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Total topics: 233

War is hell, and in most cases --if not all---, the nation responding to an aggressor has to take on tactics of the aggressor nation. Morality goes out the window in war.

1} cluster bombs are like land mines, in that they leave non-exploded bombs scattered over terrain and embedded in grass and soil, buildings etc, just waiting for a child to stumble upon the,. Putins war initiated this cluster bombs and with older technology with higher chances of un-exploded smaller bombs scattered over terrain

....." Since the inception of the U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Program in 1993, and its merging into our overall Conventional Weapons Destruction program in subsequent years, the United States has delivered more than $4.6 billion in aid to help overcome threats from landmines and unexploded ordnance, as well as the ..."
Current events
14 5
1} first and foremost, is defininng consciousness. I say there are degrees of consciousness, ergo, there exists non-biologic consciousness, that, in least complex definition is two-ness/other-ness, that, includes four aspects of consideration

2} Artificial General Intelligence { AGI  algorithms } will approach that have human generalizing abilities via access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego/i, in what future year?  

Answer: AGI is already approaching ergo, the question is really,1}  Will AGI ever attain the degree of generalized intelligence status that humans have?

 and 2} what year will that occur?  

Answer: never

...."....could a calculator be considered an early yet incomplete version of AGI? How about Eliza? Siri?),” Marcus argued, pointing to the continuing deficiencies of the current generation of large Language Models (LLMs): “The problem of hallucinations is not solved; reliability is not solved; planning on complex tasks is (as the authors themselves acknowledge) not solved.”

...If by “AGI” we (including Marcus) mean getting a machine to be as “intelligent” as humans, why is it a problem to have hallucinations, a very human trait? Isn’t “AGI” or even just ordinary “AI” a very human hallucination?

..One of the definitions of hallucination given by the Marriam-Webster dictionary is “an unfounded or mistaken impression or notion.” Obviously Marcus, like many other intelligent people today, thinks that a calculator is not AI or an incomplete AGI. But that mistaken notion (or hallucination) has been advanced by many intelligent people for many years.

In 1833, contemporaries of Charles Babbage called his mechanical calculator or, as we would call it today, a mechanical general-purpose computer, a “thinking machine.” In 1949, computer pioneer Edmund Berkeley wrote in Giant Brains or Machines that Think:"...

24 6
AI  searches data bank of information, ergo, a good search by AI will discover my Quantum Space-time Torus/Tori info, AI does not do logical, common sense critical thinking in comprehensive methodology associated with synergetic biologic life that results in complex human and humans interfacing with each other and their environment, to discover cosmic priniciples, and physical laws andwith the ability to apply where and when as needed.

1......'Always start with the whole and no parts can then be excluded'.....Bucky Fuller,

2......My Cosmic Trinary/TrinitySet/Outline { think table of contents  of Universe } covers thatwith none who have invalidated it with any logical common sense critical thinking,  01-eternally existent, Meta-space concepts,.... 02-eternallyexistent, macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space that,embraces/surrounds the following;

3......Eternally existent and finite occupied space Universe and the first trinary sub-set of the above #2, is as follows:

......3a { Spirit-2 primary }......fermionic matter and bosonic forces ---yes there is a new third catagory that is hybrid of these two-----  ergo physical reality aka energy aka observed { quantised } time, has numerically sequential nodal event associations in a sine-wavepattern as 0...3p.....6.....9....12......15.....18 { see 36combinations of quark { 18 } and anti-quark { 18 } that total as 36,


....................see6 kinds of electron...electron-muon....electron---tau....see as set of 3 and anti-3, total of 6
....................see6 kinds of neutrino...muon neutrno-----tau neutrino....see as set of 3 and anti-3, total of 6

........3b { Spirit-3 primary }....ultra-micro ---ergo non-quantised norquantified---  mass-attractive/contractive, positive (   ) geodesic  (   ) curvature  (   )   field (   ) of Gravity (   ),
..............invaginates[ v } from outer peak of positive curvature  inwards v-inside-the-tube and creates the top peak of sine-wave pattern ofthe above #3, physical reality as nucleated body of our observed {quantised } existence, ergo,  associated with #3 a above as triangulated integrity

......numerica llocations of Gravity in the overall  spirally sequential linear pattern set are, as follows,
.....1.....5p v 7p......11p v13p........17p v 19p..................23pv25......................29p v31p....................................35 v37p..................................................41p v 43p

.....3c { Spirit-4 primary } ..ultra-micro  --ergo non-quantised norquantified---  mass-repulsive/expansive, negative  )( geodesic  )(   curvature  )(  field  )(of Dark Energy ---see also Dark Inflation-----

.......invaginates{ ^ } from inner peak of negative curvature inwards ^-toinside-the-tube and creates the bottom peak of sine-wave pattern of the above #3, physical  reality as the  nucleated body of observed existence 

...numerica llocations of Dark Energy, in the overall spirally sequential linear pattern set, are as follows,

......2p^ 4.....8 ^ 10.........14 ^ 16...............20 ^22........................26 ^28.......................................32 ^34.................................................38 ^ 40... etc

Ok?Are otherw with my so far? If so then continue as follows:

O3ab...the minimal, 3D,  Quantum Space-time Torus has 18 nodal events,----that has 153 lines-of-relationship----,
............and within that set of 18 nodal events,  is a lesser set of 14 nodalevents ---that has 91 lines-of-relationship---, that define the minimal particle integrity of Universe, the graviton-darkEon. Gravity and Dark Energy are two sides of the same coin.

........thegraviton-darkEon will never be isolated out from the 18 nodal event toruw.  The14 nodal event graviton-darkEon is composed as follows;

outer>>>>> 1................5p v 7p..............11p v 13phas five nodal events
inside >>>0........3P............6..........9.............12... nucleated bod yreality has five nodal events
inner >>>>>>2.....^....4..............8..^.10................has four nodal events

The graviton-darkEon in Euclidean format identified as the triangulated at two ends, 3D, triangulated di-pyramid { 3 isend, 3 is girth, 3 is end } defines a tube  with  no nucleated events.  Nucleated version of the di-pyramid developed in all of the above that in 2D format,  is inside-outed ergo tainted asymmetrical counter part  the more symmetrical { purity }non-tainted and non-inside-out version. However, for morecomprehensive understanding of led to all of the above is seen at bottom of page.

All other particles of Universe fermionic matter and bosonic forces, andthey are resultant of two, three four or more overlapping and interfering Quantum Space-time Tori. OK? Got that?

Symmetrical, 2D numerically linear exploration for any patterning of prime numbers, that, led to a 2D hexagon composed of six radii, ---not shown in this page---   with zero { 0 } being at the 2Dnuclear center, with 1, 2p 3p, 4, 5p, 6 in first shell around 0, thena leap to next shell beginning with 7p, 8, 9, 10, 11p, 12, the leapto next shell  etc.


This above is pretty good summary of what ive come to believe, and some ofhow i got to those beliefs.

2D Euclidean ex a triangle structural integrity 3-ness

2D pattern of systemic four-ness integrity --see also the four lines, also Arthur Youngs {Bell Helicopter } four lines that began with 1----, that beginsnumerical 0.

3D volumetric systemic integrity and structural integrity as presented by Bucky Fuller with his Vector-Equilibrium { equanimity as God of chords 24 >< 24 radii ergo12 sphericals around nuclear 1 spherical.

2D lattice of symmetrical purity shown above

2D lattice of asymmetrical ergo tainted version of purity turned inside-out and rolled into 3D as,

3Dspirally numerical sequence, with di-polar invaginations, as the Quantum Space-time Tori that overlap and interfere, to create all quantum particles of our eternally existent --- and in dynamic transformation---, finite, occupied space Universe. Ok? Understand?

