things here. Indeed, security makes people dull & weak, but it also leads to hardship. This is the fate of all civilization. Security engenders prosperity, which engenders luxury, which leads to decadence, & therefrom collapse. But this is not the reason why civil war is inevitable in the US, the same way civil war in Japan, for instance, is not a foreseeable occurrence. Japanese people are harmonious, chances of such civil unrest even in hardship is not likely. The US, however, is deeply divided along a hundred different lines: race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, affiliation, ideology, party...etc. In fact, rarely has any society in History been as divided, almost down to the individual. This is inevitable under a liberal egalitarian system, where the building blocks of society is broken down to individuals, from the traditional communities in the past. – Having communities adopt such ideals is bad enough. A good example of this is the Balkans, once they adopted Western style Secularism (hence notions of nationalism, egalitarianism, liberalism...etc), they plunged into a two century long civil unrest which is still going, when they were coexisting mostly in peace for 5 centuries under the Ottomans. Now, imagine this but a thousand times worse. Instead of the dozen or so factions in the Balkans, your country has as may factions as there are individuals... & is currently in decline. It's just a matter of time.

That said the ideal solution for the US is more local/state government. Things seem to be evolving this way naturally as the federal government becomes more incompetent and more hamstrung with ever increasing red tape every year 
- Civil wars is a Human Condition, & are much more frequent in the West. It is not strange that the US has gone a century & a half without major civil war, but it is foolish to assume this would continue much longer into the future. In effect, being surrounded by vastly weaker states & two vast oceans of buffer zone from the closest enemy who can pose the slightest threat, having the most powerful police state state the world has ever seen & the most passive population through extreme vetting & mass indoctrination, enjoying leadership in the world stage & continuous prosperity for almost a century... will naturally afford the US some level of immunity to such civil wars; but only so far. Transforming society from communities into individuals may give you an apparent harmony & unity in the short term, but it just multiplies the differences, from dozens of factions between communities, to millions of factions between individuals. – Some of the worst civil wars in History occur during every dynastic change in China, albeit not much in between. In your case, things such as local government & legal pluralism & community-based society is diametrically antithetical to the Secular Liberal Egalitarian system you are currently under. You need a radical dynastic revolution to attain those changes... You want the appearance of Balkanization without what it entails. – The US is an empire pretending to be nation, therein their downfall. All successful empires in History were pluralists, not universalists. This is the only way a state can bring & maintain different peoples under its dominion.
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
A Laissez Faire system would if done correctly result in a bunch of small independent business owners, similar to what we had prior to the industrial revolution,
- How do you reconcile this with industrial systems & processes?

but with less ability to treat workers as terrible as was done back then.
- Workers were treated worse post-industrial revolution, not prior. This due to unregulated corporate Capitalism, where maximizing profits at the expense of the workforce was seen as an ideal.

That's a fair criticism and one of the downfalls to conservatism, and at risk of revealing my power level, I think conservatives are valuable allies, but ultimately would lean towards  some sort of populist fascism. Being consistently behind liberals by 20 years is a losing strategy.
- In what way is it losing? Is this about appeal to the younger generation?

The conservatism of a person like John Adams is more sustainable but ultimately is becoming extremely rare among conservatives . 
- Specifically what & how?

So first we would divide red by blue states and then work towards policies that would bring about some sort of technocratic right wing fascism that is a mix of evola style governance and transhumanism.
- Transhumanism is the end goal of Liberalism. You sure have some conflicting positions. How do you reconcile this with traditional society?

Me personally. I just try to use the tools of modern society while resisting things that are destructive, such as cutting my dick off, having meaningless sex, doing drugs and letting life pass me by, by using the television and internet as some sort of opium of the masses. I also have a strong revulsion towards consumerism.
I wouldn't go back to uphold my ideals. The destructiveness of liberal ideologies is something we have proven we can not tolerate. We showed them freedom of speech and they used it to cancel conservatives and kick them out of the public square for example. We allowed them to use corporations to attack American society with their filth.
- So you wish to stop at some points in the past regarding particular things like sexual freedom & consumption driven capitalism, but keep the other aspects of present modern life? 

In my society, every member would work towards what is best for the country and we would make laws to ensure that happens, but we would have to control culture as well. 
- Through state management, state regulation, or self-government?

Maybe sterilize family lines which are proven to be bad.
- You're a lot more liberal than you think... What you just said stems from the assumption that humans act according to a predetermined nature, either automatically or intrinsically. Which, also originates in two more basic principles. One, that Truth does not have an objective reality, for it is nurtured (by power in post-modernist view), therefore, Truth is subjective: whatever is, is as you believe it is, & hence you act according to what is true to you, your true self, your predetermined nature. Two, that Morality has no higher reference, i.e. knowing what ought to be (right & wrong) isn't contingent on a higher power; Therefore, either we already know what is right & wrong by our nature (for instance doing good makes us happy), or we can know what ought to be the same way we know what is (for instance using Science), or right & wrong are whatever we make them to be according to our personal truth. In all cases, what ought to be is known not through revelation but through human nature.

Indoctrinate people in schools where the marxists have previously infiltrated and corrupted.
- You wanna do as they did?

In fact basically take what the CCP has done, but instead of doing it selfishly for themselves and their party, invert it to do what is good for America. 
- You can just say do what the CCP has done, they too say we are doing it for China...
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
But an honest history of America tells us that's not so.  The left is a little more pro-gay, a little less pro-affirmative action than it was 50 years ago but in most ways the leftist majority holds the same beliefs they did 50 years ago.
- Although I may not particularly disagree with you, the Right sees it differently. Practices which are increasingly being adopted by the Liberals weren't a thing shortly prior, albeit the principles & ideals are the same. Hence, practices such as incest & pedophilia, for instance, will eventually be adopted as well, according to the Liberal ideals. It may not seem to you like it, but the Right see these progressive adoptions as a shift away from moderation into extremes. – For me, as an outsider, it's all the same. It's just that the one generation wasn't indoctrinated into accepting the practices that the next generation is, therefore they tend to reject them, & so on.

American Leftism is still in good alignment with the politics of Roosevelt and LBJ.  Jimmy Carter is still a beloved grand old man within the Democratic Party.
- I strongly doubt they would agree with what this happening today...

The Republican Party just threw out Liz Cheney, and considers McCain and Romney RINOs with no place in the radically reformatted Republican Party.  Bush, Reagan, Nixon have no place in the modern Republican Party. When Barry Goldwater ran for President in '64 he was the absolute extreme Right of acceptable Americanism post-McCarthy and by 1995, that same Goldwater told the GOP" "Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican party much more than the Democrats have." Justice John Paul Stevens often noted that he was appointed in 1975 as the most Conservative member of the Supreme Court and retired in 2010 as the most Liberal member of that same court without ever changing a single political principle.
The Right WIng can play "I'm rubber, you're glue" all they want but the fact is that the Right Wing has departed from traditional American values.
- "Traditional" huh! What exactly are those traditional values they departed from?

There is a pendulum quality to history across centuries, from left to right and back again but there also a decisive leftist narrative.  Greece was more liberal than Egypt.  Rome was more Liberal than Greece.  The Ummayad Caliphate was more liberal than Rome.  The Renaissance was more liberal than the Caliphate.  The Revolutionaries were more liberal than the Renaissance, etc. 
- All this is pure drivel. But I'm all ears, tell me exactly in what sense were the ones more liberal than the others? 

As Martin Luther King noted,  “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”   That justice is always more free and more equal and therefore more liberal than the generation before. 
- Justice & Equality are contradictory notions, by definition. To have one is necessarily not to have the other.

Authoritarians seize back power now and again but history and technology and sheer fucking numbers make authoritarianism increasingly less effective and every swing right a little bit shorter.
- Yet, the liberal secular modern West is vastly more authoritarian than virtually any government system in History. Public degeneracy is not the sole criterion for Freedom. In fact, it isn't at all.

Obviously false.  Look at Biden's recent compromises with Manchin on permitting deals and new oil pipelines. Biden pisses off the Left-wing more than the Right.  Pelosi put Cheney in charge of the Jan 6th hearings to make sure that the non-radical Republican party had its say.  Only MAGA rejects sharing power, as is evident in the knife fights they are about to have over the Speakership and then the 2024 Nomination. 
- This is childish nonsense. 

Only radicals obey the law from fear of force. Most Americans don't aspire to criminal acts and see the police as protective.
- Blahblahblah. Law IS force, if you don't like it, then disobey it & see. 

That's quite false and quite revealing about your values.
- Doesn't change the fact that "American ideals" is a meaningless label. Sure enough, for someone who hold these values so high & dear you incessantly avoid having to defend them in a debate. 

but Georgia is more representative of future demographic trends and swinging left.
- Red herring. You claimed current trends are evidence for future trends. Besides the fact that this is in itself a fallacy, I brought you a counter example. Florida was blues, now it's deep red. Deal with it.

20 million few Americans identified as White in 2020 then 2010.
12% fewer Americans identify as Christian than ten years ago
- What does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely nothing. 

The very fact that you are willing to call McCain and Romney "enemies of America" and "the failure of Democracy" demonstrates an fast moving and unsustainable radicalism.  These statements are totally out of alignment with American values.
- You can't possibly be this self-absorbed & ignorant. 'Enemies' are obviously foreign agents. Democracy shatters under foreign interference, especially from a stronger enemy. Reason why the West are eager to spread democracy across the world, for it's much easier to interfere with elections & spread propaganda to remove disobedient governments in case of democracy, than to send troops when you have a dictatorship.

Yeah but only fascists think that way.  Liberals know governments can never live up to individual idealism and don't look to government to represent their values.
- I take this as a concession. 

Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights to prevent exactly that.  Liberals don't play that.
- You keep forgetting I am not American nor am I bound by American propaganda. I have not gone through the heavy indoctrination you have been subject to all your life since birth. You are trying to defend your system using labels, when these mean nothing to me. The value is in the meaning & reality behind those labels. Whatever label you wish to use, it is still a fact that non-Liberal non-Secular non-Western rational is excluded in all your systemic institutions & Liberal Secular Western rational is imposed therein. If your ideals & values are so good, then use words & convince others with persuasion on a an equal playing field, not by force of law & violence. But you can't, else those ideals will disappear.

Nor is your critique any kind of rebuttal
- There is nothing to rebut, when no case has been made.

Obviously false.  All of the longest lasting continuous government in the world today are Liberal Republics. Most autocracies die with their dictator- Russia will soon be wanting a new government, for example.
- This is factually false. Even if true, I am speaking from design, your response is a straw-man. What exactly is your idea of long lasting government? The Abbasids lasted 750 years, the Ottomans 600 years... 

Our Republic is older than the notion of "Whiteness" and will endure long beyond that social construct.  There is nothing about America that inherently White or Christian or male.
- Are you dumb?! The point is Secular Egalitarian Liberalism is self-destructive, by design, for it necessarily leads to extinction. 

