Instigator / Pro

Debateart is lazy


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 21 votes and with 71 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

If you tried to vote on it wouldn't let you and list the requirements, here it lets you vote anyway and then mods come and remove your votes because you didn't follow the guidelines, talk about a lazy downgrade much.

To be lazy means capable of doing something, but not wanting to do it. Its not a subjective term.


No I do not


Don't worry Doc. Will give it a try, once i have recovered from my days wasted on that Saddam debate at
You got voting privileges over there btw?


Dont trust him, he lost this debate

Thanks for letting me know about this. Not going to waste time in this case, wasting time on debates and voting if the voting sytstem is manipulated


>Reported Vote: fauxlaw // Mod action: [Removed]
>Points Awarded: Tied
>Reason for Decision:
This is the most absurd "debate" I've seen exercised here.
Arguments: the participants argued, but neither one made convincing debate arguments, pro or con.
Sources: what's a source?
S&G: lack of, yes.
Conduct: deplorable, both sides, by lack of debate as the term suggests a formal activity.
>Reason for Mod Action: While I am similarly incensed by the substance-less debacle that barely approximates what I would call a "debate," the Voting Policy located in the Code of Conduct and the Extended Voter policies suggest that any tie vote must "clearly explain why, based on what transpired in the debate, they chose not to award points." While many of these complaints are valid, there needs to be specific mention of what occurred during the debate. (Granted, there wasn't much that happened, but you could mention that no argument registers because both debaters used one word or one sentence posts that fail to function as arguments.) I implore the voter to vote again and to do a once over of the Voting Policy.


I guess I was wrong. I spoke to another mod. You can repost it.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they need to be completed, but I was going to ask him anyway


Ask that question to Ragnar, you'll be asking who Blamonkey is about to ask. Just a streetsmart tip from a local Guru.


I do have two completed debates. Do I actually have to wait for voting to complete on my second debate to qualify?


>Reported Vote: Lazorous // Mod action: [Removed]

>Points Awarded: 4 to Con

>Reason for Decision: "I would have liked to see even one decent argument from either side. I had little to vote on besides two forfeitures from Pro."

>Reason for Mod Action: The user is ineligible to vote per the Voting Guidelines. To vote, a user must have either 2 finished debates or 100 forum posts. The following URL will take you to the CoC and Voting Guidelines which I recommend skimming.


As much as i adore your excuses and passive aggressive insults, you are now well aware of this problem and should take action to sort it out, if you end up refusing to do this because it was addressed specifically here then you clearly dont care about these issues.

they dont let me vote


Do you know how many other simple and not so much inconveniences have been resolved during all this time? But I guess you haven't taken those into consideration, you just found one issue to complain about and without properly bringing it to attention, decided to call people lazy.

I didn't mean that it was a fancy feature, what I was trying to point out is that we have lots of issues, small and big and they take time to resolve considering that it's a hobby project and we don't have a team of devs here. And before something is resolved, it has to be brought to attention first and quite often discussed with the community, which hasn't been done. And frankly, before you "call things as you see them", you gotta analyze the context, question your judgement and think carefully about what you are going to say, that will help you in life.


So you and possibly others had the time to make a entire website with a debate system, forums, and a leaderboard all with an insufficient budget, but couldn't manage something so simple that would save your new members from a major inconvenience.. how about i post this issue on the platform development forum in a slightly different context about hundred times, that way i will be able to actually vote according to your sites requiem correct?

I dont see how a simple redirect for new non-qualified accounts would exactly fall under "fancy features" which require an entire payed development team to implement, but thats just my opinion. If you have a problem with me calling you lazy, i cant help you, i call things as i see them, and the only issue you seem to have here is that your not happy that i posted this specifically here as if that somehow undermines the problem in the first place.



Also on people "enjoyed" lots of advertisements that, apparently, generated enough profits for the company to hire developers that could speed up the development process and implement some fancy features. All the income we have here is 16$ which is less than I spend on the hosting, so the development is not exactly fast, as I hope you can imagine. And also it's first time I hear about this issue, so nobody brought it up on the forum, and you didn't do that either, even though the "Platform development" is the easiest topic to find on the forum, so don't tell me about lazyness.

I would recommend posting this complaint on the form...