9 3
Four primary kinds of Spirit

Spirit-2 { eternally existent } , = finite set of occupied space energy aka physical reality aka observed { quantised } time aka nucleation of Quantum Space-time Tori ergo fermionic matter and bosonic forces --a third new discover exists, that is hybrid of these two---,

......2a} Spirit-3 { eternally existent }, finite set of ultra-micro, positive geodesic (  )  of Gravity { contractive mass-attraction }

......2c} Spirit-4 { eternally existent }, finite set of ultra-micro, negative geodesic )( of Dark Energy { expansive mass-repulsion }

----------conceptual/abstract line-of-demarcation-----------------

3} Spirit-1 { eternally existent } Meta-space  mind/intellect/concepts and ego/i ex concepts of Space, Time, Universe, Gravity, Triangles, Dogs, baseballs etc, that, have no mass, no spin, no charge, no color, no taste, no occupied space.

12 7
..."Attorney Lin Wood, who filed legal challenges seeking to overturn Donald Trump's 2020 election loss, is relinquishing his law license, electing to retire from practicing rather than face possible disbarment. Multiple states have weighed disciplining him for pushing Trump's false claims that he defeated Joe Biden.

....On Tuesday, Wood asked officials in his home state of Georgia to “retire” his law license in light of “disciplinary proceedings pending against me.” In the request, made in a letter and posted on his Telegram account, Wood acknowledges that he is “prohibited from practicing law in this State and in any other state or jurisdiction and that I may not reapply for admission.”

These conservative nutter of false narrative fears ego death ergo reliquishes his law license to save ego egg on his face.

All of them are sick in the head and need mental care to get back on track to civilized friend of humanity instead of enemy of humanity.  Sad :--(
10 4
.The Great Mental Divide clearly explained.  the relation between schizoid and autism.

This is great vid on mental illness that is done simply, not lots of technical jargon.  Done by person who has read lots of articles on the subject. I think alludes to being austic himself. I dunno. Hope you have a chance to watch beginnings if not the whole.

30 4
..." Scientists said a combination of parasites, pesticides, starvation and climate change keep causing large die-offs. Last year's 48% annual loss is up from the previous year's loss of 39% and the 12-year average of 39.6%, but it's not as high as 2020-202 1's 50.8% mortality rate, the survey found. "..
Science and Nature
5 4
Published in nature by two Nobel winning scientist

A hexagon on surface of a torus ---halo---  in our brain.

Start at 3:00 ..evntually get to 5:05 to see resultant torus

3 1
Got to 14:10 ofr the story.....and artic ice for this time of year is at new all time low

In 90's conservatives poo pooed greenhouse effect

then around 2000 Bush finally agreed planet is warming but he wouldnt agree that humans were the cause.

Repubulican conservatives are lack moral and intellectual integrity, for the most part. 

Science and Nature
7 6
halo as torus...( O )......predated the disk

..." Because of its pagan origin, the form was avoided in early Christian art, but a simple circular nimbus was adopted by Christian emperors for their official portraits."

2 2
Artistic expressions
11 5
The followings based on Synergetics primary set of 73 great circle planes.

56 icosahedral 5-fold
25 cubo-octahedral 4-fold

Great tori { Quantum Space-time Tori } Standard Model 6/7/2023 { cosmological Standard Model involving my numerical based, spirally formed, 3D tori, with inner and outer invaginations from surface set of nodal events. These tor never exist as less than, two interfering tori, that, stem from –if not extrapolations thereof-- and inspired by Bucky Fullers Synergetics { 1940 – 1972 } great 2D circles ideas.

Cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron aka Vector Equlibrium { VE } is 4-fold and its 25 primary 2D-abstract great 2D circles –the 3D tori---  is the conceptually static representative root basis for a dynamic spiral with outer and inner invaginations, into the torus to define its interior sine-wave body and this numerically spiral motions -- fuzzy cloud of two or more tori-- when we humans do and may never observe and disscect instrumentally--- associated directly with all femionic matter with one exception listed below of the 2-quark mesons{ bosons }
...includes 1, 2 and 3-fold { tetrahedron 6 great circles } found with the 4-fold Vector equlibrium / cubo-octahedron.

1} 3 Quarks { proton, neutron ergo hadrons } 6 great tori { circles } of quadra-valenced( 12 } tetrahedron i.e sets of 2-great tori{ abstract great circles }

2} Mesons { bosonic particles { 2-quark weirdos } = 4 great tori { circles } of that define the four eqiatoral, great hexagonal planes of the cubo-octahedron/VE

3} Electrons = 3 great circle{ tori } of the left-torque, doubled-valenced{ 6 } octahedron as derived from contracted cubo-octahedron

….3a} Neutrinos = 3 great bisecting planes, right torquen double-valenced { 6 } octahedrons as derived fmor contracted cubo-octahedron

4} Higgs boson{ massive } 12 great tori  cubo-octahedron
….Note: “Higgs boson decays into two muons. The muon is a heavier copy of the electron, one of the elementary particles that constitute the matter content of the Universe. “
icosa{20}hedron 5-fold and its bilateral{ left and right-skew set } of 31 primary great tori { circles } ----6, 10 and 15--- associated with all observed bosonic forces

5} Gluons { strong sub-nuclear force } = 6 great spiral invagainated tori ,

6} EMRadiation { photons } = 10 great spiral and invaginated tori ,

7} Weak EM force { W+, W- and Zo } = 15 great tori { abstract great spiral and invaginated tori }.

Note: year 2005 or so. This above all remains the same except Great Circles are the abstract spinal chord, inside and at center of toroidal tube. and

...1} Gravity { mass-attraction } is the outer, positive shaped geodesic set of events ---that define and outer semi-great circle--, and,

….2} Dark Energy { mass-repulsion } is the inner negative geodesic of surface set of nodal events as a semi-great circles.

These outer and inner surface event great circles are perforated by invaginations into the torodial tube to create our sine-wave /\/\/\/ associatedphysical reality and complex 3D body of a torus, that is manifest as fermionic matter and bosonic forces.
..note: a new third set that is hybrid of these two......

EMRadiation is a observed as discrete particle  particle event. R P Feynman has elaborated upon this in his book QED. Old news.

Unfortunately RPFeynman did not have the foresight and his brash and large ego allowed him to make the following comment when the person who first proposed the meson with the math...."in a pigs eye"..yelled out Feynam from back of room and Feynman had to eat his words a year or two later. This may have led to one of his famous quotes below.

…...Richard P. Feynman regarding his ..' the first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool,'….

…..Albert Einstien….’ My education has been one of the greatests impediements to my learning ‘….

1 1

.."“However, the beauty is that air is diffusive and filled in the entire vertical space, which means that we can stack many layers of air-gen devices in the vertical space to improve power (without taking up additional space footprint).” So in principle, Air-gen can be more space efficient” than other power sources, he continued.

“Moreover, they can be engineered into varied form factors and neatly blend into the environment (even without one’s notice)” versus the example of “a solar panel that exclusively takes up space....

....Its material [ any] versatility opens up the possibility of scaling the idea up to meet commercial or industrial energy demands."....

So will this new Air-Gen be like fusion promises? The future of electric power is near? My first thought of this Air-Gen ---energy harvesting sails--- is the material needs most likely grounding rod for lightning, or really non-conductive material, which they say broad range of materials are possible.

Nuclear Power

I think humans will race back to nuclear before this Air-Gen hits the market. Again the problem Hossenfelder makes clear, is that we are in race againsts time scales of human induced erratic climate  change, via greenhouse effect ergo global warming. It will take time to build nuclear reactors around the world, even if it became a priority for humans to realize carbon foot print has already placed its foot humanities future existence.

...."Nuclear power and hydropower form the backbone of low-carbon electricity generation. Together, they provide three-quarters of global low-carbon generation. Over the past 50 years, the use of nuclear power has reduced CO2 emissions by over 60 gigatonnes – nearly two years’ worth of global energy-related emissions.

