Instigator / Pro

Eurocentric Lies Should Be Abolished Immediately: Prove Me Wrong


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As of 2021, the world's history has been destroyed and rebranded by Europeans across the globe. These false teaching and massive amounts of disinformation has been a major problem to societies around the globe. Europeans have literally built an entire educational system that spreads these lies on a continuous basis. In the process, authentic history has been either removed, hidden or completely destroyed to keep this charade operating at full capacity. Not only has the Eurocentric lies made its way into mainstream society; these lies have made their way into religion. From American history to ancient's time to expose and eradicate this ridiculous system of deceit.

If you can prove that European culture isn't built on lies, then they're welcome to take this debate. I only deal with facts/evidence, so please leave your emotions at the door.

Round 1
The stage is already set from the introduction. Eurocentric disinformation purposely hides the real truth while giving European culture or people all of the credit. This has happened all over the globe through war and colonization. We can start things off with the Bible and how it has been tampered with to make these biblical figures white. The Bible specifically says how these people looked, but Euro lies continue to use images of white people.

The American education system is viewed as a joke by many foreign countries because half of the information that's taught is not accurate. For Example: Christopher Columbus is celebrated in the US as discovering America, but documents have shown that he never stepped foot on American soil. He and his fellow voyagers were never accomplished navigators of the sea, and they committed a ton of crimes....When looking at diseases/illnesses around the globe; it was Europeans who purposely spread these bioweapons throughout the years and have masked the corruption via missionary work.

Eurocentric lies have tried to separate Egypt from the rest of the Africa via Egyptology. There's no such thing as "Sub-Saharan Africa," which is an attempt to take the credit away from Africans whom built the pyramid. Eurocentric lies have started wars globally in order to destabilize certain countries, and the US is the perfect example of doing these things...Whites have purposely hid the inventions of Black people throughout the years, which is why they're never talked about in schools or on mainstream media. 

Holidays are some of the biggest Euro scams in history and they possess little-to-no truth. Eurocentric lies of random crime statistics have been debunked on a regular basis, especially because everyone knows that white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history. The hypocrisy of these lies can be seen on a daily basis, especially when dealing with law enforcement among each race. Blue Lives Matter or Back The Badge are fully supported by most white people, but that support vanished when the US Capital was overrun and looted last week. 

This only scratches the surface to my argument. If you feel like this information is false, then now is the chance to prove me wrong...Good Luck
Thank you, Pro.

It is an honour to defend European honour.


As of 2021, the world's history has been destroyed and rebranded by Europeans across the globe.
Europeans live in Europe, not across the globe.

Could you also specify what history has been destroyed and rebranded? As far as I know, history is forever lost to time - the only way to retrieve it is by using archaeology.

The Bible specifically says how these people looked
Ok - we are going to use the Bible as a historical source if that is what you mean.

If you can prove that European culture isn't built on lies, then they're welcome to take this debate.
How can a culture be built on lies? The definitions:
Lie: An intentionally false statement.[1]

Culture: The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.[2]
Cultures cannot be built on lies - because only the source will spread a lie intentionally. Cultures can be built on misinformation, not lies.

Eurocentric disinformation purposely hides the real truth while giving European culture or people all of the credit.
What is the real truth? There is none - the most accurate we have is created by historians - both Europeans and other - who uses the scientific theories invented in Europe.

What "credit" are you talking about? Where the light bulb invented in China, but then Europeans stole the credit? Be specific with your accusations.


The Bible specifically says how these people looked, but Euro lies continue to use images of white people.
  1. The Bible never describes how anybody looked - misinterpretations led to funny misunderstandings - like how Michelangelo painted Moses with horns.
  2. We know that Jesus was a Jew from Galilee, so he was clearly "more white" than Africans and many Asians. (according to BBC ) [3]
  3. The reason that Jesus is depicted as white is because of the light-emitting from him which is a religious symbol of his statement: "I am the light of the world".
  4. Just search "black Jesus" on the internet and you will find that those pictures exist and flourish.
  5. The colour of Jesus in pictures is not as important as how relateable he is - it would be harder to adore a person looking foreign.

The American education system is viewed as a joke by many foreign countries
Really? That is because of how ineffective it is becoming, not because of misinformation. [4] Also - the USA is located outside of Europe, and their culture is entirely different.

half of the information that's taught is not accurate
More than half of the information is math, rhetoric, writing, English, gym, economics - etc. Give me a source for these statistics.

