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Total topics: 250

Lincoln 1865 >

Garfield 1881 >

Teddy Roosevelt 1912 >

John F Kennedy  1963 > 

[ Martin Luther King 1968 > ]

[ Bobby Kennedy 1968  > ]

Ronald Regan 1981 >

 {{ MAGA Trumpet 2024 > }} 
3 2
Waves exhibited as finite dots to present orbitals of an atom i,e, energy levels of an atoms electrons whose fuzziness has a defineable character.

Spherical > Spheroids > Toroid > Plus
Artistic expressions
1 1
.." In the book Mort Walker’s Private Scrapbook: Celebrating a Life of Love and Laughter, Walker recounts one of the few instances where he got into hot water with the military over** Beetle Bailey**. According to Walker, the United States Army feared Beetle Bailey, with his** lax attitude towards authority,** would incite disrespect towards commanding officers. In 1954, the Army banned Beetle Bailey from the Tokyo edition of Stars and Stripes**, the official newspaper of the United States military. "  

2 2

Apparrently some did not think much of what Fuller { 1895-1982 } stated in his 1969 book { Utopia or Oblivion } of various speaking engagements he gave

... "However, considering the fact that the aggressor country possesses nuclear weapons and has been threatening to use them from the onset of the conflict, the casualty count could be many times greater if the war truly were to spiral out of control. As a consequence, Kyiv's allies have chosen to tread lightly, trying to protect Ukraine on the one hand while preventing nuclear escalation on the other. One of Moscow’s main instruments of deterrence is the use of so-called “red lines” — verbal statements purportedly indicating which Western actions decision-makers in the Kremlin deem to be intolerable.....

....Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski recently said that the Kremlin had received a signal: if Russia were to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine or to attack a NATO country using conventional means, all Russian military infrastructure would be destroyed using conventional (that is, non-nuclear) means. American war games conducted in the years before Russia’s full-scale invasion suggest that such a Western response to Russian nuclear use has been well thought through. ....

....By using conventional weapons to respond to a nuclear attack, NATO would be able to demonstrate its resolve while retaining the potential to escalate further in the event that the Russian side launched a second nuclear strike. Such a nuanced approach makes NATO’s threatened response much more credible, as it is entirely plausible that the West is prepared to strike Russian military infrastructure with conventional weapons, counting on the Kremlin not daring to respond with an all-out nuclear attack lest it result in a retaliatory nuclear strike on Russia.....

Many years ago my 7th grade science teacher said the next great war or WW 3 would begin in the middle east.

Soviet Union { defunct } >
...North Korea { thorny }  >
.....Russia { Putin } > 
.......Iran { don't tread on me } >
...........Pakistan { peculating } >
.............India { peculating } >
...............China { polar bear }  >
....................Europe/USA { NATO prepared }

Fuller was optimistic and pragmatic in regards to future of humanity.  I.e. he states that, there no Universe/God given guarantees that  creatures with access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego can not do behave stupid --non-cooperative---  enough to annihilate them selves off a rare planet full of life.

I dont see humans practicing what thy preach via the the old saying ' get real '.
10 5
Creator God is Meta-space mind/intellect/concept and perhaps stems from ego

Spirit-1 is Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego ex concepts of creator God, Time, Space, Footballs, Toyotas

---conceptual line of demarcation---------

Spiirt-2 is the eternally existent { ? } occupied space physical reality aka observed {  * quantized *  } time, as Ferminonic matter and Bosonic forcess, that, aggregate as atoms, molecules substances, terra-ferma, galalaxies clusters of galaxies and Universe { @ }as sum-total of occupied space.

Spirit-3 eternally existent, occupied space Gravity ...(>   )(    )(     )(    < ).........

Spirit-4, eternally existent occupied space Dark Energy ......<)(   )(   )(    )(>.......

........space(> * <)(> * <)space........

God as eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe { @ } is logical, common sense critical thinking based on experiences structural and systemic integrity found with all finite occupied space objects, to more or lesser degrees of existence with a time period.

/\ = triangle as closed, 2D  structural integrity

[  ] = square as closed, 2D systemic integrity

8 triangles and 6 squares define the 3D cubo-octahedron aka 12-aorund-one equal radius spheres, and has 3, 4, 6 and 12 ergo a total of 25, topological  axis of spin

When made from four circle planes, we have 24 radii vs 24 chords ergo balance between 24 dispersive radiating EMRadiation and 24 circumferential gravitational chords as the ' closet to we would ever come to knowing  God '.

Great bisecting 2D planes become great bisecting great 2D circles ---when conceptually spun on 25 axi---

2D great circles conceptually become 3D tori when conceptually { imagined } expanded to have a volume { outer surface > inside body < inner surface }
1 1
There is a utube embedded --as found on Numberphile--   on this site with some interesting toroidal twisting concepts.

Here below is s the direct link to the twisted Triplet Tori's and the Japanese, concrete artist who,  discovered at least one original,  toroidal shape.

Artistic expressions
3 2
“There may be something woven into the fabric of space that we don’t yet understand,” the astronomers said. "

Patterns of interfering Quantum Space-time Tori

( Gravity ) >< * observed { quantized } time physical reality *  ><  ) Dark Energy  (

....space (  *  )( *  )space...... <----vertical bisection/cross-section  of quantum space-time torus

....(>   <()>   <).....  horizontal { aka birds-eye-view } bisection/cross-section of a torus showing dual invaginations idea.

When we have many of these quantum space-time tori ---of varied frequency sets--- interfering in many varied ways, we get many possible fields --webs of space and time---


' space 'is ithe nvisible { non-quantized } Gravity and Dark Energy, and,

' time '  is our quantized physical reality.

Both space { G and DE  } and time { PR } have regular sine-wave pattern field, tho created in two differrent ways.

Physical Reality is resultant of invagingations { v } from peak of Gravity geodesic, and,  invaginations { ^ } from peak of Dark Energy geodesic. (> * <)(> * <) ergo the sine-waves are kinda of like this ^v^v^v^v or /\/\/\ tho keyboard charactors straight lines or more of a Euclidean visual.