Capitalism is an economic describing one competitive aspect in human nature.  Capitalism exists whether governments want it or not, as Russia and China soon discovered in the 20th century.  You can harness competition or you can suppress competition but you can't kill that human instinct any more than you can kill our instinct for charity or teamwork or self-improvement.
- Does everything you say have to be off-topic! What does any of this have to do with what I said?!! The Western practice of Capitalism is unsustainable, if you disagree then prove me otherwise instead of going into tangents. Maximizing your present self-interests at the expense of everything else, will necessarily result in exactly that. Everything else will be sacrificed, including your future & the future of your descendants.

You think the American Revolution produced "meager results"?
- This is a failed attempt at defending those results. Instead, you can tell us exactly how shouting "all men are created equal" then proceeding to exclude all but some men: Blacks, Irish, Catholics... &/or non-Nationals... is not meager results. I am all ears.

Damn,  you really don't know the first fucking thing about world history, do you?
- World History =/= American History. You people live in a giant bubble, you have absolutely no clue. But you feel you're right, then you might wanna defend your beliefs in a debate, which you keep avoiding. 

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?

As in 2 countries. The southeastern part of the United States and all solidly red states. You won't see liberals supporting such a thing because while this would result in a virtual utopia for the red states, this sort of thing would result in the destruction of blue states because a parasite requires a host. We would likely see another war of Northern aggression backed by 3rd world shit holes like California try to dominate the south so they can keep a hold of their host to leech off of. They obviously would fail because their army would consist of undisciplined mud people, women and trannies who would face strong masculine men who are disciplined and fight with the moral high ground 
- Hahahahahaha! This made me laugh hard. 

I believe that the closer you get to Laissez Faire capitalism, the more prosperous a nation will be and I believe that the economic freedom index which measures how Laissez-faire a country is, indicates this.
- Does laissez-faire refer to corporate activity or individual private finances & transactions?

Precisely as far as the Taliban would go. If they want to live in the Weimar Republic they can move to a blue state, where without republicans to intervene in such things would legalize shit like pedophilia. 
- The Right are shifting slowly further back in History in reaction to present Progressivism. Some stop pre-Nonbinary in 2020s, some pre Gay Marriage in 2010s, some pre LGBT normalization in 2000s, some pre Male resentment in the 1990s, some pre female emancipation in the 1980s, some pre sexual liberation in the 1970s, some pre civil rights in the 1960s, some pre anti-nationalism in the 1950s, some pre anti-Nazism & Semitism in the 1940s, some pre anti-White supremacy before that... some pre Civil War, & some even pre US Constitution, since to them therein lies the origin of all Progressivism. This depends on how much one wishes to purge themselves of Progressivist ideas, & thus how far back a point in History they must settle into. – Where do you see yourself now, & how far back in History are you willing to go to uphold your ideals?

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
Well, thats nice. I used to wish what God wants too. I still talk to God every day and we discuss important issues.
- I mentioned this before, but you need to check yourself into an asylum. God does not discuss.

This planet is a tiny dot in the Universe. But yes, you will rule the universe.
- Elon Must will be sad if he hears this.

Well, did you ask God? Please tell us what he told you so that we can laugh at you.
- You're the one who supposedly talks to God. You should laugh at yourself, or take my advise & go see a shrink.

US population is shrinking rapidly and they cant kill you all with nukes, especially if you hide in caves.
- Coming from the country that took their nuclear technology from Muslims... A North Korean American slave! Ain't that beautiful. Supreme leader is deeply disappointed. 

You sure are trying hard to hide your joy.
- Not sure if this is you projecting your own concealed joy of American collapse or you in denial of your American slavitude. 

If you were only this aroused when you pray to satan's son allah.
- The god you worship is not God, whom I worship.

No, keep wishing. You must always keep wishing more so allah can give you some of it. allah is nice.
- Allah does whatever He pleases.

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
Anecdote does not refute my stat.
- Your anecdote*.

No.  If you look at the issues that concern Americans: economy, fair elections, abortion, gun control, gay marriage, etc the story is the Right-WIng of the Republican party grows increasingly radicalized,
- That's exactly how you look to those on the Right, to whom it is the Left that is becoming more radicalized... Indeed.

and a growing majority agrees that the radicals are wrong on most issues.  That's not polarization that is consolidation.
- The Right also says the same thing, except the radicals are you to them.

  A quarter of Republican congresspersons just voted to make gay marriage the law of the land.  How do you think think same quarter will vote on some version of legalized abortion?
- You're undoing yourself here. The overwhelming majority of Republican representatives opted otherwise then –which is also true for Republicans. You're assuming support for liberal practices will indefinitely grow, which isn't necessarily the case. For instance, support of the gay marriage significantly dropped among Conservatives between 2021 & 2022, prior to that bill you mentioned. – I will grant you one thing though, the younger generation on both sides is overwhelmingly Liberal. But that does not seal the future, since Conservatives tend to have a much higher fertility rate than Liberals. The divide is not going away any time soon.

Only an authoritarian follower believes that if somebody wins the Presidential election, their ideals are suddenly in force.
- Libs must be authoritarian followers then. Regardless, that's entirely besides the point. By definition, Law IS force. So, would you be fine with having those ideals Law? 

That's how NAZIs thought, therefore that's how MAGA thinks but as long as America remains American that is never fucking ever true.  In America, Presidents are just the twat in charge and American ideals are forged and maintained by Americans- which Trump was never really any part of, if we are being honest and certainly he was never capable of understanding.
- You're not that different from Nazis. You're just talking nonsense, "America remains American", "American ideals"... are just empty meaningless labels. 

Trump won't ever win again but also won't ever stop running again because that is his best legal defense and his only effective source of funding.  If the law or his health does not stop him, Trump will run.  If Trump wins the GOP nomination, Cheney will split the ticket.  If any Republican other than Trump wins the GOP, Trump will split the ticket.  The only way the GOP wins in 2024 is if they stop Trump now and only the GOP can stop him.
- Although I might not disagree, all this is off topic. Trump is too hated by the Left & too old. The GOP should find another candidate...

DeSantis could win under the right circumstance but there will never be a time when he represents the values of the American majority.
- Florida says otherwise. Florida was Left leaning just a couple years ago.

A majority of Republicans support hate speech laws, gay marriage, immigration, abortion and unemployment benefits.  I am a Liberal so I don't support Affirmative Action in any kind of public policy structure but Gallup polling has support at 63%. You assume the split on these issues is Democrat-Republican and 50-50 but the split is actually radical-moderate and the splits are more like 70-30, even 80-20. 
- It is now the case, therefore it will be the case in the future is a fallacy. It's much easier & much quicker to make Whites, Republicans &/or Christians turn conservative, than to liberalize them. The former only takes destigmatization, while the latter requires generations of wide scale exposure to liberal values, in education, academia, media, social service...etc. – Don't be too sure about those splits... 

The Romneys and McCains and Bushes and Cheneys all live in the same America as the Bidensand the Bernies and are glad and proud to continue to do so. 
US Intel tells us that recent separation movements in Texas, California, and Western Canada all originated with Russian money and Russian employees impersonating locals and agitating the (mostly criminal) radical Right.  The Marjorie Taylor-Greens and Trumps and Gaetzes might enjoy the money they make for talking up separatism but none of those figures have the organizational capacity to actually lead a nation much less found one.
- This is exactly why Democracy is a shit system, easily penetrable by enemies. The only reason Democracy was mildly successful in the West in the last couple of decades & was virtually never successful elsewhere is because it is easily penetrable by stronger enemies, not so much by weaker enemies. – Also, this conspiracy tactic doesn't help you change reality. You might ignore the other side, but it's there.

only to the violence-minded
- That explains your History.

It's just code for segregation, apartheid,
- It takes a certain mindset of absolute self-righteousness & totalitarianism to consider others who disagree with you ruling themselves according to their own ideals equivalent to you ruling them according to ideals other than yours. 

weak assholes afraid to compete on a level playing field.
- Indeed, which is why the only way you know to convince others is to force your ideals on them, exclude their views from your institutions & impose yours by force of law or violence.

  Every issue you named is just white men trying to preserve their place at the top of the food chain. In every age there's going to be the rump of conservative codgers who used to be the masters of the  hierarchy and want to freeze the churning wheel of competition just before the ride down
- Having such a caricatural view of those who don't share your ideals does not in any way refute or undo their ideals.

but the principles of Liberalism and Capitalism say that nations that aren't busy growing and changing and adapting and evolving are busy dying. 
- Liberalism is unsustainable, by design. Transforming a nation of communities into a nation of individuals leads to despotism, social disintegration & extinction. Among the Whites you mentioned, fertility is at half replacement thanks to Liberalism, & at quarter replacement among Liberals. – Liberal population will half every generation, into oblivion. Nations that adopt Liberalism are, indeed, dying. – As to Capitalism in the modern Western sense, which is to maximize present & private benefits, is too unsustainable, by design. Maximizing your present at the expense of everyone else's & the future will do exactly just that. Your future is bleak. It is your children & grandchildren that are the price for your present fleeting prosperity.

The American Revolution and the Civil War were both fought for different increases in equality but that's the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence, the very instrument that created and United the States, Americans, and Americanism.
- If you mean by 'instrument' the art of deception that is to shout large promises & deliver meager results & to make-up pretty labels to disguise the same old ugly meanings, then I wholeheartedly agree. Shout "all men are created equal" then proceed to exclude all but some men: Blacks, Irish, Catholics... &/or non-Nationals.

If you consider equality a "view imposed" it is only because that is the American character at its most distilled but also, this country may not be made for you.
- True. I prefer Justice, not Injustice disguised as Equality. Indeed, Equality can but be imposed by force, for different peoples have different ideals & norms. 

It takes a certain kind of confident courage to never want superiority in rights or demand that others form a line behind you in the  pursuit of happiness.
- I assume you mean by 'rights' & 'happiness' the kind that conforms to your views. What do you think about a Sharia imposed equality in rights & happiness, in a multi-religious society?

Not all who call themselves Americans understand that America is an idea, not a place on the map, and not all born to it are necessarily worthy.
 - Regardless of the nonsense you're spouting. You seem to be a proud American who believes in these values. Would you be willing to defend your American values in a formal debate?
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
I suspect the divide would be along the lines of one faction under a fully centralized government similar to present day Russia or China and the other half of the country would choose a confederation of free states similar to the EU.
- Interesting! Which side is which & why?

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
Definitely a 2 state solution.
- As in one state two systems or like a confederation of literally two states?

It will undoubtedly prove the inferiority of liberalism. The blue states can cut off their children's dicks abort all their babies and have their soft fascism while red states will flourish without the depravity and economic turmoil.
- It would ultimately come down to population. Liberal lifestyle engenders under-replacement fertility, which would inevitably lose out to traditional lifestyle within a generation or two.