...However, in advanced economies, nuclear power has begun to fade, with plants closing and little new investment made, just when the world requires more low-carbon electricity."....

Fusion Power

..." To create burning plasmas in experimental fusion power reactors such as tokamaks and stellarators, scientists seek a fuel that is relatively easy to produce, store, and bring to fusion. The current best bet for fusion reactors is deuterium-tritium fuel. This fuel reaches fusion conditions at lower temperatures compared to other elements and releases more energy than other fusion reactions.

......Fortunately, deuterium is common. About 1 out of every 5,000 hydrogen atoms in seawater is in the form of deuterium. This means our oceans contain many tons of deuterium. The fusion energy released from just 1 gram of deuterium-tritium fuel equals the energy from about 2400 gallons of oil.

...Tritium is a radioactive isotope that decays relatively quickly (it has a 12-year half-life) and is rare in nature. Exposing the element lithium to energetic neutrons can generate tritium. Scientists are researching how to breed tritium in fusion reactors at the rate needed to make future power plants tritium self-sufficient. They expect that tritium breeding systems will require lithium enriched in the isotope lithium-6. Scientists are actively researching lithium isotope separation with an emphasis on scalable, environmentally friendly methods."...
Hydro-power ---Himylayas High seismic Activity Zone

.." To tap this potential, hydropower projects are mushrooming in the Himalayan arc—till November 2022, the 10 states and two Union territories in the region, barring West Bengal, had 81 large hydropower projects (above 25 MW) and 26 projects under construction, and another 320 large projects in the pipeline, according to the Central Electricity Authority under the Union Ministry of Power.
.....This despite the fact that the climate and seismic activities in the Himalayas make its river valleys prone to landslides, and that the risk posed by such events has been aggravated in recent years.

.." A group of 60 top Indian scientists and environmentalists wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month seeking his intervention in stopping "any more hydroelectric projects in the Himalayas and on the Ganga whether under construction, new or proposed."

..The letter cites the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's sixth assessment report which says that the Himalayas have been affected by warming. The report warns that "rising temperature and precipitation can increase the occurrence of glacial lake outburst floods and landslides over moraine-dammed lakes" in high mountain Asia. Moraine consists of rocks and soil left behind by moving glaciers.
..." Hydropower is better for the environment than other major sources of electrical power, which use fossil fuels. Hydropower plants do not emit the waste heat and gases—common with fossil-fuel driven facilities—which are major contributors to air pollution, global warming and acid rain. The mining and drilling required to acquire fossil fuels for other power sources also have a significant negative environmental impact.

......Many hydropower plants are located in the headwaters of river basins where they can help control the wide fluctuations in water flow commonly found in these areas. By increasing water flow during dry months these projects help to enhance aquatic habitats. Conversely, by reducing flow during periods of heavy runoff the plants can prevent damage to vegetation and wildlife along stream banks.
With its steep topography and abundant water resources the Himalayas offer sustainable, low-carbon hydropower for energy-hungry South Asia. But there is a catch—the mountain range falls in one of the world's most seismically active regions.

Wind Power

..."Wind energy is available nationwide. The Wind Vision Report shows that wind can be a viable source of renewable electricity in all 50 states by 2050."

And the erratic climate change clock keeps on ticking and-a tocking...blip..blop...blip...blop

Humanities race aganist the carbon footprint. Will we be Stomped Out or be saved by combinations of the above?  This is Walter Dunkirk reporting to you from a underground, transformed ballastic missile silo. Thank god none of the new nuclear storage waste facilities are being built in my area.

Humans living high on the hog......global human population { elephant energy hog in the shrinking room and on Earth }.....
10 4
Why Dawkins is Wrong. If you can watch first few minutes, it definetly engage you
5 3
Define Nutter

The three FBI agents who had their security clearance revoked. Nutter as president, as FBI agents and mass-shootings are all becoming much more common place in USA.

This not to say J Edgar Hoover was not a nutter also.
7 4
test pattern for the numerically asymmetrical four lines/levels curved as the  four great circle ---as associated the four hexagonal planes that define the Vector Equlibrium planes in Synergetics-- of the Quantum Space-time Torus { QStT }

Outer Gravity{ G }  circle plane

inside top peak of sine-wave of reality { volume/body } circle plane
inside bottom peak of sine-wave of reality { volume/body } circle plane

Inner Dark Energy { DE } circle plane
…v…………………>……>…v…>… >...>.<…<……..…v……<....<………………….................v..

Numerical asymmetrical pattern
..1.........................5p..........7p.......................11p.........13p.....................17p.......Gravity outer
0......................................6.......................................12.....................................18..observed { quantised } time reality
.................3p......................................9.......................................15.........................observed { quantised } time reality
...........2p.........4............................8..........10.........................14........16.....................Dark Energy inner

Here is another way to see the four circle planes .....G(.....((....O....))........)G..... where G is outer most circle and O is inner most Dark Energy circle and in between ((  )) is the two circles the define the numerical, sine-wave pattern of physical reality /\/\/\/ or as ^v^v^
1 1
......960.03..."Time is the only dimension. In synergetics time-size is expressible as frequency.".... Bucky Fuller

Time as motion, ergo, spin of minimal 3D { volumetric } tetra{4}hedron ---other fundamental motions are, orbit, precession, inside-outing, torque/tist, expand-contract---. 

Time as Meta-space 2D lattice has four lines of a minimally consideration, as a quasi-linear, numerically associated, irregular { asymmetrical } and, regular { symmetrical } set if sine-wave associations /\/\/ or as ^v^v^v^v.

Time quantised as a 3D vector { magnitude and direction } matrix is at minimum, a set of two or more, intersecting,/interfering, spiral helixes , that,  when defining a torus { outer positive curvature (  ) and inner negative curvature )(, surface set of nodal events }, with two dipolar invaginations { > in < }, that,  complete the volumetric body of the quantum space-time set,  as a frequency of intersecting and interfering quantum space-time tori phenomena.

(  O  ) = birds-eye-view of the outer and inner great circle planes of a torus surface, ex a doughnut sitting on counter

(   (  (  O    )  )   ) = two bold lines are the are the two great circles defined by two peaks of sine-wave as volumetric body { inside-the-tube } of quantum space-time torus

------  ------ = four great circle, 2D  planes bisecting above stated spiral helix torus, as seen from side-view of quantum space-time torus { doughnut } sitting on counter and here again the bold is representative of the inside-the-tube sine-wave plane as volumetric body of quantum space-time torus.

+  = two of the above planes  --ie. from two quantum space-time tori--  intersecting/interfering with each other, at 90 degree orientation to each other

192 10
So is this truly what DArt conservative-right think in their twisted mind? Humanity is in trouble if it is.

Sanders Huckleberry Hound Dog does SNL skit with budlight commercial for ' Real Women '. 

Then Trump does his court the Evangicals comments on abortion.

..." In one particularly deranged moment, Trump falsely claimed that Democratic politicians support the practice of executing babies after they’ve been born: “I will continue to stand strong against the extreme late-term abortionists, the Democrat party, who believe in abortion on demand in the ninth month of pregnancy, and even executing babies after birth. Beyond birth, executing the baby. This is where we’ve come and it’s so sad to see.”.....

12 6
..."Brannon, a state representative at the time, introduced the bill that would ultimately remove the Confederate flag from a monument at the South Carolina State House. The measure passed in both legislative chambers and was quickly signed into law by then-Gov. Nikki Haley. "....

..."If Brannon’s fate revealed how ultra-conservative white Southerners feel about the Confederate flag, then it makes sense why Haley, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, isn’t making this aspect of her biography front and center to voters. The flag isn’t mentioned anywhere under Haley’s “record of results” on her campaign website. And it’s not included in the stump speech that Haley delivers to audiences of primary voters in early voting states."...