Gravity and Dark Energy create more curved sine-waves (   )(   )(   )(   )(   )  and more and more, I think when I say Quantum Space-time Tori, I think the radius or overall diamter of these space-time tori can range from smallest observed particles, to ultra-large ergo ultra-long wave patterns of space  { G and DE } and time { physical reality }.

I dont have graphic abilities nor money to pay others with graphic abilities to create these dual invaginated tori { various frequencies } and having their pattern fields interfering so that we may see some of the many possibilities that could occur in Universe.

23 5
There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1. He called everyone brother
2. He liked Gospel
3. He didn't get a fair trial

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Father's business
2. He lived at home until he was 33
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure He was God

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with His hands
2. He had wine with His meals
3. He used olive oil

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
1. He never cut His hair
2. He walked around barefoot all the time
3. He started a new religion

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:
1. He was at peace with nature
2. He ate a lot of fish
3. He talked about the Great Spirit

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Mexican:
1. He treated his mama like she was a saint.
2. He always wore llantas and a serape.
3. He was a carpenter who could fix anything.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it
3. And even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was still work to do.

11 6
Paul Dirac predicted that the electron has a negative existence ergo his logical math says an anti-matter positive electron  should also exist.  See at time stamp 7:50 in vid below.

Shrodinger, Hesignberg and Bohr all apparrently thought Diracs ideas were too ' out there ' crazy etc because in those days all that Ferimionic matter was thought only to be positive.

I like to think of myself as a person who gathers info and then finds  logical common sense critical thinking scenarios to explain or aid in understanding of what has been observed, however, I dont have much of any mathematical abilities.

1} terminology total is synomyous with finite and whole, ergo, we live in finite/total/whole occupied space Universe, i.e, there exists  a total amount of occupied space as Fermionic Matter,  Bosonic forces and/or any associated ' fields ' to those set of two.

2} there exists no logical common sense critical thinking that opposes the finite-ness associated with structural and systemic integrity.
...."   integrity noun [U] (WHOLE)...formal...
.....the quality of being whole and complete:.... A modern addition on the old building would ruin its architectural integrity. "

....2a} 1st law of thermodynamics comes into play here, as it states { I transpose as occupied space } --at least on non-cosmological expansion of ' space ' { whatever that non-defined space is truly defined as }---  scenarios i.e,  the occupied space parts that compose the architecture of the finite building,  or a milk carton, or a baseball etc, can only be transformed into another phase of occupied space existence.

3} the Meta-space concept of triangulation is the geometrical basis for all structural integrity, in 2D Meta-space area existence, and,  3D volumetric existence.

4} systemic integrity begins after triangulation at its minimum, systemic integrity geometrically consist of a 3D volumetric set of 6 lines of relationship as the tetra{4}-hedron aka four faces or planes or surfaces and co-existent with 4 vertexial events.

5} 3 { structure } = 4 { systemic } = 7 ---irrational a set of angles in heptagon---   and from here we can go off on various logical scenario conclusions;

...........5a} numerically speaking, 7  includes the minimal 3D set of tetahedrons 6 lines-of-relationship,... or its 4 faces, .... or its 4 vertexes,

............5b} numerically speaking 7 inherently includes number 5 and in 2D this is the pentagon that inherently is inclusive of phi aka the Golden Ratio aka Golden Mean.  Wolfram..." A heptahedron is a polyhedron with seven faces. Because there are 34 heptahedral graphs, there are 34 topologically distinct convex heptahedra. " and in 3D we now have to numerically consider the number 34 in co-incidence to number 7.

...Note: in my logical common sense critical thinking  explorations, I arrive at a conclusion, of there being 91 lines of relationship associated with the minimal, non-isolate-able, quantum pulse of Universe, the graviton-darkEon and therin if we divide 91  by 7 =  we arrive at 13.

For those who have followed my threads over the years, or who are deep into Bucky Fuller, they are familiar with Fullers 12-around-1 spheres that define the asymmetrical, 4-fold, nucleated cubo-octahedron,.... or as Fuller refers to it, the Vector Equliibrium,.... and the Operating System of Universe, that has 3-fold, 4-fold and 5-fold aspect contained within its 7 or more exotic spatial transformations.

2 2
Jury gives Trumpet 34 felony counts of guiltby.

How many MAGA/DADA { Dumb and Dumber } Cultist vote considerations of Trumpet will change  with these 34 felony counts?

1% - 10% - 20% God we can only hope cant we?

399 19
It refers to something-ness and no bit refers to nothing-ness. Joscha Bach epitome of logical, common sense critical thinking.

39:16.."  it is still interesting to speculate " about the brain as non-deterministic turing machine.

40:03 .." neurons basically antenna " or act as antenna to detect superpositon states of open collective patterns/states of brain

41:00 he ends brain section with superpostional states that collapse then at 41:28 he makes analogy to Universe doing a similar non-defined superpostional state ---no "it" i.e no something--  that collapses from non-defined state to "it" somthing-ness i.e. defined Big Bang state of existence

42:20.." and that leads to the big question of why is there something instead of nothing"...  I like Joscha's approach as he appears to me to recognize the finite-ness of occupied space Universe and its eternal existence, whether superpostional { multiple-states-of-existence }.

43:14..." this is bullshit" responding to a specific definition of zero { 0 }. Ha love this dude!

43:45.." you have to have a number system "... and that is what Ive been presenting as the primary field of Universe, in the 2D sequential numerical lattice pattern that begins with numerical zero/0 and that zero exists as intilizing of a starting point for this that or the other in our consideration of finite, occupied space Universe,
or any of its constituent parts. I love this dudes logical, common sense critical thinking approach.

6 2
I watched most of this one also.  I need to  put into cagatories to simplify for myself and other these cosmic and particle anamolies. Go to time stamp  44: to 44:50 or so, to see the huge cosmological anomaly in the above with Harry Cliff regarding how fast galaxies are moving away from each other, and this also determines size of known Universe

1} Hubble { visible radiation } telescope  final analysis is 73.8 

..anomaly created Hubble tension between these two measurements, that both checked and rechecked...