It is no coincidence that blue areas always become poor and resemble 3rd world countries while red areas prosper with low crime good economies and family values. 
- Why exactly do you think this is?

I live in a blue area now. Trust me, absolute shit hole. Whenever I go on road trips to visit relatives in other blue areas, same thing. Meanwhile when I make put stops in red areas, absolute fucking paradise, every one of them. 
- I've seen some of that. How far would you go to prevent things like Liberalism, abortion, child sex ed, gender affirming treatment, euthanasia, family drag... normalized across the US? 

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
You are a muslim. You have wishful thinking. You want for west to collapse.
- Yes I am Muslim. Therefore, I want what God wants. If God wants the West to dominate the Universe, then so be it. If God wishes the West to disappear, then so be it. Regardless, the West are collapsing on their own in free fall. They don't require any assistance from my wishful thinking. Wishful thoughts have no impact in the real world anyways.

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
Infantilized is the word I think you are looking for. 
- You're still here aren't you. 

Most of the regulars are gone and the average age on this site has dropped twenty years over the past 12 months.
- You don't believe democrats & republicans are becoming more polarized?

False. Conservatives are always saying this and decade after decade it is increasingly less true. Texas is more like California today than any point in Texas' history.
- Reality says otherwise. Regardless, tell me honestly then, would you be OK with a DeSantis-Trump ideal 'Murica? How far will you go to prevent a US with no hate speech laws, no gay marriage, no affirmative action, no immigration, no abortion, no unemployment benefits...etc? 

Nonsense question. History has already taught that the modern, diverse, industrialized, scientific, democratic majority of the nation will always prefer union and will always kick the ass of the low information, low energy, violent rump.
- Yet you've answered the "nonsense" question. 'Kick ass' implies violence; so I take it you prefer civil war & winner takes all, 'winner' being those who agree with you... It's funny how you call this "diverse" when you're not even willing to consider a legally pluralist nation.  Also, 50 years doesn't amount to such big claims of History –Communism lasted longer than that. Make it last a few centuries & then we'll see. So, to repeat the question. Would you rather have a legally egalitarian nation even it means violence & force to have your point of view imposed or have a legally pluralist nation where other points of views are imposed on others?

Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
People don't live and identify with their states as countries so much anymore, that I know of.

I suppose some states have a significant more of one party or another,
But states seem a mixed 'enough bag, to me.

Far cry from era right before and during American Civil War, seems to me,
I think Civil War fears of current situation, is excessive.
- Distinction without difference. States are becoming redder & bluer, & political issues are. becoming uncompromisable. 

I'd rather people make their own laws to a degree,
As individuals, city, county, state,
But there's 'still values and actions I'd rather we 'not give people the right to act however they like.
So still a fair number of national laws.
- Would you be fine with local laws banning things like abortion & homosexuality> Where would you draw the line?

Still I don't think people are going to isolate too much.
Some people do,
Mormons, Amish, Libertarian Free State Project.
- Would you marry someone the opposite site of the political spectrum? Would you befriend them?
Posted in:
Pluralism Or Civil War?
- Every time I come back to this Forum the schism Republicans/Democrats gets more polarized, almost to the point of civil war. The States are increasingly becoming different countries & history is repeating itself. – If push comes to shove, would you, as a Republican or Democrat, prefer a civil war where winner takes all or a one country two-systems solution? Would you want a legally pluralist US where each municipality or state (or confederate of states) has its own constitution & legal system?
Posted in:
Jesus is "Trans"!?
- If the Christians have stood up to defend their idol & ideals this wouldn't happen. 
Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
'” John 8:58 “Jesus answered them: 'I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM.” This was the name God gave himself when he first communicated with Moses.:"
- The most this says is the beloved Jesus (pbuh) came to be before the beloved Abraham (pbuh). 

"Exodus 3:14 “God replied, 'I am who am. ' Then he added, 'This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you. '”
- So everyone who says "I am" in the Bible is God? This is turning into a whole pantheon!

The Trinity is right here actually.
God the Father "...voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
- This is also true for others in your own Bible. I still don't see any reference to anything that resembles the Trinity. 

God the Son: Jesus, the one being baptized. If we also link this with, "'” John 8:58 “Jesus answered them: 'I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM.” This was the name God gave himself when he first communicated with Moses.:" Then we know that Jesus is God.
God the Holy Ghost "...and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.
- The beloved Jesus (pbuh) is also referred to in the Quran as the "Word of God" & the Archangel Gabriel as the "Holy Spirit of God", YET we don't say these are God Himself. There is no justifiable way to make that jump, in fact it's logically & metaphysically impossible.

No, I said God, lives/exists outside of said box. He can enter the "box" and do/change certain things, but all in all, he exists outside of said box. 
- So God, the necessary being non-contingent on anything, becomes contingent on His creation?

- So, it is possible for God to not be God?
- Indeed, you yourself reject belief in the Trinity, but refuse to admit it to yourself. The Trinity is literally the nonsense claim that God not only can be not-God, but in fact, IS not-God. God, the necessary being, is also man, the contingent being, i.e. not-God.

Yes, but doing this would go against his own scripture and writings.
- You don't understand what God is. God is not your next door's neighbor. God is the ultimate reality, the necessary being on whom all rely. A necessary being is, by definition, such that His existence is necessary that He can not not exist. Saying, God can end Himself is a self-contradiction.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Yes, it does, because if you assume everything in the Bible to be true.... then it's true.
- No. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus (pbuh) is God. That's just conjecture.

This is why I brought out the God calls himself God in my earlier argument, because if we were to assume everything in the Bible to be true, then God saying he is God must have been true.
- First of all, what you're actually implying here is God saying He is not-God, a necessary being saying he is a contingent being. There is no possible world in which this statement can be true. Second of all, even assuming everything in the Bible is true, Jesus (pbuh) in the Bible never claims he is God. That's your own misassumptions.

Well, you see, now you're contradicting yourself. First you say the Trinity doesn't appear in the Bible, which was false. Then you said that you disproved something in the Bible: The Trinity, which you didn't
- The Trinity factually does not figure in the Bible, not in letter or meaning. & I have disproven the Trinity, it's False by definition. The same way a married bachelor is False by definition.

So, is it or is it not in the Bible?
- It's not, fortunately. If it's in the Bible, it would just constitute more proof of its inaccuracy. If the Bible says married bachelors exists & square circles are real then the Bible is necessarily wrong. 

Also, the Trinity is true. God lives outside all physical elements that we are used to. It's just like the box interpretation I made an example to. 
All of everything, Laws of Physics, Biology, Time, Space, everything is the box. But God lives outside the box. 
So, we may not be able to fully comprehend the Trinity, but that doesn't disprove it.
- You first sentence undoes your last. God is outside time & space. The Trinity is about a God inside time & space. It's utter nonsense. 

What proof? I've studied many other religions, not just stuck to Christianity. In fact, I used to be an atheist, before I came to the facts and evidence before me.
- Clearly you haven't, given the gross misrepresentation of the most basic tenants of all these religions...

Your argument is:
Other denominations don't believe in the Trinity.
Therefore, all of Christians, must be wrong on the truth of the Trinity.
- The Trinity is False, regardless of how many believe in it. Even if 100% of all people believe in it, it's still False. Even if all people believe in the married bachelor, it would still be False. This is not a matter of discussion. That said, my argument is simple. If the Trinity was explicit in the Bible, then Christians wouldn't differ about such a foundational doctrine that they would need to literally adopt it by majority vote. For instance, Muslims do not differ about the Oneness of God, for that is explicitly clear in the scripture that it leaves no path to interpretation.

There are other denominations of Christians, who do in fact not believe in the Trinity. But even if the Trinity didn't exist, it wouldn't disprove Christianity. I wouldn't be suprised if it didn't, but I do believe it does, because of the way my denomination interprets the scripture.
- Going back to the original question: why is God the Creator the god described in the Bible?

No. Jesus was fully man, and fully God. He lived by the laws of Time and Space, but only to experience true humanhood, live a perfect life, so that he could prove to others and himself it was possible to do, and sacrificed himself to save us. 
- So, it is possible for God to not be God? Is is possible for God to create His own God? Is is possible for God to end Himself?

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
.......because he was resurrected......and the Holy Scriptures say it all happened. So if we assume that he did, because he did, then the Bible would be proven true, therefore everything in the Bible would have to be true.
- First of all, the truth of some doesn't necessarily imply the truth of all. False generalization. Second of all, even if we assume everything in the Bible is true, that still doesn't entail Jesus (pbuh) is God. It is metaphysically impossible for Jesus (pbuh) to be God to begin with, the same way a square circle is impossible. A necessary being can not also be a contingent being. What you're saying is God is not-God. This is absurd.

Well how else would we prove it. This is the most valid way. If there was some other deity, that created the universe, then it probably would of shown itself by now.
- Probably, not certainly, indeed. If you can't find a valid way to prove it, that doesn't mean you can resort to fallacious ways. Just admit you can't prove it & move on. Also, there are ways to conclusively prove revelational claims, but these must first be true, else won't be provable. You can not prove a falsehood to be true.

Yes it does. To say you can't prove something, then means you have to disprove it. No one has disproved the Bible, therefore it is safe to assume the opposite.
- I just disproved the Trinity. There is no world in which the Trinity is true, the same way there is no world in which a square circle is true. 

Yes a thing can be 3 & 1 at the same time.
The Bible, which has proven to be true.
- Honestly, you can't be serious! You can not be this blind in faith. It's impossible for your mind to even believe that 3 & 1 are identical. Conceiving of words like "married bachelor" does not mean the concept of a married bachelor itself is conceivable or believable. Similarly, you're confusing your ability to conceive of the words "3 in 1" with the belief in the identity of the concept of 3 to the concept of 1. 

No, the bible says God is one.
There is only one God.
But within God is the Trinity.
- Case in point.

Because of the overwhelming amount of proof the Bible offers, and the very little, to none other religions offer.
- Don't be too sure. Maybe other religions do offer better proof, you don't know that. 

No you don't.
- I don't have to share with you everything I know to make my point. The knowledgeable is content with sharing what's necessary. 

"Although there are various hints at God’s Trinitarian existence in the Old Testament, we do not get a full-orbed revelation of the Trinity until the New Testament. John 1:1–18, for example, is a clear teaching on the deity of Christ, the Word who in the beginning was God and was with God. There are also texts wherein the three persons are so closely associated so as to imply that all three are fully divine (for example, 2 Cor. 13:14). Clearly, the Bible assumes and teaches that God is triune.
- Buddy, Christians themselves differ on the truth of the Trinity. The earlier Christians, in fact, had no such belief. Duality was also a belief that predates the Trinity. I don't have to tell you that the Trinity only became mainstream following the Counsel of Nicaea.  

