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I want to sincerely thank all who voted me.

I lost and take the L with dignity despite what things look like.

I want you all to sit and think for a moment, whiteflame, Barney, Supadudz, Austin, Zedvictor (day 1 supporter ❤), Reece101 and FLRW too (from the start 💯). 

You all need to think about what you can do to better this website. Whether you are forum-heavy, debate-heavy or just a lurker who tactically comments. Please ask yourself before you hit the equivalent of 'Send', could you have made it slightly more debate-oriented?

I do not love DART, I like it. I did not love DDO. I am busy/tired rn and cannot type too much and this was exhausting even emotionally just to wonder what the outcome would be and mot let go because we both know, you voters and I, that Wylted probably will treat it as a joke.

I love debating, period. Be as good as me, be better than me, be the best you that you can be for DART. Do not worry about this defeat, I will try and unofficially host tournaments if people will participate. All 19 of you, even you anderwee who I do not recognise. Please contribute, make yourself warriors and flow.

Where we are different to the others lies in us not needing RM. Without Wylted they are just Pie and some trolls that ruined RM winning on a clown platform. Do not be sad, angry or jealous. Be the next candidate, make me want to drop out for you. Make DART grateful as fuck to have you.

I mean this, no matter how cringe it sounds, you have it in you to be a better you than any other member can dream of. Do not hold it back out of cynicism and fear.

Thank you to all of you, even you mr last minute voter for the underdog, weaver, I do not see your vote as a pity-vote at all, I can tell after that I earned it.

We live in a world afraid to debate, bad manners they call our passion. Celebrate your disagreeable nature, be the best you.
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