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For nearly a decade, in ever increasing frequency and severity left-tribers in control of state governments have violated the 2nd amendment of the US constitution AND federal court confirmations of their violation.

They try to ban guns (de facto, regardless of their claims). The supreme court tells them "that's unconstitutional" and these left-tribe insurrectionists take that as a cue to write a new law which does the exact same thing as it buys them another 16 months for it to percolate to the supreme court.

In other words they're calling the bluff of the US constitution: Supreme court? How many divisions do they have?

There are no repercussions for violating the US constitution. The very worst that happens is that after long delays you are told "stop, and don't do it again" by less than a hundred people in black robes who never show themselves in public.

When mayors declared their cities "sanctuary cities" they were publicly announcing their intention to give aid and comfort to persons committing federal crimes. Thus impeding official proceedings. That is, by the most recent definition of insurrection, insurrection.

At last, the right-tribe leadership has begun to show the first inklings of understanding the true nature of the system we find ourselves in. At last they are asking "you and what army?"

Now Trump didn't send in the army to seize any "sanctuary" cities, but under left-tribe logic he could have. Biden may send in the troops for this, but it doesn't matter who acts first because the act will happen or the supreme court will become meaningless followed shortly by the complete collapse of federal authority.

Be it collapse into pathetic powerlessness or civil war, either outcome is preferable to the inane slavery of pretending we are living in a nation of laws.
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