Coram Deo
The Trinity is a doctrine that we cannot fully understand, although there is much we can say. But we need not fully understand it in order to affirm it. It is taught in God’s Word, and we are responsible to believe what God’s Word teaches even when complete comprehension escapes us."
- How can hold a belief you can't even conceive?! This is like believing in the doctrine of "*&#^$)Q&^%Q"?

No Jesus is God. And he was fully man. Yes you are right in a way. He came down to spread the message. Therefore by definition he was a messenger. But he still was God.
- Level with me here. Jesus (pbuh) is man right? So he is contingent on time & space right? Therefore, he is a contingent being. Therefore, not a necessary being. Therefore, not God. Right?
Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Well, ok. Lets assume that there was no evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, and that there is also no evidence of anything supernatural that happened in the bible.
- Let's assume the beloved Jesus (pbuh) was resurrected & everything about the Bible is supernatural. How do you go from there to  the beloved Jesus (pbuh) is God? 

Look at it like this. There is all of this evidence, that Jesus' walked the earth, was a real man, etc. 
Nothing in the Bible has ever been proven false historically. In fact a lot of it has been proven true historically. 
- You're contradicting yourself. You  just started with the assumption that there is no evidence for the resurrection of Jesus (pbuh) & all things supernatural in the Bible. Also, a lot of things in the Bible are historically or factually false. In fact, there are often inconsistencies in the different versions of the same stories in the Bible, including everything about the supposed resurrection: when he was crucified, how he was crucified, how the empty tomb was found, who found it, how many days after, the day of the event...etc. – For the sake argument, let's assume you're right. We'll see where this goes.

So we know that there was a man named Jesus, who walked the Earth, and died. Then shortly after, a sudden new religion pops up, confronting the Jewish Church, and ends up bringing millions of people to Jesus. 
Lets assume that is all the evidence we have.
- Alright.

We already know that the universe had to of had a creator. I have just proved that the universe must of been created by some sort of higher being. 
So let's use the process of elimination for some other religions.
- Process of elimination is valid only by exhaustion, when you exhaust all possible options, then disprove all but one. The sum of all religious claims to God are not exhaustive. If all religions but one are wrong, it does not necessarily entail that the one is right. This is a false dilemma fallacy.

Christianity: A lot of evidence proving that it was telling the truth historically. Hasn't been ever truly contradicted. 
- Being accurate in some instances doesn't necessarily entail being accurate in all instance. That's a false generalization. & it is contradicted by all other claims & worldviews. If you mean it hasn't been truly proven false. You have to specify exactly what you're referring to. Some Christian doctrines, like the Trinity for instance, are strictly False. A being can not be necessary & contingent at the same time, & a thing can not be 3 & 1 at the same time. 

Islam: Actually backs up Christianity more. Muhammad actually believe it or not backed up the claims of Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, from the Bible.
All it claims was that an angel came down and said something to Muhammad. Nothing more. 
- This is not true. It can not be that Islam backs Christianity when these are making mutually exclusive doctrinal claims. You are misassuming the fact that the beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) confirmed the prophethood of Biblical prophets -that they have received revelation, as a confirmation of claims made by or beliefs adopted by Christians (or Jews) about these beloved prophets & their revelation. In effect, the Bible -supposedly- says God is Triune, the Quran says God is One. 

Buddhism: Actually Buddhists don't believe in a deity or god. Therefore, we have already proven that there has to be a higher being, we can eliminate this one.
- This isn't true either. All Buddhist schools believe in God, as a higher being or ultimate reality, although they differ whether this ultimate reality is purely transcendent or also immanent. The former position is often confused for disbelief in God, rather than disbelief in a personal god. 

Hinduism: This a religion/way of life, that the origin, is culture. No evidence of their Gods to be true.
- Brahman. If you want to do a process of elimination, you must at least correctly represent those you're eliminating. Knocking down straw men means the opponent is still standing. 

And these are just the religion's that are the most popular. 
- A process of elimination must at least include all views & claims relating to God, including other non-mainstream religions, ideologies, philosophies.

Conclusion: There is more factual evidence of the Bible's truth, than any other religion, and proof of a higher being has also been proven. 
- Where is the factual evidence? & what justifies this is more factual than any other religion?

Therefore, God/Yahweh, must be the one true God.
- The Jews believe that, you don't. Where does the Trinity fit into this?

Difference is, Islamic people were hunted down and killed for their beliefs. Christians (especially the disciples) went out of there way to preach, even though they knew death was coming.
- Distinction without difference. The act of preaching is not the reason why you associate the true belief of the disciples, rather it's their resolve in face of adversity.  

Well that could be true. There are a lot of different denominations of Christians, who all are right, but don't agree on little minute details. Personally, I don't agree that the different denominations should be split up, given that we all believe the same basic things. 
- & you are adding to that split by disagreeing about the split. People disagree, it's what they do.

And no you don't know more about my faith than I do. You have countlessly misinterpreted the scripture, and don't understand basic Christian thinking, in a way that I do. 
- I definitely have more information about your faith, but I am sure you are more connected with it as you're experiencing it in a way I am not, since I don't adhere to it. 

This is one of the Christian beliefs that doesn't have factual evidence backing it up (except for in the Bible), but it basically goes like this:
- There is no mention of the Trinity in the Bible. It's a conjecture inferred by some Christian denominations, especially the later ones.

There is God the Father (God), God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Ghost (The Holy Spirit).
They are all at the same time, one being, and three different beings. 
- This is like believing in a married bachelor. It's not possible.

God the Father, sent his son, Jesus (God the Son) down to earth to save us. 
- That makes the beloved Jesus (pbuh) a messenger of God, by definition.

For example, Jesus is just as much as God, and God the Father is, but also is different from him. 
- So they are identical but different? That's nonsense. A thing can not be itself & also other than itself.

God is a being who we will never really fully comprehend. That is why it is so fascinating to study him in the Bible.
- God is beyond comprehension, by definition, for God is the necessary being, thus not contingent on our understanding of him. We are not talking about the true nature & self of God here, for that's beyond us, we are talking about our own beliefs in God. In that sense, your beliefs in God so far have prove totally nonsensical.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Axioms are circular.
- No they are not. A circular belief is such that its justification rests on itself. The belief in axioms do not rest on the belief in axioms. We know our innate axiomatic knowledge must be justified elsewhere other than axiomatic knowledge, namely it rests on the mind, & ultimately God.

They are self serving premises for any kind of evidence.  Reason is an axiom.  How do we know? Because we can reason our way to it. Experience is an axiom. How do we know? Because our experience tells us so. 
- I don't think the word means what you think it means...

These are the basic tenants of understanding truth. The bible is another - or revelation. How do we know revelation is truth - revelation has revealed it. 
- The way to know Axioms is to attempt denying them, which is impossible. You will not be able to perceive a contradiction, say a square circle, no matter how much you try. You will not be able to perceive black when you see white no matter how much you try. This isn't the case for the Bible. 

Your argument above against revelation was based in reason. Reason is your axiom. Good for you. But it is not mine.  
- You're still using Reason to perceive Revelation. In fact you're talking to me here about Revelation with your Reason, claiming that Revelation is talking to you, again to your Reason.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
No, Jesus, was the only human to walk on earth without sin. 
- I thought this was about proving God is Jesus. So, how do you prove that the god of the Bible is God, the Creator of the Universe?

Well, first of all it all did occur.
- You can't prove that claim... it doesn't matter either way. The issue is elsewhere.

Again, why would all of those people all of the sudden, for no apparent reason, leave everything, and risk their lives, just to prove a lie? Because it wasn't a lie. It was the truth.
- At most you can say it was truth to them. People die for what they believe to be true all the time, doesn't necessarily mean what they believe in is actually True. Otherwise we would have to believe all beliefs defended by people who died for them. Do you believe in Islam given that, similarily, many of the beloved Prophet (pbuh) companions were tortured & killed & enslaved & maimed & starved...etc for believing in it?

If the 500 people agreed then yes. But there is more than 1 person who claimed they saw Jesus, at the same time, in the same place.
- There you go. As you have admitted, you need the testimony of the other supposed 500 themselves & not just the word of the one guy who claimed there were 500 with him. As to Jesus (pbuh), there may have been one or two who testified to have seen him, assuming the sources are authentic. 

......im gonna let you think about that one. 
- I'll let you do the thinking, you need it.

Its not 1 or 2 guys. It was a lot of people actually. Look at my evidence.
- It wasn't. It was one person -maybe 2- claiming there was a lot of people. There is a difference.

This is false. You seem to not know about my faith. And no, our souls don't ever die, they are just brought up to God.
- At least I know a whole lot more about your faith than you do. Thnetopsychism is an ancient Christian doctrine which is also mainstream today. Contrary to what you think, the immortality of the soul originates not in the Bible but in Greek Philosophy. 

There is God the Father (God), God the son (Jesus), and God the Holy Ghost (The Holy Spirit.)
- You just said earlier Jesus (pbuh) is not God but a human. You're contradicting yourself.

They are all one, but not at the same time.
- This is a self-contradiction. You're saying God is God & not God at the same time. It's nonsense.

Jesus was God the son, who came down to earth in human form, and lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, then rose again 3 days later.
- You have yet to prove that the above is actually God, the Creator. We are waiting.
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Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
I wonder what Milo’s roommate thinks.
- That he went back to his closet... maybe they are both in that closet...

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
yes, how observant of you. It is called an axiom.  Do you know what that is?
- An axiom is such that it is impossible to be known otherwise. E.g. the Law of Identity or Non-contradiction. We know something is itself such that we can not perceive it otherwise even if we tried to. We can't conceive of a square circle even if we try our best. We know what we see we actually are seeing & we can not conceive it otherwise even if we attempt it... I can easily conceive & believe the fact that God didn't author the Bible, in fact most humans effectively do. Therefore, this is not axiomatic. It's circular.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Yep. You couldn't turn a corner in ancient first century Palestine with tripping over someone named Simon.
- Lmao...

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Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
The most dangerous people in history have been closeted gays. Hitler’s a classic example. 
- Am I to assume you're implying Nick Fuentes to be a closeted gay?

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
They are descriptive words and I used them accurately.
- Show me how they are descriptive, & how you are using them correctly. 

Nope, you haven’t shown me why I must justify my assessment to you
- You are free to not justify your assessments, hence bare assertions.

you must show first that the descriptions aren’t tangibly factual, & for what reason you disagree & that it was tangibly disagreeable..
- Not sure what you're saying here... but it gets old quick when every time you don't like someone you tag them with the overused loaded labels. Meh...

Trump earned my descriptions with a lifetime of objectionable actions, maybe you’ve been living under a rock for the last few decades or maybe you just weren’t paying attention, either way, bringing you up to speed is not my responsibility.
- Trump this Scrump that. His daughter & son in law are Jewish, & no US president has done more to Israel in recent decades than what Trump did. You have to do a lot better to convince anyone... 