Christopher Columbus is celebrated in the US as discovering America
Christopher Columbus did not discover America first - my ancestors the Vikings did.
He never stepped foot on American soil .... committed a ton of crimes.
How did Christopher Columbus commit a ton of crimes if he never arrived in America? The crimes were not committed by him - but by the Vikings (against other Europeans).

He and his fellow voyagers were never accomplished navigators of the sea
This is by definition a lie, a show of ignorance or a lack of intelligence. Centuries later, with better technology and better navigation - Titanic sunk in the same ocean. The fact that Columbus returned to Europe in itself is an achievement worthy of being celebrated. The Viking went from Greenland to Newfoundland, while Columbus crossed the entire Atlantic ocean - and a slight miscalculation would have led to them dying before they reached land.

When looking at diseases/illnesses around the globe; it was Europeans who purposely spread these bioweapons throughout the years and have masked the corruption via missionary work.
LOL. If an illogical thing exists despite neither being a thing nor possibly existing - it must be this passage. Even if we take it for true, it's so illogical:
  • You call the same thing illness, disease, bioweapon and corruption - all have different meanings.
  • Missionaries brought medicine, not bioweapons. Claiming otherwise would be the most illogical conspiracy theory to date.
  • Europeans were also subject to diseases, and so was the entire globe. The reasons why disease killed Indians was because Europeans did not understand biology. Whatever they did, they did nothing on purpose since they could not predict the effects of their actions.
  • Did missionaries start the great plague? The great plague came from another continent, so the same argument could be made to say "Asians spread diseases".
This argument is ridiculous - the connection to reality could exist had pro not included these words: bioweapon, intentionally, missionary, throughout the years, etc

Eurocentric lies have tried to separate Egypt from the rest of the Africa via Egyptology. There's no such thing as "Sub-Saharan Africa," 
Lies cannot do anything, they can just be spread. There is no such thing as "continent" either, but we divide them in order to study them more effective and easier to detect patterns in our research. 

an attempt to take the credit away from Africans whom built the pyramid. 
No. It was an attempt to take the blame away from Africans who held entire populations in slavery for centuries, that attempted genocide, that forced workers to be slaves, that had a ruthless dictator-religion, etc. The division is a good thing, as the rest of Africa has no historic sources to document their own sins. Thus, because "Sub-Saharan-Africa" is a thing of its own - Africans never committed any crime or immoral act before the modern age.
My irony should teach pro a lesson in rhetoric - his argument is subjective, incoherent and has no weight whatsoever.

Whites have purposely hid the inventions of Black people throughout the years
Sources, please? As far as I know, few to no modern inventions were made by black people OR white people - except those that lived in the USA, a non-European country, or those that lived in Europe.

they're never talked about in schools or on mainstream media
This is true - but is applied to every invention, regardless of the skin colour of whoever invented it.

Holidays are some of the biggest Euro scams in history and they possess little-to-no truth
Is that why people from all around the world loves holidays? Only poor people or poor countries do not experience holidays. Also, holidays increase happiness.

Eurocentric lies of random crime statistics have been debunked on a regular basis
I am sorry, but does not "random" and "statistics" undermine each other? This claim is basically containing no information at all, except saying: "I, Pro, want to win"

especially when dealing with law enforcement among each race.
Again - you mean the USA, not Europe.

white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history
Yes, people from all around the world know about the European crimes. But who knows about the African or Asian crimes, except the history nerds? Nobody. 
But if everyone knows about the European crimes, and nobody knows about the well-documented crimes committed by non-Europeans - who is then hind the truth?


This only scratches the surface to my argument.
Actually not. Pro has made it clear that his entire argument can be summed up like this:
  • Europe was the worst thing ever
  • Europe became rich and conquered the world
  • Europe controls the world and thus every problem in the world is because of Europe
  • Europeans control the media so nobody except pro knows about their conspiracy

If you feel like this information is false, then now is the chance to prove me wrong...Good Luck
Why do I need to prove your information is wrong? I use mainstream common sense.

The argument from Pro was not convincing at all, and it was based on no sources.

Back to you Pro

: )

Round 2
I'll try to cover as much of Con's novel nonsense as possible.

First things first, my opponent's very first blunder states that "Europeans live in Europe, not across the globe." My question is "Are white people in America European?  Are white people in Australia European?? Are white people in South Africa European???" If they aren't European, then what are they?............I'll wait.