......The conferderate south will rise again.....with their erection for those of indigenous colors.......will  feel the reckoning of those with a superior color.......

We shall overcome human barbaric nature, or, we shall not. Only time will tell humanity's future.

......960.03..."Time is the only dimension. In synergetics time-size is expressible as frequency."....

Time-motion is spin. Meta-space time in politics is a Meta-space spin.   Humans are good at Meta-space spin. It may be what we do best. :--) (O) (--:

(O) = Meta-space egg waiting to be spun around to another viewpoint, if not to avoid other viewpoints of relevant truths.  Proof is in the pudding and proof is when the  Meta-space  { abstract conceptual } egg hatches, if it hatches. The true nature is awaken to those are on lookout for truth.

2 2
Watched Mauritanian last night on Netflix. Great movie with events I maybe heard in news, but did not really track at the time.

Refresh you memories of those held in Guantanamo.

..." Directed by Kevin Macdonald, the film The Mauritanian depicts the true story of Ould Slahi and sheds light on the abuse Guantanamo prisoners have been sentenced to over the last two decades. Perhaps most importantly, though, it highlights why President Joe Biden must indefinitely close the notoriously violent prison."...

Artistic expressions
7 4
Gods rules are eternally existent. They have always been the way they are, and always will be that way. That is Gods rule.

Mother Nature --Gods wife-- enforces those rules. Simple stuff, once we follow the logical, common sense critical thinking pathways of thought.
11 6
Arizona GOP expel one of their own.  A nutter conspiracists. Wow, Republican with moral integrity, or, republicans who fear backlash from the constituency?

...." The resolution to expel the first-term Republican, elected in November, stated that she had brought “disrepute and embarrassment to the House of Representatives,” resulting in “disorderly behavior.”

...Forty-six Arizona representatives in the GOP-controlled House voted to remove her from her elected position, meeting a two-thirds threshold to expel lawmakers. Thirteen members opposed her expulsion.

.....CNN reached out to Harris at her legislative office and personal number. She has not responded to CNN’s request for comment."..
Current events
14 9
..PartOne: Associated with the Cosmic Trinary Set

...note:…." Startwith the whole and no parts can be excluded. "… parphrasingBucky Fuller

0} Meta-spacemind/intellect/concepts and ego ---definitive or generalized--- ex abstract concept of Space, Time, God, Universe, Dogs, Toyota's etc

-----------abstract conceptualline-of-demarcation-------

1} Space:  1a} macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space and 1b} } finite occupied  space Universe.

2}definitive minimal space = 2a} area { triangle }, 2b}  volume { tetra{4}hedron }

3} triangular area { V } = 3 nodal events { /\ } or, a central vertex { 3 lines-of-relationship intersecting } via the open triangular set 'Y'

4} tetra(4)hedron  = 4 vertexial events { \Y/ }, or as 2D subdivision of triangular area { \Y/ }

5} 3D { XY, XZ, YZ } or in Synergetics as 4D great hexagonal planes of the Vector Equilibrium { powering ex 10*F^2 and F^2 etc }or as, 963.02
......" In synergetics, the first-power linear measure is the radius of the sphere".... oras,

......" In synergetics, second powering ...= point aggregate quanta = area. In synergetics, second powering represents the rate of system surface growth'...{ read surfacegrowth as outer area growth }

......964.30 " But what physics shows is very interesting: there are no continuous shells, there are only energy-event foci and quanta. They can be considered as points or "little spheres."

..note: actually interfering and overlapping tori with the invisible Gravity and Dark Energy via invaginations { (><)(><) } with resultant sine-wave patterns { /\/\/ } and  what most humans have yet to discover is the the outer and inner surface of torus { Gravity and Dark Energy } remain unseen unmanifest to our instrumentation......

....965.01.."Since the original point was a tetrahedron and already a priori volumetric, the third powering is in fact sixth powering: N3 × N3 = N6.'....N^3 * N^3 = N^6 ex 4^6 * 4^6 = 4,096 and that is 1024 individual tetrahedra, aka minimal spheres.......

...5a} area diagonal 'd' { nodal event <--to--> line-of-relationship in triangle { \|/ }  or as,

  ..........nodal event<--to->nodal event in square { [ / ] }

6} D { dimension } is  ABCD  areas/openings/portals/no-vents in tetra{4}ahedron or as,  XYZ 90 degree cartesian cube/hexa{6}hedron

...6a} volumetric diagonal 'd' is perpendicular { 90 degree }, vertex<---to--->no-vent/portal/area in tetra{4}hedron, or as, 45 degree, vertex<---to--->vertex in hexa{6}hedron/cube

7} observed time { quantized occupied space } via frequency oftetra{4}hedra in the 4-fold Vector Equilibrium  -- inherently contained in 10 Great Circles of the 5-fold icosa{2-}hedron---, LINK  i.e. an overlapping set of 5 Vector Equilibria

........observed time{ quantized occupied space } via frequency as associated with of sine-wave { /\/\/ } patterning and especially as found in quantum space-time tori

......960.03..."Timeis the only dimension.In synergetics time-size is expressibleas frequency."....

2 1
..."During an interview with CBS News’ Lesley Stahl broadcast Sunday on “60 Minutes,” Greene was asked for her stance on the 2018 massacre, which left 17 students and staff dead. Two years before she was elected to Congress, Greene responded to a comment on Facebook calling the shooting a “false flag” operation."...

Another Fox news nutter Trumpeteer shows nutter-n-head.
Lies to Leslie Stahl only to have her words fact checked on Facebook.."“We fact-checked,” Stahl replied. “Before I got to this interview.”
Greene offered a word-salad comeback, derailing the discussion."..

Integrity is not  a word or behaviour  many of these Trumpeteers are familiar, with. Nuts starts at the top and in this case as all the others, it starts with nutter Trumpet.

End-date-fro humanity 2065 aprox.
Current events
6 3

Tues 28th,...Just head outside right after sunset, look west, and you’ll see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus appear to line up in an arc shape below the crescent moon. Anyone on Earth should be able to see it, even if you’re living in a city with light pollution."

3 3
"538.15..Bucky... Nature modulates probability and the degrees of freedom, i.e., frequency and angle, leading to the tensegrity sphere:"

Trinary quantum space-time reality of invaginated torus is as follows:

 .....0...3p....6....9....12....18 ( quarks and anti-quarks }....21.....24....27... etc
note:..."There are six quarks (each comesin three "colors" making 18 particles and each has an antiparticlemaking 36 quarks in total.) "....LINK

.'The efficiency of translation termination is influenced by local contexts surrounding stop codons.-three stop codons (UAA, UGA and UAG-- '

..."In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, upstream and downstream sequences act synergistically to influence the translation termination efficiency. "...LINK

There are 64 possible codons, three { 3 } of which do not code for amino acids but indicate the end of a protein.

Binary trajectory geodesic space { positive and negative } curvature set is as follows:

.......(1 - 2p)...(4 - 5p)....(7p - 8)....(10 - 11p).....(13p - 14)....(16 - 17p).....(19p - 20).....(23p - 25) etc....

The remaining 61 codons specify the 20 amino acids that make up proteins.
...............note: 66.4 is cosmic absolute Pi-Time..........
calcium {very  stable non-magnetic metal element } = 20 protons, 20 neutrons and 20 electrons ergo a trinary set.

538.15..Bucky... All the cosmic triangling of all the variety of angles always averages out to 60 degrees.

sine-wave ^ v^v^code of our physical reality is a numerically trinary set, or so my numerical explorations speculate to the case.  0...3p....6.....9....12....15....18 {18 combinations of quark and 18 combinations of anti-quark }......

