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Posted in:
Surrounded With Only The Best{worst } People
Ratcliff is posion cultist flunky and USA narrowly escaped this Ratcliff becoming  chief intelligence officer for Trump ergo Putin and Kim Young Pooh.  Are we in a Gotham marvel comic movie?

Oh right this is a tv reality show happening in white house for brain dean in USA.

Have has USA citizens ever seen so many brain dead Republican cultist handing the kahonas over to Orange headed Joker?
Posted in:
Moscow Mitch { McConnel }
Sad = Sad years for USA and humanity. And spineless Repulican left their kahonas in Trumps lap.  Go figure. 

Trump gathering cultist kahonas.  Trump is perfect arch enemy character for Avengers movie. Go figure.

The Joker.....The Orange Goblin....Doctor of Doom

The best is Bane from Dark Knight.

Donald Trump officially became president today, and in an inaugural address he promised many things, some of which may sound familiar, because they were directly lifted from the D.C. comics villain Bane.

..."Compare Trump’s declaration that, “Today’s ceremony, however has very special meaning. Because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another.

But we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you... the people. For too long a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have born the cost.

Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.”.......

Posted in:
Toroidal Bacteria Indestructable?
..."This remarkable ability to mend DNA is a puzzle. Scientists have not been able to explain its origins or identify genes in D. radiodurans that confer superiority in repairing DNA.

Now, a study in today's issue of Science suggests that D. radiodurans survives because its genome is arranged in densely packed rings, called toroids. These donut-like shapes keep shards of DNA in close proximity after a dose of shattering radiation, allowing the microbe to make repairs without having to hunt around for hundreds of loose fragments."....

Posted in:
Consciousness Twoness Otherness as Integrated Set { To Feel }
Consciousness - Twoness - Otherness - Awareness as an Integrated { interrelated } Set.

..."Symbolically, our ex-is-tence is defined by self and other, or inner energy and its outer body, with our spiritual goals above and our material development below, and our standing in society.

Our life is defined by the uncertain future we face before us, and our past by the actions we have perfomed and put behind us. The experience of life in existence is made possible by the unconscious impressions of sensuous reality entering our left hand and being met by the cognitive response and action of the right hand.

Again, in the center is the psyche, the eye of the needle and gateway to our Soul."...

In the  center --12-around-nuclear 13th spherical in VE--- is not the soul.

The soul { biologic } is the whole set with varying patterns ---ergo degrees-- of reflection of self and/or the enviroment  within-us and without-us.
Posted in:
Consciousness Twoness Otherness as Integrated Set { To Feel }
..."The integrated information theory (IIT) [1] attempts to provide a principled answer to these questions. By starting from phenomenology and making a critical use of thought experiments, the IIT claims that:

i) the quantity of consciousness is the amount of integrated information generated by a complex of elements;

ii) the quality of consciousness is specified by the set of informational relationships generated among the elements of a complex."..
1} Quantified { mathematical } does not neccessitate and  association with the 'quantization' of occupied space as a quantum particle or set of quantum events { bits } that are integral as one particle { as a quantum bit }.

2} Quality { sensorial } is the synergetic, integral  resultant of a complex of bits interrelating thereby creating a human  discernent { to feel } of an integral set of lines-of-relationship to their environment i.e. the environmental circumstances and their sensorial feelings response to them.

Posted in:
Why do you believe in God?
You are once again trying to muddy-the-waters by conflating Quanta and Qualia.
..."The integrated information theory (IIT) [1] attempts to provide a principled answer to these questions. By starting from phenomenology and making a critical use of thought experiments, the IIT claims that:

i) the quantity of consciousness is the amount of integrated information generated by a complex of elements;

ii) the quality of consciousness is specified by the set of informational relationships generated among the elements of a complex."..
1} Quantified { mathematical } does not neccessitate and  association with the 'quantization' of occupied space as a quantum particle or set of quantum events { bits } that are integral as one particle { as a quantum bit }.

2} Quality { sensorial } is the synergetic, integral  resultant of a complex of bits interrelating thereby creating a human  discernnent of a line-of-relationship to their environment i.e. the environmental circumstances and their sensorial feelings. 

Posted in:
Surrounded With Only The Best{worst } People
OMG! Yet another Trumpanzee bites the dust.  Is anyone really surprised the the worst of the worst { Trump } picked the worst for inteligence chief.

Yah, the non-intelligent picks and unintelligent for Intelligence chief.  The USA's republicna party is now continuing to appear as the biggest joke humanity has ever witnessd.

Yah Repulicans and Trump cult followers are surprised because their brain dead, and their hoping rational, logical common sense moral people will be brain dead in next election.  Only time will tell.
Posted in:
Moscow Mitch { McConnel }
Trumps intel pick rejected. When are these Trumpanzee cult  going to stop being brain dead?  Never,

Republicans are spinless cowards as are all Trumpanzee cultist.