Con asks "Could you also specify what history has been destroyed and rebranded? As far as I know, history is forever lost to time - the only way to retrieve it is by using archaeology."...My Reply: Didn't slavery destroy/rebrand Black people's culture, native tongue and religion?....Africa is a perfect example of a destroyed history, especially when thousands of African artifacts are sitting in European museums...So, how did those artifacts get to Europe? Remember what King Leopold did?

Con asks "How can a culture be built on lies?"...My reply: Ask the indigenous people of America and around the globe that suffered from Euro colonization. The definition of culture is "the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group."...Europeans have lied about discovering regions that were already inhabited and have co-opted the culture as their own, which can't be refuted...I'm sure the Native Americans would attest to this fact. I'm sure the Aboriginal people of Australia & New Zealand would attest to this fact....This is why you have whites pretending to be Native Americas, which is a huge joke unto itself. Just look at the Mormon Church of Latter-Day Saints, which was founded by a criminal named Joseph Smith, which said that Black people were cursed. 

Sir, culture spans across many categories and genres including religion. 

Con says "Cultures cannot be built on lies - because only the source will spread a lie intentionally."...My reply: Con's reply perfectly contradicts itself. Case in Point: Whites have built an entire system of racism (which is a culture) in which they depend on to thrive...The definition of racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior...Question...Is the definition of racism the truth or a lie?           I'll wait

Con says "the Bible never describes how anybody looked." My reply: Revelation 1:14-15 specifically states that "Jesus had hair of wool, feet of brass that looked like it was burnt in a flame"...If you burn brass or anything, then what color will it become?  Jeremiah 14:2 "TheJews Are Black." LAMENTATIONS 4:8"Their visage is blacker than a coal." "JOB 30:30"My skin is black upon me ."

Con says "The reason that Jesus is depicted as white is because of the light-emitting from him which is a religious symbol of his statement: The colour of Jesus in pictures is not as important as how relateable he is - it would be harder to adore a person looking foreign." My reply: Nope, that's known as Indoctrination, which goes back to my Mormon statement in which whites use indoctrination to spread "Lies." Since the Holy Bible clearly says that Jesus & the Jews were Black, why did Europeans change his true image?

Con says "Christopher Columbus did not discover America first - my ancestors the Vikings did." My reply: Need I say more
Con says "How did Christopher Columbus commit a ton of crimes if he never arrived in America? The crimes were not committed by him - but by the Vikings (against other Europeans." My reply: Bartolome de las Casas, a former-slave trader, wrote several accounts of Columbus' atrocities of rape, murder torture. Columbus was arrested & taken back to Spain, but was later pardoned...

As everyone can see, Con isn't making any sense, and I've provided documented evidence to back up my facts. The rest of his argument is simply filler and semantics about stats, and diseases that are man-made and spread on purpose. 

Thank you, Pro


I'll try to cover as much of Con's novel nonsense as possible.
But why did you stop before you reached the character count? Admit it, everything I said was either true or irrefutable with current knowledge. This brings about another problem: facts and sources. We could do this all day, me overloading Pro with facts, and he calling my facts for lies since he does not trust my sources. What about giving your own sources, Pro? Find some "un-white" sources that support your claim and that can be verified by men and the readers. Anyways, Pro is clearly not relying on the factuality of his claims to win this debate - rather he relies on the emotional weight his rhetoric has.

Are white people in America European?
No. They are just white. White people have different cultures depending on where they live, they are not a single group. I could have understood if your accusation went against Europe only. Your accusation against all white people is nothing but racist. Pro claims that white people in Australia, simply by being white, are part of an evil conspiracy to destroy the world. What does he really mean - are Americans just like Europeans? I thought they fought a war to get rid of European rule.

Oxfords definition:
Racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.[1]" 

Racism must not be built on the idea that one's own race is superior - it must just be to accuse an ethnic group as a whole instead of individuals and smaller groups.
Pros attitude clearly fits under this criteria, if we look at his statements:
These false teaching and massive amounts of disinformation has been a major problem to societies around the globe
it was Europeans who purposely spread these bioweapons
Whites have purposely hid the inventions of Black people throughout the years
white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history
If this is not racist argumentation, I do not know what is.


If they aren't European, then what are they?.
Americans, Australians, South Africans. Nobody has ever heard such people refer to themselves as "Europeans". Obviously, their ancestors were Europeans, but remember that according to the Bible, and even modern science, humanity are all descendants of a few African or middle eastern humans. So are we all Africans? No.
Con completely misunderstands the word "Europe", it does not refer to ethnicities but rather to geographics.