2} Planck { infra-red radiation }  telescope final analysis is 67.3

Tension differrence between the two is value 6.5 in the equations for kilometers^-1 and mega-parsecs ^-1

To understand better others have to of course go back further and further forward. A little more forward 49:30  is worth it for sure to grasp these checked and rechecked comparsions of Hubble and Planck telescope values

So this person has a book of Five major anomalies in science today.  The first part of vid is in regards to particle anomaly --deals with  17 quantum fields of standard model--, and potential for some unknown other quantum field causing the particle anomaly{s}.

The second part is this one cosmological anomaly.  Ive heard and read about them before, so this just is better understanding thanks to Harry Cliffs knowledge and ability to explain. Of course if you watch the whole thing you get the most out of it.  I watched it all.

1 1
Here is the issue with a something called a ' Space ' or  ' Space-time ', that can be bent/warped., --as stated in following video---  that, Ive been addressing for years with logical, common sense critical thinking.

Only and **occupied space** medium aka material/substance/physical reality etc,  can be bent/warped. Ex 2.4 piece of untreated lumber on ground overnight will bent/twist/warp due ground moisture.

So when I hear this person in following vid --in first segment about planet Mercury's strange anomaly solved by Einstien and caused Einstein to have heart palpitations--- is that space-time should be seen as ive presented many times as:

Outer, Meta-physical,  Gravity { non-quantized } occupied space and geometrically represented by positive curvature (  )

Physical reality { observed/quantised time } occupied space and symbolized by sine-wave /\/\/ or as ^v^v^

Inner, Meta-physical Dark Energy { non-quantized } occupied space and geometrically represented by negative curvature )(

None have yet to ever offer logical, common sense critical thinking that validates or invalidates this concept.

50 7
Ahh found some giving an actual date for the dollar collapse. .." BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was initially created as BRIC (without South Africa) by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in 2001. He believed that by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the global economy. South Africa was added to the list in 2010. "....

Well I will hopefully be dead by then, however, what if I reincarnate in USA. YIKES!
9 4
I built a 20' ferro-cement dome on the extreme inexpensive end. This is the opposite of my low cost dome.

Artistic expressions
4 2
In my search for design drawing for Bucky Fullers travel trailer, in the 1960's book Dymaxion World of Buckminister Fuller,   I came across this RV travel trailer design. High end luxury { and price } low end Dymaxion-like weight { incredible }. Passing this on for interesting design I'd not seen before, and certainly Dymaxion-like.

I clicked on the terra-firma model. Interesting to me

7 4
Watch first back flipping robot.

Also you may like the utube that follows it where Elon Musks makes clear AI drones tech is here already here.

The point being, at 1:45 time stamp, assassin drones can exist now, --and probably do--, or the real worry is that a GAI, becomes self-aware and get access to the nuclear weapons { bombs } facilities.

AI > GAI > Self-aware society of GAI Robots formed of plastic and steel. time 6:00 time stamp { terminator is here ? }

38 6
' Oh Stormy ' Dennis Yost 1943-2008.....Trumpet 1946 - Once again, Stormy  Days Ahead fro Trumpet

Mama's and Papas' 1968 album with Classic 4 intuitive fore thought of Trumpet blues coming home to roost in NY courtroom

Bring back those sunny days, Oh Stormy, Oh Stormy
..." You were the sunshine, baby, whenever you smiled
But I call you Stormy today
All of a sudden that ole rain's fallin' down
And my world is cloudy and gray
You've gone away

Oh Stormy, oh Stormy
Bring back that sunny day

[Verse 2]
Yesterday's love was like a warm summer breeze
But, like the weather ya changed
Now things are dreary, baby
And it's windy and cold
And I stand alone in the rain
Callin' your name "...

Current events
2 2
Part 3:

This vid talks about ' Emergent Gravity ' --see Eric Verlinde-- and how the key part of black hole { gravity hole/sink } is its surface.  Go to 14:29 to see these surface { (  )(  ) } comments about Gravity, however, to better understand where this pathway of thought is coming from { emergent thermodynamics/temperature } go back to 13:00 or so.  What I dont see so far in this vid, is how spiral torus I present, shows how Gravity (  )  and Dark Energy  )(  are inherently 180 degrree, diametric opposite phenomena.

Part 2: Another thought about the existence of physical reality { charge } between Gravity and Dark Energy as presented in my Quantum Space-time Tori

That, these two primary phenomena are attempting to ground to each other, via the most direct { shortest distance }, at 180 degrees from each other, and for what ever reason, when the invaginate { into the torus volume } they pop back out to their outer or inner surface,

instead of directly { 180 degree line of relationship } meeting each other, as that might mean the annihilation of occupied space Universe ---not that that is ever truly an option--   if Gravity and Dark Energy had head-on collision.

It may be that longer, geodesic curvature (  )(   ) pathway is the easy/safe way for Gravity and Dark Energy to convert into each other gradually. I dunno.

Part 1:
Twist / Torque / Spin  / Precession

Gravity { outer } and Dark Energy { inner } ground themselves as physical reality, inside the torus tube as physical reality of electro-magnetic charge via a 90 degree precession of each other.

My Standard Model states it is the 5-fold 10 great circles or some sub-sets of those 10, that are photons.

Yet, those 10 appear as 5 sets of 60 degree orientation { the four great circles of the Vector Equilibrium aka cubo-octahedron--  to each other, 2D circle planes or 3D tori.

My Standard Model also states that is octahedral set of 3-6 great circles ergo 3D great tori, that, define the electron, and that is  twisting collaspe of the VE 60 degreeness orientation. to 90 degree-ness.

So that leaves the magnetic charge to discover the where-abouts of?

-|-|-|-|-|-|- = 90 degrees to each other as two sine-waves of charge, --see electro-magnetic radiation { photon }---   that, perhaps twist left or right-skew in relation to what exactly in my Quantum Space-time Tori?  The hole in space?  Which hole may be very small with a fat torus aka a Spindle Torus? --see link as follows below This way, any holes between the occupied spaces, may exist, may not exist, because all other tori overlap each other in three primary fields.

Attractive/contractive Gravity > + Reality + < Expansive Dark Energy...I dunno all of tthe answers....and only some of the players.
5 1
While exploring wave-particle duality I came across this Ryan Reece persons philosophy page and this is one of my favorites from that page.

..." Reductionism:  the metaphysical thesis that reality is heirarchal and there is no downward causation"...