Bucky..."Probability is not linear or planar, but it is always following the laws of sphericity or whole systems"

(><)(><) = dual invaginated quantum space torus

bucky...."Probability is always dependent upon critica lproximity, omnidirectional, and only dynamically defined three-way gridding pattern integrity, and with the concomitant topologically constant relative abundance of points, areas, and lines, all governed in an orderly way by low-order, prime-number, behavioral uniqueness as disclosed by synergetics."...

 Trinary.....0...3p....6....9....12....18 ( quarks and anti-quarks }....21.....24....27... where set of 3p is low order and found as basis of sine-wave of reality via the dual invaginations geodesic curvature.

Binary.......(1 - 2p)...(4 - 5p)....(7p - 8)....(10 - 11p).....(13p - 14)....(16 - 17p).....(19p - 20).....(23p - 25) etc.... where set of eight primes are triplet and twin prime, low order foundation of geodesic curvature, until 25 ---Buckys turn-around  number--- breaks the twin-prime pattern

Binary geodesic trajectories are more efficient and more effective than the trinary sine-wave set? 

What we have to ask ourselves, is why does the geodesic invaginate?

Why does the angle of trajectory change so radically for the ingoing invagination and then its return outgoing back to its geodesic trajectory?  I see these seemingly 2D nodal event invaginations as virtual particles, that are said to pop in out of our observed time reality so quickly that, we can never observe them directly, rather, only vai their indirect effects on other particles. 

Perhaps the caismir effect comes into play here.

..."These high energy force carrier particles may exist if they are short lived. In a sense, they escape reality’s notice."....

..."According to quantum theory, the space inside a vacuum is not empty but is filled with a‘sea’of virtual particles.
Virtual photons are the most numerous as they are the easiest to ‘make’, since they have no rest mass."

..." Experiments to measure the Casimir Effect show that virtual particles do exist. The space inside a vacuum is not empty, we are surrounded by a sea of virtual particles! "....

......(><)(><)...where the >< are the invaginations from Gravitational geodesics and Dark Energy geodesics

8 4
So the latest news is from something posted regarding China search of Wuhan market found CoVid-2 on a counter top mixed in with a . A racoon-dogs blood tho its a fox. Just a naming issue.

So this is circumstantial evidence ----that was leaked { ? } or mistake-- out of China, then the info was taken away by China the same day. this was couple of days ago, as I heard it on NPR Friday.

So the mystery goes on. However, wasnt the original SARs attributed to bats?  So a fox might not be as likely? I'm no virologist.
I think ebola is found in some monkeys as may be other virues.

And there are those rodent viruses that have infected native indians in four corners{ ? } area of USA.
Current events
12 5
Masters is 33. She was born in 1989 with severe disabilities, including missing shinbones and thumbs, which are thought to have been caused by her mother’s exposure to radiation after the Chernobyl disaster three years earlier. Her birth parents immediately handed her to the state, unwittingly dooming her to an early childhood of extreme cruelty and abuse.....
....Twenty-six years later, after numerous operations, including the amputation of both legs, she has become one of the world’s most successful athletes."...

3 2
Physical reality is based on triangulation /\  and specifically numbers 0..3p...6..9.....12...15...18 ( quarks and 18 anti-quarks } total 36.....21.....24.....27......30.....33......36{ 18 combinations of quarks and 18 combinations of anti-quarks }....so on and so on.This set is the central sine-wave patterned { /\/\/\/ } set in my quantum space-time tori......(> /\/\/ <)(> /\/\/ <)......as a resultant of dipolar invaginations { > < } from geodesic Gravity (  ) and Geodesic Dark Energy  )( ergo ...(> /\/\/ <)(>/\/\/<)....

..."" According to the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855), "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences—and number theory is the queen of mathematics."[1][note 1] Number theorists study prime numbers as well as the properties of mathematical objects made out of integers (for example, rational numbers) or defined as generalizations of the integers (for example, algebraic integers). " .....
43 5
Ride Baby Ride...bust that Trumpet bronco ..you da woman...yippie yi yay Stormy Daniels

..." The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office has indicated to Donald Trump’s legal team that he could face criminal charges over hush money paid to an adult film star during the 2016 election, four people familiar with the matter told The New York Times on Thursday.
According to the sources, prosecutors have offered Trump the opportunity to testify before a grand jury case next week, which would be an unusual step if they weren’t planning to proceed with charges. It’s also a sign that a decision on an indictment is close, the Times noted. Sources later confirmed the offer to testify with The Washington Post. "

Current events
45 10
Physical reality emerges from the dual invaginations of the quantumspace-time-tori. ....space(>*<)  i  (>*<)space....

*  * = bilateralconsciousness ergo physical reality of  sensorial experience,that, leads to human access to Meta-spacemind/intellect/concepts/ego/ i-identifier

.."experience precedes thought " I believe is the Fuller comment nSynergetics

The elements of physical reality {EPR } aretwo or more of quantum-space-time tori overlapping and interferingwith each other and vertexia { inferred 3D } occur when two nodalevents { inferred 2D } interfere with each other.

Quantumentanglement is no less than two of these quantum space-time tori,precessed to each other ex (--) is a poor representation of the 90degree precession to each other, ergo,

(>A<)(--)(--)(--)(--)(>B<)is quantum space-time entanglment via quantum space-time tori,between two elements of reality particles >A< and >B<

>< = tuned-in { dual invagination fromouter-G and inner-DEnergy geodesics } asour physical reality with biologic human female having the mostcomplex set of bilateral consciousness { *  * } and access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts/ego/..... i-identifier....

><  = triangulated structural integrity of3p...6...9...12...15...18{ see 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks } andlater on we find 36 in this sine-wave { /\/\/ } linear sequence ofnumbers associated with our elements of physical reality.

Ithink about something { occupied space finger } via my occupied spacebrain { reality }, ergo, I exist as an occupied space something {reality }, with access to Meta-space patterns, principles andphysical laws.

Platonic = Meta-space purity
i.e.there is no occupied space of  perfect spheres or polyhedra.Our finite, occupied space Universe is always tainted aka off-center.Paraphrasing B Fuller here.

....space(> *<i   (> * <)space......

i= ego { Metas-space } identifier

* * = bilateralconsciousness

>< = dual invagination ofspace-time torus

(  ) = outer Gravity geodesic

)(= inner Dark Energy geodesic

EPR = elements ofreality and Einstien-Podsky-Rosen
Go to 24:25 of thislink and listen to Leonard Susskind explain

Quantum space-timetorus in 2D lattice expression of a the 3D torus with: focus on thesemi-linear set of whole numbers, that, define sine-wave pattern as3p...6...9...12..15...18 etc

..1...........5p...7p.........11p....13p.............17p.......GravityOuter {><)inward
0..................6....................12.........................18...Reality Quanta-time

......2p....4............8..10.................14....16.............DEnergy Inner <)(> outward

Our finite, occupied space Universe's outer perimeter is always the outer geodesic (  ) set   of Gravity's  nodal events represented by 1..5p-7p...11p-13p...17p-19p...23p-(25) etc. A side note is that  Synergetics Operating System of Universe { 4-fold vector equilibrium } is has a primary set of 25 abstract great circles  (  ), and this abstract set of great circles ---and the 5-fold icosahedrons primary set of 31 GrC's--  is the located above 2D lattice is each quantum space-time torus tubes between the peaks of sine-wave pattern /\/\/\/

0..................6....................12.........................18...Reality Quanta-time
----------------abstract great circle-------------------

Experience as reality --via consciousness-- gives access to the Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts/i/ego and woman is themost complex biologic and most complex entity of Universe, barringscenarios aggregations two or more women, or woman and man etc. Physical reality is what we are tuned-into >*< via our bilateral existence { *  * }.