Posted in:
Why do you believe in God?
Begin Part 2 of Ever Rethinking the Lords Paryer

.."With these four meanings I now directly
address God.
 "Our God-
Since omni-experienceis your identity
 You have given us overwhelmingmanifest:-
of Your completeknowledge
 of Your completecomprehension
 of Your completeconcern
 of Your completecoordination
 of Your completeresponsibility
 of Your completecapability to cope
 in absolute wisdomand effectiveness
 with all problems andevents
 and of Your eternallyunfailing reliability
 so to do
Yours , dear God,
is the only and complete glory.
By glory I mean the synergetic totality
of all physical and metaphysical radiation
and of all physical and metaphysical gravity
of finite
but non-unitarily conceptual
scenario Universe
in whose synergetic totality
the a priori energy potentials
of both radiation and gravity
are initially equal
but whose respective
behavioral patterns are such
that radiation's entropic redundant disintegratings
is always less effective
than gravity's non redundant
syntropic integrating
Radiation is plural and differentiable,
radiation is focusable, beamable, and self-sinusing,
is interceptible, separatist, and biasble-
ergo, has shadowed voids and vulnerabilities;
Gravity is unit and undifferentiable
Gravity is comprehensive
inclusively embracing and permeative
is non-focusable and shadowless,
and is omni-integrative;
all of which characteristics gravity
are also the characteristics of love.
Love is metaphysical gravity.
  (eome- note; Buckyhas also described love as the synergetic interplay between these
two opposite forces.)
You, Dear God,
are the totally loving intellect
ever designing
and ever daring to test
and thereby irrefutably proving
to the uncompromising satisfaction
of Your own comprehensive and incisive
knowledge of the absolute  truth
that Your generalized principles
adequately accommodate any and all
special case developments,
involvement's, and side effects;
wherefore Your absolutely courageous
omni-rigorous and ruthless self-testing
alone can and does absolutely guarantee
total conservation
of the integrity
of eternally regenerative Universe
You eternally regenerative scenario Universe
is the minimum complex
of totally inter-complementary
totally inter-transforming
non-simultaneous, differently frequenced
and differently enduring
feedback closures
of a finite
but non-unitarily conceptual system
in which naught is created
and naught is lost
and all occurs
in optimum efficiency.
Total accountability and total feedback
constitute the minimum and only
perpetual motion system.
Universe is the one and only
eternally regenerative system.
 To accomplish Yourregenerative integrity
You give Yourself the responsibility
of eternal, absolutely continuous,
tirelessly vigilant wisdom.
Wherefore we have absolute faith and trust in You,
and we worship You

End part 2

Posted in:
Moscow Mitch { McConnel }
Moscow Mitchs does allow vote to address Russia{ Putin/Moscow } attacks on USA democracy via hacking and propaganda.

This Trumpanzees have such a sad lack of moral integrity and principles of honesty, truth and human decency.

It is no surprise, that we have this voting block of bigoted racists in USA. And its is no surprise that they will allow Russias Putin to influence our voting democracy, just as China, N. Korea attempt to do with less success.

It will be no surprise to rational, logical common sense people if humanity becomes extinct in next 1000 years.

Integrity counts and fewer and fewer of those in power have any integrity and the sheeple who follow them give all of their trust ergo their integrity to those in power.  Narcissist, psychotic Trump is in power and has the least moral integrity and principles of honesty and truth of any person of such power in USA.

Go figure.  Oh yeah now USA has pulled of low range nuclear missile treaty because Russia has been violating it for years. 

Draw back our arrow --)-> of history to see the trajectory ----> of where humanity is headed -------> self extinction chances 90% or more?
Posted in:
Why do you believe in God?
.."Since 1927, whenever i am going to sleep, i alwaysconcentrate my thinking on what i call "Ever Rethinking the LordsPrayer" (Richard Buckminister Fuller)
I am confident as specifically argued, my followingdeclaration constitutes a scientifically
meticulous, direct-experience-based proof of God. 
"Ever Rethinking the Lord's Prayer
July 12 1979
 To be satisfactory toscience
 all definitions mustbe stated
 in terms ofexperience.
 I define Universe as
 all of humanity's
 and communicated (toself or others)
 In using the word,God,
 I am consciouslyemploying
 four clearlydifferentiated
 from one another
Firstly I mean:_
 thoseexperience-engendered thoughts
 which are predicatedupon past successions
 which are unexpected,human discoveries
 of mathematicallyincisive,
 physicallydemonstrable answers
 to what thereto forehad been missassumed
 to be foreverunanswerable
 cosmic magnitudequestions
 wherefore I nowassume it to be
 scientifically  manifest,
 and thereforeexperientially reasonable that
 scientificallyexplainable answers
 may and probably will
 eventually be given
 to all questions
 as engendered in allhuman thoughts
 by the sum total
 of all humanexperiences;
 wherefore my firstmeaning for God is:-
 all theexperientially explained
 or explainableanswers
 to all questions
 of all time-
Secondly I mean;-
 The individual'smemory
 of many surprisingmoments
 of dawning comprehension's
 of as interrelatedsignificance
 to be existent
 amongst a number
 of what hadpreviously seemed to be
 entirelyuninterrelated experiences
 all of whichremembered experiences
 engender thereasonable assumption
 of the possibleexistence
 of a totalcomprehension
 of the integratedsignificance-
 the meaning-
 of all experiences.
Thirdly, I mean:-
 the onlyintellectually discoverable
 a priori,intellectual integrity
 indisputably manifestas
 the only mathematicallystateable
 of generalizedprinciples-
 cosmic laws-
 thus far discoveredand codified
 and ever physicallyredemonstrable
 by scientists
 to be not onlyunfailingly operative
 but to be in eternal,
 of the complex
 of everyday,naked-eye experiences
 as well as of themulti-millions-fold greater range
 of onlyinstrumentally explored
 infra- andultra-tuneable
 micro- andmacro-Universe events.
Fourthly, I mean;-
  All the mysteryinherent
 in all humanexperience,
 which, as a lifetimeratioed to eternity,
 is individuallylimited
 to almost negligible
 twixt sleepings,glimpses
 of only a few localepisodes
 of one of theinfinite myriads
 of concurrently andoverlappingly operative
 sum-totally never-ending
 cosmic scenarioserials.
End Part 1

Posted in:
Torque On The Brain
....."Even when the brain is at rest, brain imaging shows that there are asymmetries of activity in a number of regions. A factor analysis of these asymmetries revealed four different dimensions, each mutually uncorrelated. Only one of these dimensions corresponded to the language regions of the brain; the other three had to do with vision, internal thought, and attention [49]—vision and attention were biased toward the right hemisphere, language and internal thought to the left. This multidimensional aspect throws further doubt on the idea that cerebral asymmetry has some unitary and universal import.

