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Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
If there's a third scum, warren is it calling it now
Dude quit bussing me!

Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Re: Grey

Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
By the way, I can't tell if you guys fully understood one another, so sorry if this seems repetitive or as if I'm talking down to you guys, but I think the difference in opinion boiled down to aporia thinking noobs often act scummy regardless of their alignment and that pushing them gives scum the opportunity for an easy mislynch, therefore we should focus on established players.

I think I agree with both of you; scummy noob behavior should be taken with a grain of salt, but townie noob behavior caused by pressure is useful, if that makes sense.
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
That was the only part of that that felt fake? A bit offended Vaarka ;)
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Can you re-explain why you still believe I'm town for fabricating that post? What about it could/would I not do as scum?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
So do you think that Grey is a bad player and would be likely to make that same mistake?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
I feel like when you ask aporia for reads at the end of page 2 it's still pretty early to have legitimate opinions. Would you agree or disagree?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
I mean if I idolize anyone it's Buddha...and I sniffed him out as scum on day one last game.....don't make that mistake lol!
What the hell does this mean?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
I don't remember TWD, when was it? If it was in the past 8 months or so I probably haven't improved much, if giving that sort of benchmark helps. Sorry to waste your time haha

Anyway, I think that Budda's reaction was decent. In a minute I'll look at the discussion between the two of you that ensued and get back to you if that helped at all.
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
I'll be operating under the same assumption as Wylted, that this game is 9v3 unless there's some indication otherwise (in which case it'd probably be something live 9v2v1). It's kinda weird getting back into DDO (or DART) meta where things like this aren't disclosed and characters are usually relevant. Should be fun.
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Funny how my post sat there for an hour and a half with no reaction from you but Wylted votes me and you do the same a whopping three minutes later.

It seems you're at least considering the possibility of gray being mafia in this post. Assume for a second he is; do you believe this quick response to Wylted indicates they're aligned or just that he was waiting and opportunistic?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Somewhat. He started playing in the twilight of DDO, and therefore he unfortunately was rarely able to experience a game that wasn't marred with inactivity, subs, or other issues. He's probably been playing a little less than a year if I were to guess?
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Liking Budda's reaction to my intro. Feels genuine, and though I feel like mafia could fake it, I don't think they're as likely to be so adamant. Glad that someone who is unfamiliar with me was the first to respond. I was afraid someone would call me out first.

Aporia, that post was indeed fabricated, I was hoping to see someone with whom I haven't played interact with someone they assumed to be a noob. The last time we played together was a long time ago, and my game has improved drastically. I have been playing regularly on MafiaUniverse since then, and though my game definitely still needs work (specifically as town) I am considerably better than last time we played.

Catching up, will offer thoughts ASAP
Posted in:
---Star Trek Deep Space Nine (DS9) Mafia: DP1---
Hi guys, I'm excited to try out this game. Hopefully we can catch the mafia!

Quick question: Why are people voting for other people already? We still have plenty of time. I think people voting for other people to be lynched might be the mafia.

Posted in:
Would you date someone with polar opposite beliefs to yours?
I think there has to be some level of common ground. I was actually talking to some of my friends about this and I think I'd be able to date someone who isn't drastically opposed. Essentially tankies and the authoritarian right anything more authoritarian/right than pre-Trump Republicanism.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
Relatively pessimistic, but the point wasn't to ask for advice on what to do; I came into this knowing what I would do. The opinions from the other users are welcome, I suppose, but I was mostly just curious on whether people felt it'd be unethical to date a TA.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
Not the objective; I like her as a person and think she's cute. I'd want to date her maybe.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
It could be. I doubt it but that’d be nice.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
A TA is a teacher's assistant, usually (and in this case) an undergrad who helps the professor with grading/teaching.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
She offered help studying with my finance exam which I will be taking her up on (both because she's cute and I could use it) but we'll see from there.
Posted in:
Who would win... women's or men's USA soccer team
They are an incredible women's team, and should be respected as such. They are definitely better compared to their competition than the men by far.
Posted in:
Who would win... women's or men's USA soccer team

Even though the women's team probably wasn't going all out, this is pretty indicative of the result. Sheer athleticism for the men would mean a bloodbath.
Posted in:
Kavanaugh is Innocent
This is a liberal power play to get themselves elected in the Midterms. Let's see why
This and Kavanaugh's guilt are not mutually exclusive.

1. It takes 39 years to come after him...
2. 60 women say that she is the sweetest person and approve of him getting into an ivy league school

3. Evidence by eyewitnesses prove that he did not do anything
Partially true at best.
4. Dems don't like Kavanaugh in the first place
To the point where former classmates have said he was a notorious drunk...