25  Meta-space { conceptually primary 2D } GreatCircles, via,
.....3, XYZ diametrically opposing squareopenings,
.....4 diametrically opposing triangleopenings,
.....6 diametrically opposing vertexia,
.....12diametrically opposing chords

I  believe each2D Great Circle is abstract center line of 3D vector i.e. a dualinvaginated { >< }, quantum-space-time toroidal tube { 3D }

Fullermentions how nature many times use this or that, plus one. I thinkthe comment is in Synergetics, but I havent found it last few timessearching.

4-fold 24 chords of almighty operationallysystemic VE, transposes/transforms via plus one, as 25 GrC's

5-fold30 chords of the almighty structural icos{20}hedron,transposes/transforms, via plus one, as 31 GrC's  --31 left-skew { via torquing of VE and 31 right-skew { via torquing of VE LINK  } total 62---

Thesetwo specifically he reference's as ability of Gravity to cohereUniverse as integral whole   Again, that is specificreference Ive not found last few searches. See my space-time tori'souter geodesic  set of nodal events { 1, 5p-7p, 11p-13p etc } isalways the outer most set of occupied space nodal events ofUniverse's boundary, with the macro-infinite, truly non-occupiedspace.

....space(>*<)  (>*<)space....
And finally to clarify the above, Universe is not a dynamic shape, rather, it is aggregate collection of overlapping and interfering quantum space-time tori operationally dynamic fluctutations, pulsations etc.

Many years before developing the space-time tori idea I came across this animated graphic that kinda-sorta represents the gravitation perimeter boundary of Universe, in some way or another.
1 1
.." Ranked: The World’s Most Surveilled Cities ..This may come as a surprise, but it wasn’t until 2007 that the global urban population overtook the rural population. At that time, the two groups were split nearly 50/50, with around 3.3 billion people apiece.

...IHS Markit estimates that as of 2021, there are over 1 billion surveillance cameras installed worldwide. The firm also believes that 54% of these cameras are located in China. ....Because of limited transparency, it’s impossible to pinpoint how many cameras are actually in each Chinese city.

...However, if we assume that China has 540 million cameras and divide that amongst its population of 1.46 billion, we can reasonably say that there are 373 cameras per 1,000 people (figures rounded)."...
3 2

.......' For older Americans, the pandemic still poses significant dangers. About three-quarters of Covid deaths have occurred in people over 65, with the greatest losses concentrated among those over 75.

.........In January, the number of Covid-related deaths fell after a holiday spike but nevertheless numbered about 2,100 among those ages 65 to 74, more than 3,500 among 75- to 84-year-olds and nearly 5,000 among those over 85. Those three groups accounted for about 90 percent of the nation’s Covid deaths last month.
Hospital admissions, which have also been dropping, remain more than five times as high among people over 70 as among those in their 50s.

......Hospitals can endanger older patients even when the conditions that brought them in are successfully treated; the harmful effects of drugs, inactivity, sleep deprivation, delirium and other stresses can take months to recover from — or can land them back in the hospital.'......

Science and Nature
11 4
Russia  bought the last of TU-160 bomber from Ukraine in 1981 --see 7:00 in vid---  and have recently revamped to most powerful bombers on Earth.

Apparrently a Russian defector came over from our southern border recently with inside info on this bomber as he was part of the engineering or planning process.

In addition Germany has 6 of the most advanced submarines on Earth, and could supply Ukraine with one in Black Sea.  ----see 2:25 in vid--
16 4
My thanks goes out to the DArt Earthlings making us an electronic integrity of inter-considerate consciousness. Thank You!

Were all better for it, hopefully.  Sincerely, ebuc 
8 6
Who is most crazy? S. Huckabee, M. Greene or G Santos?

Just when you thought Trumpet was the most crazy we see this at State of Union address to USA.

Crazy lady in the bleachers > crazy governor rebuttal > Rommey tellling crazy Santos to exit the building stage right marked crazies exit here.

7 4
Apparrently Fox news anchor and others have new conspiracy theory that Biden is going to ban all gas stoves in USA.

Then to add a trope to their non-sense, tick-tok has lady who has decided it is best if she identifies her gas stove as an electric stove.

This is all above is the kinda of non-sense and lack of integrity of humans that is leading to end-humanity around 2232 --give or take 50 years--.

..." Representative Mike Garcia wrote, with maximum sincerity: “Imagine a world where all tortillas are heated in the microwave.” Coal baron and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin confusingly declared that “the last thing that would ever leave my house is the gas stove that we cook on.” Why are the things in his house leaving? Does Joe Manchin personally cook on any kind of stove on a daily basis, for that matter? We’ll never know. His tweet, along with most other reactions, was amusingly baffling. '..

Current events
22 7
24 prime numbers in 91 lines-of-relationship via 14 { 0 - 13 } nodal events = graviton { aka truncated di-pyramid } in my space-time tori.

Wave pulsation of Number 24 LINK


1224.31...." The powerful 24-ness number behavior with its great-circle congruences and three-octave harmonics may have significant ramifications embracing the unique frequencies of the chemical compoundings as well as the nuclear geometry elucidated elsewhere in this work "

Here is brief, 2D lattice version of my 3D matrice, space-time torus:

..1...........5p...7p.........11p....13p.............17p.......G (> in <) Outer
0..................6....................12.........................18... Reality Quanta-time
..........3p................9.........................15..................Reality QuantaTime
......2p....4............8..10.................14....16.............D Energy out<)(>out

Reality Quanta Time is the  sine-wave pattern /\/\/ { 0..3..6..9..12..15..18 } defining higher and lower peaks in 2D lattice above, that translates as a 3D torus, with sine-wave or reality inside-the-tube. i.e. the body of the tube

We recall that, the the above four lines curve around to meet them selves and define the four circles ergo four planes { on same level } that conceptually bisect the 3D torus.

The above 2D lattice shows there exists five overlapping, nucleated { 3..6..9..12..15 } hexagons, however, since the 18/0 become the same position we find the sixth nucleated hexagon....{ 3...6...9...12..15..18/0 }

If we only consider the 14 nodal event graviton-darkeEon --isolated onto itself--- then we have four overlapping hexagons, and that is very similar to the Vector Equilibrium aka cubo{6}-octa{8}hedrons four great circle hexagons that define it.
24 triangles in the four hexagons that define the VE

24 chords of VE ergo equilibrium with 24 radii
24 radii of VE, ergo, equilibrium with 24 chords  -- when composed from six hexagonal paper planes that are infolded. LINK

---><---- chords as gravity are inward and cohere Universe
<-------> radii as EMRadiation { or Dark Energy } are outward distingrating an infer entropic ' heat death ' of Universe ergo the eventuality of one very large and very flat { long wave low energy } photon.

However, via inward contractive phenomena of gravity all is cohered as an eternally regenerative whole Universe.

And finally, it is well to remember, that, my, 2D lattice as 3D torus, is the 3D vector version of each of Fullers 87-73 primary great circles.

24 8
Sabine is theoretical physicist a professor in Sweden and a pragmatist. Here is interesting stuff on 5G and meteorological accuracy that I new nothing about.

Science and Nature
46 7
Always consider the source of our information.

...."Black people were 24% of those killed by police in 2022 despite being only 13% of the population. "...

