Instigator / Pro

The mind is obsolete


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After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
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Contender / Con

Are humans purely a biological machine - or do we have an immaterial part that makes us able to feel alive rather than just being alive. In short, do "I" exist, or do only a body and a brain exist? We will start out with the basic assumption that humans exist - and Pro will try to prove that science can explain our experience of being alive better than the philosophy of a mind. It does not matter whether or not each idea is religious or not - what matters is their explanatory value.


Mind: immaterial part of a human which experience the world - connected to but still contrasted with the purely physical body

Obsolete: outclassed by another idea or proven to be wrong.


Would any of you be interested in reading this debate?


Ok. I just finished my more urgent debates.


I'm going to my dad's house tomorrow for 2 weeks and I dont have access to this account there so respond now or I will automatically forfeit if you respond tomorrow.


That means you forfeited.


12 or 13 years


How long do you think


I am a bit tired as of now, I have some debates that are more urgent, so you will have to wait a bit.


It's your turn to create your argument on my debate.



Click the "arguments" button, it is left to the "comments" and "votes" button.


You haven't created your argument yet

>Reported Vote: gugigor // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 to con
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:

The vote was found to be sufficient per the site voting policy standards.

This factors in both the initial RFD, and the offered expansion in comment #28.


What do you mean?


How am I lying?

I am simply stating an opinion, its the comment section.


It is your turn


That's not how you define it in your own description. You wanted to be Con, not Pro. Stop lying to win.


About the brain and the mind.


Seriously. "The mind" was just the word for "the brain" before humans understood where it was located and what its function was. CON's syllogism tries to explain why some immaterial supernatural world exists. I clearly proved why such a supernatural world, if it exists, could not even interact with this physical world. Your vote mentions none of the arguments from my side, and does not even try to explain what "the mind" is. How can you claim CON proved the existence of the mind if neither you nor RM defined its properties.


Read it and you'll probably find out


what is this debate about?


Pro only talks of our interaction of the physical world and how narrowing our physical experiences is able to reduce to the "brain", but I don't see anything clearly countering Con's objection that the mind may still have some relevance with regards to immaterial ideas (the "concepts" held in the "mind" rather than the physical manifestation of it)


Would you mind giving your reasoning for why Pro's logical proof failed?

vote bump


Your vote is not legal. You ignored the definition of "Obsolete: outclassed by another idea or proven to be wrong."

PRO never showed us why his idea of an immaterial mind was not outclassed, he simply asserted it was not wrong.

Did you even read my logical proof that an immaterial world could not interact with a material body.

You simply ignore most of my arguments to give the win to CON, your vote has been reported.


no problem. I may go into more detail as my brain is mush right now, but under 20% brain (mind?) capacity I think your succinctness wins over Benjamin's logic. His argument isn't bad, but it's a little muddy with materialism vs metaphysical separation.


Thanks for your vote. I like the feedback too.


Maybe you will be interested in this debate. Maybe you can read it, vote, and possibly learn how to improve your machines can think argument.


They don't


if everyone spammed like you did, it would negate the reason you are doing it.

vote bump

Boat hump

Oh sorry it's covid, I can't.

vote bump

vote bump

vote bump










I might lose, I might win. Either way, my case will be right. Funny how you found no better way to rebuke my argument than use my other argument.


When your opponent can find no better way to defeat your argument than using your own words - that is a sign that your grasp of the concept is superb.


There has been a mistake

I am supposed to be Con

The BoP is so confusing. Either that or the topic is misleading.

also these definitions are suspicious, to say the least, and the resolution is confusing. "The mind is obsolete" and you're pro... so are you the one arguing that there is no mind? Because that's what that position correlates to

"I" exist as an expression of biological components reaching a threshold of a "mind".