They are cut from the same cloth, so yeah, maybe so.
- That went right over your head, but yeah, Trump must've gotten the tiniest share of that cloth of success, while Erdogan kept the rest.

I know that, Trump is a symptom of global trends toward divisiveness and autocracy, but he exploited and exacerbated it with a cult of personality based on lies, deception, conspiracy theories, and hatemongering.
- I am slowly coming to realize I am talking to an automaton. I don't know how to break this to you, but the liberal propaganda you've been fed is BS & laughable to the rest of the world. The very fact that you say things like 'not all Muslims are not like us' implies that you are a supremacist yourself, that others must conform to our values & be like us lest they be inferior to us.

A secular democracy is perfectly equipped to deal with that kind of diversity, that’s what it was designed for in the first place,
- Nope. Strictly NOT. Secularism is, by definition, the exclusion of all non-secular rationale in all systematic institutions. All modes of thinking, values, beliefs, moralities... in all systemic institutions, government, court, law, policy, education, academia, military... are thus disabled for the sake of the secular liberal western paradigm. Democracy is majority rule, minorities therein naturally crushed, especially in an egalitarian system, for it does not allow for any divergence from the norm. – Not matter how much you've been indoctrinated into believing this nonsense, you can not possibly expect the opposite results of what the system was designed for, that's literally absurd.

and tolerance of diversity makes a society stronger and more resilient.
- That may well be, but tolerance & diversity go beyond public degeneracy & appearance. Your system is, in fact, one of the most intolerant that have ever existed. The only thing you really tolerate is public degeneracy, & virtually nothing beyond that. The only diversity you promote is the superficial kind: skin color, gender, attire, food & the like. This is no diversity.

You are talking nonsense if you think the solution is to try to turn people into robots by imposing a more restrictive way of thinking, values, and beliefs, onto the diversity, that is oppression.  
- This is literally what you do all day long. The same way of thinking, values & beliefs -i.e. Secular Liberal Western ideal- are imposed by the state, strictly excluding all others in all systemic institutions; the encroachment also often extends to the private & personal sphere. Indeed it is oppression, as you have admitted. 

Thanks for that review, Captain Obvious, but I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on how language works, been using it to communicate with for decades.
- I don't know about that... & what I said isn't obvious. You might not realize it, but the preponderant theory in the West today assumes the opposite of what I said. That, meaning is contingent on words. Which is what you have been taught all your life, to interpret the author's words despite his intent. This stems from a much deeper conception of reality, an existentialist & deconstructionist view on Truth; that Truth is personal (i.e. relative & subjective).

So this issue you have, it sounds like you have extended the concept of fake news to the development of fake words, maybe you can tell me some of the words you think are fake so I know what your issue is.
- "antisemite" "supremacist" "racist" "diversity" "tolerance"...etc. 

Nope, people ARE individuals, and they are individuals IN a society.
- So that I understand the distinction you're making, in contrast to people not being individuals sans society. What exactly do you mean "individuals in a society"? Do you mean people are individuals in isolated islands? 

What I’m proposing is the real world, where a society is a collection of individual people living together
- You're not proposing anything. You're just regurgitating what you've been indoctrinated into without second thought. A society & individuals are mutually antithetical. There is no such thing as isolated individuals in a society. Individualism necessarily undermines society & social structures, by design. Reason why all Western states adopt Social & Modern & National Liberalism, as opposed to more anarchist & libertarian forms of government. The government must ensure that all individuals share the same values & are subject to the same education to achieve harmony lest there be chaos.

and a secular democracy is the best way to ensure the people control the state.
- It's literally the opposite that is the case. It may sound good & makes fools feel good about themselves, but Democracy, as the submission of the state to the will of its subjects, is a square circle. It doesn't exist. The state is, by definition, that which people are subject to, otherwise not a state. This is truer in case of secular egalitarian liberal democracy. Secular entails state controlled morality & rationality. Egalitarian entails state equalization of all effective differences among people, i.e. everyone shaped into the same mold for more efficient control. Liberal entails a society made of individuals, hence the easiest to control. Democracy entails state control norms. Fringe groups & minorities inevitably melt into the majority to impair all chances of separatism or revolution. 

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.

I'm quite surprised one of these claimed gospel authors wasn't name Simon. Simon's were everywhere in Jesus' day according to Tradesecret. They were more common than donkey shite.
- One of the disciples of Jesus (pbuh) was named Simon, one of his -alleged- brothers too.

If it came from the mouth of Tradesecret, then you can guarantee that it is a lie.
- How about you, what exactly do you believe?

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Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
By beyond labels, do you mean like words, you want me to draw you a picture or something?  Sorry, to communicate I'm gonna stick with using language, my objections are "tangible" as presented.  
- "white supremacist" "racist" "antisemite"...etc, are just labels, charged with the right amount of emotion to antagonize & dehumanize others with no actual cause. You must show first that the act is objectionable, & for what reason it is objectionable, & that it was actually committed. 

That's OK, Trump's not going to be on any ballot in Turkey any time soon anyway.
- Maybe he can become Erdogan's adviser.

Trump exacerbated the divisiveness, especially for Muslims, and yes, our internecine strife is more political than ever before,
- You have it backwards. It's the boiling real divisiveness in the country that led to Trump. This is why a secular egalitarian democracy is doomed to fail. Imposing a single mold of thought & practice on all people may in the short term create a fake harmony with diversity of appearance, but it will inevitably collapse on itself. People are not robots, they are diverse, not just in skin color & gender, but more importantly in their ways of thinking, their values, their beliefs...etc. A secular democracy is not equipped to deal with that kind of diversity, of beliefs & practices.

but it's simple bigotry to define people using labels like you do...and
- The wisdom is not in the label, it's in the meaning. Meanings are natural universals (abstracts) extracted from the real world. A dog in the real world, is represented in our mind with the concept of dog. This is meaning. Words are conventional sounds or letters to refer to those meanings. Hence, words are contingent on meanings, not the opposite. When the conventional meaning of the word expresses a real distinction in the world, then the word has real meaning. – The issue arises when using labels (words) to designate fictitious things which have no substance or bear no real distinction in the real world. 

Yes, the way you see the system is f*cked, it's going to just keep getting worse until we stop seeing labels and start seeing individuals.
- People are not individuals, they are individuals of a society. What you're promoting to avoid a society made of some groups is a society made of millions of them, i.e. individuals. A society of lone individuals is the most divided & most vulnerable that could possibly exist, perfectly & utterly at the mercy of the state & the enemy. 

There's only two kinds of people in the world, those who think there are only two kinds of people, and those who don't. 
- Saw that one before...
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Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
baseless ad hominem, I know the Qur'an, the Hadith (Qur'an more so, I don't know all Hadith like I know most of the Qur'an), I looked into it to prove Islamophobes fully wrong one day if you care to know.
- Since you know the Quran & Hadith so well, why are you always running from debate? 

I then was horrified at what I read and read into the history of Islam, whether Sunni, Shi'ite or whatever else Salafi etc. I studied how they operate, spread, stay in power and treat the vulnerable, women, gays, disabled etc within them and what they exactly do to ensure Islam stays strong and widely respected in the immediate area internationally too, not just nationally.
- I am sure you will bring all this up in the debate. So, what shall the resolution be? You want to prove you're telling the truth to your friend there don't you? This is your chance.

It involved, abuse, blackmail, violence, tyranny, fascism, censorship and was consistent across every single Islamic regime that ever has existed the only difference was specifics such as focus on coverings, fasting, etc.
- How about this. Lemme sweeten the deal for you. Why don't we we have a debate whether Sharia or Western Secularism involves the above, i.e. abuse, blackmail, violence, tyranny, fascism, censorship... etc? 

- You're right for once.

Not at all, not one tiny bit. :) Prejudice and bigotry imply something like ignorance or unjust disdain. How much do you know of the Quranic verses?
- Maybe we can have a debate on that too, whether you are a bigot or not. Should be interesting. How much do you know of the Quran yourself? Absolutely nothing.

  1. Regarding the issue of rape, the rape of Muslim women is forbidden. However the rape of woman who have been kidnapped and enslaved is not only permissable, it’s encouraged.
“The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433)”2. Regarding the issue of Aisha, Muhahhad took Aisha from her father by age 6 declaring the marriage “the will of Allah” and then raped her at the age of 9 and continued to rape her on an almost daily basis from that point forward. Muhammad was 56yo when he first raped Aisha.
“The Prophet wrote the marriage contract with `Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years , till his death. Bukhari 7; 62–88”
There’s your honest answer with verses and citations. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
- Very reliable stuff... Since you have so much evidence against Islam & Sharia & so much hate too, you must be most eager to show everyone you are right in a formal debate. 

This is the holiest man in Islam ^ The one true Muhammad PBUH, straight from the Qur'an and much more rampant in the Hadith.
- We can always debate more than one resolution, maybe something like Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) Is Good, Peaceful, Violent, the Best, the Worst...etc. Several options you can chose from.

I know real Islam, I know the history, I studied it to prove Islamophobia wrong and out of sheer curiosity if Islam would be worth converting to even. I did this in my own scholarly time as a hobby, no one to pressure me or bias me any single way. I discovered it my own way, looked at all sources, pro-Islam and otherwise.
- For such big claims, for years now you run from debate every single time even when challenged. It's obvious for everyone that you're just a liar, & vehemently intent to spread lies about Islam & Muslims to quench your hate. 

No, they didn't. Muhammad never ever taught those things beyond rhetoric.
- Care to debate that too?

this is a pro-Islam source, judge for yourself his idea of tolerance, mercy, peace or anything.
- You keep regurgitating the same nonsense over & over even when proven wrong & beaten to death. You have a chance to defend your claims now, & show your friend there that you were right all along. I am challenging your claims in a formal debate, about Islam, Sharia, & the beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). Will you accept the challenge or accept defeat? 
Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
It isn't valid proof; it is just saying that God wouldn't be God if he didn't call himself God. That doesn't go for everyone, this links with the rest of the evidence.
- Is "everyone" refer to rational people? A circular argument is invalid.

Yes, no one is fully good, with no sin in their hearts, except for God. God is only telling the ruler that he is good, in what he was doing, not a fully good person.
- Are you saying Jesus (pbuh) isn't God after all?

Probably should have worded that better, I'm sorry about that, but what I was trying to say, was that, If God never said that he was God in the bible, then that would disprove that he was God.
- This is untrue both ways. God is not contingent on revealing Himself for Him to be God. & you have to prove first that Jesus (pbuh) is God, before resorting to what he -allegedly- says about himself.

Well, what I was trying to point out here, was this question:

Is God a liar? No
Is God a lunatic? No
So, he must be the Lord.
- God & Lord in this context are just different names of the same thing. You haven't said anything.