Four axi of diametrically opposing surface and structurally stable triangles. LINK

These four axi are primary as the 3 axi are associated with unstable squares.

Eachof the four axi has two possible spin --dimensions?-- left and right so a total of 8 possible processing dimensions.

So if we add in the three axi we get 11, provided we dont include a two spins dimensions of the three axi.
..."The team used algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics used to describe the properties of objects and spaces regardless of how they change shape.

They found that groups of neurons connect into 'cliques', and that the number of neurons in a clique would lead to its size as a high-dimensional geometric object (a mathematical dimensional concept, not a space-time one).

"We found a world that we had never imagined," said lead researcher, neuroscientist Henry Markram from the EPFL institute in Switzerland.
"There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. In some networks, we even found structures with up to 11 dimensions."


66.4 { spiral revolutions } * 3 { tori as 3 planes of octahedron } is199.2 { mass/energy? potential }.

199.2^2 = 39,680.64. wherein squaring is a synergetic effect due to contracting torque of jitterbug an doubling of octahedra

39,680.64 * 186000 { speed-of-radiation } = 7,380,599,040 is total energy output or potential for output via Pi-Time as mass/energy and by coincidence approximates within 300,000 current human population on Earth..

Go back a few days, weeks months and that resultant would be even closer to the human population at that time.
...did humanity cross some cosmic threshold a few months back?........................

66.4 { Pi-Time  spiral revolutions }

3 toroidal spiral/helxi revolutions = 199.2 --See three great circles { planes } that define spherical octahedron

199.2 to 2nd power = synergetic effect via contraction ergo torque of jitterbug and doubling of octahedra { synergy as a squaring effect }

39,680 a cosmic Pi-Time resultant times cosmic speed of radiation value, approximates current human population on Earth.

A * 3 = B, square B and multiply times C and the resultant is D.  Follow the bouncing ball of pathways of thought. No more no less hs interesting resultant if only conincidence.

Posted in:
Bucky Fuller "Only Integrity Is Going To Count"

6) They Give Credit

7) They Value Your Time

8) They Don’t Argue Rudely

9) They Give Second Chances

10) They Are Emotionally Intuitive

Posted in:
Fluctuation *( i )* of Quantum Cosmic Wave /\/\/\/\/\/
Eventually we have to come to what is the fluctuation and does it always exist to a lesser degree of critical limit.

/\/\/\/\/\/ = Euclidean topology of a sine-wave

OOOO = combination of two geodesic sine-waves or as (  )(  )(  )(  )

(((((( )))))) = oscillation as wave

...."Interestingly, they found that the systems had different degrees of determinism: oceanic rogue waves seem to have identifiable precursors, whereas their fibre-optic cable cousins are not at all deterministic.

...This is thought to be because the ocean waves are caused by turbulence, which is difficult to predict but not intrinsically random, whereas in optical fibres rogue waves are driven by quantum noise. According to Steinmeyer, “what this shows is really that ‘rogueness’ and predictability have nothing to do with each other.”

...This work could provide insight into the predictability of a wide range of chaotic phenomena, as well as advance our understanding of the nature of quantum fluctuations and randomness."...

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/*\/*\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ = bilateral fluctuation as a observational feedback mechanism?

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/* i  *\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ = bilateral consciousness with an abstract feedback mechanism?

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/*( i )*\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ = bilateral consciousness  with abstract feedback mechanism via looping geodesic trajectory of a curved space ergo a black hole?

In this latter scenario metaphysical-1, abstraction  'i'  is inside the black hole and we know that is what inside a black hole is expressed on its event horizon surface.

( i ) = black hole with internal abstractions

* * = bilateral ----and connected  to each other by geodesic-- quantum bits existing at or near the event horizon surface

Posted in:
Human Population > Speed-of-Radiation > Mass > Pi-Time
This is Mustardmadness pseudo-science
Ive stated nothing false or untrue.  The only "madness" stems from your inability to accept the facts and rational, logical common sense conclusions as presented i.e. basically you have you foot ( ego ) in your mouth every time you response to me. What a sad waste of mind and bandwidth. Please cease and desist.  Go play with yourself somewhere other than my threads. thank you.
PLease share only when you have something of significant relevance that adds to or invalidates my comments  as stated.

Niether you nor anyone has ever done that --or at least ii is very rare-- so instead we see from you, and others, these short quips of no meaningfull significance.  Sad lack of integrity and makes your short sighted ego * (i) * appear to be stuck in you mouth.
199.2^2 is a synergetic process{?} that I presumed to be a squaring ---via octahedral doubling--   ergo the resultant 39,680.64

Posted in:
Human Population > Speed-of-Radiation > Mass > Pi-Time
You're at it again.
PLease share only when you have something of significant relevance that adds to or invalidates my comments  as stated.

Niether you nor anyone has ever done that --or at least ii is very rare-- so instead we see from you, and others, these short quips of no meaningfull significance.  Sad lack of integrity and makes your short sighted ego * (i) * appear to be stuck in you mouth.
199.2^2 is a synergetic process{?} that I presumed to be a squaring ---via octahedral doubling--   ergo the resultant 39,680.64
Posted in:
50 years ago today...
How could you know you would find food and water outside the cave?
You look{ visual } feel { the wind }and smell  from inside the cave an know something  before even going outside the cave.