Didn't slavery destroy/rebrand Black people's culture, native tongue and religion?
No. Slavery was a pain for the slaves, but it did not rebrand Black peoples culture - Africa was colonized many years after America. What destroyed African tribe cultures were the Arab raiders that captured slaves to sell, and the African kings willing to sell their people for guns to wage war. Are you talking about the slaves - of course, they lost their identity - they were slaves after all. But must I mind you that today the black people that descended from the slaves live better lives than most of their brethren in Africa that were never taken as slaves?

Europeans have lied about discovering regions that were already inhabited
Let me mind you that Europeans discovered America anyways - either Columbus or the Vikings. They crossed the ocean, the Indians walked over a frozen channel.

Ask the indigenous people of America and around the globe that suffered from Euro colonization
It seems you think "colonization" was a European idea. Let me remind you about 3493473 different names and iterations of the Chinese, Arab, Babylonian, Egyptian, Mongol, Persian, Incan, Mayan, Aztec and etc empires. Making big empires driven by armies is a universal idea - not a European invention. The difference between colonization and the universal imperialism was small: more effective exploitation due to more effective technology.

But how could the Europeans conquered the world so easily? USA and Europe simply had a better system of society, one that led to science and technology. Every country that adopts the western model of society thrives. By the way, "the west" refers to every rich country in the world, aka every country that follows after Europe in adopting democracy, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values like human rights and freedom of speech and lastly but not least - science.

Sir, culture spans across many categories and genres including religion. 
My reply: Con's reply perfectly contradicts itself. Case in Point: Whites have built an entire system of racism (which is a culture) in which they depend on to thrive...The definition of racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior...Question...Is the definition of racism the truth or a lie?           I'll wait
Well, you have not defined "the truth" as I asked, neither have you defined what you mean by "lie", however you seem to use emotions to hide your lack of actual evidence or arguments. Your definition of racism is incorrect, especially since you provided no source to check. Most severely of all is your incorrect usage of the word "contradiction". The word means that two statements cannot be true at the same time, but Pro applies it to a loose "reply", while not providing either my statements or the explanation as to why they contradict. As to answer Pros question: according to the Bible, the latter, but according to Hitler, the former. Again, provide me "the truth" so I can evaluate your statement and your position. Personally, I ask pro to tell me

 My reply: Revelation 1:14-15 specifically states that
Impressive source - the only book in the Bible that nobody understands - And the only book that never states anything specifically.
 "Jesus had hair of wool, feet of brass that looked like it was burnt in a flame"...If you burn brass or anything, then what color will it become?
Impressive evidence from the impressive source. But how did Jesus get friends at all if he looked like fried sheep? 
 Jeremiah 14:2 "TheJews Are Black." 
Jeremiah 14:2 "Judah mourneth and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground, and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up."[2]

According to common sense, Pro is photoshopping the Bible to back up his claims which are not correct. He is basically saying that Jews are black - which is incorrect.
Since the Holy Bible clearly says that Jesus & the Jews were Black, why did Europeans change his true image?
The Bible does not clearly say that Jesus was black - the only one able to understand that fact is Pro. I already explained the motives for doing that.
that's known as Indoctrination
It's known as artistic freedom - and is even more relevant in the absence of photos. Also - do you think that the apostles were black, how did Europeans not notice? The Jews were black in the same way that Italians and Turks are black - hardly not at all.

Columbus' atrocities of rape, murder torture. Columbus was arrested & taken back to Spain, but was later pardoned...
I did your work for you and found a reliable source. [3] "The truth" is not hidden in any way, it was the first thing I found when I searched for "Columbus". And yes, he was arrested, but not for the things you accuse him of.


I've provided documented evidence
No. You have provided your own feelings, without any sources and no formal logic.

Pro has made no argument worthy of being mentioned and has no sources - his entire argument is either factually wrong, incoherent or flat out ridiculously illogical.

Pro is proposing a conspiracy theory - and it's false.

Back to you, Pro.

Round 3
Once again, I'll prove my opponent wrong because he says " why did you stop before you reached the character count? Everything I said was either true or irrefutable with current knowledge. We could do this all day, me overloading Pro with facts. My reply: Sir, didn't you say that the Vikings discovered America? How can I take you serious after a statement like that? 

Con says "Pro is clearly not relying on the factuality of his claims to win this debate - rather he relies on the emotional weight his rhetoric has."...My reply: I said that C. Columbus didn't discover America, and you agreed with me, so how is that not factual? How is that emotional?...I asked Con "Are white people in the US European and Con said No, they are just white."...How can I take you serious after a blunder like that?...