This has nothing to do with what I said at all. What I am saying, is that those free disciples, who could have lived fruitful lives, instead decided to risk their own lives, all of them, for something they claimed to be true. Why would they leave their homes and families, to be tortured and killed if it was not true. 
- Assuming all this occurred, the most it proves is that they were sincere & believed what they were preaching. It has no bearing in the Truth of what they were preaching.

- The authors of the Gospels are anonymous. The names John, Luke, Matthew...etc are conventional -decided a century after the fact, & not of the actual disciples of Jesus (pbuh).
Well, if you use my provided research, then you will find this statement false.
- I wasn't stating an opinion. It's a statement of fact. It is a fact that the earliest mention of the Four Gospels came in late 2nd century AD, the earliest reference to these authors associated with the Gospels came a century later, & the earliest extant -almost- full copies of the Gospels another century later, in mid 4th century.

Yes, it does. It literally provides evidence for the eyewitness testimonies of all of those people. They didn't claim a million people saw it. They claimed what they saw. 
- If someone came to you & said I saw your grandma rising from the dead & claimed 500 people saw it with him. Would you believe his testimony? 

If you actually used the research, then you would again find this statement false.
- It factually isn't.

How is this untrue? Prove that its untrue. I have provided evidence proving otherwise, now show yours. 
- You haven't provided evidence. I do know a thing or two about the Bible... It doesn't even matter, because I didn't even object to your claims, I assumed they were true for the sake of argument. 

Yes, dozens of tombs are found empty, but using historical evidence, we learn that no one was buried there to begin with.
- Or maybe the body was stolen, maybe it fell off, maybe they picked the wrong one...etc. The possibilities are endless. Or maybe as you said, no one was buried there, & Jesus (pbuh) was mistaken to have risen from the dead when they got the wrong tomb... I bet you didn't think that one through...

And they weren't relatives. And let's just say for a minute your right. How is it possible that all of those people saw the exact same thing at the exact same time?
I wouldn't call that a fake appearance of the dead.
- It's not "all those people", it's one or two guys who claim "many people saw this". If you go to court & say "he raped me & 100 people saw it", would they take your word for it & just assume 100 people saw it because you said so? 

No, we won't be resurrected. Our souls will be resurrected. Not our body's, like Jesus's were.
- Both are a matter of debate among Christians. You don't seem to know much about your tradition... Either way, so in your own words, we are not gods, but our souls are? 

No Jesus died and was resurrected. Not God. There is a difference.
- So, is Jesus (pbuh) God or not God?

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modern Swede, Canadian, New Zealander live today closer to serfs then, than lords used to, in terms of government control & restriction. The state, as the master, dictates & regulates virtually every aspect of your life, your food, your banking, your transactions, your education... & can at whim confiscate your property, abduct your children, confine you...etc if you don't comply.
Objectively false. 
- You will always speak from the perspective of a subject, according to the power you are submitted to. There is absolutely nothing unpredictable about what you believe & what you will say. It is all exactly as intended, the same talking points, conforming to what you have been indoctrinated into since your birth, by the incessant propaganda you have been subject to from school, academia, media, & every state institution around you. 

LIFE- Let's say you are born poor farmer in any of these countries today and you would like to be a cook or a truck driver.  That is a totally reasonable and common practice in these countries.  That was not true in 12 Century Europe- if you were born a poor farmer you would die a poor farmer in 999 cases out of every 1000.
- Red herring. Irrelevant to the topic at hand. The comparison does not relate to prosperity or economic diversity. 12th century Europe was a farming culture with virtually no industry. A cook & truck driver from farmer is basically the same thing , proletariat. Serfs then could also chose to farm the crop or fruit of their choice, or raise animals..etc. It is still true that a poor person in 21st century US will die poor in most cases. Regardless, none of this relates to whether a subject to the modern state is closer in that relationship, in principle, to a serf or a lord in 12th century Europe.

BANKING- Banking, moneylending, and charging interest were considered sins under Catholic rule.  Banking was run almost exclusively by Jews for an almost exclusively aristocratic, international set.  The average serf never saw much coinage and never experienced a bank transaction. By contrast, most Western citizens have a bank account today. The price for most transactions were set by the autocrat and only rarely changed during one's lifetime.
-  You love to say whatever you want don't you. You think I am implying serfs had concrete building with people in suits with computers & safes..! Banking = money, its medium, creation, distribution, exchange, deposit, & loaning. It doesn't have to be coins, notes or crypto... In truth, you, as a subject, have no say in the medium, creation, distribution or exchange of money dictated & regulated by the state, much like a serf didn't, by your own admission. As a subject, you don't even have a say in the nature of transactions & contracts you may conduct with others. It's all regulated & dictated by the state. At least the serf paid less taxes to his lord, than you do to your state.

Most ordinary goods and services were produced very locally and cost the same whether the quality was excellent or poor.  By contrast, the price for most goods and services today are set by the seller and only a small range of goods and services are controlled by the state.
- Ok... it's almost a full moon tonight.

EDUCATION- most education for the lower classes was considered a sin. Many medival states outlawed literacy and maths for serf and the working classes- such functions were used as instruments of control.
- Are you slow or something?! – Education =/= concrete buildings with blackboards & textbooks on school subjects. Education is the act of knowledge transfer from one generation to the next, by way of cultivation, discipline & teaching. Back then, Education was performed mainly by the parents but also by the Church. In this respect, Serfs had arguably better standing than the modern Swede, Canadian & New Zealander. They did not suffer mandatory mass indoctrination, they had full right to educate their own children as they saw fit, without risk of having them abducted for no-compliance. Sweden abducts 30k kids a year from their parents (mostly immigrant) to sell them to "progressive" Swedish parents to receive the "correct" education. Canada, instead, opts for punishing parents if they interfere in the child's education, & may resort to abduction if necessary. New Zealand is content with compulsory mass indoctrination -"education"- for now, as they have a terrible recent history of child abductions.

Almost every Westerner has access to a taxpayer-funded education up to adulthood and most states offer a lot of options for continuing and extending education. 
- So did serfs have access to churches.

A diverse and agile education system is seen to today as an essential part of any state's capacity to compete.
- Blahblahblah... they do need slaves like you, don't they? Tell me, how would you feel about an Islamic based diverse & agile education system imposed on you & on your children who may be abducted if you don't comply...? You have no qualms with your education system, because you have been indoctrinated in it. Anyone who wasn't indoctrinated in your stupid education system (like recently conservatives in the US) sees otherwise.

DUE PROCESS/HABEAS CORPUS- The first due process laws in the west came into being in the 13th century and those rights were at first extended only to barons.
- Serfs were guaranteed protection by their lords.

Every citizen of any modern Western democracy enjoys some right to due process, legal counsel and representation, capacity to challenge witnesses and testimony, right of appeal, etc.
- They sure enjoy the labels, not sure about the actual thing. There is barely any Justice in your Justice system, sadly! You have it so bad, yet you believe it's the best thing ever from sheer incessant indoctrination, much like what the communists believed under the Soviets. Funny that you should mention right to appeal... you f*cked it up once more when you adopted from Muslims. If appeal is meant to reverse prior rulings, then that undermines the credibility of the Justice system. If appeal isn't meant to reverse prior rulings, then it's pointless & also undermines the credibility of the Justice system. – Appeal should not be about the ruling, but the judge, whether he judged adequately. A successful appeal, thus, entails penalizing (or terminating) the judge, which also means reversal of the ruling.

- You conveniently ignored the rest of my post... Are you really that incapable of showing me how you're different from Nazis?

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Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
You have given one of the only fully relevant responses in the entire thread.
- Relevant = I agree with it, right? 

Unfortunately, Yassine will now derail his own thread in an attempt to promote Sharia law.
- Is this you taking it out on me out of frustration about Qatar banning your beloved LGBT?

Genius, Sharia and Islam are more right wing and mistreating of other races and cultures vs the majority in their own nations than any white christian nation you can name right now, so if you're gonna go there, you're pretty dumb.
- The most ethnically & religiously diverse regions in the world are factually in the Islamic world, the Middle East, South Asia & Southeast Asia. That is, native diversity not imported, thousands of years old. Contrastingly, all ethnicities, all religions & all cultures disappear in the West after a couple of generations. All that is left is diversity of appearance... Berbers are still speaking Berber, Assyrians Syriac, Copts Coptic, Persians Persian, Turks Turkic...etc, after 13 centuries of Arab Islamic rule. In your stupid Western system, it only takes two generations to lose all native languages. Christians in the Middle East dropped 30 points in 13 centuries of Islamic rule as Christians did in just 30 years of Secular France. No one is buying into your stupid system anymore, your disgusting horrible history & culture is shameful enough for you to even attempt to lecture anyone else. But I know you have no shame, & also no intellect to defend any of your beliefs, except sheer bullying & screaming.

Tell me something, do you think Muslims are closer to Trump's politics or yours? Think very carefully before throwing out 'phobic' when you don't know what is feared. In fact to be saying such nonsense in 2022 December given what is finally being exposed in Qatar and Iran recently, is sheer ignorance. That is Islam, it's always been Islam.
- You're going extinct in a generation or two with your LGBT Feminist culture. If it bothers you so much that the rest of the world doesn't want extinction like you do, maybe you should drop this LGBT stuff too & go back to making many babies to save your race.

Actually, let me see how you handle Yassine, our resident Sharia propagandist, in how he proceeds to challenge you. Spread your love of Islam far and wide.
- Maybe one of these days you will actually provide an argument to defend your nonsense claims, instead of these useless attacks. Maybe, just maybe, I'd be like "wow, he is got a point". Alas, we can but hope. Whatever happened to that debate huh? With this much running, you probably went around the Earth many times over...

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
I disapprove of Fuentes because he’s a white supremacist and go figure, but I have a problem with antisemitism, racism, and hatemongering.

Trump is all that and more, he’s a lawless, sociopathic autocrat with a movement that is attacking the very foundations of my country’s democracy and freedoms.  He has undermined the institutions that are foundational to our government and spread divisiveness and hatred. 
- I see that happening from all sides. Do you have any tangible objections to his ideas beyond labels?

I suppose I should have also mentioned Trump's Islamophobia.
"I think Islam hates us." - Donald Trump in 2016
- That was a funny one. I am not on any of your sides. It's all the same to me. Democrats don't accept Muslims, or in fact any group. They accept only liberals who happen to be Muslim, or among another group. Republicans don't accept Muslims in general. Things are changing lately though... It's not about Trump or Schrump, the system itself is f*cked. 

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  

It is not an argument. It is a statement of fact.   

A statement of fact testified to by the only witness who was there.  God.  
- This is circular. How do I know God indeed said that?

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.

