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Hundreds of Colombian girls hospitalized after vaccinations


"I stand by no vaccine is safe."
Then substantiate that claim by proving that every single vaccine ever is dangerous. Show me proof for every single one.

"They have not done the proper safety test in over 30 years"
Nonsense. Every single vaccine has to be given to thousands of people to test for safety before they can be approved for general use.

I will repeat myself.I said no vaccine is safe because vaccine company's have not done proper safety testing in 30 years.We know this because robert f kennedy just sued the heck out f the hcc over it and won..
If they do not do proper safety test then they are not safe,

"They bluntly ignore are the court ruling showing the gardisol shot has killed and focus on there lie' court just paid 6 million because of the gardison shot."
That's because the people in the judicial system are not medical experts. Courts frequently make wrong decisions, especially about things like this that the judges don't know anything about. You might as well cite a plumber as an authority on quantum mechanics as cite a court as an authority on science.

Your bluntly B#### me.Let say a judge puts away a rapist.The judge is wrong because he did not take sex ed.

"Contrary to your assertions, they aren't hiding anything. They're posting the data for all to see."

The link they used to source this information has been taken down.I won't help you research.Your ignorance is your choice.

"In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain."
What's your source?

i copied and pasted that from my article i linked. I can not force you to do basic research.

hildren health defense is ran by Robert f Kennedy nephew of our former president.He is very qualified to make these article's he is a lawyer who defends people injured by vaccine's."
"No, he isn't. He has absolutely no medical expertise, and, as I just showed you, he is willing to make up outlandish accusations out of thin air. He is not qualified; he is a liar."

He is a lawyer all his claims are based on the evidence provided.If billgates can have a medical organization.The crooked cdc.Then Kennedy can have his children health defense.Fair is fair


"I linked you to a fox news segment talking about giving your child a shot or going to jail."
The fox news segment never mentioned going to jail. It did not specify what the state was going to do. It just made vague references to "or else" or "the hard way."

You need to watch the link more . i will not force you there is Also a cnn clip covering the same story About vaxx or jail.


"Google isn't the government. They are a corporation. They have the right to kick people and ideas off their platform. That doesn't necessarily mean that they should, but they have the right to. If they really wanted to, they could boot everyone who doesn't literally bow down and worship Google. It would be stupid, but they have the legal right to do so."

This is not about google having the right to censorship.It is about google censoring people to keep people's from seeing information they do not like.

"Or it could just be that the conspiracy theories are wrong, and the fact checkers are trying to keep gullible people from falling for them. Why is that less likely than an enormous, worldwide cover-up?"

I do not need big brother or any of these shell article's telling me what to believe and not to believe.

This is how we are treated by politicians.This is not normal.

"Neo-Con Republican strategist and Never Trumper Rick Wilson has suggested that anti-vaxxers should be put in re-education camps and have their children taken away."
wilson was responding to an NBC News story about how people who question the safety of vaccines are now taking their fight “offline” due to mass censorship by the likes of Facebook and are “harassing doctors and private citizens.”

"it's legal for Christian universities to fire their employees for behavior that contradicts their statement of beliefs, so an organization like that could. A different organization that doesn't have a code of conduct or statement of beliefs might not be able to. However, neither of these behaviors endanger other people in the workplace. Can't say the same about the aborted baby, though."

I was under the impression that you could not fire someone because of religion.I was thinking of that christian cake maker who was sued because he did not make a cake for a gay wedding.How can i endanger them by not vaccinating when they are suppose to be immune because there vaccinating.The risk goes into technicality's.I am harming them because i breath out co2.Which can harm my fellow employees,The 1 percent that the vaccine might not work for them.The risk is a non issue


"My employer can not discriminate against my political viewpoint.Vaccine's are a political viewpoint."
Your opinions about vaccines are a political viewpoint, but your vaccination record (i.e. whether you've been vaccinated) is not. Your employer can't fire you for thinking vaccines are bad, but he can fire you for not being vaccinated."

Can an employer fire you if a female gets an abortion.Or if a man gets a transgender surgery.Can i choose not to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding.Can my employer force me to take any other pharmaceutical like diabetes or bipolar.Can my employer force me to take antibiotics.


"tech giant Google will begin cracking down on adverts featuring "misleading health claims" linked to Coronavirus and 5G conspiracy theories, it was revealed this week"

They are doing this because they are true.You do not prove a man a lair by cutting his tongue off.5g is melting your brain.


I stand by no vaccine is safe.They have not done the proper safety test in over 30 years which Jeffery Kennedy exposed by suing and winning over that.
Which you had a pretty hard time responding to.

"No vaccine is safe.Robert f kennedy just sued the heck out of hhc because they have not done the proper safety testing in 30 years"
Robert F. Kennedy's opinion on vaccines is totally meaningless."

