Instigator / Pro

I Was Right! White People Have Been Officialy Labelled As Domestic Terrorists


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As the title states, white supremacy has been "Officially" listed as "The Greatest Threat To America" by the Dept. of Homeland Security. News Broke a few days ago about the group of people who are committing the most crimes in the US, and it's not a surprise because white people (in general) are criminal minded to the highest degree. The individuals who I've debated in the past are looking like complete & utter fools right about now because I was 100% correct. If anyone objects to this well-known topic of proof, then you're more than welcome to argue your lack of position.


that was debunked the person who did the so called study admitted he did it for glory kinda proves that most scientiest dont do it for moeny everyone came after him, the vast majority of scintiest i know are kind sperg, thye dont care about fame or money they live in their own self contained eality looking for truth


I mean, you can find a source that says vaccines cause autism. That doesn't mean it is right.


Dude, how old are you? Really? You know good and well that every white person doesn't fall under the category.

If white people practice white supremacy in the US & since white supremacists are committing acts of terror in the US, then who do you think are being labelled as domestic terrorists?

I just seen the funniest sh** of all-time over at the defunct very own Dr. Franklin is embroiled in a heated debate over shoe laces & bubble gum. LMAO! He has stooped to new levels.
I haven't laughed this hard in years but this is what happens if you cheat with the votes.


"3 white people committing three-seperate mass shootings in the past 90-ish days"
the government (or any other official institution) has labelled every single white person as a domestic terrorist



Playing semantics & dodging the question is only exposing you.

I'll ask one more time...In the US, wasn't it white people who committed three-separate mass shooting in the past 90-ish days?


White People (caucasians):
1. White-skinned; of European origin.

1. In a formal and public way.
1.1With the authority of the government or other organization.

Your argument is: White People Have Been Official[l]y Labelled As Domestic Terrorists

Your argument means: All people of European origin (those with white skin) have been formally labelled, by an official institution (government or otherwise), as a "domestic terrorist".

As far as I am aware of, no decree has been made, by any official institution, that labels EVERY SINGLE PERSON OF EUROPEAN ORIGIN as a domestic terrorist. Yes, some white people have been labelled "terrorists", but this does not mean ALL HAVE BEEN.


Your last statement is what I've been saying all along. Thanks for admitting it.
And The links are there.


Playing the semantics game again aren't you. lol...You asked "What fact?"...Ok, I'll ask one basic question that only requires a yes or no answer.

In the US, wasn't it white people who committed three-separate mass shooting in the past 90-ish days?

Well, well...PressF4Respect has left the building.


I'll simplify the last comment for you: the point of any political party is to get power. Pretty simple.

You posted no links in your argument.

Also, the Black Panther group was a bunch of terrorists.


What fact? As far as I am aware of, no official institution has labelled all white people as domestic terrorists


The sources are there, which is why you shouldn't cherry pick through the I correct?

And your last statement made no sense what-so-ever.


Dude. Why do you never provide sources? lol


I mean, that kinda comes with having parties. You believe your ideas are best, and therefore you want to rule. You don't intentionally let people you presume have bad ideas take control. That would be irresponsible.


This is not a proposition, it's a fact. I'm simply highlighting what's going on and exposing who's perpetrating the crimes.
Nothing more, nothing less.


And all of that which you're saying comes back to (power & control).

Example: Democrats want to impeach Trump but lack the (power) because the Republicans (control) the Senate. Republicans have the necessary (power) to build a wall but lack total (control) because Democrats keeps blocking the funding through loop holes.


I don't think you entirely know what your own proposition entails


I don't even know what Boko Haram is but all white people have a little white supremacy in them because you all think the same way. If you didn't have any WS in you then you wouldn't be trying to argue against facts.
Yes, every racial group commits crime but whites commit crime at a much higher rate. All we have to do is look at your track record throughout history.


You already know how I feel about government crime stats but I'm going to roast your a** with your very own government crime stats by clicking

I bet you feel mighty stupid right about now don't you?

Ethno states in Northern Europe are known for cannibalism, rape, child molestation, beastiality etc. I know more about your history than you do.