33 7
~>~~~~~~~>~~~~~>~( O )~~Happy Holy Days~~( O )~<~~~~<~~< Universe >< God

~~~~~>~~~~~~>~~~( O )~~~Oh Great Mama~~~~( O )~<~~~~~~<~nucleated aka pregnant  

end >~~~~>~~~~~~:--) O (--:~~<~~begin~~>~:--) O (--:~~~~>~~~< repetitive regeneration

....space....>.........>........>.....( /\/\/ ) i ( /\/\/ ) .....<......<....space ~~ Meta-i-dentity

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>( physical ) i  ( reality )<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mass-attractive >< love

~~~~~>~~~~~>~~~~~~~~~~>(> * <) i  (> * <)<~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~bilateral consciousness

( O )<><><>( O )<><><><><>( O )(>2<)( O )<><><( O )<><><><><quantum entanglement 2

( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O )( O ) isotropic peace of Universe/God

(25G) > 24PR > 23pG > 22DE > 21pr > 20DE > 19pG > 18qPR > 17pG > 16DE > 15PR

14DE > 13pG > 12PR > 11pG > 10DE > 9PR > 8DE > 7pG > 6PR > 5pG > 4DE > 3pPR >

2pDE > 1G > 0PR~~~~~~~~~~Universe/God/Great Mama( O ) Black Hole pregnancy ( O )

past~~~~~~~~~~input > ( O ) Eternally inspirited ( O ) ~~>~~~output~~~~> :--) O (--: <~~~~present

Artistic expressions
13 4
Space as XYZ { 3D 90 degree-ness } or as abc-d.  More on that further below.
In the following set of Pi-powering the / diagonal is division symbol. Remmber, that, Pi is only relevant to curvature as enclosed space as a circle, that,  is a conceptually { Meta-space }  symbolic representation of a dynamic vector { amplitude and direction } trajectory, that comes around to meet itself.

.............Pi^3 { XYZ } 31.00 62 7 66...80299820175476.......  is transcendental .
..Pi^4 { XYZ-d } / 4 = 24.35 22 7 27...58500609309110..0....... transcendental
...............Pi^4 - 31 = 66 40 90 9 10...34 00 24 37 23 64 40 ....is transcendental
......................Pi^4 = 97.40 90 9 10...34002437236440

In the above  Pi^4 and Pi^4 minus 31  we find that, within the first 23 positions there is  six  0's and five 4's. I  chose 23 total positions because of those 0's and 4's, however, I also take note, that, the prime number 23p, is the initial break in the the pattern of twin { twoness } primes i.e. 2p-3p-5p-7p....11p-13p...17p-19p...23p-( 25 not prime ) great circles of 4-fold cubo-octa-hedon aka the Vector Equlibrium { VE }

To make specific comparisons of the above set of four Pi-powereings, here below Ive used texticonic charactors to signify those for relative comparison because of same same, or significant identities.

............Pi^3 { XYZ } >31< . 00  >62<  '7'---66.......  31 great circle planes of 5-fold icosahedron { 30 chords }
Pi^4 { XYZ-dt } / 4 = [ 24 ]. 35---22---'7'-- -2'7'.......  4-fold cubo-octahedron has 24 chords { 25 great circles }
...............Pi^4 - 31 = 66 --4 '0'- 9 '0'--9----1 '0'.....34 00 [ 24 ]......3723....644 '0'....is transcendental
......................Pi^4 = 97.40 90 9 10...34002437236440

Regarding XYZ-dt.  The small d is a spatial reference to Hyper-space concept of abc-d wherein, cartesian { 90 degres-ness } XYZ is relabeled as abc and d is the 45 degree angle { / } going inward --volumetric diagonal, not surface diagonal-- toward a corner of another cube { Hyper-space } cube inside the outer cube. See Micho Kakus book Hyper-space erego string theory basis.

I have another URL vid { go to 2:40 Sabine hossefelder to see diagonal / time  }  that shows how the same 45 degree-ness { / } angles  is also used with for time [ t }. So I  express as dt because its is relevant both  i.e. as a 4th spatial { / } hyper-dimension and to time-t { Einsteins relativity via Minkowski /  }.

Pi is geometrically spatial-space association and using time-t as part of space-time coordinate system was established by Einstein.

..."“In the work of Ramanujan, the number 24 appears repeatedly. This is an example of what mathematicians call magic numbers, which continually appear, where we least expect them, for reasons that no one understands. Miraculously, Ramanujan's function also appears in string theory. The number 24 appearing in Ramanujan's function is also the origin of the miraculous cancellations occurring in string theory. In string theory, each of the 24 modes in the Ramanujan function corresponds to a physical vibration of the string. Whenever the string executes its complex motions in space-time by splitting and recombining, a large number of highly sophisticated mathematical identities must be satisfied. These are precisely the mathematical identities discovered by Ramanujan. (Since physicists add two more dimensions when they count the total number of vibrations appearing in a relativistic theory, this means that space-time must have 24 + 2 = 26 space-time dimensions.)”

In Synergetics there is two kinds of cosmic two-ness.

(See Fig. 1073.10.)

Integral system is threefold twoness = 6.
Integral Universe is fourfold twoness = 8.

Spin twoness .....................2 is additive { left-right } see Hyper-space's  Plus 2 above
Duality twoness.................2 is { concave-convex } multiplicative
Interrelationship twoness 2
Environmental twoness....2
....................................total 8

I chose to divide my cosmic Pi-time 66.4 ---or rounded as 66--- because of the  number 7's relationship to irrationality to our tainted and off-center cosmos, i.e. seemingly chance, random-ness, chaos etc.    So many factors involving number 7 { heptaons interna irrational angles }  ex 7 surface axis related to cubo-octahedron{ VE }, and the sames resultant set of 87 { 73 LINK  } primary great circles of Universe.......4-fold 3, 4, 6, 12 { totals 25 } and 5-fold left-skew  6, 10 15 and right-skew  6, 10, 15 { totals 31 }.

66 / 7 =  9.42 85 7 1 42 85 714 28 57 14 285.....here the 7th overall position is the number 1, a repetively closed system

66.4 / 7 = 9.48 571 4 28 57 14 28 57 14 28 57 1...here the overall 7th position is number 4....a repetively closed system

The triangle { circlidean } is the minimal closed system. The tetrahedron { spherical } is the minimal closed outer surface of a convex positive nature.
...its concave nature is inside-------

The torus is minimal closed system with outer positive  curved surface and  inner { not inside } negative curved surface

Closed = regenerative Universe { Cosmos }

Singularity { null geodesics } = violation of 1st law of conservation..naught is created nor destroyed, only transformed from one phase of existence to another, and this translate as or equivalent to occupied space 1st law. Or so I speculate.  In my space-time torus scenarios,  our sine-wave /\/\/  associated physical reality has the potential to not exist, because,

our occupied space physical reality is an invaginating resultant of occupied space contractive/attractive Meta-physical Gravity (  ) and repulsive/expansive Meta-physical Dark Energy )( invaginations from the the outer and inner surface to create the inside physical reality as volume { body } of existence.i

Here above Meta-physical is not the the dictionary definitons of meta-physical. Gravity and Dark Energy are beyond/Meta, our resultant physical reality.  This may also explain why Universe is not truly expanding, even tho it is what we may be mis-percieving.  It may be that via myriad set of space-time tori, that, reality inside the torus, is moving toward disspations ---null geodesics of all photons--- into a gravitational field, and then,

our physical reality reappears from the inner Dark Energy field and starts the process over of moving towards the outer surface set of nodal events I call the Gravitational field.  

We have three primary kinds of Meta:

Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts ergo ego identity { i }

--------conceptual line of demarcation---------------

Meta-physical Gravity  ---not been quantised nor quantified ergo Meta/Beyond

Meta-physical Dark Energy  ---has not been quantised nor quantified ergo Meta-Beyond

Logical, common sense, critical thinking does exists as Meta-space concepts/ideas/intellect and ego

Science and Nature
3 1
Happy Holy Days ..... Fullers complex-to-simple evolution means that complex biological life is either a pop-out code in whole from cosmic egg in an eternally existent occupied space Universe. Energy { physical reality } cannot be created nor destroyed, ---or ?--- however, I see it this way,

occupied space of physical reality is a sub-set of meta-physical --because not quantised or quantified by humans---, ergo ' occupied space { Meta-physical Gravity (  ) and Meta-physical Dark Energy )( } are the more likey eternally existent primary set of Universe.

