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Middle East GODS ?   

Once there were hundreds perhaps thousands of GODS spread among many civilizations going back to 4000 BC....

Where are they today ?....on vacation ? .....retired? ....visiting Disney World ? ...all that remains are the 3 GOD "STOOGES"  = Jew - Jesus - Allah

Pick a GOD ?   and regardless of your choice...the other two GOD STOOGES will be upset and make sure that you are condemned and punished
in life and death forever !   

These 3 "GOD" STOOGES are human fabricated scapegoats...they are used as TOOLS to incite FEAR - INTIMIDATION - VIOLENCE...all 3 need
to be flushed down a TOILET and the people who follow them HAVE DONE TO ALL THE OTHER GODS of humanity .......

The JEW - JESUS - ALLAH GODS are a DISGRACE to all of humanity and other life forms on EARTH...they are used by world class PSYCHOPATH
CON ARTISTS to cull and enslave the masses of weak minded and deliberately dumbed down ASSES into slavery...nothing more...

The greatest THREAT to the psychopaths who play any of these 3 stooges "GOD" hoaxes is the intelligent OPEN MINDED thinker...the 3 STOOGES
"GOD" slave drones are desperate for CONTROL...they will say and do anything to destroy the free thinker....because the FREE THINKER does not
need some glorified Circus Clown Preacher to follow and accept their unprecedented idiotic dogma attached to their fake invented "GODS"

...Share your view and experience of being deceived - cheated - abused - condemned by any of the slave drone followers of these 3 "GOD" stooges...
and HOW YOU WOULD resolve ridding humanity of these 3 stooges "GOD" diseases.

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