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Greetings DebateArt!

Today is the first stage of the Hall of Fame process.
This stage will last from now until March 16th, at ~10:30 PST.

A few reminders:
  • Mass PM threads, campaigning, and coordinating votes are prohibited. If any votes are found to be coordinated, the votes will be nullified.
  • You may vote for anyone and anything you like, but do note that moderation reserves the right to veto options (such as if it's done for trolling).
  • Self voting is allowed, but please be aware that it may backfire.

For the nomination stage, you may nominate up to 3 users, 3 debates, and 3 miscellaneous (formerly just threads, now anything you'd like be it threads or otherwise) to be put into the Hall of Fame!
You may change your votes (within reason) any time before nominations close.

The most popular nominees from each shall advance to the voting stage.
If voting is overwhelming in favor of certain nominees, they may skip the next phase of voting and be immediately placed into the Hall of Fame.

UPDATE: While three from each category may be nominated, final voting will be for just two, and two from each category the winners shall be.

Good luck,

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