Snope is fake news.They responded to cannibalism claims by saying we only make our taste receptor's they put in Pepsi out of aborted babies.They bluntly ignore are the court ruling showing the gardisol shot has killed and focus on there lie' court just paid 6 million because of the gardison shot.

"to quote from the article, "A full medical investigation determined that the girls died from causes completely unrelated to the vaccine. Some were poisoned by insecticide, malaria took others, and one drowned."

Your article linked a source that had been taken down. They took down the source of that medical investigation.Wonder why.All that left is the Indian governments and India doctor's spreading the truth of what happened.
The source for this information that the article linked no longer exist.It was a government site and they took down this information

"Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology.

Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.
The most frightening [polio] epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines are all linked to vaccines.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

"In 2009, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court."

That is an incredibly unreliable source.
Furthermore, that specific claim is false.
To quote from the article, "A full medical investigation determined that the girls died from causes completely unrelated to the vaccine. Some were poisoned by insecticide, malaria took others, and one drowned."

children health defense is ran by Robert f Kennedy nephew of our former president.He is very qualified to make these article's he is a lawyer who defends people injured by vaccine's.

YouTube is the definition of an unreliable source."

I linked you to a fox news segment talking about giving your child a shot or going to jail.

"1905 Supreme Court decision, Jacobson V. Massachusetts,"

No Jacobson was forced to have a vaccine or go to jail. If he refused he would be in jail

Your article's are fake news.Your biased fact checkers are created to stop the spread of conspiracy theory's.They are doing that because they are true.


"yes, states can legally mandate a vaccine, and fine or jail you for refusing it The Verify team looked into a viral post claiming that states have the authority to mandate a vaccination ..."

"Legal experts confirmed for the Verify team that the 1905 Supreme Court decision, Jacobson V. Massachusetts, gives states the authority to not only mandate vaccinations but also institute punishments like fines or jail time. "



"Fox noted authorities in the United States have never attempted to jail people for refusing to vaccinate

here is a fox news report talking about jailing people for not vaccinating


"don't want to get a vaccine for yourself or your child? Prepare to face the consequences. In the last month, a Detroit mother went to jail because she refused to vaccinate her child. Fifty people lost their jobs at a group of Midwestern hospitals and clinics because they declined a flu shot. And an Oregon university has blocked students from registering for classes unless they have a meningitis shot.

As governments and communities reassess how to handle parents who hesitate or decline when offered vaccinations, "

"Some countries think even stronger penalties are in order. Beginning in January, Australia passed a law instituting a $5,500 AUD (about $4,200 USD) fine for daycare center operators in one Australian state who accept unvaccinated children. Italian parents will also begin to face fines in 2018 for refusing to vaccinate their children."

"I don't doubt that there are politicians who think like this. However, this does not translate to the federal government forcing people to be vaccinated. This is just argument by insinuation."

i doubt any politician care's about my safety

" (CNN)The head of the US Food and Drug Administration says that if states don't require more schoolchildren to get vaccinated, the federal government might have to step in."
There federal government forcing vaccine's.

My employer can not discriminate against my political viewpoint.Vaccine's are a political viewpoint.

They are using safety as an excuse to poison everyone with dangerous pharmaceuticals.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin"

Vaccines are dangerous

"At least 400 children in India would have developed polio after receiving the oral polio vaccine (OPV) over the past five years"

"Oral polio vaccine causing paralysis in kids: Study "

"In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK's experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects, including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions, to 1,048 of the 5,949 children. During Gates' 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates' operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis."

No vaccine is safe.Robert f kennedy just sued the heck out of hhc because they have not done the proper safety testing in 30 years.

"Court Ruling Confirms Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Kills People – Did Anyone Even Notice"

"Fox noted authorities in the United States have never attempted to jail people for refusing to vaccinate

here is a fox news report talking about jailing people for not vaccinating

"More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus"


president bush took away our privacy in order to make sure i was not Muslim.He took away so many rights under the pretext of safety. They invaded millions of people's privacy under the pretext of safety.This was done under the patriot act. Right now they are using the tragedy's of school shooting's to try take away the right to own guns.This is what they are doing right now.They are using this virus to take away more Americans rights. They do not care if the virus spreads to infinity.They are just using that as a reason to take away rights.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

I will not be given a shot and loose my freedoms under the pretext of safety.

I will fight for my right to not be injected with a drug that would make me stupid or paralyze me.

Jailing for not vaccinating

"States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says"

Detroit mom jailed for refusing court order to vaccinate



"It was optional before the virus had spread so far that masks were necessary. Now that the virus has spread across the country, it is necessary for people to wear masks."