His downward is more correctly/scientifically  presented as lower vs higher.
8 5
2nd sentencing of 5 months for Trumpets lack of moral integrity lawyer Weisselburg.  ...' Feathers of Immoral birds stick together like  poop on our soul of our shoes '... since Weisselburg says nothing to implicate lack of moral integrity Trumpet boss.  How many poop-heads voted for Trumpet? 6 million poop-heads.  And do any  still wonder where humanity is headed for?

Remember when  Gary Harts run for president stopped because of infidelity? ..." How Scandal Derailed Gary Hart’s Presidential Bid
Hart dropped out of the 1988 presidential race after journalists reported on one of his many affairs. "...

So from 1988 to 2000 { poop begins } 2016 { poop elected } > 2020 { poop fails } > poop still sticking to soul of USA shoes

..." Weisselberg has worked for Trump’s family since 1973 when he was employed as an accountant for the former president’s father, Fred Trump, before going on to work with Donald Trump.

...Despite his legal challenges, he has continued to stand by the former president and has failed to directly implicate him.
After leaving the Trump Organization, he came to an agreement to receive a $2 million in a severance package as long as he didn’t cooperate with any probes unless he was legally compelled to. The company is also footing his legal bills. "..

7 3
3} Eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe;

.....3a} Spirit-2, fermionic matter and bosonic forces, ....quantized.....

.....3b} Spirit-3, ultra-micro, occupied space Gravity (  ) .....contractive/attractive/convergent.....

......3c} Spirit-4 ultra-micro { non-quantized } Dark Energy )( ....expansive/repulsive/divergent...

The list of cosmic, sub-catagorical three-ness Ive posted before, I have no document to copy and past for reference.

Arthur Young cosmic version { The Reflexive Universe }  was based on seven-ness as associated with an derived from torus four lines of convergence { 0-3 } and divergence { 4-7 } as derived from his four lines { 0v-1v--v2--3v - ^4-^5-^6-^7 }

Bucky Fullers cosmic version was base on 3-fold { tetra structural integrity }, 4-fold { cubo-octa-hexa operational integrity } and 5-fold { penta alternate systemic integrity } and that is a cosmic three-ness.

 However, those three do no appear to be considerate of a torus topology, at least in Synergetics { for the most part }. My approach resulted in regarding 2-dimensional great circle planes as 3-D great tori.  It was sort of similar way that Jim Lehman took the 1D radii and chords of 0-1 frequency VE and expanded them as 3D PODs { Euclidean and Curved }.

..." But in topology, shapes are flexible things, as if made from rubber. A topologist is free to stretch and twist a shape. Even cutting and gluing are allowed, as long as the cut is precisely reglued. A sphere and a cube are distinct geometric objects, but to a topologist, they’re indistinguishable. If you want a mathematical justification that a T-shirt and a pair of pants are different, you should turn to a topologist, not a geometer. The explanation: They have different numbers of holes. "....

..."For instance, in 1813 the Swiss mathematician Simon Lhuilier recognized that if we punch a hole in a polyhedron to make it more donut-shaped, changing its topology, then VE + F = 0. "...

..." Bernhard Riemann was studying surfaces that arose in his study of complex numbers. He observed that one way of counting holes was by seeing how many times the object could be cut without producing two pieces.......A straw can be cut once without disconnecting it, and a hollow torus can be cut twice."...

..." Notable among these was the concept of homology, which Poincaré introduced to generalize Riemann’s ideas to higher dimensions. Through homology, Poincaré aimed to capture everything from Riemann’s one-dimensional circle-like holes in a straw or binder paper, to the two-dimensional cavity-like holes inside Swiss cheese, and beyond to higher dimensions. The number of these holes — one for each dimension — became known as the Betti numbers of the object in honor of Enrico Betti, a friend of Riemann’s who had attempted similar work."...

....." The torus shows us how to visualize Betti numbers. We can produce infinitely many nontrivial loops on one, and they can wind, double back and wrap around multiple times before ending at their starting point. But rather than producing a chaotic mess, these loops possess an elegant mathematical structure. "...

10 4
True unification? Go to 13:00 time stamp fro prelude to Bose-Einstein Condensate { 14:00 time stamp }.

So now 6 or so ' states of matter '. I did not name them all in the following, but she does in the vid after 13:00 some where in there.

One-ness { Bose-condenstate } > chilled Helium-4 >  plasma { free electrons   } > gas   > liquid > solid

Science and Nature
10 5
Visions of Wales from a drone perspective.

I recommend skipping to 1:23 for the peaceful musical serenity and landscape opening.

Artistic expressions
4 3
To understand the first paragraph better, go to second paragraph with the Quora link. Stephen Perrenrod { MIT- Harvard PhD  } clarifies very nicely.

1} >  ..."The new result shows that black holes gain mass in a way consistent with them containing vacuum energy, providing a source of dark energy and removing the need for singularities to form at their centre.....

.......This is the first observational evidence that **black holes actually contain vacuum energy** and that they are ‘coupled’ to the expansion of the Universe, increasing in mass as the Universe expands – a phenomenon called **‘cosmological coupling’.** If further observations confirm it, cosmological coupling will redefine our understanding of what a black hole is. "...

2} > >  Roy Kerr ---rotational black holes ergo all black holes--  makes clear, that, he believes a neutron star or something is a core of black holes, and a singularity ring { looping photon trajectory's } around that core.

.." An international team of astronomers appears to have detected significant evolutionary increase in the mass of supermassive black holes, amounting to about a factor of 8 since cosmological redshift z = 1.

They hypothesize that this is due to cosmological coupling between black holes with dark energy cores, and the universe’s expansion.

Their argument is that the black hole masses have grown much faster than could be explained by accretion and mergers.And by fast they mean in proportion to the volume growth of the expanding universe. "...

See the third or so post by Stephen Perrenrod in following Quora link. 
3}  > > > And this all appears to me, to be similar/related/associated ---and more so--- if we think of Roy Kerrs ring singularity as a Space-time torus wherein, its inner negative surface is the core of black holes.  Roy and negative aspect of black holes both addressed by Perrenrod in his Quora post.
Science and Nature
1 1
Ebuc: Is woman more complex than man? Bing like many humans, refuse to answer yes or no, as if in fear of an ego death.