Con says "Racism must not be built on the idea that one's own race is superior - it must just be to accuse an ethnic group as a whole instead of individuals and smaller groups." My reply: Are you even aware that your statement falls directly under the racism definition? Con keeps putting his foot in his mouth over and over. Con says "Americans, Australians, South Africans. Nobody has ever heard such people refer to themselves as "Europeans". Obviously, their ancestors were Europeans." My reply: Lol, another contradicting statement...Dude, you are basically cancelling out your own argument.

Con says "humanity are all descendants of a few African or middle eastern humans. So are we all Africans? No."...My reply: Another contradicting statement...Con says "Pro completely misunderstands the word "Europe", it does not refer to ethnicities but rather to geographics." My reply: So, if Europe is a geographical region, which is true, then aren't the people of that geographical region be named after the geographical region? 

To end this geography nonsense, I'll ask one simple question. If you were born in America, then wouldn't that make you an American? 

Con says "Slavery was a pain for the slaves, but it did not rebrand Black peoples culture ." My reply: If Black Americans came from Africa, and Africa had its own culture which is religion, socialism, language etc,...then why Do Black Americans speak English? Why do most Black Americans bare the last name of their slave owners? Why were the slaves prohibited from reading and being taught to read?        CHECK OUT CON'S NEXT BLUNDER BY READING BELOW

Con says " Are you talking about the slaves - of course, they lost their identity - they were slaves after all."...My reply: In the previous statement, you clearly said "  Slavery was a pain for the slaves, but it did not rebrand Black peoples culture."...Hmmmmm...Sir, your culture is your identity.

Con stumbles yet again by saying " Let me mind you that Europeans discovered America anyways - either Columbus or the Vikings." My reply: In the previous round, didn't you say that the (your cousins the Vikings) discovered America?...Yep, I caught you in another lie. Lol....Con stumbles again when he says "But how could the Europeans conquered the world so easily? USA and Europe simply had a better system of society, one that led to science and technology." My reply: Are you aware that you're referring to USA & Europe as the same people? Doesn't this prove my point that white Americans are Europeans??.......Yep, you stumbled yet again...

Just so you know; writing, mathematics, science etc., were started in Ancient Kemet, which is in Africa, which predates any civilization in Europe or the West, which is why it's known as (Kemet)ic Science...but I'm sure you already knew that, did you not?...My opponent goes on to boast about the rich Western/European countries, but those riches came from slavery and murder.  Europeans were too busy cannibalizing each other and fornicating with animals, which is what started the Bubonic Plague...And it was the African Moors who brought medicine in to save you...but I'm sure you already knew that. Did you not?

As you can see, Con isn't on my level and his uneducated responses proves it...If I were you, then I wouldn't boast because I know more about your history than you do, and your history isn't pretty. Fornication with animals is only the tip of the iceberg.  

Thank you pro - and sorry.


 How can I take you serious after a statement like that? 
If you do not want to take me serious, do not debate me in the first place. You cannot stop mid-debate and say "I don't care what Cons says". You must respect me.

Are you even aware that your statement falls directly under the racism definition?
No. Tell me which statement. Stop spitting lies in my face WITHOUT evidence or even any arguments.

Sir, didn't you say that the Vikings discovered America? Yep, I caught you in another lie. Lol
  Stop accusing me of lying without telling me what I said that was a lie. Please tell me what is wrong about my claim, your argument seems nonsensical: "you claimed that another lie" is not a valid explanation, you need to bring up information that contradicts my statement.

As you can see, Con isn't on my level and his uneducated responses proves it...If I were you, then I wouldn't boast because I know more about your history than you do, and your history isn't pretty. Fornication with animals is only the tip of the iceberg.  
By "your", I am sure you mean "European". Listen, mate, the one historically accurate statement you said I already knew. Europeans know more about European history than people outside Europe - its common sense. If you want to challenge my facts, please specify what exactly you talk about.

Sir, didn't you say that the Vikings discovered America?
They did - look it up. They landed in Newfoundland, Canada [1].

My reply: I said that C. Columbus didn't discover America, and you agreed with me, so how is that not factual? How is that emotional?.
Yes, the one thing you got right, and we agreed on that one. Here is a small list of your non-factual statements:
  • the Holy Bible clearly says that Jesus & the Jews were Black
  • Whites have built an entire system of racism in which they depend on to thrive
  • He and his fellow voyagers were never accomplished navigators of the sea,
  • There's no such thing as "Sub-Saharan Africa,"
  • white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history
  • you have whites pretending to be Native Americas
All of these statements are either blatantly false or shockingly true. But without any sources to back them up, they are indeed blatantly false.

