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In short, for about a week, there will be a few questions open for the community to vote on. 
Voting for this poll will be closed at 12 AM PT (UTC -7) on June 19, 2020.
Even though this is a non-binding un-official MEEP, it is sanctioned by the mods and the results could influence moderation policies and the implementation of future site features.

About MEEP:
As seen in the moderation overview

The Questions:
Below is an enumerated list of the content to be voted on. A brief explanation of each question is included as well.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the removal of the following clause in the new COC (the full document can be found here):

Subsection B1: The Chief and Deputy Moderators and Site Owner
  1. Conduct violations against the Chief Moderator, Deputy Moderator, and the Site Owner will not be enforced, barring certain exceptions
  2. Exceptions to PA.A1.SB.SbB1.PI are limited to:
    1. Plausible, repeated, or serious threats
    2. Hacking or attempted hacking
    3. Staff Impersonation
    4. Doxxing or attempted doxxing
    5. Life- or health-threatening cyberbullying
    6. Violating the privacy of PMs not related to issues of moderation
  • "Yes" indicates agreement with the removal of the above clause in the new COC.
  • "No" indicates disagreement with the removal of the above clause in the new COC.
2.  Are you for or against mods being allowed to vote in future MEEPs? Note that there are more than two options for this question:
  • "Yes1" indicates a preference for banning all moderators from voting on referendums.
  • "Yes2" indicates a preference for banning the chief and deputy moderators from voting on referendums.
  • "Yes3" indicates a preference for limiting the chief and deputy from voting, save for breaking stalemates.
  • "No" indicates opposition to this refinement.
3. Are you for or against votes being reported on (and possibly removed) after the voting period is finished? Note that there are more than two options for this question:
  • "Yes1" indicates a preference for votes being reported on (and possibly removed) regardless of whether or not the ratings are changed.
  • "Yes2" indicates a preference for votes being reported on (and possibly removed) only if ratings will be changed to reflect vote changes.
  • "No" indicates opposition to this refinement.
4. Are you for or against the implementation of a polling section in DART? 
  • "Yes" indicates a preference for the implementation of a polling section in DART.
  • "No" indicates opposition to the implementation of a polling section in DART.
5. Are you for or against the implementation of advertisements on DART? Note that there are more than two options for this question:
  • "Yes1" indicates a preference for the implementation of pop-up ads, video ads, static banners, and text ads (text ads are like with sponsored links on Google).
  • "Yes2" indicates a preference for the implementation of video ads, static banners, and text ads.
  • "Yes3" indicates a preference for the implementation of static banners and text ads.
  • "Yes4" indicates a preference for the implementation of text ads only.
  • "No" indicates opposition to the implementation of advertisements on DART.
This poll will use the same voting system as the previous MEEP.

A vote could look like this:
  1. Yes, 
  2. Yes1, (the 1 signifying a preference for variant 1)
  3. Yes.
Like this (the missing 2, counts it as abstaining that question):
1. No, each change should be an individual question
3. Yes, we shouldn't even have voting rules.

Or even like this (a vote against 3, but abstaining from the others):
Wrong direction for voting, so no.

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