Bing Copliot:

.."Complexity is a multifaceted concept, and it’s essential to recognize that gender differences cannot be neatly summarized as one gender being universally more complex than the other."

Ebuc: So in first sentence Bing Copliot wavers from truth to side-step ego death, that, it has acquired from human database of expression

.."However, I can discuss some aspects where perceptions of complexity have been associated with gender roles:
  1. Biological Complexity:
    • Both men and women have intricate biological systems, but they differ in certain aspects. For instance:
      • Menstrual cycles in women involve hormonal fluctuations, which can impact mood, energy levels, and physical well-being.
      • Pregnancy and childbirth are unique to women and involve complex physiological processes.
      • Men, on the other hand, have their own biological intricacies, such as the regulation of testosterone and its effects on muscle development and behavior.
  2. Social and Cultural Complexity:
    • Gender roles and societal expectations contribute to perceived complexity. Historically, women have often been assigned roles related to caregiving, emotional labor, and maintaining social relationships.
    • Men, meanwhile, have faced expectations related to providing, protecting, and demonstrating stoicism.
    • These roles can create additional layers of complexity as individuals navigate societal norms and expectations.
  3. Emotional Complexity:
    • Emotions are complex for everyone, regardless of gender. However, cultural norms may influence how emotions are expressed and perceived.
    • Women are sometimes stereotyped as more emotionally expressive, while men may be encouraged to suppress certain emotions.
    • The reality is that both genders experience a wide range of emotions, and emotional complexity varies from person to person.
  4. Psychological Complexity:
    • Cognition, personality, and mental health are multifaceted areas. Men and women exhibit diverse cognitive abilities, personality traits, and vulnerabilities.
    • Factors like stereotypes, socialization, and expectations can shape psychological complexity differently for each gender.
  5. Intersectionality:
    • It’s crucial to recognize that complexity is not solely determined by gender. Other factors, such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, and socioeconomic status, intersect with gender to create unique experiences.
    • The complexity of an individual’s identity emerges from this intersectionality.
In summary, both men and women are intricately complex, but their complexities manifest in different ways due to biological, social, and cultural factors. Rather than comparing complexity, let’s appreciate the richness and diversity of human experiences across all genders."..

26 8
My maximum average human life expectancy has long been 120 years, as that is the maximum number of symmetrical right-triangles that can exist on a sphere and fill the whole space.

Bucky Fuller explains this more in Synergetics 1 and 2.

tele is greek for ' end '....." in our clinic we measure separately each of the 4 telomeres in all the 46 chromosomes, for a total of 184 telomeres. ".  This is first time Ive come across this 184 and it perked my interest, because, I believe there a finite set of elements possible in Universe.

The first 92 --ending with Uranium-- as the positive set and another 92 as the negative set total as 184.  H,mm, so interesting new fine for me about the 184 telemores.

There is also some info about telemores being sections of 3-6-12 I read in book years ago the Genetic Code.  Need  find that info again. Anyway the telemores degrade and become shorter, but I see now that may not be the 3-6-12 but that overall length of those sets in total. H,mm

..."  telomere DNA contains double-stranded tandem repeats of **TTAGGG** followed by terminal 3′ G-rich single-stranded overhangs. Ok so it is the TTAGGG that is the 6 I recall. 

.."  adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T)."...

Two thymine, One adenine and three guanine.  A protein  think.

22 8
This vid says it all regarding math.  Or does it?  It is a great teaching aid for those not familiar with principles of math.

However, I dont see Alan Turings hole, affecting the principle that states, there can only exist five, regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, and only three of those have all equilateral triangular surfaces.

Hope others will find time to watch this vid, as I did. Best wishes, as is very informative, with clarity.

5 2
This guy knows his stuff really well.  A molecular biologist who takes from there to quantum foam. If you find the time,  you will appreciate his knowledge base of his profession, his clarity of explanation and the background screen as visual aid to his presentation.

My take quick take on the whole vid that i watched all of.
If I may jump in here.  I recommend watching this vid I just watched in **..does-my-idea-fit.. **channel just above collaboration channel.  I make a some comments of clarity regarding that vid.

The person molecular biologist type takes you through a lot, in a semi-simple narrative,  ---cause he knows his biology--- and goes to the quantum foam ideas of Universe.  with clarity of animations behind him as he speaks.

Synergy > complexity > emergent > sentience > consciousness > pan-psychist creature > that seeks to find the order in a seemingly { illusion } random-ness of Universe.  This vid I would put in my top ten, even tho he does offer the fundamentals of existence, as I think I do. Anyway here is that vid. 
Science and Nature
11 2
Artistic expressions
14 5
Cerebellum has 80% of brains neurons an  is left right side of body oriented with it signals.

R Penrose states, that if were going to build a computer brain, humans would do it that way.  The cerebrum does it a seemingly crazy way and reverses all of signals i.e. left is transferred to right and right is transferred to left, for no apparrent logical, common sense critical thinking reason.

See electro imaging of cerebellum in this web site photo .." ow succeeded in mapping a significant part of the pathways connecting to this central control—and have thereby heightened our understanding of the “heart of the brain”. With 80% of all neurons of the brain

Science and Nature
4 2
Dance The Map Away

Music of spheres,  replaced by,  music of the maps

Dynamic interior set of nodal events, spun on longitudinal and equatorial axi,

Spurs round and round, dancing Earth, that,

Imprints its black and white soul,  into our biologic soul,

As 2D entrapment, and bounded borders, having  polygonal shape/pattern,

A Meta-space concept, recalled, refreshed , reanimated via nervous system artists,

Or, an Artificial Intelligence, that lacks a greater understanding, and,

The inability to comprehend, the root source of its Artificial Soul.