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

You will say the same thing about the vaccine designed to make you stupid


If i say that putting a vaccine in a cow.Is like putting a pill in a piece of ham so the dog eat it.I am comparing the two. I am not saying they are putting vaccine's in ham.

if i compare not taking vaccine and not being allowed to work or go to school. To not taking the mark and not being able to buy and sell.I am comparing the two not saying vaccine is mark.

If i compare barring people from work and school for not taking vaccine.To be thrown in jail.It is an example. I am saying they are similar.No t that they have declared they would do it.


They have thrown people in jail for not vaccinating in past.I was saying that those situations are the same as being barred from public space's like school and work.Stop taking my stuff out of context.I was clearly not saying they were throwing people in jail for covid 19 vaccine that is not here.I did not say that stop[ taking my stuff out of context.It was an example.You did the same thing with my mark on the beast comment.But i do believe they are going to throw people in jail for not taking it.They already do it with other vaccine's


Ok it was state law that i have to wear a mask.They said it was optional.Now it's mandatory.


It was an example.You are taking my stuff out of context.You did the same thing with my mark of the beast comment.


That has been done in the.I was saying that is the same as being barred from public space's and school.Stop taking my stuff out of context


Oromagi.It's not normal to not question activity like this.


"Experts say it appears government agencies and even employers can require people to get a COVID-19 vaccine once it’s available."


They said Face mask were optional before making them mandatory.Covid 19 vaccine will be mandatory i promise you. All vaccine are mandatory in a way because you are giving them to newborn baby's


If i do not get a covid 19 vaccine and i get thrown in jail because of it.Was the jail an incentive.That is mandatory. For example my mom vaccinated her cow because you can not get it butchered without vaccinations. That's mandatory.If i get fined money because i do not vaccinate.Then it is mandatory.They are punishing me if i do not get.So no barring people from public space's like schools is mandatory.Look i already believed Some of them were going to say it is not mandatory.Before making it mandatory.

They said mask were optional.Now it is federal law that i can not go outside without a mask.Vaccines will be the same way.


"Experts say it appears government agencies and even employers can require people to get a COVID-19 vaccine once it’s available."



The hpv vaccine is mandatory to all 12 and 11 years old.

Those article's are right forced is unconstitutional but that has not stopped them.

"State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools."
Look this is a mandate.You are mandating vaccine's if you punish those whose who do not take it.Do you believe that the covid 19 vaccine will not be required to go to school.Then your kidding yourself.That is mandatory


I did not say the mark of the beast was the vaccine's


"The coronavirus vaccine could be forced on Americans, says Stanford Law School professor Hank Greel"

Not mandatory.You just won't be allowed to get a job or go to school if you do not get vaccinated.

Mark of the beast won't be mandatory. You just won't be able to buy or sell



Not mandatory.We will just fine you a bunch until you do what we want


Not mandatory.You give it to baby's so they can not say no. Thats mandatory.You are forcing it upon people who can not say no




There is a lot wrong with this picture.You are giving 70 plus shots to infants so they can not refuse it.They bluntly tell you they censor anti vaxxers on Facebook and YouTube under the pretext that they are dangerous .and the goverment throw's people in jail if they do not treat a disease they do not have.

They are dumbing down children at birth with vaccine's.Censoring us.So they can keep people believing in there garbage.Plus keeping you controlled with stigmas.Plus throwing you in jail if you refuse to dumb yourself down and be a good steeple.



Trump is going to have the military go out and distribute the vaccine.Do you think there is anyway i would take that.


I have not liked any of the stuff trump has done in 2020


Trump is going to force that vaccine.Do you think i like that or support that?


Thessalonians 2:11
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


And people say Adrenochrome is insane


And you do not see a problem with that????


You did not say it was untrue. in last debate. You just said there no conspiracy behind it.


I am a simple man.I am just waiting for a liberal infected with the quote down below to argue against.

Thessalonians 2:11
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I am a theistic christian. I do not know which of the thousands of Christianity is true.


Why would CBS report on it then.Why is there a ton of article's online that say there no aborted babies then talk about how they only make additive's out babies


Why would CBS report on it then.Why is there a ton of article's online that say there no aborted babies then talk about how they only make additive's out of it


For example snope say's there is no aborted babies in food.But if you read further they admit they make aborted babies out of food.

Please read entire article.Do not fall for the headline.


there is a lot of article's online that say there is no aborted babies in food.But then goes on to say they only make there additives out of aborted babies.Do not be deceived by these article's.With huge headlines saying there no aborted babies.Read further they admit it down below.


People should not be so dumbed down with food and 5g that i need to say this.Chemical preservatives and pesticides that are in the food are designed to make you stupid.What is happening is obvious.They are taking away your rights you will never get them back


George bush took away human rights after a 911.Trump is taking human rights away because of this coronavirus thing.Shame because i liked trump.



how did palpatine get emergency powers in star wars. To commision the creation of the clone army.What did george bush do after 911.Think


can i get a glass of water.I want to forget