We the further we go from Earths surface the colder it gets and we know that from cave drwellers who left and climbed mountains or saw snow capped mountains and realized snow = colder tempartures.

We sent ballons higher and found their was less oxygen.

Somewhere along the way, ---before orbiting Earth---  humans realized that Earths atmosphere protects humans from ioizing radiation outside of the atmosphere.

Rocket techology was resultant of war. NASA's beginnings began with

..."German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), born in 1912 in Wirsitz, Germany, took an early interest in rockets and the possibility of space exploration. As a young man, he joined the German Rocket Society (Verein fur Raumschiffahrt). In 1932, von Braun joined the German army to work on the development of ballistic missiles. By 1937, he was the head of the Peenemeunde Rocket Center and leader of the Nazi rocket program that eventually developed the V-1 “buzz bomb” and the deadly V-2, the world’s first ballistic missile."...

Posted in:
What is the most irrelavent time?
..."Time is often thought of as the fourth dimension. Time plays a key role as a dimension in mathematical formulations of physical laws and theories such as general relativity and string theory. The qualitative behavior of time as the fourth dimension is debatable."....
The irrelevant time --because most abstract--- may be Pi-Time.

Pi^4 = 97.40 90 91 03 40 02 43 72 36 44 03 32 68 87 05

97.4 - 31 { 3D } = 66.4 { Pi-Time }

Pi^3 { XYZ } = 31.00 62 7 66 80 29 98 {20} 175476315067101

31.00 self is self truncating self { Pi } rounding off i.e. Pi^3 rounds it self off to a whole rational number via a set of two zeroes { 00 }. Duhh.

Pi^4 { time + XYZ  } - { minus } 31 { XYZ } =  66.40 90 91 03 40 02 43 7236440332688705

Another Pi-Time abstraction resultant approximates the human population on Earth.

66.4 * 3 = 199.2

199.2^2 = 39680.64

39680.64 * 186000 { speed of radiation = 7,380,599,040

And the current human population of Earth is 7,720,270,280

7,720,270,280 minus 7,380,599,040 = 339, 671,240 { resultant differrence }

That resultant differrence is negligible and we can go back in a few days, months or years so as do reduce that resultant differrence and we would find a much smaller resultant differrence,  that,  more close approximates my cosmic Pi-Time tripled and squared resultant.

Posted in:
Human Population > Speed-of-Radiation > Mass > Pi-Time
To clarify, My process was not ezactly the same as E = mc^2.

I squared { ^2 } 199.2 first,  then multiplyed that resultant times speed-of-radiation.

I used three sets of 66.4 to to identify with three bisecting great planes of octahedron, as electron { 0.511 ev as mass } and that translated as the 199.2.

The reason I squared that value of 199.2 was because of synergy i.e. when the VE { cubo-octahedron } contracts the three great planes of the octahedron --ergo 12 chords--- i.e. that over the years I have never ever considered that the doubling effect of the octahedron LINK

and I had a new idea, that the doubling of the octahedron might actually be a induce synergtic resultant.

66.4 * 3 { tori } as the octahedron = 199.2

199.2^2 is a synergetic process that I presumed to be a squaring ---via octahedral doubling--   ergo the resultant 39,680.64

Posted in:
We can never really know anything
The way you frame is kinda a difficult to read.
Simple is not your forte i.e. your overthinking makes what is simple seem complicated and more complex than it is.

O = quanta that occupys space can be labled in thousands of differrrent ways, bob, sally, boob, Me, You, It, #1, #9 a circle, a spherical etc.

O = quanta of occupied space and ditto my above

So that is two parts of the three I listed and you cannot grasp either of them.  How old are you? Are you on or off your prescription medications?

---- = line of relationship and maybe you dont grasp what the word 'line' or relationship mean. WOW!

So the above line ---- is just a way of showing there is occupied space relationship ---ex a bosonic force--- between the two circles O-----O and you cannot grasp that.  Seriously?  Seriousy lame on you part.

So that line was seemingly straight and only existed between the two circles so I gave you another way to envision a line or even a set of lines-of-relationship that not only exist between the two quanta but also geodesically enclose the two and you could not grasp any geodesic ideas either.  Say WHAT?

(o)(o)  and the point or points of connection between the two quanta occur at the junction between )( the two geodesics and we can think of those two geodesics as gravity.  Have you ever heard of gravity? Have you ever heard of mass-attraction?

Do you have access to a dictionary? 

The "frame" I used consists of three occupied space parts and you cannot grasp even one of them.  Well welcome to the club as apparrently no one else around here can either.   I think were dealing with lame brains whose ego keeps them trapped in ignorance and very narrow band of mental abilities when it comes to simplistic and obvious truths.

So we know ego plays a part and the question becomes  how big of a part does their ego play in playing dumb?

Oh yeah lets not forget the 4th part of the "frame".  Background of macro-infinite non-occupied space. OMG, non-occupied space is so difficult to grasp and to label it as a background is just not done in the social groups you have participate in.  For me to make such statements obviously is a "farm" some people refuse to consider. Why is that?

Is it fear of truth? Why do people fear truth?

Posted in:
We can never really know anything
Can you make what you said simpler? 
Not that I can see.  There is only three occupied space parts and you can grasp even one of the three I listed appears to me to be pretty lame.

Do you not what the the number three means. 1, 2, 3?

Do understand what an occupied space means?