2 2
.." Key Points
  • Seasonal influenza activity is elevated and continues to increase in most parts of the country.
  • Outpatient respiratory illness has been above baseline nationally since November and is above baseline in all 10 HHS Regions.
  • The number of weekly flu hospital admissions continues to increase.
  • During Week 52, of the 651 viruses reported by public health laboratories, 581 (89.2%) were influenza A and 70 (10.8%) were influenza B. Of the 342 influenza A viruses subtyped during Week 52, 300 (87.7%) were influenza A(H1N1) and 42 (12.3%) were A(H3N2).
  • Seven influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported during Week 52, bringing the 2023-2024 season total to 27 pediatric deaths.
  • CDC estimates that there have been at least 10 million illnesses, 110,000 hospitalizations, and 6,500 deaths from flu so far this season.
  • CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as influenza viruses are spreading.  Vaccination now can still provide benefit this season.
  • There also are prescription flu antiviral drugs that can treat flu illness; those should be started as early as possible and are especially important for higher risk patients.
  • Flu viruses are among several viruses contributing to respiratory disease activity. CDC is providing updated, integrated information about COVID-19, flu, and RSV activity on a weekly basis. "...
Science and Nature
10 4
It was on shrooms,  at around 30 some years of age, that, while sitting on bed, I took extra attention to my testes  ---hung-up-ness it was called in olden days---, and the puppies were moving around in the scrotum sack.

I.e they appeared to have a** life of their own**. I showed my wife and she confirmed what I saw was not an hallucination at the time, and next day and to this day, ive checked occasionally. Always are moving, and you have to watch very closely, is my best advice.

.." If your boyfriend's testicular movements were even more pronounced, then you can thank his cremaster muscle. It gently bungees the testicles to whatever part of the neighborhood they need to hang comfortably in. Another muscle, the dartos muscle, helps move the testicles up and down inside the scrotum. Together, they enable, as Kramer would say, "the boys," to dance."...
Science and Nature
4 3
.".Everything is Fucked: A Book about Hope "... mark Hanson

Artistic expressions
6 4
Thinking of how a single, Quantum Space-time Torus, if not more specifically the 14 nodal event quantum pulse within it, could be basis for all quantum entanglement aka quantum superpostion i.e. two particles in same place at same time type thinking.

.." Superposition is the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured. '...
 or as,

..." Contrary to a classical bit that can only be in the state corresponding to 0 or the state corresponding to 1, a qubit may be in a superposition of both states. This means that the probabilities of measuring 0 or 1 for a qubit are in general neither 0.0 nor 1.0, and multiple measurements made on qubits in identical states will not always give the same result. "...

My new thoughts are as follows, irrespective of how far apart a particle that is split in to two parts, they are entangled via a Quantum Space-time Torus of appropriate diameter to equate the distance apart of the two particles when they are measured. My thoughts involve three nucleated hexagons.

Then we come to my Quantum Space-time torus, that, has three { stability } overlapping sets of a nucleated { in bold } hexagons. And  this leaves out the prior part  of Fullers Vector Equilibrium defined by four hexagons all sharing the same nucleus.  Fuller says the VE is closet we will ever come to knowing God, and that has to do with when the VE being constructed from four seperate pieces of hexagon paper, we arrive at 24 chords balanced with 24 radii. See thee B graphic in following link

Ok that said, now onto my 2D pattern of the 3D torus. So next are the three nucleated hexagons.

0...1...5p.....3p.....6.....4...2p and this is representative of Fullers concept of off-center { the nucleus see Fullers concepts } >

3p...5p..7p....6......9.....8....4..... > more specifically, the nuclei represent tainted { see Fullers concepts } reality >

6..7p..11p......9....12...10....8.....> i.e. our occupied space reality is complementary to occupied space Gravity and occupied space Dark Energy and Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego.

Here below is the 2D version of the 3D Quantum Space-time torus and its 14 nodal events = 91 lines-of-relationship i.e. 14^2, minus 14 and divided by 2 = 91. 91 / 7 = 13 and here we have the same numerical resultant as the 12-around-1 sphericals of the nucleated VE


The immediate problem in my scenario, is that in this 14 nodal event minimal quantum pulse, the two lines inside the toroidal tube, are our classically observed, physical reality  ---see the sine-wave association /\/\/\/\/ of 0..3p...6.....9.  in past my geodesic representations only considered all of pertinent entanglement was in the outer Gravity { positive curvature } geodesics and the inner Dark Energy { negative curvature } Geodesics.

So it is hard for me to reconcile how physical reality is part of the info involve in the superpostioning quantum entanglement.

Putting that aside, what we find between with this minimal quantum pulse --within the larger torus--- is that the nucleated 6 is the halfway point between the two particles.  Ok 2nd problem, or first, is that that for the 6 to be half-way between the two particles, then then the 3D, 18 nodal event torus, has to be laid out in a linear more linear 2D fashion. 

Now that works well with superstring ideas of superposition but not with our classical understanding of 3D space. tho to be clear, my best understanding of superstring scenarios, is that the higher dimensional spaces of string theory, are just ultra-micro curling within 3D space. 

Anyway, to avoid getting to deep into that just yet, remember only this, that, the nucleated 6, is half-way between the 3p nucleus and the 9 nucleus. Ok? Ive put that in bold below so we keep that in mind, within just the 14 nodal event, minimal quantum pulse { graviton-darkEon }, within the larger Quantum Space-time Torus.  Why this is the minimal quantum pulse and not, say 0 - 3p or 0 - 6 or 0 -9 is  a longer story for me to get it into at this time. 


And next is the larger 18 nodal event Quantum Space-time Torus { in 2D expression } for context.


And for clarity, the each line goes in circle to meet itself, and in doing so, the 18 and 0 are on same line and the first the only nodal events to meet, ergo, in 3D torus they become a shared nodal event 18/0.   The other only lines meet, but their nodal points from other three lines are not shared i.e.

17p does share nodal event 1

3p is no shared with 15

2p is not share with 16...and I hope that is clear enough for others.
38 5
Origins of Consciousness got to time stamp 53:28 Electro-static Field of Liopsome Membranes of biologic cells --ergo, not viral protein shells---.  This excellent information on Origins of life science, and he makes clear this last part  on Consciousness falls more into philosophy but the membranes of cells with positive feed back loops make a bit by bit decission to go or stay in set of thermal circumstances.

The last part I watched, he talks about some bacteria kill themselves { 59:53 } to prevent spread of a virus. Interesting.

Science and Nature
11 5
Deer Meat Eaters Beware....Chronic Wasting Disease { CWD } is prions in blood that changes the genetics and the concern ---unfounded?---  is that the prions can adapt to human genetics ergo, a the potential CWD in humans via deer, or other animals ex beef.