1: His testimony about himself.
Now I know what you're thinking. Gods' testimony about himself isn't evidence. But you would be wrong.
- I wouldn't. It's literally circular. From that Logic, anyone who testifies about himself to be God is God... 

"But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again, the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”
“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:62 NIV).
"Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58 NIV).
"But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:15-16 NIV).
"My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[a]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.” (John 10:29-30 NIV).
“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am." (John 13:13 NIV).
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know[a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?" (John 14:6-9 NIV).
- To justify your case you must first disprove all the following:
1 The necessary being that is God & the contingent being that is Jesus do not concur;
2 Your argument of self-testimony is circular;
3 The source of your aforementioned quotes is inauthentic;
4 Jesus (pbuh) did not say he is God;
5 The above sayings are naturally understood in their context without resorting to Jesus claiming to be God;
6  Quotes which show the opposite of your claim are found in your source; [e.g. "Then a certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19“Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied “No one is good except God alone." (Luke 18:19)]

All of these examples show God telling us that he is God, which someone who isn't God wouldn't do.
- I am God. There, done.

In the wise words of C.S. Lewis," Someone who claims to be God is either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord." (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity Book III, Chapter 3).
- There was no claims of God to begin with. & anyone who claims to be God is necessarily lying, for God can not be a body, for God is the necessary being not contingent on space or time or form.

So, let's pick one of those. If he's claiming to be God and isn't, then he isn't just a great moral teacher, he is either a liar, lunatic, or the Lord.
- Since the last one is metaphysically impossible, then NO. This is equivalent to someone claiming to be a married bachelor.

2: The Eyewitness Testimony of those who Knew Him.
Consider this:
Jesus disciples abandon their occupations and their families to spread the news that Jesus Christ, the son of God, rose from the dead. And they were willing to be beaten, tortured, starved, jailed, and killed for sharing that message.
- Regardless of the authenticity of this narrative, willing to die for something does in no way inform the Truth of that something. People were willing to die for Slavery...

Now those kinds of things have happened in other religious traditions too, but the difference is this:
These people were actual eyewitnesses to what they were claiming.
- The authors of the Gospels are anonymous. The names John, Luke, Matthew...etc are conventional -decided a century after the fact, & not of the actual disciples of Jesus (pbuh).

So how likely is it that all of them would sacrifice so much, for something they knew to be untrue?
- Assuming this is the case, the truth of their testimony has no bearing on the truth of the statements they witnessed. It may be true that I claimed to be a "married bachelor", but am I really a married bachelor? It may be true that Jesus (pbuh) claimed to be God, but is he really?

3: The Resurrection
The Resurrection was when Jesus rose from the dead in front of hundreds of people. Now that is not something a normal person can do.
Now I know that a lot of people will ask for proof that the resurrection really happened?
The argument for the actual historicity of the resurrection, comes from this man:
Professor Gary Habermas.
He studied more that 2000 academic sources, and identified several pieces of evidence, on which the vast majority of scholars believe.
Scholars who were both Atheist, and Christian, believed him and his evidence.
Almost all biblical experts agree to this historical timeline.
- This means absolutely nothing. The testimony of a witness claiming to have seen an event he claim was witnessed by others is still a testimony of one person. We haven't heard anything from the other supposed hundreds of witnesses, now have we? I could as easily claim to witness something & claim a million people saw it. – Regardless, assuming resurrection did occur, this has no relevance to the subject.

"Almost all Biblical experts agree that:
1. Jesus died by crucifixion.
2. He was buried.
3. His death caused the disciples to despair and lost hope.
4. The tomb was later found empty after his interment.
     (accepted by 75% of scholars)
5. The disciples had experiences which they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus.
6. The disciples were transformed from doubters to bold proclaimers.
7. The proclamation of the resurrection took place at the very beginning of the church.
8. They preached the message of Jesus's resurrection in Jerusalem, where Jesus had been crucified and buried. 
9. The gospel message centered on the death and resurrection of Jesus.
10.  Orthodox Jews who believed in Christ made Sunday their primary day of worship. 
11. James, a family skeptic, was converted to the faith, when he believed he saw the resurrected Christ.
12. Saul (Paul) was converted to the faith because he believed he saw the risen Jesus."
- Almost all the above isn't true, but assuming it is. How does an empty tomb entail resurrection? Probably dozens of empty tombs are found everyday around the world, are we to assume they resurrected? – If you say, it is because he appeared after death. Well, appearance of the dead to their relatives is a common occurrence. Do we assume all these are gods? – Assuming the above, how does being resurrected from the dead a proof of Godhood? According to your Bible others have risen from the dead & we will all be resurrected after death, does that make us all divine too? 

Gary Habermas, The Risen Jesus & Future Hope, 2003, pp. 9-10.
Now let me ask you this:
If an overwhelming majority of experts agree that these things actually occurred, then what other theory explains these facts?
And If Jesus really did resurrect from the dead, then was he really just a man?
- Yes. God doesn't die...

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
Nick Fuentes holds a leadership position in the Trump movement, last seen at a campaign strategy session with Trump a week after declaring his run for 2024. 

He's an important figure in the Trump movement, with prominant positions on several of Trumps new cabinet committess, insurrection conspiracy, anti-semitism (of course), domestic divisiveness, and most imporant, he's is a essential figure of Trump's white supremacist coalition. 
- I take it you disapprove of him, & of Trump. Why exactly do you disapprove?
Posted in:
The United States of America is The Best and Most Successful Nation by Far
Catholic values, old values. Not American individualism, republicanism, and liberalism
- Something like the Holy Roman Empire?

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?

Yes I do agree with him, and I have a problem with non-Catholics if they make it a problem
- What does that look like? What is it that will constitute a problem from non-Catholics, & what kinda problem does that warrant in response.

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
Got it.  So you are are saying that any given modern Swede, Canadian, New Zealander is objectively less free then a 12th Century Catholic Serf.
- Since you lack the ability to understand English. Let me restate what I said for you, while inserting the above. The funny bit here is that modern Swede, Canadian, New Zealander live today closer to serfs then, than lords used to, in terms of government control & restriction. The state, as the master, dictates & regulates virtually every aspect of your life, your food, your banking, your transactions, your education... & can at whim confiscate your property, abduct your children, confine you...etc if you don't comply.

I am not American, this nonsense means nothing to me. I wasn't indoctrinated into this BS since birth like you.
Ouch,  Richard the Lionhearted was a 12 Century  monarch, not an American.
Let's recall you said: 
"If you're ignorant about your own History, it doesn't mean everybody else is too.
- You keep further embarrassing yourself. The 'nonsense' refers to the *label*. You can't be this stupid! 

You made claims regarding 12th Century Europe but don't recognize the name of one of the most famous kings of that era
- I am sure you have very little idea about 12th Century Europe, or your History in general. I know more about your History than all of you in this forum combined. Sadly!

You made claims about the "honesty" of the Crusades, but don't know that history well enough to know the name of one of the most famous crusaders, leader of the Fourth Crusade in fact.
- Third*.

Anybody who's read Robin Hood or Ivanhoe knows a little of this history
- It shows.

As a Liberal, I believe that power is ultimately derived from the consent of the governed, however oppressed.
- I've come to notice that Liberals often believe in contradictions, square circles & married bachelors. Maybe I'll make a post about that. So, you say power comes from the governed? What's next, winner is the loser? The governed submits to power, by definition, otherwise non-governed. – Maybe you mean by consent not choice but trust in the legitimacy of power, which isn't really free choice. 

I've seen little evidence for God and don't trust anybody who claims to know God's will.
- I don't doubt it. Leave that for the intelligent to see. Regardless, humans can't control the world with their whims.

You are diverging from your original claim (which we have now established was written in profound ignorance of European hisotry) that any given modern Swede, Canadian, New Zealander is objectively less free then a 12th Century European Serf.
- Which is: no government in the past has achieved the level of control & reach your modern Liberal Secular Western government has. 

Agreed but like the Declaration of Independence, that document continues to inspire civil rights moviements to this day.
- Yeah, therein lies the trick. Huge labels generally inspire the fools, to the point of undoing themselves with their own hands. You haven't offered anything better, just better names for the same things. Rights are found in all human societies since time immemorial, generally inclusive to those who belong & exclusive to those who don't, based on ethnic, tribal, national, factional, class, religious...etc affiliations. It is not until the modern Westerners came along that they figure they can call their stupid local Rights "Human Rights", as if they actually extend to all humans... 

Strongly disagree.
- I am sure you have a fantastic defense then. How are you different from Nazis in this respect? I am all ears.

Your premise is false.
Within the US Constitution, protections and rights apply to everyone on US soil or US jurisdiction.
- Deja-vu... "In 21st century American, identity is border & flag based." Repeating what I said to pretend you don't understand... maybe you actually don't. When you claim HUMAN rights, then the guaranteed rights must be contingent on the humanity of the designated, not on borders & flags. Yours are NATIONAL rights, not HUMAN rights whatsoever. The two are mutually exclusive.

Essentially, this means everyone simply standing on US soil is protected by the Constitution and has equal rights under the law.
- Not that this is true by any stretch, but say, the 30 million people killed by US aggression or the many more who lost their homes & wealth. Should they be guaranteed the right to seek justice against the American perpetrators, for instance, in a US court? 

This includes permanent residents, tourists, and yes, undocumented immigrants.
- The first two yes, by virtue of being extended protection by Visa or Green Card or diplomatic agreement. The last one no, can be as easily deported.

The US Constitution specifically details several rights any person is entitled to. For instance, the Bill of Rights clearly lists a series of rights for all human beings, regardless of citizenship status. These ten amendments within the Bill of Rights are inalienable rights for every person on US soil, regardless of orientation, citizenship, gender, and nationality. All ten of the amendments use “people” or “person” and never “citizen.”
- So, is the Iraqi who lost his home & his children under US Invasion protected by the US Constitution? Since we both know he isn't, do you think he should be?

These rights include:
- All adopted straight from Muslims & Islamic Law, but much was lost in translation. Yours are all about appearance & labels. As long as it sounds nice & looks equal...

Freedom of religion
- Since you brought this up. There is no Freedom of Religion in the US (or the West), except in belief. Freedom to practice is wholly subject to the State. As a Muslim I can not practice 9/10th of my faith. The same goes for a Christian with his Bible or a Jew with his Talmud. Impressive names, depressing meanings.

Freedom of speech
- Again, nice labels, abysmal content. Freedom of Speech in the US (worse elsewhere in the West) is strictly restricted in all systemic institutions of the nation, like government, justice, law, education, academia, mainstream media, military, social service...etc. No non-Secular non-Western rationale is ever allowed in any of these institutions. Beyond, Freedom of Speech is permitted as long as it does not undermine the state. During the Cold War, you could get death penalty for advocating Communism in some US states. During the "War on Terror", you know your fate... Today, you're sending hundreds to prison for protesting in Capitol... No state permits what undermines it, by design. 