I mean this is pretty simple stuff if you not a 8 year old or younger.
Posted in:
We can never really know anything
Some of occupied space things that exist, are have not yet been quanified nor quantised ex gravity and dark energy, if not also virtual particles.

Metaphysical-1 mind/intellect/concepts and ego are energyless and do not occupy a space. 

Ex concept of basket ball is not an occupied space it has not charge, no spin, no mass, no color etc.
Posted in:
Human Population > Speed-of-Radiation > Mass > Pi-Time
7,720,270,280 is current human population of Earth  LINK and surpasses my cosmic Pi-TIme { 66.4 }  --as mass?-- resultant { 7,380,599,040 }  value by 339,671,240.

Below I use my Pi-TIme as a mass value and relate it to my explorations of the cubo-octahedron { VE } once it contracts LINK and becomes double valenced octahedron as 2nd powering operation. Then I take that times the speed-of-radiation { 186000 per second }

66.4 { Pi-Time } revolutions of single tube  that defines a great torus.

66.4 * 3 { tori } is199.2 { mass/energy }.

199^2 = 39680.64.

39680.64 * 186000 { speed-of-radiation } = 7,380,599,040 is total energy output or potential for output via Pi-Time as mass/energy.

Via interesting, if not irrelevant and insignificant coincidence, my most abstract { cosmic } Pi-Time-mass equation resultatn, approximates human population on Earth. H,mmm.....Space(^v * ^v)(v^ * v^)Space...........

Posted in:
We can never really know anything
We wouldn't know the difference? 
 Simple consciousness as an occupied space Universe made of three occupied space parts;
Me, you and line-of-relationship and is based upon inherently induces otherness ergo awareness via line-of-relationship and triangulation as structural integrity if not also coherence as a wholistic set.

O = me or this quanta

O = you or another quanta

----   = line-of-relationship  between me and you ex O----O or as (o)(o) wherein the geodesic enclosure of me and you is connected as a geodesic { Space }

........ = macro infinite non-occupied space as background for the the three occupied space parts.

Most cannot even grasp this simple explanation for consciousness much less a more complex consciousness.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
I don't see it has to be the NASA budget that hasto go.
Didnt say that exactly.  Saying space exploration cannot and should not be placed above humanities survival on Earth first.

Not saying we cant walk { survive } and chew gum { space exploration } at same time, rather I'm saying walking is priority to all efforts to make a gum that degrades our biologic operating systems and more so when our { humanities health } is already in jeopardy.

Lets move to a unified humanity with truth, honesty, integrity as the basis for education and then take a planet wide vote. Over 50% moves the boat in that direction, and 60% more so and 70% more so etc.

1} putting that money, mind and effort toward making our ecological environment sustainable for humans and all other biological life for much longer than the shortest times that are resultant from,

2] an even a low end assessment of Erratic Global Climate change, --resultant of global warming---, human over population problem   ---ergo its specific long list of specific set of resultant problems---,

3 } those who have stockpiled hydrogen bombs, or as securing their own soveriegnty would like to have their own stock pile of hydrogen bombs.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
If nothing else, the long-term future of humanity depends on us spreading into space.
Your confused dude, ignorant, ill-informed and lack eduaction of planet Earth circustances  humanity is facing now, not a billion years from now.

  Your long term concerns 2 billion years from now ergo go to Mars now.

Humanity is not going to make it a 1000 years from now by going to Mars. Costly, poluting and ineffective in regards to humanities survival in shorter terms of next 500 - 1000 years.  Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips?

Get real regarding survival of humanity now, not a billion years from now.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
It's not simply a matter of priorities.

Yes it is and humanity obviously does not have its priorities in order and particalliy is because we do  not have a unified humanity.

We have 150 seperate soveriegnties each with their own set of priorities fro their nation and not humanity as a whole.

Luna-tics = 1850's people who dreamed of going to the moon

Mars-a-tics = 2018 peoples who dream of going to the Mars ---or other planets--- as being more beneificial to humanity, rather than;

1} putting that money, mind and effort toward making our ecological environment sustainable for humans and all other biological life for much longer than the shortest times that are resultant from,

2] an even a low end assessment of Erratic Global Climate change, --resultant of global warming---, human over population problem   ---ergo its specific long list of specific set of resultant problems---,

3 } those who have stockpiled hydrogen bombs, or as securing their own soveriegnty would like to have their own stock pile of hydrogen bombs.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
The analogy is apt
Cave with no door is open to oxygen and background ionised radiation will not kill most people.

PLanet Earth has oxygen but if we go through opening to outer space, there is no oxygen and the ionizing radiation is much higher.

Exploring outside the cave may kill me, even with my clothes own, but I will at least have oppurtunity to bring back some food and water.

Exploring outside Earths eco-system is very likely to kill me much shorter time, even with extremmely high tech suit on and I will not be bringing back food or water.

So on and so on.  Humans to moon and beyond is waste of money and valuable resources that will only pollute the atmosphere unnecessarily.

At minimum I would perhaps vote for exploring with non-manned but  even that is a world that is hurting as much as we are does not need more cosmos mind expansion. Again, I love cosmic stufff, but we have to set our priorities as humankind existence on Earth.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
It's a good thing their view doesn't usually prevail, or we would still be living in caves.
So you think a cave and planet with an eco-system that sustains countless numbers of biologicals and complex humans are that easily comparable.

Sorry Stronn you obviously have not idea what your talking about and your foot, no wait, thats  your metaphysical-1 ego,  stuck in your mouth.

Posted in:
Britain seizes Iranian ship
Fail Safe does nuclear war using two actors and a telephone... it should be worst film ever, but it's one of the greatest.