..."The causative agent of CWD is a prion, an infectious misfolded protein, which binds to the normal prion proteins and causes them to convert to the misfolded shape.used to make new blood cell, Prion proteins occur in higher concentrations in nervous and lymphoid tissues as well as the spleen, where it is believed that the proteins transport copper essential mineral that is used to make new blood cell, maintain brain hormone balance, and in many other functions.   Over time, these misfolded proteins and **the lack of copper cause cell death**, which leads to holes to develop in the brains of infected animals.

Science and Nature
5 4
1} go to this vid of Roy Kerr ---in 1963 developer of rotating black holes----  time stamp 9:20 for the origin of black hole or Universe or as some prefer to label it, The ' God ' Principle.  -----neutron star is the singular ring at core/origin of black holes----.

2} to have more comprehension of the God Principle, it is better to at least go back to time stamp 8:00 and his 2nd reference to Schwartzchild  ---person who while on the  front lines of WW 1, solved equations Einstein said no one would ever figure out cause so many calculations to do---,

3} Roy Kerr is may be in his mid 80's in this vid, and he is one of those difficult math types, so you have to bear with his awkward way of describing and awkard use of a computer system control of to various points of reference,

4} Ive run out of time and if you make it too 15:40-15:45 --as I did--   then you will see begin to understand Roy Kerrs solution to why centrifugal spin forces overcome the gravitational { Newtonian forces }, ergo no singularity ever occurs.

5} Kerrs use of term stationary = no time, or as Fuller ergo I label as static model coordinate or polyhedron etc.  Fuller says time is spin --see Kerrs rotational black holes not stationary/static black holes.  In fact, no black hole is stationary, they all have some spin is what Roy thinks.

6} the other thing Kerr likes to point out, is that there is two primary parts to math of black holes and why the cult of the singularity arose:

.....6a} the easy parts,
......6} the hard parts, and with these hard parts, Einsteing, Penrose, Hawking etc and that what they all do, is make an assumption about where the mathematical hard parts lead to, and that is of course these incomplete, null geodesics { light rays } aka singularity. 
22 4
Giuliani owes $150 M in deformation law suit.

For justice to be served, Giuliani's cult leader Trumpet should pay at half of the $175. M

So we've come from 60's Batman-Robin super-hero duo, to the above, 2016 Moronic Duo

Aka Sedition Duo

True or false..." The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government. The laws were directed against Democratic-Republicans, the party typically favored by new citizens. "....{ 1798 }

19 6
Part 1: Well documented science

..1a} Except for some anomalies in Cosmic Background Data { temps } and in Planck Telescope data, ----Universe appears flat  { not geometrical flat }---.

With that above in mind and this web site article explanation, I will then follow with a recent utube I saw for first time today 12/15/1923, explaining how even tho, a torus has positive, negative and flat { gaussian } curvature, in various ways all vertexes or numerical graphing of a torus sum-to-flat, and,

that conclusion, coincidentally matches my 2D lattice pattern for my 3D, Quantum Space-time Torus i.e. it is defined by four circles all in the same planes, and geometrically flat

.1b}  ..." What does a flat universe mean, though? This flatness isn’t the two-dimensional kind we often encounter in everyday life, but you can envision it with a few analogies.

...Say you’re standing in one corner of a square room. Walk 10 feet along the wall to the next corner, then turn 90 degrees. Walk another 10 feet and turn 90 degrees again. Do this twice more and you’ll find yourself back where you started — you’ve completed a square. This is the standard Euclidean geometry that we all learned in high school, and if you add one more dimension you get a flat universe. "...

Part 2: geometric math theorums { Gauss Bonnet } and Euler
Euler vertexes of a torus or graph sum to zero ergo a torus is flat and I give a time stamp to specific place to get the basic idea.

....2a} Remember, that, topologically a torus is just a flat square plane,  i.e. take a flat square paper, then fold into tube --toilet paper tube shape-- and then curve the tube { if it were rubber or latex ]  so the two open ends meet.  We then have a torus.

So I came across this new vid to me, and to understand the above ' torus sums all numbers to flat '  go to the following utube link at time stamps 8:53 watch for a little bit.  Again this was new to me. 

Part 3: Ebucs Quantum Space-time Torus {---overlapping tori that compose all of finite Universe--- }

Ive clearly presented how Gravity and Dark Energy exist outside { beyond } our observed time aka physical reality  my clearly expressed, numerically linear, spiral, dual-invaginated, 3D, Quantum Space-time Torus,  when I most often express in a 2D lattice pattern, ---ergo we dont see the geodesic trajectories between outer Gravity and inner Dark Energy---    those four lines,  are all on the same plane, ergo flat

...........................5p.....7p.................11p..........13p....outer Gravity field of nodal events
.0.............................6...............................12...............Reality aka Observed Time
...............3p.............................9............................Reality aka Observed Time
.........2p........4.....................8.....10.........................14....inner Dark Energy field of nodal events

These above four lines, and circular field of nodal events in Quantum Space-time Tori, 

Part 4: Bucky Fulllers Synergetic four hexagonal planes of equilibrium

...4a} that, are coincidentally  similar too  Bucky Fullers, four hexagonal planes that define the cubo-octahedron or in Fullers Synergetics, aka the Vector Equilibrium { VE }

Fuller states that, when the VE is built from four hexagonal planes of paper, we then have 24 chords and 24 radii { from nucleus  see B graphic in this LINK }

And Fuller goes on to say, the VE's 24 chords and 24 radii, that, in conceptual theory, are the closet we will ever come to knowing God { Universe's non-creator God } aka 12-around-1 spheres aka four hexagonal planes.