Whether per capita or per whatever, whites are rank #1 in every crime category, which is why (you) just stated that whites commit the most crime via population...And if whites built the country then what was the purpose of using slaves to do the actual building of the country.

I'll wait...………………...……………...




Control over the judicial, executive, and legislative branches maybe. But a small government gives them less power and control over my life. (Not classical) Liberals want to command what types of guns I can buy, what health insurance plan I can use, and want to censor my speech.


Boko haram isnt a regular crime, its a belief structure that leads to routine such actions. And they are all black.
Are you upset im applying the same standard to blacks that you apply to white? Lol

You never answered any of my questions:
What percentage of white people are white supremacists? What percentage of a population justifies a generalization? How far should the generalization be applied?
Using your logic cant all people be guilty of all things?

i was right this is just troling

again if you want to do this white people are the most law abiding members of society 10% of the popualtion commit 90% of the crime and that 10% aint white folks okay, you want people to get proviked dont you? a disroportionate amount of violence and crime and terrisim coe from minorites, if you look at ethno states of northern europe at least before the muslsims should up there was virtually no crime

look i dont want to do this but the homicide rate among backs is 8 time that of whites and hispanics its about 3 times whites as a rule per capita have much lower rates of crime, compare crime rates in suburbs to urbanareas filled with minorities what do you find? homicide rates about 5 to ten times highers, i mean i dont want to be racist but i think you wanted to provoke thjis.. sure white commit most of the crime we are a bigger part of the population in per capital terms white people are like 90% mor elaw abing than any mornority maybe that because of income but , lets stick with facts white peole built the nation and most of the crime comes from minority populations terrists acts kill what a few dozen more blacks get killed by other blacks than they do by nazis and most white people arent in extremist poaitical groups

even slower so you might pay heed, no its an incorrect statement inaccurate at best


I'll say it again and very slowly so you can understand...This...….. Is...….A...….General...….Statement.


Conservatives and liberals both fight for "Power & Control."

Whether right-wing or left-wing, they're still two wings of the same bird...….Am I Correct?


I never argued otherwise so what are you talking about? Choosing a random crime isn't helping your case.


conservatives and classical liberals fight for small government socialists fight for big government god know i do!

not all the white people just like not all islams


Conservatives fight for small government. Liberals fight for big government. Yes. Same thing.


What percentage of white people are white supremacists? What percentage of a population justifies a generalization? How far should the generalization be apploed?
Using your logic cant all people be guilty of all things?


Black people kidnap girls and use them as slaves.


It's quite ignorant to think that there's a difference between a conservative and a liberal, especially when they're fighting for the exact same thing.


Since white people practice white supremacy then I'm confident that I wouldn't need to differentiate any other group for this topic.


People are judged as a collective because it's impossible to make an absolute statement about every single person that's within the group.


I dont think his intent was to outrage liberals with this post, although that may very well happen. Maybe other posts, but the trolling on this post seems targeted. I was referring mostly to the person behind those words, and his intent.


There is no rhyme or reason to what a troll does.

I know you were upset with his ignorance. I was just asking why him calling white people terrorists was more meant to upset conservatives.


And i believe i showed this outrage by calling him out. Triggered isnt a specifically defined word. I find myself often triggered by ignorance or stupidity, but not in an outrage kinda way. Not every form of action is outrage or butthurtedness.

The point was he seemed intent on trying to trigger a maximum number of conservatives, regardless of whether or not it was effective. And regardless of how hard he had to twist his words into something both completely dishonest and wrong. So the question is: why?


I mean, he doesn't trigger me. I get great enjoyment over watching him make a fool out of himself after I realized he probably doesn't believe what he says.

I don't see how this should trigger "conservatives" exclusively. Shouldn't liberals be outraged by racism as well?


Do you got out of your way to phrase your title in the most incorrect way in order to trigger a maximum number of conservatived? I know you clarified in your previous debate that you dont mean all white people... but you could have made that clear in your title. Instead you clearly said all white people as you said it again now and that is blatantly wrong.

Your essentially using the same stupid tactics as conservatives when they blame all muslims for every islamic act of terrorism. You are wrong.


What is your resolution? Is the subject white people or white supremacists? You ref a DHS doc without citation are u just arguing that what the DHS says is true or what?