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Posted in:
Ireland is an international disgrace
My point is that if nothing is done to your refugee policies and immigration policies/goals, you will have a large Muslim (and/or Hindu) population in just a few decades. Britain now has this problem and Ireland is traveling down the same road.

Your country has very few people, around 5 million. You take in roughly 100k per year. That’s 50 years until half the population is non-Irish, if you incorrectly assume similar birth rates. Currently 17% of your population is foreign-born with just half of those arriving in the past 5 years.

That’s just unsustainable. Ireland will not be Irish because no country can ever hope to assimilate that fast, even assuming that is a goal of the government and is something the immigrants themselves want.

Essentially, you don’t have to deal with the same problems many other European countries have. Not too late for you guys

And I apologize for snapping at you. Can’t have anyone talking shit about the USA ;)
Posted in:
Ireland is an international disgrace
Yes, we’re speaking English. What of it? We were ‘colonized’ until a few years after we decided we didn’t like that deal. 

After 700 years, you accomplished what? Keep the British out, let everyone else in? Irish identity will soon be nothing other than militant Islam and curry.

Which is sad, honestly. Always had a fondness for the Éire. Now it’s an impending totalitarian multiculti hellhole. And meanwhile you applaud the government curbing any opposition to giving Ireland away. Some proud Irishman you are. 

I feel your whining about our healthcare, gun rights, and speech rights is really just a cope. You don’t want to confront the mess forming in your home
Posted in:
Ireland is an international disgrace
I believe that America is a bitch nation. That's your model. Guns create too much distance between people, give rise to a certain artificiality in politics. Ireland's politics is made in close quarters. 
A bitch nation would get conquered by the British for 700 years.

You’ll notice, we did not. Primarily because of our guns, might I add
Posted in:
Greg Abbott wants to pardon racist murderer who killed a 28 yo BLM demonstrator
Wow, I never knew Zimmerman was a BLM vigilante terrorizing people.
I like the Zimmerman parallel, honestly. Textbook justified self-defense

Zimmerman was having his head smashed into the concrete

This had a mob swarm a car including a guy with an AK-47 menacing him.
Posted in:
Man who pinned officer to a door on J6 is sentenced to 7.5 years in prison
Very interesting to see the Democrats become pro-law and order for a very specific demographic.
Posted in:
Goodbye DART
I remember when he pretend left before. I’m not sure if it was some stunt to get the DART award for X amount of likes on a post or if he decided against it after the fact.

But I remember the incredible outpouring of support he received from basically everyone active on the site.

Looking at these comments and the zero likes he got, it’s crazy to see just how a few years utterly ruined his goodwill with the DART community.
Posted in:
Goodbye DART
This is a call out thread
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
You lost, RM, get over it. No need to be a stalker crybully
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
“Socioeconomic Factor Americans”. There I said it

Not all, of course- just disproportionate amount and not the entire target of such a policy
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
I don’t have an issue with tax dodgers having guns, but violent felons???

This is also a public safety issue- our recidivism rates are quite high.

When they inevitably reoffend, they ought to be slapped with another felony for unlawful possession of a firearm to make sure there is no third victim (or fourth or fifth, depending on the crime)

Let’s face it- some people are just incapable of impulse control and are prone to violence. Doing what one can to keep guns out of the hands of that crime-prone population is a moral imperative
Posted in:
The dismantling of Irish Culture.
If you’ll indulge me:

So your issue is you think the world has become too fast-paced and integrated? That you can’t just enjoy things, have a moment with your thoughts, enjoy the moment?

 I can definitely see how seeing biased representations of others’ lives from hundreds or thousands of miles away could cause dissatisfaction with your own life, whereas your frame of reference was the few thousand people in your home town.

Does that capture it, or is there more? You must have been a kid right at the start of the dissolving of the British empire. Has the culture changed in any sort of way?
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Well Coal, that’s the beauty of it! These people self-identify as transgender without any sort of diagnosis. Hardly any need for the government on that front at all. Just offer the option to switch their gender on a piece of paper and voilà: dangerous mentally ill person identified.