This is for ignorant people runnning around this forum with a bag over their heads to shield ther egos  from the truth.

Gulf of Tolkein was a false narrative for opening the door of Vietnam war to USA peoples.

WMD's was a false narrative for opening the door of Irag.

Now it appears it will be a false narrative to waste money, people, mental abilites and money to jump off on Iran.  USA is stupid is as stupid does.

10 million land mines still in Cambodia.  USA is full of ignorant, stupid, greedy fundamentalist who are ____ and need to be ____, sooner rather than later for the sake of all humanity.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
Hopefully we see it topped within our lifetime.
Waste of money as humans are not going to live on moon mars etc any time soon.

Stop the friggin pussy footin around with useless dreams that pollute the evnviroment for no good reason.

The Earth and its 7 billion peo[;e need to fix the many humanity threatening dangers first, here on Earth before continuing onwward with hopes of colonizing or mining the moon, mars are any of Jupitor or Saturns moons.

It lacks rational logical common sense and humans will aid assiting humans to fail to pass their exam for existence on Earth. Get real already or perish. 

It is that simple. Not a complex scenario with complex set of factors to grasp.   Hey, I love cosmic stuff as much as anyone, but some  adults need to draw the the rational logical common sense priorties for humans.  Stupied is as stupid is as stupid does and sending humans to moon was a nationalistic ego game with USSR.

The year is 2019 not 1919 and we have met the enemy is us { humans }. Read my lips/text.

This is a minimal brainer of those who can drop their ego and face the truth.
Posted in:
Britain seizes Iranian ship
The movie 'Fail Safe' is a 'straight drama' take on a similar theme well worth watching.
So we have Henry Fonda going against Peter Sellers { Dr Strange Love }.

..."Armed with irrefutable proof, Fonda casually mentioned his dad's first party affiliation in a conversation with his sister Jane Fonda.

"My sister could not and would not believe it," he laughed. "She had the worst time with that! I figured I'd wait until she really dug herself into a hole, and then I'd drop it on her, because I had the weapon in my hand."
The elder Fonda's early affiliation with the Republican Party was not politically motivated, however. It was born of his lifelong affection for Abraham Lincoln."...

Posted in:
ancient whales walked on four legs and moved like giant otters -- seriously
...."In the case of malaria (and probably many other diseases one wants to treat), the desired effect sought after is usually synergy, i.e., a drug combination for which the antimalarial effect is greater than that observed by each compound alone, and greater than what would be expected by assuming solely additivity of compound effect (Sucher, 2014)."....

Using Machine Learning to Predict Synergistic Antimalarial Compound Combinations With Novel Structures

Human access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts is a synergistic effect of out-breeding

Human loss of access to metaphysical-1 mind/intellect/concepts and antagonistic effect to synergy via inbreeding.

Cetaceans are 2nd only to humans in their access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept abilities ergo they may have had the least amount of inbreeding to arrive to the phase/stage of evolution that currently exist with.

Posted in:
Britain seizes Iranian ship
The US if not Britain has placed new sanctions on Irans oil sales, after USA -- ergo Trump--  pulled out of a unified deal.

So basically Iran is saying if your going to hit us financially --after USA is the one the pulled out of previous deal-- then we are hitting back.

Whats fair for the goose is fair for the gander.  Those immorals on the right do not grasp even the most simple fairness locally much less globally.

May countries have hydrogen bomb and to deny others the same is not fair.

If USA does not want Iran to have hydrogen bomb, then USA needs to get rid of theirs as does all of the other countries of planet Earth.

This is the only rational, logical common sense conclusion irrespective of how much lack of faith in humanity humans may have in making such a rational, logical common sense unified set of aggreements.

The only alternative can only lead to the extinction of humans on Earth sooner, or later.

The real problem lies in those  narrcisistics who seek power ergo greedy and those religous fundamentalist who believe the apocalypse is coming sooner or later ergo they will stand on immoral principles ---might is right---  till the all of the bombs have been fired.  Crazy shit!

Many here do not remember the move "Dr Strangelove" LINK who was the nutcase the in end, is riding atop the hydrogen bomb as it propels towards Earth and the enemy.

..."An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a War Room full of politicians and generals frantically tries to stop."....

Posted in:
abortion is murder
There have been any number of suggestions for determining the 'point of no return', many with merit.
Kieth you need to keep your nose *v* out of pregnants womans bodily business.

The line is when the fetus/baby is;

1} born out of the woman,

2} has taken its first INspiration of oxygen,

3} the umbilical cord is severed.

The pregnant woman is not a mother until the baby is viable INspiring independant individual.

This rational, logical common sense inherent rights of any pregnant woman that you and others need to respect. Period!
Posted in:
abortion is murder
Quit saying it's a part of the woman's body.
I will never stop stating truth and you, or those like you  ---ex Alec---  will never stop stating a false narrative ergo lies!

1} The fertilized egg is a part of the womans body and is internal to the womb and she has all rights to it, not any perverts outside of her think they have a right to stick their nose *v* into her bodily business.  Please stop with your immoral behaviour and actions. PLEASE!

....Truth hurts but will need to suck on it if you going public with your false narrative....................

2} the fetus is attached to the pregnant womans uterus/womb and recieves all of its nutrients from her via umbilical cord and does  it does not breath oxygen as the does independent { individual } pregnant woman carrier does.

.......Truth hurts but will need to suck on tuth it if you going public with your false narrative..............................

3} fetus/baby is attached to pregnant womans uterus/womb and receive all of its nutrients from her and it does not, not breath oxygen as does the independent { individual } pregnant woman carrier

........Truth hurts but will need to suck on truth if you going public with your false narrative................................