If Black Americans came from Africa, and Africa had its own culture which is religion, socialism, language etc,...then why Do Black Americans speak English?
You misunderstood my argument. I said that African culture was not undermined, the Europeans did not even care about Africa at the time they colonised America.

In the previous statement, you clearly said "  Slavery was a pain for the slaves, but it did not rebrand Black peoples culture."...Hmmmmm...Sir, your culture is your identity.
I specifically stated that the slaves lost their identity in the new world. But that does not mean African culture got extinct, it continued in Africa. It's in the word: "Black Americans", they are not "Black Africans". Do you really believe that "White Americans" have kept their European culture? Not at all, instead, they made their own and started to influence Europe. Does that mean that the European culture has been rebranded? No, "European / African" culture just refers to the culture in those continents.

Are you aware that you're referring to USA & Europe as the same people? Doesn't this prove my point that white Americans are Europeans?? stumbled yet again...
I said "USA and Europe", stating their independence, unlike you, you who use the word "Europeans" to describe all white people. I hope we can all agree that immigrants and refugees are more likely to identify with their nationality than their new country. I have never met a refugee in my entire life that would identify as "African/Asian". You are trying to put both white people and black people under these group identities, which do not represent reality but rather create conflicts without any purpose. 

Whites have built an entire system of racism (which is a culture) in which they depend on to thrive
This would have been true about two centuries ago. The USA had a civil war to free the slaves that Great Britain had imported from Africa. Your statement is a lie.

Just so you know; writing, mathematics, science etc., were started in Ancient Kemet, which is in Africa, which predates any civilization in Europe or the West, which is why it's known as (Kemet)ic Science
I found a source that pretty much sounds exactly like your attitude [2]. Title: "Kemet as Black African Civilization and Multiracial Society". But anyways, your claim was unsupported even in that article. Can you provide the source, please? My argument does not need sources, cause all you need to do is search on google. Tell me, what kind of technology did the Kemet have, where did they live, how were their science and society. I do not doubt whatever ancient African civilisation predates any civilisation in Europe, but they definitely did not invent modern science - cause they were not the ones that conquered the world and later released it.

My opponent goes on to boast about the rich Western/European countries, but those riches came from slavery and murder.
I do not boast - its a basic fact that Europe and the USA are the richest areas of the world. The riches did not come from slavery and murder, every civilisation we know about did those things. What made Europe special was, not their skin colour but rather their system of society. The church managed to implement a standard moral code throughout the entire continent, they started universities and spread literature - which led to science. If you accept the teachings of the Bible, you should agree that following the Bible makes a civilisation great - and that is what Europe did and later USA.

 Europeans were too busy cannibalizing each other and fornicating with animals, which is what started the Bubonic Plague...And it was the African Moors who brought medicine in to save you
Do you actually believe that Africans invented both medicine and ships before Europeans learnt how to write their history down? As far as I know when Europeans came to other countries they used plants and magic to heal each other - not modern medicine.

So, if Europe is a geographical region, which is true, then aren't the people of that geographical region be named after the geographical region? 
Finally a correct statement. Indeed correct. What you fail to understand is that neither "European" nor "White" are actual groups in the sense that they share a common goal and common interests. They are not white but Norwegians, Germans, Russians, Spaniards etc. You cannot claim they are all equal and same-minded.

To end this geography nonsense, I'll ask one simple question. If you were born in America, then wouldn't that make you an American? 
Indeed it would. Listen, do you honestly believe that "African Arabs" are not African? Hitler thought that the Jews were controlling the world and were a danger to the germans, but you honestly believe the same thing except insert "Europeans" and "Blacks". Your claim is racist and you have now sealed your grave in this debate.


Pro has failed to even explain his own position, and he has definitely not given us any reason to adopt his point of view, except for some emotionally charged sourceless claims. He answers my questions with more questions and is unable to provide a coherent worldview.

I know more about your history than you do
Your history knowledge might be excellent as you claimed, but studying conspiracy theories do not make you a scientist.
Neither does studying alternative history make you a historian.

Let's face it, Pro is perpetuating a lie and a racist accusation against a vague undefined group.
Back to you, pro.