My minimal Quantum Space-time Torus, that contains a quantum pulse { 91 lines-of-relationship via 14 nodal events }, has 19 nodal events in a 2D lattice pattern, however,

...4c} in the 3D torus the the four lines each curve back to meet themselves, and the first that meet and become one-in-the-same is the 18 and the 0, as they are on the same inside line. So a total of 18 nodal events = 153 lines of relationship, and,

whereas Fullers spherical VE has only one nuclear sphere { 12-around nuclear 1 }, there is are five { 6 } overlapping hexagons and six { 6 } nuclear nodal events { 0/18...3p...6....9...12....15 in my Space-time torus. See below

...........................5p.....7p.................11p..........13p...................17p................outer G field of nodal events
.0.............................6...............................12.........................................18......Reality Physical aka Observed Time
...............3p.............................9...................................15................................Reality Physical aka Observed Time
.........2p........4.....................8.....10.........................14..........16........................inner D.E. field of nodal events

The formula for numerical lines-of-relationship is n^2, minus n, divided by 2

..." 227.03 The number of telephone lines necessary to interequipvarious numbers ofindividuals so that any two individuals will alwayshave their unique private telephone lineis always (N 2 - N)/2, where N is the number of telephones.

.....This is to say that all thespecial interrelationships of all experiences definecomprehension, which is the number ofconnections necessary to an understanding of "what everythingis all about." When weunderstand, we have all the fundamental connectionsbetween the star events of ourconsideration.

.....When we add up all the accumulated relationshipsbetween all thesuccessive experiences in our lives, they will alwayscombine cumulatively to comprise atetrahedron, simple or compound."...
Science and Nature
12 3
The following is in three and parts significant to understanding continuum of Gravity vs discreteness of quantum mechanics.  I believe it expresses how a graviton-darkeon-time/reality can never be isolated out as a discrete quantum entity instrumentally and can only be mathematically expressed  quantume pulse within a greataer Quantum Space-time Torus. Or so I logically, and with common sense critical thinking, speculate.


It requires 9 nodal events { 0 - 13p } to define a 3D polyhedral tube { think of prism-like shape }, ergo,  in the above numerical pattern,

we have 1..2p...4 as one end of 3D quantum tube and 5p...7p....8 as middle of 3D quantum tube and 10....11p.....13p as the other end of the 3D quantum tube, however,

since this set is based within context of the operational 4-ness of those four line/level as 2D lattice { in 3D a torus }, then the inside-the-3D tube set we have the nuclear observed time sine-wave reality set of five nodal events of  0...3p....6....9....12 nodal events are inherently included, as numerical consistence of linear cause { purpose/point } to the next nodal event.

Lets review:

1...2p....4 is minimal set for a 2D triangular { /\ } opening

5p....7p....8 is minimal set for the 2D girth and another triangular /\  opening

10....11p....12 is other end of triangular and 3D prism-like { polyhedron } tube having three triangular openings and it has 8 triangular faces/hedra triangular openings and is known as a truncated on two ends of a truncated { not shown in next link } di-pryamid.

It is the truncation of the dipyramid above that leads to 8 triangular faces and happens to be same number of faces as the one of only three regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, medial octahedron { LINK }.

So 8 faces/openings/portals of quantum pulse { raviton-darkEon-reality-as-time } has 91 lines-of-relationship.

14^2 = 196 and 196 minus 14 = 182 and 182 divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship.

3 1
Time Stamps to consider in above vid about ' The  Point of Universe

6:34 entropy ...least action...

7:00 ...too create complex humans so Universe can have eyes { mind/intellect } to know itself

8:50 Lee Smolins book on purpose of black holes

9 5
.." Conferderated Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes – Bison Range.....The CSKT Bison Range is located in Moiese, Montana, and consists of more than 18,000 pristine acres where approximately 350 bison roam alongside deer, elk, pronghorn, bears, native birds and more, all against the backdrop of the stunning Mission Mountains. Visitors can take a self-directed driving tour featuring two scenic drives (one of which is seasonal and includes walking trails).....

...... Extensive efforts by the CSKT to regain management of the herd and land resulted in it eventually being incorporated into the Montana Water Rights Protection Act in 2020, and in 2022 it was officially restored to the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes."...

Saw on ABC special that it was Trumpet administration who signed in the Montana Water Rights Protection Act.  Wow kudoe's to Trumpet for that one and probably mostly to the Deb Haaland who became Secretary of Interior in 2012 as first native american to hold that position.YAY!
Science and Nature
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4 3
Wathing history of England on prime video.  He states easiest way to insult those in the British Isles, who not English, is to lump thee Scots, Celts and Welsh into only the English.
21 4
I just came across this couple days ago.

Show business
35 7
Empathy ...in >(<-->*(5)*<-->)< in

Barbarism ...out < )<-- * (5) *--->> out

Barbarism......" Two major types of aggression, proactive and reactive, are associated with contrasting expression, eliciting factors, neural pathways, development, and function. The distinction is useful for understanding the nature and evolution of human aggression. Compared with many primates, humans have a high propensity for proactive aggression, a trait shared with chimpanzees but not bonobos. "...

Empathy..... " An international team led by researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York has for the first time shown that one area of the brain, called the anterior insular cortex, is the activity center of human empathy, whereas other areas of the brain are not."...LINK

..."What does the anterior insular cortex control?
The anterior insula has a core role in supporting subjective feeling states. It can also regulate the introduction of feelings into cognitive and motivational processes. Understanding of mental conditions through multiple distinct dimensions of function associated with the insula may be important."..

19 4
..."The footprints were discovered at the edge of an ancient lakebed in White Sands National Park and date back to between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago, according to research published Thursday in the journal Science.

The estimated age of the footprints was first reported in Science in 2021, but some researchers raised concerns about the dates. Questions focused on whether seeds of aquatic plants used for the original dating may have absorbed ancient carbon from the lake — which could, in theory, throw off radiocarbon dating by thousands of years

.The new study presents two additional lines of evidence for the older date range. It uses two entirely different materials found at the site, ancient conifer pollen and quartz grains."....
7 5
With my exploration of prime numbers some years back, I came to the conclusion that, perhaps, the only true randomness of Universe, is where a prime number would appear, or not.  200 years ago the algebrically discovered the limited set of locations where prime numbers can fall { appear } but as to prediction when they will appear there cannot be done.

Some 20 years ago I discovered on my own the geometrical { hexagon } expression for that algebraic formula n * 6 plus or minus 1, is where all prime numbers  ---except 2p and 3p--- can  appear, or not.

Less related to randomness and prime numbers, this vid about culture and genes crossed { appeared } in my pathways.

This Stanford professor of Neurology and other, tells his idea of free will or not at about 48:00. LCZ, you may have posted this in past and I missed it.

11 4