You nor any others with you immoral and perverted false narrative have added to or invalidated any of my comments on this issue/topic and you never will.  Your type is a waste of bandwidth.
Posted in:
There'll never be closure on whether God exists
And the 4-fold cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron  ---7 opening axi--  aka the Vector Equlibrium { VE } is representative of zero and .."the closet we will ever come to knowing God"...Bucky Fuller
To clarify on why God is closet we will ever come to knowing God, is because of the equanitmity --perfect balance---  between two primary forces of Universe;

1} OUTward distintgrations forces ex EMRadiation and dark energy )(,
......24 radii of VE{ 12-around-1 sphericals cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron..........

2} INward integration forces ex magnetism and gravity ( )
.......24 chords of VE { 12-around-1 sphericals of the cubo-octahedron........

When the VE is constructed four hexagons ---spherical or Euclidean---   we find 24 radii anad 24 chords are involved.

Posted in:
R. Feynmans Mass Question
Correcting #16 post with the below NOT.

..."The calculation can be done differrent ways with differrent kinds of radii being used.  I'm going with this following pathway since it does the math for me if I can properly assign their radii to my nunierlcal tori.  I also like this method because it approximates what I believe the tubes radius to be, however, it does NOT subtract the value of diameter of hydrogen atoms single proton."...

and the resultant surface area for my numerical torus is 0.02772372 ---and that value includes protons diameter---.

Posted in:
Bucky Fuller "Only Integrity Is Going To Count"

1) Humility

2) Goodness

3) Authenticity

4) Honesty

5) Trustworthy

Posted in:
Sanctity of Life--Georgw Carlin--Abortion Facts
The y { male } chromosome appears to be resultant of an aborted X { female } chromosome.

Suck on it males.

Pregnant female = 12-around-1 sphericals aka cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron and the Operating System of Universe { OSU }

Female = the stable 12-around-0 sphericals icosa{20}hedron

Male = less stable { unstable } pentagonal dodeca{12}hedron aka truncated { aborted } female { icosahedron }
Posted in:
What is the most irrelavent time?
Static { conceptual and Euclidean } ex [  ],

quasi-static { conceptual arc or geodesic curve Rieman Einstien } ex O or as (  ),

actual dynamic { vectorial trajectory }  irrespective of length  i.e. even the shortest trajectory is an arced trajectory even if it appears straight over short distance. /\/\/\/\/
Fuller liked to say, energy { Observed Time  } has associated shape via topolog of the sine-wave.  I like to say occupied space has shape. i.e non-observe occupied space of gravity (  ) and dark energy )(.

..."A scalar field is like the temperature throughout the atmosphere: At every point it has a numerical value but no direction."...

Ex ..............................................

A vector field, by contrast, is like the wind: It has both a value (the wind speed) and a direction.

Ex -------> around
----------><-------------- In
<------------------------> out

Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
You have a lot of hate yourself, so accusing people of having hate when you have it yourself is hypocritical.
I have a lot of mature, moral and rational logical common sense coming out of my mouth, and you have not the slightest idea what any of that is on this issue because of your ego and some fundementalist religous nonsense, is my best guess.

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips?

Posted in:
Conservitards Overwhelming Need To Kill
You want an abortion debate? Let's take it to a new thread.
I want you to keep your friggin nose *v* out of a pregnant womans bodily business unless she gives you her consent to stick your nose *v* in her bodily business.  Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips? 

Posted in:
Abortion Remains Illegal in Argentina
ALeC---Define bodily autonomy.

M-tard--This immature 'playing dumb' mind game. 
Poor conduct, quote taken out of context, and I said that if a woman can't get out of a pregnancy, nether should a man.
No it is not taken out of context. Is complete sentence and an obvious immature,'playing dumb' mind game on your part.

So the fertilized egg { *(i)* } is in the woman and she has all inherent rights to happens to it via all of its stages/pahses ---fetus and fetus/baby--.
Not even the liberal platform believes in legalized abortion until birth. Not even Roe V Wade supports that idea.
I'm interested in others immorality and lack of rational, logical common sense.  All of you need to keep your friggn nose out of a pregnant womans bodily business unless she gives her consent for others to stick their nose *v* in there.

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips?

    Why would a woman be allowed to kill a fetus at 26 weeks old?  Why at 8 weeks old?  Under my compromise, she can still get an abortion within the first 6 weeks.  Most women find out they are pregnant before 6 weeks, so under my compromise, they can still get an abortion, just before 6 weeks.
Ive explained this too you very clearly many times over so once again, please keep your friggn nose *v*  out of a pregnant womans bodily business unless she gives her consent for others to stick their nose *v* in there.

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips?

The pregnant woman is oxygen INspiring woman { aka human being } if not and adult, the fertilized egg is not.

The fetus is not.
Both are human beings.
Ive addressed this 100 times or more and your contiune to immature 'playing dumb' mind games.  So again,please keep your friggn nose *v*  out of a pregnant womans bodily business unless she gives her consent for others to stick their nose *v* in there.

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth and off my finger tips?
The fetus is not an oxygen INspiring human being and the it it is an organsim of  the woman.
What the hell does "oxygen inspiring" mean.
If you cant figure it out your brain abilities is worse that I previously thought.  Are you even 10 years old yet?

It is fine with me if you want to recited nonsense 100 times before breakfest, lunch, dinner and before bed.  It is your inherent right to do so.