None of this proves anything.
Posted in:
Live Debate!!!
I personally think that the current system is fine and if it's a lot of work it probably won't be that much better to the point where it's worth the work.

Posted in:
Baby Names
No worries! I understand what you meant!

I feel like I'm too plugged in and want to disconnect and kinda go on an early midlife crisis kinda deal.
Posted in:
Baby Names
I find that a very bleak view, personally. But, I get that having kids isn't for everyone, and everyone needs to make their own choice. But it seems to me that personal success and happiness are traits which, in and of themselves, are a poor legacy. To what end should we have success, if not to make the world better for those who follow us? And, thus, for success to have real value, there must be a new generation waiting in the wings to benefit from it. I just don't get the idea of success for one's own sake.
I don't need to have children of my own for there to be other people for whom I make the world a better place.

Besides, I don't see it as putting life on pause. I think that's a poor way to conceptualize it. Rather, it's taking your life in a new direction, which is itself an enriching and worthwhile experience. Life doesn't stop when you have kids, it just changes.
I think it's two different ways to look at the same thing, mine being the pessimistic, yours being the idealistic. I think that depending on what you think of that new direction it can be one or the other.

At the moment I am considering (after graduating) moving out west and living a relatively isolated life. I don't think that's a good environment in which to raise kids, especially for their interpersonal development. At this point I'd prioritize my own happiness over that of my theoretical children. As I said before though, if I end up in a long-term relationship, I can definitely see both my life trajectory and opinion on that changing.

I also think my thinking is being influenced by the fact that I have a puppy and that is plenty for me, and I know kids are obviously much more work.
Posted in:
Dating a TA
At this point this is more of a hypothetical, because my class is almost over. However, I think the TA in my Business Ethics (oxymoron, amirite?) class is cute and from the times I've talked to her seems like someone with whom I'd get along. All the TAs are in charge of is attendance; would it be wrong to date a TA? I feel like it's a yes if they're grading your work (particularly if it's something like a paper that's subjective) but in a case like this I'm unsure. Interested in others' opinions.
Posted in:
Sign-Ups: Star Trek DS9 Mafia
Understandable. Figured it couldn’t hurt to ask!
Posted in:
Sign-Ups: Star Trek DS9 Mafia
Your games are sometimes unique. Can we expect any unique mechanics?
Posted in:
Baby Names
Not sure how to reply with quotes here (same as DDO?)

:Let’s see

My friend is named Jameson and his dad is James. I prefer Jameson because it’s less common and therefore has more character in my opinion.

My dog name ideas were largely influenced by mythology, animals, and Star Wars haha

As far as kids go, I just don’t want to put my own life on pause to raise children. I feel like there’s a good chance I end up having kids, because I’d still like to get married, and there’s a decent chance I’ll feel differently then. At the time being though, the financial burden and effect on my life isn’t worth it in my opinion.
Posted in:
Baby Names
I mostly like names that are uncommon but not odd. I do really like Jason, which contrasts the nature of the majority of names I like.
Posted in:
Baby Names
I'd like to name my son Leonidas because I never truly came down from the high of testosterone from the first time I heard the story of the Spartans at Thermopylae/saw 300. He could go by Leo too, which helps normalize it. One of my friends is named Jameson, which is a name I like quite a bit as well.

I have an extensive list of dog names (from which I have taken Zion for my black lab) but most of them would be too weird for a human.

I'm also not sure I want kids to begin with though...
Posted in:
I'm not sure if it's only available to undergrads, but the student bundle is cheaper than normal premium and you get showtime and hulu
Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Congrats! I'm doing alright. I'm in my junior year now, had an eventful summer, back on the grind.
Posted in:
I agree but when you’re getting Hulu (and Showtime) for free you’d be a fool not to have Premium for Students.

Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself
Kinda long time, no see! How are you? Still abroad?
Posted in:
If you're a college student and don't have Spotify Premium you're either unaware of the tremendous deal or an idiot.

$4.99/month for premium, Hulu, and Showtime
Posted in:
Welcome to DART: Introduce Yourself

I'm warren42. I came here from DDO.

I enjoy a good debate when I have the time, but I mostly will be hanging in the forums (and playing mafia, if it catches on)

I'm a college student studying business, hoping to work in a sports or outdoors-related company (looks like a professional team is the most likely)

My hobbies include debate, mafia, photography, guitar, and sports, particularly boxing, soccer, basketball, and football.

I was an avid user of DDO and I hope that this site can give us what DDO could not anymore.