It is worth remmembering that, the new complexity evolution of AI ---in writing stories, poems and music---  is always a resultant inspiration the of more complex inspirited humans. AI will not create biological life, nor lead to humans creating complex biological life.
36 6
This is a good vid for those who want to attempt grasp logical deduction fundamentals to arrive at great conclusions. To shorten the time needed Ive pointed a three key places to begin, to get the overall gist of Constructor Theory as used by great scientists of past.

I skimmed a 2nd time, the  Contructor Theory ---logical deduction starts at 10:15--- is the pathway ive used via my explorations of prime numbers, that, led to my four lines/levels, that, led to spiral-base, di-polar invagination to create our physical reality aka sine-wave patterning / \ / \.

After 10:15 he mentions logical deduction again at 11:13 --via David Deustch who I was communicating with back in 90's---  and to get the gist of this logical deduction it may be best to start at at minimum 8:20 with specific information set of entanglement of speculated quantum gravity or not. 


3 prime structure via triangulation { 60 degree-ness } as any carpenter can attest to stabilizing a square/cubical residence, see 8 surface triangles of Vector Equilibrium aka cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron ergo 4 diametric axi,

4 systemicall transformative --- as seen with four axi above--, however, the systemically transformative only occurs with the 3 diametric axi of the 6 surface unstable squares { 90 degree-ness },

5 prime ----? cosmic meaning ?----

6 regular { 2D nucleated purity 120 degrees } circles/sphericals defined 6 regular triangles of convex hexagon, around an nuclear 7th regular circle/spherical,

7 prime, irregular irrational polygon 128.57 degrees whereas the other first nine convex polygons have whole rational angles

So in my 2D lattice above consisting of four lines/levels above we find linear sets of regular, nucleated convex hexagons. Once we curve each line around  to meet itself we define four four kinds of great and semi-great circle planes of a torus.  (  )(  ) is a  torodial bisection/cross-section ex seeing a cross-section of a dougnut from side-wise view, if laying on a counter.

A top view cross-section would like this (  O  ) or as  (  ()  )
3 2
Piano Dance takes you up, it brings you down, it plants you feet back firmly on the ground. "Timothy Leary's dead, no to no its outside looking in" Moody Blues

Artistic expressions
7 4
I have two of them. First one is older version, that, I envisoned when first learning about entropic heat death of Universe. Both always and only consider a finite, occupied space Universe.

..1] Fuller believed he had discovered the operating system of Universe to be his jitterbugging VE.  This link is integral to half of my first, geometric, cosmological scenario, http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synergetics/plates/figs/plate04.html

...2} the other has only come to me in last couple of years, and stems from my explorations of prime number semi-patterns, that led to toroidal ideas, that, closely related to Fullers more Euclidean and spherical ideas.  In the prior scenario all of Universe's particles connected ---if not entangled---  via Gravity. Then with my newer toroidal ideas I envisioned Gravity and Dark Energy as two sides of the same coin { torus ergo a toroidal coin, so to speak :--) }.

A little more later on.
40 3
If your looking for most advanced unification theories of Universe see this is bests utube explanation out there and it is simple.  It is the kind of stuff ive been into for years, as have many theoretical physicists. ER = EPR only Einstein didnt know it when he made is mathematical discoveries.

8 3
My goal is to simplify that which is more complex.  A good teacher can do this, even tho some of  critical details will be missing for  more wholistic comprehension  of the greater whole set. Susskind does this in his vid in Part Two below.

Part One

..." If there are six equilateral triangles around a vertex we cannot define a three-dimensional structural system, only a "plane." "...Bucky Fuller

In the above graphic we se increasing complexity as we go from tetra{4]hedron with 6 lines, to planar hexagon with 12 lines. 

At When does exponential complexity begin? At four. O O O O

At three points { * * * } we have three lines-of-relationship, and at four points we jump from 3,  to  6 lines-of-relationship, and that is the beginning of exponential growth.

LINK 3^2, minus 3, divided by 2 = 3. I --if not also Fuller-- identify 3 with structure, or structural stability /\  Any carpenter knows a square { 4 } house has to be triangulated for it to become a stable structure.

Part Two: Growth of Quantum Complexity

In Leonard Susskinds { LIGO fame "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory" } Quantum Gravity vid  {LINK Quantum Origins of Gravity }  he states, that, --go to 43:30 > 43:38--   the reason Linus cannot pass { teleportation } --via quantum entanglement bridge{ EPR }--- from one black hole to the other, is because of the exponential growth of complexity, according to Maldecna-Susskinds special case exploration of string theory called AdS-CFT.

LINK.... "The AdS-CFT correspondence......This is traditionally interpreted as a concrete realization of a vague “holographic principle” according to which quantum gravity in bulk spacetimes is controlled, in one way or other, by “boundary field theories” on effective spacetime boundaries, such as event horizons. "

LINK ....." In conclusion, note how each chord here reflects at the same time:

...1} (ER) --[ aka Einstein Rosen]-- one entangled pair of qbits in the boundary quantum system;

....2} (EPR) --[Einstein-Podsky-Rosen bridge]--  a geodesic through the hyperbolic plane bulk spacetime,

.......which is a (rigorous) state of affairs clearly reminiscent of the “ER = EPR” slogan (except that wormholes are replaced by minimal area hypersurfaces, here: geodesics). "

Part three: Entangled Universe

Part Four: Equanimity Within Hyper-space{?}

In B Fullers Synergetics, he makes clear, that the reason he calls the  nucleated cubo-octahedron the Vector Equilibrium { VE }, is because, when the VE is constructed from four hexagonal planes ---see LINK--   there is total of 24 chords and 24 radii.

The number of vertexes is 7 points/vertexes for each hexagon 4 * 7 = 28 vertexia/points.  28^2, minus 28 = 756, divided by 2 = 378 lines-of-relationship for 28 vertexia points.

are 1, 2p, 3p, 6, p7, 9, 14, 18, 21, 27, 42, 54, 63, 126, 189, and 378. If we put aside the the 1 and 378 --cause there sort of redundant{?}-- we have 14 divisors remaining. Below have included prime numbers to 383 as curiosity reference to these divisors below and added any adjacent prime to each number.

1.2p.3p...6...p7.... 9, 14...18{19p}..21..27....{41p}42....{53p}54....63..126{127p}....189....378{379p}

Here above ive put the 5  adjacent primes in brackets {  } that are not inherently part of the divisors.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383.

In the Synergetics graphic as I'm alluding to and embedded hyper-space being the adjacent close bonding of the two radii from each hexagon. The VE does this in other ways also, not shown in any of the above.

Part Five: In Synergetics, the VE has total of 25, conceptually spun,  primary great circles associated with its 12 vertexes, 14 openings,  24 edges/chords.

In all of the above, I'm only considering the hexagons, i.e. only considering four great hexagonal planes, or as conceptually spun great circle planes, not the other 21 of 25 great circles.
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Sign in Altanta front yard ..' Roe Roe Roe Your Vote '....

..." Trump’s appointments of Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett handed Republicans the supermajority they needed to overturn Roe.

...These three pivotal justices also happen to be the only justices in American history appointed by both a president who lost the popular vote and confirmed by the votes of senators representing a minority of the U.S. population.

...The only other justices in history similarly confirmed by senators representing a minority of the American electorate, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, are also on the court. These are the five justices who voted to overturn Roe. "

..." Every week brings a newfreshhorrorofa womanorgirldeniedmedical care due to the abortion bans enacted in the wake of Dobbs. The most recent story is about a Washington, D.C., woman who nearly died after a hospital in Ohio, which bans abortions at around six weeks of pregnancy, refused to treat her miscarriage and sent her home, where she almost bled out in a bathtub. These stories will not stop. "...

Republicans = idiot officers on board ship :--(... Will those Republicans at DArt have  mature integrity and acknowledge their presence here so as to be accounted for by others a DArt?

Current events
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