Peaceful assembly
- That says something. This must've had been a struggle in your past to be made into a right...

Right to bear arms
- Can a citizen own nuclear weapons? If not then it's pointless.

Right to petition the government
- How about right to eat food?

Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
- I guess the Europeans learned their lesson from the Ottomans. They took advantage of the Ottoman's protection against searches & seizures to smuggle money & traitors, & do all kinds of shady things to undermine the state. For whatever reason, the Muslim jurists could not figure out that such protection may give access to your enemies to destroy your country.

Right to due process
- Like everything else, you borrowed this from Muslims, but restricted it to only nationals. Nothing much has changed.

Right to trial by jury
- This is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. What does 12 person jury have anything to do with Truth or Justice?! Absolutely nothing. As if some random group of people has the legal capacity & experience to judge the guilt of another... Your ancestors adopted this system from Muslims but misunderstood its purpose. Lafif system in Maliki Law, of 12 person jury trial, relates to reputation not culpability. In the absence of direct reliable testimony, a 'guilty' verdict by 12 witnesses (Lafif) means that the accused is deemed by the community to be capable of committing the crime, not they are actually culpable of it. It is then up to the judge to look at all the facts, & judge accordingly. When the Normand king Henry (your Richard's daddy) brought into England this system from Sicily's Roger, the Normand Muslim king, he obviously mistook 'guilty' of culpability, instead of reputation.

Right to a legal counsel
- Another thing that was lost in translation when adopted from Islamic Law. Your Legal counsel system isn't contingent on Justice. How fucked up is it that a lawyer can knowingly defend a criminal... Disgusting! 

Within the US Constitution, the 14th amendment ensures the right to equal protection under the law.
- The insane vehemence Westerners have in wanting to impose their ideas on everyone is beyond me. Equality is antithetic to Justice. Treating people of different cultures, religions, genders... equally is necessarily unjust to some if not all. This is what stupid man made laws look like, stupid & lazy. But as long as it looks good, right?

This amendment states that any US governing body must govern without discrimination to anyone within US territory.
- That's still discrimination based on borders, which exclude much of the human race. Hence, *National* Rights NOT Human Rights. There can be no rights without discrimination. So then, how are you better than Nazis if not worse?

A 12th century serf enjoyed none of these rights, even in his home town.
- Neither do you, for the most part. You get to enjoy the labels though. I guess lords back then weren't as clever at naming things as your government is today.

Nobles might have been granted some of these rights by some autocrat but such rights were just as eaily taken away if met with disapproval.
- I don't think you know what you're talking about...

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Ok first I will prove that the universe was created by a god, then I will prove that God to be Jesus/Yahweh, in a later post.

It all comes down to time.
Definition of Time: "the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole."

Time itself had to of had a beginning.
"So, people attempt to construct alternative theories where gravity and thus space and time can be described as quantized fields. However, irrespective of these ideas, there is always a transition from the quantum to the classical realm. Even if linear flowing time wouldn’t make sense in a quantum space-time, it has to as the quantum cosmos transitions to the classical cosmos, we live in. In a sense, as Saint Augustine had remarked some 16 centuries ago, space and time emerge with Creation. Here, Creation is precisely this transition from a quantum to a classical time. Time begins when it starts ticking, that is, when physical processes take place in the background of a classical space-time. Anything that happened before has been erased from cosmic memory."

"You couldn’t think of a distance between two points or of a time interval between two events. Everything fluctuates wildly. Physics as we know it falls apart."

Time is measurable. It's called spacetime.

Definition of Space Time: "the concepts of time and three-dimensional space regarded as fused in a four-dimensional continuum."

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, we can move on to The Big Bang Theory.

The Big Bang Theory
"The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation for how the universe began. Simply put, it says the universe as we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched — first at unimaginable speeds, and then at a more measurable rate — over the next 13.7 billion years to the still-expanding cosmos that we know today."

Ok now we take both of those claims and put them together.
Time had a beginning, which is when the universe began.
That is when the Big Bang happened.

Now I ask all of you this. 
How did the "infinitely hot and dense single point" come into existence, at the beginning of time, if there was nothing there to create, that point?

Answer is: There was something there to create that point, and that thing was a god, or a higher being of some sort.

That is just a scratch of my evidence proving a god, now I will return with evidence proving why the god that created the universe is Jesus/Yahweh.
- You didn't have to write any of that. I asked, assuming God is, show me how Jesus or Yahweh is said God. Which you have yet to do.

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Genesis 1:1
- Where is the argument? Why don't you lay it out for me.

Posted in:
Any evidence for Soul?
Do you have any evidence/arguments that would prove that humans have souls/immaterial minds?
Evidence against the immaterial part of the mind is Phineas Gage [1].
Popular reports of pre-accident Gage often depict him as a hardworking, pleasant man prior to the accident. Post-accident, these reports describe him as a changed man, suggesting that the injury had transformed him into a surly, aggressive alcoholic who was unable to hold down a job.
Damage to the Brain = damage to the mind, therefore mind is not separate from the brain. 
- This is a stupid fallacy of affirming the consequent. Also, it relates to personality, not personhood. It doesn't prove anything. A damaged car rolls poorly even if the driver is perfectly fine. 

- As to the Soul. We ask ourselves, is it impossible? Of course it isn't. Therefore, it's possible. Is it a subject of Deduction (accessible by thought)? No it's not. Is it a subject of Induction (accessible by the senses)? No it's not. Therefore, we can not prove it deductively or inductively. The only other source we can rely on to ascertain the truth of the Soul is Revelation. The claim thus becomes:
P1 the revelation is true
P2 the revelation asserts the existence of the Soul
C Therefore, the existence of the Soul is true.

=> In which case, if P1 & P2 are ascertained to be true, then you got yourself a Soul proof. If not, then not.
Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
You claimed: 
I'll repeat the question:
What is the name of "the Modern Western Liberal Government" of which you speak.  Which state does it govern?
Please answer the question as directly as possible.
- The 'modern Western Liberal government' is in the abstract. You can infer therefrom the countries which concretely represent that description.

I see but there's no denying that Aushwitz or the Fugitive Slave Acts were govenmnent projects.
- The funny bit here is that you live today closer to slaves then, than free men used to. Your government is in your life business almost as much as the master was in the life business of his slave back then.

You're saying that Richard I can't be called an autocrat for laying waste to the English treasury and men of fighting age because he only recognized himself as the sole inheritor of any natural rights as king
- Drop the stupid labels. I am not American, this nonsense means nothing to me. I wasn't indoctrinated into this BS since birth like you. There is no such thing as an absolute ruler. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard! The world is not contingent on the whims of humans, it is humans who are contingent on the determinism of the world, i.e. God's Will. – Humans are always in struggle, until one side submits to the conditions of the other, by choice or surrender. The latter is the dominant & the former is the dominated, i.e. the State & the Subject. As Ibn Khaldun says, a State is an organization which prevents injustice except that which it commits itself. This is true regardless whether the state is a blood dynasty (like a monarchy of England) or an apprenticeship dynasty (like the two party republic of the US). – You're assessing the rulership of another from the perspective of Power you're currently subject to. LMAO! Sheep gotta be sheeping.

You're saying that so long as Israel refuses to acknowledge Palestinians as citizens, that government need not respect any Palestinian human rights.
- That's your disgusting system, buddy. Don't lump us with your barbarism. You have no human rights to begin with, that's just an empty label. At best you have national rights, particularly contingent on borders. The "Declaration of Human Rights" during the French Revolution was in truth the declaration of native French rights (who aren't Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, Basque, Breton....etc); other humans weren't a concern. The rights previously granted to the French Noble, Bourgeois & Clergy class were simply extended to the French peasants & proletariat (some at least). – You criticize Hitler for killing supposedly his own people (the Jews), but guess what? He didn't consider them his own people, as that designation was accorded to the Aryans. Similarly, you consider your people those who are national Americans, & those who aren't not your people, thus no rights may be granted to them; & thus sanctity of their life & wealth null & without consequence. The 30 million people who lost their life (& the many more who lost their wealth & their homes) because of your country, have zero protection & zero legal recourse accorded to them by your government, since these are non-national. – There is effectively no difference between your government & Nazis, at least in respect to human rights. 

- I am sure you're gunna keep pretending to not understand, lemme ask you straight. There is currently zero stipulation in US Law to protect non-Americans, answer me this: should US Law protect non-Americans?

Posted in:
God exists, and I Can Prove It.
Well, I mean there are a lot of ways I can prove his existence. But I was hoping someone else would put in why they don't believe it so I can disprove their argument.
- Say, the Universe has a Creator, God. Prove to me Jesus / Yahweh is said God.

Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
What is the name of "the Modern Western Liberal Government" of which you speak.  Which state does it govern?
- Read that one more time. You can use your glasses if you need to.

Say you are Jew in a 1944 Nazi deathcamp or a black man on a Missisippi Plantation in 1855.  Would you call that greater government control or less government control than being Jewish or Black in say, 21st America?
- Red herring. Neither relate to government control. As to your 21st century America, this same applies to, say you are an Arab in Iraq -or pretty much a non-American in non-American soil. In 1944 Nazi Germany, identity was nation & ethnicity based. In 1855 Mississippi, identity was birth & race based. In 21st century American, identity is border & flag based. All else thus are other & not deserving of protection, hence no rights are granted. The same way you see the Iraqi  -or non-American in non-American soil- today, Nazis saw Jews & non-Aryans then. Not because your rights are contingent on borders does that make you superior to Nazis who set their rights to be contingent on ethnicity. You're all the same level of barbarous scum. In our tradition, this is called Jahilia, which is to deem the worth of someone's life based on ethnicity, nationality, lineage, class...etc. 
Posted in:
Thoughts On Nick Fuentes?
His ideas make him a danger. 

To himself and others. Being a monarchist in today's time will get you laughed out of most places.
- The US is, for all intents & purposes, a republican monarchy, ruled by a dual branch dynasty, where legacy is hereditary by apprenticeship, much like how the Roman Empire was in its beginnings. 

Combine that with his views that women are harmful parasites, he has certainly spread a narrative that will make it more difficult for his followers to have a healthy interaction with women. 
- Feminism has already made it more difficult for women to have a healthy interaction with men. What is the issue here then?

And the fact that he's a holocaust denier who openly praised Hitler? Oh boy, this is a perfect recipe for disaster. 
- How is that?

He is a liability at this point and the amount of delusions this guy rambles on about makes me think he is in desperate need of psychological help. Were it not for his large fanbase, he would immediately become a social pariah.
- This doesn't really address anything he said. Clearly millions of Americans relate to his ideas, for some reason which is appealing to them. Such dismissal is unwise.

This guy's beliefs and ideas are not functional in this century or in modern society.
- Why is that exactly?