Round 4

Con says " Stop spitting lies in my face WITHOUT evidence or even any arguments. Stop accusing me of lying without telling me what I said that was a lie. Please tell me what is wrong about my claim, your argument seems nonsensical."...My reply: This is the guy who said that the Vikings discovered America. This is the guy who actually said that white people are not European.

Con says "Here is a small list of your non-factual statements"
  • the Holy Bible clearly says that Jesus & the Jews were Black...My reply: I gave several verses straight from the Bible that says the Jews are Black. When it come to Jesus, the Bible clearly describes him as a Black man.
  • Whites have built an entire system of racism in which they depend on to thrive...My reply: What's not true about this statement? Whites came to America & failed multiple times i.e., Roanoke, Sable Island, Ft. Carolina etc., The accrued wealth of slavery is what white societies benefit from because whites failed on there on.
  • He and his fellow voyagers were never accomplished navigators of the sea...My reply: Columbus thought his voyage landed in India, but ended up in the Caribbean which is why he gave the natives the derogatory name of "Indian."...Ever seen paintings paintings of Black men on Columbus' boats? Yep, those were African Moors whom already traveled to the new land years before Columbus. 
  • There's no such thing as "Sub-Saharan Africa,"...My reply: Sub-Saharan is a Eurocentric term that try's to separate N. Africa from the rest of Africa. Africans never used the term Sub-Saharan. The Sahara is a desert. The Mojave, Gobi, Kalahari are all deserts, buy why isn't there a "Sub" prefix attached? Because there's nothing to gain. 
  • white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history... My reply: Do I really need to prove this Fact.
  • you have whites pretending to be Native Americas...My reply: Yes, Whites paid $5 to get their names put on the Dawes Rolls in which the government was giving natives reparations, land and benefits for its crimes. This is where the term "$5-Dollar Indian" came from
                                                                                              AS EVERYONE CAN SEE, THESE ARE ALL FACTS, WHICH CAN'T BE REFUTED

Con says "African culture was not undermined, the Europeans did not even care about Africa at the time they colonised America."...My reply: If Europeans didn't care, then why did they destroy the civilizations and take the thousands of Africans artifacts, which are in European museums to this very day? Are you aware that those museums make millions every year?

Con says "I specifically stated that the slaves lost their identity in the new world. But that does not mean African culture got extinct."...My reply: My opponent still doesn't understand that identity is culture...Con goes on to say "Do you really believe that "White Americans" have kept their European culture?"...My reply: Yes, whites continue to murder over skin color, steal, build racist systems to thrive and...............try to overthrow its own government, which is proven in real-time... Hmmmmm

Con says ". The USA had a civil war to free the slaves that Great Britain had imported from Africa. Your statement is a lie.".. My reply: Nope, the Civil War was fought for economic interests. The South was gaining the wealth from slavery ( which goes back to my previous statement of whites not being able to thrive own their own) and the North wanted more benefits. Pres. Lincoln said that "If I could save the nation without freeing a single slave, I would do it." Letter to Horace Greeley (August 22, 1862) | Lincoln's Writings ( What you're looking for is in the 1st paragraph.

Con says "Tell me, what kind of technology did the Kemet have, where did they live, how were their science and society but they definitely did not invent modern science." My reply: Kemetic Science comes from Ancient Kemet Africa, which means Land of Black People which is known as (Egypt) which also means Black. By the way, the word Egypt is a Greek name & Greece is in ............Europe.  Yep, the Pyramid, Sphinx etc., were built by Black people which required mathematics my friend. The African country of Sudan has over 200 pyramids but I'm sure you already knew that. 

In The End, my opponent has bit off more than he can chew. I'm not a debater, but I make it look so easy.

Thanks Pro.

You seem a bit overconfident.

I could say the same.

By definition you are incorrect.

Fact: A thing that is known or proved to be true.[1]

Since most of your claims are unheard of and not proven or argued for - they are not facts but rather your personal opinion.


First of all, why are you replying to your own statements? 

This is the guy who said that the Vikings discovered America. This is the guy who actually said that white people are not European.
They did [2]. They discovered an inhabited continent. Pro claimed that Americans are European if their skin colour is white - he also said they shared the same goals.

 I gave several verses straight from the Bible that says the Jews are Black.
No. You gave us your interpretation of the revelation and the prophecies of Jeremiah.

When it come to Jesus, the Bible clearly describes him as a Black man.
Strange that the apostles were depicted as white when they travelled the world to spread the good news. One would think people noticed their skin colour if they were black.