When you have a group of which nearly half attempt suicide for not being able to self-mutilate on the tax payer dime or use the bathroom of their choice, it is easy to see the public good of such a ban.

And I understand yet reject the lack of nuance in the libertarian position of not banning anyone. Seriously, by that logic, would you argue that we should allow felons to own guns? The government can create wacky laws that will strip them of their ‘rights’ whenever they want, after all
Posted in:
The dismantling of Irish Culture.
I’m much younger than you and not British. But seeing how things have been and their trajectory, I won’t have a normal, fulfilling life.

But I want to hear it from you, Zed. What’s changed in Britain?

Besides of course both of our empires crumbling within our respective lifetimes
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Yes, no need to kick a broken man
But it’s such good fun! And exercise!

Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
So let’s take a step back: should medicated schizophrenics be allowed to own guns?
Posted in:
The dismantling of Irish Culture.
Sorry didn’t get notified of a response.

Why do you feel fortunate of getting to experience pre-21st century British culture. What changed?
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Okie dokie. Already embarrassed him a few times over.

I feel like he is getting desperate, making far dumber claims than when he initially joined the site
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville

I assume you trust CNN. At the 2:00 mark they talk about how easy it is to 3D print and install a Glock switch. They show a now-deleted less than 3 minute video that discussed how to install them.
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
If you have training and knowledge to make such a modification which most people don’t
If low-IQ gang members in Chicago can do it, it must not be hard. They aren’t manufacturing them. There is very very little work for installing them

Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
So do you want guns regulated at a national level or not?
Sure. Violent felons shouldn’t be able to own guns. That’s a national regulation.

Do I support arbitrary magazine size bans or arbitrary short barrel rifle bans? No.
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
You are the idiots that say laws don’t work because criminals won’t follow the law.
It worked on all people that wish to be law abiding citizens- the vast majority of gun owners.

We banned automatic weapons (ostensibly) and now we never see them used in crimes. We could do the exact same thing for semiautomatic weapons.
Have you not heard of Glock switches? A small piece of metal turns a Glock fully automatic. And guess what- only criminals have them

Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
And you and other idiots like you are arguing for no gun laws. 
Please point to where I said that

Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Roosevelt: can I buy a short barreled rifle at will? Can it be full auto without special permissions? Are there required background checks for business selling firearms? Is there a bureau called the ATF?

How are these not regulations?

Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Gee, everything in this country is regulated except guns.
Wow, you’re so intelligent Mr. Roosevelt. I never knew we didn’t regulate guns.

There must be zero gun laws and there isn’t a bureaucratic law enforcement group called the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives! 

I guess I’ll go buy a 6 trillion round clip and full auto short barreled rifle from the local gun vending machine
Posted in:
A Perspective on the Violence in Nashville
Transgenderism is a mental illness, and we should prevent them from owning firearms.

You take a group where close to half are suicidal and self-mutilating and democrats convince them they are the victims of “genocide”. Don’t know what they expected to happen

Posted in:
The dismantling of Irish Culture.
Would you say that you live around a lot or very few Africans and Middle Easterners?
Posted in:
The dismantling of Irish Culture.
Same for the little country of the UK.

Though my kids don't see it as I see it....And so on.

What do your kids think, Zed?
Posted in:
Fuckboy Putin finally issued an arrest warrant for war crimes. What will cucks4Putin say?
Why do libs conflate any position that isn’t billions of dollars to Ukraine with cucking for Putin?

Surely we can say that dumping all of that money into a war isn’t a good investment for us without being avid supporters of a foreign dictator

There is this seeming inability of liberals to view anything from an American perspective. If it is good for Putin or bad for Putin is the only frame of reference that you all are capable of using.
Posted in:
DeSantis the DisArmer thinks freedom is free
remember Romney saying that Russia was our biggest enemy when we were losing hundreds of troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria and Obama said the twentieth century called to say they want their foreign policy back.
I’m glad we can agree that Romney is a dolt. Rare Obama w

Posted in:
DeSantis the DisArmer thinks freedom is free
No more foolish than dumping billions into Syria's civil war.
If we gave Assad cash money, it would be super stonks (to the moon)

Posted in:
Death of a long-time debater, Ajab
I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend.

