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Total topics: 6

What's wrong with teaching children about heaven and hell?

It is not the same as teaching Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.

11 6
Hope you enjoy your festive fun. Depending on where you are in the world and how you celebrate it (many Europeans celebrate it at the evening of the eve) may it be enjoyable and the food be plentiful. If you're very poor and the food is barely available, that is a great shame.

If you don't celebrate it, that's cool but I don't get this BS 'offense'. Nobody would dare go to Middle East and say 'call your Eid celebrations 'X mubarak' nor would Ramadan ever be renamed 'unislamic fasting'.

Christmas was jacked from Scandinavian Paganism and turned into a Christian festival, enjoy it and if you don't celebrate it either enjoy your excuse for family time this late December or get hyped for New Year's or treat it as any other last week of a month and try to make the most of it.
4 3
It is time for us to get the site booming. We need to make it appeal fast and risk.

Do you know what people enjoy? Especially women? Good looking websites and i don't just mean good looking guys, women like to go to places good looking women are too and cute reindeer and all of that.

Is this sexist? Guys will join it too but we have a deficit of grown intellectual women who fancy revisiting this over and over again. Let's play the game other website do, we have a nice-looking logo and nice looking design but they take one look at some of the profile pics here and go booooriing.

I WILL MAKE YOU SENSATIONAL, explain your request, I'll give you a profile pic you love.
28 6
The children play the day away
As the night falls and the cookies bake
The children sing jolly songs
Of a man in a red suit
With presents for the good children
They sing to the snow, they sing to the man
The TV blares Christmas carols
As the children get prepared for Sunday mass
And after there mass their eyelids sink
As the parents carry them to their
The night comes and children sleep
Hoping that the jolly man
Gives them the gifts they asked

Merry Christmas DART! 

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