Whites have built an entire system of racism in which they depend on to thrive  What's not true about this statement?
First of all, Europeans thrived in Europe already. Secondly, how does racism help one to thrive. Yeah, Europeans have been racist but do you claim that only Europeans are racist? If you claimed "Only white people are racist" that is a racist statement - according to the definition [3].

He and his fellow voyagers were never accomplished navigators of the sea...My reply: Columbus thought his voyage landed in India, but ended up in the Caribbean
Strangely they perfectly sailed through the Atlantic ocean and made the trip on their first try - if you look at these images of their route you understand how hard it was [4].
They thought they landed in India, they had perfectly calculated the trip, the only problem was they did not know about America. They did not have google earth.

Africans never used the term Sub-Saharan
They never had a map of Africa. 

The Sahara is a desert. The Mojave, Gobi, Kalahari are all deserts, buy why isn't there a "Sub" prefix attached?
Sahara - at least in ancient times - was harder to cross than an actual ocean. If you accept a division between Europe and America due to an ocean you should accept this too.

white people commit and have committed the most crimes in history... My reply: Do I really need to prove this Fact.
No - I will prove it for you. 

Crime: An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.[5]

Of course, Europeans committed more crimes - because only in Europe did they have a working law enforcement system. 
In fact, when you say "crime" - you refer to "committing an action that in Europe would get you arrested". If we use that term, why do you think that Europeans that had these laws, committed more crimes than people where it was not illegal? You make a racist conclusion:
  • We know a lot about European history and about European crimes
  • We know little about the rest of the world since they did not write their history down
  • Europeans, on the basis of being Europeans - must have committed more crimes.
If you claim that just being African make you less "criminal" - you are a racist. You said it yourselves: "most crimes in history" - which history, the European or African?

If Europeans didn't care, then why did they destroy the civilizations and take the thousands of Africans artifacts
Civilisation - do not make me laugh - Egyptians were the only society one could call "civilisation" in Africa. Also - artefacts? Give me examples. And explain to me why a thousand artefacts cannot be replaced. Europeans did not destroy the African culture by buying slaves - Africa just sold some of its inhabitants. 

Civilisation: The stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.[6] 

 the Portuguese generally purchased Africans who had been taken as slaves during tribal wars. As the demand for slaves grew, the Portuguese began to enter the interior of Africa to forcibly take captives; as other Europeans became involved in the slave trade, generally they remained on the coast and purchased captives from Africans who had transported them from the interior. [7]
Tell me, how was selling your war prisoners to a foreign power with bad intentions not a "crime"? Such a thing was never done in Europe - they did not even have slaves.
African history was never documented, but assuming the pagans in Africa were morally superior to the Christian Europe is insane when you use the bible as your source for morality.

But that does not mean African culture got extinct."...My reply: My opponent still doesn't understand that identity is culture
Listen - the great plague devastated Europe - but European culture prevailed. The slaves lost their culture, and their culture lost the slaves - but both survived up to this day.

 Pres. Lincoln said that "If I could save the nation without freeing a single slave, I would do it."
This was just a personal letter when he made official statements he had to speak for the north not say his own opinions. Let me use your own document against you.
If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. [Your own source:]
That is what Lincoln said. Obviously, the war was not fought with the immediate goal of freeing the slaves - but the reason they split apart was that the North wanted to free the slaves. After the war, they just continued their trend - trying to free the slaves - with a greater argument: you lost a war.

Yep, the Pyramid, Sphinx etc., were built by Black people which required mathematics my friend.
It requires architecture, with some degree of mathematics. Science is completely different - it tries to understand the world not to put a rock on top of another rock. Africans were certainly skilled, smart, strong and capable of doing what Europeans did - but they lack the social constitutions that allowed Europe to thrive.
They were built by black people - I can trust you on that one. But according to the Bible - Egyptians were ruthless rulers who took all the jews as slaves - they mistreated them on purpose and tried to genocide them. Are we starting to see a trend?


Pro has argued for a racist conspiracy theory.

All the facts proposed by Pro are both controversial and unheard of - it does not help that he uses no sources and applies no formal logic.

He disregards history by picking only the facts that support his theory: white people are a plague to the world.

He makes confident statements with no real evidence.

In The End, my opponent has bit off more than he can chew. 
I would take more than a library to debunk all of your lies.

 Con isn't on my level and his uneducated responses proves it
Indeed - I am a European. So when I use actual facts and logic - it is an uneducated response.

 I'm not a debater, but I make it look so easy.
Lying is easy my friend - we already knew that.

Conclusion: Pro has failed to prove his racist statements

Vote con

My uneducated response