I didn’t have the pleasure of ever speaking to him, and I can’t imagine how devastating it is for you and his family to lose a bright mind and strong person at such a young age.
Posted in:
DeSantis the DisArmer thinks freedom is free
I seem to recall your buddy Obama telling Romney that the Cold War had been over for 20 years during the presidential debates.

Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is still a regional superpower rather than a global superpower, and they will continue to act how all regional superpowers act: by exerting influence over their neighbors.

Seems a foolish investment dumping so many millions of dollars in one of the most corrupt countries in the world while they are facing a superior foe. Way overshadows the foolishness of giving an 18 year old liberal arts major $60k and expecting to get any return on investment
Posted in:
DeSantis the DisArmer thinks freedom is free
So much for the party of Ronald Regan
The Cold War has been over for decades. Appealing to Cold War foreign policy that made sense in a very different time and place is meaningless.

Who is to say that he would be as hawkish if he were elected today?
Posted in:
Why didn’t Trump get tanks sent to Ukraine? What a loser!
They’d hire him too!
He’d make a great token Marine to say AR-15s are weapons of war and make deer explode

Posted in:
Why didn’t Trump get tanks sent to Ukraine? What a loser!
You should work for CNN. I very rarely see a post this short filled with such copious amounts of idiotic drivel
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
The only thing I find really and truly ugly is the guns
But if you love the kaleidoscope, you must love us gun nuts as well, yes?
Posted in:
What happens to transwomen prisoners(let’s say it’s a DUI):
And then… let them go? Doesn’t seem like a great way to ensure public safety.
I agree, better not exacerbate our underincarceration problem

Posted in:
5 Black Cops kill Black Man in Tennessee
You see, they were acting white while they did it.
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Ya know, I buy polygamy or swinging for ugly people actually. Nothing to lose, everything to gain kind of idea. But that's a bit mean.
Yo badger, I think you’ll be joining the far right soon enough.

Too much fat acceptance, women ain’t women any more. Sure, the left produces ho’s, but they are ugly ho’s
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Polyamory’s growth is not surprising- we are no longer a high trust society.

If you can’t trust your spouse not to cheat on you, just pretend you’re fine with it
Posted in:
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Why is it morally wrong for me to have 2-3 wives, perhaps 2 wives 1 long term GF?
Utilitarianism proposes that we minimize suffering
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52
That means the system is absolutely faulty
Alternate theory: the system voted against the more faulted candidate

Quit with the conspiracy theories
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52
The tortoise didn't run. He let me think it was going to be a cakewalk so I was like why run as fast as I can and tire myself out, and perhaps injure myself.

- The hare

Based and tortoise-pilled president Wylted
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52

I could have sworn you have given a few other reasons for being ‘salty’.

But if your reason is expecting an easy win, you have no one to blame but yourself
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52
I definitely expected it from him. He is lauding his success with newer members rather than people with ‘old grudges’.

He basically inadvertently admits that the people who didn’t know how petty and immature he was were the ones that voted for him.

So, for some people, I do think it was unexpected
Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52
I wonder how many regretful RM voters are out there now that he shows his true colors. Another election today would definitely have further skewed results

Posted in:
+++Presidential Update+++ 1/52

People wonder why I am salty. All I will tell you is this:

Marathon, not a sprint.
Track record.
Yo RM, what I find hilarious about this is- you lost the vote among people who have been here longer and did better with people who haven’t.

You have a track record alright, a very bad one. This man has done everything you say he has, and all the voters knew it. Yet they still didn’t choose you. How bad does that make you?

If people knew you were a person that would act how you have post-election, Wylted would have won a landslide
Posted in:
White Supremacy does not exist in America today.
There's definitely less racism than there used to be, the last KKK lynching was in 1981 compared to approximately 76 a year on average between 1865 and 1950 (6500 total in that time period), but that doesn't mean it's gone or not a problem
Around 1,000 white men were lynched. Was that because of their race?
Posted in:
2023 Presidential Election Results
Typical liberal. “No, it’s the voters who are wrong”
Posted in:
2023 Presidential Election Results
I didn’t say his win was a ‘win’. I said I voted for the winner- which he did do