Stop trying to push your nonsense on other INspiring humans.
It is not nonsense.  It is scientific fact.
Your ignorant on scientific fact, immature, immoral and lack any ability to follow even the most simple rational, logical common sense in these regards.  You have nothing but fundamentalist like nonsense to offer on this issue.  Please stop with this with this immature, immoral and lack any ability to follow even the most simple rational, logical common sense
Posted in:
Abortion Remains Illegal in Argentina
Define bodily autonomy. 
This immature 'playing dumb' mind game.

A fetus ought to have the right to their body.
You can believe what ever you want to believe irrespective of any rational, logical common sense is attached to your beliefs.

So the fertilized egg { *(i)* } is in the woman and she has all inherent rights to happens to it via all of its stages/pahses ---fetus and fetus/baby--.

The pregnant woman is oxygen INspiring woman { aka human being } if not and adult, the fertilized egg is not.

The fetus is not.

The fetus is not an oxygen INspiring human being and the it it is an organsim of  the woman. So please keep you friggin nose out of pregnants womens bodily business.  Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?

It is fine with me if you want to recited nonsense 100 times before breakfest, lunch, dinner and before bed.  It is your inherent right to do so.

Stop trying to push your nonsense on other INspiring humans.

Posted in:
Conservitards Overwhelming Need To Kill
I believe that people have a right to do as they please as long as they are not infringing upon the rights of others.
Your "others" in the above is a false narrative. Until you grasp this truth you will forever be stuck in your armpit of false narrative.

The fertilized egg, theh fetus, teh fetus/baby are 3 stages{ phases } of an organism of the woman. ALl three stages are attached to the woman except for brief few hours when fertilized egg fallls from fallopian tubes to attach to walls of womb/uterus.

So the fertilized egg is in the woman and she has all rights to happens to it via all of its stages/pahses.

So stop your false narrative and have the moral decency to respect a pregnant womans inherent rights to do what she chooses to do with any of organsims of her body.  Do hear the words coming out of my mouth --off my finger tips-- ?

Stop repeating a false narrative as Trump and so many of your type to a 100 times a day before breakfest.

Reminds me of religous fundamentalist who feel a need to recite their false narrative to themselves before breakfest, before lunch, before dinner and after dinner.
Posted in:
There'll never be closure on whether God exists
Yet people assume he exists.
And "he" stems from patriarchal religious base.

If people want to follow a rational, logical common sense pathway of thought they need look no further than the 5{phi}-fold icosa{20}hedron to grasp how 5{ phi } contains 4 { VE }, 3{ structure }, 2 { four kinds of unity } and 1 { " U "niverse }

See LINK to understand how geometrically the 5-fold contains 4-fold and this also applys to any linear numerical system 

And the 4-fold cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron  ---7 opening axi--  aka the Vector Equlibrium { VE } is representative of zero and .."the closet we will ever come to knowing God"...Bucky Fuller

The 4-fold VE is based 12-around-one{ -in the oven } ergo the VE is pregnant with the 13th spherical in its womb.

If the 13th one-in-the-oven is born outward   ---as ex electron tunneling--- the VE via is jitterbugging transformable abilities --due to its square openings---  contracts to a quasi-5{phi}-fold icosahedral configuration. LINK

4-fold VE is representative of Female that is pregnant ergo matriarchal systems not patriarchal and representative of stability of structural fermionic matter of Universe.

5-fold icosahedron is representative of the stability of  female { Xx }structural as bosonic forces of Universe.

The 5-{fold} pentagonal dodeca-hedron that  is representative of the less stable male { Xy } because it has not triangulation.

In conceptual equality we have three X chromosome for every y chromosomes in Universe

A black hole may consist of both 5-fold ergo contains 4-fold, 3-fold 2-fold and 1-fold. LINK and this is just the primary set. We can take the number of new axi produced to get another higher set and the set of spinable axis only increases if not an exponential increase.

However, Archmedes discovered that the the four internal hexagonal areas of a spherical cubo-octahedron is equal to the outer convex surface area of that same cubo-octahedron and this is abstraction that approximates the mathematics of Jacob Bekenstiens black hole and holographic mathematics ---later confirmed by S Hawking---. See LINK to see how a 3-fold tetrahedron when brought to zero volume, ---as it maintains{ not lost } its four surface planes---   a VE is defined with 12 extending triangles { EMRadiation from a black hole??? }

Black holes evaporate and again, naught { occupied space } is naught lost.

Posted in:
ancient whales walked on four legs and moved like giant otters -- seriously
EMRadiation and our response to it begins with the retina.  Old news.

..."Color can be thought of as a psychological and physiological response to light waves of a specific frequency or set of frequencies impinging upon the eye. An understanding of the human response to color demands that one understand the biology of the eye. Light that enters the eye through the pupil ultimately strikes the inside surface of the eye known as the retina."...

IN the following LINK place red and green and blue together to arrive at white.  It is called chemistry and chemistry is based on physics.

Posted in:
There'll never be closure on whether God exists
It's an open ended question and we will never truly know the answer.
"open ended} = infinite and there exists only two kinds of infinite this or that.

1} macro-infinite non-occupied space that embraces/surrounds our finite occupied space Universe, and,

2} conceptual infinite ex there exist infinite set of numbers.

We deduce truth from other truths.  We only observe a finite occupied space Universe.

Finite = integrity --systemic and structural integrity ergo naught { occupied space } can be created nor destroyed and only existent in eternal transformable configurations { shapes/patterns } recyclable { closure } existencte

Infinite = lack of integrity i.e. no closure.

Posted in:
50 years ago today...
Luna = moon = Lunatics dream of going to the moon { 1850 } and live on its surface.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and Trump{ and his cult } are from the moon.